ST. JOHN VIANNEY CATHOLIC CHURCH 789 17TH AVENUE NORTH, SOUTH ST. PAUL, MN 55075 OFFICE: (651) 451-1863 FAX: (651) 451-1864 WWW.SJVSSP.ORG Together—Renewing our commitment to God and our community. December 28, 2014—The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Reflection on John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath On this Feast of the Holy Family I thought it might be interesting to reflect briefly on one of my favorite books, John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, and the depiction it offers of family life. The book tells the story of a family who leave their home in the “Dust Bowl” region of the U.S. during the Great Depression to go west to California in search of a better life. In the culture of that time, the man was seen as the head of the family but in Steinbeck’s portrayal it was the woman who provided its inner strength and moral direction. In times of crisis, while a woman generally deferred to her husband’s authority, she had to be ready to step in to keep the family going if he faltered or ran seriously off course. A climactic scene in this regard occurs in The Grapes of Wrath when some of the men in the group the family is traveling with come up with the idea of splitting up and the bulk of the family going ahead to look for jobs in California—and everyone meeting up again later. But at this point the mother in the story stands up to her husband. She tells him that she isn’t going to let him split up the family and that he will have to fight her if he wants to participate in this plan. She even picks up a jack handle from the back of the truck and holds it in her hand in readiness to do battle. In the face of this unexpected challenge to his authority, her husband backs down and the family remains together. The incident shows, I think, that even in a patriarchal society where the man appears to be in charge, the woman’s moral strength trumps his authority if the situation demands it. While I am not suggesting here that this example relates specifically to the role of Mary in the Holy Family, I’m guessing that in her own way Mary possessed that kind of inner strength. I can’t imagine her being the mother of Jesus without it. —Deacon Scott DATE DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET YTD YTD BUDGET YTD VARIENCE No Financials Reported (Week 22) Envelopes (Fiscal Year Plate/Loose July'14-June'15) Mortgage ) TOTAL: Special Collections Bible Study Sundays at 9:30 in the St. John's Conference Room. The format is "a forum" where in scripture is examined, participants are given an opportunity to state how they interpret key words, how the message guides their life, how it applies to current world situations, learn what group of people the author is addressing, etc. Coffee and donuts available. All are welcome. During the month of January there will be daily Mass at 7:30 AM, Wednesdays and Fridays ONLY. Weekend Mass will remain the same. Father Mathew Biju will be filling in for Father Antony while on Vacation. Father Antony will be traveling to India, from January 6— February 6 For Anointing and Funeral's please call Deacon Scott at 651-646-3991 Applause, Applause, Applause !!! INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC OR LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Please contact Deacon Scott mail: [email protected] phone: 651-646-3991. The process, known as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), will begin soon. The day and time are negotiable. The process, for those who decide to join the Church, culminates at the Easter Vigil (the Saturday before Easter) next spring. WE WISH YOU A WOUNDERFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON. BLESSING TO ALL Christmas offerings As you contemplate donations this holiday season, please keep the church in mind. Your contributions are needed for everything from special programs to basic operating expenses—both are deserving of your support. Please be as generous as you can this holiday season and in the year ahead. For the convenience of church members, we offer electronic giving. Authorization forms are available at the church office. Thank you Volunteers for all the hours decorating our Church, Baking or serving at Funeral Lunches, Seniors Card Club, and all the other special things you Volunteers, Young and Old do for our Church. Many Blessing during this Holiday Season. Best Wishes for a Healthy and Safe 2015!! TESA (Transitional Education Service Alternative Program) Jen Klaustermeier, Special Education Teacher and Long Time Member of SJV, works with the TESA program. The TESA Program, located at the Dakota County Technical College, serves Dakota County students ages 18-21. TESA addresses the transition needs of young adults, ages 18-21 in the areas of independent living, employment and post secondary training and education. TESA’s Workplace Readiness class has been helping with cleaning one day a week at St. John Vianney. Thanks Jen, and student’s of TESA!!!! 2015 Year of Consecrated Life November 30, 2014 - February 2, 2016 Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL started on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life (and the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord), February 2, 2016. The Holy Father has outlined these objectives for the year: Making a grateful remembrance of the past Embracing the future with hope and Living the present with passion Keep updated on events and resources throughout the Year of Consecrated Life by visitDates to Remember December 31, Solemnity of Mary Vigil 5:00 pm January 1, 2015 Mary, Mother of God (Octave Day of the Nativity of our Lord) Solemnity, Holy Day of Obligation, Ritual Masses are not permitted, Funeral Mass is permitted. 9:00 am Mass—Office is closed. Sunday, January 4, 2015 – Epiphany IN MEMORY/HONOR OF….. Richard E. Ernst Roger Duscher Arnold Hurnl Altmann Family Willer Family Michael & Beth Ernst Terry & Jane Ernst Geoffrey P. Ernst Catie Ernst Ed Grady Clarence H. Ernst Gloria Hicks & Family Tony Romanowski Harold Kuckler Arnold Hunl Judie Atchison Mary Atchison Wade Atchison June O’Brien Steven Umbreit Stephen & Clarence Paul Deering Arhler Kuntemeier Edmund & John Strasser Anna & Herman Strasser Carl Zernicke Bonnie Dionisopoulos Urban & Petrina Cook Leslie & Mable Bringgold ANNOUNCEMENTS AT WEEKEND MASSES Please send announcements to be made at the weekend masses to Deacon Scott by noon the preceding Friday. email address is: [email protected] Follow Your Heart – A Day of Discernment for Women Saturday, January 31, 2015 - 9 a.m-3p.m. This day will examine the spiritual practices that guide us in living a discerning life. Sister Joanne Dehmer, SSND, will lead the day. She has a background in spiritual direction, teaching and pastoral care and will join us from Loyola Spirituality Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The event will take place at the Notre Dame Center, 1910 Graham Ave., #217, St. Paul, Minnesota. Register by Wednesday, January 26. Free will offering accepted. Contact Sister Mary Swanson, SSND, [email protected] or 414-305-9011. Pastoral Council Members Rhonda Bauer 455-1776 Doris Bringgold 451-1645 Jerry DeZelar 451-7992 Deb Luskey 451-9934 Gayle Wallace 450-0044 Finance Committee Members Bill Filler 451-6948 Laura Kosmicki 306-1478 Dan Lencowski 701-610-6053 Dennis McGrath 405-4982 Mary Jo Merten 755-9004 Tom Boser 455-4502 Pat Dold 451-1863 December 24/25 Christmas Eve/Day 4:00 pm Anne Larson 8:15 am Lou Ann Goossens 10:30 am Mary Ann Novotny Many Blessing to our Lectors! Thank you Ken Schult for your leadership of the Ushers. Many Thanks as well, to our many Ushers !!!!!!!! A Big Thanks goes out to our Alter Servers. They are all Men and Women who you can count on. Thanks to all Choir members who are so dedicated to the mission here at SJV. Thank you Lori Lencowski and Heidi Schleif For your talent of Music all year long. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursday & Friday 7:00am— 7:30am. Saturdays — 4:00pm, and by appointment. 651-451-1863 Mass Schedule & Intentions Monday Dec 29 No Mass Tuesday Dec 30 Wednesday Dec 31 7:30 a.m. + Margaret Mary Bergman 5: 00 p.m. + David Vujovich Thursday Jan 1 9: 00 a.m. + Berg Family Friday Jan 2 7:30 a.m. + Clarence Ernst Saturday Jan 3 5:00 p.m. + Tillie Fling Sunday Jan 4 8:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. +Agnes Keller + Hal Loder Readings for the Week…. 29 Mon Fifth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord [Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr]1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:2235. 30 Tue Sixth Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 31 Wed Seventh Day within the Octave of the Nativity of the Lord [Saint Sylvester I, Pope]1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 1 Thu The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Solemnity [Holyday of Obligation] Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 2 Fri Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church Memorial 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 3 3 Sat 1Jn 2:29—3:6/Jn 1:29-34 4 SUN THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Solemnity Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 Liturgical Minister Schedule: Dec 27/28 5:00 PM 8:15 AM 10:30 AM Ushers Jody Griffin Tom Van Hale Ken Schult Norb Quast Lectors Sarah Greene Kristi Luskey Tesa Ramos Altar Servers 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve 1st 3 come 1st 3 serve Ushers Needed for 5PM & 8:15 Mass Please call Ken Schult (651-455-2516) Please pray for the sick who asked for prayers: Elizabeth Arnold, Deanna Avenriep, Lyndon Baker, Dorothy Behrend, Kevin Conroy, Connie Courteau, Magdaline Faber, Jane & Mark Fishback, Judy Fuglie, Greg Gille, Kassie Greene, Yvonne Hain, Joe Hall, Grayce Hartman, Bill Holzmer, Ruth Kropelnicki, Delores Lindell, Ed Oster, Margaret Overman, Lavina Reuter, Ken Rouse, Julia Schneider, Joan Shoberg, MaryAnn Olejnicak, Paul Nelson, Myrt Milner Linda Pelletier, Mildred Hoff, Whitey Willer, Chris Cheney,Amanda Morris and Olivia Milner. Eucharist for the Sick & Homebound Please call Margaret Demco 651-450-1918 if you are willing to bring Communion to the sick and homebound for either a short or long term basis. Parish Information Fr. Antony Skaria…………………………………....651-451-1863 E-mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday— Thursday8:30 - 3:00, Friday 8:30 –2:30 Parish Phone Number: (651) 451-1863 Parish Fax Number: (651) 451-1864 Parish Website: Deacon: (in the office Tuesday mornings) Phone: E-mail: Deacon Scott Wright (651) 646-3991 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator Phone: E-mail: Patti Beaudoin (651) 451-1863 [email protected] Accountant: Phone: E-mail: Patrick Dold (651) 451-1863 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Phone: E-mail: Maintenance Phone: E-mail: Jill Vujovich–Laabs (651) 248-2300) [email protected] Kent Trkla (651)-500-3414 [email protected] Music Director Phone: E-mail: Heidi Schleif (952)-220-534 [email protected] Ministries and Committees Contact or Chair Adoration Mary Kaliszewski Altar Servers Need Volunteers Archivist In Need of Baptism/RCIADeacon Scott Wright Blood Drive/Mobile Meals - Myrt Milner Coffee & Donuts Nancy Schneider Community Care/Life Deb Lusky Crafters Carol Lokhorst Decorations Marge Willer Eucharistic Ministers Need Volunteers Feed My Starving Children Mary Ann Novotny651-457-333 Fish Fry Dennis McGrath Funeral Luncheons Barb Reichstadt Girl Scouts Nicole Scheiber Gift Bearers Vi Stewart Knights of Columbus Larry Bidwell Lectors Anne Larson Musician/Organ Lori Lencowski Neighbors Mary Holzmer Parish Apostolate Mike Smeby Parish Trustee Tom Boser Laura Kosmicki Pig Roast/SJV Day Tom Boser Prayer Group Barb Tinucci Project Home Mary Ann Novotny Reduce & Reuse Sale Joyce Athmann Ushers Ken Schult Volunteer Coordinator Doris Bringgold Phone # 651-451-3563 651-646-3991 651-451-0502 651-450-2021 651-451-9934 651-455-1890 651-335-8119 651-451-233 651-450-4982 651-455-8823 651-451-3504 651-451-2891 651-455-8665 651-451-9293 651-457-4501 651-455-6778 651-453-1846 651-455-4502 651-306-1478 651-455-4502 651-451-8329 651-457-2333 651-451-1183 651-455-2516 651-451-1645 St. John Vianney Bulletin #918016 Contact: Patti Beaudoin Telephone: 651-451-1863 Email: [email protected] SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:
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