European Commission EducationI, Audiovisi Executive Agency Culture - Instructions for ECAS account creation - V e r s i o n 1, N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 3 ECAS account creation Introduction The European Commission Authentication Service (ECAS) is the system that validates the identity of users accessing the online services and websites operated by the European Commission. It requires all users to create and maintain an ECAS account. Target audience This document is targeted at users who have never created an ECAS account before as it explains the steps involved in creating an ECAS account for the first time. It is not intended or required for users who already have an ECAS account. If you already have an ECAS account, please continue to use that existing account. Do not create a second ECAS account. Link to ECAS website for account creation Click on the following link to be connected to the ECAS website for account creation: When you begin the account creation procedure, please ensure that you have access to your email account as you will receive an automated email that you must respond to within 90 minutes. Version 1 Page 2 of 5 ECAS account creation ECAS account creation 1 Sign Up When you click on the link to the ECAS website, a registration form appears for you to complete: EUROPEAN COMMISSION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS) • Externa! EUROPA > Authentication Service > Sign Up A Login New password изшшыд Help ! Is t h e s e l e c t e d d o m a i n correct? E x t e r n a l C h a n g e it Sign Up Help- for external users Choose a username • X First n a m e * This is not a username provided by EACEA. See below. Last name * Select the language of your choice E-mail * Confirm e-mail * E-mail language Enter the code * E n g l i s h (en) Click here if you wish to see a different random code s Privacy s t a t e m e n t : by checking this b o x , y o u acknowledge that you have read and u n d e r s t o o d t h e privacy s t a t e m e n t " The privacy statement checkbox is mandatory ' R e q u i r e d fields Last update: 31/01/2013 (3.1.9-m) I 7 ms I A Tod Username field The username field is optional. If you don't enter a username the system will automatically generate a username for you. When, in the future, you come to use your ECAS login details you can log in using either your email address or the username. Please do not use your email address as your username as this can cause issues if your email address changes. Click on the 'Sign up' button when ready and if the form has been correctly completed you will see the following confirmation message: EUROPEAN COMMISSION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS) JL L o g i n New password и а щ д ц д Help ! Is the selected domain correct? External Change it Sign Up Thank you for registering, you will receive an e-mail allowing you t o complete the registration process. Version 1 Page 3 of 5 ECAS account creation 2 Password creation Several minutes after signing up, an automatic email will be sent to the mailbox you entered on your Sign up form. The email contains your username and a link for you to create a password for the account you just created. From: "European Commission Authentication Service" <[email protected]> To: "First name Last name" <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, March 6, 2013 11:30:29 A M Subject: Your password Dear First name Last name, f You have been registered in ECAS, the European Commission Authentication Service. C l i c k О П ' t h i S Пп(с' Your user name is your_username. . —' " To create your password, click: • this link — * = = = • V ' You have a maximum of 1h30, starting from the time that this message was sent, to create your password, but you are encouraged to do so immediately if possible. After this time, you can make another request by following the same link: you will then need to re-enter your username and confirm your request. If the above link does not work, you can copy the following address (make sure the complete address is copied!) and paste it into your browser's address bar: wayf.domain=externai&wayf.remember=che<^ed&wayf.sub 3A%2F%2F.jsp Whenever you login, please choose the domain "External", not "European Commission". Instead of replying to this message, if you have a problem, please follow the help or contact information on the site where you were trying to register. Sent to you by ECAS - European Commission Authentication Service Click on 'this link' to be directed to the ECAS password creation webpage: Contact i Privacy Statement En $ l i 5 h <en> EUROPEAN C O M M I S S I O N AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS) European Commission External EUROPA > Authentication Scrvice > New password JL Login New password Sign Up Help j Is the selected d o m a i n correct? E x t e r n a l Change it New password Please choose y o u r new password Yourusername Username New password * Confirm new password * * Required fields Passwords cannot include your username and must contain at least 10 characters chosen from at least three of the following four character groups (white space permitted): • • • • Upper Case: A to Z Lower Case: a to z Numeric: 0 t o 9 Special C h a r a c t e r s : ! " # $ % & ' 0 * + , - - / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] л _ Ч ! ) " ~ Examples: ] LdYkNWg/CI jj KvIpBeBhS4 ! RGTFMdPbEO j Last update: 3 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 3 ( 3 . 1 . 9 - m ) | 2 5 m s | А1Ш2 Please note: you must complete the password creation within 90 minutes of the email being SENT to you (not within 90 minutes of its arrival)! Complete the form, respecting the format rules cited on-screen and click 'Submit'. If you miss the 90 minute deadline, please refer to the instructions contained within the email you received. Version 1 Page 4 of 5 ECAS account creation When your password has been accepted, the following confirmation screen will appear: EUROPEAN COMMISSION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS) External EUROPA > Authentication Service > New password X Login New password Sign Up Heip ! Is the selected domain correct? E x t e r n a l Change it New password Your ECAS password w a s successfully changed. You have now finished creating your ECAS account. Please keep your account details and password in a safe place. When you log in through ECAS in the future, you can do so either with the username that you chose (or which was generated automatically for you) or with the email address that you used to register your account. Help with your ECAS account Click on the 'Help' link to find a list of Frequently Asked Questions. Contact I Privacy Statement English (en) AUTHENTICATION SERVICE JL Login New password Sign Up If after consulting the 'Help' page you are still encountering difficulties, you may contact the user access support team to request assistance: DIGIT-USER-ACCESS( Please note: the user access support team can only assist with ECAS account issues. For problems related to the EACEA online service or website you are accessing or using, please consult the User Guide or support webpage for the service concerned. There you will find details of the available support resources and relevant helpdesk services. Version 1 Page 5 of 5
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