Congregational & Pastoral Concerns of our Members and Friends Madison Street Staff & Church Officers If you know of someone who would like to be on our prayer list, please call Rev. Laurie Hynson at the church office at 647-0221 to give us their name and your contact information. Staff Moninda Biggers Thelma Buhler Jerry Castleman Bertha Christianson Merlin Christianson Virginia Crawford Hazel Dudgeon Cyrus Eads Ted Elliott Brenda Jerles Burnley Kimsey Madison Pace & Family Sherrie Peterson Betty Rudolph Steve Stanfill Bob Stewart Arlene Tesar Eric Wegener Military personnel & their families We extend our sympathy to Abby Haake and family in the death of her grandmother, Katherine Woods . Mary Fisher and family in the death of her father-in-law, George Fisher. Our prayer chain is pleased to receive your prayer request. Call the Prayer Chain Coordinator, Katherine Willard (645-4039). Anonymous calls are welcomed. Stephen Ministry is an important way we at Madison Street UMC care for one another. If you are going through difficult times, consider having a Stephen Minister. If you know someone else who is facing difficulties, suggest Stephen Ministry. For distinctively Christian care, call Susan Powers at 326-5557 or Rev. Laurie Hynson 931-647-0221 or email [email protected]. Worship at Madison Street Worship at Madison Street is centered around the basic elements of worship inherent to the United Methodist/Wesleyan tradition. Our services of worship generally include a greeting and call to worship, an affirmation of faith utilizing one of the historic Christian creeds, a time for people to greet each other, a pastoral prayer, the Lord’s prayer, an offering, scripture readings, a sermon, a message to the children, and the singing of hymns and other special music. The sacrament of Holy Communion is usually observed on the first Sunday of each month and at other special times during the church year. Worship at Madison Street follows the Liturgical Calendar, which means we celebrate a cycle of seasons in the church: 1) Advent, 2) Christmas, 3) Epiphany, 4) Ordinary Time, 5) Lent, 6) Easter, 7) Pentecost, and 8) Kingdomtide. Currently, we are in the season of Christmas. Christmas is a season of praise and thanksgiving for the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, which begins with Christmas Eve and continues for twelve days through the Day of Epiphany, which is January 6. The name Christmas comes from the season’s first service, the Christ Mass. The liturgical color for Christmas is white, as indicated by the paraments on the lectern and pulpit and the stoles worn by our pastors. The Rev. Cliff C. Wright, Jr. Senior Pastor The Rev. Jared D. Wilson Senior Associate Pastor The Rev. Lisa T. Martin Associate Pastor ~ Connectional Ministries The Rev. Laurie Hynson Associate Pastor ~ Congregational Care Elizabeth Darke Director of Children’s Ministries Jennifer Burch Director of Middle School Student Ministries Sherry Maynard Director of Administrative Services & Communications Sherry Maynard Director, Madison Street Preschool Vicki Engel Administrative Assistant Lacy Wilson Financial Controller Beverly Woodard Associate Director of Music & Pianist Abigail Haake Associate Director of Music & Organist Abigail Haake Coordinator, Madison Street Music & Arts Academy Terri Plunkett Madison Street Preschool Office Manager Darrin Parchman Senior Sexton Mark Dickerson Sexton Mary Hinton Food Services Brenda Majors Food Services Geraldine Hildreth Food Services Church Officers Donnie Mitchell Ron McCafferty Debbie Underwood Nancy Ladd Michael Biggs Jerry Clark Bill Wall Shannon Hadley Lisa Brinkerhoff Christy Campbell Jacque Todd Susanna Powers Anne Wall Hollie Dueker Paige Eisemann John Hancock Kay Martin Lacy Wilson Shannon Hadley Hugh Hatcher Sherry Maynard Church Lay Leader Church Council Chair Recording Secretary Church Treasurer Finance Committee Chair Board of Trustees Chair Staff-Parish Relations Committee Chair Adult Discipleship Team Chair Children’s Discipleship Team Chair Youth Discipleship Team Chair Inviting Ministries Team Chair Mission & Outreach Team Chair Worship Arts Team Chair Music & Arts Academy Ministry Team Chair Preschool Advisory Committee Chair Communications & Media Team Chair District Steward Martin Methodist College Representative Delegate to Annual Conference Delegate to Annual Conference Delegate to Annual Conference 319 Madison Street Clarksville, Tennessee (931) 647-0221 Website: Facebook: Madison Street United Methodist Church Twitter: @MSUMC ___________________________________________________________ Growing Disciples of Christ Who Know Him, Love Him & Serve Him ___________________________________________________________ The Order of Worship for the Lord’s Day The First Sunday of Christmas December 28, 2014 ~ 10:15 a.m. THE PASTORAL PRAYER The Order of Worship THE GATHERING OF GOD’S PEOPLE THE HYMN ~ No. 229 THE VOLUNTARY Children ages 4 through kindergarten may leave to go to their Kids Core classes. Pick children up after worship in the following locations: 4’s - K ~Room 305 1st - 4th grade children will worship with their family today. The promise of a small child coming into a crowded, hurting world, and growing to be a liberator. It’s the promise of you and me, struggling and stumbling together, growing and celebrating, reaching out to make a new presence in our world. ANTIOCH THE DOXOLOGY ~ No. 94 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! LASST UNS ERFREUEN THE SERMON Luke 2: 22-40 Ordinary Miracle The Rev. Lisa T. Martin THE HYMN ~No. 224 Good Christian Friends, Rejoice IN DULCI JUBILO THE BENEDICTION We believe in the Holy Spirit, breathed into us at our birth, always drawing us on to be born again, encouraging, comforting, nourishing our growth, and inspiring our living. THE VOLUNTARY We believe in the reconciliation of the world to God, though Christ. Hunted at birth and humiliated at death, Christ entered our fearful darkness so that we might enter his glorious light and share the life of his resurrection. Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth. Amen. Worship Leaders in Today’s Service The Rev. Lisa T. Martin ~ Assoc. Pastor - Connectional Ministries & Outreach Abigail Haake ~ Associate Director of Music & Organist Beverly Woodard ~ Associate Director of Music & Pianist Acolytes ~ Molly Clark and Avery Dueker Greeters ~ Mary Ann Hansen and Joyce Dority Kids Core Leaders ~ 4’s - Keribeth Wilson and Patty Chavez K - Keribeth Wilson and Patty Chavez 1st-4th - will remain in service If you would like to donate flowers for the altar for the month of January, please contact Lyn Patrick at 931-647-6100 MEINEKE 9:00am ~ Adult Sunday School Classes Ages & Stages, Room 108 Community, Room 105 Cornerstone, Sarah Mann Center-Room 200A Here & Now, Room 104 Mayhew, Room 106 Truth Seekers, Room 116 Willard Blue, Chapel 9:00am ~ Nursery - Preschool 3s, Second Floor 10:15am ~ Worship, Sanctuary 10:30am ~ Sunday Dinner, Fellowship Hall 8:00am-4:00pm, Office hours New Year’s Eve THE INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP We believe in Jesus Christ, born among us as a fragile baby, embodying both love and the need for love, and calling us to rest in God as trustingly as a tiny child. Sunday, December 28 Wednesday, December 31 THE SCRIPTURE LESSON THE AFFIRMATION OF FAITH We believe in God the creator and giver of life, who brought all creation to birth, who mothers and fathers us, protecting, nurturing, and cherishing us. WORDS OF WELCOME Infant Holy, Infant Lowly THE OFFERTORY Because of this birth, life is full of promise for us all! We celebrate today the presence of God’s promise in our midst. THE GLORIA PATRI ~ No. 70 W ZLOBIE LEZY THE OFFERING OF OUR GIFTS TO GOD CALL TO WORSHIP Christ is born! Christ is born! THE OPENING HYMN ~ No. 246 Joy to the World This Week at Madison Street THE LORD’S PRAYER Please turn off all cell phones before worship begins. Flash photography is not permitted. Thursday, January 1 New Year’s Day, Office Closed Friday, January 2 8:00am-12:00pm, Office hours
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