Trinity Presbyterian Church ~ A Community of Faith, Hope, and Love The Trinitarian December 2014 December 7 Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday “The Beginning” Isaiah 40:1-11 Mark 1:1-18 December 14 Third Sunday of Advent Lessons and Carols December 21 “The Forgotten Man of Christmas (Part 1)” 2 Samuel 7:1-11 Matthew 1:18-25 December 24 Christmas Eve with Communion (3 pm, 5 pm and 7 pm) December is full of opportunities for us to connect with God in worship. I want to tell you about two services that you won’t want to miss. The first is our annual Service of Lessons and Carols that will be offered on December 14th. This is always a meaningful service but this year it will be even more special. In addition to our chancel choir, there will be a string quartet and handbells. Also, our children have been working with Mary Katherine for several months and they will have a part in worship. This is a great service to invite a friend, neighbor or coworker to come to church with you! The other service I want to tell you about is Christmas Eve. This year we are adding a third service, so you can come at 3:00, 5:00 or 7:00 p.m. We added the 3 o’clock service to help relieve some of the crowding. In past years, we have had services so full that folks have had to sit in the choir loft! We want to make sure that there is a place for everyone along with their families and guests this Christmas Eve. I look forward to celebrating this special time of the year at whatever service time works best for you. In this time of the year we stop to reflect on all of God’s blessings, especially the gift of friends and family. Sherri and I are especially grateful for our church family. You all have been such a blessing in our life and we love serving the Lord with you here at Trinity Presbyterian. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas! “False Hope” Isaiah 9:2-7 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14 December 28 “The Forgotten Man of Christmas (Part 2)” Grace and Peace, Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Matthew 2:13-18 Matt McCollum Trinity Presbyterian Churc h 545 South Mobile Street , Fairhope, AL 36532 928-2524 Rev. Matt McCollum, Pastor Rev. Chris Peters, Associate Pastor Trinity’s children are invited to ride our “Three Kings” float in Fairhope’s Christmas Parade on Friday, December 5th. All participating families are asked to bring candy to throw and arrive at our float no later than 6:30 p.m. The parade starts at 7 p.m. The City asks that we refrain from throwing hard items, hard candy, or fruit. RSVP to Jamie Jones at 621-0775 or [email protected]. We will email the float location to all participants. Trinity Presbyterian Church Service of Lessons and Carols Ladies, come join us! The PW Christmas Luncheon is Monday, December 8th. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. for Bible study and then move to Trinity Hall for a luncheon. (No need to bring anything!). Carol Smith will lead us in Lesson Four of our Bible study, “Reconciling Paul”. Sunday, December 14 8:00 & 10:00 services Chancel Choir, Children’s Choirs, Handbells, String Quartet, Organ and Congregational Singing Eastern Shore Choral Society Mary Katherine Kilgore, Artistic Director Do You Hear What I Hear Thursday, December 4th, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December 7th, at 3:00 p.m. Fairhope United Methodist Church Tickets are $15 and may be purchased from Mary Katherine. Eastern Shore Choral Society Messiah Sing Tuesday, December 16 7 p.m. Trinity Presbyterian Church Admission is free ~ Donations appreciated The annual Messiah Sing is an informal gathering where anyone can come join us in singing through the choruses of the Christmas portion of Handel’s Messiah. The audience will sit in sections according to your vocal part. There is room in the audience for those who wish to come and only listen. Bring your own score or borrow one of ours! Thursday, December 4 6 pm to 9 pm Foley Civic Center $25 per ticket Live Entertainment, Door Prizes, Silent Auction Proceeds to benefit Family Promise of Baldwin County! Sharing the spirit of Christmas. Trinity is hosting Family Promise December 14-27th and this is a wonderful opportunity for you to give the gift of volunteering and help make this a welcoming time for our guests. Please contact Fred Krhut and Karen Davies (928-6671) or Craig and Sonya Goolsby (990-0036) to offer your help. Eva Cheek Randy Krhut Elizabeth Zaricor Louise Eckman Nolan Yoho Kate Patterson Brian Hixon Glenda Murphy Ronney Daigre Marvin Wilder Renee Davis Debbie Hilderbrandt Michele Strength Samuel Box Christo Kok 12/1 12/2 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/7 12/7 12/8 12/8 12/9 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/11 Ethan Kok Emma Strength Clay Bryant Sheri Vanche Wright Wilcoxon Richard Lytle Wills Ready Mary Reynolds Lauren Teumer Grace Davis LaVerne Haver Leah Partridge Carolyn Haver Tim Hudson Bill Byars 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/15 12/16 12/16 12/18 12/19 12/20 12/21 Richard Crum Mary Fran Gottschall Everett Mohler Will Mohler Judy Thompson Harry Ruffin III Aaron Watkins Mitch Whiteside Carol Smith Vivian Allen Emily Smith Cole Wellborn Sally Ussery Susie Hamlin Robert Hasewinkle 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/29 12/31 12/31 A new women's bible study will begin Wednesday, January 21st, and end th Wednesday, March 25 . We will be studying "The Pleasures of God" by John Piper. This is an incredibly uplifting and positive study on God's Delight in Being God. We will meet in the home of Donna Veillon (224 Orange Ave.), with social time from 6:00-6:30 and study begins at 6:30. This will be a book and video series. The book is $12. Please order and pay for your book from Donna (251-923-7981) by December 20th. She will be available in the fellowship hall after services most Sundays for you get a sneak peak at the book and order your copy. Session notes from the November stated meeting – Janet Hixon, Clerk Katie Hamlin, Lisa Lil, Jerry Middlebusher, Prim Scott, Doris Simms, and Walter Watley were mentioned in the Pastoral Care report. Also mentioned were Diane and Pete Douglas, in the sudden death of their son Michal; and Jilli Rambo, in the death of her grandfather, Fred Hall. Guest Louis Braswell spoke concerning the Columbarium documents elders were asked to review at the previous meeting. After noting one change, both the Columbarium Agreement and the Terms and Conditions were approved. Joe Cook, Kris Johnson, McLean Trotter and Sue Zundel will represent the Session on the Officer Nominating Committee; Jacque Johnson and Rita Vaughn will represent Presbyterian Women; Malcomb Pegues will represent the choir; Craig Goolsby will represent the ushers; and Stone Agren will represent senior high youth. The Session approved a request from Will and Anna Ready for the Sacrament of Baptism for their son, Wills Ready, on Sunday, November 30, 2014. The Session approved a request from Stephen and Claire Kranz for the Sacrament of Baptism for their son, Mark Stephen Kranz III (Tripp), on December 28, 2014. The wedding for Merrell Cathryn Irby and Donald Harrison Frampton (February 21, 2015), and the wedding for Ashley Lauren Weaver and Andrew Lawrence Wiggins (April 11, 2015) were approved to be held at Trinity. Minutes from the October 9th stated Session were approved. Mark Clodfelter reviewed the income/expense report ending. He also gave a first report from Stewardship Commitment Sunday. The Finance Committee’s recommendation that we commit $20,000 of any 2014 year-end financial gain to the Columbarium Fund was approved. The Witness & Outreach Committee’s recommendation that this year’s Christmas Eve Offering be designated for the Guatemala Construction Fund was approved. The Worship & Music Committee’s recommendation of having an additional worship service this Christmas Eve was approved, adding a 3 p.m. service in addition to our traditional 5 p.m. & 7 p.m. services. Dear Trinity Family: The Tri Youth Auction Committee would like to thank you for all the ways you supported the annual fundraiser. Through your donations of auction items, ticket purchases, and event participation, we were able to raise $7,000.00 for youth summer camps. Plus, we had a wonderful night of food, music, and fellowship. If you would like to be involved with planning next year's event contact Sherri McCollum (251 455 3904). With gratitude, Tri Youth Auction Committee To my friends and family of Trinity: Thank you, thank you for all the cards, food, phone calls, flowers, and get-well wishes I received while recuperating from my hip replacement. It was just overwhelming, the outpour of love I received. I am well on the way to recovery thanks to your love and prayers. Bless you all, Cindy Webster Year-End Giving: Are you considering making a year-end church contribution as a tax deduction, maybe a gift over and above your pledge, a pre-payment of next year’s pledge, or maybe a gift of stock? If so, please plan now so that your gift will be received by Sunday, December 28th. For any gift of stock, you must notify Trinity’s Financial Secretary in advance (928-2524) so that it will be delivered into the church’s account accurately. Thank you! Please remember in your prayers: Alexis Aday (niece of Joe Rambo) general health Tammy Adams (daughter-in-law of Ann & Jackie Adams) healing Lisa Agnew (sister of Beth Horn) heart condition Gene Brewer (brother of Sherri McCollum) rehab & recovery Carl Bullard (son-in-law of Margie Whiteside) healing Dixie Cahill (friend of Suzanne Simms) neurological Julia Caro (cousin of Malcomb Pegues) breast cancer Danny Carroll (brother of Jimmy Carroll) cancer Jimmy Carroll healing Daisy Deitz & Pauline Smith (for the Carroll family) heart problems Gloria Doss (sister of Betty Gay) breast cancer Joyce Dyas (friend of Annette Lay) colon cancer Anna Claire Frailie lung disease Elaine Flowers (cousin of Linda Gibson) breast cancer Jerry Gartman (friend of Hap Partridge) cancer Katie Hamlin neurological Frances Grace Hirs cancer John Randall Howard (grandson of Mike & Glenda Murphy) melanoma Arron Hull (nephew of Bonnie Robinson) cancer Jeff Ingram (Associate Pastor First Baptist) cancer Eunice Krhut (mother of Fred Krhut & Donna Anderson) general health Warren Krhut (brother of Fred Krhut & Donna Anderson) general health Jerry Middlebusher recovering from surgery Phyllis Murray cancer Pat Peevy (friend of Craig Goolsby) general health Myrtice Rader general health Brayonda Radtke (friend of Cole Zaricor) cancer Prim Scott (daughter of Margie Whiteside) diabetes Meg Sefton (friend of Jerry & Jamie Jones) breast cancer Shirley Shipman (mother of Tricia Hudson) cancer George Smith general health Kay Smith general health Betty Stuart (sister of Frank Hixon) cancer Dale Thier general health Judy Thompson general health Dianne Vaughn (family of Mike & Rita Vaughn) cancer “We promise to love, encourage and support you. And we promise to share the good news of the gospel with you, and to help you know and follow Christ.” Elizabeth Anne Kell December 19, 2004 Daughter of Jane Kell and Bill Kell Campbell MacKellar December 23, 2008 Son of Hollie and Bryant MacKellar Lillian Kate Rawson December 24, 2005 Daughter of Kate Wellborn and Kevin Rawson Hayden Saltz December 24, 2004 Son of Tatum Saltz Will Kell, Jr. December 30, 2003 Son of Jane Kell and Bill Kell Now through December 14 Church-wide toy drive. Trinity Women will again sponsor this project to assist Ecumenical Ministries during this special season. Please bring new, unwrapped toys, appropriate for children ages 6 months to 13 years, to the church no later than Sunday, December 14 th. These toys will be distributed in early December. Toy suggestions: baby dolls, Barbie dolls, jewelry, hair ribbons, stuffed animals, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, shirts or caps with sports emblems, watches, board games, books Angel Tree for children’s Christmas gifts. Pick up your angel name(s) from Trinity Hall today and bring unwrapped gifts for children to the church by Sunday, December 14 th. Place name/family number on each gift and bring it in the bag provided. Presbyterian Women are helping to provide Christmas gifts to residents of Fairhope Health/Rehab Nursing Home. Names and gift requests are available in Trinity Hall. Please return the gift wrapped with attached tag to the church by Sunday, December 14 th. December 7 and December 14 Our Witness and Outreach Committee is sponsoring an Alternative Christmas Market, which will take place on two Sundays during the fellowship coffee hour. A display in Trinity Hall will give members the opportunity to give alternative Christmas presents through Heifer International and Church World Services. The Heifer Project sends farm animals to people in under-served places so they can begin to be self-supporting. Church World Services sends blankets, tools, and sanitation supplies to disaster areas. Trinity Christmas cards are on sale and support our mission program. These beautiful cards are available plain or with a printed Christmas message. Trinity Cookbooks are on sale, with great recipes from our own Trinity family. Always a fun gift. Sunday, December 14 The Christmas Joy Offering provides assistance for those who have dedicated their lives to the service of the PC(USA) church, and it supports leadership development and education at Presbyterianrelated racial ethnic schools and colleges. December 14 through December 27 Trinity Presbyterian will host Family Promise December 14-27, and this is a very meaningful way you can give this Christmas . . . give your time, service, support and love. Christmas Eve This year our special Christmas Eve offering has been designated by the Session to go for construction on the Presbytery Complex in Coban, Guatemala. This project will include facilities for a church, school, theological center, manse, and guest house. Trinit y has a partnership with the churches in this area, which includes sending mission teams, and a team from Trinity traveled to Coban this past summer. We will travel back in the summer of 2015, June 17-24. Sunday Tuesday Monday 1 PW Coordinating Team 9 am Wednesday 2 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 am Thursday 3 Friday 4 Small Group 9 am Saturday 5 6 CBS Leaders 9:30 am Family Promise Chocolate Affair 6-9 pm Naomi Circle 7 pm Fairhope Christmas Parade 7 pm Choir 6:30 pm 7 4¢ a Meal Offering Children’s Rehearsal 11:00 am 8 Presbyterian Women’s Christmas Meeting & Luncheon 10:30 am 9 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 am 10 11 Small Group 9 am 12 Stated Session 6:30 pm Tri Youth 3:30 pm 13 Vaughn/Bengtsen Wedding Choir 6:30 pm 14 15 Lessons & Carols 8 am 10 am Trinity 16 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 am 17 18 Small Group 9 am 19 20 Community Krause/Zaricor Wedding Messiah Sing 7 pm Hosts 21 Family 22 Promise Choir 6:30 pm >> 23 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 am << 24 Trinity Hosts 25 Family Promise 26 27 Christmas Story Reading 6:30 pm Trinity 28 Hosts Family 29 Promise 3 pm, 5 pm & 7 pm Services >> 30 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 am << Trinity Hosts 31 City of Fairhope Downtown New Year’s Eve Celebration Stop by the Trinity Tent! 8 am Sunday Worship ~ 9 am Sunday School ~ 10 am Sunday Worship Family Promise
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