December 28, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Monday-Saturday 8 AM Tuesday 6 PM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM, 2 PM, & 5:30 PM Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary - Roman Catholic Church 7260 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89117 • Parish Office: 702.363.1902 • CELEBRATING OUR FAITH THIS WEEK Date/Time Intention Presider WEEK AT A GLANCE Saturday, December 27 Christmas Novena 8:00 AM L/D Members Anthony T. Sciaretta, Sr. Family 4:30 PM Fr. Marc Fr. Marc Sunday, December 28 +Chris Doyle 8:00 AM +Alfonso Q. Yabut 10:00 AM Christmas Novena 12:00 PM People of the Parish 2:00 PM +Rick Sindelar 5:30 PM Fr. Marc Fr. Samuel Fr. Samuel Fr. Cassian Fr. Cassian Monday, December 29 Christmas Novena 8:00 AM Fr. Marc Tuesday, December 30 Christmas Novena 8:00 AM St. Joseph Mass Association 6:00 PM Fr. Marc Fr. Samuel Wednesday, December 31 Christmas Novena 8:00 AM Fr. Cassian Friday, January 2-First Friday The parish office will be closed today and the facilities will close after the Benediction at 12:00 PM. Thursday, January 1 -New Year’s Day Christmas Novena 10:00 AM Fr. Samuel Saturday, January 3 Confessions Friday, January 2 -First Friday December Deceased Parishioners 8:00 AM Benediction 12:00 PM Fr. Marc Fr. Marc Sunday, January 4 Spark Ignite Saturday, January 3 Priest Intention 8:00 AM Donna Jean Winzenried 4:30 PM Fr. Marc Fr. Samuel Sunday, January 4 +Ruzean Ileto Nolasco 8:00 AM +Members Keller Family 10:00 AM Anita A. Dioquino 12:00 PM +Telesforo Edualino 2:00 PM People of the Parish 5:30 PM Fr. Samuel Fr. Cassian Fr. Cassian Fr. Marc Fr. Marc Monday, December 29 There are no groups scheduled today. Tuesday, December 30 Bereavement Group Confessions -10:00 AM -5:00 PM Wednesday, December 31 There are no groups scheduled today. Thursday, January 1-New Year’s Day The parish office will be closed today and the facilities will close after the 10 AM Mass. -8:30 AM -4:00PM-5:30 PM -6:30 PM-8:00 PM Scripture Readings Today, Sunday Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 or Genesis 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Psalms 128:1-5 or Psalms 105:1-6, 8-9; Colossians 3:12-21 or Hebrews 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Luke 2:22-40 This Week Monday: 1 John 2:3-11; Psalms 96:1-3, 5b-6; Luke 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 John 2:12-17; Psalms 96:7-10; Luke 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 John 2:18-21; Psalms 96:1-2, 11-13; John 1:1-18 Thursday: Numbers 6:22-27; Psalms 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21 Friday: 1 John 2:22-28; Psalms 98:1-4; John 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 John 2:29 — 3:6; Psalms 98:1, 3cd-6; John 1:29-34 Next Sunday Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalms 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12 2 December 28, 2014 • PASTOR’S NOTE Dear Parishioners, ... Today is the Feast of The Holy Family. It is a good time to consciously think about families. The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, shows us the example of faith and love that is the essence of a good Catholic family. Today we hear about the presentation in the Temple. Simeon tells Mary that a sword will pierce her heart, “so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” Mary and Joseph must have dreaded that throughout the years. Mary’s dread at the thought of letting Jesus go to do God’s work, must have been a painful reality for her. Still, Mary and Joseph obviously worked to love and care for Jesus, so He could grow and mature in ways that would assure He could accomplish the mission His Father sent Him to achieve. We do not know when Joseph died, but we do know that Mary and Jesus remained close. Rev. Marc Howes Pastor Today, our first reading from Sirach admonished children to look after their parents in their old age. Jesus made provision for Mary as He was dying, entrusting her to the Beloved Disciple’s care (Jn 19:26-27). He showed to the very end, the example of family, love, and concern. On this Feast of The Holy Family, let us make a commitment to strive always to follow that example. In Christ’s Peace, Fr. Marc Howes Fr. Marc Howes, Pastor Lord Hear Our Prayers The following parishioners or family members are sick. Please remember them in your prayers. Amber Jones Andren Jackson Angelica Peralta Angelo Peralta Anita Dioquino Barry Morin Bonita Peters Carmella Peregus Carmencita de Rojas Carol Sullivan Cindy Matelske Consuelo Marchena Daniel Gonzalez Daniel Shea Darren Horvath Diana Froulis Donna J. Winzenried Doreen Grant Ed Arce Elizabeth Lyons Enola Shea Ernie Salamance Gary Frank Gay Erickfon Gina Humbert Giovanni Melven Gloria Bernaldo Heather Schultz Hilario Salas Jr. Janice Payne Jim Poor John Olivo Juan Manalang Judy Hovey Julio Costello Karin Morin Leoncio Mena Lilian Daiz Linda Kucskar Marie Alice Mary Saracino Melcher Maratita Mike Porter Noel Bernaldo Owen Peters Palma Paolillo Pat Olivo Pat Ward If you have the sick person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. This is strictly for the sick only. Other prayer requests may be placed in the Prayer Box on the wall outside of the parish office. No more than 5 names may be submitted at any one time and they will be deleted after 3 weeks. December 28, 2014 • Petronila De Guzman Ralph Olive Renata Reever Ricardo Rodriguez Rich Rossi Roberto De Guzman, Jr. Samantha Wang Tony Daiz 3 WEEKLY COLLECTIONS This Week 2013 December 14, 2014: Sunday Offering$30,533 Poor Box-Poverello $732 House 2nd Collection-Retire$10,387 ment Fund for Religious 2012 $33,639 $550 $31,821 $881 $10,440 $11,239 STEWARDSHIP 2014 2014 CSA Goal: $191,320 Pledges: $314,762 Cash Receipts as of December 9, 2014: $292,469 Participating Families: 860 St. Vincent de Paul Society St. Vincent de Paul Society is a person-to-person ministry supported through the financial donations of our parishioners. We go out in pairs to the homes of our parishioners and to those who live within our parish boundaries offering spiritual aid and temporary financial assistance. Most people are reluctant to ask for help. If you know of parishioners who are experiencing a sudden loss of income due to illness, death, job-loss or any other life-changing event, please encourage them to call SVdP at 702.304.3034. Two scheduled members make calls to people leaving messages Monday through Saturday at 8:30 AM and home visits are scheduled accordingly. If you would like to become involved in this rewarding ministry please call 702.304.3034, leave your telephone number where you can be reached and we will schedule a time to discuss more about SVdP with you. 4 De December 28, 2014 • BAPTISM & FAITH FORMATION All Those Interested in Attending OLLV School Pre-K through 8th Grade If you would like more information about OLLV School, you are invited to stop by the front office and pick up an informational packet which contains documentation outlining the school screening process. You may also call 702-802-2323 for more detailed information. SJHOM Baptism Preparation Class Our next Baptism Preparation Class for parents and godparents is: Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 10:00 AM. This class is held in the St. Joseph Center and there is no fee or registratrion. SJHOM Children’s Faith Formation Josh Wattenbarger, Director of Children’s Faith Formation 702.304.3005 [email protected] Sandy Castro, Admin. Assistant 702.304.3001 [email protected] Strong Families The Holy Family is our example for living. Mary and Joseph respected one another. Jesus submitted in obedience to his parents. They observed holy days together as a family. Mary and Joseph instructed Jesus in the ways of God. Through the sacrament of marriage, a couple begins a family united and blessed by God. As children are added to the family, the commitment to each other grows. The word, “sanctified” means, “set apart for service.” Our families are set apart from the world, so we can serve one another and reach out to those in need. A strong family strengthens the Church and community. The Holy Family suffered many tribulations. Q: Have you ever thought that if you never sinned you would never have any problems? How does the example of the Holy Family show us otherwise? December 28, 2014 • g 5 YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Jennifer Hill, Director 702.304.3010 Kris Mulligan, Admin. Assistant 702.304.3035 Burning Hearts Ministry for Youth and Young Adults wishes you all a Blessed Christmas & a Peaceful New Year! Our regular classes for Ignite and Spark will resume on January 4, 2015. Our regular BHYM Group will resume January 10, 2015. Our Young Adult Group will resume January 6, 2015. Any questions please contact our office at 702.304.3010. SJHOM Young Adult Group 18-30 Years old Every Tuesday 7:00 PM-9:00 PM We meet upstairs in the Martyrs rooms. A group where like-minded people can come together and discuss the Catholic Faith! Apologetics • Games • Social Events Discussion Groups SJHOM parish has a process for adults and children who would like to be baptized Catholic. We welcome those adults that are not baptized or are baptized in a different Christian denomination to come and ask questions and find out more about the Catholic Church. All sessions are held ONLY on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. There is also Sacrament preparation for those Catholic adults who did not complete Confirmation and first Holy Communion. These sessions are also held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. There is also a process by which non-baptized children are prepared to be fully initiated. That means that after a minimum of two years they will receive Baptism, Confirmation, and first Holy Communion at Easter Vigil. Sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. For further information please contact Sondra Hoffman @702.228.4067 or [email protected] 6 D December 28, 2014 • PARISH & DIOCESE UPDATES SJHOM OUTREACH MINISTRY The Outreach Ministry here at St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, wish to extend to our parish family our best wishes for a New Year filled with God’s blessings. We hope that 2015 will bring you a year filled with good health, happiness and prosperity. Our first Outreach meeting for this year will be on February 6, at 10 AM in the St. Francis and Clare Rooms. Our wish for the New Year is to welcome many new friends to our ministry. We know if you come and give us a try, you will enjoy helping us in our mission to reach out and lend a helping hand where needed. If you wish to be involved before our February meeting, join us this Friday, January 9, following the 8 AM Mass. We will be making sandwiches for the Catholic Charities work program. We hope to see you there. Mass Intentions Schedule Please see Norma, in person, from 2 PM-4 PM, Tuesday thru Thursday ONLY in the parish office to register your Mass Intention. You may call her at 702.363.1902 for further questions. Thank You! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cut Here Year End Tax Statement Request If you would like a Year End Tax Statement of your 2014 contributions and the total was less than $200.00 for the year, please fill out this request form. Annual contributions greater than $200.00 will automatically be sent a statement to the address on file at the church office. Name______________________________________________________________________________ Street______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State____________________ Zip Code____________ Phone___________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Please return your completed form to the parish office: Attention Finance Office December 28, 2014 • 7 GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Holy Day of Obligation January 1, 2015 The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Holy Day, but NOT of obligation. Please join us for our 10 AM Mass in the church on New Year’s Day, and celebrate this Solemnity with us. Why Register With A Parish? If you want to…. Have your child baptized Become a godparent Pursue Holy Matrimony etc.... Help us get to know you by registering. By registering, this gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to us. You can register with the paper form in the parish office. You will receive your Offertory envelopes in the mail, and by turning them in every Sunday, will show your activity in our parish. For questions or to check your status, please contact Joan at 702.304.3006. SJHOM BOOK GROUP Our book for January: “TransAtlantic” by Colum McCann We will meet at 10 AM on January 17. Our book for February: “The Light in the Ruins” by Chris Bohjalian We will meet at 10 AM on February 21. Just read the book and come join in on the discussion. We usually meet in the Emmaus Room. CELEBRATING THE SACRAMENTS Baptism For children less than seven years of age; parent(s) must be registered in the parish for a minimum of three months. Parents must also attend St. Joseph’s baptism preparation class before a date can be set. Please stop by the office for a requirement checklist and information about the next class. Marriage Preparation takes approximately six months. Please pick up a marriage checklist from the office and contact Father Samuel when the checklist is completed. Do not set a date until you consult with Father Samuel. Funerals Contact the parish office at 702.363.1902. 8 December 28, 2014 • Confession Confessions are held on Tuesday at 5:00 PM and on Saturday at 8:30 AM. Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the third Tuesday of most months at the 6:00 PM Mass, or by appointment. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration takes place on the first Friday of the month after the 8 AM Mass, followed by Benediction at 12:00 PM. Vocations Contact Diocesan Vocation Director, Fr. Muggaga Lule at 702.735.6044. GROUPS & INTERESTS INTERESTED IN NTE TERE REST RE TED IIN N BE BECOMING B ECO COMI CO MING MI ING A AN N US USHE USHER? SHE HER? R? If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact the Usher Ministry Head: Lino Loyola 702.355.4073 or [email protected] or John Bearce Assistant Ministry Head 702.339.1511 or [email protected] BEREAVEMENT GROUP We meet every Tuesday Morning (except Summer) at 10:00 AM in the Corpus Christi room. INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MINISTER OF HOLY COMMUNION, LECTOR OR ALTAR SERVER? Contact Deanna Massiello Ministry Coordinator 702.304.3014 or [email protected] PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse, please call our hotline at 702.235.7723. PARISH OFFICE INFORMATION Pastoral Staff Rev. Marc Howes Pastor 702.363.1902 Rev. Cassian Lewinski, O.P. Parochial Vicar 702.304.3018 Angela Tinsley Bulletin Editor 702.304.3007 Bayani Laigo Facility/Maintenance Manager 702.304.3012 [email protected] Parish Office Hours Rev. Samuel Martinez Parochial Vicar 702.304.3033 Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri ..............8AM-5PM Tue ......................................8AM-8PM Sat .......................................2PM-6PM Sun ......................................8AM-6PM Rev. Thomas Gallenbach Part Time 702.304.3002 Parish Contact Info Greg Sinclair Pastoral Associate 702.304.3028 Al Paduano Deacon 702.304.3032 Tom Roberts Deacon 702.304.3031 Barbara Finn Director of Music 702.304.3023 Parish Staff Deacon Vince Murone Finance Director 702.304.3016 Joan Hagar Census 702.304.3006 Jessica Brewster Pastoral Coordinator 702.304.3036 PARISH OFFICE 702.363.1902 PARISH FAX 702.363.7976 MINISTRIES Deanna Massiello Ministry Coordinator 702.304.3014 [email protected] Lino Loyola Usher Ministry Head 702.355.4073 [email protected] John Bearce Assist. Usher Ministry Head 702.339.1511 [email protected] St. Vincent de Paul Society 702.304.3034 Faith Formation Youth & Young Adult Ministry Jennifer Hill Director of High School & Middle School Faith Formation 702.304.3010 Kris Mulligan Admin. Assistant for High School & Middle School Faith Formation SJHOM FAITH FORMATION 702.304.3035 Josh Wattenbarger Director of Children’s Faith Formation 702.304.3005 [email protected] Sandy Castro Admin. Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation 702.304.3001 [email protected] Sondra Hoffman RCIA/RCIC Faith Formation Minister 702.228.4067 [email protected] BULLETIN DEADLINE & SUBMISSION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• All organizations must submit in writing the details of their meeting times, in order to be listed in the calendar “Week at a Glance”. Submit your requests for bulletin items and topics preferably by e-mail as a Word doc attachment to: [email protected] Submissions are 2 weeks minimum prior to the bulletin date that you are requesting. Submit content by 6 PM on the Thursday prior to the publication date. Holiday issues have earlier deadlines. December 28, 2014 • 9 PARISH GROUPS & ORGANIZATIONS SJHOM SENIORS This Monday, the SJHOM SENIORS WILL NOT MEET? This is the last one of 2014!! Have a very blessed, healthy, safe, and Happy New Year! Be sure to take home a bulletin next weekend after Mass and read it for when SJHOM SENIORS will meet again. ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. CUB SCOUTS PACK 700 Meetings are most Mondays from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM in the St. Francis & St. Clare rooms. Boys grades 1st thru 5th, and any adults interested in the B.S.A. Cub Scouts are welcome to participate. For further information call C. Clark at 702.248.9470. CALIX SOCIETY is a spiritual program in the Catholic Church for those in recovery in AA or AL Anon. We meet the first Friday of the month for Adoration and the second Saturday of the month for Mass; both followed by a spiritual meeting. Both meetings are at 11:00 AM-1:30 PM at SJHOM. Bring your own lunch and a drink. For more information call Paul & Sharon at 702.645.8403 or Joe & Madge at 702.453.2417 to see which room we will use for the meeting. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ST. JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY, COUNCIL 10442 If you feel the need or have a calling to serve the church or those who are less fortunate than you, the Knights of Columbus are looking for a few good men. The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic Men’s Fraternal, Family and Service Organization in the world. We are men just like you: fathers, sons, brothers and friends who work together, worldwide, to support our Churches, bishops, priests, seminarians, communities and charitable causes through volunteer hours and fundraising activities. The council meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM in the hall. Contact Grand Knight Ken Sawyer 702.646.4404 or [email protected] Please visit our website for updates: VLADIVOSTOK MISSION Mary Mother of God Mission meets at SJHOM. The group is supporting the mission and parish in Vladivostok and surrounding area. The mission is rebuilding the Catholic Church in Russia and helping many, many social programs; homeless street kids, alcoholics anonymous, pro-life centers, elderly care and much more. For more information call Jo Elyn at 702.655.2979, Janie 702.362.2277 or Tim at 702.275.7900. ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Please come and join our prayer group. We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 PM in the St. Francis/Clare rooms. Come experience the power of God’s love through prayer, praise and teachings. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, in thanksgiving present your requests to God.” For more information contact Elaine Petras at 702.304.9591. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADIES AUXILIARY Every wife or widow of a Knight is invited to be active in our Ladies Auxiliary. We actively support and participate in all Council and Auxiliary events which include a wide variety of socials, charity work, and spiritual experiences. Our regular meeting is held in the St. Francis/Clare rooms on the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM. For more information contact Jolyn Pinzl 702.306.2668 or [email protected] ST. JOSEPH H.O.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 4TH DEGREE Assembly 2820 meets every third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Corpus Christi Room. Membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights. Contact Charles McCloskey at 702.540.8615 or email: [email protected] WOMEN OF ST. JOSEPH All women of our parish are encouraged to join our ministry and participate in our year round activities. Craft and gift meetings are held every Thursday from 12:30 - 3:00 PM in the St. Francis room. General membership meetings are held on the Second Saturday of each and every month at 10 AM in the St. Francis/Clare rooms. Membership enrollment forms are available in the parish office. Contact Kathy Banos at 702.363.1383. “Pray the Rosary for Peace” YOUNG ADULT GROUP Are you looking for a group of other young adults ages 18-30 that are living in faith and a place in which you can grow spiritually? Then join us every Tuesday from 7-9 PM upstairs in the Martyrs rooms. Contact Jennifer Hill at 702.304.3010 for more information. BSA BOY SCOUT TROOP 700 YOUTH Meetings are most Mondays from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the St. Francis & St. Clare rooms. Boys grades 6th -11th, and any adults interested in the B.S.A. Boy Scouts are welcome to participate. For further information call C. Clark at 702.248.9470. CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS OF THE U.S.A., INC. Our Lady of Peace, Post 1947 & Auxiliary. All Catholic active duty military and honorably discharged veterans, male or female, who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces (to include Reserves & National Guard) during peace or wartime are eligible to join the Post. The Auxiliary is open to any 18 year old or older, male or female, of a veteran. Come be a part of a new and rewarding Catholic Veterans Organization. For information: Anthony or Sandra Lucchesi 702.254.7534 or James and Keleen McCawley 702.686.5666. ST. JOSEPH, HOM PRO-LIFE GROUP The St. Joseph, H.O.M Pro-Life Group is dedicated to promoting the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death. Come join us on the second Monday of every month at 7 PM for prayer and discussion of life issues and activities. For more information contact Greg Farina at 702.363.4299. December 28 , 2014 • 12
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