La Crescent & Riverside United Methodist Churches SUMMER WO RSHI P SCH EDULE Other questions you might have: December 2014 La C r esce nt Un it ed Me th odis t C h ur ch “Waiting and Watching” Suddenly it is Advent, and the years begins for the Body of Christ. Every year I experience the dissonance between the season of “waiting and watching” and the time of doing and busyness. I long for an advent season without distractions, a time when I can immerse myself in silence and vacancy. Years ago I read Henri Nouwen on being vacant for God, making space for God to be born in and through me. Instead I fall victim to the need to fill all corners, speak in every silence, do it myself. In the midst of a busy day, one of my colleagues said, “I ran today where Jesus walked.” Think about it . We are valued for our accomplishments, presumed important because we are busy, trained to be productive. On the other hand Jesus models a different way of living. The Gospels show us a man who maintained a rhythm of action and reflection, who was aware of the outsiders and the dangerous ones, who Please invite your friends, neighbors feasted and touched and and family to La Crescent and walked and prayed. Jesus is Dakota Riverside the model for faithfulness, United Methodist churches to not success. Each of us is a womb, a place for Christ to be born again, into our hearts and out through our living. May the star of Bethlehem shine in you this season. Yours and His, Pastor Greg Nelson worship together this season of Christmas. Inside this issue: Birthdays & Anniversaries 2 Library News 3 What’s Happening Cookie Walk December Events 4-5 6 7 Children & Youth Ministry 8-9 Dakota Events 10 Church Council Minutes 11 Calendar 14 Sunday Volunteers 15 Stephen Ministry Service of Remembrance Saturday, Dec. 6 at 11:00 a.m. Anyone who has lost a loved one, especially in the last year, are invited to come to this service of remembrance with an ornament that reminds them of their loved ones to put on the memory tree. After the service a light lunch will be served. Bake, Bake, Bake Our Cookie Walk and Craft Bazaar is coming up soon. Mark your calendars for December 13. You can also help out by providing your favorite baked treat for the luncheon or the cookie walk. We welcome helpers also. Please sign up in the narthex. Our Pastor’s morning sermons are available online. Go to and follow the directions to download the message to listen at your convenience. December Birthdays and Anniversaries La Crescent Birthdays La Crescent Anniversaries Dec. 1– Lynne Johnson Dec 2– Charlie Hinders Dec.11– Alison Lintelman Dec 15– Gary Hill Dec. 2– Nikki Gile Dec 21– Joann Harlos Dec 23– Rick Thrune Dec 24– Dixie Slayton Dec 28– Larry Brostrom Dec 29– Mike Ryan Dec 30– Todd Van Berkum Dec 16– Tim and Penny Szobody Dec 20– Connie and Rich Schuh Dec 21– Sandy and Charlie Hinders Dec 23– Jeff and Lavon Court Dec 28– Dan and Alyson Dahlquist Riverside: Dakota Birthdays Dec 5– Sue Gelatt Dec 9– Mya Brand Dec 10– Xavier Kohlwey Dec 12– Shelly Soper Dec 12– James Wagner Dec 15– Joyce Henderson Dec 20– Benjamin Christensen Dec 29– Nicholas Kohlwey La Crescent United Methodist Church is now on facebook! Join us as another way to keep track of the activities we have going on in our Church. Find your friends and church members on Facebook. If you have any church photos to share…. Recent events, Meetings, ….etc. you can post these on our website through Shutterfly. Send a holiday greeting! Go to and check it out. Library News December Library Book Focus One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life One Shenandoah Winter In the early 1960s, residents of Hillsboro in the Shenandoah Valley are thrilled when a doctor agrees to settle in their community especially Connie Wilkes, the town's assistant mayor, who has worked long and hard to convince any doctor to relocate to the town. The reputable Dr. Nathan Reynolds, who sees tiny Hillsboro and its residents as hopelessly backward, isn't the most pleasant of men, but the town begins to accept him when his new techniques save the life of the local minister's baby. Even though the doctor does not share her strong belief in God, Connie finds herself growing closer both to him and to God when her beloved uncle is diagnosed with cancer. Are you suffering from “someday” syndrome—always waiting for someday when your schedule calms down, your finances improve, or your kids grow up so you can begin to live the life you’ve always dreamed of? What if you learned you had just one month to live? Without a doubt, you’d stop living on autopilot and determine to make the most of every moment. You don’t have any time to waste. Why wait to answer the longings of your heart? In One Month to Live, Kerry and Chris Shook show you how to stop waiting for “someday” and start now to make each day really matter. Who Moved My Church? - A Story About Discovering Purpose in a Changing Culture From Fallen To Forgiven: A Spiritual Journey into Wholeness and Healing After an international modeling career, Hollywood fame, and eight marriages, Jennifer O'Neill finally found out what she had always been looking for - a true love affair with Jesus Christ. She candidly discusses her own trials as a lost soul looking for satisfaction in the things of this world. Jennifer's passion in life and the purpose of this book is to share with women the awesome depths of God's grace and challenge them to truly make Jesus Christ Lord of their lives Women’s Book Club will be meeting in the fellowship hall on Thursday, December 18 at 11:30 A.M How would people respond if they showed up at church one Sunday morning only to discover someone or something had actually, physically moved it? Undoubtedly, they would go out and find it! And that's what four unforgettable characters from Who Moved My Church? set out to do! But how they go about locating it and then how they respond—and what they do—once they find it is so different, you'd never guess they attend the same church. Ultimately, Nappa's parable will spur church attendees to tackle one of the enduring questions of Christian history: How is the Church to interact with culture? The question is all the more pressing for pastors and laity in light of dramatic and rapid changes taking place in society on what feels like a daily basis. AGAPE - Ebola Response November 19, 2014 We thank God for all who have donated to this emergency . Donations have made it possible to distribute disinfectant, hand soap, basins/buckets, and the World Health Organization information sheet on how to prevent the spread of Ebola. The Liberian UMC has used the funds to purchase these items and continue to distribute them to families and churches throughout Liberia. Many lives have been saved and many people have experienced Christ's love, encouragement, and hope through your generous donations. A total of $4398.00 has been raised to date. emergency has expired allowing businesses to begin opening and allowing the people to move about. It is hoped that schools will be able to open by the end of the year. New cases continue to be reported in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Senegal, and Mali. Please pray that new cases will not increase with the more relaxed restrictions. Please consider a donation so we may continue to support our brothers and sisters in Liberia. We will continue to collect donations until the crisis is over. There is still much need for the supplies to enable the prevention of Ebola in Liberia. Donations can be made to AGAPE-Ebola Response and placed in the offering plate, given at the church office, or sent to AGAPE, La Crescent UMC, 520 N. Elm Street, La Crescent, MN 55947. Questions can be addressed to Linda Thrune. Thank you ! Since March, 2014 the Ebola virus has killed 5,160 people with more than 14,000 infected cases reported. These are the reported cases, but it is believed the actual numbers are much higher. The number of new cases has stabilized in Liberia and the state of Mosher Potluck and Gift Wrapping will be on Thursday, December 4 hosted by Debbie and Pastor Greg. Would you like to help out? Please?? Bring a small dish to share for dinner at 6:00; wrapping and fellowship at 7:00; followed by dessert. Beverage and dessert provided. Please RSVP to Sheri 895-6782 by November 30. Come for all or part of the evening. We are in need of volunteers in the following areas: Help with Hospitality on Sunday Mornings We will really need some volunteers to help us make the fellowship time happen on Sunday mornings. Contact Mike Ryan to sign up. Christmas at the Mosher Home; Caroling starts at 12:30 On December 14th followed by serving cookies and cider and distribution of their gifts. Your cookie donations Cooks and Kitchen Help for JOLT!!!!! are appreciated--look for the cookie box at the LUMC Cookie Walk Sunday Servants (liturgists) Small group leaders for JOLT—do you have a talent you would like to share or an area of interest– we welcome your ideas. Please remember these veterans in your prayers during the holidays. Send a holiday greeting to our veterans And please... ALSO REMEMBER OUR SOLDIERS WHO ARE AWAY FROM HOME THIS CHRISTMAS Please call the church office to volunteer (895-2373) To my church family, Thank you and blessings to Pastor Greg, Debbie, and my church family for prayers, cards, flowers and calls during my illness. It has been much appreciated Love, Dorothy Olson Again this year, the United Methodist Church will be participating with Care-n-Share of Houston county by sponsoring the “Angel Tree” Thank you for your generous gifts and pledges this year. We appreciate your continued support of the ministry at La Crescent United Methodist Church with your time, your talents and your treasure. All are deeply appreciated. Please have any final remittance for 2014 in to the office no later than December 29 to receive full credit for this year’s giving. The Angel tags on the tree are marked with either “boy” or “girl” along with an age– starting with newborn going through age 18. The tags for the “Angel Tree’ are for students/ children in the La Crescent/ Hokah School District. We are looking for new toys and an article of clothing or outfit for the ages on the tags. Please try to not exceed a value of $20 on each toy. We have put together a suggestion list for some of the “pre-teen” and “teen” ages. This list can be found near the Angel Tree in the narthex. If you would like to be a part of this program, please choose a tag and return that along with a new, unwrapped gift to the church by December 14th. The gifts will be collected after the 10:10 service on that date. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lisa Massman at 895-5058 or 895-8414. Thank you for you support and generosity! The deadline for ordering poinsettias in honor/or in memory of someone special to you is coming soon- December 15. They are $18.00 each and are available in red or white. Please indicate your preferences and return to the church office on or before December 15th with your check payable to La Crescent UMC. In Memory of __________________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of _______________________________________________________________________ From ____________________________________________________________________________ Color/ number Red ____________ White ________________ 20th Annual Christmas Cookie Walk, Silent Auction and Craft Bazaar Saturday, December 13 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Cookies are $6.00/pound Hundreds of Christmas Cookies, Christmas Crafts & Gifts, Silent Auction, Soup and Sandwich Luncheon (served from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.) Cinnamon Rolls, Dessert and Coffee (served from 9:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.) La Crescent United Methodist Church 520 North Elm Street DECEMBER EVENTS Life Line Screening– December 2 In the Fellowship Hall Mosher Potluck and Gift Wrapping will be on Thursday, December 4 hosted by Debbie and Pastor Greg. Supper at 6:00 p.m. wrapping at 7 p.m. followed by dessert. Please RSVP to Sheri 895-6782 by Nov. 30 Christmas Caroling Wednesday, December 17 5-7:30 p.m. Pizza party ,music and fellowship! Stephen Ministry Service of Remembrance Dec. 6 at 11 a.m. Anyone who has lost a loved one, especially in the last year, are invited to come to this service of remembrance with an ornament that reminds them of their loved ones to put on the memory tree. After the service we will have a light lunch. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 5:00 La Crescent UMC 6:30 at Dakota/ Riverside The Mosher Christmas Party is Sunday, December 14 As you bake your cookies this year, please consider donating a dozen to the Mosher Ministry. You can leave cookies in the church kitchen--mark them for Mosher. Or, better yet, bring them up to the Mosher Home and join us at 12:30 for the party. Church Cookie Walk and Silent Auction December 13 9 am– 2 p.m. Join us for lunch too! Children’s Christmas Program Sunday, December 14 at 10:10 a.m. “Christmas Comes to LIckety-Split Followed by the Red Barn Dinner Tickets will be available in the narthex Christmas Day Dinner Potluck at noon in the fellowship hall Hosted by Jay and Connie Schnoor Meat course is provided, Please bring a dish to pass! Women's Bible Study with Sheri We'll be finishing up our study of 1 John on December 4. Our winter session will begin on January 6 and will last about six weeks. The format for this study by Kay Arthur, Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer, titled Faithful, Abundant True will be a DVD and discussion of the homework. Spring of 2015 we'll be studying Paul's letter to the Ephesians. December Mission Project A NOTE FROM MINDY Jake hit it on the head when he said his move to fulltime ministry was bittersweet. I think we as a congregation should be excited and proud of him and Crystal both for moving into bigger ministry opportunities. With that said, I know there is a lot of sadness watching them move on, knowing how much they have contributed to the lives of our youth and our congregation. I am certainly not the first to say thank you to them for that, and I am sure I won’t be the last. But, I might be the first to thank all of you for hearing the call for help and stepping up to spread the workload out. I can’t express my gratitude enough for everyone who has asked what can be done to help out, or made sure there was enough help at JOLT. As we say goodbye to Thanksgiving and enter into the season of Advent, I am thankful for this congregation and your concern for the kids and youth. I pray that this season is one in which we can all grow closer to each other as we grow closer to the Lord. Happy Advent to you! During December, we will be collecting items for the La Crosse Warming Center. Items needed include: adult sized winter coats, socks, hats and gloves, along with breakfast items like cereal, soft granola and fruit bars, oatmeal, bottled juice, coffee, creamer, and hand and foot warmers. We are signed up to make a meal for the warming center on Tuesday, January 6th. Families are invited to come to the church at 4:30 to prepare the food. We will then eat dinner together before delivering our meal to La Crosse. Please sign up with Mindy if you are interested in helping. There is also the opportunity for someone to deliver the meal if you would like to check out the Warming Center yourselves. Thank you to everyone who supported the Operation Christmas Child project in the month of October. We donated a total of 43 shoebox gifts, which just may be our biggest donation ever! Thank you so much for your contributions of items and money for shipping costs! Mark your calendars for the Children’s Christmas Program: “Christmas Comes to Lickety-Split” Sunday, December 14th 10:10 am Yee-haw! Join us for a knee-slappin’ good time! Lickety-split is just a quiet little western town getting ready for a nice little Christmas when the Corn Puddin’ gang comes around. Find out what they learn from the kids in town about what real Christmas looks like. And then, join the Youth Mission Trip team for their Red Barn Dinner 11:30 am Tickets are $8/adults and $3 for kids ages 5 and under The food’s a mystery but there will be no lack of fun! December 21 and 28—NO Sunday School. Merry Christmas! Mission Trip News December Youth Calendar The Senior High Youth Mission Trip team is headed to Sunday, Dec. 7—Youth Group, 6-7:30 Atlanta, GA this sum- mer! Mark your calendars for July 17-26 to head on a Youthworks trip to the former summer Olympic city! All youth currently in grades 8-12 are invited to participate, as well as friends from outside the church. Please get a mission trip contract from Mindy and return it to the church by December 7 to reserve your spot. The approximate cost of the trip will be $600, but that will be finalized after we know how many people are going. Our next mission trip meeting will be Wednesday, January 14th at 7:30 pm for both youth and parents. Middle School students and parents— Stay tuned for news about your summer mission trip. You are invited to also attend the January 14th meeting where we will be discussing upcoming fundraisers for the trip. We will have more info about trip location and dates by then. Fri. Dec. 12— Set up for Craft booth, 4-6 Sat. Dec. 13— Cookie Walk Craft Booth Sun. Dec. 14— Red Barn Dinner, 11:30; **No Youth group that night Wed. Dec. 17— Caroling Bus & Pizza, 5- 7:30 pm Sun. Dec. 21— Middle School Christmas Party at High Rollers, 12-2 Senior High Progressive Dinner Party, 4-7. Meet at church at 4. Sun. Dec. 28— No Youth group Alive! Galatians 2:20 Extreme Snow Days at Ironwood Christian Ranch January 30-February 1 For youth in grades 7-12 Cost is just $95 per youth Register by December 21 What to Expect: Challenging speakers Interactive worship Snow tubing Snow games Heated facilities Indoor basketball hoops Outdoor trails Breakout sessions Group games And so much more!! Events at Dakota Giving Tree ORDER YOUR POINSETTIAS There will be a giving tree at Riverside UMC -with names available the first week of December. Please contact Marsha Reynolds if you know of any additional needs that should be added to the tree. For anyone that would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of- or in honor of– someone this year, please contact Marsha Reynolds at 643-6097 no later than December 18. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE at Dakota Riverside United Methodist Church Dakota Christmas Program Sunday, December 14 Rehearsal will be on Saturday, December 13 Paul Molling with coordinate this event. 6:30 p.m. Pizza and a Movie The movie for the month of December is The Nativity Story. It will be showing on Saturday, December 20th at 7:00 p.m. We will have pizza before the movie starting at 6:30. Here is a synopsis about the movie: The journey of a lifetime, a story for all time The Nativity Story chronicles the arduous journey of two people, Mary and Joseph, a miraculous pregnancy, and the historydefining birth of Jesus. The dramatic and compelling film traces the perilous journey of a young couple who must travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem, Joseph's ancestral home, to register for a census ordered by King Herod. It is a journey of over 100 miles, through treacherous terrain, made much more difficult by the fact that Mary is nine months pregnant. LA CRESCENT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Attendance: Pastor Nelson, Doug Nelson, Cal Krzebietke, Penny Szobody, Linda Thrune, Jake Hanson, Sandy Hinders Devotions were led by Doug Nelson. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written. FINANCE: The stewardship pledge cards are being turned in starting on Nov. 16th. A report can be generated by the office to assist with budget planning. The financial reports were reviewed. The total income for October was $26,853.94 with expenses of $25,157.84. This is without paying apportionments for October. Salaries have not been set yet by SPRC. The salary package for the Pastor has to be set, approved, and in to Conference by Dec. 1st. SPRC are meeting this week. The Endowment Committee was discussed. The committee members are: Cal Krzebietke, Finance Chairperson; Penny Szobody, Trustee Chairperson; Pastor Greg Nelson, Mike Cunningham, Curly Newcomb, and Sandy Hinders. They will be meeting to set up the distribution of the Beranek Estate and the Trust Fund money. The parsonage loan has been satisfied which frees up the Trust Fund money to be reinvested into the Minnesota UMC Foundation where it will earn a higher rate of interest. The committee will decided how the "readily available" accounts will be set up within the Foundation. A report will be made to the Council on a regular basis by the Endowment Committee. The Mission Committee will be making a recommendation to the Endowment Committee and Council on the distribution of the 10% designated for missions. YOUTH: Jake joined the meeting to give his final report and bid the Council good-bye. He will be starting his new job with the Osseo, MN UMC December 30th. He reported that there are new kids coming to youth group because our kids have invited them. He stated the youth of this church are awesome. Pedro Lopez and Mike are helping with the middle school children in this interim period between youth leaders. Mindy will be taking the role of youth leader until a new person(s) can be found. Christmas ads for the newspaper were discussed. There will be an ad in the La Crosse Tribune, the Houston County News, and the Foxy Shopper for the Christmas services. There are four members of the Trustee committee who's terms expire this year. There is no one on the Council going off. We still need a Worship chairperson. The Committee On Lay Leadership (COLL) will be working on filling those empty positions. Please keep this process in your prayers. Pastor Nelson and Debbie have agreed to plan the Hanging of the Greens. This is the event where the church gets decorated for the Christmas season. Keep November 30th on your calendar. It will start with a potluck right after church and then the building will be decorated by those in attendance. Thanksgiving Eve service is here this year. The December Council meeting will be held at the parsonage on December 10th at 7:30 p.m. Council members are asked to bring a snack and a "white elephant" gift to exchange. The Red Barn Dinner is December 14th following the children's Christmas program. Cookie Walk Craft Booth -Saturday, Dec. 13th. Motion by C.K and seconded: to pay apportionments for November and December. Passed. Doug and Cal will cash the Trust Fund CD so that money will be available to move to the Foundation. The question was asked: what can we do to move the money out of designated funds earmarked for the Boundary Waters Canoe area? Motion / seconded: to move the money in the amount of $104.66 into the general fund. motion passed. There has been money designated for the Skinner Family Mission for several years. They will be asked if they would like to use it for a mission. Pastor Nelson informed us of the difficulty he has with getting to visit people in the hospital. Both hospitals have tight rules the Pastors have to follow in order to find out the room number of the patient and then to be allowed to go see the patient. He is asking that we all notify him directly of the room number when a loved one is hospitalized. He can then visit as a friend as well as their Pastor. TRUSTEE's: The south east door needs repair. The Trustee's will look into it. It may need to be replaced. MISSION: Linda gave an up-date on the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. It is spreading into surrounding countries now. Korto's parents are doing ok at this time. She also reported on the opportunity to be a host for a new program which would teach "Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy"clinicians. This would be done by La Crosse County staff and would be open to parents, foster, adoptive or relative caregivers, law enforcement, medical personnel, teachers, anyone working with children. We would be providing the facility and perhaps a meal. This is a mandatory program in Wisconsin. Linda will check with Minnesota to be sure it would meet their requirements since the target audience would be mainly MN residents. The council decided to pursue this opportunity. The church web site needs up-dating. Cal will pursue this. The Kwik Trip scrip card program is changing. The rebate will be 5% on gas and could be up to another 10% on expenditures inside the store. However, they want access to our banking account to do direct deposit for the rebates. Cal will discuss with Curly and Leanne to see if it would work to set up a separate account for Kwik Trip to access. The meeting adjourned with prayer. Respectfully submitted by Sandy Hinders, Council Secretary Christmas Party for Church Council will be on December 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the parsonage. Bring a snack and white elephant gift. Everyone is welcome Come- Celebrate Christmas Dinner with your friends. Again this year there will be a joint Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. If you will not be sharing a meal with family or if you just don't want to cook after getting up in the middle of the night to play Santa Claus, please join us for a wonderful time of festive celebration and eating. Everyone is welcome, including those who might not be able to afford a Christmas dinner. Be sure to invite those whom you know. This tradition began a few years ago and there have been 30 - 50 folks in attendance each year. The dinner will be pot luck (with turkey provided) so bring your favorite festive dish. However, you and your family are still invited even if you don't bring a dish to pass. Wednesday, December 17 Join in the merriment... Caroling party Join us for pizza at 5:00-6:00 p.m. where we will gather our voices to visit the shut-ins and nursing home residents. There will be a bus to pick up half of the carolers at 5:30 and then returning to pick up our second group at 6:30 p.m. We will return for coffee, cocoa and treats at 7:30 p.m. If you know of anyone who would like a visit, Please contact Mindy Kearney. We will set up the fellowship hall the day before if you would like to assist. Please contact Jay Schnoor if you can help with that task. Dinner on Christmas Day will begin at noon. We would like to have an approximate count if you are planning to attend. Please call Leanne at the church office - 895-2373, or Connie and Jay at 895-2876. Great Gift Giving Idea! Kwik Trip Scrip cards make great stocking stuffers and are available in several dollar values. With each card purchase, currently 10% of the value goes towards the La Crescent Methodist Church general fund. We also have Festival Gift Cards and cards for Quillins! Cards will be available for purchase in the narthex through Christmas or in the church office. Please make checks payable to La Crescent Methodist Church. DECEMBER 2014 La Crescent and Riverside United Methodist Churches 1 Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 8 15 16 Mosher Home Christmas Caroling @ 12:30 JOLT 19 Women’s Book Club @ 11:30 a.m. In the fellowship hall 20 Family Movie Night 7 p.m. Christmas Caroling 5:00 p.m. Til 7:30 p.m. 23 NO BIBLE STUDIES TODAY 29 No Youth Group 18 Meal at 5:30 p.m. Small groups 6:30 13 Cookie Walk and Craft Bazaar 9am-2 pm JOLT Newsletter Deadline Youth Group Progressive Dinner No Sunday school 12 Meal at 5:30 p.m. Small groups 6:30 Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 22 28 11 17 RED BARN DINNER AT 11:30 A.M. 21 Remembrance Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 8:45 am Nursing Home @ 2 pm UM Men’s Group @ 5: 49 p.m. Children’s Program 6 Mosher Gift Wrapping Party @ 6:00 p.m. 10 9 5 Meal at 5:30 p.m. Small groups 6:30 Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 14 4 JOLT Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Potluck and hanging of the greens @ 11:30 7 3 2 First Sunday of Advent 30 24 Christmas Eve Services 26 Christ is Born! Office Closed 5:00 at LUMC 6:30 pm at Dakota 31 NO BIBLE STUDIES TODAY 25 Christmas Day Dinner at noon at LUMC 27 10:10 Service Volunteers December 2014 Greeters/Ushers Hospitality Liturgist Tech Support Accompanist Acolytes 12/7 Mike Ryan, Mike Cunningham Steve Johnson, Charlie Hinders Dixie Slayton Norma Benson Sandy Hinders Peter Bell Diane Cunningham 12/14 Ron and Yvonne Voigt Barb and Dennis Stone Mike and Sheri Wert Tim Szobody Mike Wert Jay Schnoor 12/21 Cal and Melissa Krzebietke Tammy, Michael, Josh Luoma Laura Krister Charlie Hinders Judy Kumpf Doug and Ben Nelson Diane Cunningham Cody and Michael 12/24 Volunteers needed 12/28 Tom and Matt Mason Tim and Penny Szobody Volunteers needed Mike Ryan Peter Bell Grace and Evan Abby and Braedon Jay Schnoor need volunteers . Jay Schnoor Bella and Tony If you would like to volunteer for these positions, please call the Mike Ryan at 895-4009. If you are unable to volunteer on your scheduled date, please trade with someone else on the list or notify the front office: HOSPITAL VISITOR FOR DECEMBER Please contact the front office LUMC Men’s Group Meets the second Tuesday of the month. Next Meeting: Dec. 9 at 5:49 p.m. Mosher Home December 14 12:30 Christmas caroling and gifts La Crescent United Methodist Church 520 North Elm Street La Crescent, MN 55947 Phone: 507-895-2373 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 20 La Crescent, MN 55947 ~Return Service Requested Place Label Here eb! the W tum n o e n We’r acresce .l www Mobile Meals Schedule Contact: Mike Ryan 895-4009 No mobile meals deliveries by LUMC members for December Please remember our homebound this holiday season. La Crescent Holiday Train December 6 Donations will be accepted to support the La Crescent Food Shelf (donations are optional) Refreshments at the fire station Pastor Rev. Greg Nelson Administrative Assistant Leanne Witzig Children’s Ministry Director Mindy Kearney Office Phone 895-2373 Church Office Hours Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday Summer Worship Schedule: La Crescent—10:10 a.m. Riverside—8:45 a.m. La Crescent Sunday School begins at 8:45 a.m. (No Sunday School in June, July & August)
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