Prayer Warriors: Brian Anderson (AM), Security Ministry: Sammy Pace, Rudy Grice The Encourager for Return Services Requested Preschool Workers: Melissa Blankenship, Stewart & Tina Stanfill, Sammy Pace, Kristi Williams, Jeanne Crocker, Marcy White, Kristie Wadley, Terri Smith, Nikki Daniel (AM), The Encourager is published weekly by the First Baptist Church 50 Stanford Ave., Lexington, TN 38351. (731-968-3685) Periodicals Postage PAID at Lexington, Tennessee. Sunday, December 21 Deacons/Counselors: Russell Hayes (968-6285) Todd Henderson (967-9306) Sunday Morning Transportation: Norman Cross (968-8260) December 17, 2014 No Services on December 24 and December 31 Hospital List: Local: Fay Dickson (20) Jackson General: Susan Plunkett (667), Lou Bell Coffman (4208-Shaunda Brittain’s mother), Keith Scott (213-Jenny Frizzell’s brother) St. Anthony’s, Oklahoma City: Roger Eby (Caroline Hull’s brother) Thank you…We have received a thank you note from the following people this week: Families of the Foster Children The Nolen Family It is posted on the bulletin board outside the Fellowship Hall. In Sympathy… The families of Lillie “Estelee” Scates (Shirley McKee’s mother, Jamie Perkins & Will McKee’s grandmother) Our Staff Dr. Jerry Tidwell, Interim Pastor Tommy Crocker, Associate Pastor/Minister of Education & Outreach Bob Hull, Minister of Music Dr. Gilbert Cubbison, Minister of Senior Adults/Pastoral Care Angela Henderson, Director of Preschool/Children Ryan Keaton, Youth Minister Ministry Assistants Annette Fitzgerald Angie Larson Marguerite Nicholson Dee Lowrance Worship with Us Sunday: Library Open………………….....8:15-8:50 a.m. Sunday School……….…………9:00-10:00 a.m. Worship……………………….10:15-11:15 a.m. Library Open………………….....5:00-5:55 p.m. Discipleship Training…………….5:00-5:55 p.m. Worship……………………….....6:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Fellowship Dinner……………….5:00-6:30 p.m. Choir....................................................6:15-7:45 p.m. Bible Study…............……………..6:30-7:30 p.m. Children’s and Youth Groups Theme: “Jesus Christ Is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Lexington’s First Baptist Church USPS 445-110 Volume 35, No. 25 December 17, 2014 A Message from Brother Tommy Crocker We have been blessed by this past weekend’s Christmas program. It has served as a reminder of God’s great love for this world, but it has also challenged us to be lights of Christ in this world’s darkness. Thanks to each of you who had any part in this year’s program. Currently, we have given $11,407.87 toward the $20,000 Lottie Moon Christmas goal for International Missions. I read a haunting letter sent by Lottie Moon back to the states from Pingtu, China written on February 9, 1889. I quote: “Thirty miles from Pingtu city is a gold mine. Nestled close among low-lying hills are two foreign houses and the buildings over the mine. Several American miners are there in the employ of the Chinese government. These men are living a hard, dull, isolated life in a remote region, far from home and friends, with the sole purpose of worldly gain. So much for the devotees of Mammon. One cannot help asking sadly, why is the love of gold more potent than love of souls? The number of men mining and prospecting for gold in Shantung is more than double the number of men representing Southern Baptists! What a lesson for Southern Baptists to ponder.” I’m afraid that Lottie’s day is like our day. Her question is still viable. We preach, teach, and sing about witnessing, but are we? We preach, teach, and sing about God’s love and forgiveness, yet we hide under a bushel and do not “practice what we preach.” Where are we on visitation nights? Who calls the church office asking for some prospect names that they might call upon during the week? Who calls that Sunday School or church member who has for some reason fallen by the wayside? We give many excuses. Some even may be viable, yet often, the love of self and self’s interests are more potent than the love for souls. I read of a West Tennessee church just last week with less than half our attendance in Sunday School, yet it has a $45,000 goal for the LMCO. That same church is being led in prayer by the deacons searching for more ways to reach out to their community to win the lost. I’m thankful for what that group of believers is doing. However, I wonder, “Lord, why aren’t we loving You more?” My heart is burdened. Let me close with a Christmas greeting. May each of us this Christmas season come to know more about God’s “unspeakable gift,” the gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sins through His Son, Jesus Christ. May each of us shine with the light and love of Christ leading others to that Light. Merry Christmas! Preschool/Children News By Angela Henderson “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:11 God provided a Savior. The prophets Isaiah and Micah foretold of the Messiah’s birth, and God orchestrated the events of history to carry out His plan. He used Mary, Joseph, Caesar Augustus, the inn keeper, and countless others to fulfill the prophesies and bring the Savior into the world. That was the beginning of His earthly existence, but it’s important to teach our children that He existed in eternity with God and was God, as we are told in John 1:1-14 “the Word became flesh, and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, Who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Singing Christmas Tree—a wonderful time was had by all as we traveled to Memphis to see Bellevue’s Singing Christmas Tree. It was wonderful to see our families and children spend the afternoon together focused on the true meaning of Christmas and the reason for our great joy at this time and always. Special thanks to Leon and Diana Collins for driving the bus for us. Looking ahead: Please make note of these events as you make summer plans. VBS this year will return to the first week in June 1 - 5, due to changes in the CentriKid camp dates. CentriKid Camp, June 13 - 17: Campbellsville, KY for children completed 3rd — completed 6th grade. YOUTH NEWS Senior Sayings...Dr. Gilbert Cubbison Ministry through Music I always try to use Scripture in these writings. Here are a few things that we as Christians are called. Believers are called Children for kinship (1 John 3:1-2), Saints for holiness (1 Cor. 1:2), Christians for identification (Acts 11:26), Brethren for fellowship (Heb. 2:11), Servants for employment (Matt. 25:14), Sheep for character (John 10:3), Friends for companionship (John 15:15). These are titles God likes because He put them in the Bible, the written Word of God. What is best for me is that He knows my name. Really He knows the name of all His children, millions of people scattered all over the world. Aren’t you glad one day He will call your name and tell you Jesus, His Son, came to earth to bring salvation and eternal life to you? It is hard to see the gift of death to sin in the pictures of Jesus in the manger. He lived 33 years as man on earth, then He was crucified and put to death to pay the price for our redemption. By His blood we are bought out of our sin and made righteous in Jesus. We are promised a home in Heaven. Wouldn't it be right for us to live a life to please God? Trust and Obey! Brother Gilbert and Jeane wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!! by Bob Hull by Ryan Keaton The “Journey to Bethlehem” marketplace display and the presentation of “Glory in the Highest” were well attended and some invited Christ to be their Lord and Savior. Everyone’s part was well done and filled with passion for the Lord. The marketplace was very realistic this year. I was amazed by it all. Of course, the children always melt my heart with their sweet and very enthusiastic singing! Could we all just “rare back” and praise God at the top of our lungs like that? Nothing could keep them from expressing their joyful praise. What a standard they set! Thank you for all of the diligent labor by so many of you to make these programs possible. I know it was all done as a labor of love for the Lord and for others to benefit through spiritual growth. We can bring glory to God the Father and to His Son, Jesus Christ, by the full obedience of our hearts to His word. There is no better Christmas gift of love you can give to the Lord than that. The Christmas caroling and fellowship will begin at 3:30 p.m. this Sunday. This is a wonderful ministry to many people. Let’s join in and share God’s love as we make these personal visits. It will be a great blessing to everyone we see and to us as well! Well, the Christmas season is upon us and that means that, not only personal schedules, but also the church schedule experiences some changes. There will be no Discipleship Training for the youth until the first of the year. We will start back on January 4th. This Wednesday night will be the last River’s Edge of the year. We will start that back on January 7th. Our next event is the Strength to Stand Youth Conference. This Conference is January 17-19 in Pigeon Forge, TN. We will have an info meeting on January 4th right after the morning service for this event, and that is when the remaining $80 is due. “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” –Galatians 4:4-5 During this season as we look at Jesus’ birth, it is interesting to see how the timing of when He would come into the world was God’s timing and not man’s. His birthplace was not ideal in our eyes, but it was exactly what God always had in mind. “The fullness of time came” is such a beautiful picture of God showing how He is in control of all things. Let’s take this season and celebrate this truth that we serve a God Who is in control! Thank you for your continued prayers and support of our student ministry! December December Schedule: Schedule: Dec. Dec. 22: 22: Caroling, Caroling, 3:30 3:30 p.m. p.m. (meet (meet at at the the church) church) Dec. Dec. 22: 22: Dessert Dessert Fellowship, Fellowship, 5:00 5:00 p.m. p.m. (bring your favorite dessert) (bring your favorite dessert) Dec. Dec. 24: 24: Office Office Closed Closed Dec. Dec. 25: 25: Candlelight Candlelight Service, Service, 5:00 5:00 p.m. p.m. Dec. Dec. 31: 31: End End of of year year contributions contributions must must be be received received by by the the office office in in order order to to receive receive credit credit for for 2014. 2013. 2014 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Church Goal: $20,000.00 Received to Date: $11,407.87 Last Sunday’s Report Sunday School Attendance Discipleship Training Attendance Regular Budget Weekly Budget Requirement Building Fund Designated Offering 552 N/A $25,369.43 $25,480.39 $285.00 $4,825.06
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