SARANAC COMMUNITY SCHOOLS “small school BIG results!” Maury Geiger, Ext. 1413 Superintendent Beth Simpson, Ext 1103 Co-Jr/Sr High School Principal Special Education Director Teri Bergy, Ext.1401 Administrative Assistant Josh Leader, Ext 1104 Co-Jr/Sr High School Principal Athletic Director Jammie Sprank, Ext. 1402 Finance Director Connie Hamilton, Ext. 1203 Co-Elementary Principal, Curriculum Director Chris Updyke, Ext. 1404 Accounts Payable Assistant Laurie McDiarmit, Ext. 1406 Insurance Benefits Assistant Jason Smith, Ext. 1204 Co-Elementary Principal Transportation Director Shelley Devers, 527-4900 Ext. 1216 Payroll Clerk John Milewski, (616) 522-1401 Technology Director Gary Golombisky, ext. 1442 Building & Grounds Director Dave Erbes, Ext. 1450 Technical Support Specialist Greg Smith, Ext. 1441 Custodial Director Mike Beach, Ext. 1452 Auditorium & Technical Support Specialist Carmen Smith, Ext 1110 Food Service Director 88 Pleasant Street Saranac, MI 48881 Telephone (616) 642-1400 Fax (616) 642-1405 Curriculum, Instruction, Promoting & Serving our School & Community… “Did You Know?” December 23, 2014 Junior Senior High School Tracy Dahms and Susann Young are pleased to announce that they both earned a $5000 DuPont Pioneer CASE Grant. The grant will be used to attend the Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources - CASE Institute on July 5 to 15, 2015 and to purchase the scientific equipment needed to complete the curriculum. As we make our way through winter and winter sports seasons, we are bound to run into scheduling changes due to inclement weather. In the event of a school cancellation, all junior high and elementary sports practices and games are automatically cancelled. Decisions will be made regarding high school sports practices and games by 1:00 PM. As soon as decisions are made, this information will be released to coaches, officials and staff. It will be passed along to parents as soon as possible thereafter. Your patience and flexibility are appreciated. Thank you for your support! 1 The robotics team continues to meet weekly on Wednesdays at Harker Middle School to prepare for the 2015 competition. Students who may be interested in joining should see Mr. McGee. This really is an impressive undertaking! Mock Rock was held Friday. Thank you very much to Mike Beach and Diana Smith for their roles in producing the event. Thank you to Mr. Leader, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Helminski for judging the contestants. Kudos to all of the performers. We have a lot of talented musicians in our building, and it is great to provide a chance for them to showcase their talents. Mr. Terpstra arranged on Wednesday for recent graduates, Gabe Fountain, Briley Harder, Conner Gregg, and TJ Mitchell, to participate in a panel discussion for the senior class on transitioning from high school to college life. The college students represented a number of schools, public and private, community college and universities. Some addressed campus life, and others presented perspective on commuting. Their comments were well received by the current senior class. Mr. Houston's Drama class will be performing their second play of the semester on Friday, January 9th. Specific details regarding times will be forthcoming. At this point, there will be a morning performance for the junior high students and an afternoon performance for high school students. If you are interested in contributing to this year's "Purple Games" to promote cancer awareness and research, please contact Mandy Mutschler in the Jr/Sr high office at 6421100. This year both varsity boys and girls basketball teams will host games on February 13th vs. St. Pat's. For Saranac Jr/Sr High and Saranac Athletics news, follow @saranacleADer on Twitter! Christmas break started Friday for Saranac students and staff. School will resume on Monday, January 5th. The Jr/Sr high office will be closed during this break. Have a wonderful holiday! Elementary School Update: The fourth graders had a fabulous performance last Monday, December 8. Mrs. Peterson organized a successful show where students not only entertained their audience with their song, but also shared poems they had written themselves. Thanks to Mrs. Houston, Mrs. Brunette, Ms. Gallagher and Mrs. Mutschler for their assistance in making the day go smoothly and helping students practice their performance. We appreciate the generosity of both Pinckney Hill Meats & Michigan One for their cash donations toward our holiday happenings this year. Their contributions will be distributed to many Saranac families this season. We had five students participate with the “Shop with a Hero” event. Special thanks to our local law enforcement agencies and Meijer for coordinating the event. Kindergarten, Kindergarten learning is shaping up. Students are learning to describe two-dimensional shapes by talking about their sides, corners/vertices, and other important features. They have been looking for shapes in their environment and describing their location using positional words such as above, beside, next to, and below. Excitement is building over their Polar Express party next Friday. Students are very excited to wear their pajamas to school! 2 1st Grade, First graders have learned about attributes of 2D and 3D shapes. We have also explored fractions: one half and one fourth. Creating shape Santas and reindeer has been especially fun this season. It has been interesting to investigate old photos to learn about our past in social studies. nd 2 Grade, Did you know that the 2nd graders will have their Christmas party on Thursday, Dec. 18th from 8 - 9:30 a.m.? No need to get up and get dressed because we will have a p.j. day! That's right; your 2nd grader can wear his/her favorite jammies to school! This month may be short but we are still busy learning. In writing, we are learning about EXPOSITORY WRITING and in Math we are learning about Geometric Shapes, Fractions and Time. Oh, what a wonderful way to spend our month! We hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! 3rd Grade, The 3rd graders will be traveling to Lansing on Monday and Tuesday to visit our state capitol and the Michigan History Museum. Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Rastrell's classes will be going on Monday. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Cooper's classes will be going on Tuesday. Chaperones please arrive at school no later than 8:00 so that the busses can leave on time. If you are meeting us there, make sure to find out if your child's class is visiting the museum or the capitol first so you will be in the correct place. Don't forget to bring a sack lunch as we will be eating at the museum. 4th Grade, Directed by Mrs. Peterson, the 4th graders performed their “Winter is Here” musical for the elementary students in the afternoon on Monday and then gave another marvelous show for their families and friends that night. Several 4th graders wrote winter themed poems that were performed between songs. All of the songs sounded wonderful, but the students’ favorite was “Snow Day”. Thank you to Mrs. Peterson and 4th graders for all your hard work! 5th Grade, Divide-Divide-Divide. Fifth graders are working very hard on the division process. In writing, fifth graders are writing persuasive essays on a variety of topics. Jamestown and the early colonial settlements is our social studies topic. Yankee Candles should be delivered early next week. Have a happy holiday. 6th Grade, After looking at many pieces of art that Mr. McGee collected on Pinterest for them, 6th graders chose a piece that inspired them. Now they are putting their newly acquired note taking skills to work as they research the artist they chose. With their information, they will compose essays, highlighting the life and career of the artist. They will also describe the artwork and give their own personal thoughts about it. Once the essays are completed, 6th graders will recreate the piece of art or create a piece of their own inspired by the artist. Technology, Did you know that all technology students are learning to code? All classes and students participated in the Hour of Code. Every student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. It helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path. Would you like to get notifications directly to your phone about SNOW DAYS and other important Elementary School information? If so, sign up to receive instant text messages: Send text message: @saranacel To phone number: (772) 228-6034 Your phone number will remain private. Nobody from the school will see or have access to your phone number. 3 Technology Update We are looking forward to 2015 as we will be implementing some new technology .A second batch of Dell Chromebooks has been ordered for the Jr/Sr High (36 additional) and Elementary (30 additional) Schools. Carts are on order, and the deployment of the additional Chromebooks should be following shortly after the arrival of the carts. Our technology department continues to investigate and evaluate our intermittent network problems and recently came across an article a network engineer wrote about troubleshooting network issues. In this article, he cited an example of a network engineer who was trying to track down a recurring problem where, at a certain time every night, the complete network would go down and nobody could explain why. He employed several widely accepted methods of tracking down the issue using technology at hand. Finally, he decided to visually check all of the cables and wires to see if there was any revelation of the cause of the problem. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work to resolve this problem. District Update: Many thanks to our Saranac Promise Committee that continues to meet to bring this opportunity to all students in our district. The committee has expanded this year and is working on developing timelines and work groups in specialty areas. The members of the committee are David Price, Sharon Darby, Nora Ruders, Bruce Chadwick, Cathy Cooper, Cindy Koerner and Maury Geiger. Please be sure to contact our office at 642-1400 if you have an interest in assisting in this process and/or have any questions, comments or suggestions. Thank you! Thank you to our Simons and Compagner Grant Committees for granting over $10,000.00 in funds for several projects, programs and activities throughout our district. The members of the Simons Committee are Larry Tiejema, Doris Austin, Connie Biggs, Jean Burton, and Ojar Smits. The members of the Compagner Committee are Randy Masterson, Margaret Chadwick, Lynda Neumann, Marilyn Hotchkiss, and Shirley Jackson. We are very fortunate to have these additional resources available to supplement our programs and activities. Congratulations to the following staff for grants that were approved by the Simons and Compagner Grant Committees: (The Jenkins committee will be meeting in January.) Connie Hamilton – Begindergarten Becky Hoople – Winter field trips for our early childhood special education program Kelli Thomas – Third grade water safety Amy McGee – Wireless keyboard & mouse for classroom Amy Miles – Tie Dye Chemistry for 7th grade Science classes Hope Helminski – Art class on Teen Screen Printing Patti Patton – Junior Senior High School woods projects Spencer Terpstra – College visits Matt Stauffer – Band uniforms 4 Keith Houston – Elmo classroom projector Sarah Milbratz – Elmo classroom projector Mandy Mutschler – Purple Game for Cancer research With the resignation of an employee in our payroll department approximately a month ago, we have expanded our partnership with Ionia County ISD to include Payroll. Shelley Devers was recently hired part-time by the ICISD and is now processing our payroll. Any payroll questions should be directed to Shelley at 527-4900 ext. 1216 or at [email protected]. We also have the help and assistance of Kristy Thomas, Payroll/Benefits Coordinator at ICISD who can be contacted at 527-4900 ext. 1215 or at [email protected]. Kristy will be able to answer any questions not resolved with Shelley, and is another resource for us to utilize to make sure we provide exceptional service in this area. Any insurance benefits questions should be directed to Laurie McDiarmid. As you may recall, Laurie has been assisting us in the business office since February of 2014. Laurie and Jammie Sprank are now sharing their time between Saranac Community Schools and ICISD. As part of this arrangement, Laurie McDiarmid will now be handling the Insurance Benefits Administration for Saranac Community Schools. Any questions or changes in your insurance should be directed to Laurie McDiarmid at Central Office (616) 642-1400, ICISD at 527-4900 ext. 1226 or [email protected]. Jammie will continue to serve our school district as the Finance Director, and can be reached in our central office at (616) 642-1400, Ext. 1402, at ICISD at 527-4900 Ext. 1275, or at [email protected]. We welcome the new additions to our Saranac family, and thank them for making a smooth transition in our payroll and benefits departments. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you! The PFCU Student-Run School Branch is up and running! Students at all the schools in Saranac who are members of PFCU can now do their banking transactions at school every Thursday. Why do we do this? To encourage good savings habits and teach them about their own money management. These are learned skills and PFCU is happy to have such a great partnership with the schools that allows our Youth Education Coordinator, Michelle Phillips, to come to the schools once a week and help kids make deposits. Students can earn prizes just for saving and can enter fun contests too. Check out the School Branch program or contact Michelle at 527-6600 Ext. 1131 or [email protected]. The YMCA has an opening for the site supervisor after school childcare program held at Saranac elementary school. The position is for afternoons from 2:30-6:00 PM. Free Y membership comes with the position. Please contact Kendra North-Proctor @ 616.897.5285 for more information. Thank you! Board Update: A special thank you to Judy Tutak-Hill and Dan Lauer who retired from the Saranac Board of Education. We appreciate your dedication and hard work to provide us with your great knowledge and wisdom for the students and staff of Saranac Community Schools. The Board approved bills paid from General Fund in the amount of 552,683.20 for November & December. 5 The Board set January 8, 2015 at 7 p.m. as the Organizational Meeting Date for Board of Education. The Saranac Board of Education approved Superintendent, Maury Geiger’s evaluation as “Effective” for the 2014-2015 school year. Dec 22 – Jan 2 – Holiday Break Jan 5 – School Resumes Jan 6 – Pizza Hut Fundraiser – Ionia Jan 6 – JV/V Boys Basketball @ Dansville – 5:30 pm Jan 7 – JV/V Girls Basketball – Home – Dansville – 6 pm Jan 8 – School Board Meeting – 7 pm Jan 8 – JV Boys & Girls Basketball @ St. Pats – 5:30 pm Jan 9 – Varsity Boys & Girls Basketball @ St. Pat’s – 5:30 pm Jan 12 – BaSE Parent Meeting – 6-7 pm @ Elementary School Jan 19 – No School – Staff Workday December Staff Birthdays Connie Hamilton 12/7 Amy McGee 12/7 Maureen Jorgensen 12/14 Rob Koerner 12/15 Kate Hardy 12/23 6 January Staff Birthdays Abbigail Hale 1/6 Spencer Terpstra 1/8 Teri Brunette 1/12 Diana Smith 1/12 John Mileski 1/13 Nancy Mutschler 1/14 Lori Visser 1/15 Joel Manion 1/18 Ann Newell 1/20 E. Beth Kelly 1/24 Craig Rolfe 1/24 Cathy Cooper 1/25 Terrie Abel 1/28 Barb VanPolen 1/28 John Stewart 1/29 Kelli Thomas 1/29 Liz Callihan 1/31 Mike McGee 1/31 Be sure to go to the website for more important dates and athletic schedules. Please e-mail Teri by Thursday of each week if you would like to share a “Did You Know.” 7
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