100 Ken Whillans Drive Page 4 GREENWAY RETIREMENT VILLAGE March 2014 St. Patrick’s Day Fun February Highlights Join us Monday March 17th at 10:30 in the Inside this issue: Welcome to the Greenway Team Mardi Gras 1 Wellness 2 Special Notice 2 Knitting Club 2 Birthday 2 Celebrations Food Committee Members 2014 Here are your Food Committee Members for 2014 1st Seating Irene Whiticar Albert Sabourin Loveday Newby 2nd Seating Marion Bryan Sara Reilly Doreen Caie Carol Clarke Ruth Tawton Contact Info 3 Outings 3 February Highlights 4 Food Committee 4 Entertainment lounge for a “Clovers gone Wild” scavenger hunt. At 2:30pm in the Entertainment Lounge, join us for Greenway Pub as Darren Evorglens entertains us with music from Ireland! We will have green snacks to munch on. Wear your best green outfit and join in the day of fun! ALL ARE WELCOME Irish Blessing May the Good Lord take a liking to you... but not too soon! Mardi Gras Entertainment On Tuesday March 4th, come celebrate Mardi Gras with an all you can eat pancake lunch. Sign up with Marketing if you are bringing a friend. Marketing will pick up the tab. It is followed by entertainment in the afternoon. DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD AN HOUR BEFORE BED ON SATURDAY MARCH 8TH. 100 Ken Whillans Drive, Brampton, Ont Page 2 Wellness Chiropodist will be here March 4th, 6th and 11th and 13th Mobile Hearing express clinic-March 4th-sign up at ext 702 Dr. Teper is in on Thursdays. Please sign up by Tuesday with the nurse at ext 702. Special Notice Monday March 3rd 2pm-Fire Prevention and Safety presentation in the Fitness Centre Thursday March 6th 10:30am-New Resident Orientation in the Entertainment Lounge Tuesday March 11th 2pm-Fraud Seminar hosted by RBC in the Fitness Centre Thursday March 13th 2:30pm-Heart and Stroke presentation on Nutrition and Health in the Theatre Room. Page 3 Important Contact Information Reception Ext. 700 Malini Motwani, GM Ext. 701 Lorrie Brown, RSM/Nurse Ext. 802 John Zuliani, FSM Ext. 703 Lisa Van Hee, Dining Room Supervisor Ext. 703 Ronald Ramos, Maintenance Ext. 700 Nellie Jagdeo, Recreation Manager Ext. 705 Lisa Pavao, Office Manager Ext. 706 Andrea Duhamel, Marketing Manager Ext. 707 Mary Beth Cronin, Marketing Manager Ext. 708 4th Floor Nursing Ext. 712 5th Floor Nursing Ext. 714 Please dial 9 first when calling an outside line Greenway Mad Hatters Knitting Club Knitters Needed Join us the first Tuesday of every month at 2:30 in the Games room to knit baby hats and blankets for the Brampton Civic Hospital. We will provide the pattern and wool. You just need to give us your knitting skills and some of your time for a worthy cause. Contact Nellie at ext 705 for more information. Thank-you Birthday Celebrations Join us as we celebrate all the Birthdays in March on Friday March 28th at 2:30 in the Entertainment Lounge. The entertainer will be David Wildsmith. ALL ARE WELCOME OUTINGS-Sign up starts March 3rd. Sign up at ext 705 Outing to Shoppers World March 6th 2pm-4pm Outing to Wal-mart March 10th 2pm-4pm Outing to Mohawk Casino March 18th 10am-4pm Outing to Chinguacousy Library March 25th 1:30pm-4pm Outing to Shoppers Drug Mart March 27th 9:30am-11:30am Luncheon to Spring Rolls March 31st 11:30am-2pm Indoor Walking Club at Brampton Soccer Center every Wednesday -weather permittingJust a reminder to please let us know 48 hours in advance for cancellations to allow others an opportunity to attend a bus trip. Thank-you Activity Booklet St. Patrick’s Day St. Patrick's Day is here, you see. We'll pick some shamrocks, one, two, three. We'll count the leaves and look them over, And maybe find a four-leafed clover. I'll sew green buttons on my vest, Green for St. Patrick is the best. I'll wear a green hat, very high, And dance a jig--at least I'll try! Author - Unknown Inside this issue: Don’t Forget To Spring Forward Your Clocks for Sunday, March 9th St. Patrick’s Day 1 The Shamrock of Ireland 2 Monthly Brain Teasers 3 St. Patrick’s Day Word Search 4 Monthly Brain Teasers The Shamrock of Ireland 4. 3. Why was the Irish river so rich? 5. What do you call an Irishman who keeps bouncing off walls? 6. Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover? Answers Because you don’t want to press your luck Rick O’Shea 5. Because it has two banks 4.. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 3. Cubed Steak 2. Too Big To Ignore 1. Andrew Cherry, Irish Playwright (1762-1812) 2. 6. There's a dear little plant that grows in our isle, 'Twas St. Patrick himself sure that set it; And the sun on his labour with pleasure did smile, And with dew from his eye often wet it. It thrives through the bog, through the brake, through the mireland; And he called it the dear little shamrock of IrelandThe sweet little shamrock, the dear little shamrock, The sweet little, green little, shamrock of Ireland! 1
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