Focus Newsletter - Hope Unitarian Church

on the future
From the Minister
I am not sure who to thank here. I could start with Pope Gregory
XIII who helped standardize our current twelve-months-a-year
calendar back in 1582. His intent was to correct Julius Caesar's
calendar based on an eleven minute miscalculation of the solstice
year. Or, I could acknowledge British colonialism's role in adopting
the Gregorian calendar across its global empire in 1752 to synchronize dates around the world.
The history of January 1 marking the beginning of the New Year is
a story of the human urge to create patterns, to mark life's recurring events, to honor
memories, and to peg future plans. Each of us and the church collectively are given the
opportunity to consider 2014 from a slight distance. This perspective launches our aspirations for 2015.
When I look back at the year through my
stacks and files of church papers---meeting agendas
and minutes, orders of service, sermons, emails,
cards, celebrations, memorials---I see an active, seeking, thoughtful, curious, generous, and growing
Hope uses the power of its faithful community
to impact Tulsa. In 2014, dedicated church members
prepared and served at least 1,500 meals for the Day
Center for the Homeless. We will have collected more
than $14,000 then turned right around to give those
funds away to twelve carefully chosen, local charities.
We voted with our dollars and time to be a founding member of the Tulsa Sponsoring
Committee, a growing local chapter of the Industrial Areas Foundation, an international
network of community organizing.
Much of what we do as a church cannot be so easily quantified. Our commitment to social justice arises from our choice to walk together seeking truth in love and
helping one another. In countless ways, church members and staff live out these same
values by compassionately listening to each other, stepping up to volunteer, and
granting respect when someone needs to step back. Our covenant served as the anchor
to the joy and hard work of 2014. Love is the spirit of the church and service is its law
already propels plans and ideas for 2015. It will be an exciting new year together. I look
forward to it.
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
[email protected]
Volume 21
No. 1
In this issue:
Sermons p. 2
Education p. 3
Music p. 4
p. 5 & 7
Adult Religious
Education p. 6
p. 9& 10
From the Board
p. 8
Sunday Mornings
January 2015
Sunday Religious Education for
Children and Youth
10 am - RE Wing
Sunday Adult Religious
10 am - Sanctuary
Sunday Worship
11am - Sanctuary
Sunday, January 4
“On Whose Authority?”
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
Sunday, January 11
“Stone Soup”
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
Sunday, January 18
“Turn and Be Healed:
Altzheimer’s Disease—A Call
to Love”
The Rev. Dr. Jade Angelica
Sunday, January 25
“Between a Rock and
a Hard Place”
The Rev. Cathey Edwards
January’s Theme: Authority
I call that church free which enters
into the covenant with the ultimate
source of existence. It binds together
families and generations, protecting
against the idolatry of any human
claim to absolute truth or authority.
- James Luther Adams
Our Unitarian Universalist tradition is an on-going saga of rejecting imposed and centralized forms of authority. From our religious
ancestors’ dismissal of the Pope’s authority during the Reformation to
our rejection of the Bible as faultless to our reliance on democracy, no
single perspective rules in our church. Questioning all forms of authority
is in our UU DNA. Yet, we make decisions every day with a personal, ethical compass.
This month we will explore sources of Unitarian and Universalist
authority. We will discuss our frameworks for moral decisions. How do
we choose one course of action over another? How do we work within
our tradition? It welcomes so many sources of moral authority: individual conscience and experience, wisdom from the world's religions, the
teachings of science, along with Western Jewish and Christian philosophical and religious traditions. How do we bring the wisdom of so many
disparate sources of authority to bear on moral and ethical choices in
our day-to-day lives? How do we discern a moral path?
We will explore the topic of Authority in Sunday worship on January 4th as well as adult and children’s religious education classes. Join
us for an in-depth, small group conversation about Authority at Digging
Deeper on Thursday, January 15th at 7:00 pm.
About Our Monthly Themes
Our monthly themes express Hope Church’s openness to
theological exploration. They are not an endorsement of any
particular creed or belief. Instead, they provide a monthly
opportunity to examine in common a religious doctrine or
Hope Church is a questioning community. It is a safe place
to bring doubt and new ideas. This month we are exploring
mystery together. Join us!
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Religious Education for Children & Youth
Sundays 10:00 am—noon
January’s theme
The theme for January is authority. At Hope Church, we
instill in our children and youth that they are responsible
for finding their own religious identity. Religious/moral
authority resides within their own hearts.
Youth Fellowship News
Youth Fellowship will take a winter break during the
months of January and February.
January Dates
Jan 11 Stone Soup Sunday Lunch
Jan 11 Parent Support Group 9:00 am Log Cabin
Visitor’s Corner
Jackie Portman
Director of Children’s Religious Education
[email protected]
We welcome visitors every Sunday. The children’s program is located on the lower level of
the building.
Child care for infants and toddlers is provided
each week from 9:45 am – noon.
At 10:00 am, youth and elementary age children
participate in crafts, games, or outdoor play. Religious education programs begin at 11:00 am.
Children participate in chapel and age appropriate
curricula which help them understand the theme
of the month.
Snack is served each week; if your child has special dietary needs, please let me know. Weather
permitting, children will enjoy fellowship on our
playground; please make sure your child brings a
jacket to church.
If you would like more information about our program, contact me at [email protected]
Jackie Portman
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Music Notes
As we progress through the holiday season and into the new year, the colorful lights,
warm holiday dinners, and cheerful gatherings gradually diminish and give way to winter
landscapes unadorned by ornaments and season’s greetings. These are replaced by new
resolutions, not the least of which is the resolution to make it through the winter season
until spring arrives. As always, music can accompany life’s transitions and make them
more comforting, graceful, and meaningful. It can give strength to our resolutions, lift us
up in our low moments, and sharpen our sense of community.
These are among the goals of the Hope music program as the choir resumes in the new year, and as we continue to
enjoy our vocal and instrumental soloists and welcome into our community those with the gift of music. Among
the highlights of the month will be the annual Hope Memorial Piano Concert on January 25, a tradition begun by
Nancy Sahler as a memorial to David Sahler. This year the program will feature a piano trio, the Trio Aleszky, an
ensemble made up of Paulo Eskitch on violin, Lou Lynch on cello, and Allyson Eskitch on piano. It will be an exciting event as we welcome these musicians and a devoted audience to the Hill, thanks to Nancy Sahler’s vision
and support.
This coming year we will explore many themes, and strive for musical variety in the Unitarian tradition, and all for
the purpose of adding meaning and purpose to our worship. For us music is more than a performance or simply a
passive experience. For a community such as ours, we wish to be involved in the music, joining in the singing and
engaging in the lyrics in a way that is significant for us. As we enter this new year, our ongoing resolution is for
Hope’s music program to continue to uplift, comfort, and give meaning to our individual and shared journeys.
Joseph Rivers
Director of Music
[email protected]
Thank you
A big Thank You to all who came to the Hanging of the
Greens and pizza lunch. Fun was had by all and the
church looks beautiful for the holidays.
Membership News
The Aesthetics Committee
New members
We heartily welcome our newest members
Mike and Myra Monroe.
Leadership Council
To: Committee Chairs and Group/Event Leaders
Joining Sunday
The next Leadership Council meeting is :
February 25, 2015
During 11:00 am Service
Tuesday, January 6 at 7 pm.
New Member Reception
All committee chairs, task force leaders, event leaders
are encouraged to attend. We will be setting the calendar for the year ahead.
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February 25, 2015, 12:30 pm
Following Joining Sunday. In the Log Cabin
Hope Outreach
Generosity Offering
Feed the Homeless Program
Each month, we give away ALL of the undesignated
funds from our Sunday Offering. The Outreach Committee chooses organizations that support the mission of
Hope Unitarian Church.
Volunteers from Hope prepare and serve a meal for the
folks at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless every
third Saturday of the month.
Thanks to everyone who helped in December
January Recipient
Oklahoma Religious Coalition for
Reproductive Choice.
Our Generosity recipient for January is the Oklahoma
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
The OKRCRC is part of a national coalition of mainstream religious organizations and people of faith
who are pro-choice and pro-justice. Their programs
include counseling, the Roe Fund which provides
financial aid for abortion for women with special
needs, public education and networking. Our plate
collection will be directed to the Roe Fund.
Sue Ames will be our speaker from OKRCRC at our
Adult Forum at 10:00 am on January 4th. She plans
to discuss the Roe Fund.
Christmas Outreach Tree
Thanks to everyone who bought gifts or donated money for our adopted teens and young
adults from Youth Services. The wishlists were
fulfilled! The generosity of the members of
Hope is overwhelming!
Shopping: Keith Hamilton
Pre-cooking: Mary Newman
Saturday cooking/preparing and bagging cookies:
Mary Newman, Eddie Humphrey, Anita Ward, Claudia
Vandiver, Kerri, Medina & Ruby Vandiver, Rich Jackson, Ross Guthrie, Sarah Brown, Maggie Scott, Claudia
Serving at the Day Center:
Anita Ward, Jean Coffey, Joan Scheulen, Joseph Rivers,
Elaine Dodson, Sarah Brown, Ross Guthrie
Thank you to all the Hope Bakers
who donated cookies !
Next Feed the Homeless date is:
Saturday, January 17
2:30 pm at Hope to help cook and prepare food.
5:00 pm at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless
to help serve the meal.
You can sign up for the months ahead. Sign up sheet is
in the folder on Administrator’s desk.
Cereal Sunday
Sunday, January 11
A special thanks to Joan Scheulen and Jean Coffey for
the amazing time and effort they put into shopping for
the teens trying to find exactly what had been requested. This Outreach project could not happen without
their energy and effort
Please bring cereal for the
Joe Newman was invaluable in loading up and securing
the bicycles and the gifts with assistance from Sherrill
Womeldorff and Jim Sleezer and delivering them to
Youth Services. Thanks also to Jean and Joan for assisting
with delivering the gifts.
This cereal, along with several gallons of milk, is taken
to the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless every month
when we prepare the meal.
There’s a large basket in the Fellowship Hall where you
can place your boxes/bags.
Mary Newman, Outreach Committee
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Adult Religious Education
Adult Forum
Sundays at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary
January 4: Generosity Sunday. Our speaker will be
Sue Ames from Oklahoma Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. She plans to discuss the Roe Fund.
January 11 and 18: Long Strange Trip. Part 3 talks
about the development of Unitarianism in America
from 1620 through the death of Theodore Parker in
1860. It details the three separate Unitarian faiths- the
Socinianism of Joseph Priestly, the Arianism of William
Ellery Channing, and the Transcendentalism of Ralph
Waldo Emerson and Theodore Parker.
January 25: Ask the Minister. Leave your questions for
Rev. Cathey in the provided box during the first three
weeks of January. If you have questions, but are afraid
of asking in person, now is the time to get answers.
January 15
At 7 pm
A discussion class that provides the opportunity to
delve more deeply into our monthly themes.
Rev. Cathey serves as the facilitator for this monthly
class. With an agenda that includes readings, questions and time for sharing, this smaller group allows
for dialogue and reflection.
Roots Classes
Thursday Evenings
January 22, January 29 and February 12
6:30-8:00 In Minister’s Study
Want to know more about Hope Church? Have questions about Unitarian Universalism and our free religious tradition? Curious about your own religious longings and journey? Considering becoming a member?
The church offers Roots Classes four times a year.
These informal, small group sessions lead by our minister the Rev. Cathey Edwards allow newcomers an opportunity to learn the basic foundation and history of
our Unitarian Universalist tradition and Hope Church.
In discussion group format, they are a chance to get to
know others in the church. They are the step in becoming a member of the church.
These classes run three consecutive Thursday evenings.
To reserve your spot, please contact the church administrator, Maggie Scott , [email protected]
We provide free childcare with a reservation to Jackie
Portman, [email protected] by Friday, January 16.
Free childcare with reservation to Jackie Portman,
[email protected]
15, 7 pm
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Tulsa Sponsoring Committee News
Since the approval of our affiliation with the Tulsa Sponsoring Committee at last year’s Annual Meeting, Hope Church
has developed an enthusiastic core group of participants. We have attended general meetings and training sessions
sponsored by the city-wide committee and have begun our own studies of institutional organizing.
Last month, our Hope group enjoyed a lively discussion of the article “Toward a Democratic Culture” by Ernesto Cortes,
Jr. One of the concepts introduced in that article was that of “planners vs. searchers”, two very different approaches
to solving a problem. We are following up with more in-depth study of this topic in our next meeting at Hope on Tuesday, December 30, at 7:00.
The December general meeting of the Tulsa Sponsoring Committee was held at All Souls Unitarian Church. Hope had
five representatives in attendance. As the organization builds, both the general meetings and those at Hope for our
own core group provide a stimulating and educational experience for participants, teaching us more about the potential power of this organization.
The next general meeting will be a mini-training session.
What does it mean to build public relationships? How are public and private relationships different? How does building
public relationships allow us to make sustainable change in our community?
When: January 20, 7:00 p.m.
Where: First Lutheran Church, 1244 S Utica Ave. Tulsa
Future general meetings are scheduled for February 12 and March 10 with locations to be announced.
Claudia Vandiver
Chair of Hope’s TSC Group
New Year’s Resolutions I Hope to Keep
Notes from the Office
I make resolutions each year (even if I don’t write them
down) because we all need to reach for higher goals,
right? But most of them are quickly forgotten as the year
goes on. However, I hope I can keep these two:
Church office Christmas/New Year closing
First, When shopping on I promise to go to
our website, , and use the link to, so Hope will get a rebate on my purchases. I
really have neglected this opportunity to bring in a little
extra for our church.
Church office closed :
Weds, December 24 through Sunday, December 28
Thursday, Jan 1 & Friday Jan 2
The office will also be closed on Monday, January 19,
for Martin Luther King Day
Second, I promise to bring my recyclable items up the
hill and feed Mr. Murph more often. I have really been
lazy in this respect.
How about you? Want to join me?
Helen Bordelon
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Board Highlights 12/16/2014
Hope Foundation Holds Annual Meeting
Vice President of Finance, Ken Jones, reported that a
letter from the president was to go out to the congregation to remind them about year end donations. The
finance committee is working on options for memorial
The Hope Unitarian Church Foundation held its Annual
Meeting on November 25, 2014. It was a very good year.
The Foundation functions as the Endowment Fund for
Hope Unitarian Church. Its Purposes are to support the
long Range goals of the church, to solicit and receive Special Gifts and Bequests, and to distribute them prudently.
Although the Purposes remain the same, the Policies
have changed through the years as the Funds grew and
church needs dictated (in 2014, $6915 was contributed
to the HVAC replacement fund).
Alice Van Wormer, Vice-President of Programs, reported
that breakfasts on first Sunday had been going well. She
is looking for a chair for the chili supper.
Jackie Portman reported that Youth group is on hiatus
until February. 18 children were in attendance on Sunday. She will be working on more intergenerational religious education.
Rev. Cathey Edwards reported some issues with tiles in
the Fellowship Hall. The facilities committee is aware
and are looking for solutions.
Rev. Cathey remarked that the Sing Noel Service was
spectacular and complimented the Outreach Committee
on their work with Feed the Homeless and the Outreach
Tree Program.
Cathey will be working with Jade Angelica, a UU community minister who is doing research with Laureate concerning Alzheimer's. She will be preaching at Hope in
Cathey Edwards and Carmen Kinsey are working together to make contact with those Hope members who are
It was agreed to organize a new members reception in
mid February
The Hope Foundation will send a member to clarify their
new policies at the January meeting. There was a general discussion about what the changes in the Foundation could do for Hope Church.
Janet Nobles, Board President Elect
A message from the president
“Love is the spirit of this church” is the first line of our
covenant. I feel this spirit whenever I enter Hope’s dodors or walk on its beautiful grounds. In this season of
hustle and bustle, I hope you find moments of calm and
peace. With the New Year fast approaching, I wish you
Joy. ~ Paula Haight
Page 8
After a report from an Advisory Committee, chaired by
Ken Jones, and a series of extra meetings, the Foundation Board is excited to announce a change in direction.
It is hoped that these changes in Fund emphasis and the
policy changes will make the Fund more flexible and increase Foundation visibility at Hope Church. The funds in
UUCEF (UU Common Endowment Fund - Boston) will be
combined with $50,000 from the Schwab account and
deposited into the Tulsa Community Foundation, TCF.
Policy changes involve less emphasis on ‘corpus’ growth
and an expanded range of Distribution choices – Denominational involvement, professional education and training, marketing and membership growth, etc.. All ‘grants’
will still need to be requested in writing from the Foundation Members (Foundation Members are the Hope
Board of Trustees). Another change will be to “use it or
lose it”. The amount of income available is determined
at the end of the fiscal year. All income not spent or encumbered during the calendar year will remain in the
The Hope Unitarian Church Development Foundation,
Inc. was incorporated in 1973 as a 501 (c) 3 corporation
to manage the funds being assembled to build Hope Unitarian Church. Once the church was built, the Foundation became inactive. In 1988, the Foundation received a
significant gift and the Purposes were redefined. The
status of the corporation was reaffirmed by the IRS. If
you have any questions, contact any member of the
Foundation Board of Directors.
Jan Mattinson, President; David Tracy, Vice Pres.; Don
Miller, Treasurer; Marcia Schaefer, Secretary; Jacci Hamilton, Director; Rebecca Jones, Director
Lunch Bunch
Wednesday, January 21, at 11:30 am
Breakfast on the Hill
Sunday, January 4 , 9:00—9:45 am
$5 for adults, free for
First Sunday Breakfast prepared by Carrie Muzika,
Jane Brumley, and Lavon
Boeck will be served from
9:00-9:45. It will include sausage and veggie egg casseroles, mini muffins, fruit platter, and oatmeal.
We would appreciate everyone’s help putting tables
and chairs away so the noisy clean-up will be done by
10:00 Adult Forum.
Stone Soup Sunday
Sunday, January 11, 2015
After the service Join us for our annual Stone Soup
luncheon and enjoy a variety of homemade soups. If
you can help by bringing a crockpot of soup, a dessert,
or helping with set-up and/or clean-up, please contact
Carrie Muzika
Movie Night
Tuesday, January 13, 7:00 pm
To Kill a Mockingbird is our January Movie. The movie
which won three Oscars, was released in 1962, and is
based on the 1960 novel by Harper Lee. Gregory Peck
plays Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Depression-era South
who defends a black man against an underserved rape
charge, and his kids against prejudice. The novel is one
of the most recommended books in American literature
and won the Pulitzer Prize. Join us for a good movie,
popcorn, soft drinks, followed by a good discussion.
Our next gathering will be at Yokozuna Asian Restaurant, 9146 S. Yale (southwest corner of 91st & Yale in
shopping center) contact Jane Brumley.
Women of Hope
As we begin a new year, please mark your calendars
with our scheduled presenters.
Thursday, January 8, Lori Fullbright from KOTV Channel
6 will present Personal Safety Tips.
Thursday, February 5, Lottie Wilds, our local theater
performer, will take us back in history by characterizing
the abolitionist and women's' rights advocate, Lucy
Stone (not Lucy Blume as previously stated).
Thursday, March 5, Claudia Vandiver, Tulsa Master Gardener, will share how and why she changed the way she
We begin at 6:00 for social time, 6:30 pot luck dinner
and 7:00 for the program. Invite a friend as you would
like; she doesn't have to be a member Hope.
We look forward to seeing you all,
Anita Ward and Deborah Whittaker
Women of the Thread
Meets at 11.30 am in the Log Cabin on 2nd and 4th
Tuesdays in the month.
Bring your crochet, knitting, sewing, etc. projects and
enjoy the companionship. No meeting December 23.
Hope Men’s Group
Tuesday, January 20 , 7:00 pm In the Log Cabin
All men are invited to our monthly gathering. Bring a
snack and drink to share if you wish. Newcomers welcome.
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Key People
Weekly Events
When no one is at the church, the
building is locked and the security
system is on. A committee of key
people have keys and security
clearance to open and close the
building for church events. Each
takes a one-week turn of duty.
Hope Singers Choir Rehearsal
Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Brown Bag Lunch and Discussion Group
Every Friday from 11.30 am to 1:00 pm
No meeting Dec 26 and Jan 2.
Dec 29-Jan 4
Jim Sleezer
Jan 5-11
Sherrill Womeldorff
Meet the Minister
Jan 12-18
Fred Pottorf
Sundays, after church at 12:15 pm in
the Minister’s Study
Jan 19-25
Larry Vandiver
Newcomers and their families are invited to
meet with The Rev. Cathey Edwards after
the service. Get your coffee and cookies
and come get to know each other and about
Jan 26-Feb 1
Jim Sleezer
Policy for function organizers
1. First, determine if someone attending your function can open the
2. Find out if church will be open/
closed for another event at the same
time as yours;
David Barbee
Keith Hamilton
Pat McGinley
Lenny Hope
Larry Vandiver
Marlene Hintermeister
Rick Portman
Russell Muzika
Rebecca Jones
3. If no one is available and you need
entry, contact above volunteer Key
Man a few days in advance of your
For Hope’s January
Calendar—see Hope’s website
Focus Deadline
Submissions to the Focus should be sent to [email protected] with “Focus” in the subject line and are normally
due 9 am the 4th Wednesday in the month. Submissions are subject to editing for length and content. The next
Focus will be published February 3. Next Deadline: 9 am, January 29
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8432 S. Sheridan Rd
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137
(918) 481-0999
[email protected]
FOCUS Issue December 23, 2014 (USPS 009-016) is published monthly by Hope Unitarian Church, 8432 S. Sheridan Road., Tulsa, OK
74133-4137. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER:
send address changes to FOCUS, 8432 S. Sheridan Rd., Tulsa, OK
Hope's Vision
Seeking Truth, Sharing Love
Within - Among - Beyond
Hope's Mission
Supporting the free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
Teaching the history and traditions of Unitarianism;
Promoting and defending freedom of thought;
Celebrating life's passages;
Serving the larger community with justice and compassion.
Hope's Values
Reason - Integrity - Tolerance
Our Staff
The Rev. Cathey Edwards, Minister, [email protected]
Maggie Scott, Administrator, [email protected]
Jackie Portman, Director of Children’s Religious Education, [email protected]
Joseph Rivers, Director of Music, [email protected]
Our Board of Trustees
Paula Haight, President
Janet Nobles, President Elect
Ken Jones, VP of Finance
Alice Van Wormer, VP of Programs
Fred Pottorf, Treasurer
Vanessa Torluemke, Secretary
Claudia Vandiver, Past President
Trustees: Carmen Kinsey, Gale Luria, Carrie Muzika, Cate Potter
Hope Unitarian Church
8432 S. Sheridan Road
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137
(918) 481-0999
[email protected]
HopeUnitarian Church
Office Hours
Mon –Fri 9:00 am—3:00 pm