focus.. on the future From the Minister November Theme: Covenant With the approaching season of family gatherings and Thanksgiving meals comes the dance. It can be a complex and challenging time. I am just returning from Fayetteville today, attending a family systems theory class. Along with clergy from different denominations, I spent the day studying the ideas of Dr. Murray Bowen. He pioneered viewing the whole family as a unit to understand human actions. We watched a video of a man trying to sort out his mixed impulses toward his new wife. While recalling family history and stories he began to locate repeating patterns across generations. Some were destructive strains while others provided strength and guidance. The ultimate goal for him and all of us gathered in the classroom is to begin to find new choices in a decision or action rather than being stuck in old habits. Bowen family systems theory claims we are always in overlapping human systems: family, work, friends, and church. Stepping back to view the larger picture across time changes perspectives and possibilities. Biology is a helpful metaphor here. A cell cannot exist or operate alone. It is always in relationship and influenced by nearby cells. Our human body is made up of individual cells. Only together do they keep a heart muscle pumping, nerve synapses firing, and food digesting. The push-pull of an individual cell working in a group is the same tension of being part of a family, or church, or workplace. How do we maintain our identity and integrity while cooperating and collaborating? Bowen calls navigating this pressure differentiation—the ability to be in emotional contact with others while still being autonomous. “The goal is to rise up out of the emotional togetherness that binds us all,” claims Bowen. Hope Church began similar work, searching its history looking for patterns exactly a year ago. Our Southern Region support staff, Rev. Susan Smith, came and walked us through highlights of the church’s history. The point was not to air dirty laundry but to find responses that serve the church very well and others that keep it stuck. Participants could see repeated events across decades. For example, the church has periods of growth followed by a crisis where one group leaves the church. The catastrophes differ across time and different clusters leave but the results are the same. The church system returns to a more comfortable stasis, a smaller size. Armed with this information the church and board can look for sources of anxiety to interrupt this rollercoaster ride. This healthy self-examination is ongoing work both for the church for all of us wondering why Thanksgiving dinner with or without your family turns out the way it does. Gratefully, The Rev. Cathey Edwards [email protected] Volume 20 No. 11 November 2014 In this issue: Upcoming Sermons p. 2 Children’s Religious Education p. 3 Music p. 4 Outreach p. 5 & 6 Adult Religious Education p. 8 Events p. 8, 9& 10 Sunday Mornings November 2014 Sunday Religious Education for Children and Youth 10 am - RE Wing Sunday Adult Religious Education 10 am - Sanctuary Sunday Worship 11am - Sanctuary Sunday, November 2 “A Thin Veil” The Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, November 9 “Enemy as Teacher” The Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, November 16 “Teaching Tolerance” The Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, November 23 “Why Thanksgiving?” The Rev. Cathey Edwards Sunday, November 30 “What Unifies UUs?” Steven Williams Student minister UU Church of Bartlesville Page 2 November Theme: Covenant A covenant is different from a contract. While both describe the boundaries of a relationship and both can be broken, a covenant includes a commitment to renew the relationship. Our religious ancestors considered a covenant a three-way relationship. One of the parties was God. Today, I would say the third party in our church is an ideal, something bigger and beyond us. We aspire for our covenant to include empathy, compassion, and clarity. The connection must be flexible and encompass change. When we bring our best selves then the glue that holds us together contains all the words we say in our Sunday morning covenant: Love, Service, Peace, and Truth. You cannot write these higher values into a contract. During the month of November the whole church, all ages, will explore covenant. We will look at what it means to be in covenant, what it means to break our covenant, and how to get back into right relation. I look forward to this work together. About Our Monthly Themes Our monthly themes express Hope Church’s openness to theological exploration. They are not an endorsement of any particular creed or belief. Instead, they provide a monthly opportunity to examine in common a religious doctrine or idea. Hope Church is a questioning community. It is a safe place to bring doubt and new ideas. This month we are exploring mystery together. Join us! focus Religious Education for Children & Youth Sundays 10:00 am—noon “Covenants for Children/Youth” Youth Fellowship The children and youth have created a covenant that we repeat each week. This covenant gives the children ownership of their program, as they have decided how they will work and play together. It is important for children to be aware that they are part of a community here at Hope, and we place a high value on friendship. Youth Fellowship is a time for youth in grades 6 – 12 to gather and share their stories with each other. Youth are encouraged to bring friends to the group. Children/Youth Covenant Help each other. Listen to each other. Be kind to each other. Care for each other’s precious stuff. Leave your phone at home. Introducing new Nursery Supervisor We have a new Nursery Supervisor. I am pleased to welcome Sharon Giefer to our staff. Sharon is a warm, loving, person who always has a smile for the kids. Sharon has experience working in a church nursery, and she is busy sprucing up our facility. At Hope, our staff must be flexible – Sharon loves the multi age concept we have in our program, and she loves to do crafts with the kids. Youth Fellowship will meet Wednesdays, November 5 and November 19. from 6:30 – 7:30 pm A light dinner will be served. Topic for the Month is “Words of 21st Century Music”. Be prepared to share your favorite song! Hope UU Parent/Grandparent Group Sunday, November 9 at 9:00 am in the Log Cabin All are invited to join our discussion about the joys and concerns of parenthood. Childcare is provided at the church for this event. Sharon has two children, a teenage son and eight year old daughter, Julianna, who comes to church with her. Please come down and introduce yourself to Sharon – she would love to meet you! Jackie Portman Director of Religious Education [email protected] focus Visitors’ Corner Our Sunday program begins at 10:00 am with crafts, music, or outdoor play. At 11:00 am, we hold a short children's chapel before religious education classes. We provide nursery facilities for infants and toddlers. If you have questions, please contact Jackie Portman. Page 3 Music Notes When I think of “Covenant,” I think of the promises we make to ourselves and to one another, and the song “Step By Step,” by Joyce Poley, which has become a UU classic, has inspired many to continue to stay with the promise to keep working for freedom, justice, and peace. The stirring simplicity of the lyrics and the tune can serve as a mantra for our service to one another and to the world. We frequently sing this song together as a congregational hymn, and the choir will sing another version in a jazz harmony arrangement by UU composer and musician Jim Scott. On November 9 we will host touring musician and speaker Cindy Novelo, who visited us earlier this year on Palm Sunday. A singer-songwriter who grew up in the UU tradition, Cindy describes herself as “a contemporary singer/ songwriter who plays the guitar and sings, but is also a classically trained violist, who infuses her music with the deep tug-on-your-bones beauty of classical music while also calling up the hauntingly soulful sounds of Appalachia.” Her impressive musical gifts range from classical to folk and indeed encompasses many musical styles, and she is a superb songwriter. As a cancer survivor, yoga teacher, and workshop director, she offers healing and holistic perspectives through her music and workshops. In addition to performing for services, she will also lead an Adult Forum class on November 9, and will also be leading a workshop at Osage Forest of Peace in Sand Springs the day before. As we enter into the season of Thanksgiving our music will begin to reflect more the season of gratitude and thanksgiving, for our community and loved ones, for the beauty around us, and for life itself. Meanwhile, the Hope Singers continue to prepare for our “Sing, Noel” service on December 14—but more about that next month. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings this month (with the exception of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day), beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the church. Those who wish to sing with us for the “Sing, Noel!” service can join us at 7:00 p.m. Joseph Rivers Director of Music [email protected] Meet the Minister Sundays, after church at 12:15 pm in the Minister’s Study Newcomers and their families are invited to meet with The Rev. Cathey Edwards after the service. Get your coffee and cookies and come get to know each other and about Hope. Page 4 focus Hope Outreach Generosity Offering Each month, we give away ALL of the undesignated funds from our Sunday Offering. The Outreach Committee chooses organizations that support the mission of Hope Unitarian Church. In October we raised $1057.50 for the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless November Recipient The Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma Feed the Homeless Volunteers from Hope prepare and serve a meal for the folks at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless every third Saturday of the month. Thanks to everyone who helped in September Shopping: Keith Hamilton Pre-cooking: Mary Newman Saturday cooking/preparing: Maureen Gilliland, Richard Jackson, Alice Van Wormer, Eddie Humphreys, Anne Steiner Serving at the Day Center: Hap Lowry, Janet Nobles, Anita Ward, Marcia Schaefer , Sherrill Womeldorff, Laura and Shaden Reiman, Elaine Dodson Next Feed the Homeless date is: Saturday, November 15 2:30 pm at Hope to help cook and prepare food. 5:00 pm at the Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless to help serve the meal. You can sign up for the months ahead. Sign up sheet is in the folder on Administrator’s desk. Cereal Sunday Sunday, November 9 Our Generosity recipient for November is the Community Food Bank of Tulsa. Their mission is to feed the hungry of eastern Oklahoma through a network of Partner Programs and to engage our communities in ending hunger. They are the largest private hunger-relief organization in eastern Oklahoma. Eileen Bradshaw, Executive Director of the Food Bank will do a presentation at our Adult Forum 10:00 am, Sunday, November 2. focus Please bring cereal for the homeless. There’s a large basket in the Fellowship Hall where you can place your boxes/bags. This cereal, along with several gallons of milk, is taken to the Tulsa Day Center every month when we prepare their meal. Coming Soon! Christmas Outreach Tree We are adopting 10 teens from Tulsa Youth Services. Stay tuned to find out how you can help them. Page 5 Tulsa Sponsoring Committee On October 11 and 12, Hope was wellrepresented at the conference on grassroots, broad-based organizing conducted by the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and the Tulsa Sponsoring Committee (TSC). It was exciting to have so many Hope participants. Janet Nobles, Vanessa Torluemke, Paula Haight, Ken Jones, Cathy Sleezer, Lavon Boeck and I participated in this weekend of learning. We discussed why building relationships is not only important, but essential to the success of building the organization’s power, finding common ground and working together on critical issues. Building these relationships is not something we can do overnight, and that is something many of us have trouble with. We live in a world where we want everything right now, but these relationships take time to build. Without them, without doing our ground work, we won’t have the effective and powerful organization that we want and need. A lot of time was spent discussing the concept of “broad-based” or “institutional-based” organizing. Our focus will not be limited by a specific purpose or goal of an individual organization, but will encompass the common concerns of the varied member organizations, with that broad base giving us our power. TSC will be built by a variety of organizations who find common ground and work together despite the different beliefs they may have. It is a non-partisan and non-political organization and will never endorse a candidate for office. Seventeen congregations and organizations were represented at the workshop. The weekend culminated with the announcement of the first five official members of TSC. In addition to Hope, the other members are Church of the Resurrection, Church of the Restoration, Bethany Christian Church and Fellowship Congregational Church. We were very excited by the announcement of a $40,000 contribution from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Although this is a one-time contribution, there is a very real opportunity for it to be repeated. This contribution along with the contributions of the five member congregations, totaled $48,300, a very good start for TSC. There will be an opportunity for those of us that attended this workshop, as well as others that have indicated interest in being involved, to study and learn more about what we can do as a congregation being part of this organization. If you would like to be involved, please let me know. Here are a couple of comments from other participants. See details about November’s TSC meeting on Page 8 . All Hope folks are invited “The idea of taking social action is energizing.” Cathy Sleezer “Educational and promotes communication. Hopeful helpful tool in future for social justice work.” Vanessa Torluemke Claudia Vandiver Chair of Hope’s TSC Group Page 6 focus Adult Religious Education Adult Forum Sundays at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary Digging Deeper November 2—Generosity Sunday. Presentation by Eileen Bradshaw, Executive Director of the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, our generosity recipient for November. November 9—“Lessons from Abroad” by Cindy Novelo, singer/songwriter, speaker, educator, and workshop facilitator. A native of Lawrence, KS, Cindy lived overseas for 17 years and was a member of the Proyer String Quartet. Her international experience has broadened her world view and influenced her musical and spiritual understanding. She will be talking to us about cross-cultural experiences. November 16—“Let’s do Geography” presented by Paula Haight, winner of an Oklahoma Outstanding Teacher Award. This will be an intergenerational program, designed to entertain and educate both youth and adults. November 23—“Exhibits from the Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art” presented by curator Dr. Karen York. A native Tulsan, Dr. York began her career as Associate Curator of Campus Art for Indiana University. With her Ph.D. in American Art History, she worked at several other museums before coming back to Tulsa in 2006 to join the new Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art. Her presentation today will showcase two of her most recent original exhibits. November 30—Current Events! Everyone is invited to participate in the lively discussion. A discussion class that provides the opportunity to delve more deeply into our monthly themes. November: Covenant Thursday, November 20, 7:00-8:30 pm Free childcare with 48 hour advance reservation. Contact Jackie Portman for childcare. [email protected] Rev. Cathey serves as the facilitator for this monthly class. With an agenda that includes readings, questions and time for sharing, this smaller group allows for dialogue and reflection. “To listen is to lean in softly with a willingness to be changed by what we hear.” - Mark Nepo, poet Roots Class Saturday, November 15, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm (Brown bag lunch) An informal, adult religious education class, that meets in the Minister’s Office. It introduces the ideas, people and history of Unitarian Universalism and Hope Unitarian Church. It’s a step further into this community dedicated to religious freedom and seeking. focus Page 7 November Board Highlights Notes from the Office Board highlights were not available at time of Focus publication. They will be placed in the folder on the Administrator’s desk. Staff time away The Rev. Cathey Edwards will be out of the office Monday, Nov 24 Monday, Dec 1. Pastoral care will be provided by Rev. Debra Garfinkel. Please call Maggie Scott during office hours or Paula Haight at other times and your call will be directed to Rev. Garfinkel. Maggie Scott, Church Administrator, will be out of office Monday, December 1—Monday, December 8 Church office closed November General Meeting Tuesday, Nov 11, 2014 7:00pm-8:30pm Fellowship Congregational 2900 S. Harvard Avenue , Tulsa, OK Within, Among, Beyond All Are Invited. Tulsa Sponsoring Committee is an institution-based organizing to develop civic engagement, grass-roots democracy, overcome barriers, and improve the lives of families and individuals in Tulsa. Election night will be an interesting time to be with fellow citizens concerned about the status of our city and state. Join us before the full election results come in to hear about last month’s weekend training and to have additional mini-trainings. If you have questions contact Claudia Vandiver [email protected] or the Rev. Cathey Edwards [email protected] Nov 27 & 28 for Thanksgiving and Monday, December 1—Monday, December 8 when Maggie is away. Rev. Cathey will in and out of her office during the week. Probably best to call her first before you come up the hill. Focus date changes Because of Thanksgiving holiday and staff vacation, the Focus deadline will be a week early Wednesday, November 19 and will be published November 25. Magnetic Name Badges If you would like a magnetic name badge you can order them from the church office or put your name on the sign up sheet on the Administrator’s desk. Cost is $15 for one or $25 for two (of same name). Payment is required in advance. Please place check in an envelope in Administrator’s mailbox. Tulsa Sponsoring Committee at Hope Sunday, November 23 10:00 am Discussion Group Caregiving for Elders We have come across this website: If you are interested in knowing more about broadbased organizing, a group of Hope members plan to meet and discuss short readings one a month. Contact Claudia Vandiver to get a copy of the November reading. Page 8 …..which is extremely informative and helpful for caregivers of those individuals with dementia/Alzheimer’s disease. Check it out. focus Events Breakfast on the Hill Sunday, November 2, 9:00—10:00 am $5 for adults, free for children Prepared by Lynn Rivers and Fred Pottorf. On the menu—egg & sausage casserole, egg & veggie casserole, fruit, biscuits, oatmeal and more! Lunch Bunch Wednesday, November 19, 11:30 am The Women’s Lunch Bunch will meet at Platt College (“Foundations” Restaurant). It is located on the east side of Sheridan, at 38th. If you wish to attend, please contact Jane Brumley. ______________________________________________ Hope’s Annual Auction ______________________________________________ “Autumn on Hope Hill—Change is in the Air!” Women of Hope Thursday, November 6 Social time at 6:00pm, Dinner at 6:30pm and program at 7:00pm The Women of Hope are offering a unique program for November. We will have some hands-on learning from Stable Ridge Vineyards. They are located on Route 66 in Stroud and will provide a wine-tasting for us led by our own Janet Nobles. You'll want to consider purchases for your holiday hostess gifts and Christmas gifts. We'll have our potluck dinner, so bring a dish or dessert and your checkbooks! Invite your friends. Anita Ward and Deborah Whittaker ______________________________________________ Movie Night Saturday, November 8, 6:00 pm Dinner, drinks and bid card for $20 Make your reservations for this very entertaining evening of great food (roast turkey and trimmings) wine, and bidding. We already have some wonderful items— beautiful artwork, jewelry, home made food, theme dinners, vacations and more. Keep those donations coming!! Please bring in your completed auction donation forms or email your descriptions to Maggie Scott [email protected] Tuesday, November 11, 7:00 pm Movie title TBA. Watch a movie on the big screen in the Sanctuary, followed by discussion. Popcorn and soft drinks provided. ______________________________________________ Deadline for forms/descriptions is Sunday, November 2 See Page 10 For more information Hope Men’s Group Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 pm In the Log Cabin All men are invited to our monthly gathering. Bring a snack and drink to share if you wish. Newcomers welcome. focus Page 9 “Autumn on Hope Hill—Change is in the Air!” 6-6.30 pm—Drinks and Fellowship HOPE’S ANNUAL AUCTION Saturday November 8 6.30-7.30 pm—Dinner 7.15 pm—Silent auction closes 7.30 pm—Live Auction $20 includes dinner, drinks and bid card 50/50 raffle Parking Space raffle We need your donations! Do you have an item or service to donate to the auction? How about a theme dinner, a vacation, artwork, jewelry, handmade craft items, theme basket, personal services ……. Fill out an Auction Donation/Dinner Reservation Form and turn it in at the Auction Table on Sundays. Also, you may email descriptions and photographs of donations to Maggie Scott at [email protected] The deadline for handing in your reservation/donation forms is Sunday, November 2. You may begin bringing in your auction items from next Sunday, October 5. Deadline for bringing items is Saturday, November 8 by 10 am (Please note: Payment for auction items is required on the night of the auction and this year you will be able to pay by credit card!) Pg 10 focus Key People When no one is at the church, the building is locked and the security system is on. A committee of key people have keys and security clearance to open and close the building for church events. Each takes a one-week turn of duty. Weekly Events Hope Singers Choir Rehearsal Wednesdays 6:30 pm (No rehearsal Nov 26) Sing Noel Rehearsals Wednesdays 7:00 pm Oct 27—Nov 2 Jim Sleezer Brown Bag Lunch and Discussion Group Every Friday from 11.30 am to 1:00 pm Nov 3-9 Fred Pottorf Nov 10-16 Sherrill Womeldorff Women of the Thread Nov 17-23 Lary Vandiver Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 11:30 am in the log cabin. Bring your projects and enjoy the companionship. All are welcome. Nov 24-30 Jim Sleezer Carrie Muzika and Deborah Whittaker Policy for function organizers 1. First, determine if someone attending your function can open the building; November Birthdays Ken Jones Linda Tracy Nancy Sahler 18th 25th 25th 2. Find out if church will be open/ closed for another event at the same time as yours; 3. If no one is available and you need entry, contact above volunteer Key Man a few days in advance of your event. For Hope’s November Calendar—see Hope’s website Focus Deadline Submissions to the Focus should be sent to [email protected] with “Focus” in the subject line and are due 9 am the 4th Wednesday in the month. Submissions are subject to editing for length and content. Next Focus will be published a week early on Wednesday, November 25. Next Deadline: 9 am, November 19 focus Page 11 8432 S. Sheridan Rd Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137 (918) 481-0999 [email protected] PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT TULSA FOCUS Issue October 27, 2014 (USPS 009-016) is published monthly by Hope Unitarian Church, 8432 S. Sheridan Road., Tulsa, OK 741334137. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: send address changes to FOCUS, 8432 S. Sheridan Rd., Tulsa, OK 741334137 TO: Hope's Vision Seeking Truth, Sharing Love Within - Among - Beyond Hope's Mission Supporting the free and responsible search for truth and meaning; Teaching the history and traditions of Unitarianism; Promoting and defending freedom of thought; Celebrating life's passages; Serving the larger community with justice and compassion. Hope's Values Reason - Integrity - Tolerance Our Staff The Rev. Cathey Edwards, Minister, [email protected] Maggie Scott, Administrator, [email protected] Jackie Portman, Director of Children’s Religious Education, [email protected] Joseph Rivers, Director of Music, [email protected] Our Board of Trustees Paula Haight, President Janet Nobles, President Elect Ken Jones, VP of Finance Alice Van Wormer, VP of Programs Fred Pottorf, Treasurer Vanessa Torluemke, Secretary Claudia Vandiver, Past President Trustees: Carmen Kinsey, Gale Luria, Carrie Muzika, Cate Potter Hope Unitarian Church 8432 S. Sheridan Road Tulsa, Oklahoma 74133-4137 (918) 481-0999 [email protected] HopeUnitarian Church Office Hours Mon –Fri 9:00 am—3:00 pm
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