Latest - Trinity United Methodist Church

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Tr i n i t y
L o v e s Vi s i t o r s ! !
Trinity United
Methodist Church
729 Paul W. Bryant Drive
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
Sunday Services begin at 10:30 a.m.
Office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Our congregation includes people of all
backgrounds and perspectives. We gather
together with a common love for God and all
God’s people. We’re glad you are with us this
Our pastor is Reverend Penny Ford, who can
be reached through the church office Monday
through Thursday (759-4206) or at [email protected]. You can also
join us on FACEBOOK at “Trinity UMC Tuscaloosa, AL.”
NURSERY: A nursery is available during all worship services. Our nursery
conforms to all current safety standards. We have a wireless pager system for
parents, who receive a pager when they leave their children with the trained
nursery workers.
REST ROOMS: Men’s and women’s rest rooms are on the lower level at the
bases of the steps on either side of the narthex. There is also a family restroom
on the main level in the area behind the choir loft.
HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY: There is an elevator in the education
wing that accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the fellowship hall,
and all the Sunday School rooms. Handicapped parking spaces are in the rear
of the church.
HEARING ASSISTANCE: We have hearing assistance aids available located
in the brown box on the table in the narthex. Or you can just ask an usher!
READY TO JOIN? There are several ways you can join with us in serving
God and others. If you are ready today
you can fill out a yellow card (front
and back) in the pew, and you can
come forward during the last hymn of
any service. Or, you can make a private appointment with the pastor.
Full (Professing) Members are those
who join Trinity UMC to serve God
through their prayers, presence, gifts,
service, and witness. Your church
membership can be easily transferred
from another UMC church or a church
of another denomination.
Affiliate Members are members of
another United Methodist church who
join Trinity UMC temporarily, while
retaining membership in their home
United Methodist church. (Lots of
students choose this option).
Associate Members are people who
have been baptized in another Christian
denomination and who want to connect with Trinity UMC, but also wish
to retain their current denominational
To foster an intergenerational community that thinks deeply, serves
passionately, and loves generously, following the example of
Jesus Christ, reaching out to the
University of Alabama community
and beyond.
Trinity U MC Weekly Schedule
* 8:45 am - C hap el Com m uni on
* 9:00 am - C offee Ti m e - Sunset / Funset Room
* 9:30 am - Sunday School for all ages!
* 10:00 am - C ho i r wi t h Dr. K evi n Chance - k .t .ch an ce@gm
* 10:30 am - Wor shi p i n t he Sanct uary
3-5:00 pm
- C ub Scout Pack 6 - Cont act Dani el Powel l - 535- 6753
5:00 pm - WM U - Angel Doves ( m eet s t he l ast Sunday onl y i n each m ont h)
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6:30 - 8:30 pm - Turni ng Poi nt / Dom est i c Vi ol ence Survi vors
Cont act Wanda Locket t - 758- 0808
11:30 am - WM U - Expl orers ( m eet s t he f i rst Tuesday onl y i n each m ont h)
6:30 pm - Wome n ’s G roup of Al cohol i cs Anonym ous - Room 212
* 6:00 pm - C hoir wi t h Dr. K evi n Chance - k.t .chance@gm ai l .com
7:00 pm - C hronic Pai n Support G roup - m eet s every 2nd & 4t h Wed.
C ont act Sue Ri chardson at 394- 0377
8:15 pm -E L E V A TE Col l ege Bi bl e St udy - Meet s i n Q ui rkey’ s
7:00 pm - Sur vivors of Sui ci de, m eet s every t hi rd Thursday
Contact Mary Turner at [email protected] or 247-5011
* N ur s e r y Availabl e
WEBSITE - www.t ri ni t yum c.i nf o
FACEBO O K - Tri ni t y UMC Tuscal oosa, AL
FA C E B OOK CO LLEG E PAG E - El evat e - Tri ni t y Col l ege Mi ni st ry
INTERN O N- CALL PH O NE - 205- 393- 7735
CH URCH PH O NE: 205- 759- 4206
Welcome to Trinity
United Methodist Church
First Sunday After
Christmas Day
December 28, 2014
first sunday after christmas day
Trinity United Methodist Church
December 28, 2014 - Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Penny Ford, Senior Pastor
Dr. Kevin Chance, Director of Music Ministries
Sandy Wilson, Children’s Minister
Collin Webster, Organist
Catherine Hoop, Children’s Music Director
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Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you!
Christ our Savior is born.
God’s light is poured into the world.
Come let us celebrate this wonderful gift!
We come with joy and hope
Joy to the World
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
After the Children’s Moment, children ages four to second grade
are invited to go the Children’s Church with Ms. Sandy Wilson.
They are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary if they wish.
Nursery is provided for children three and under.
The First Noel
The first Noel the angel did say
was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;
in fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the King of Israel.
This star drew nigh to the northwest,
o’er Bethlehem it took its rest;
and there it did both stop and stay,
right over the place where Jesus lay.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the King of Israel.
* CHRISTMAS AFFIRMATION (by Nathan Nettleton, 1999)
We believe in God,
the creator and giver of life,
who brought all creation to birth,
who mothers us and fathers us,
protecting, nurturing,
and cherishing us.
We believe in Jesus Christ:
God born among us as a fragile baby,
embodying both love and the need for love,
and calling us to rest in God
as trustingly as a tiny child.
Thank you to all the individuals,
groups and classes who sponsored a
child for Christmas through
Tuscaloosa One Place. Thanks to
your generosity, thirty children had a
wonderful Christmas with toys, coats,
bikes, diapers and more. Thank you
for sharing the love of Christ with
children in need!
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
breathed into us at our birth,
always drawing us on to be born again,
encouraging, exhorting, comforting,
nourishing our growth
and inspiring our living.
We believe in the reconciliation
of the world to God, through Christ.
Hunted at birth and humiliated at death,
Christ entered our fearful darkness
so that we might enter his glorious light
and share the life of his resurrection.
Our church rents its front and back
parking lots and the grassy lawn on
home football weekends for fan
parking. We also rent space in front
of the church to vendors who have
licenses to sell souvenirs and food to
football fans.
And we believe that each new child
is a glimpse of the face of God,
a sign of the life to come,
and a call to live in peace
and celebrate living together.
Glory to God in the highest,
and peace to God’s people on earth.
Trin ity
New s an d No t e s
Melanie O’Rear
This is the word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
Rev. Kay Mutert
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
* Please stand as you are able.
We welcome Rev. Kay Mutert as our guest preacher today. Kay is a
retired UMC pastor, grandmother, musician and friend. She is a labyrinth
facilitator and spiritual guide who leads retreats all over the world.
Welcome Kay!
Trinity realizes a lot of money every
year from game day parking and
vending, but it is a great deal of
work on the part of church volunteers,
staffers, and our interns. Parking at
Trinity is highly prized because we
are so close to the stadium and a
Trinity parking place must be
reserved months in advance. On
game day, Trinity team members
have to protect our parking places
from fans who don’t have a reservation
with us. Then, they have to park the
legitimate cars efficiently and safely.
Denise Moody and Diane Dyer are
our parking coordinators who
manage a big team effort.
The money and the hard work come
in at different times. Although
football season has recently
concluded, the football parking
money was received last spring and
summer. People reserve and pay for
a place in the spring so they can park
at games in the fall. We have a long
waiting list for Trinity’s prime
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Many, many thanks to Trinity’s
members, interns, and office staff
who have just concluded another
football season with logistical finesse,
smooth timing, and friendly smiles.
Roll Tide!
In the fall, one of Trinity’s most
successful CONNECT groups was
the I ♥ Trinity craft group. About
four to six women met every week to
make useful objects and also get to
know each other. Their first project
was for Trinity’s shut-ins. They
made decorative hearts of red and
houndstooth felt that visitors can
take to Trinitarians who cannot come
to church regularly. The second
project was pendants that group
members could use as gifts for their
own family and friends.
This group enjoyed their activities so
much that they continued meeting
even after the official CONNECT
semester was over. And, after a
Christmas break, they intend to
resume meeting with ideas for other
projects that help our church and its
Wimbreth Chism said, “We enjoyed
learning more about our friends and
becoming close to people in our
congregation we otherwise would
not have known very well.”
Lara Townsley, the group’s leader
said, “Everybody is welcome to join
us in the spring semester. Prior
experience or skill level is not