•• ••' • • Nancy Thurber Of Providence Fiancee Of Robert 11. Sedgwick Miss Robinson Is Bride Of D. A. Witherell Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Nancy Aon Thurber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Thurber of Providence, R.I., to Robert Holley Sedgwick of Providence, son of Mrs. Augustus V. Sedgwick of 60 West Broad Street and the late Mr. Sedgwick, by the bride-elect's parents. The wedding is planned for Jan. 10. Miss Thurber attended the Grier School in Birmingham, Pa.. Miss Choate's School, Brookline, Mass., The marriage of Miss Mary Keith Robinson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Robinson of the Park Plaza Apartments, to Douglas A. Witherell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Witherell of Harwich, Mass., took place Saturday in the rectory of Saint Peter's Episcopal Church, Port Chester. The Rev. Lewis R. Howell officiated at the 2 P.M. ceremony. The bride is a graduate of A.B. Davis High School and attended the Cape Cod Secretarial School in Hyannis, Mass. A former member of the Sub Debs of the Westchester Woman's Club and of Phi Pi Psi Sorority, she was associated with the Gramatan National Bank of Bronxville prior to her marriage. Mr. Witherell was graduated from Harwich High School. He recently r e t u r n e d from. Korea, where he served as a sergeant with the 300th Field Artillery. He is now associated with the National Cranberry Association in Cape Cod. After a wedding trip to Washington, the couple will reside in Harwich Port, Mass. Sylvea German, Mr. Yackriowitz Are Married The marriage of Miss Sylvea S. German, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis German of 231 South Fulton Avenue, to Pincus M. Yacknowitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Yacknowitz of Englishtown, N.J., took place at a 2:30 P.M. ceremony yesterday in the home of the bridegroom's parents. Rabbi Irving Greenberg officiated at the ceremony, which was followed by a reception for 50 guests in Astoria Mansion, New York. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white nylon ballerina-length gown, fashioned with a buttoned bodice, stand-up collar, cuffed dolman sleeves and flared circular skirt. A pale lilac veil was arranged from a matching headpiece of violets, and she carried a white Bible with sweet peas. Mrs. Eli Pinsker of Mount Vernon was matron of honor for her Bister, gowned in royal blue taffeta and carrying white gardenias. Herman Young of Bronx, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After a motor trip South, the couple will reside in Englishtown. The bride is a graduate of A. B. Davis High School and a former member of the National Council of Jewish Women. She was affiliated for four years until her marriage with the Government of Israel as secretary to the Economic Consul at the Consulate General of Israel In New York City. Mr^ Yacknowitz is a graduate of Rutgers University and formerly taught mathematics in Englishtown. He has been engaged in poultry farming for the past 12 years In Englishtown. WnfT Photo) MR. AND MRS. ERNEST WARREN FAUSER Doris Henssel, Ernest Fauser Wed In Candlelight Ceremony At a 5:30 P. M. candlelight ser- Steel and Mrs. Robert Penny of vice Saturday in the Vernon Yonkers, cousins of the bride, Mrs. Heights Congregational Church, Richard Seisz, also of Yonkers, Miss Doris Ann Henssel, daughter and Mrs. Peter Fauser of Flushof Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence ing. They also carried bouquets of Henssel of 375 East Fifth Street, chrysanthemums. Flower girl, Holwas married to Ernest Warren ly Jane Steel of Yonkers, wore a Fauser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst pink tulle dress and crown of Fauser of 2019 Haight Avenue, pink roses and carried a basket of Bronx. roses. The Rev. Robert G. Davis ofJack Fauser of Cincinnati, Ohio, ficiated at the ceremony. Mrs. was best man for his cousin. UshCarl Licht and Miss Barbara ers were Mr. Steel, and three other Bronson, both of Mount Vernon, cousins of the bridegroom, Peter were organist and soloist, respectively. A reception for 85 guests Fauser of Flushing, Robert Reuhl of Spring Valley, N. Y., and Frank was held in the Hotel Hartley. Escorted by her father, the bride Reuhl of Mahwah, N. J. After a wedding trip to Skytop in was attired in a white satin gown, fashioned with a Queen Anne Col- the Poconos, the couple will reside lar, and a fingertip-length veil ar- at 4755 White Plains Road, Bronx. ranged from a lace and bead-trim- The bride is a graduate of A.B. med white satin headdress. She Davis High School and a former carried a bouquet of white or- president of Delta Phi Sorority. chids and stephanotis. She is with the County Trust ComMiss Joan Ann Henssel of Mount pany. A graduate of Christopher Vernon was maid of honor for Columbus High School, Bronx, Mr. her sister, gowned in powder blue Fauser received a B.S. degree in bengaline with matching veil on education at New York University. her hair and carrying yellow chry- A veteran of 17 months' service with the Army in Germany, he is santhemums. Other attendants, wearing tur- a physical education teacher at quoise b e n g a l i n e gowns and the Allen Stevenson School, New matching veils were Mrs. Charles York. A musical program will follow the business meeting of the Evening Branch of the National Council of Jewish Women tomorrow night at YM-YWHA. The program, which will begin at 9:30 P. M., will include dances by Miss Carol Sherman and piano selections by Miss Carol Silverman. A social hour will follow. Sunday Nighters Elect Arthur Letts A group has been formed at the YM-YWHA for high school graduates. Meetings will be held every Sunday night. Called the Sunday Nighters, the club at its organizational meeting last night named Arthur Letts, president; Alan Geist vice president; Miss Helen Levine, secretary; and Miss Claire Frant, treasurer. Elected committee chairmen were Stanley Schillinger, Miss Louis Spears and Miss Beverly Caroline. For an opening program which will be held Dec. 7, the group will gee films followed by a discussion on "What Do We Expect From Marriage?" The meeting will begin at 8 P.M. A dance is being planned for Dec. 21 at the YM-YWHA. Miss Elsie Annette Nelson, vet and carrying mixed chrysandaughter of Brigadier and Mrs. C. themums, was maid of honor. Miss Emil Nelson of 34 Melrose Ave- Mary Wiberg of Worcester, sisnue, was married at a 4 P.M. cere- ter of the bridegroom, and Miss mony Saturday in the Salvation Mildred Smith of Hartford, Conn., Army Chapel, 2117 Washington were bridesmaids, attired in blue Avenue, the Bronx, to Samuel Wi- velvet gowns and carrying bouberg of Rochester, son of Major quets of mixed chrysanthemums. and Mrs. Hugo Wiberg of WorcesSven Wiberg of Worcester was ter, Mass. best man for his brother, and The bride's father, commander ushers were Hugo Wiberg of Hartof the Metropolitan Division of ford and David Wiberg of Worcesthe Salvation Army, with head- ter, also brothers of the bridequarters in Yonkers, next week groom. The bride was graduated from becomes commander of the Ali Newton (Mass.) High School and bany area division. the Katharine Gibbs Maior Wibere officiated at the School, New Maj01 Wlt e I ceremony, William Bearchall of York City, and attended the ChanSpringfield, Mass., was pianist, dler School for Women, Boston, and Mrs. John Johnson of Tea- Mass. She is associated with the neck, N.J., aunt of the bride, wag Chemical Construction Corporasoloist. A reception followed at tion, New York. The bridegroom, whose father is the chapel. Salvation Army Corps officer in Given in marriage by her father, Worcester, was graduated from the bride wore a white taffeta East H a r t f o r d (Conn.) High gown, fashioned with a cape, and School and from Trinity College, a fingertip-length veil. She car- Hartford. He is attending graduried white chrysanthemums. ate school at the University of Miss Lynda Jane Cogan of Rochester. The couple will reside Yonkers, gowned in maroon vel- in Rochester. Barnard Alumnae Board Member Engaged To Dr. Thomas Kaicher The engagement of their daughter, Miss Annette Marie Auld, to Dr. Thomas V. Kaicher, son of Dr. Francis A. Kaicher of 8 Midland Gardens, Bronxville, and the late Mrs. Kaicher, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Auld Jr. of Flushing, L. I. Miss Auld is a graduate of the Mary Louise Academy, Barnard College a n d t h e Management Training P r o g r a m of Radcliffe College. A member of the Alumnae Board of Barnard College, she is alumnae president of her class, president of the Association of Hospital Personnel Executives in New York City and a member of the New York Personnel Management Association. Dr. Kaicher was graduated from St. John's Preparatory School in Brooklyn, Holy Cross College and the Duke University College of Medicine and served w i t h t h e Army during World War II in Europe. An interne at Duke Hos- pital, Durham, N.C., he has been appointed to a surgical interneship for the coming y e a r at K i n g s County Hospital, Brooklyn. The couple will be married on Jan. 17. FreeSynagogueEnds Four-Day Bazaar Wearing apparel was purchased for children in Israel by the Men's Club and Women's Guild of the Free Synagogue of Westchester during the four-day bazaar which closed at the synagogue yesterday. Mrs. Leonard Levy, bazaar chairman, reports that all merchandise contributed was gold and that the number of persons attending was in the thousands. More than 100 cakes and pies baked by synagogue members were sold during the four-day period. YULE BRIDGE TOMORROW Court Americus 101, Catholic Daughters of America, will hold a Christmas charity bridge tomorrow at 8:30 P.M. in the Westchester Woman's ClUb. UNLESS YOU SAVE $50 to $250 ON ANY BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM or DINING ROOM! DELTA PHI TO MEET Delta Phi Sorority will meet at 8 o'colck tonight in the home of Miss Mary Milani, 42 Claremont Place. BEFORE YOU BUY PHONE FOR DETAILS DAY or EVES. CnnnnH-r* H ««•-»-•-'-Furniture Mfgr's Agent 105 N COLUMBUS AVE. MT. VtRNON. N. V. In a getting of white gladioli, pompons and palms in Saints Peter and Paul Church yesterday, Miss Vivian Joan Lambrosa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Lambrosa of 175 Crary Avenue, became the bride of Samuel Zezze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cosimo Zezze of 21 East Broad Streeet. The Rev. Michael Flannery officiated at the 4:30 P. M. ceremony and the bride's cousin, Mrs. John Petiya of this city, was soloist. A reception for 175 guests was held in the Hotel Gramatan, Bronxville. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a gown of Alencon lace over ivory satin. Her fingertip - length veil of silk illusion fell from a tiara of pearls and rhinestones. With her prayer book, she carried white orchids and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Richard Mirsky of Mount Vernon, sister of the bride, was matron of honor, attired in a Nile green iridescent taffeta gown and matching headpiece trimmed with seed p e a r l s and rhinestones. B r i d e s m a i d s , g o w n e d in emerald green, were the Misses Joan Zezze, sister of the bridegroom, Barbara Benson and Josephine Madatto, all of Mount Vernon, and Rose Ann Piazzi of Pelham. All the attendants carried cascades of rust and yellow pompons and yellow gladioli. Nicholas Zezze of this city was his brother's best man. Ushers were Philip Lambrosa Jr., brother of the bride, and Mr. Mirsky, both of this city, and John DeRienzo, cousin of the bridegroom, and Anthony Pane both of Bronx. The bride and the bridegroom both were graduated from A. B. Davis High School. Mrs. Zezze is a past president of Phi Zeta Sorority and is associated with the Shell Oil Company. Mr. Zezze, who served three years in the Coast Guard during the last World War, is an assistant fur designer with Gunther Jaeckel Inc. in New York City. The couple are taking a wedding trip to The Reefg in Bermuda. 60 ATTEND BREAKFAST Sixty members of the Catholic Youth Organization of Saints Peter and Paul Church attended a Communion breakfast In the church auditorium following 10:30 A.M. Mass yesterday. NO SALE DON TESTA Miss Lambrosa Ts Bride Of Samuel Zezze FETES HOSTESSES • Mrs. Benjamin Fiering, president of the Mount Vernon Evening League of the Hebrew National Orphan Home entertained at a tea in her home at 205 Bradley Avenue Friday afternoon for hostesses of a luncheon slated for Dec. 2 In the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Those attending drew numbers from a bowl for table locations at the luncheon. CHARITIES TO BENEFIT A sale of new merchandise will be held during tonight's Junior Aid League meeting in the YMYWHA. Proceeds will be used to help continue supplying milk, clothing and nursing care for the needy and sending childrenf to camp. The event, open to the public, will gtart at 8:30, and at 10 o'clock refreghments will be served in the library. MO. a-r. 452 and the Mary C. Wheeler School in Providence. She is an alumna of the Academie Moderne, Boston, and made her debut at the Deubtante Assembly Ball, Providence, in 1948. Mr. Sedgwick is an alumnus of A. B. Davis High School and was with the Army Signal Corps for more than three years dilring the last World War. Two of those years were spent in the European theater, "he now is slaes representative in Providence for the Lone Star Cement Corporation. Miss Elsie A. Nelson Wed To Salvation Army Major's Son Music Program Set By NC]W v SOCIAL THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N. Y, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, i952 WOMEN'S PAGE GOLDEN WEDDING »wniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cerprntior of 625 Eaulh Lscnr.d dny with a family dinner in Mayer's Parkway Restaurant, Bronx. Married Nov. 24, 1902, in (Vernon Studio) MRS. S A M U E L ZEZZE QUEEN of the Autumn Cotillion of the Junior League to the Mount Vernon Hospital held Saturday night in Pelham Country Club was Mrs. Ralph Tuc- Miss Esposito Is Wed To Ion a Teacher Favorite characters of history and fiction were impersonated at the Couples Club of Sinai Temple's costume party Saturday night at Sinai Temple Community Hall and the best walked off with prizes for their disguises. Mr. and Mrs. William Krasilovsky were awarded the prize for the most original costume. They were dressed as picture frames. Mr. and Mrs. William Uttal as Caesar and Cleopatra won the most beautiful costume award, and Dr. and Mrs. Emanuel Polis dressed as Scotsmen won the prettiest costume prize. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rasher were awarded a prize for the most Oriental costume, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jaffe dressed as a flapper and organ grinder won the funniest costume award. Planners for the ball were Mr. and Mrs. David Kossin, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spiegel, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Zeitler and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hochberg. MADE DEFENSE CHAIRMAN Miss Lorraine M. Rouget, president of the Mount Vernon Business and Women's Professional Club, has appointed Miss Dorothy Segelke civil defense chairman of the club. JUDEANS SLATE FILM The film, "Sincerely Yours," will be shown to members of Young rtJudea at their meeting In the YM-YWHA tonight. Miss Linda Berman will preside at the meeting which opens at 7:15. DIXIE SNOW MELTING KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) —The big Dixie snow has largely melted under warm sunshine, but communications snarled by Friday's IS to 22-inch fall were still spotty early today. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Mrs. Tuccillo Crowned Queen Of Junior League Cotillion Mrs. Ralph Tuccillo was crowned queen of the annual Autumn Cotillion given Saturday night at Pelham Country Club by the Junior League to the Mount Vernon Hospital. As an added surprise feature, Leonard Fendrich Was crowned king because of his outstanding assistance towards the success of the dance, according to an an- Sisters To Give Attendance Award nouncement made by Miss Gloria Orsenigo. chairman. Mrs. Tuccillo was the league member who sold the most ticket* to the affair. Both king and queen received glittering crowns and re* ceived several gifts. Approximately 350 persons attended the cotillion held from 9 P. M. to 2 A. M. and featuring dancing to the music of Larry Kent and his orchestra. Carrying out the Thanksgiving motif were the decorations of the ballroom. Proceeds realized from the affair will benefit Mount Vernon Hospital. New'53 Parties Highlight Manor Club Play A party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.. F. Maxwell of 36 Hillcrest Drive, Pelham Manor, was one of several events held Saturday night in conjunction with the Manor Club of Pelham's production of Anita Loos' "Happy Birthday," held in the clubhouse Friday and Saturday nights. Among 60 guests attending the Maxwells' party were cast members and officers of the club's Drama Section. Prior to Saturday's performance, Mrs. Gordon Miller entertained for her husband, supervisor of the Town of Pelham, at a birthday party in their home at 85 Clifford Avenue, Pelhamwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lorenz entertained 25 guests at an after theater party in their home at 534 Pelham Manor Road, Pelham Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Joyce Jr., of 160 Pelhamdale Avenue, Pelham Heights, entertained at a supper in their home and a theater party. Their guests were Irving W. Lyon and Mrs. Lyon, president of the Manor Club, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur DuBois. ST. NICHOLAS DAY, DEC. 4 TARRYTOWNReviving an old Dutch custom, St. Nicholas Day will he celebrated at Philipse Castle at 3 P.M. Dec. 4. School children will attend the event which will be sponsored by Sleepy Hollow Restorations Inc. GOOD SALAD: Mix a diced unpeeled red apple with a half cup of diced celery, a half cup of mayonnaise and two sliced ripe bananas. Served on crisp lettuce and garnish with pecan halves. DON T SETTLE FOI LESS THAN THE BEST! IT COSTS NO molt 70 tfU for STORAGE ood MOVING OLEO tt HAPPY BOY MARGARINE start* with the same cotton seed and soy bean oils used in ary brandsthen adds 15,000 units of vitamins. Then it'i continually laboratory tested for purity and flavor. Money can't boy better margarine than HAPPY BOY. Try some today. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, the couple are the paren»-*, of seven children and have e'.gbt grandchildren. The Carpent e r s plan to spend the Wintar In Florida, — Photo by Vernon Studio. right, are Mr. Tuccillo; Miss Lillian Fendrich, committee mem» her; Miss Gloria Orsenigo, «<£, tillion chairman; and Henxjf Berkowitz, all of Mount Vernon. — Staff Photo. The marriage of Miss Rosalie Esposito, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Esposito of West Brighton, Staten Island, to Joseph Cammarosano, son of Mrs. Louis Cammarosano of 76 North Fulton Avenue and the late Mrs. Cammarosano, took place at 11:30 A.M. Saturday in St. Benedict's Church, West Brighton. The Rev. John J. Tobin officiated at the ceremony, which was followed by a reception in the home of the bride's parent*. The bride, wearing a white sliper satin gown trimmed with ChanThe woman who has the best attilly lace and embroidered with tendance record as member of the CHORAL REHEARSAL paillettes, was given in marriage by her father. Her fingertip-length Westchester 34, United Order of The Choral Group of the West* veil was arranged from a crown True Sisters, will be given an Chester Woman's Club will meet of seed pearls, and she carried a award when the group meets to- at 10:30 A.M. tomorrow in the prayerbook with white orchids and morrow at 12:45 P.M. in the Ma- First Presbyterian Church to resonic Temple. The meeting will in- hearse for a concert slated for lilies of the valley. clude a business session and a so- the Women's Society meeting of Miss Corinne Esposito of West cial hour. the church on Dec. 5. Mrs. Carl Brighton was her sister's maid of Licht is directing, and Miss Doris During the meeting donated artihonor. Her gown was persimmon velvet and nylon net, and she cles for the next cancer sewing Voester is accompanist. Mrs. RuBorn.s'een is chairman Of wore a matching cap of velvet. meeting on Dec. 16 will be collect- c'oloh 1' -1 c' TP.I ';roup. Her flowers were green pompons ed. arranged in a cascade. Louis Cammarosano of Mount Vernon was his brother's best man. Ushers were Joseph Esposito of West Brighton, the bride's brother, Now... a glamorous new car to make the highway and Patrick De Meo of Mariner's , Harbor, Staten Island. safer for you and your family! When they return from their I wedding trip through the South, the couple will live in this city, j The bride was graduated from • Curtis High School in St. George, Staten Island, and Spencer Busi-j ness School in New York City. She ii associated with Rohner Gehrig and Company Inc., New York City. | Mr. Cammarosano is an alumnus of A. B. Davis High School, Fordham University and New York University Graduate School. Now studying for his Ph. D. in economics at Fordham University, he is an instructor in finance and economics at Iona College in New Rochelle. Costume Partv Featured By Couples Club the truth •bout eillo, pictured second from left. Mrs. Tuccillo received her crown as the league member who had sold the most tickets to the cotillion. Shown with her, left to UNCI ItfS '*( 'i' 2-2066 WT^rnon BRon*v.!)r Safety-First Steering... dependable Curve-Master Steering with center-point balance, keeps you directly in control at all times! Safety-First Chassis . . . strongest-braced body and frame, with the lowest center of gravity of any American car! Safety-First Bumpers . . . sturdy wrap-around bumpers equipped with Neva-Lok bumper bridges! You can't lock bumpers in a Kaiser! Safety-First Brakes . . . self-centering, oversized brakes with almost twlc* the average brake lifetime-plus more stopping power! Safety-First Vision . . . largest glass area in any standard sedan. E-Z EYE tinted glass (optional at extra cost). Safety-First Power... most powerful high compression (7.3 to 1) Supersonic Engine Kaiser ever built! Safety-First Lighting... oversize 3-directional tail lights... plus new safety trunklight. The World's Safest Front Seat... commended by Parents' Magazine! Exclusive with Kaiser! Safety-Mounted Windshield, designed to push outward upon impact. Padded Instrument Panel. Slant-back «I|<1 «»!«!« ttktf l l l l l CMF- M U M t M . posts-no "blind spots' ' PSS&ffZ. Lftrchmont World's first safety-first car 8-8802 2- 14S6 Fleetwood Motors, Inc. MacQuesten Parkway at Fleetwood Station Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
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