ug. 20, i935. H. A, BEEKHUIS, JR 2,011,704 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR THE VAPOR PHASE PRODUCTION OF' AMMONI UM NITRATE I r Filed May 7'; 195o /esse/ 4a J’eparaî‘or #à fer/apar el -49 3/ 6 HERNAN ALBERT BEE/mul BY Z ATTQRNEY Àug. 20, 1935. , 2,011,704 H. A. BEEKHUIS, JR PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR THE VAPOR PHASE PRODUCTION OF AMMONI Filed May '7, 1930 ¿il UM NITRATE 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Z,0ii,74 l Patented Aug. 20, i935 2,011,704 PROCESS AND APPARATUS Foa THE VA ron PHASE ritonUCTroN 0F AMMoNIUM ‘ NITRATE à: ' ' Y , Herman Albert Beekhuis, Jr., Syracuse, N. Y., ' assigner to Atmospheric Nitrogen Corporation, New York, N. Y., a corporation of New York Application May 7, 1930, Serial N0. 450,459 ' _ l 47 Claims. with ammonium nitrite and the decomposition of „ This invention relates to a process for the pro the ñnely divided ammonium nitrate by reason of duction of ammonium nitrate. More particu Aiarly, this invention relates toa process for the high temperatures generated by the chemical production of ammonium nitrate by reaction of ' reactions which take place. It is an object of the present invention to pro-5 ammonia, nitrogentetroxide, water vapor and ' oxygen, whereby a solid ammonium nitrate prod > Y a uct is directly obtained. „ Y I-t has heretofore been proposed to produce n ` ammonium ¿nitrate by reaction of nitrogen 10 tetroxide (by which term is meant nitrogen oxide correspondingto the` formula NO2 or N204 or a mixture of NO2 and NzOrin any proportions), water vapor, and oxygen with ammonia. In '_ carrying out the process as previously proposed, > 15 a gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, 'oxygen and water vapor in desired proportions is mixed with :a quantity of ammonia insuii’icient to react with ' the whole of the nitrogen >tetroxide in accordance Ywith the equation, A20 The solid ammonium nitrate thus y:formed is re moved from Ythe residual gases in which it is sus pended, and a further quantity of ammonia added 25 to react with the nitrogen tetroxide, water vapor and oxygen of theV residual gases. By making Vseveral additions of ammonia to the original 5 vide an economic process for the direct produc tion of ammonium nitrate by which ñxed nitro gen in the form of nitrogen oxides and ammonia is‘eniciently transformed into ammonium nitrate. Itis further, amongthe objects of this invention 10 to so modify and change the several steps of prior processes for the direct production of am monium nitrate as to result in marked improve mentV in the operation ofhsuch processes; to pro vide new conditions for carrying out the several 15 steps of those processes; and to so correlate those steps and the conditions under which they are operated as to provide a new and economic proc ess for the direct production of ammonium ni trate. Other objects ofthe invention Will in part 2_0 be obvious and will in part appear hereinafter, I have discovered that ammonium nitrate may be directly produced by the interaction inthe gaseous phase of ammonia with nitrogen tetrox ide, oxygen and water vapor in an eificient` and 25 _economic manner, and with reduced losses of iixed` nitrogen. This I `have accomplished by an nitrogen tetroxide gas with intermediate removal i improved coordination and correlation of the of ammonium nitrate, the amount of nitrogen manner of introducing and admixing the Vam 3() tetroxide remaining is ‘too small to be suitable for further treatment. y ' " Numerous din‘iculties are encountered in carry ing out the process as described. The equation given above'for the production of ammonium Y, 35` nitrate represents butV one of several reactions which'may take place simultaneously upon ad mixing 'ammonia with the nitrogen tetroxide, monia with the other components; the quantities 30 'of ammonia and water vapor utilized, and the temperature at which the reaction takes place. (It is to be understood that throughout the speci iication and claims, when a quantity of gas is mentionedreference is made to an amount of the 35 gas by volume). Thus the ammonia'is intro duced into a gas containing the nitrogen tetrox Water-vapor and oxygen. The nitrogen tetroxide ide, oxygen and water vapor and rapidly Aad gas as commercially prepared contains a quantity ‘ mixed therewith by means of a specially devised 40 of nitric oxide (NO). In treating such va gas with ammonia, nitrogen and water are formed by `an oxidation of the ammonia by means of the Vnitrogen oxides. vThis oxidationreaction may be expressed by the equation, - l mixing apparatus; they amount of ammoniais 40 less than about 0.3 times that required to neu tralize all the nitrogen tetroxide; the amount of water vapor is at least one part to each one part of ammonia, and the temperature of the reaction > is maintained within the range of below about 45 45 125° C. and above the dew point of water vapor in It is apparent thatV the “fixed” nitrogen of the ' ammonia and nitrogen oxides converted into gas i eous nitrogen represents an economic loss. VIt 50 has been found Vthat evenwhen the amount of nitric oxide present Ywas restricted, serious losses of ñxed nitrogen through its conversion into free nitrogen resulted. - Y y ' , ’ Other difficulties vencountered _were the con 55 taminatíon of the> ammonium Vnitrate product the gas mixture. ` ' Y ` l ' ` I havev found that numerous factors influence the eiiîciency of the reaction between ammonia, nitrogentetroxide, water vapor, and oxygen to 50 form‘ammonia and that the commercial success of a process employing that reaction is largely determined by a propercontrol of the conditions under which the reaction is carried out. With out in any way limiting my invention thereto, but 55 f 2,011,704y Y . , ' as a possible'explanation for' the influence upon`r temperature 'ofy the reactionmixture entails cool the eiiiciencyof the reaction' ofkvarious conditions ing the nitrogentetroxide gas prior to the vin- of operation as hereinaiter'setforth; I havev found ytroduction thereton of a limited `lquantity of am thatthe data obtained for the reactions takingY rplace upon mixing aninfionia,l nitrogen; tetroxide, „An association .of the nitrogen tetroxide and monia. ` - water vapor and' oxygen are in close-accord with Vwater Vapor as indicated >by vEquation II-above, l an assiîinptionÍthat the following Yequations Vex prior to its reaction with am'rnoniav would seem press the chemical reactions taking place. to be necessary for- high eiiìciency of rthe reaction f» to yform ammonium nitrate., ¿ Thenitrogen tetroX 10 IV-ZI-IzNzOs-l-ZNHa-{Tl/ZOzä " j_k ~ Y y ide gas, prior _to introductionkof vammonia there 10 y. to, should contain aquantity of water vapor at least equal tothe amount of ammonia'introduced _ vis apparent that it` is desirable _to facilitate thereto: Ihave found that it is preferable for Í15 ïIt reaction IVV rather than-reaction'I'II -which re ¿economic operation -of the processrto regulate the f ì ' » 2NH4NO3+H20+2NO2 sults in the> loss oi “nxed" 'nitrogen'.`r` Equation II»V. _',Y amount of water'vapor with relation tothe nitro- . gentetroxide content of the gas and that a-suit-> able proportion is'between 0.5_ andv 2.5 or more , ' conditions vwith Vrespect "t I 'the ratio „ ' represents `a'reversible -reaction, the equilibrium - VA20 l ' » being 'dependent >lilßon temperature _and vconcen-V parts ofV water’vapor to every 1 partY of NO2, butin no _case should therebe a sufficient amount` ` . to form a liquid condensate'in» the gas withwhich 20 ’_ Vthe ammonia _is -rn'ixed'- l't1 isv apparent, - there- " ï tration 'of nitrogen `tetrf'nçide Vand water vapor. , l foregfthat 'the'r amount [of excessy water vaporY whichY may/„bez employed is dependent’upon the IV'would appearvto Y ' temperature »of operation, andthe gases,V prior 215 f' Accordingly/,1'while‘Equation indicate that~about'50% of the nitrogen tetroxide -'tothe introductionvof ammonia,` should ’be at a >ì’nía gas may heeiîic’ientlyl utilized by lthe addition Worf* Íammonia',> not all’.y of 'the' nitrogen ‘tetroxide 25 temperature‘abovefthe dew point'7 ofthe water vapor contained therein. IfV the formation Yof a ' t iin the gas .wouldïbe combinedwith water vapor"y .liquid condensate» occurs,v corrosion ofthe ap 3'0»,V as HzNzOs andjvhenceflin*condition for »reactionW paratus in which the gas ¿is treated-results. Fur thermore, I have found -that the presence of such 1 with ammonia. ` VF/’ithincrease inï‘temperaturea V30 smaller proportion'. off- nitrogen , tetroXidel would l >a condensate in thefgases into ’which ammonia vbefinì 'thev form .of vI-ïzNzOaand' hence a 'smaller , is'.v introduced results in anjundesirable moisture proportion of ammonia 'may Aefñoiently;react with content of the , ammonium nitrate i product',Y and 35 'thegas eWithV a »relatively dilute NOzjg‘as the - what is _still more serious, results-finl a contamina l .Yproportion ÍI have found of HfiNzOsis -that in .also ¿mixing decreased.` ammonia 4 _witha Y Y ` Y9% lNOz'gas containing,4.2% water‘vapor'ata ~ l *Iï have further Vdiscovered that k'the concentrar Í' - temperature'o‘f’about 50° C., the eñiciencyzof the {reaction> rapidly'decreasedwhen they ammoniaY was v added in4 .aA tion of- the l’prccluctfwith ammonium nitrite and other impurities. quantity'more ‘I than about 0.3,` ’ times'the amount of nitrogen tetroXide contained.v tion-sof the nitrogen Yte'troxi'de in the reaction mixtureof gases plays an important» role inthe efâciency lof VYthe reaction- to form ammonium nitrate. ' Equation II'above may serve toeXpIain in-Vlthe gas. „On Vthelother hand;v 'l1r hayeffound thisk discovery.„A "As has’already been stated, the Y"that-Vin mixing lammoniak with/largas containing YVlresults“obtained by this invention indicate'vthat about `6,11% or less of nitrogen tetroxiderit is lad-Y the-ïreaction between nitrogenY tetroxide, water isable that the .amount of` ammonia added v.he ' vlvapor, oxygen, andarnn'ionia takes yplaceV in two less than about 0.25 times'. the amountîrequireïdïto - .stagesçy‘ ñrstg'thewforrnation: Yof _the compound wneutralizeall the-.nitrogen tetroxide contained in` - HzNgOs and the reactionof àarnmoniagwith this ' n 45 product. The formationof HzNzOswould'appear K‘ rEhe reaction >of ammonia with nitrogen tetroX- ' ' to; occur >as the result Yor" the reversible reaction represented by Equation îII- abover andthe amount 50 ide,- waterv vapor and.` oxygen, `liberates >a vcon thegas. . ` - « Siderable amount of KVheat which," by elevatingthe Y of H2N2O5 present in a mixture ot gasesinay be o. _ temperaturey of the reacting gases, deleteriously represented by the equilibrium~ 'equation for this `iniiuencesthe efliciency of the reaction. >`Ihave Yfound thatïthe reaction mixture should‘be main tained at a temperature below about '125°- C. inf ' order to prevent an excessive loss of ñxednitroe" ‘ gen; I v'have »found furthen' thatlit. is preferable ’ This interpretation or" the chernistrylof the'process ' lserves to ,explain irnyA discovery that thenitrogen vv'to control the temperature by introducing vthe Y 'tetroxide and water' vapor should' not» lbe tooY 60 ammoniaV into a gas contaíningnritrogen tetroxide at a temperature sufñcientlypbelow‘lZâ? C.’ that A ‘- by: the" intr'oductioniof a limited amount of arn- _ highly 'diluted' in thegaseous lreaction mixture since van excessive?dilution> not only »requires the treatment of unnecessarily large amounts ci gas monia insuñìcient heat' »_is'liberated 'by lthe 4reac ybut >_exercises a deleterious infini-:nce upon. the tion to' elevate the temperature of.: the reactionA j'r'eaetion to forni ammonium‘ïi'iitratebV I rhave "165 mixture _abovegabout v12,5" C.ff,»l_3y,-.tlf1'V _i correlating .Qf found that itis preferahle'to adinix a <_zoncentratedv ,the ftemperatureY of the 4nitrogen?f-tetroxide -gas _ammonia gas with the' nitrogenlftetronide gas, » and Ythe amount of ammonia` added >thereto _even ‘.'vavoiding ¿thereltjyfanr unnecessary dilution `oi they aëlocal excessive' heating of the reactionJIniXtureï " reactionïmixture "of gases, _Vs/’hile excess of is preventedflt‘is-fpossible, howeverçïto obtainl oXyg’cn'o-Ver -the Vamount"required vfor theA re- . »satisfactory resultsglby providing highly- eiîicientr action to form :an'mioniunV nitrate shouldj `be vmeans for "removing thefheat , of f the reaction; ` y 'Whenl‘a’ vnitrogen"tetroxidegas ,at> an elevatedv ' temperature'is to bíepemployed‘ in the production , present,fany’«undulylargeexcess is to >be avoided because of the -dilutionoic thenitrogentetroxide thereby. >I have found itpreferable@therefore,` Í‘of! ammonium nitrate.> in `vaccordance .withmy in-j ` tto-limit rthe amount of oxygenin lthe reaction v-Ventionggthe preferred method , of . controlling the4 . rmixture to an amount/:not greaterith'an about l0 % _ :of> the total volume of the gas with which the ammonia is admixed. mixing., of the ammonia with the nitrogen tetroxide, water vapor and oxygen, is necessary >for `«their erlicient conversion >into ammonium nitrate. The desirability of rapid mixing is in dicated by a comparison of »Equations III' and IV above.` The reactions represented by these equa tions take'place with great rapidity so that if> in the'mixturey oi >gases there be la localized excess of ammonia, the `reaction of> Equation ‘III result Y_ing-in a loss of fixed nitrogen takes place> where ‘the excess of‘arnmonia exists even ior'a‘very short period of time. ' Y! Furthermore, I have found that it is »important that the ammonia should be introducedv into a gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, water vapor i and oxygen, and that the nitrogenoxides should beY relatively completely .oxidized to nitrogen >tetroxide prior to the introduction' of ammonia, ~ gen mayfbe added to the gases passing through pipe 3. . ï I’have discovered further, that a very rapid lo 3 2,011,704 - From pipe 3 the gases are passed into the bot tom of a gas cooler ¿i wherein they mingle with residual gas from a pipe 2S and are intimately contacted with an aqueous medium having a pree determined composition and temperature, pref erably a solution of nitric acid, introduced into the top of the cooler from a pipe 6. `Cooler ¿i pref erably contains va packing material which ensures 10 intimate> Contact between the gases passed `through the cooler and the nitric acid solution in troduced therein. The nitric acid after contacting with the gas is withdrawn from thevbot tom of cooler ¿l through a pipe 5, and is circulat~ ed through a cooler l in indirect contact with a cooling medium such as water, back to the top of cooler li for renewed contact with gas from pipe 3. "I‘he cooling water is introduced into cooler 'I from a pipeß and withdrawn therefrom through a pipe 9. By its contact in cooler d with ' for examplerthe state oí oxidation of the nitrogen cool dilute nitric acid, the gas Afrom pipe 3 is ’oxide 4gasis preferably such that 80% or more Ylilly invention-accordingly comprises the several cooled to a desired temperature and its water Va por content is adjusted either by taking up from the nitric acid a quantity of water corresponding steps and the relation of‘one or more of such steps with respect to each of theothers and the appa to saturation ci the gas under the conditions of temperature and concentration of the acid, or ofq'the nitrogen oxides are present as NO2. ratus embodying features of construction, combi ir" the gas from pipe 3 contains an excess of water and the scope oi the invention will be indicated vapor above that corresponding .to saturation in contact with the nitric acid in cooler ß, the ex~ cess water vapor condenses out of the gas. The nitric acid solution likewise may absorb nitrogen in the claims. oxides from the gas which react to form nitric Y « nations oi elements and arrangement of parts 30 which are adapted to eiîect such steps., all as exemplified in the following detailed disclosure, . ’ For a` fuller understanding of the nature and objects of my invention, reference should be 'had to ï`the following detailed description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which: either a portion of the acid may be withdrawn during'its circulation or a quantity of water added thereto as may be desirable. ’ , ~ Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic»representation of the 40 process of this invention as carried outY in one type 'of apparatus; Y» f Fig. 2*»is an elevation, _in cross-section, of the reaction vessels oi Fig. l; and " Fig. 3 >is a _diagrammatic representation of the process of this invention as carried out in a dif vferent type of apparatus from that illustrated in'Fig. 1. acid and in such a casein order to maintain a` constant composition of cooling acid in cooler ¿l 35 i - Y Referring` now to Fig. l, a Vnitrogen oxide gas such as is obtained from the heat exchangers and ‘coolers of an ammonia oxidation system, which contains oxygen anda relatively large amount i The cooling of the nitrogen tetroxide gas may be accomplished in other manners than that de-V 40 scribed, for example by passing the gas in in direct heat exchange with a cooling medium. By employing direct cooling with aqueous nitric acid, however, simultaneously with the cooling of the gas its waterl vapor content is adjusted by con trolling'the concentration of the acid and the temperature of cooling. Furthermore, I have discovered that an'acid of proper concentration does not remove from a gas 'contacted therewith finely divided particles of solid ammonium ni 50 trate. The residual gas introduced intoA cooler 4 otwater vapor, is passed through a pipe `l into an oxidation chamber 2 where the nitrogen oxides are oxidized to nitrogen tetroxide, and the re carries with it a small amount of suspended solid ammonium nitrate. This ammonium nitrate not only does not interfere with the cooling of the sulting gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, water gases, as it would in case the heat transfer were Vvapor and oxygen, leaves chamber' 2 through a through metal surfaces upon which the am monium nitrate would deposit, but also the am monium nitrate in large part passes with the gases through the cooler and may be recovered along with additional ammonium nitrate subse 60 quently formed and recovered as described below. The gas passed through cooler ¿l is withdrawn through a pipe lû and passed to a, reaction vessel I i where itis admixed with ammonia from a pipe i2. The amount of ammonia vintroduced into pipe'3. It is apparentthat a nitrogen oxide gas from a source other than an ammonia oxidation system, may be’passed into chamber 2 forv treat ment therein, or`if a gas of the proper composi tion is available, the treatment in chamber _2 may be omitted and the gas passeddirectly through pipe 3 for use as hereinafter described. ' The gas Vpassed through pipe 3 preferably contains about 80% of its contenter" nitrogen oxides as nitrogen tetroxide. It shouldalso contain a quantity of oxygen sufficient for the product-ion oi ammonium nitrate in accordance with Equation I above. It Vthe gas passed into chamber 2 contains in sufficient oxygen for the oxidation of the nitrogen oxides, additional oxygen may be admixed there reaction vessel i i is proportioned with respect to the amount of nitrogen tetroxide introduced thereto such that the amount of ammonia in the reaction mixture of gases is less than about 0,3 times, and for example, employing a gas contain ing between 5 and 6% or" nitrogen tetroxide, is . with prior to their passage into chamber 'if and ii f preferably between about 0.10 and 0.25 times the required to make up -for any deficiency. in the amount required to neutralize all of the nitrogen amount of .free oxygen with respect to the desired tetroxide. The ammonia, nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water Vapor react to form ammonium proportion ,of oxygen and nitrogen tetroxide, oxy 7 2,011,704 Ä nitrate `vvhichis ,suspended as a finelyl divided> _, of nitrogen tetrozàide gas, vpassing «through reac 1' , solid inthe gases leavingreaction vessel Hl.: As tion chamberl i6. The ammonia is introduced as a* result 'of Ythis reactiongto form ammonium rm - a restricted stream flowing through the orifice in trate,V considerable lquantities. Vof heat .arevf'liber plate 9S into the' turbulentlyl flowing stream of> 'ated'.u AThe temperatureV attained bythe reacting nitrogenitetroxide gas, rand isy rapidly and thor gases asia result of this liberation ofheatshould oughlyfadmixed; Withv Vthe nitrogen tetroxide, be limited -to,aftemperatureflmelovv'ìaloout 125;"v C. Y 4roxygen' and Water Vapor, with Which'it reactsto As 'notedfabovav the 'temperature of they reacting form rammonium;nitrate: - l lReferringincvv to Fig. 1, the gases leaving Vre#> .t`so 1e >correlating ' course gases 125°“of bypreferably , reaction-below maintained >the degree this;throughout vtempe_rzfiture of coolingïof Í the of f action vessel ‘ll carry with them the'ammonium !Qf nitrateproo'lucedv therein and pass through a pipe >,the ,nitrogenr tetroxide ` gas in `gasico’olery à' and’ the, < yttl-¿to a separator 25 wherein the solid ammonium y ï »i - amount »of ammonia admised 'therewith in the i nitrateisseparated Vfrom the gas stream and re-` ’_ reaction »vessel that. insufficient heat> is liberatedl l movedthrough a pipe 26. Separator 25 may be of v 15. 4by the reaction to yraise the ,temperature of the Y, rany desired type such as ra centrifugal, lbaiîle or 15 l ‘electrostatic’separatori The Vgases from which the f ' " L cooled gases above 125° 'C._ It is important, hoWf Y ever, that the nitrogen tetroxidegas belnotcooled in gas coo'ier ¿l to sucha lowltemperature that the ammonium' nitrate has been in 'large part re-' Vrno‘vîed‘are passed through a pipe 2l' and inzpartv ' Watervapor content,- which is limitedrfby the tem- I ’are returned through a pipe 28 to gas cooler f3 for perature of thegas, Wouldfbeless thanabout- 1 « . renewed- treatment therein and subsequent re* 29 .i part of Water vapor for every konefpart'ofy ammo action with ammonia in reaction vessel t i to form nia subsequently added thereto. :It has.` been additional-quantities of vammonium nitrate.r The Y foundthat a;V proces-_s maybe rs'atisfactorily‘ oper- K recirculation of the ,'gasesífrom _separator V_25' is ` ated 65% when nitrogentetroxide a containing in not passing more«throughy than about gas induced by a fan 25. ' , VA portion ofthe residual gas containing nitrogen ’ cooler, ¿iis cooled to. a temperature of about 406 . tetrcxi'degoxygen and Water vapor from separator 25. ’ C. and the reactinggases .in reactionf vessel H ` . 25 passing through pipes 2ï and28 ris bledV fromV are l maintained ’l throughout ther coursel of the y,re 'Y thecirculatory system above ydescribed and passed action at temperatures between about ¿l0? C. and- through 'ai pipeß? >to a second circulatory system 125° C. >Undersuch conditions,> by employingin wherein.ammoniumnitrate is rproduced there 30Y gasïcoole‘r'd an ‘aqueous solution yof nitric >acid `Vfrom inamanncr similarftozthetreatment of the containing :about , 50 %‘VY HNOa ’at aboutv 40° 'C.,„the v 'nitrogen ¿tetroxide oxygen andgwaterV Vapor gasV 1 nitrogen tetroxidegas may be cooled ftofa-nrap ' from pipe' 3. g Thisseoond circulatory systemrcom propriateternperature and its waterrvapor'fcon- ». prises aifgas coolerl 39,'1cooler Sllfreaction Vessels oo DI and to anda separator 4l, which may beof 3,5; the sanieitype as the: corresponding portions of the acid orgiving upto theaeid'any undesirabie the ,circulatoryYsystemA above described. In gas excessïof Water vapor Whichgit may. contain. If ~ .cooler >3l the gas from pipe .êtl’is cooled and itsY any aqueous medium other than arnitricacidso- ~. Water vapor. content: adjusted by direct contact >lution isemployed inthe cooling of the gas, it is . with dilute nitric acidpassed into cooler 3i from apparent thatthe_moisturel content Íof‘ the gasv a pipe 32'. After contactewith theìgas the nitricl Vmay likewise be regulated by controlling the Ytem ‘ acid is Withdrawnvfrom cooler Sifthrough a pipe ' v tent automatically regulatedA either bythe gas> ~ taking up.y the proper ramount of," moisture >from perature V'and concentration» of* such A@aqueous 1 33, passed through a coolerâë, Where it is cooledV medium. l ' ' ~~ ' by means of cooling Water, andisrecirculated toV ‘ Itis of importancethat theammonia be intro- ‘ . ducedyin reaction ‘Í vesself! i, into the ' nitrogen ' cooler v3i through pipe’32. As inthe ease of the gas iii-cooler@1 it is preferred Ato'cool the gas'inA tetroxide gas containingfoxygen and Watervapor g» ,coolerfäl’ to a, temperaturev of’ab'out 40°C; -The and be quickly and thoroughly admix'edWithtl'n‘sV thus cooledrgas is passed by Way ofV pipes-¿35,î3ß, ~ gas. VIn Fig. 2 is‘shownone type ofgreaction'vessel 37 and »38' through reaction vessels Vsgjand' 45, which has been found toY be suitable/forlcarryingV` Y Whereinrthey are treated with ammonia to pro out the reaction.v >In, thatvfigure, the numeral »E3 Y, designates a cas'ing‘provided'with closur'esléi and l5,«whichtogether, define a mixing and reaction ` »chamber l5.` A ypipe lf'lr„which corresponds to Clt, duce ammonium nitrater and thence to separator Mwhere the ammonium nitrate is removed trom the residualc unreactedf gas. As yshoum in the drawings, the'gas from Yreaction vessel 39 passes 'Ul pipe l0 'of Figgfl», opens through closure v§55 into f vthrough af rest chamber` f32íbefore entering reac chamberïlâ and serves for the introduction into tiongvessel 4Q. Fromseparator el the ammonium chamberldof'the nitrogen tetroxide; oxygen and nitrate produced inereaction Vessels 39 and ¿il? ‘is Water'vapor»gas.¿_A second-_pipe i8 lserving removed through a pipeV ¿t3 and residualv gas :re-V (it)y furthe introduction of ammonia into'chamber It, .passes through _closure l5 andterminatesin are--v turned throughi'pipes À¿lli and‘45 to cooler Bimby means >of a fank 4E'. A'portion of the VgasV is dis stricted oriñceformed inaplate i9 seated on'the charged from theV system through a'pipe 4'! and' may_'if desired. `be treated to recover the'residual " .oppositehendof _casing lälapipe 25 which opens Y' relativelyvsmall amount' of 'nitrogenoxìdes con ‘endrof pipe ,I8 Withinïchamber I6.r Adjacent the througheasing I3'into1chamber l5 Yis provided for removing thefunreacted .gasesjand the reaction products >from chambery! 6, A rotatable shaft l2l has .__one endl seated‘in a bearing 22 carried by ’closure l5 and extends through closure M by’way ofrargas-tightioint to afpoint Without the 'reacf tion vessel; Means not shown in Fig.' 2.are pro ' tained therein or' otherwise disposed of. - ~-The heat liberated byv thegforrnation ofv am’ moniumy nitrate in reaction vessels 353 and Ai!) is removedlfromthe -gas by dissipation during >pas sage from thesevessels to gas cooler 3i and in gas cooler 3| by contact With'cooled dilute nitric acid. Theïcontentl ¿of water Vapor, -'nitrogen '_ vided for rapidly rotating shz'iftliï.y Shaftf‘?! tetroxide vandioxygen of the residualgasïis ad ’within reaction chamber lßcarries av grid 23 which2 justed .in.~_-coole"ry 3l by direct contactofdilute „ isV attachedto theshaft for rotation therewith. By rapidly` rotating shaft 2! andl grid 23; ajtur- _ nitric acidvl therewith andby kadmixture with the ‘ hulence is AI_nechanically.impartedto _the stream gas from jpipe 3.9.» The thus treated >gas inre action Vessel> 39 is'mixedr in »reaction vessels 39 50 Y ~ 5, l2,011,704 pure ammonia gas. The gas leaving `reaction spectively. In each reaction vesselan amount of, vessel ||, after .separation of the ammonium ni ammonia is admixed with the nitrogen tetroxide trate in separator 25, is divided and four-fifths gas’ suchthat in each of the reaction vessels, the may be returned to gas cooler il and the remain- i amount oi' ammonia. in the reaction mixture is ingone-ñìth passed to gas cooler 3|. The second circulatory system comprises gas f lessV than about 0.3 times and is preferably less cooler Si, reaction vessels 3e and 40, rest cham- f than about 0.25 .times theV amount required to neutralize‘all of the nitrogen` tetroxide therein. ber 42, separator 4| and ian 46. In this system, Theuse of two reaction vessels, 39 andgíiii, in gas entering the gas cooler from pipe 36 may be and is with ammonia, frompip'e's .as and 49 lre admixed with about i’our times its volume of re 10 series is advantageous when the nitrogen tetrox- p sidual gas from pipe ¿l5 and the gas mixture cooled ide concentration in the gas is low, for example about 2% NO2. In such case the temperature o1“ to about 40° C. by direct contact with dilute nitric the gases leaving `reaction vessel 39 is suiiiciently ' acid. The gas leaving cooler 3| may be admixed low `that a further quantity oi ammonia may be with about 0.004 times its volume ofammonia from pipe 48. Ammonium nitrate is formed and, 15 15 added in reaction vessel 40 and a temperature of together with’the residual gas, passes through »125° C. not exceeded. Thus, there may beV in troduced into vessel 3e an amount of ammonia rest chamber ¿lf2 to reaction vessel' 60. The gas about .25 Vtimes the amount required to neu~ passed to reaction vessel de may have a tempera `tralize all of the nitrogenA tetroxide passed into -ture of about 70° C. and is admixed with about 0.003 times its volume of 'ammonia from pipe 49. 20 the vessel and a like amount of ammonia maybe lintroduced into vessel 40., Intermediate the two Additional ammonium nitrate is formed and the reaction vessels 39 and @.0 the gas'containing temperature of the gas leaving reaction vessel "|50 ammonium nitrate formed in reaction vessel 39 passes through rest chamber ¿i2 where it is main cent condition to _permit further oxidation of lower-oxides oi`_ nitrogen contained in the gas rises to about 95° C. The ammonium nitrate pro duced in reaction vesselsSB and d@ is removed in separator ti l. >The residual gas contains about 1% NO2. About four-fifths of the residual gas is re circulated to the gas cooler 3|, while about one and the readjustment of the equilibrium between Íifth is discharged from pipe 4I. the nitrogen _tetroxide and water vapor and I-I2N205 formed by their combination. If de sired, however, the gas from the reaction vessel 33 may he passed directly to reaction vessel '40. In Fig. 3, there is diagrammatically illustrated a process for the production of ammonium nitrate in accordance with this invention in which the » The process for the production of ammonium recirculation of the residual unreacted gases. The apparatus of this figure consists or" `two simi tained for a periodof time in a relatively quies 35 _ nitrateas carried out in the apparatus diagram-` matically illustrated >in Fig. 1 comprises the treatment of a gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, >oxygen and water vapor in two circulatory sys tems. `In theiirst of these systems, which com prises gas cooler e, reaction vessel il, separator 25 Vand ian‘îä, during the circulation of the gas, - successive additions of ammonia are admixed ' therewith in reaction vessel ii to produce am-> xmonium nitrate which .is separated >from the 40, residual gas in separator 25; The heat liberated by `the reaction in vessel il is removed from the circulatory system by dissipation ’to the sur rounding air in the travel of gases from there action vessel back to the gas cooler and by con tacting'the gases in cooler 4 with the cool dilute nitric acid passing therethrough. The nitrogen - ‘ A i 3o nitrogen tetroxide gas is treatedinseries without lar groups, each group comprising a gas cooler |04 or .,iäi, a nitric acidscooler |01 or i3d, reaction vessel iii or i559, and separator |25 or |là| which may be of the same type as the corresponding por tions ci the apparatus of Fig. l. Although in Fig. 3 an apparatus is'illustrated consisting or" 40 two groups, itis to be understood‘that one or more additicnalxgroups may `loe. employed as may lbe desired. . .. ' » ' - . 7. In employing the apparatus'of Fig. 3, a gas cor responding, for example, to the gas passed togas 4.5r >cooler fi of the apparatusci Fig. l is passed through pipe |03 to a gas cooler |04 where Vit is cooled by direct contact with dilute nitric acid from pipe |05. After contact with the gas the dilute nitric acid is passed through pipe |06 to 50 cooler lüï where it is cooled by means of cooling tetroxide, oxygen 'and water vapor content of the recirculating gases is adjusted by treatment water circulated therethrough by way'of pipes lwith `the dilute nitric acid and by addition of íiiSand. H39 and returned through pipe |05 to the fresh gases from pipe 3 and the recirculatingv gas cooler. The cooled nitrogen tetroxide gas con- . ' gases then pass to reaction vessel || for .admix ture therewith of ammonia. ï co . The following conditions are illustrative» of one embodiment of my invention, but it is to be understood that the invention is in no’ wise limited to the conditions specifically set forth. YA gas‘irom the heat exchangers of an ammonia oxidation system containing about 9% nitrogen oxides calculated as NO2, about 2 to 4% water yapor and about l to 5% oxygen may betreated in voxidation chamber` 2f. to oxidize the lower >oxides of nitrogen to -nitrogen'jtetroxide and thence passed at a temperature of,` for example, about 106° C., to gas cooler t where it is cooled taining oxygen and Water vapor passes from gas cooler. iilâ through a pipe HE] to reaction vessel iii where it is admixed with ammonia from a pipe` |52. The ammonium nitrate and residual gases pass through a pipe |24 to separator |25 in which the ammonium nitrate is removed from the gas and is withdrawn through a pipe |26. The residual gas passes through a pipe |334 to gas Vcooler- i3! of the succeeding group for treatment in the apparatus of that group for theproduction of additional ammonium nitrate. In gas cooler i3! the residual gases‘are cooled and their water vapor content adjusted by direct contact with dilute nitric acid from pipe |32. 'I‘he dilute nitric acid, after contact with the gas, is passed through to an appropriate temperature by direct contact with dilute nitric acid. The‘gas passed into the cooler may be admixed therein with about four ` pipe |33 to cooler |34 where it is cooled by means timesyits volume of residual gas from pipe 28. of» cooling water and recirculated through pipe The gas leaving thecooler through pipe` l0 Amay §32 back to gas cooler |3|. The thus treated contain 'about 5% to 6% NO2. 2 to 4% H2O and residual gas passes through pipe |35 toreaction l to 5% O2. In >reaction vessel || it is admixed vessel §39 where it is admixed with ammonia with about 0.0l'times its volume of substantially from pipe |48. The ammonium nitrate and unre 55 actedl pass through pipegi 38 'ïtofl'separator ^ v,which comprises :maintaining thetempîerature "of I ¿il _where " theuammoniumi. nitrate;`v is¿ . separated .v said gases ` throughoutr 1 out and withdrawn 'through ra ‘pipellliàr yThe Are '4. In the process of producingiammonium ni; Y trateby reactionof ammonia, water vapor, ni- f ' trogen tetroxid'e` and'oxygen, thatlimprovement _ ‘ nitrogeng'oxides or ¿disposed of in: -any,r desired A'manner..;. > V- ` ' -' the course `of ¿the reaction ï lbelow about Y125" C.; ' sidual gas is discharged'throu'gh apipeÍ ,l‘álfor >'treatment to recover itsremaining ìcontentï‘of -~ which., comprises mixing `said Vgases ‘and`V main,- f »The production of Vammonium nitrate; in ac' 'taining 'theV temperature of'. saidV mixed `gases throughout the course ofr the reaction below .about .125° C1 and above the dew point oi the Vwa V l 1‘ cordance Withthismodification ofV my invention, j 10. comprises forming in each lof reactionvessels i l l and’lßiia mixture oi gases containing-,nitrogen ter vapor in said mixture; ' itetroxide,foxygen„water'vapor andammonia in ' 1 - . `:5..In the process v,of’producing ammonium yni-f t ` such proportions that:r the amount of ammonia'ï Vtrate. by reaction @_i-ammonia, water vapor, ni .f isilessethan about «033 ztimes the amount required trogenftetroxide andoxygen, that improvement toneutralize allcthe-` nitrogen', tetroxide in .the Íy .which'comprises,maintaining said gases through admixture..r .The“nitrogenk oxide >gases passed to ' out the course of the reaction at temperatures be-V the reaction vessels are cooledlfin‘gascooler we - tween about 40? C. to 125° C. Y or; |735 Vto a temperature .which *may be 4about, `40°*> C'Lfwhereb'yftthe .temperatureY of. the gases’ in- l. ‘ ‘- ~ f6. The process/of producing ammonium nitrate t whiciigcomprises admixing ammonia with a gas, reaction-'vessels y i I i .anfdr l39~is not- increased tok v containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water abovejabout 125° f C; ,by the lneat liberated» by the t , Vapor',jiimiting the quantity of said ammonia to >reaction to 'form ammonium’„.nitrate.l In both ' an amount‘insuñicient. to neutralize all the ni» Vofithe.gas coolers'the-nitrogentetroxide andv oxy- ' " trogen tetroxide contained in'said gas, and maintaining'said mixture throughout` the course of the » gen- VVgasA` is> simultaneously vcooled ,and »its >water Vapor i‘content :adjusted »byf direct- Contact` with 4' reaction at a temperature below 'about 125° C. 25 f '7. The 'processoi producing> ammonium ni «trate which comprisesadmixing ammonia withV the production" of ammonium4 nitrate ¿embodying a gas containing’nitrogentetroxide, oxygen and this invention, ¿comprise radmixing :in reaction water vapor, limiting thequantity'of said ammo aqueous 3 ' The above nitricY vdescribed acid. `examples , ’ of processesf‘or . vesselsizigäâ and ¿wor i li and |39 a-pluralityof nia to an amount insufficient to neutralize" all the ` 3o" successive; additionsjof ammonia with a gasfcon' ` nitrogen 'tetroxide v contained ’in saidA gas, and taining. nitrogen? tetroxide, fox'ygen' .and „'»water 1 maintaining said`inixture throughout the >ci’iurse vapor. 'The nitrogen'tetroàddegas is cooled'` in lof; the reaction'at'a'/ temperature above' the dew 'gascoolerslàv 3i," itâ orißl .prior vto the intro' 'pointV of the water ïva'por in the mixture and be duction oiäarnmonia, and r»thequantity oieachÍ low about12r5° C* Y t Y ‘Y es" 8. The process jf producing 'ammonium nitrate ’ suiiicient to"completely.,neutralize'..the nitrogen which comprises admiring ammonia withïa gras tetroxideingthe gas’ with which itïis-adrnixed addition of .ammonia is limited »totanamount in- ~ containing'nítrog'en rtetroxide, Yoxygen and water which, Vin the particular processesdescribed, is preferably/between.aboutit.;,and 0.25 times that vapor and limitingfthe quantity yofthe ammonia to ran amount such that the heatïliberated by 40 reaction of the'v ammonialwith said gas is insum- , »cient to heat: the. reaction ‘mix turej to Ya tempera'f. vreduiredgto `:neutralize allÍofftheqfnitrogen tet roxideadrnixed therewith. VThe ¿ .temperatureof « kthe reaction mixture vin each"Y oiî'ívjessel's i 4;'39, di?, tureabovevabóut `125" C. lil> and f i39isf maintained below „about 125°. C.. 4.5„ « , l Y n _ . ~ 9; Theprocess of producing' ammonium nitrate which `comprises introducing ammonia into a t cooled'gas mixture containing nitrogen tetroxide, a A`Sinceleertairi vchanges; in` carryingl >out the ' oxygen and >water» vapor and correlating the‘tem perature to.v whichsaid mixture istcooled and the by correlating'»thedegreefof coolingfof the nitro`-à v , , . Y gen,..tetroxidey Agas :andthe amount'of ammonia'V ï admixed with the-cooled‘gas.VY p : Y rabove processes fand. intîhefconstructions set .à forthwlfiich.embodyy the invention maybe made , quantity offam'monia added _thereto whereby the Á i reaction" mixtureV is ¿heated toV r,a temperature 1 without departing'fromiits'scopa Vit is intendedv below about 125? C; gby Vthefhrçzfat liberated byA 50 - .thatallïmatter‘contained'in the above description reaction offäsaidßammonia with' the gas'mixture. , or »shown inthe accompanying ldrawings shall t 10. The process Vof producingY ammonium ni ' , be _interpretedas 'illustrative and not in alimit ing sense.` ‘ " v . Iclaim: f~ ` .t trate twhich comprises introducing ammonia rinto . a cooled gasv mixture containing nitrogen tetrox D » .1. 'In the-processofproducing ammonium ni-l ide, ycnrygenxjan'd »water vaporyrcorrelating theV ,temperature to whichjsaid mixture is j cooled and troge'n ,tetroxide and oxygen, that'i'mproyement the quantity of ammonia added thereto whereby Athe reaction mixture is heated ¿to a temperature 1607,.V which ‘comprises forming'. a mixture of said gases belowf about 125° C,y by the heat' liberated by in proportions such that the amount of ammo-v` reaction of said ammonia with the gas mixture, nia inisaidmixture isless than about 0.3V times separating vammonii‘un ‘ nitrate .thus produced rthe.a‘rnc'iuntîrequired to neutralize all'of thehi-` fro'rn'the residual gas; cooling the Wresidual gas . trogen tetroinde therein.> »j , Y ' ‘ trate by reaction of ammonia-.watervapor,y ni- t ' l "65 - , adjusting its contentfïor" lnitrogen tetroxide, A2..“_I'n theproce'ss‘of` produoingfammonium ni*-Y fand oxygen'gand Wateri vapor to produceiajgas >mix ture` having-’substantially the same composition es n . . trate ‘byf reaction ofr'ammonia, watervapor, ni trogen'tetroxide vand oxygengfthat improvementV ' , which comprises forming a mixture of-said gases in proportions such that theamount'of Vammo fasthe laforesaid cooled gas mixture andemploy ing ,the resulting cooled gas mixtureriorßthe pro f' duction -' of V‘ammonium Vnitrate inv Y the». manner nia vin‘said mixture is yless than1abóut0'~25 timesrk ., »hereinbefore described;Y f ~ r1175 60 trogen the kamount tetroxide'therein. required-„to -ìfleutraliae'all'of . ' "the“ ni-l if " f 11; The_„process of producing ammonium` ni ytrate which comprises introducing ammonia into- ' 1,13.v In the.ïprocessofproducingammonium ni»V v a gas mixture containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxy l trate by reaction of ammonia,.watery vapor, ni--~ gen 'and- water vaportat atemperature of labout f trogen-î tetroxideand oxygen, that improvement 40° C., limiting rthe quantity of fthe ammonia' to 7 2,01 1,704 ’an-amount such that the >heat liberated by reac tion of the ammonia with said gas mixture is insufficient to heat the reaction mixture to a> temperature above about 125° C., separating from the residual gas, and cooling the gas prior to addition of ammonia thereto to a predeter ined temperature. whereby the heat liberated by the reaction of the ammonia with the thus ammonium nitrate thus produced from the resid- - cooled gas is insuñîcient to heat the reaction mixture to a temperature above about 125° C. ' ual gas, adjusting the content of nitrogen tetrox 18. The process of producing ammonium ni ide, oxygen and water vapor of theresidual gas ' and» removing heat therefrom to produce a gas UX trate whichcomprises introducing successive ad ditions of ammonia into a gas containing nitro gen tetroxide,- oxygen and water vapor, limiting the quantity of each addition ofv ammonia to an amount less than about 0.25 times that required ' to completely neutralize all of the nitrogen tet manner hereinbefore described. ~ roxide in the gas into which said addition is intro I , 12. lIn the processor producing ammonium ni duced, separating ammonium nitrate formed from trate by reaction of ammonia, water vapor, nitro `Ygen tetroxide and oxygen,V that improvement the residual gas, cooling the gas prior to addition of ammonia thereto to about 40° C., and maintain v which comprises cooling a‘gas containing nitro mixture having substantially the same composi tion and temperature as the ñrstmentioned gas mixture, and employing the resulting gas mixture for the production of ammonium nitrate in the gen tetroxide-by directly contacting said gas with an aqueous nitric acid solution and mixing e‘n tween about 40° C. and 125° C. monia with the ' thus` cooled gas. i 13. In the process of `producing ammonium ni trate by'reaction of ammonia, water vapor, nitro igen tetroxìdel and oxygen, that improvement `which comprises cooling a gas containing nitro gen tetroxide by directly contacting said gas with . an aqueous medium and mixing ammoniawith the." thus cooled gas.` i , ’ i 14. In the process of’producing ammoniumV ni trate by reaction ofY ammonia, water vapor, nitro gen tetroxide > and oxygen, that improvement ' Vwhich comprises simultaneously cooling and ad justing the water vaporV content of a gas con f taining nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen by directly contactingsaid gas with an aqueous nitric acid ‘ A solution having a predetermined composition and temperature and mixing Yammonia with the thus cooled gas. Ä ing the temperature of the reaction mixture formed by each of said additions of ammonia be ' ` 15. The process oî‘producing ammonium ni trate which comprises simultaneously cooling and adjusting the water vapor content of a‘gas con taining oxygen andl not more than about'6.5% nitrogen'tetroxide by directly contacting said Vgas with about 50% aqueous nitricacid solution at a temperature of about 40° C.,'and introducing _ ammonia into the'thus cooled gas. 16. The process of producing ammonium ni trate which comprises simultaneously cooling and . 19.111 the process of producing ammonium ni trate by `reaction in the gaseous phase of am monia, water, nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, that improvement which comprises reacting on said nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water vapor with ammonia in a plurality of stages and limiting the quantity `of ammonia available for reaction with the nitrogen tetroxide ineach stage to not more than about 0.3 times the amount required to neu tralize all of said nitrogen tetroxide in each stage to form ammonium nitrate. ' v 20. In the process of producing ammonium ni trate by reaction in the gaseous phase of am monia, water, nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, that improvement which comprises reacting on said nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water vapor with ammonia in a plurality of stages, and limiting the quantity of ammonia available for reaction with the nitrogen tetroxide in each stage to less than about 0.25 times the amount required to neu tralize all of said nitrogen tetroxide in each stage to form ammonium nitrate. 2l. The process for the production of ammo nium nitrate which comprises circulating a gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and Water vapor in a circulatory system and during the cir io culation of said gas admixing therewith ammonia whereby ammonium nitrate is produced, limit ing the quantity of said ammonia to an amount .adjusting the water vapor content oi’fa gas con taining nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen by directly less than about 0.3 times that required to neu contacting said gas with an aqueous nitricacid , tralize all the nitrogen tetroxide in the reaction l solution having a predetermined composition ,and mixture, separating ammonium nitrate thus pro- _ temperature, introducing ammonia into the thus `duced from the residual gas, removing from the ,cooled gas in amount insuí-Iicientto completelyA circulatory system heat liberated by the‘reaction, Vneutralize all of the nitrogen tetroxide therein ~ to Aform ammonium nitrate,- separating the resid ual gas and ammonium nitrate thus produced, introducing into the residual gas nitrogen tetrox ide and oxygen, cooling and adjusting the water vapor content of this gasby directly contacting and adjusting the nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and Water vapor content of the recirculating gas prior to admixing ammonia therewith. 22. The process for the production of ammo nium nitrate which comprises circulating a gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water vapor in a circulatory system and during 'the cir culation of said gas admixing therewith ammonia mixture having substantially the same compo sition and temperature asV the aforesaid cooled- whereby ammonium nitrate is produced, limiting the quantity of said ammonia to an amount less gas, and employing the resulting cooled gas mix ture for the production of ammonium nitrate in` than about 0.3 times .that required to neutralize all the nitrogen tetroxide in the reaction mix the manner hereinbefore described.A ’ ture, separating ammonium nitrate thus pro 17. The process of producing ammonium ni trate whichcomprises introducing successive ad duced from the residual gas, bleeding from the ditions of ammonia into a gas containing nitrogen circulatory system a portion of the gas therein, = itA with aqueous nitric acid to produce a gas _ - tetroxide, oxygenV and water vapor, limiting the quantity of» each laddition of »ammonia to an amount less than aboutY 0.3 times that required to completely neutralizeall of the nitrogen te troxide in the gas into which said addition is e introduced, separating ammonium nitrate formed admittingto said system additional quantities ofY gas containing nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, Ycooling the circulating gas and adjusting its con tent of waterl vapor-prior to admixing the am monia therewith and so correlating the aforesaid steps of the process as to maintain substantially ~ l«mists-ua >the» conditions 'un ,der i which, each> Èsœp' nium "nitrate fora periodici timein ¿relativelyV ' of the process> operates. ,ÍY "quiescent condition. Y " :_23. The A processy for’tlie' .production .of ammo I Í >`28'. They process for the _production „of“ ammo- j ‘ nium nitrate wiiicli comprises circulating >a, gas nium `~nitratewliicl’i 'comprises recir'c'ul'ating> a gas~ ` rcontaining nitrogen > tetroxide, oxygen ,and L'Water vapor in a circulatorysystemV nitrogen'tetroxide,oxygenandlwater and „during the-cir- I $1 ^ Vapor inajcirculatory systemandduringv the cir Y containing jculation >of said gas admixingitl’icrewith amino- . Youlationl of saidl gas admixingtherewith succes ' niawhereby'anunonium„nitrate is produced, lirn- : ' iting the quantityof said ammonia` tojan amount ’ less than aboutgoßtinies.thatjrequired to neu sive‘additìons of ammoniafto- produce ’ammonium _' ` nitrate, separating the Yresidual gaszand A'ainmo- ' nium nitrate, adding to :the residual gas nitro 'l0 gen tetroxide andoxygen, adjusting the tempera vture and watenvapor content of the circulating prior'to the addition tlieretoîof ammonia, circulatory system aportionof the gasl therein,> ¿gas >.continuously Ywithdrawing'fr0-in the aforesaid cir - adnn'tting to-said systemv auditienal> quantities ifoî culatory» system a' portion of the gas' circulating ,s v.gas containing 'nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, therein,v passing the withdrawngasinto a'sec-¿ >cooling the’ circulating Ygas, and adjusting itscon-v -, ond'circulatory system wherein it is recirculated tent; ci ,water Vapor prior to adinixing thefain and duringÀ its circulation in said secondV system ,tralizefall'tne‘ nitrogenltetroxide in the reaction 'mixture Yseparating. ammoniumrv nitrate thus’pi‘o- l (duced from thefresidual gas,l bleeding'froinxthe f monia'tlierewitli ,e by direc lyl contacting said Ygas withv an aqueous solution ‘of Ynitric aci d'prior tog'. I >mixing said gas with successive additions >of am toproduce additional ammonium-nitrate, ‘ admixing tlie> ammonia, therewith,v and’ main monia separating the residual gas and Yainx‘noniurn ni taining the temperaturegof the reaction mixture v tratetlius produced, adding to `the residual gas Y Y of ammonia andsaid circulating. gas below about f 24. The vprocess, for the production ofi-'ammo nium nitrate` which comprises ,circulating a gas the gaswithdrawn fromçth'e iirst mentioned cir- i ` culatoryfv system„'and adjusting thev temperature and ,water Vapor;y content of tne'circulating gas, - containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water ‘ landin both of the aforesaid, circulating systems n limiting the amount of each’oi’ saidfadditions ofY _vapor in a circulatory system and during the cir thecirculating gasto not oula'tion'of said gas adrnixing' therewith ammonia ammoniaadmiiied whereby‘arnmonium :nitratev is produced limiting v , more thanuilß timesr thatrequiredV to neutralize the quantity ,of said ammonia to anamountbe-z . all the-nitrogen tetroxide `present inthe reaction » tween’about 0.1 'andfûzätirncs'that required to i neutralize lfall the nitmgenV tetroxide in the. reac tion t mixture,Vv separating ammonium nitrate Vthus produced from tlie residual vgas,.bleeding fronitlie mixture and maintaining the reaction mixture at ~ ¿temperature below about 1725970.` v y _29. yThe-process for tlie production'fo'i ~ ammo niurnr nitrate which comprises recirculating a gas ‘ nitrogen tetroxidaoxygen and Water ucirculator system al portion` loi ‘the gases therein,v ., 'containing vapor in acirculatorysysternand"during-the cir oo ¿admitting to4 said lsystem additional >quantities oi gas containing. nitrogen tetroxideand oxygen,-- culation of said gas admixing Vtherewith succes- ' cooling'tlie circulating v'gask and adjusting its "c'on- ` lsive additions of y,ammonia to -produce ammonium tent oiiwater vapor by directly’ contactinglit with vnitrate,ttrnaintaini_ng the reaction mixture at a 40 separatingrthe an aqueous solution' of, nitric acid containing about ` temperature,belowabout 125° .e >5o %fnitric acid at a'temperature of »about do" 16.1,@ r>residual,gas and ammonium nitratefadding to ther residual >>`gas nitrogen tetroxide ' and ì oxygen, and maintainingthe Ytemperature- of the reac l tionrnixture of ammonia and-said coolcdgas be low about «125° C; y45 ‘ adjusting` theìtemperaturefand water Vapor con v tent of the >Acirculating gas rI'Jriorvato’t’ne addition f `25. The processor,l producing ammonium ni- ">V'thereto;'orammo-nia, ‘ n 40v by directlycontacting said 4:5 'trate which comprises;y admixing successive ,addi-, ¿g-a's withl an aqueous solution o_f nitric acid at a tions of aininoniafwith a gas containingnitro- „ temperature of abonnees; o., continuously witn gen tetroxide,v oxygen,l andrv water Vaponelimiting f "drawingffrornthe aforesaid circulatory system a the quantity 'ofv each addition kof .ammonia rto-an ' iportionjof the, gas circulating therein, passing the amountY insufficient to'completely neutralize the f withdrawn gas íntoa second Vcirculatory system nitrogentetroxide in ,the gas admiXed therewith; wherein it is circulated and during its’circula 50 said second system mixing said-gas with` '1 and maintaining the temperature of the reaction « tion ¿successive additions of ammonia toproducev ad mixturebelow_alooutflZëio C.-A v v ,f , Yditional ammonium nitrate,`„niaintaining. the re- Y i 26. .The 'process' of `producing fammoniinnl m' 5-5 - Vl trate ¿which comprises gadm'ixing i successive Vaddi A`actionmixture,,at a temperaturel below >about ' ' tions oiammonia with- a gas containing nitrogen ` i25°»C.,1-separating the residual gas andammo » tetroside,` oxygen/and. water vapor, limitingâtlie> ` , quantity of' eachladdition of ammoniaito anvr nium nitrate thus produced, adding vto the resid ual gas, the jgas Withdrawn fromthe first’ men f 66’ amount Vless than about 0,25 times that required ¿ Y tioned circulatory systemga'nd adjusting thek tem to completely neutralize-fthe nitrogen tetroxide in peratureìand rwater vapor content :of tlie, circu _ the> gas admixed therewithgfand >maintaining the ' lating gas byA directly contacting'said >gas withv an temperatureoi the reaction mixture below about* '_ aqueous solution- oinitric acidat a temperature k.lofaloout40j’ C.v " ' ' Y ' ‘ ' î" 60 ’ Si).y The' process ofp'rodu f ¿U ammonium' nitrate 27”"1‘1'19 process O‘f producing ammonium. nir à .which rcomprises( admixing ammonia Iin 'a plu 65"' trate whicliï comprises-admiring successive addi v tionsof'ammonia’with sigas-„containing nitrogen rality of stages with-’a gas coranrising> nitrogen 65 tetro’aide, water Vapor 'and a'quantity4 of oxygen Y, "tetroxide, oxygen and watervapor, limitingthe 'Y' not'greater‘tlianra’oout 10%,of the tota-l'volume v ` quantity oi each addition vofV Vammonia-to; an of _:sai-dm».gas',V liiniting'tlie quantity of ammonia amount insuiiicient to ceinpletelyneutralize the' lavailablefor reactionwiîth/tlie nitrogen tetr-oX Y 4¿nitrogen y_maintaining tetroXide the` »temperature inthe gas admiredr of? the'reaction therewith, -` ide in?eacli stage VVto V:not more than about 0.3 timesk amount'reduired lto neutralize all of said ni rmixturejbelc'lw about 125°Q'C’. and intermediate’ kthev trogenitetroxide'tcfi‘orm ammonium nitrate, and f theintroductionv of twoïfoi said additions’of'am yrrionia maintaining-the gasV containing ammo V*maintaining the reaction-mixturein each 'of saidl stages'at a temperaturefbelowabout i25f’ïC;- U A 75 ' ¿.9 2,011,704 to . a , temperature. of about `~ 409 i C. ' and adjusting . 5F31. The'fpro‘cess ‘fori the f'production 'of ammo-_~ niun'fi> nitrate` which - comprises mixingV ammonia therwater vapor content by directcontact of said' with Va 'gas'containing nitrogen tetroxide,lloxygen{ and Water vapor, said water vapor’being Vinl amount in excess of that required toreactwith» allthe' nitrogen tetroxide `butlinsuiiicient `to Íorm'ïa liquid condensate in the aforesaidI gas! at 'temperatures above about 40° C; andl maintainingîtiiefreacting mixture of ammonia and said gas at" temperatures gas vWith aqueous nitric acid. u 32.` The `process for the -productionof 'ammo nium ‘ nitrateWhich - comprises i mixing ammonia; nitrogen tetroxide; oxygen l and ' Äwater . vapor . in ` . ' ‘ more than .about 6.5% nitrogen tetroxide, _' and oxygen into »direct contact‘with an aqueous solu tionsof nitric acid containing about 50% I-INOs at about 40° C,-,Jintroducing ammonia intorthe thus treatedgas in amount' insufficient tov neutralize 1 part 'of nitrogen tetroxide, and from 0.5 to 2.5 parts ofiwater vapor. » l' ï 39. iThe process of producing ammonium nitrate which `-comprises` passing a ,gas containing not 'the proportions of less than 0.3 parts of ammonia, - A thenitro'gen tetroxide toform ammonium nitrate. within'the fange' of about.4o°.c.m1125120. f Y i5: ' 1 v38; The process of producing ammoniumnitrate which» comprises introducing 'ammonia' into ça gas >containing oxygen, Water vapor andnot more than about"l6%' nitrogen tetroxide and limiting the quantityof ammonia‘to` an amount less than` about 0.25 .times that required to neutralize’all f ~*»L33.`~The process for the production .of ammo allV the nitrogen tetroxide contained thereinfto ammonium nitrate, and maintaining the re nitrogen tetroxide; oxygen: and v‘livater Vapor'. in 'Y form acting mixture of'igases Vat atemperature below 20A i the .proportions .'of. not more than'aboutiûßparts 20V ì l. _ . v _' of ¿ammoniagabout `l part ofïnitrogen tetroxide al:noui',‘125.";C.n , . .j ‘1 V14,0."I‘he process of producing ammonium and between >about 0.5„andï 2.5 parts of Water nitrate which comprises .passinga gas containing , vapor and maintaining the» temperature oflthe not morefthan'about 6% nitrogen'tetroxideand reacting Vgases between about. 40° C.` and 125° C. oxygen into direct .contact with an 'aqueous solu " 34.. The process of producing ammonium nitrate of nitric acidcontainingabout 50% `I-INOa at'. whichy comprises introducing successive additions tion about 40° C., introducingammoniainto the thus of ammoniainto a gas containing.nitrogenxtetrox gas in amountflessA than about 0.25»times ide,.oxygen and Water vapor, said gasxcontaining. i treated about 0.5toy 2.5 parts of `Water vapor. to >.every .1» that. required/to ` neutralize. allí `the l nitrogen 30.: contained therein, maintaining` the. re co. part of nitrogen tetroxide, limiting the quantity ' tetroxide actingfrnixturerof gases at atemperature below; vof` each addition. of'` ammonia toan amount less about "125".` C.,.separating the ammonium nitrate than about 0.25v times' thatlrequired tocompletely. neutralize .all of thenitrogen tetroxidev in thegas thus Aformedïfrorn theresidual gases; and react ing the .residual gasiwith .an `additional quantity into which said addition is intro-duced, separat ammoniaunder substantiallythe‘same condi-` ing ammoniumnitrate `formedfrom the residual of tions as; hereinbeforev describedgfor the ï ñrst ‘ nium nitrate which! comprises mixing. ammonia, . gas,v cooling the‘gas prior tolthe addition of am moniathereto by directly contacting it with an aqueous nitric; acid solution at a vtemperaturegof . -mentionedl gas 'containing nitrogen , tetroxide and about 40°, C., and maintaining thatemperature ' 4o». ofy thewreaction mixture formed by `each vof said Y additions of ammonia-below about. 125? C. *85. The processjoi producing ammonium nitrate which> comprises introducing a concentrated’am _monia gas into amixture of, nitrogenoxides, 45'»Y oxygen’and ‘water vaporiin which .80% or more of the nitrogen oxides `are present as nitrogen tetroxide and limiting the quantity of ammonia to not more than 0.3 times the amount required to neutralize all of the nitrogen tetroxide to form ammonium nitrate. Y Y ` ’ Y 36. The process of 'producing ammonium nitrate oxygen., , . , „ . . . , i ‘ '41.1'Intthe processyof producing ammonium reaction in the `gaseousphase of am-` monia, Water, nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, vthat improvement `Which comprises introducing arn monia into a'stream of gas containingnitrogen tetroxide, -oxygen and. Water vapor` `While lme chanicallyimparting a turbulence to. said stream 45. of gas. ` 42. In the process of producingv ammonium nitrate by reaction in the gaseous phase of am monia, Water, nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, that improvement .which comprises introducing a 50 restricted flowing stream of concentrated am Which comprises introducing a concentrated am monia gas into a flowing stream of gas contain the course of the reaction at a temperature be , that improvement which comprises introducing a monia gas into aA mixture containing nitrogen ing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and Water vaporV tetroxide, oxygen and Water vapor, limiting the While mechanically imparting a turbulence to 55 said last mentioned stream of gas. quantity of ammonia added to an amount insuffi ’43.-In the process of producing ammonium cient to neutralize all thenitrogen tetroxide con nitrate by. reaction in the gaseous phase of am f tained in said'gas mixture to form ammonium ni trate, and maintaining said mixture throughout monia, Water, nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen, 60 low about 125° C. ' 37. The process for the production of ammo nium nitrate Which comprises recirculating a gas containing nitrogen oxides, oxygen and Water va por in a circulatory system, introducing a con 65 centrated ammonia gas into the circulating gases in amount less than about 0.25 times that re quired to neutralize all of the nitrogen tetroxide in the gas admixed therewith, maintaining the temperature of the reaction mixture below about 70 125° C., separating from the residual gas the am monium nitrate thus formed, and prior to recir V culation of the residual gas for introduction there into of ammonia, replacing the nitrogen oxides and oxygen removed from the gas in the forma .15. tioniofV ammonium nitrate, and cooling the gas stream of concentrated ammonia gas flowing at 60 high velocity into a `stream of gas containing nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water Vapor While mechanically imparting a turbulence to said last mentioned stream of gas. ' 44. The process of producing ammonium 65 nitrate which comprises preparing a mixture of nitrogen tetroxide, oxygen and water vapor hav ing ‘a temperature of vabout 40° C., introducing ammonia into a turbulent stream of said gas, limiting the quantity of ammonia thus intro 70 duced to an amount not greater than about 0.3 times the amount required to neutralize all of the nitrogen tetroxide, and maintaining the tempera ture of the reacting mixture of gases below about 75 125° C. ' aorn'zofri t y _ v _ into aturbulent stream _of the thus "nitrate whichf=comprises icirculatingja gasirconi-rv fzfnonia'igëlis> taining nitrogen tetrOXidêi Oxygen-,fand water treatedmixed gas in'amount between about 0.1 y y ` vapor'ifin'a'?circulatory systemand 'in‘saidïsystem' introducingM arconcentrated: ammoniaifgas ¿into AaY _and O.»25„timesfthefamount required to neutralize allfofpthenitrogen tetroxide inthe gas,r maintain ing the thus treated gas fora period of time in a ‘i5 ' turbulent stream of'said gas‘inlamount less »than Y „relativelyquiéscentcondition, lintroducing a `iîur- ’ about0;25'timesthe >amountfrequired ,to neutralize ‘ all of ’the nitrogen tetroxide inîthe gas, separating Y ammonium nitrate thusgforin'ed from therfesidual. ther yquantity of, a ,concentrated ammonia gas into `al;turbul'er'rt: streamofV the/thus treated gas _ f 103 gases,"introducing nitrogen tetroxide and oxygen: . inA amount ¿between about A0.1 and 0.25 times-the into the J residualzgas f iniamoun’t 'fsuch that :the amount Tequiredto neutralize all of the nitrogen 10S tetroxide t in the > gas,- separating A,the , ammonium ` ' resulting, » gas , mixture` containsg notzgmoregthan f aboutjf`6% :nitrogenftetroxide vand.' directly con-v ' nitrate 'thus vformed Vfrom the` residual rgas', With-` .. drawing; from the ; second Vcirculatory ’ system . a - tacting saidgas'mixturewitlisan' aqueous solutionr ,portion-fof V'saidfresidualz gas, and mixingy the ref ,l'öï ófv nitric> acidv vcontaining"about C50%;¿I-INOi ~at a _ Y S'ídual -gas containing nitrogen "tetroxide, oxygen _ s temperatureïót about 4D?. C'.> prior tofthe introduce ' - tion thereto’ of 'ammoniaïgasfas shereinlìnefore"y described. » ~ Y and'water Vvapor remainin'gzin said system Ywith « the'gas Withdrawn from the ñrst> mentioned cir- ’ ' ‘ culatory ¿system as >hereinbefore described. processY 'of Í producing` fs'ammoniumf `v`"147„An apr'naratus:fon/thev production ofY am 20': nitrate Whichqcompris'es >circulating aîgas con-. taining nitrogen ',tetroxide, f oxygen and ',Wate'r. vapor‘ïin acirculatorysystem anduinisaidî system introducing-arconcentrated ammonia gas into> a " ` turbulent ïstream , ofi'> said" ‘gas‘firrfamount “between moniuìngfnitra'te; by"y vreactìonzof ammonia, lWater y Vapor, ,el nitrogen ítetroxidel and Y oxygen, compris-` i ing/a ,çlosedcoirculatory system», said‘syst'em comprising Y'combinationv agas cooler, a reac-` tionyessel :and a"separator.„for removing :a solid >from'aV gas 'in whichit issus'pended all connected separatingzammonium íirn'tratefY thus vr‘formed from ,s .byoonduits for circulation'?of‘gas therethrough, 1 l theïresidual gases; ' removingrffrom'; the `system-,- a meansfor .introducing gaseousreactants into said` portionA of >,the ~ residualgas; introducingV *nitrogenA > ks5VIstern',`f¿said,means comprisingmeansfor intro ducing Y, into.. said.> reaction' vessel at' least vone* of 303y tetroxid'e and :oxygen into ïthe'jresiduaJ-¿gas fre-ï ‘the gaseous..lreactantsjseparate from the others, 't mainingfíri said" system,'1in amount/suoli ¿that the' ' means'ïorsrecirculating: gasintrodu‘ced'into the » f" >resulting"gas:mixture contains'about-È5%"î`to 6%, nitrogen tetroxide;l Ydirectly f'contac'ting said .gas _ system .fin Vseries-.through saidV coolenreaction ves sel ¿and separating means; and aïsecond closed mixture lwith" »an‘ï'a'queous solutionèerof ßnitric; Aacid ' circulatorysystem' comprising'inícombination a l' :containingv about v510% „HNOsqatjV aêtemperature of >gas 'coolenia vreaction and a separator Yfor i kabout 40° prior `to- thefiìntròduction thereto rremoving(alsolid fromVessel a >gas irrwhichY it is sus ducingtheresidual ófïamxnoniajgas’as herein'before gas removed describedgíntro,-V from the faforef; ' pendedè meansfor'withdrawing a portìon'of the i -Said. circulatory system yinto >asecond rcirculatory gasfcirculatingS in the Ílrst v'mer’ltíone'd circulatory ' 1 ¿01 (system,` mixing Isaid„gasìwitl’lraf ga'svcontainingf ` ' system» and: introducing> it pintoV vthe" .second cir _ culatory .Is5.fstem“,~- means forvintroducing gas-> into 40 the lastifmentione'd reactifvnrí,~r Vessel, and means culated»~therein», t directly contacting thesamixed i rforrecirculatirig'gas introducedl into said second " Witlí'anaqueousrsolution of` nitric acid »con-vr systernf-¿inY seriesy throughA the' cooler, reaction tainingabou'ta50‘Zg` .I-INOsÁ at a-temperatureiof ' t `vessel and `separator offsaidsyste . ' Y' ~ gases~ l 'about' ‘40° .i Cgi!! introducing ¿alzconcentrat'ed i .am HERMANALBERT BEEKHU'IsgJR.> ¿5 « v
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