December 2014 Civic Association Message Helen Hurd, President Ho Ho Ho! Hard to believe it’s almost time for Christmas, and soon a new year. I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know many of you shared this meal at the clubhouse with the Club Wildwood family. Many thanks to Ann and all her helpers, and Carefree. Some good times were had here in November. We sure keep busy! First the pasta dinner, then the yard sale, which was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. The pool party was chilly. There will not be one in December. I really enjoyed Veteran’s Day. We started with breakfast by Beverly; it was so good. Thank you Bev and crew. The Veteran’s Day program was excellent. We all need to show love and support for all our veterans. That afternoon, a few of us attended a showcase of some wonderful talent. These people were great. Sure hope we can afford to have some of them here. The H.O.A. meeting was well attended. Unfortunately, our Oktoberfest was cancelled due to lack of interest. Let’s try not to do that again. We all like to eat and dance. We always need someone to hosts our dances, why not give it a try. We will always help you. I had to write this letter early, because of the deadline, but I’m sure by now, you all have had your fill of turkey and enjoyed yourselves however you spent it. I had most of my family here. It’s so good to be together. I love family time best of all. But, I really must say thanks to my Club Wildwood family for keeping me happy the rest of the year. December looks like it will also be a busy month. We start with the vote on December 1st for a new civic board and directors. Results will be handed out that night at the civic meeting. Civic Association Meeting ~ Monday, December 1st at 7:00 P.M. Volume 49 Helen Hurd’s Civic Association Message continued………... On December 9th and 10th, we are going to St. Augustine. We have about 50 people going. I may look into a trip to Biloxi in February or March. I will need your input on this. We will have two Santa Parades. One on Tuesday, 16th at 6 P.M., another on Sunday, 21st at 4 P.M. Then there’s a Ladies Luncheon, Christmas Dinner Dance and we finish off with New Year’s Eve. I’m planning something new for January 18th. We will have a Volunteer’s Appreciation Party from 2-4 P.M. paid for by Carefree. All are invited. We want to say “Thank You” to our many past volunteers and hope to meet some new ones. OK, that’s it for now. Don’t forget to sign up for Koffee Klatch and the Civic Meeting. We need the head count and most of all, don’t forget to vote. See you around Club Wildwood, Helen Well, it’s over! We didn’t have a great turnout, but we did have great people working both before and after the sale. A few weeks ago we only had a few donations, but you people came through, as always, and our tables were full. Our rental tables (20) were all sold and filled by our people and some outside vendors. I have to thank each one of you, because without you, I couldn’t have done this job. First, thank you to my husband Gary and his strength. We have been collecting donations for over 3 weeks. He also put up and took down the signs. We also had a crew of a few guys who went out to get and deliver to the clubhouse before the sale. They also helped set up, and they came back and put the clubhouse in order. Thank you Ike Vodry, Gary Nelson and Joe Baals. Our inside workers were: Kathy Morrison (a hell of a saleswoman), Pat Perfetto (a real book pusher), Al Bordonaro (who always lights up the place), Bridie Budz, Anita Rowl, Elaine Furtado (my all American buddy), and Sue Donahue (worker and treasurer/bookkeeper). Our 3 ‘sweet’ ladies who ran the bake sale: Lew Rupert, Char Tucker & Pat Ludwig. Our ticket taker: Lorraine Hoffman and, of course, our 3 ladies in the kitchen who kept the coffee flowing: Bev Benyo, Linda Hughes, & Bobbie Chaney. I must also thank our great Club Wildwood bakers who made us so many great cookies, cakes and other goodies. Also, thanks to all who donated items. We also had quite a few driveway sales who paid to be on our list. I hope you all did well. We had some gift baskets to raffle off and a Chinese auction. Many items were donated by our local merchants: Hudson Hardware, Sal’s Pizza, Hot Heads, Hudson Tire, Brit’s, Argento’s, Longhorn Steakhouse, Rams. ~2~ Candidates - Civic Association Board 2015 Voting from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on December 1st Results at the Civic meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. president Helen Hurd ~ Hi, I’m sure you all know me by now. My husband Gary and I have been married 49 years. We have 5 children and 4 grandchildren. We have been here in this park, Club Wildwood, for 3 years. I was a board director for one year and I am the outgoing president. If you like the job I’ve been doing, I’d be happy to be your president again. Vice`-president Debi Trost ~ Hello Neighbors. My name is Debi Trost. I have been a resident on Sesame St. for almost 3 yrs. coming here from Gatlinburg, Tn. When considering the move, I knew I was looking for a place with good neighbors and new friends. I found a well kept community that offers the social amenities and activities to fit my lifestyle. My work at home schedule keeps me very busy, but I have had the opportunity to meet some great people here. My years of Sales and Customer Service have taught me intense listening and communication skills which are the key to this position. I am running for “Vice President” on the Civic Board and feel those skills will help me bring new ideas to the Board-from the people. Although many may have more experience and have been here years longer, fresh ideas and changes can be exciting for all. I will be committed to the position and the ideals of our residents. I will stand up for my beliefs, the good of the people and will strongly follow through. I sincerely hope to make a difference in the community and become an even stronger member of the Club Wildwood Civic Board. ~3~ Candidates - Civic Association Board con’t secretary Pat Perfetto ~ I was born and raised in Erie, PA and lived there for half of my life. I am a graduate of St. Vincent Hospital School of Nursing, Villa Maria College and Edinboro University of PA. I have spent most of my career in the field of psychiatric nursing, working in seven different states, from Florida to Vermont. I retired in 2012 from my last position as Chief Nursing Officer of a hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. My husband and I purchased our home here in Club Wildwood about ten years ago, thinking we would spend some time here in the winters and eventually retire here. Unfortunately, he passed away before we could make that a reality. I moved here and became a permanent resident in January of 2013. I have been meeting new friends, trying out new activities and overall, enjoying my time here in sunny Florida. I am a member of the Knit for Charity group out of the Pasco Library, and I serve as a Guardian Ad Litem for children in our area. Since moving here full time, I have participated in several Ladies Luncheons, the Funky Kitchen Band, the Luau and the Soup Suppers. I find that Club Wildwood offers many different activities for fun and entertainment. When I was asked to fill an interim position on the Civic Board, I gladly said “Yes”. I like the community spirit here, and I want to continue to be a part of the fun! treasurer Susan Donahue ~ I have served as Treasurer for the Club Wildwood Homeowners Association for six years. I have also served as the Treasurer for the United Methodist Women at First Hudson and am on the finance committee there. I have many years of accounting experience as both a staff accountant and administrative assistant at a CPA firm located in West Virginia and have worked in the accounting department at the county library main office before I moved to Florida in 2008. I have been serving as interim treasurer and I would appreciate your vote as treasurer of the Club Wildwood Civic Association. ~4~ Candidates - Civic Association Board con’t director Susie Culpepper ~ I was born on April 24, 1954 in the Portsmouth, Virginia navel hospital. Raised in Bayport, Long Island, New York. I moved to Cocoa, Florida, in 1978. Worked for Publix in the deli department until 1991 and retired. Afterwards, I became a daycare teacher for God’s little angels in the United Methodist Church here in Hudson and a nursery attendant until 2010. Now I am on call when needed. In 1992, I moved to Hudson and married my best friend Jim in 1993. We have three boys: Alan, James and Mark and 4 grandchildren. We have lived in Club Wildwood for 3 years and truly love it here. Looking forward to the future with our Pomeranian,“Cocoa”, and Conure, “Sunshine”. director Jon Altonen ~ Sharon and I have been living at Club Wildwood for 12 years. I have been involved with the HOA and served as President. We attend many activities at the park including dances, Koffee Klatch and special events. I am a graduate of Capital University in Columbus, Ohio and received my ME for Ashland University. You can usually tell who I am during football season as I am a big Buckeye and Browns fan. We are now Florida residents and will be living for longer spells in the park than in the past. I believe I can help bring new interest to the Club Wildwood Civic Association to keep residents happy and active. **************** SPECIAL NOTE: TO ALL RESIDENTS…….. If you find that a family member has fallen, and there are no injuries, just that you are not able to get him or her back into their chair or bed, you can call ”727-847-8102”. Tell them it’s a “Non-emergency”, that you need help, they will come out and help you for free. In case of emergency, you must call ”911” and there could be a cost. MANAGEMENT ~5~ Manager’s Message Jeff & Julie Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas!! Does anyone else feel like the holidays have snuck up on them? It is amazing how fast this year has passed. I am officially dubbing December at Club Wildwood HAPPY month. There has been some negativity throughout the park for the past few months and I feel it is time for great attitudes. Before you get out of bed, put your feet on the floor, take a breath and say “I am going to make this another great day.” Maybe go visit that resident you have been meaning to see but have not gotten around to it. Ask a neighbor if they need help with anything or talk to a resident who cannot get out much, but would love someone to talk to. You will be amazed at how a smile and friendly chat makes a world of difference in people’s lives. Life is too short to be negative ...think happy thoughts and put a smile on your face! It is super contagious! We are starting a new volunteer program here at Club Wildwood and are in need of volunteers. We will be providing a pet sitting program for residents who need to go to the hospital due to an emergency, or a scheduled stay. If you would love to be part of this program please sign up at the office. I would like to start this volunteer service as soon as possible. For those residents who currently have a trailer, camper, or boat in the storage area, if you have not picked up your tag(s) please stop by the office to get one. We will be reorganizing the storage area and need to know who owns which vehicle/trailer/boat currently stored there. Side note: If you have not provided the office with an updated registration please do so when picking up your tag(s). New benches for the bocce ball courts and around the lakes are on their way. We are planning to have them all in place by the third week in December. What type of activities would you like to see here at Club Wildwood? The Civic Association has been so kind as to allow us to insert two survey sheets into this Split Rail. We want to know what your passions are, what type of activity you would love to participate in and/or volunteer to run. Please bring your completed surveys in to the office or mail them to me. We are hoping to implement some new ideas/ activities by the end of January. We are super excited about all the Christmas decorations that will be going up this season. Club Wildwood will be giving away gift cards for the best decoration contest/ The first prize is $25.00, second prize $15.00 and third prize $10.00. Good Luck to everyone!! Remember, bringing in a new year is to refuel your life with a new enthusiasm that energizes to take everything in a more positive inspiring way. Jeff & I are sending wishes and prayers to all of you for a very Merry Christmas and a safe joyful New Year!!! Blessings, Julie & Jeff ~6~ ~7~ Results from Big Tree Survey ~8~ Homeowners Association Ann LaFountain, President So, here we are again doing our columns for the start of the Christmas madness! I cannot believe there are so few days left in this year. They have been quick, and they have been interesting. I hope that everyone has enjoyed their Thanksgiving with family and friends. We had a great crowd at the Hall, and I do hope all did enjoy that too. I guess we will be losing residents to the holiday season as we all head home to our families. I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! May the New Year bring bigger and better times, we certainly had a fairly good year this year. I am headed to Long Island and will be there until mid January, kids are holding me hostage! I want to thank all of our residents who were so willing to work on our dinners, etc. We could not do this without your help. To the Civic Association, thank you for the dances, entertainment, etc that you provided for our enjoyment during the year. Its good to see Happy Hour is going strong and all seem to be enjoying it poolside. To our HOA Board, thank you, thank you, for all you have done this year and to those who will be leaving the Board I wish you well and hope that we will still be seeing you at all functions. To all our Volunteers who get up early to do Koffee Klatch, thank you! To Smitty and Jean, thanks so much for all the great attention you put into your jobs as the buyers, and setting out what is needed to serve the coffee, plus picking up the donuts. Last but not least, to Julie and Jeff, our Carefee Management team, we are so grateful to have you with us. May your holidays be all you wish them to be and look forward to what the new year will bring! To our Real Estate gal, Susanna, we certainly have been fortunate to have you on the Carefree team and wish you Happy holidays. To the grounds, all round crew, thank you for all that you do in the park. May your holidays be the best yet and do hope no leaks arrive with the cold weather! This is short, but I did want to get my best wishes to everyone for a Christmas filled with love and happiness and a New Year to come of good health and whatever your wishes, will come true. God Bless, Ann LaFountain, HOA President HOA ELECTIONS The annual election for the HOA board of directors will be held on Thursday, January 15th, 2015, In the clubhouse 2 p.m. ~ 4 p.m. The results will be announced at 7:00 p.m. at the HOA meeting. We will be filling 4 open positions on the board. Anyone interested in running should sign up on the candidate nomination sheet found on the bulletin board in the library or contact Ann. All candidates should write up a short biography with a picture so it can appear in the January issue of the Split Rail. Vic Tidlund, Secretary ~9~ I want to thank everyone who shared our breakfast with the veterans. A special thank you to my husband Andy who helped me and others who assisted with setting up, decorating, serving and cleaning up: Joe Baals, Helen & Gary, Caryl and my daughter Marsha. My friend Linda Hughes also helped decorate. We had many veterans and it was a memorable day. Beverly Benyo I was pleasantly surprised that so many came to me and said they enjoyed the program very much. I am so pleased. But, it wouldn’t have been, if I didn’t have so many who helped me. Gary, Helen and Linda Hughes helped Bev & Me decorate & cleanup. My gals: Marion Baril, Susan Donahue, Joyce Tidlund, Helen Hurd, Anita Rowl, & Barbara LeVasseur who handed out the certificates. Jan Daley who sang the “National Anthem”, and Bob Bowker who sang “God Bless America”. Both were wonderful! “Thank You” to my special guest speaker, Don Stout from the Pasco County Veterans Services and thank you to Marion Baril for her endearing presentation, “Thank You America”. I was happy to see so many attend, thank you. There is another couple who helped me immensely by providing “America’s White Table” and I neglected to properly thank them for setting up this table that has a very special message. My appreciation and special “Thank You” to Terry & Lew Rupert. My error, I should have had Terry get up and tell you the significance of the table (for those who do not know). Please take a moment to read about it now. Caryl Sorrentino America’s White Table Donated by Terry & Lew Rupert The table before you is a place of honor. It is set for one. This table is our way of symbolizing the fact that members of our profession of arms are missing from our midst. They are commonly called POWs or MIAs, we call them “Brothers.” They are unable to be with us this evening and so we remember them. This Table set for one is small~ symbolizing the frailty of one prisoner alone against his oppressors. The Tablecloth is white~ symbolizing the purity of their intentions to respond to their country’s call to arms. The single Red Rose~displayed in a vase reminds us of the families and loved ones of our comrades -in-arms who keep the faith awaiting their return. The Red Ribbon~ tied so prominently on the vase is reminiscent of the red ribbon worn upon the lapel and breasts of thousands who bear witness to their unyielding determination to demand a proper accounting of our missing. The Candle ~ the candle is lit – symbolizing the upward reach of their unconquerable spirit. A Slice of Lemon ~ is on the bread plate to remind us of their bitter fate. There is Salt ~ upon the bread plate – symbolic of the family’s tears as they wait. The Glass is Inverted ~ they cannot toast with us this night. The Chair ~ the chair is empty. They are not here. All of you who served with them and called them comrades, who depended upon their might and aid, and relied upon them, for surely, they have not forsaken you. Remember! Until the day they come home, Remember! ~ 10 ~ To all our friends in Club Wildwood... Holidays call for togetherness with joyfulness and blessings. May the special gifts of this holiday season, Love, Joy & Peace fill your hearts and your homes, and remain with you throughout the coming year. Have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukah and a healthy, Happy New Year! Love, Luigi & Caryl (your editor) A note from…..Char Tucker, Cheer Committee What lovely services we had for Ruth Wolf and Mil VanBoeckel. I am so thankful to have Pastor Richard Helms on board. Elaine Furtado and I are always honored to host a memorial service for the families who have relatives that live in our community and have departed. Caryl Sorrentino did a wonderful job with the programs plus organizing the slide show of pictures and music. Jan Daley always sings beautifully, and we had Dennis Bowker sing for us too. Elaine and I have been hosting memorial services for a quite a while, and it has worked out very well. Elaine is Chairperson for the MEMORIALS and I am chairperson of the CHEER committee. If anyone hears of someone who is in need, whether it be a visit to the home or hospital, please feel free to call Pastor Richard at 727-868-8179. If you wish to have a memorial service for a loved one who has lived in Club Wildwood, call Elaine at 727-862-3254. If you hear of someone who is sick or in the hospital having surgery or a nursing home/ rehabilitation center, please call me at (727) 378-8903. We have a lot of new residents and I wanted you to know who you could call if you needed to. We are here and we care. MEMORIAL GARDEN for OUR BELOVED DEPARTED FRIENDS I would like to thank everyone involved for working together on moving the memorial. We are now looking to the community to choose where the new location will be. If you have a suggestion, please feel free to call Debbie Trost at (865) 257-0435 or Ike Vodry at (586) 557-5608 and let us know what you think. Then, next month, watch the paper for a list of chosen locations and how to vote on one. Ike Vodry ~ 11 ~ Yard Sale Veteran’s Day BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE: Each month I insert some pictures that were taken at events. ~ 12 ~ Caryl’s CIVIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Helen Hurd HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT Ann LaFountain CAREFREE MANAGERS~ Jeff & Julie Michaels EDITOR & WEBMASTER ~ Caryl Sorrentino WEBSITE: *** BINGO ~ Darla Propst BOCCE ~ Jim McDermott & Grace Ciancimino BOWLING ~ Lottie Labbanc BREAKFAST CLUB~ Caryl Sorrentino CHEER COMMITTEE ~ Char Tucker CORN HOLE ~ Marion Baril CRAFTERS ~ Penny Lacy CRIBBAGE ~ Jim McDermott EUCHRE ~ Vicki Goss DARTS ~ Georgirene Drew DISTRIBUTION ~ Luigi Sorrentino DVD/VCR LIBRARY ~ Rodney Linnell KARAOKE ~ Jan Daley KOFFEE KLATCH ~ Al Bordonaro LIBRARY ~ Terry Duncan LINE DANCING ~ Kathy Trout NOTICE BOARD ~ Ike Vodry OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH ~ Bob Reid PET of the MONTH ~ Jean Antimone PINOCHLE ~ Joan McDermott PROOFREADERS ~ Carol Austin, Ric & Patsy Decker, and Susan Donahue QUILTERS ~ Penny Lacy RECYCLING ~ Jan Daley SHUFFLEBOARD ~ Jan Daley TREKKIE CLUB ~ Vicki Goss WATER AEROBICS ~ Susan Donahue WELCOME COMMITTEE ~ Terry Duncan Beverly Benyo and Caryl Sorrentino With this being the holiday month, and many folks planning trips up North or very busy with their families, I am not planning an outing for our Breakfast Club. We shall meet up again in the New Year! Volunteers Appreciation Day Everyone is welcome to come….. This event is to show our appreciation to all the volunteers who have helped over the past year and to those who will help in the future. We will be serving beer, wine & party platters. Mark your calendar! Sunday, January 18th 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. FREE ESTIMATES FOR RESIDENTS Let’s patronize our advertisers. ~ 13 ~ Helen’s Teddy Bear & Sock Tree You can find this cute tree, with socks and teddy bears on it already, in the lobby of the clubhouse. Anyone who wishes to put a pair of new socks or a teddy bear on this tree, is welcome to do so. They will then be donated to a local church or school for the children. If you have any questions about this tree, you can call Tuesday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. Sunday, December 21st at 4:00 p.m. Ok, folks, it’s that time of the year again. Last year’s parade was a huge success. We hope to see that again. We will have gift certificates, one for 1st, 2nd & 3rd best. Let’s start thinking how you are going to decorate your cart and/or bike. We want this year’s parade to be even better than last year’s. Come into the clubhouse afterwards for some cookies and hot chocolate. It will be an afternoon and evening of fun and creativity, so we hope to see many of you there. Helen at 727-378-5059. Wednesday, December 17th~1:00 pm. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Tickets are now ON SALE!!! Buy your ticket on Monday morning 9:00—11:00. Civic Meeting-Dec. 3rd, or at a Koffee Klatch. Cost of ticket is $6.00 for residents & $8.00 for guests. Menu: Chicken Marsala, Pasta, Vegetables, Dessert, Coffee, Egg Nog (spiked & reg), Entertainment: “Sweet Adelines” ~ 14 ~ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th Dinner: 6:00 pm ~ Dancing 7:00-10:00 pm TICKETS are on SALE for $10.00 each Menu: Pot Roast, Potatoes, Vegetables, Coffee & Dessert Entertainment: DJ “Carl” Chaired by the Civic Association Celebration Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:30 ~ 12:30 (Doors will open at 8:00 pm) Entertainment: DJ “Erlin” TICKETS: $10.00 are on SALE!! Chaired by the Civic Association Cheese, Crackers, & Chips will be on each table Hats & Favors will be given out There will be a Continental breakfast with Coffee, Danish or Muffin at 12:00 midnight! Watch the bulletin boards for January events. Ike has a show planned for Saturday, January 24th, and it looks like a show you’re not going to want to miss!! TOYMAKERS ARE BACK! T R I P~ St. Augustine There is still room for more. Contact Helen Hurd at 378-5059 THURSDAYS at 9:00 a.m. in Clubhouse Hall We paint and assemble wheels on toys that are given to children in distress at MacDonald’s House, Shriners, etc. Our shop is located on 52 just off Little Road. Call Jack 989-573-2332 if you would like more information. Tuesday and Wednesday December 9th and 10th. ~ 15 ~ Water Aerobics with Penny Lacy Crafts Group: We meet in the Clubhouse at 1.00 pm each Tuesday. We will be continuing with our ongoing project, to make useful items for the Children who use a local Food Bank. We try to provide things which are useful all year round - blankets, cardigans, sweaters and small toys. We hope this is something we can all participate in. If you prefer to come along and work on your own project, that is fine and you are welcome to do so. Quilting Group: We will meet on December 10th only, and we will resume meeting twice monthly in January. We normally meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. 727-863-1451 [email protected] Volunteers needed Mondays & Saturdays Sales begin at 5.45 p.m. Bingo begins at 6.30 p.m. There will be a meeting on Thursday, December 11th, at 4:00 p.m. for new and all volunteers. See you then. 727-857-3999 Darla Brrr.......thankfully, we've been able to have some classes in November. For December, I am not scheduling any classes unless we get a sunny day and temps in the 70s and the water temp at 81 or above. We love our pool and miss our classes when the weather is too cold. See you in the pool (hopefully)! Tee Shirt Sales - I will be selling the Club Wildwood shirts before and after the December civic meeting and if I have enough orders (they require at least 12) I'll place the order after the meeting. The shirts are $10 for sizes S - XL and $12 for extended sizes. Payment is due when you place your order. Thanks. Susan Donahue Recycling by Jan Daley Thank you everyone who has been donating their recycle aluminum cans. KEEP THEM COMING!! Please help us and leave your empty cans in the garbage can beside the laundry house that is marked ALUMINUM CANS ONLY, or across the street at 14234 Bond Street. Also, please don’t crush them on the side. All the monies for recycling goes into the Club’s Treasury and used for the “Cheer Committee”. THANK YOU for washing your cans. Put all newspapers, phone books, shredded papers, and magazines into the recycling bin that is located at the end of Mayfair. ~ 16 ~ Terry Duncan, Chairperson New Residents Marti Noble & Tony Rollins Karen Miller Debbie Stephens Bryan S. Brady Mark & Carmen Baird John & Sandra Briggs Jim & Ellie Lane Richard Davis Harold & Carol Gilg 7841 Iliad Ave 7729 Iliad Ave 7704 Stout Lane 7520 Sesame St 7618 Homer Ave 7627 Homer Ave 7710 Homer Ave 7834 Homer Ave 7606 Andrews St WELCOMING COMMITTEE UPDATE New Jersey Western Maryland Michigan Pennsylvania North Carolina LaBoelle, FL Massachusetts Ohio New York State by Terry Duncan, Chairman While we visited 9 new homeowners within the last 30 days, there are still 23 more out there that we have not been able to find at home at the time of our visit or who have not yet arrived. Be patient…as we are also trying to be…and we’ll get to all of you as soon as possible. HELP WANTED! Bob’s We shall meet at I am Chairman of both the Library Committee and the Welcoming Committee and I just received word that a member of the Library Committee (my backup) will be moving out of the area soon and, with the heavy influx of new homeowners, most of whom will be arriving within the next couple of months, I need volunteers to help me with both committees. The duties are not difficult, the pay is non-existent, but the feeling of helping out your fellow residents is priceless. Please give me a call if you think you’d be interested in either of these and I will give you more details about either (or both) committee requirements. Bunch “Bayport Inn” 4835 Cortez Blvd. Weeki Wachee (352-596-1088) Wed., DEC. 10th @12:30 Please write your name on the sign-up sheet found in the library. Those who need a ride or wish to go with someone else, just call Bob at 727-862-1819 Terry Duncan 727+863-2696 ~ 17 ~ Soup suppers are coming We need Bakers & Soupers!!! Anyone who enjoys cooking soups or baking a cake, cookies or pie is most appreciated. It is a popular event, and enjoyed by many. Contact Char with your choice. Here are the dates: Sunday, January 11th Sunday, February 22nd Sunday, March 15th In January I am planning to invite a ‘special’ guest who will be ‘tasting’ our soups and picking out a favorite. It should be a lot of fun! Mark your calendar, we hope to see many there. All monies collected from these ‘fundraisers’ will be for the purchase of new chairs for our hall. Char Tucker 378-8903. REPLY FROM THE EDITOR The Funky Kitchenband Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in the clubhouse hall. We are looking for more members~ if you can blow a whistle, then you can hum into a kazoo or teapot. If you have another special talent in the category, we want you; washboards, pipes……….... You name it. Most important, you like to have fun! We are also looking for a piano player. If you are interested, please come and see us. You may call Joe Servodio at 868-8339. ~ 18 ~ I regret that you had to write that letter, Dave. Our block captains do the best they can. It is not always an easy task. Sometimes we get a call about a situation with plans of it happening at a certain time. Then, we find that is not always the case. I’m sure it has happened to all of us at one time or another. (e.g. flooring is scheduled to be installed at a certain time and a certain day, then due to unforeseen factors, it has to be rescheduled.) At this time, I am working on a better plan. It will enable us to ‘get the word out’ quicker. With the help of management, the residents and my block captains, everything should run smoother. I will mention what type of situation is deemed necessary to alert the residents about at the Civic meeting. Caryl Sorrentino, Chairperson Here is a list of the block captains and the streets they will be responsible for. I will introduce each one at the Civic Meeting on Dec. 1st. Get to know your block captain. This should help whenever we have a message that needs to get to everyone in the park. If you have any comments or questions PLEASE call me, Caryl, at 727-457-8822 or 727-860-4386 and I will be happy to help you. Thank You. Avalon Bond, Glenndon & Sundial Andrews, Cottman & Nana Hector Homer (Ulysses to Mayfair) Homer (Ulysses to Ovid) Iliad Logan & Dryden Mayfair Pat Perfetto Susan Donahue Ann LaFountain Nancy Prenatt Ike & Kathy Vodry Lynda Sanders Marion Baril Helen Hurd Kathy Trout Medusa Ovid Parkway (Ulys. to Mayfair) Parkway (Ulysses to Ovid) Pauls & Stout Sesame Siren Ulysses Waverly Terry & Lew Rupert Georgirene & Jean Anna Wilchacky Nancy Jaquet Caryl Sorrentino Brad Mitchell Bunny Kaczynski Jim & Elaine Furtado Freddie Bennett HERE ARE SEVEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE AMERICAN HOME SALES? . . . . . . . YOUR HOME WILL BE ADVERTISED ON 54 DIFFERENT WEBSITES! ~ 19 ~ by Jean Altimone, Chairperson Bob Bowker has two wonderful pets over on Sesame Street. Petey is 17 months old. He is a Jack Russell, hound mix that Bob found at a home near where FDR lived in New York. Petey’s best friend is a Chihuahua named Babes. Max is the household cat. He is 6 years old. Bob found him under his house when the kitty was 2 months old. Max likes sleeping, eating and playing with other cats at Ms. Lottie’s house. LAWN CARE, TERMITE CARE Line Dance Class has been going strong! We are enjoying our new day and time —Tuesdays at 11:00 A.M. We also dance on Sunday evenings at 6 P.M. We have a guest teacher Sunday nights and he is a great teacher. As always, we welcome beginners! We have one rule...HAVE FUN! P.O. BOX 0008, N.P.R., FL 34656 N Hope to see you there!! TUESDAYS 2:30 PM in the hall ~ 20 ~ CLUB WILDWOOD SPORTS with Caryl The tournament is in full swing. After 7 weeks here are the scores: Ernie Andersen 2 5 Joe Baals 2 5 Rick Bianco 3 4 Darlene Corrie 3 4 Susie Culpepper 4 3 Ric Decker 5 2 Gene Dupre 6 1 Joe LaVodie 7 Ron Peatman 1 6 Benny Rodriquez 1 6 Caryl Sorrentino 4 3 Jerry Wilson 5 2 with Georgirene Drew October 25th 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place High Frame Ladies Men November 1st 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place High Frame Ladies Men 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place High Frames Ladies Men November 15th 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place High Frame Ladies Men 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place High Frames Ladies Men ~ 21 ~ Game 1 SUSIE CULPEPPER SANDY BOYD BRIDIE BUDZ BRIDIE BUDZ JIM FITTIPALDI Game 1 BOB BRAND SUSIE CULPEPPER RODNEY LINNELL 334 325 314 91 79 400 298 291 SUSIE CULPEPPER BOB BRAND Game 2 SUSIE CULPEPPER BOB BRAND RODNEY LINNELL 83 109 SANDY BOYD BOB BRAND Game 1 SANDY BOYD SUSIE CULPEPPER JEAN JENKINS 71 73 334 327 288 330 318 237 90 51 SANDY BOYD JERRY SPAULDING Game 2 JERRY SPAULDING BRIDIE BUDZ JEAN JENKINS 335 316 300 SUSIE CULPEPPER JERRY SPAULDING 68 85 Terry Duncan, Chairperson Thanks to some of our residents, Cliff Heart, Cecily Hooper, and the Furtados included, I am back in business with something to add to our library besides hardback books, which are still & always welcomed. In the first two weeks of November alone, I have put 122 new novels in our library, more than I put out from late August to late October. On behalf of all of our readers, we thank our donators for all their book contributions. With some of these donations came books by authors different from those we are used to. A. J. Quinnell and Eric Flint, who write thrillers involving international intrigue, and S. M. Stirling who specializes in novels about the world’s descent into the middle ages. I’ll put out a few at a time to see if these authors’ novels are of interest to our readers. All of a sudden, I’m back to finding books put on the shelves where they don’t belong…so, please, please, please, just put returned books and new donations in the white basket beneath the table. Videos and VHS are to go in the basket next to the video cabinet. The elves I have working for me will take care of putting them back on the shelves…in the right places. Jan Daley Every Thursday~ 6:30- 9:00 pm Want to have a fun evening out? A good way to meet some folks around the park. Maybe even make new friends. Looking for new singers….Come join us. AFFORDABLE GOLF CARTS ~ 22 ~ 10707 66th Street — Suite 1 — Pinellas Park, FL 33782 — Tel. 727-536-1820 — Fax: 727-683-9122 We Get the Job Done Right With Integrity, Honesty and Professionalism! We are a mobile home sales agency built for the digital world. Florida Mobile Homes, Inc. can help you buy or sell a mobile home in Florida. Not only does Florida Mobile Homes, Inc. have over 15 years of experience, our agency attracts many inquiries from a broad range of advertising media. Call today, so we can make your home sales hassle free. Some of what we can offer you, and, all at NO COST TO YOU! Strategic planning, Outdoor advertising, Print advertising, Open houses, Social media. Call your “in House Agent” Caryl Sorrentino with over 20 years in sales. Call today and get a free market assessment. 727-457-8822 or 727-860-4386. ~ 23 ~ New Billiards Season will Begin…. with Gene Gene Dupre, will be starting the new year with an all new format for billiards. He has some great ideas which will prove to be a lot of fun. ALL pool players, men and women, are welcome to join in. Tournaments will be double elimination and he will alternate between “9” ball and “8” ball. Look for the SIGN-UP sheet in the library, sign in with name & phone number. Gene will call you with the date and time of a meeting, at which time, he will give all the details. Any questions, please call Gene at 727-919-1303. By Ed Kubina The New York Football Giants played their home games from 1925-1955 in the polo grounds, 1956-1973 in Yankee Stadium, 1974 in the Yale Bowl in New Haven, CT, 1975 in Shea Stadium, 1976-2009 in Giants Stadium, and 2010 to the present in Met-Life Stadium in the Meadowlands in New Jersey. ~ 24 ~ Trekkie Club by Vicki Goss Fridays at 6:30 P.M. Can’t wait to see everyone! By the time you read this, we will be back in beautiful Florida. The winter wonderland is also beautiful but it is NOT prime walking conditions! Snow, cold, and ice made treadmills the norm for some of us walkers…but, nothing beats trekking in the outdoors enjoying God’s creation! September and October walking miles have been tabulated and as a group we are just under 5000 miles. I am positive that our miles for November will boost us over the 5000 mile mark! Way to go YOU!! Many awards await our members and will be presented at the first Coffee Klatch in December. We will also welcome any new members at that time. If you didn’t make it to the meeting on November 30th please be sure to contact me for information on joining our Club! Contact me by email - [email protected] or phone/ text - 616-240-3948. Looking forward to putting on some more miles in the next 5 months with our Florida friends! If you are interested in playing, just come to the clubhouse and meet the others and have fun. Vicki Goss, Chairperson Will be poolside or, if it’s too cold, in the hall. every Wednesday ~ 4pm to 7pm. Come on down, meet new friends, have some laughs and enjoy yourselves. Relax and listen to the music with our very own DJ Carl. ~ 25 ~ DVD’S AND VIDEOS by Rodney Linnell Enjoy a movie or two, but PLEASE return them afterwards so another resident can also enjoy it. THANK YOU TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS at 12:00 noon in the hall. Call Dave Brown if you have any questions 862-6980 1. The Straight Story M & M’S Cleaning Service 2. Rage of Angels 3. Ever After Specializing in Detail Cleaning Residential / Commercial (Mike & Mary Bonfiglio) (727) 457-4364 4. Galaxy Quest 5. October Sky 6. The Three Stooges Collection 7. Memories of Me Don’t Fuss Call Us 8. Three Stooges Simply Hilarious IN PARK REFERENCES 9. The Captive Heart 10. Contact 11. Rising Sun 12. Sneakers 13. Dimples 14. Grease 2 15. The Music Man 16. Mrs. Doubtfire 17. Sliding Doors 18. Charade 19. Son of Paleface 20. Three Men and A Baby 21. Three Stooges Potpourri 22. 2003 Variety Show 23. As Good As It Gets 24. GI Jane ~ 26 ~ CLASSIFIED ADS Do you have something you want to buy, sell, trade? Now with our new Classified Ad section in the Split Rail you can do that. Call, email or drop off to Caryl Sorrentino BEFORE THE 20th of the month. My phone numbers are: 727-457-8822 or 727-860-4386 FREE CLASSIFIED for Club Wildwood Residents ONLY HERE ARE THE RULES: Caryl Sorrentino ~ 727-457-8822 or 727-860-4386 1. It’s FREE! But ONLY to Club Wildwood Residents. 2. Only for items “FOR SALE” or “WANTED to BUY. YOU MUST CALL ME IF YOU SELL... 3. The DEADLINE DUE DATE is the 17th of each month. 4. The AD will run for ONE MONTH ONLY. Call me if you wish to run the AD again. "LADIES BICYCLE" 26" Pink, VERY good condition, $75.00 Call Ric 727-857-5111 "Sears Roebuck TREADMILL" $50.00 Walk, run or just exercise in the comfort of your home. Jerry 727-819-1421 COMPUTER ~ WINDOWS VISTA Large Flat Panel Monitor, Lots of software, will install for you & show you how to use. $200.00 ~ Call Caryl 727-457-8822 "POWER LIFT for POWER CHAIR" Mounts on a standard trailer hitch, electrically operated. Asking $500.00 (like new– paid $1,800.00) Henry 727-378-8241 "FURNITURE for SALE" WALKER ~ Deluxe with basket, seat and hand 4 ft. round table with 4 chairs-walnut color, 2 brakes $45.00 piece hutch w/ glass doors on top-walnut color, FILE CABINET ~ looks like a piece of furniture, Asking $100.00 each OBO. dark wood. Holds hanging folders, included, cost 2 small walnut night tables (FREE to good home), $200.00 will sell for $45.00 Call Henry 727-378-8241 Call Betty 207-1069 "Antique Cherry Oak Buffet" Early 50's, (66"x34" tall) with one door at each end, 4 drawers. Serving pullouts, leather tops, the heavy wood is carved with marble top. Appraised at $2,000. Asking $300.00 Call Linda 727-233-1036 "Antique Bedroom Dresser" Early 1900's, carved dark oak w/veneer on top, beveled mirror-framed, 2 full separate drawers on bottom, & two side by side across top. All original hardware, and the top drawers can lock. Appraised at $500.00 Asking $200.00 Call Linda 727-233-1036 ~ 27 ~ ~ 28 ~ Richard Bianco 12/19 Yvan Leblanc 12/2 Mary Van Essendelft 12/19 Phil Borgia 12/4 David Pezzimenti 12/19 Janet Baker 12/5 Bob Beitel 12/20 Marion Bordonaro 12/6 Marie Costa 12/20 Margaret Fletcher 12/6 Lonnie Datema 12/21 Shawn Dolan 12/7 Diane Buck 12/22 Roman Pacella 12/8 Brian Coldwell 12/22 Bill Appman 12/9 Arthur Allen 12/23 Irene Brennan 12/9 Gloria Wilson 12/23 Ronald Saltman 12/9 Ruth Wolf 12/23 Richard Hite 12/10 Anne Hood 12/24 Tammy Buckley 12/11 Marlene Leatham 12/25 Christine Vande Giessen 12/12 Larry Mason 12/25 Marilyn Sweeney 12/25 Claude King 12/12 Carl Gillespie 12/26 Eileen Vega 12/12 Maureen Brown 12/27 Joan LaVodie 12/13 Carol Weaver 12/27 Jan Leversuch 12/13 Raymond Huffman 12/28 Bruce Naegelen 12/13 Linda Pezzimenti 12/28 Joe Servodio 12/16 Thomas Uhl 12/30 Gloria Gardner 12/17 Adrian Vega 12/30 ~ 29 ~ Kenneth & Joan Kellner 12/1 1998 Pete & Pat Fix 12/2 1978 George & Mary Freeman 12/5 1950 Jack & Christine Vande Giessen 12/12 1971 Joseph & Joan LaVodie 12/13 1991 Keith & Kathy Trout 12/13 1980 Lloyd & Annie Brown 12/14 2007 Albert & Ann Ross 12/14 1990 Jim & Nancy Colacicco 12/16 1967 Robert & Barbara Harris 12/16 1972 William & Linda Balcom 12/18 2009 Brian & Mary Shearman 12/18 1976 Henry & Cathy Demler 12/19 1959 Al & Bea Knapp 12/20 1947 Monty & Anne Hood 12/21 2012 Charles & Annlee Mungovan 12/22 1974 Gerald & Gloria Wilson 12/23 1987 Carl & Mary Gillespie 12/28 2004 David & Peggy Hatton 12/29 1974 Arthur & Ingrid Pleyer 12/29 1972 (16) (36) (64) (43) (23) (34) ( 7) (24) (47) (42) ( 5) (38) (55) (57) ( 2) (40) (27) (10) (40) (42) MEMORIAMS Joseph Lamia WITH HEARTFELT SYMPATHY SUMMER SALE THROUGH NOVEMBER ~ 30 ~ 1 RECYCLE DAY 8:45 Bocce 9:00 Tickets MONDAY 6:00 Line Dance 6:30 Bingo 6:30 Pinochle 6:30 Pinochle 30 10:00 Kitchenband 11:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Crafts 2:30 Ping Pong 10:00 Kitchenband 11:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Crafts 2:30 Ping Pong 8:45 Bocce 9:00 Tickets 4:00 SANTA PARADE 6:00 Line Dance 6:30 Bingo 28 29 RECYCLE DAY 8:45 Bocce 9:00 Tickets 7:00 POOL FINALE 23 10:00 Kitchenband 11:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Crafts 2:30 Ping Pong 6:30 Pinochle 7:00 POOL TOURN. 8 9 St.Augustine Trip 10:00 Kitchenband 11:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Crafts 2:30 Ping Pong 6:30 Pinochle 7:00 POOL TOURN. 9 16 10:00 Kitchenband 11:00 Line Dancing 1:00 Crafts 2:30 Ping Pong 6:00 SANTA PARADE 2 TUESDAY 6:00 Line Dance 6:30 Bingo 21 22 6:00 Line Dance 6:30 Bingo 14 15 RECYCLE DAY 8:45 Bocce 9:00 Tickets 7:00 Civic Meeting 6:00 Line Dance 7 8 8:45 Bocce 9:00 Tickets SUNDAY 31 8:30 ~ 12:30 NEW YEARS EVE Dance Christmas Eve 1:00 Ladies Lunch 1:00 Corn Toss 4:00 HAPPY HOUR 7:00 Cribbage 24 1:00 Corn Toss 4:00 HAPPY HOUR 7:00 Cribbage 10 St.Augustine Trip 10:00 QUILTERS O. T. L. B. 12:30 Bayport Inn 1:00 Corn Toss 4:00 HAPPY HOUR 7:00 Cribbage 17 3 WEDNESDAY 9:00 Toymakers 9:30 Bowling THURSDAY 6:30 Karaoke 25 1:00 Civic Bd. Mtg. 6:30 Karaoke 18 9:00 Toymakers 9:30 Bowling 6:30 Karaoke 11 9:00 Toymakers 9:30 Bowling 4 December 2014 SATURDAY 6:30 Bingo 1:00 Darts 1:00 Darts 6:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS DINNER DANCE 27 20 8:45 Koffee Klatch 6:30 Bingo 1:00 Darts 13 6:30 Bingo MARK YOUR CALENDAR! JANUARY 11th Soup Supper 18th Volunteer Appreciation Day 24th Dale Anderson & Friends Show 6:30 Euchre 6:30 Pokeno 7:00 Mens Golf 10:30 Shuffleboard 12:30 Bridge 6:30 Euchre 6:30 Pokeno 26 6:30 Euchre 6:30 Pokeno 19 7:00 Mens Golf 10:30 Shuffleboard 12:30 Bridge 6:30 Euchre 6:30 Pokeno 12 7:00 Mens Golf 10:30 Shuffleboard 12:30 Bridge 5 Mgmt. Office Closed 6 8:45 Koffee Klatch 7:00 Mens Golf 10:30 Shuffleboard 12:30 Bridge 1:00 Darts FRIDAY
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