! 2 0 1 4 NEWSLETTER WILDWOOD WEED publisher Debra-Jean Detweiler [email protected] &[email protected] site 180/110 ple keep life sim O ALL T U O K Y THAN ! A u g u st 6 , 2 0 14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-2014 President - Martin Saur 1st Vice - John Croxford 2nd Vice - Paul Roelofsen Treasurer - Paul VanBakel Secretary - Debbie Detweiler Past President - Paul Whitehead Director - Vik Farrugia Director - Jane Falconer Director - Tracey Gallenger Director - Michelle Smith ! Last weekends “Bingo” time…thanks to Becky Deighton for the picture g igg les & sm iles & g igg l es & sm il es & g igg l es After their 11th child, a hillbilly couple decided that was enough, as! they could not afford a larger bed.! So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his cousin didn't want to have any more children.! The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that! could fix the problem but that it was expensive.! 'A less costly alternative, ' said the doctor, 'is to go home, get a! cherry bomb, (fireworks are legal in hillbilly country) light it, put! it in a beer can, then hold the can up to your ear and count to 10.'! The hillbilly said to the doctor,! 'I may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but I don't see how putting! a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me..'! 'Trust me,' said the doctor.! So the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can. He! held the can up to his ear and began to count!! '1'! '2'! '3'! '4'! '5'! At which point, he paused, placed the beer can between his legs and! continued counting on his other hand.! ! This procedure works in Tennessee , Kentucky , Louisiana , Arkansas ,! Mississippi , Alabama , Georgia, and West Virginia.! ! Thanks to Jean Prowse for the giggle! Bonnie Pollock - Office Manager Debbie Detweiler - Part-time Office Staff Mat Zettler - Park Manager Eric Oosterbosch - Assistant Park Manager ! ! ! Next Shareholder meeting will be held on Sunday, August 31st at 9:30 am in the Rec Hall…please come & support your Park ! ! SHAREHOLDERS: Municipality of Bluewater Zoning By-law Trailer & Tent Park Zone (RC2) change… information is located in the office! Meeting regarding this will be held on August 11 at 7:00 pm at Stanley Complex, 38594 Mill Rd., Varna !h t t p : w w w .wil dwo o d b y t h e r iver -b ayfi eld.com CRAFT PROGRAM Office Info Emergen cy Cel l: 5 1 9 - 5 2 5 -2 4 8 1 r e n r o c Mat’s LOST & FOUND IS LOCATED IN OFFICE Let’s give a “Wildwood Welcome” to Jessica Van Wyk Suggestion/Concern Forms - All forms are to be dropped off in the laundromat (lock box) & they can also be picked up there. Thursday - Bubble Paintings Friday - Pasta Necklaces Wildwood Store Assortment of Candy, Saturday - Bookmarks pop, chips, ice, ice cream & numerous convenience items plus KEURIG Sunday - Clothespin Caterpillars COFFEE/TEA IS IN THE OFFICE… Monday - Paper Dream Catchers ! Morning session - 9:30am-noon Afternoon session - 1 pm - 4 pm Recreation Items in the Office: basketballs tennis rackets mini golf volleyball soccer baseball pingpong horseshoes ! Pickle-ball! ! Recreation Card $5.00 person/season $1.00 per person per day New game in the office to use, it’s called “Pickle-Ball”. This outside game consists of 2 wooden paddles & a plastic ball. This game was created with one thing in mind: fun for everyone whether you’re five or eighty-five. The simple rules of the game is to hit the ball over the net & let the ball bounce once before you hit it back. (rules are in office) ! Thank you to everyone who completed or tried the “Scavenger Hunt” …the “North American Monkee” was located in the Office Garden & the blue item with polka dots was Yogi Bear’s tie. Here is a pic of one of the winners Corben Hartwig. Congratulation to all winners. Send your pictures of “Wonderful Wildwood” to [email protected] Let’s guess the spot… Check on Wildwood Facebook page for all videos & pictures ! ! NO SHAREHOLDERS HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO MOVE/REMOVE SPEED BUMPS & PROPERTY STAKES When you have a concern regarding noise at night plus call 519-525-2481…right away ATV’s/Golf cart stickers are in the office so make sure you have yours, if you do not have a sticker then we will ask you to park them until you show proof of insurance. Shareholders/guests please cleanup after you use the hall. Thank you Office 519-565-2190 Emergency cell phone 519-525-2481 Emergency 911 emergency response address is 76735 Wildwood Line, Bayfield Office Hours LONG WEEKEND HOURS: FRI. SAT. & SUN. - 9 AM - 9 PM! MON. - THUR. - 9 AM - 5 PM ! FRI. & SAT. - 9 AM - 9 PM! SUN. - 9 AM - 5 PM ! Pool is UNSUPERVISED. Pool hours - 10am till dusk ADULT (18+)SWIM - 4pm till 5pm An adult must supervise all children under the age of 12 at all times while in the pool enclosure. All posted pool rules must be obeyed. Anyone under the age of 18, unless accompanied by a parent/guardian must be on their site no later than 11pm. ABSOLUTELY NO FIREWORKS or “Chinese Flying Sky Lanterns” are allowed in the park & the baseball diamond. Please co-operate with your neighbours & refrain from loud parties, music, & abusive language…let’s all get along. A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL THE GARDEN ! VOLUNTEERS WHO HAVE STEPPED UP TO KEEP OUR PARK LOOKING AMAZING. ALSO TO PAUL ROELOFSEN, BRUCE BOWMAN, TERRY BARNES & ROD CHARETTE FOR ALL THEIR HELP. Scrap pile is for metal only; all other materials must be approved by the Park Manager or the Office. WAGON RIDE: Saturday at 4:00pm - meet me in the parking lot This is your park…help keep it beautiful. WHILE YOU WERE OUT: - new meter boards are being installed - new curb on Smurf Mountain - got firewood for sale…thanks Bruce Please don’t feed the cats in the Park… you are not helping the cats or the Park ! WEB SITE: http://www.wildwoodbytheriver-bayfield.com/ needing info please contact the office Wifi service is available at the Rec Hall...not password protected. It is the responsibility of the PARENTS to ensure blocks are installed on the computer before using this service.! “Like us” on FACEBOOK - Wildwood by the River Bayfield (check out the pictures & videos on our page) Twitter - wwbayfield If anyone is interested I have put together (singing, and accompanying myself on rhythm guitar) 4 cds (80 songs) of good old country songs and an 80 page book of the lyrics double spaced large print, and charted with accurate guitar chords. I'm willing to teach a small group of adults, to play these 80 songs on my patio, over the summer, picking a mutually convenient time. If interested call to reserve a spot in either absolute beginner or barely intermediate 519 348 8169 thanks Ted Schinbein !! !! !! !! !! ! FOR SALE • Gas Golf cart, $2,000 or best offer site 280 ! WANTED: I have 5 bolt rims on my old golf cart but standard tires. My real need is 1 tire. Anyone have 1 ? I missed one at the dump last week, when I still hoped to find 4 on rims. Ted site 29 519 348 8169 !! Bayfield Happenings Exeter Rodeo - Aug. 8th - 10th Goderich Celtic Roots Festival - Aug. 8th-10th Zurich Village Yard Sale & Fireman’s Breakfast - August 9th 8am - 6pm Bayfield Fall Fair - August 15th Couches/chairs/mattresses/box springs $10 Fridges without freon removed $75 Microwaves & TV’s $10 Zurich Bean Festival - Aug. 22nd - 23rd Please pay the office ! wildwood recipes Be st Pe an ut Bu tt er Co ok ie s Ev er 2 cups peanut butte r! 2 cups white sugar! 2 eggs! 2 teaspoons baking soda! 1 pinch salt! Cheers to all “Wildwood Campers”… 1 teaspoon vanilla extract! Looks like the Deighton family had a DIRECTIONS:! great time last weekend. 1. Preheat Everyone always enjoys the wagon ride. degrees oven to 350 degrees F (175 C). Grease cookie sheets.! 2. In a medium bo wl, stir peanut butte r and sugar together until smooth. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then stir in the baking soda, sa lt, and vanilla. Roll dough into 1 inch ba lls and place them 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sh eets. Press a criss-cross into the top using the back of a fork.! 3. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. All ow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely! !!! !! NEWS FROM THE RECREATION COMMITTEE ! WANTED: “A FEW GOOD PEOPLE” TO FORM A REC COMMITTEE FOR THE PARK ! This is a time-consuming & challenging job. Your reward comes in the gratification of making the park Shareholders happy. This is a terrific opportunity to take ownership in “Your Park”. Apply in writing to: THE BOARD, ATTENTION VIK FARRUGIA !! ! Friday August 22nd - This is your final opportunity to organize a BBQ for the Shareholders in the park. Just let the Rec Committee know what you need & we will accommodate. ! Please read all information regarding the Labour Day Bash. Plans have been finalized so mark your calendar. ! ! Kevin Karges site 30 & his family for organizing a very successful “Skittles Hunt”. Special things happen at these events such as sharing of Skittles amongst the participants. Thanks Kyle. Too many people to thank for running of “Vegas Night” on Aug 2nd. Thanks Tricia for organizing the donations, games & workers. Due to the hard work and long hours of about 15 volunteers we managed to exceed the $1,300 mark in profits. Thanks again so much & start collecting donations again. Thank you to Debbie & Bonnie for running the annual “Scavenger Hunt”…everyone enjoyed the fun & prizes that came with the hunt. Thanks to those that donated to the “Food Bank” at our dance on Aug. 3rd that was organized by Fran & Sue. Upcoming BQ’s Friday, August 15th - Pulled Pork … put on by the “Tennis Court Gang” Every Saturday at noon till 1:30pm - Hot Dogs & Ice Cream cones ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WILDWOOD END OF SUMMER WEEKEND BASH Friday, August 29th, Saturday, August 30th, Sunday, August 31st. 2014 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Times Approximate FRIDAY NIGHT ➢ 6 p.m. Buck Night – Burgers & Hot Dogs ➢ 8 p.m. Karaoke ! SATURDAY – BASH DAY ➢ 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Horse Races ➢ 4 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Dana Thompson, singer – Basketball court (weather permitting) ➢ 5:00 p.m. – Free Hot Dogs, Hamburgs (while supplies last) ➢ 5:15 – 6:30 p.m. – The Singing Sisters – Basketball court (weather permitting) ➢ 5:30 p.m. - FACE PAINTING – Cassandra Plezer ➢ 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. - Main Attraction – CD/DC ➢ 8:00 p.m. – 8:15 p.m. – Wildwood Kids – The Cup Song ! SUNDAY ➢ 9:30 a.m. – Shareholders Meeting ➢ 3:00 p.m. – 6 p.m. – CORN ROAST By the Pool – All you can eat for $2.00. Hot Dogs and Hamburgs available also, recreation cards or cash ➢ Family Bingo Cancelled for this Sunday – MOVED TO AUGUST 23RD to accommodate the Band in case of rain. ➢ 7:00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. – Band “Release” – Tennis Court (Rain – Rec Hall) ! CAN FOOD DRIVE HELP SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY
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