With Mother’s Day just behind us and Father’s Day just ahead of us, we would like to take a moment to say that we appreciate all of the moms and dads of our church family. What you do matters (perhaps more than you’ll ever realize). What you do, day-in and day-out, is not always easy! We want you to know that we pray for you often, and we trust that you are seeking the Lord as well. With that in mind, we would like to share the following prayer resource with you. We hope you find it helpful in your daily strive to live Christ-centered lives and bring-up Christ-centered kids. - Amanda Bugos & Tricia Hopkins, Converse Church of Christ’s Children’s Ministers “Helping people become Christ-Centered in their daily lives” Converse Church of Christ 301 E. Wabash Street Converse, IN 46919 Phone: 765-395-3361 ~~ FAX: 765-395-2023 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Email: [email protected] Web site: www.conversechurch.org John Clark, Senior Minister, Amanda Bugos, Children’s Minister; Mike Middlesworth, Minister of Care & Hospitality; Adam Ormord, Worship & Creative Arts Minister; Tricia Hopkins, Early Childhood Minister; Jeff Thompson, Youth Minister; Pam Green, Kids Hope Director; Kerry Highley, Office Manager Volume 5, Issue 6 June 2014 For students entering 1st—3rd grade this fall Sun., Jul. 13th—Wed., Jul. 16th 5:30 pm—8:30 pm (supper provided) Students will choose between two tracks: visual arts or sports variety. For students entering 4th—6th grade this fall Intergenerational Worship Celebration @ 9:00 am Ages 4 & up will be in the sanctuary. Children ages 3 & under will have normal programming at 9:00 am. Care for infants/toddlers and Sunday school for ages 2 & up will NOT be available during the 10:45 education hour. Love Offering for Rainbow Christian Camp at conclusion of Worship Celebration Sun., Jul. 20th—Wed., Jul. 23rd 5:30 pm—8:30 pm (supper provided) Students will choose between two tracks: visual arts or sports variety. If you’re interested in helping with either or both Sports & Art Camps, please contact Tricia Hopkins or Amanda Bugos or complete a servant sign-up sheet (found on our website and at the Welcome Center). Registration is happening now. Forms are available at the Welcome Center and in Children’s Sunday School Classrooms. Prayers & Praises Ron Conway—recovering from surgery at Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, Room 464 Paisley Thompson—daughter of Jon & Shanna Thompson, born 13 weeks early, friend of Deb Winger Martha Thompson—fell, broken arm in 2 places and injured her face, mother-in-law to Larry Floyd’s son Marsha—health issues, Paul and Norma Bacon’s daughter Continue to pray for: Jerry Arrick, Thelma Bowland, Butch Brookshire, Adam Clark, Roy Clayborn, Dixie Dixon, Glenn Dowden, Phil Harts, Ray Martin, Jim Needler, Harry & Pat Padfield, Arlene Rogers, Caleb Sample, Tim Sigler, Glenna Smith, Elvin Sommers, Jack Strange, The Family of Deidre Thorne, Joe Whitesel, Loren Winger, Lola Akers, Terry Anderson, Angie, Dale & Darlene Boen, David Bowman, Lynelle Brown, Kelly Broyles, Bob Buroker, Johnna Crist, Jim Corn, Steve Dazzell, The Family of Annette Dunning, Linda Evans, Chad Fauber, Ronda Garrett, Jeff Graf, Gerald & Betty Guy, Harley, Joe Hill, Kathy Sommers, Ruthie Sommers Horner, Larry Howell, Lana Hudson, Jillian, Evan Johnson, Cindy Linn, LouAnne, Suzi McNamara Kamp, Mark Krabbe, Ken Machala, Sarah Matthews, Phyllis Merritt, John Mullinex, Nici, Linda Nolan, Betty Oyler, Maurice Oyler, Teresa Ratliff, Laudi Reffett, Rex, Betty Richey, Jean Rohrer, Gina Rolfs, John Smith, Dawn Staggs, Heidi Vance, Marilyn Walls, Louise Warren, Suzanne Werner, David Christian Wittrock Dear Congregation — June 29th—5th Sunday Carry-In Brunch & Pantry Shower @ 10:45 am Following the intergenerational worship celebration, we invite all to enjoy a Carry-In Brunch & Pantry Shower for the Ormord Family n the CLC. Drinks and table service will be provided. If you forgot your pantry items for Adam & Rebekah today, you may bring them to the church office anytime Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm. Miriam Circle will meet on Tuesday, June 3rd at 1:30pm in Room 21. Hostesses are Carolyn Taskey and Joan Schaaf. Lesson #8—”The Sovereign God” - will be lead by Pepper Young. New business will be the election of officers. The Converse Church of Christ Board met in a special meeting on Sunday, May 18th. Unanimous decisions were made on the following: (1) Moving the agenda forward on the 401 E. Wabash property - due to environmental issues - from parsonage to parking lot and (2) the board designated Buildings & Grounds and the Trustees to pursue alternative housing for John and Cindi. Dana Biggs, Board Chairman Senior Saints Wednesday, June 18th 11:30am— Luncheon 12:30pm— Nearly Departed Trio June 1st is Promotion Sunday This is the time of year when most* kids and teens move to their new classes/grades. Check signs outside of classrooms as some groups may be meeting in different rooms. The Board of converse Church of Christ has always had an open door policy for our monthly meetings. But the sad truth is that in the 30 some years that I have been a part of the board, very few members of the congregation have ever attended a board meeting. As leaders of CCC the Elders and Deacons would appreciate your ideas, opinions, and yes, even your complaints. In an effort to encourage more participation from the congregation, the board would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at our June board meeting. This meeting will be held on the 5th Sunday of June, June 29th. It will be held after the morning worship and brunch. After brunch, we will meet back in the Sanctuary for the board meeting. We will hold our regular board meeting and then open the floor for any discussion, opinions or complaints. The board is planning to hold a meeting like this in the months that have 5 Sundays for the rest of this year. Those Sundays would be August 31st and November 30th. It is our hope and prayer that you will join us for these meetings to help us become more informed and better leaders of the church. *Not all 2s will move up. There may be other exceptions as well. If you have questions about whether or not your child will be moving up, please contact Tricia Hopkins. Serving Him, Elliott Douglass Chairman of the Elders 2014 is an election year for Elders and Deacons. A list of each group is posted on the East and West bulletin boards in the Sanctuary wing. Those persons who’s name is in italics is up for re-election. To nominate someone new, please use the ballot available at the Welcome Center. Upon completing the ballot, place in the black “mailbox” located at the Welcome Center. ???? Contact Elliott Douglass or the church office. Rainbow Christian Camp The 2014 Rainbow Christian Camp season is fastapproaching. Check out Rainbow’s real-time, online registration program at www.rainbowcamp.org. Information about camps offered, scholarships available, and how to register your child can be found at the Welcome Center and the Children’s Ministry and Youth Ministry info tables in the office complex. Please contact the church office for our church code (AKA coupon code). Contact Amanda Bugos with any questions. CCC Attendance & Giving Worship Sunday School General Fund, Missions & Building Fund Designated Missions Rainbow Camp Easter/Thanksgiving/Other Total 4/27/2014 5/4/2014 5/11/2014 492 577 549 358 414 326 $ 9,966.60 $ 13,550.95 $ 10,472.00 $ 838.13 $ 855.00 $ 903.13 $ 4,285.00 $ 15,089.73 $ 100.00 $ 14,505.95 $ 11,375.13 The Church Office will be CLOSED on Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day
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