January EWI Connect - Houston Chapter of Executive Women

January 2015
President ’s Message
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Carolyn Noack
H appiness depends upon your outlook on life.
A ttitude is just as important as ability.
P assion – find yours this year.
P ositive thoughts make everything easier.
Y ou are unique, with special gifts, use them.
N ew beginnings with a new year.
E nthusiasm is a true secret of success.
W ishes – may they turn into goals.
Y ears go by too quickly – enjoy them.
E nergy – may you have lots of it.
A ppreciation of life – don’t take it for granted.
R elax – take time to relax in this coming year!
Officers & Directors
Carolyn Noack
Vice President/
President Elect
Linda Petticrew
Shell Energy Resources
Terri Lemons
Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
Shari Schiffman
John Daugherty Realtors
Elizabeth Norwood
Director At Large, B/C/DP
Donna Gurney
JLT Specialty Insurance
Services, Inc.
Kathy Hibbard
United Way of Greater Houston
Lindsey Duhon
Hilcorp Energy Company
Kedrienne Day
Teach For America
Carole Pitts
John Daugherty Realtors
President’s Message: p. 1 • Meeting Notice: p. 2 • Mission/Vision Statement; Did You Know; Calendar of Events: p. 3 •
Corporate News: p. 4 • December Meeting Recap: p. 5 • 2015 At A Glance: p. 6 • Professional Development: p. 7 •
Firm Spotlight: p. 8 • Have You Met Our Newest Reps: p. 9 - 10 • Thank You: p. 11 • Blanket Making Recap: p. 12 •
1 | Page Photos: p. 13 - 17 • Board Recaps: p. 18 • Happy Anniversary EWI of Houston: p. 19 • Meeting
Blanket Making
Photos: p. 20 - 24 • Birthdays and Anniversaries: p. 25 • Officers & Directors: p. 26 • Committee Chairs: p. 27 •
EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Our Mission
EWI brings together key individuals from diverse
businesses for the purpose of promoting member firms,
enhancing personal and professional development, and
encouraging community involvement.
Our Vision
To be a global women’s organization of 5,000 engaged
members empowering others for positive change.
Houston Chapter Vision Statement
Integrity I Excellence I Respect I Collaboration
Our Strategic Goals
To strengthen, expand, and broaden membership.
To provide member firms with meaningful benefits.
To actively promote education for all representatives.
To achieve a high level of community visibility through
Corporate Office
3860 South 2300 East, Ste 211
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
Phone: 801.355.2800
Fax: 801.355.2852
EWI® of Houston aspires to be the
premier business organization of choice
for member firms and their key individuals.
Recognized by the Houston community as
an avenue to achieve personal and
professional excellence, every activity of
the Houston Chapter will fulfill at least one
of the objectives of the EWI Mission
Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ewiconnect.com
You must RSVP to the
Sergeant-at-Arms as to
whether or not you will be
attending the monthly
If you pay on-line for your meeting, you
still must RSVP for the meeting.
If you are invited to sit at a table, you still
must RSVP for the meeting.
If you organize a table for the meeting,
everyone sitting at your table must still
RSVP for the meeting.
of Events
January 8
Monthly Meeting - Sewell Cadillac of Houston Firm
Night - 12221 Katy Freeway, Houston, TX 77079
January 14
Monthly Board Meeting - LINBECK
April 16-18, 2015
EWI Spring Conference in Milwaukee, WI
August 7-8, 2015
Texarkoma Board Forum in Houston, TX
September 23-26, 2015
EWI LCAM in Tulsa, OK
If you have any questions, please contact:
Carole Pitts, SAA
[email protected]
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Upcoming Professional Development Webinar
Stop Competing and Start Creating the Life You Want to Live
Presenter: Nicole Matthews
Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Time: 3:00 PM (ET)
Giving yourself permission is step number one to start living your best life. You will learn :
To acknowledge what is keeping you locked up
How to be the architect of your own life
Who are your basement dwellers versus your penthouse cheerleaders?
How to create your own opportunities by leaning on your circle
Nicole Matthews, CSEP, is Founder and Lifestyle Architect of The Henley Company, LLC.,
a global event, travel, and lifestyle concierge firm based in San Diego, CA. With the belief
that life should be experienced in a big way, she focuses on helping clients to live the life
they want and produce the experiences they want to remember. Nicole is an accomplished
business owner, professional speaker, and now author of “Permission: Stop Competing &
Start Creating the Life You Want To Live”
Toll Free: 1-877-204-3718 | Direct Dial: 1-303-223-9908 | Access code: 3552800
You can register for the webinar at www.ewiconnect.com and click on the Professional
Development Button on the left hand side.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Submitted by Shelly Labedzki, representing Deloitte Services LP
The EWI of Houston December meeting was held at the newly opened
JW Marriott Houston Downtown. With just a few steps inside the
beautiful sleek lobby, the festive mood was set! The Monet Room was
decked with unique white Christmas tree centerpieces set on black
tablecloths. Guests were welcomed with Christmas music provided by
the Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir. Their amazing vocal
performance had all of the guests singing, dancing, and mingling amid
the music. As guests arrived, Rosemary Powers, representing Wells
Fargo Bank, and Martha Garcia, representing Eschelon Energy Partners,
collected the toy donations for the Houston Police Department “Blue
Santa Program.” The Fundraising Committee members were busy
selling door prize tickets and poinsettias as well as holding a wine pull,
with all the proceeds going to the EWI of Houston operating fund.
Rosemary Powers, representing Wells Fargo Bank, delivered the
invocation. The Special Business Meeting was called to order by
President Carolyn Noack, representing LINBECK, at 6:47pm. Erin
Brown, representing Osha Liang LLP, read our Principles and Voting
Rights. Sergeant-at-Arms Carole Pitts, representing John Daugherty
Realtors, confirmed that a quorum was established. Mary Speltz, Bylaws
Chairman, representing CIMA ENERGY LTD, delivered the Bylaws Committee Report, which included the
chapter’s option of adding the category of individual memberships. Upon recommendation of our Bylaws
Committee, EWI of Houston voted NOT to add the Individual Membership Classification to our Chapter
Standing Rules. Additionally, the motion by Vice President Linda Petticrew, representing Shell Energy
Resources Company, to grant honorary membership to Walter Mischer, Jr. and Paula Mischer of Mischer
Investments passed unanimously. The Special Business Meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.
During dinner, Sarah Smith, representing JW Marriott Houston Downtown, proudly talked about the newly
renovated hotel and their design vision of “Culinary, Culture, and Wellness.” She invited members to take a
tour of guest rooms after our meeting. Executive Chef Erin Smith and Pastry Chef Sharon Gofreed
prepared an amazing dinner of rustic kale salad, sage-roasted Airline Chicken with roasted vegetable
couscous & butternut squash cream sauce. The dessert was a beautiful vanilla cake with raspberry
consommé. With coffee, we were served an assorted plate of truffles and macaroons.
Martha Garcia, representing Eschelon Energy Partners, introduced our guest speaker Georgiana Davis of
the Houston Police Department. She spoke briefly about the history of the “Blue Santa Program” and
thanked EWI of Houston for their support.
Kori Peters, 2013/2014 EWI of Houston President, representing Hilcorp Energy Company, had the honor of
presenting our 2014 Past Presidents’ Award to Adelaide
DeBow, sustaining member. Kori expressed the chapter’s
gratitude for Adelaide’s years of tireless support for EWI and
our mission. It was a well-deserved honor and a complete
surprise to Adelaide!
The evenings’ festivities were capped off with Membership
Director Lindsey Duhon, representing Hilcorp Energy
Company, introducing our five new members! Carolyn Noack
closed the meeting by thanking our members for their
attendance and wishing all a wonderful holiday season!
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
EWI of Houston - 2015 at a Glance
Here is a quick glance at the upcoming year. We will fill in the details as we go along.
Thursday, February 12
Chapter Meeting
Thursday, February 19
Full Board Meeting with Committee Chairs
Thursday, March 12
Chapter Meeting
Thursday, March 19
Board Meeting
Thursday, April 9
Executives’ Night
Tuesday, April 21
Board Meeting
Thursday, May 14
Martha Turner Sotheby’s International
Realty Firm Night
Thursday, May 21
Full Board Meeting with Committee Chairs
Thursday, June 11
Chapter Meeting Honoring Past Presidents
and Business Meeting
Thursday, June 18
Board Meeting
Thursday, July 9
Scholarship Awards Night
Thursday, July 16
Board Meeting
Thursday, August 13
Chapter Meeting
Thursday, August 20
Full Board Meeting with Committee Chairs
Thursday, September 10
Annual Chapter Business Meeting
Thursday, September 17
Board Meeting
Thursday, October 8
Installation of 2015 - 2016 Chapter Officers
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Submitted by Lily Portales, 2014-2015 Professional Development Chair, representing Austin Industrial, Inc.
Why the Color of Your Suit Matters
By Alan Vinson
Whether you're meeting with one of your employees or one of your top customers, you should always consider that what you wear
and the colors you choose convey an unspoken message. In these rough economic times, business people need to be mindful
about what their clothing, much like their body language, communicates to clients.
Men often overlook the color of their clothing and especially suits as unimportant, something that will go unnoticed. Most don't
realize how the color they choose to wear can have a dramatic effect on how they are perceived by others. Businessmen need to
realize the choice of suit color is just as important as cut and fit.
Here are some tips on color suiting effectiveness:
Navy is your power color. It connotes authority. You'll be perceived as a "take charge" type of person. Use navy suits for opening/
closing arguments, public speaking, important presentations, and when you want to look like an expert.
Earth tones
These are your "build rapport" colors. Wear earth tones to a staff meeting or team-building session or when selecting a jury,
delivering bad news, or meeting with a client and his family. Wear earth tones when you want to seem approachable. Keep in mind
that people get the most compliments when they wear earth tones.
Blue and gray
Blue and gray hues are your loyalty and dependability colors. They're great for traveling and are part of the "do everything" color
family. Blue and gray are always appropriate. Those colors also convey a good work ethic. Wear blues and grays when you will be
meeting with your boss or even your boss' boss.
This is your most formal color. Use it in lieu of black tie or when you want to look cutting edge or fashionable. Like navy, black is
also a power color. Wear black when you want to stack the deck in your favor. Think of black when you need to intimidate your
competitor or want to outshine your competition.
Black and white
Black and white, as well as gray, are confidence colors. Black and white combine to create a good suit for an average day. Nothing
special going on - just a great look. They're also good colors that you can mix and look like you know how to dress.
Creates a rock-solid image. It shows that you are a pillar of the community and are trustworthy. Charcoal works well for professionals who work with finances, such as financial planners, bankers, CPAs, and sales professionals. Wear charcoal, for example,
when asking a jury for big award, asking for a big sales order, and when asking for an investment.
Don't be afraid to ask a professional for help when selecting your suit. Let them know what you want your suit to say about you and
they will be able to help you choose the proper color for your message. Be sure to always keep in mind that in business, image is
everything. So whether you're interviewing for a new employment position, meeting with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company,
encouraging your staff, or making a chamber of commerce presentation, take a look in the mirror to make sure the colors you
select convey the right message.
Alan Vinson is a custom clothier and men’s clothing designer with 20 years of experience advising CEOs, attorneys,
CPAs, doctors, coaches, athletes and business owners on what to wear. Mr. Vinson also advises nearly 100 other
professional clothiers in the U.S. and the U.K. as a management consultant.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Firm Spotlight
Submitted by Tasha Pirzad, representing Sewell Automotive Companies
Sewell Automotive Companies
Obsessed with Service Since 1911
Relationships First, Vehicles Second
Building relationships, not selling cars and trucks, is our first priority, and it has been for more
than a century. "Customers for Life" - that is our aim. Generations of customers have bought their
vehicles from our dealerships. The secret is in how we treat others, and each other. Sewell is still
the family-owned business it always has been. You never get the feeling that "it's just business"; a
sense of family and the importance of long-term relationships always come through. You can
experience our service at any of our 14 dealerships in Texas, including our four Houston area
dealerships: Audi North Houston, Sewell Cadillac, Sewell Infiniti of Houston, and Sewell
Incomparable Service? Depends on What You Compare It With
We like to say we are a world-class service organization that just happens to sell cars. Think of
the world's most respected hotel brands; think of luxury department stores at their holiday-season
best, or of a top financial advisory practice entrusted with a family's well-being. Those are the
standards by which we judge our service. We invite you to compare our service with the very best
you have ever received, anywhere. Let us know how we are doing.
What "Obsessed with Service" Looks Like ...
A smiling associate opening the door for you and greeting you by name. Fresh flowers in the
showroom. Original art on the walls. A complimentary car wash for any customer, any time. Sharp
-looking associates with a spring in their step. A shop floor so clean, it looks worthy of "the 10
second rule." Shelves loaded with prestigious awards. Delegations of visitors from other
companies coming to learn how we do it. And the clearest evidence of inspired service?
Customers who return again and again and who spread the word about Sewell to their families
and friends.
Our Facilities: Nicer for a Reason
We build exceptionally nice facilities because we judge ourselves not against other car
dealerships but against all the other fine retail and service organizations that serve our customers.
It is important to us that you enjoy your experience and feel the respect and appreciation you
deserve. In addition, we place a premium on providing an efficient and comfortable workplace for
the associates who are the lifeblood of our
The Sewell Difference
No one ever refers to going to a car dealership
as an "experience". Until they visit Sewell. We
have spent the last 100 years perfecting the art
of customer service, which has resulted in
convenient, inspired services like
complimentary loan cars, 24/7 roadside
assistance and complimentary car washes. We
listen, learn, and deliver beyond the expected.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Have You Met our Newest Reps?
Submitted by Shari Schiffman 2014-2015 Treasurer, representing John Daugherty Realtors
Marlene Britt, representing Junior Achievement of
Southeast Texas, is the Operation Director and Executive
Assistant to President Rick Franke. Her company’s goal is
to empower young people to own their economic success.
They provide volunteers in classrooms from K - 12 to teach
children about economics, financial literacy, and
entrepreneurship. Their mission is to insure and prepare
young people to succeed in a global economy.
Marlene has lived all over the United States including Ohio,
Michigan, California, and of course Texas. Her family still
lives in Michigan and her husband’s family is here in
Houston. She loves living inside the loop since everything is close by. She enjoys
working with arts and crafts and actually makes jewelry.
Marlene is looking forward to meeting the other members of EWI and making friends.
Please take the time to reach out and introduce yourself to Marlene a the next EWI of
Houston meeting.
Jamila Owens, representing Metro Star, is the Manager of
Accounts and Service. Metro Star is the regional vanpool
program serving Houston and the surrounding eight county
area. Metro Star provides consulting services free of charge
to employers in the Houston Area to ease traffic congestion
and improve the quality of life for area employees and the
broader community.
Jamila is originally from Houston. She grew up in Katy and
graduated from James E. Taylor High School. She then went
to college and grad school in Atlanta. She lived in Atlanta for
the past 20 years but returned to Houston this past summer
to accept the job at Metro Star.
Her favorite things about Houston are the sky and the food. According to Jamila, “this
area has the most beautiful night sky and the best Cajun and Mexican food”. Jamila is
married to her college sweetheart Brian Owens. They have three children, ages 13, 10,
and 14.
Jamila is looking forward to learning more about the city of Houston, its needs and
opportunities, and how she can be of service to the area through EWI of Houston. Please
take the time to introduce yourself to Jamila at the next EWI of Houston meeting.
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Have You Met our Newest Reps?
Candice Sanchez, representing Anadarko Petroleum
Corporation, is the Sr. Executive Assistant to Robert Gwin,
EVP of Finance. Anadarko’s mission is to deliver a
competitive and sustainable rate of return to shareholders by
developing, acquiring, and exploring for oil and gas
resources vital to the world’s health and welfare.
Candice was born in South Texas and moved to Houston
about 40 years ago. She has three children, two girls and
one boy. Her daughter McKayla is a community college
student. Her daughter McKenna is a freshman in high
school, captain of the cheerleading squad, and an all star
competitor. Her son Cannon is a Lego enthusiast.
Candice likes to run and exercise, watch movies, and loves to attend sporting events and
concerts. She is glad that Houston has so much to offer in these areas of interest. She
also loves the various cultural activities here including restaurants, dancing, and the arts.
Candice is looking forward to making new connections and friends here with EWI of
Houston. Please take the time to reach out and introduce yourself to Candice at the next
EWI of Houston meeting.
Barbara Stokes, representing Amegy Bank N.A., is the
Executive Assistant to Steve Stephens, President and Chief
Executive Officer. Amegy Bank specializes in banking
businesses of all sizes and has the resources to provide
financing, investment management, treasury management
solutions, international banking, as well as other specialized
services. Amegy Bank is dedicated to serving Texas
communities, families, and businesses.
Barbara is a native Houstonian and grew up in both Houston
and Sweeney, Texas. For the past 30 years, Barbara has
made her home in Sugar Land. She loves the vast amount
of restaurants that Houston has to offer as well as the many venues of entertainment.
She especially is happy to have local sports teams to cheer on.
Barbara and her husband Bill has been married for 33 years and have 2 sons,
Christopher and Nathan. Christopher lives in New York and is a Senior Software
Engineer. Nathan is a Captain in the United States Marine Corp and currently lives in
New Orleans.
Barbara is looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends as a member
of EWI of Houston, Please take the time to introduce yourself to Barbara at out next
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Updates from our Scholarship Recipients
Submitted by Marji Zamora, representing Minuteman Press Post Oak
Good Evening Ms. Marji,
It's been a while since we last chatted. I just wanted to follow up with you
and EWI of Houston. First, I would like to thank you so much for all the
school supplies and cleaning supplies. It has definitely come in handy this
semester. I also wanted to let you all know that I finished my first
semester with all A's and a 4.0 GPA! I am so excited and thankful for all of
your support along the way. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New
Keturah Crease
2014 EWISP Scholarship Recipient
Submitted by Delynn Walker, representing Texas Southern University
Good evening, Ms. Walker!
I am writing this email to keep you updated on how my semester has been
at Baylor University. I am so blessed to be at such a prestigious and
Christian university that upholds its values in each and every thing it does.
This semester, I have grown intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and
more. I have learned that I DO in fact love Biology, and I have a passion
and interest for medicine. I have been blessed with amazing teachers,
especially in my sciences, that have taught me with all the passion they
have towards their various subjects. I have learned more about myself
and grown spiritually as I become involved in my home church here in
Waco. Last but not least, each day I have learned the importance of being
thankful for people like you who have touched my life in one way or
Some of my favorite moments this semester has been:
1. Football games (rushing the field after the Baylor vs. TCU game) with
some of the great people I met here at BU!
2. Going to a Jimmy Needham concert at Common Grounds (a Baylor-affiliated coffee shop on campus)
I am looking forward to next semester at Baylor. I just want to say that I have and will continue to see the
fruit of the seed you planted in my life.
Thank you,
Stephanie Abazie
2014 Past President’s Scholarship Recipient
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
2014 Blanket Making Day
Submitted by Elisa Garcia, 2014-2014 Philanthropy Co-Chair, representing Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
A Huge Thank You to everyone that was able to come out for our annual Blanket Making
Day on Saturday, December 13. EWI of Houston members and their families/friends
worked all day to insure there were 110 blankets ready for delivery. Members also took
materials home to finish assembling the blankets.
Special thanks to Stephanie Cleary, Terri Lemons, and Donna Jones with Martha Turner
Sotheby’s International Realty for providing the facility space for this project. Carolyn
Noack, representing LINBECK, Annette Washburn, representing Waukesha-Pearce
Industries, Inc., Sandy Gracia and Elisa Garcia representing Greater Houston Convention
& Visitors Bureau, and Patti McLean, transitional member were able to hand deliver the
blankets to the students at Clemente Martinez Elementary School on Wednesday,
December 17. The students, teachers, and staff members were excited to receive the
Below is a note I received for Ms. Rosas:
Good morning,
Thank you for the blanket donations! Although it was a bit chaotic due to the
enrichment schedule, our students were very excited to receive them. I can't
thank you enough for all EWI has done for our students.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
Ms. Rosas
2nd Grade Bilingual Teacher
Clemente Martinez Elementary
Continued efforts from our Members ensure projects like these are successful. We look
forward to 2015 and the projects the Philanthropy Committee have in store.
Happy New Year!
Elisa Garcia & Annette Washburn
2014 - 2015 Philanthropy Co-Chairs
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Blanket Making Day 2014
Sandy Gracia, Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
and her son
Riley Neal, guest
Stephanie Cleary, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Various Guests
Charlotte Daigle, American Cancer Society
Linda Petticrew, Shell Energy Resources
Kay Bart, Skerl & Associates
Kathy Neal, Shell Oil Products
Riley Neal, Guest
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Blanket Making Day 2014
Family & Friends
Terri Lemons, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Theresa Smith, Quanex Building Products Corporation
Tia Norman, Professional Sports Partners
and her daughter
Stephanie Oehrlein, MAXXAM, Inc.
Lisa Noack, Guest
Carolyn Noack, LINBECK
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Blanket Making Day 2014
Guest; Kathy Neal, Shell Oil Products
Stephanie Hill, Recipe For Sucess
Members, Mothers, Children, and Friends
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Delivering the Blankets to Clemente Martinez Elementary
Carolyn Noack, LINBECK; Patti McLean, Transitional
Annette Washburn, Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc.
Sandy Gracia, Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
110 Blankets ready to be distributed
Annette Washburn, Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc.
Elisa Garcia, Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
Second Graders with their blankets
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Delivering the Blankets to Clemente Martinez Elementary
Carolyn Noack, LINBECK
Sandy Gracia, Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
Annette Washburn, Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc.
Patti McLean, Transitional
Second Grade Students
Second Grade Students
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Communications Report
Submitted by Elizabeth Norwood, 2014-2015 Communications Director, representing PwC
The January 2015 EWIConnect was distributed on January 2, 2015. Special thanks to the following contributors:
Elisa Garcia, Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau
Carolyn Noack, LINBECK
David Jones, D. Jones Photography
Lily Portales, Austin Industrial, Inc.
Kay Bart, Skerl & Associates
Lindsey Duhon, Hilcorp Energy Company
Shari Schiffman, John Daugherty Realtors
Shelly Labedzki, Deloitte Services, LP
Tasha Pirzad, Sewell Automotive Companies
Special thanks to the Communications Committee members for their efforts.
Membership Report
Submitted by Lindsey Duhon, 2014-2015 Membership Director, representing Hilcorp Energy Company
Member Firms
5 Honorary Members
Sustaining Members
2 Transitional Members
Total Membership
Life Members
Fundraising Report
Submitted by Kathy Hibbard, 2014-2015 Fundraising Director, representing United Way of Greater Houston
The Fundraising Committee conducted a successful door prize drawing on December 11th at the JW Marriott Houston
Downtown with 9 door prizes. Ticket sales totaled $711! We also raised $395 from the Wine Pull and the sale of the
Poinsettias for a grand total of $1,106!!!
The 2014-2015 Fundraising Committee would like to thank the following representatives for supporting our chapter by
graciously donating the awesome door prizes we had:
Stephanie Cleary representing Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Marilyn DeSimone representing Landry’s, Inc.
Georgia Graugnard representing Omni Hotels
Lannis Jenkins representing Silver Eagle Distributors
Nellie Kerbow representing AIG Life and Retirement
Shelly Labedzki representing Deloitte Services LP
Deborah Mayfield representing Metro Star
Linda Petticrew representing Shell Energy Resources Company
Rosemary Powers representing Wells Fargo Bank
Once again, the Fundraising Committee sincerely thanks all the representatives and guests for supporting our monthly
fundraising activities and making this year amazingly successful!
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Happy Anniversary to EWI of Houston
EWI of Houston will celebrate the 58th anniversary of our charter on January 24, 2014. Originally established
as Houston Executive Secretaries, Inc., EWI of
Houston has evolved over the past 58 years to become the largest and most
prosperous chapter in Executive Women International.
The first president in 1957 was Blanche Hickman, representing Great Southern Life Insurance Company.
Blanche went on to become EWI Corporate President for 1962 - 1963. She was followed as EWI of Houston
President by 56 remarkable women who have gone on to help our chapter grow. Cherry York, representing
The Mischer Corporation, was EWI of Houston President in 1990 and went on to become EWI Corporate
President for 1998 - 1999.
Several of our past presidents were asked to share some of the highlights of the past 58 years:
“The year 2007 was a big highlight for me. It was our Chapter’s 50th anniversary and we hosted LCAM in Houston. President Melissa Ford ushered us through that amazing year with such class. We had a huge anniversary party in
January at Union Station and Elvis jumped out of a big cake. Later in the year in September, we welcomed 600+ people
at LCAM’s opening night at The Corinthian. Everyone still talks about Bathtub Brad serving martinis! This is one of so
many fun and memorable events in my 24 years in EWI. As I step away from regular membership in 2015, I remain
proud to be part of this amazing
organization. Happy Anniversary, Houston Chapter!”
Debbie Casey, 2005 EWI of Houston President
“ In September 1987, the Annual Meeting was held in Houston. Our planning sessions were much different as this was
long before computers were in use. We had to use a typewriter and make Xerox copies. Approximately 1,000 members
attended, and the event was held in three different hotels in the Galleria: Westin Galleria, Westin Oaks, and the JW
Marriott. All the Houston Reps wore a 3-piece red knit outfit trimmed in black that we bought at Sakowitz. We had great
speakers: Secretary of State Jack Rains, Mayor Kathy Whitmire, and astronaut Dr. Kathyrn Sullivan. Member firm
Sakowitz provided a fabulous fashion show. Nine bus loads of ladies went to Gilley’s on a Friday for an incredibly fun
evening. Several were even brave enough to ride the famous mechanical bull. Entertainment for the closing ceremony
was provided by Roger Williams”.
Kay Bart, 2003 EWI of Houston President
2007 EWI of Houston President Melissa Ford
with her friend ELVIS
2007 EWI of Houston President Melissa Ford
and 2005 EWI of Houston Debbie Casey with
their friend Bathtub Brad
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Mitch Daniels, Media Distributors, Inc.
Kay Bart, Skerl & Associates
Kathy Hibbard, United Way of Greater Houston
Liz Palacios, TransCanada
Donette Reil, Executive, Donette Reil Design
Michelle Votano, Atlantic Relocation Systems
Mildred Loyd, Mustang Machinary Company, Ltd.
Sarah Smith, JW Marriott Houston Downtown
Lily Portales, Austin Industrial, Inc.
Carolyn Toriggino, Sustaining
Barbara Camino, Sustaining
Barbara Callender, Sustaining
Karen Clingan, Guest
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Rosemary Powers, Well Fargo Bank
Martha Garcia, Eschelon Energy Partners
Shelly Labedski, Deloitte Services, LP
Liz Palacios, TransCanada
Patti McLean, Transitional
Emilie Black, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Marlene Britt, Junior Achievement of Southwest Texas, Inc.
Donna Gurnery, JLT Insurance Servicers, Inc.
Michelle Votano, Atlantic Relocation Systems
Lindsey Duhon, Hilcorp Energy Company
Daniella DePena, Guest
Sarah Smith, JW Marriott Houston Downtown
Donna Jones, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Annette Washburn, Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc.
Jamila Owens, Metro Star
Terrie Tillman, Guest
Evan Camp, Theatre Under the Stars
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Debbie Casey, Hilcorp Energy Company
Karen Clingan, Guest
Lily Portales, Austin Industrial, Inc.
Shirley Chalmers, Guest
TyTianna Wright, Guest
Deborah Mayfield, Metro Star
Kori Peters, Hilcorp Energy Company
Adelaide DeBow, Sustaining, 2014 Past Presidents Award Winner
Patti McLean, Transitional
Terri Lemons, Martha Turner Sotheby’s International Realty
Linda Petticrew, Shell Energy Resources Company
Carolyn Noack, LINBECK
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
EWI of Houston New Members
Jamila Owens, Metro Star; Barbara Stokes, Amegy Bank; Candice Sanchez, Anadarko Petroleum Company
Marlene Britt, Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas, Inc.; Donna Gurney, JLT Specialty Insurance Services, Inc.
Officer Georgiana Davis, HPD Blue Santa Program
Martha Garcia, Eschelon Energy Partners
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir
Salvation Army Harbor Light Choir with Jamila Owens, Metro Star, and Kathy Hibbard, United Way of Greater Houston
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Evan Camp
January 2
Jackie Pope
January 4
Mary Speltz
January 6
Marji Zamora
January 6
Cameron Eubank
January 8
Virginia Iloff
January 10
Rene Azinger
January 15
Member Firm Anniversaries
United Way of Greater Houston
38 years
Four Seasons Hotel - Houston
14 years
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
12 years
Houston Symphony Society
10 years
Eschelon Energy Partners
2 years
James J. Postl Interests
2 years
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Officers and Directors
Carolyn Noack
[email protected]
Linda Petticrew
Shell Energy Resources Company
[email protected]
Shari Schiffman
John Daugherty Realtors
[email protected]
Carole Pitts
John Daughery Realtors
[email protected]
Kedrienne Day
Teach For America
[email protected]
Lindsey Duhon
Hilcorp Energy Company
[email protected]
Elizabeth Norwood
[email protected]
Kathy Hibbard
United Way of Greater Houston
[email protected]
Donna Gurney
JLT Specialty Insurance Services,
[email protected]
Terri Lemons
Martha Turner Sotheby’s International
[email protected]
Kay Bart
Skerl & Associates
Past President 2003
[email protected]
Kori Peters
Hilcorp Energy Company
Past President 2014
[email protected]
Delynn Walker
Texas Southern University
Past President 2012
Honorary Advisor
Barbara Callender
Sustaining/EWI of Houston
Past President 2004
[email protected]
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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EWI of Houston Monthly Newsletter
Committee Chairs
Minuteman Press Post Oak
[email protected]
Martha Turner Sotheby’s
International Realty
[email protected]
Marji Zamora
Mary Speltz
[email protected]
Donna Jones
Hilcorp Energy Corp
[email protected]
Texas Southern University
[email protected]
Kay Bart
American Cancer Society
[email protected]
Skerl & Associates
[email protected]
Houston Symphony Society
[email protected]
Greater Houston Convention &
Visitors Bureau
[email protected]
Susan Yates
Finger Interests
[email protected]
Delynn Walker
Elisa Garcia
Annette Washburn
Waukesha-Pearce Industries,
NRG Energy, Inc.
[email protected]
Austin Industrial, Inc.
[email protected]
Roni Noble
Let It Fly Events, L.P.
[email protected]
Kori Peters
Charlotte Daigle
Rebekah Robles
Stacey Spears
Lily Portales
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84019 /
Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
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