90 9000 - BACHELOR BUTTON Frosted Queen Mixed Colours 9023 - BUTTERFLY FLOWER Silky Formula Mix BACHEloR BUTToNS BERKHEYA AIMERS FlowERS An extremely easy to grow annual. Sow directly outdoors where they are to bloom mid April to mid-May, after the soil has warmed up (18C). Lightly cover seed with sifted, fine soil or sand. Keep moist during the 10 day germination period. Thin plants 20 cm (8") apart in the garden. Bachelor Buttons do not transplant well. 9000 - FROSTED QUEEN MIXED A picotee or bi-colour flowered mixture. Bushy, uniform plants produce loads of blooms all summer long. Excellent at the back of the border or as dried flowers. Matures to 90 cm (36") height. Pkt $2.95 9005 - CLASSIC FANTASTIC MIX Tall 80-100 cm (32-40”) plants produce a well balanced, eyecatching blend of captivating blue shades. Flowers often are two shades of blue or have dark centres and lighter petals. Excellent for the border or as cutflowers. Blooms showy May through September. Pkt $2.95 9010 - CLASSIC ROMANTIC MIX Tall 80-100 cm (32-40”). A mix of charming pink and pretty rosy-red shades. Flowers are often in two shades of pink or have dark centres and light petals, others are rosy-red with white tips. A great border plant. Pkt $2.95 A very unique border plant for the garden that’s guaranteed to keep unwanted visitors away, because of it’s prickly foliage! Start seed 8 to 10 weeks early indoors germinating at 20C (70F) for 10-14 days. Cover with 3mm (1/8") of fine soil and firm. Transplant to the garden to a full sun location and in well-drained soil. Considered a half-hardy perennial but treat as an annual or pot plant. 9015 - ZULU WARRIOR large mauve to white flowers sit above very prickly foliage with attractive looking cobwebs draped over the leaves. Grows to 50 cm (20") tall. Pkt $2.95 BUTTERFlY FlowER Tender perennial Ascelpias. Start seed late February to the end of March for summer bloom. Germinate at 20-25C (75F) for 10-25 days. Grow on the dry side to reduce chance of damping off. Full sun is best. Space plants at least 30cm (1’) apart. Keep moist until established. 9023 - SILKY FORMULA MIX A must for the butterfly garden. Silky Formula Mix is a fabulous blend of gold and deep red flowers. In the fall foliage turns bronze. Blooms later in the summer from early indoor sowings. A favourite of many kinds of butterflies, especially the Monarch. we suggest growing this plant as an annual. Hardy to zone 7. Pkt $2.95 9025 - BUTTERFLY MEADOW 9015 - BERKHEYA Zulu Warrior 9005 - CENTAUREA Classic Fantastic Mix 9035 - CALENDULA Gitana Fiesta Mix BUTTERFlY MEAdow Extremely easy to grow annual mix sow seed directly outdoors where they are to bloom mid April to mid-May after the soil has warmed up. Thin to stand 20 cm (8") apart in the garden. 9025 - BUTTERFLY MEADOW A mixture of annuals and perennials, in a rainbow of colours. Includes, Alyssum, Africa daisy, Bachelor Buttons, Butterfly weed, Candytuft, Columbine, Purple Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower, Coreopsis Plains and lance leaf varieties, Cosmos, Scarlet Flax, California Poppy, Siberian wallflower. Average plant height 75cm (30”). Pkt $2.95 9030 - CALENDULA Apricot Twist CAlENdUlA Annual. Adaptable to poor soil and tolerant of light shade. Direct garden sow mid to late May, 6 mm (1/4”) deep. or for earlier blooms, start indoors in April at 21C (70F) for the 5-10 day germination period. Grow on at cooler temperatures of 10-13 C (50-55F). 9030 - APRICOT TWIST Magnificent double blooms in apricot and a faint blush of cream. Compact 35 cm (1214”) height. They also make a bright addition to salads. An excellent choice for borders, containers and mass plantings Pkt $2.95 9035 - FIESTA GITANA MIX Fully double blooms in apricot, cream, orange and yellow. More compact than other varieties maturing to 30-35 cm (12-14”) height and so long lasting you can enjoy their colour virtually all summer long. An excellent choice for borders and mass plantings Pkt $2.95 91 9045 - CALIFORNIA POPPY Rosa Romantica CAlIFoRNIA PoPPY A delightful low maintenance annual. Tolerant of hot sun, dry conditions. Direct sow mid-May planting 6 mm (1/4") deep; thin to stand 20 cm (8") apart when plants are 5 cm (2") tall. For an earlier start, sow indoors 6 weeks before last frost. 9040 - THAI SILK FORMULA MIX Bushy, compact plants with contrasting, finely-cut greygreen foliage, flowers all summer long in beds or containers. Height 20-25 cm (8-10"). Pkt $2.95 9045 - ROSA ROMANTICA double flowered California poppy. Incredibly attractive, romantically coloured salmonpink & carmine gradually fading to a soft pink. Petals are lightly striped and brushed for an exquisite finish. The flowers open into a tulip shape. Pkt $2.95 9050 - MILKMAID Masses of creamy white/yellow, fluted and semi-double flowers above a fine blue-green foliage. Excellent for containers, mass planting in borders or with other low growing annuals. Height 20-25 cm (8-10”). Pkt $2.95 9055 - MISSION BELLS Enjoy a spectacular display of glowing flowering jewels the same year sown. A mixture of glorious colours. If you’re a fan of California poppies (who isn’t?), Mission Bells will exceed you’re wildest expectations! Pkt $2.95 9050 - CALIFORNIA POPPY Milkmaid 9040 - CALIFORNIA POPPY Thai Silk Formula Mix 9055 - CALIFORNIA POPPY Mission Bells 9085 - COLUMBINE Lime Sorbet 9060 - CARNATION Picotee Fantasy Mix 9110 - COSMOS Candy Stripe ColUMBINE (Aquilegia) Easy to grow perennial. Chill seed 4 days at 5C (40F) prior to sowing. Start 8 weeks early indoors but do not cover as light is required for germination. Germinate at 21C (70F). Outdoor sowing can be made in late May or June for bloom the following year. Zone 3 9085– LIME SORBET New flower colour, ‘lime-onwhite’. Mature plants reach 100cm (40”) garden height. Pkt of 10 sds $2.95 CARNATIoN (Dianthus caryphyllos) Best started 8 weeks early indoors. Sow seed 3mm (1/8”) deep and keep at 21C (70F). Transplant to the garden late in May. Transplant 30cm (1’) apart. 9060 - PICOTEE FANTASY MIX Spicy fragrance & spectacular colors make carnations ideal for the border or as cut flowers. Picotee fantasy mix is a lovely blend of large, double, striped and picoteed blooms on strong, robust plants. Matures to 60cm (2’) garden height. Pkt $2.95 CoSMoS Best results are achieved when this seed is directly garden sown although some prefer to start it indoors 4 weeks before last frost. Choose a full sun location, sow 6 mm (1/4") deep mid to late May. Thin to plants 30-40 cm (12-16") apart in the garden. Annual. 9100 - DOUBLE CLICK A reliable summer annual that will add height and colour to the garden border all summer long. large plants, 80cm (31”). Pkt $2.95 9105 - SEASHELLS MIXED Unusual tubular petals grouped around a bright yellow centre. Flowers average 5 cm (2") across in a pastels blend of rose, pink and white. Sturdy plants, uniform flowering and a lacey, cut foliage. Excellent for tall backgrounds and borders. A good cutflower, too. Grows about one metre tall (39"). 9110 - CANDY STRIPE Ice white flowers boldly splashed, bordered and striped with crimson…some even stay pure crimson on the same plant. A unique colour in Cosmos. when mature, plants grow to 90 cm (3’) tall. Pkt $2.95 9100 - COSMOS Double Click 9105 - COSMOS Seashells Mixed Place your order: Tel. (519) 886-0557 FAX (519) 886-0605 www.oscseeds.com 92 9130 - DAHLBERG DAISY Gold Carpet ColEUS Seeds need light to germinate. Keep seeds moist until they germinate. Seedlings will appear within a couple of weeks. Transplant to containers or the garden after all danger of frost has past. 9075 - BLACK DRAGON Attractive, curious looking ruffled, dark burgandy leaves. Best colour displayed in bright, indirect light. Tolerant of shade. Grow in pots or in the garden. Mature height to 30 cm (12”). Start indoors eight weeks before last spring frost. Pkt $2.95 9135 - DAHLIA Stargazer dAHlBERG dAISY Free-flowering, easy growing, stays compact all summer long and so easy to grow it almost thrives on neglect. Start seed directly outdoors in a full sun location or directly into containers. 9130 - GOLD CARPET Plants 30 cm (1’) high and wide have a light green ferny foliage and are filled with single, daisylike yellow flowers. Blooms all summer long in full sun and well-drained garden soil. Pkt $2.95 CUP & dAHlIA s/g) SAUCER VINE (100 Start 6-8 weeks early indoors. (Cobea) This fascinating tropical annual climber is perfect for fences, walls or trellis and best of all it’s easy to grow from seed. Start 3-4 weeks early indoors in pots, cover with 3mm (1/8") of soil and keep and moist during the 8-10 day germination period. Germinate at 21C (70F). Cover seed with a fine sifting of soil and keep moist. 9070 - SCANDENS BLUE long-stemmed bell-shaped flowers average 5cm (2-1/2) across in a deep purple-blue hue and they flower right through to frost. Can climb to 2m (12’) tall if given support or a wall to grow on. Pkt $2.95 Barely cover the seed and keep moist during the 7-14 day germination period. Germinate at 21C (72F), grow on at slightly cooler temperatures of 16C (60F). Transplant to the garden late-May. 9135 - STARGAZER An new dahlia with unique cactus flowers born on dwarf, well-branched plants. Pkt $2.95 9140 - HARLEQUIN MIXED Semi-double, multi-coloured. Small plants bloom all summer. Pkt of 15 seeds, $2.95 Place your order: Tel. (519) 886-0557 FAX (519) 886-0605 www.oscseeds.com 9075 - COLEUS Black Dragon 9150 - FLOWERING CABBAGE Osaka Series Mixed FlowERING CABBAGE / KAlE Another great annual for summer colour. Start seed 8 weeks early in peat pots, germinate at 20C (70F) for 1015 days. June /July flowering. Sow seed 3 mm (1/8") deep. Transplant 30 cm (1’) apart after danger of frost has passed. 9150 - OSAKA SERIES MIXED CABBAGE Highly ornamental plants for late summer/early fall flowering. Very colorful waved edged leaves and tight centres make these an excellent ornamental variety for bed/borders. Height 30cm (1’). Pkt $2.95 9160 - NAGOYA SERIES MIXED KALE Excellent for filling in barren spaces after summer flowers have bloomed. Uniform plant habit and growth with a high degree of cold resistance to extend flowering. leaves are tightly fringed and colorful. Pkt $2.95 FlowERING FlAX Difficult to transplant. Direct sow outdoors where you want them to grow as soon as the soil can be worked. Sow 6mm (1/4") deep keep moist during the 12 day germination period. Thin plants to 8 to 10 inches apart. Successively sow seeds in three week intervals into mid May. This will help maintain an even display of blooms through the summer. 9155 - FLOWERING FLAX Bright Eyes 9165 - Bellevue Mixed 9155 – BRIGHT EYES A rare and exceptional plant similar in every way to Scarlet Flax except they produce the most striking white flowers with red centres. Flowers average 2.5-3.5 cm across on 30-45 cm plants. Provides quick, easy colour in borders or in and around late flowering bulbs. Pkt $2.95 FlowERING MAPlE (Abutilon) Sow seed April 1st. Place seed on top of soil and lightly cover. Germinate at 24C (75F) for 5-7 days at high humidity, then grow at slightly cooler temperatures of 18-21C (65-70F). Transplant 3 seedlings to each pot when at the 4th leaf stage. Blooms the first summer in 10 cm (4") pots. 9165 – BELLEVUE MIXED COLOURS This mix of large, bell-shaded flowers in shades of orange, red and yellow blooms all summer long in full morning sun and light afternoon shade. Matures to 90 cm (3’) height. Pkt $2.95 93 9175 - FOUR O’CLOCKS Broken Colours 9170 - TOBACCO Only the Lonely FlowERING ToBACCo (Nicotiana) Start seed 6 weeks early indoors leaving them uncovered on the surface of the growing medium. Maintain a temperature of 21-24C (7075F) within the growing medium. Germination requires 10-15 days. Grow on at a temperature of 17C (62F). Space plants 30 – 45 cm (12-18") apart in the garden 9170 - ONLY THE LONELY (Nicotiana Sylvestris) A very stately accent plant maturing to 1-1.5m height. long, white trumpet-shaped flowers with a lovely fragrance bloom midsummer to fall. Tolerant of sun or partial shade. Great for the back of the border! Pkt $2.95 9200 - GAZANIA Kiss Yellow Flame 9185 - FOXGLOVE Apricot Beauty FoUR o’CloCK’S Also known as Marvel Of Peru. Sow seed directly outdoors in late May or early June about 1 cm (3/8") deep. Thin plants to stand 45 cm (18") apart in the garden when they are 5-8 cm (2-3") tall. Seed can also be started 6 weeks early indoors. Germination occurs very quickly – in about 7 days at 21C (72F) soil temperatures. While they perform best in full sun or partial shade. Annual. 9175 - BROKEN COLOURS A very unique colour combination of solid coloured, long trumpet-like blooms each highlighted or "broken" with splashes and stripes of different shades. Pkt $2.95 9180 – SUNSHINE YELLOW A bright yellow version of this favourite garden flower. outstanding in the garden. Pkt $2.95 FoXGloVE (Digitalis) Although considered a biennial it re-seeds so easily it can be considered a permanent garden fixture. Start seed indoor early February through March. Germinate at 20C (70F) and keep moist during the 1421 day germination period. Grow on at cooler temperatures of 15C (60F). Note – seeds and plants are considered toxic if eaten. 9185- APRICOT BEAUTY Peachy apricot blooms are outstanding in the garden. Plants are more compact than the Excelsior types and reach 75 cm (30") in the garden. Pkt $2.95 9190 - GAILLARDIA Arizona Red Shades GAIllARdIA (400 s/g) East to grow and tolerant of most soils plus they thrive on summers heat and full sun.. Excellent for garden or cutting. Sow indoors or outdoors anytime from April through August. Germinate at 20-25C (70-80F) soil temperatures for 14-21 days. Do not cover seeds as light helps in quicker germination. 9190 – ARIZONA RED SHADES Enjoy the same outstanding garden performance as it’s highly acclaimed, awardwinning cousin Arizona Sun and be spoiled with a flower power that’s second to none! deep crimson 10 cm (4”) flowers literally smother the plant from late spring through September. Compact plants average 30 cm (1’) height. Pkt $2.95 GAZANIA (400 s/g) Slow growing annuals should be started 8-10 weeks early indoors. Germinate in total darkness at 17C (62F) for 7-10 days. Grow on at slightly cooler temperatures. Do not overwater as this will cause crown rot. 9195 - FROSTY KISS MIX Beautiful daisy-like flowers almost hide the silvery-green foliage. Nicely mounded, uniform plants stay compact at 20-25 cm (8-10") size and look absolutely stunning in the hot sun. A formula mix of eight spectacular colour combinations. Pkt $2.95 9195 - GAZANIA Frosty Kiss Mix 9205 - GERANIUM (Perennial) Vision Pink 9200 - KISS YELLOW FLAME The best seller in the series! This lip-smacking colour will be the highlight of your garden. fully open yellow blooms with scarlet-red flame down the centre of each petal nestled above dark green foliage. Pkt $2.95 PERENNIAl GERANIUM Geraniums need to be started indoors in January/February. Sow seed 6 mm (1/4") deep and maintain a temperature with the medium of 21-24C (70-75F) during the 5-20 day germination period. Grow on at 15-18 (60-65F). Transplant to 10 cm (4") pots for growing on. Move to the garden after all danger of frost has passed spacing 45 cm (18") apart. 9205 - VISION PINK luminescent saucer-shaped pink flowers with ornate red veins blooming May-August are a striking contrast to the dark green foliage which turns to red in the fall. Mounded plants reach 40cm (18") garden height. Good in full sun to light shade. Pkt 8 sds $2.95 94 9210 - GLORIOSA DAISY Autumn Colours Mixed 9220 - HIBISCUS Carolina Mixed Colours 9235 - HONEYWORT Kiwi Blue 9232 - HOLLYHOCK Halo Mixed 9215 - GLORIOSA DAISY Toto Gold 9240 - HYACINTH BEAN Lablab 9225 - HOLLYHOCK Double Apricot 9260 - LAVATERA Novella GloRIoSA dAISY Full sun and dry soil. Bloom for weeks on end. Start seed indoors in March. Cover seed with 3 mm of soil at 20C (70F) for 21 days. Outdoors, sow seed in May or June for bloom the following year. Perennial. Zone 3. 9210 - AUTUMN COLOURS MIXED Masses of bronze/yellow petals, red rings and rusty red centres create an attractive contrast in the landscape. Excellent for cutting and easy to grow from seed. Height 60 cm (2’) Pkt $2.95 9215 – TOTO GOLD dwarf, bell-shaped plants are filled with 5-7 cm (2-3") round golden-orange flowers with dark centres. A great border plant for full sun, dry soil. Height 30 cm Pkt $2.95 Seed dealers: Some listings subject to limited quantities. HIBISCUS Spectacular perennials for sunny backgrounds. Start 6 weeks early indoors; germinate at 21C (70F) for 5-7 days– soak seed for 12 hrs prior to sowing. Hardy to Zone 5. 9220 – CAROLINA MIXED COLOURS Big, bold dramatic flowers in red, pink and white with a contrasting eye. Flowers midsummer through fall. Pkt $2.95 HoNEYwoRT (Cerinthe) Start seed 6 weeks early indoors. Germinate at 21C (70F) or direct garden sow early May. Tolerant of most soils and withstands drought conditions extremely well. Very attractive to bees. Self-seeds in mild climates giving the impression it is a perennial, but in reality it is an annual. 9235 – KIWI BLUE Rich, brilliant purple-blue nodding flowers contrast over deep blue bracts on strong stems. Compact plants mature to 60 cm (2’) height. Pkt $2.95 HollYHoCK (110 s/g) Old fashioned cottage garden perennial. Direct outdoor sowing May or September will produce flowers the following summer. Space plants 60 cm (24") apart. Zone 2. 9225 - DOUBLE APRICOT Fully double flowers of bright apricot. Pkt $2.95 9230 – QUEENY MIXED dwarf plants, mixed colours. Blooms the first season from early sowings. Grows 50cm (22”) tall, perfect height for a place in any garden. Pkt $2.95 9232 – HALO MIXED The all time classic of English cottage garden flowers; ideal for adding height to borders. A stunning combination of single flowers in bright colours, each flower made more appealing by the centre “halo”. Blooms 58 cm (2-3”) size lots of them. Makes a beautiful cutflower and the edible flowers can be added to salads for a tasty treat. Plants mature to 1.51.8m (5-6’) height. Pkt of 15 seeds, $2.95 HYACINTH BEAN (Dolichos) Annual. Start seed directly in the garden late May. Support vines. 9240 – DOLICHOS LABLAB Ruby pods appear all at once throughout the summer. Grow like a pole bean as plants reach 2 m (6’) height plus. Pkt $2.95 lAVATERA Annual mallow or rose mallow. Hibiscus-like blooms up to 7cm across. Full sun. Prefers cool weather. Sow directly mid May. Thin to 30 cm (1") apart. 9260 - NOVELLA deep green foliage and rich, deep rose flowers are outstanding July through September. Matures to 35 cm (14") height. Pkt $2.95 9230 - HOLLYHOCK Queeny Mixed 95 9265 - LAVENDER Vicenza Blue lAVENdER (Lavandula angustifolium) Perennial. Sow indoors January to March, germinating at 20C (70F) for 15-20 days. Seed is primed for improved germination. A summer long performer that withstands heat and drought conditions. Fragrant deep blue flower spikes. Robust plants mature to 28cm (15”). 9265 - VICENZA BLUE Flowers during the summer. Grows 38cm (15") tall. Resents transplanting, so start in peat pots. Alternatively, sow directly in the garden late May. Hardy to Zone 5. Pkt $2.95 Did you know... We think lavender was first domesticated by Arabian herbalists. Lavender spread across Europe from the middle east through Greece about 3,000 years ago. The name “lavender” may have originated with the prependancy for the herb to be used in washing cloths because the natural essential oils in lavender inhibit bacteria growth and drive away insects. Lavender is believed to be of benefit for a multitude of problems, including stress, anxiety, exhaustion, irritability, and as a breath freshener and mouthwash. All these claims aside, the wonderful aroma and benefits to pollinating insects and the seeds as food for birds make lavender a good choice, as is! We recommend you give it a try in your sunny garden. You won’t be disappointed. 9275 - LIATRIS Blazing Star 9285 - MALOPE Vulcan 9295 - MARIGOLD Signet lemon 9290 - MALVA Zebrina 9270 - LEOPARD’S BANE Little Leo 9300 - MARIGOLD Jolly Jester lEoPARd’S BANE (Doronicum) Also known as Leopards Bane. This dwarf perennial is often mistaken for a yellow gerbera with its daisy-like flowers. Chill seed 3-4 days prior to sowing. Hardy to Zone 4. 9270 – LITTLE LEO An early blooming perennial that performs well at the front of the border. dwarf, compact plants mature to 35 cm (14") height and are loaded with 5 cm (2") bright yellow daisy-like blooms. Pkt $2.95 lIATRIS A pretty cutflower or border perennial. Sow seed indoors early March. Do not cover seed as light is beneficial to germination. 9275 - BLAZING STAR Pretty rose-pink, pipe-cleaner shaped flowers over grass-like foliage. Blooms July and August. liatris is not loosetrife. Pkt $2.95. MAloPE (Musk Mallow) Sow seeds where they are to bloom after danger of frost has passed. Cover with 3 mm (1/8") of soil in a partially shaded location. Seed can be started early indoors in March for early June or July flowering. Germinate for 10-14 days at 21C (70F). 9285 – VULCAN The most intense deep purple/red flowered form with dark veining almost completely hides the light green foliage. one of our favourites and makes a great cutflower! Matures to 1.5M (4’) height. Pkt $2.95 MAlVA (Sylvestris) (Tender Perennial). Free blooming, easy to grow. Chill seed 3-4 days prior to sowing. Start early indoors for blooms in the first year, or sow directly in June for flowers the next year. Hardy to Zone 4. 9290 – ZEBRINA Tall 90-120 cm (3-4’) stems are covered with 5 cm (2") blooms An old fashioned favourite. Pkt $2.95 MARIGold The “everywhere plant”. Full sun. Sow six weeks early indoors, lightly cover with 3 mm of soil and germinate at 21C for 10 days. Sow direct mid May. 9295 – SIGNET LEMON Known as Mexican Marigold when first introduced in 1798 these very dwarf, mounding plants mature to only 25 cm (10” tall). They boast a fresh green, lacey foliage aromatic of citrus and are loaded with small, dime-size, single flowers. In constant bloom all summer. Sow in a group of 3-4 plants per 30 sq cm. Pkt $2.95. 9300 – JOLLY JESTER A very distinct and novel variety with brilliant red petals very distinctly divided by yellow stripes. Excellent for tall borders. Pkt $2.95 Place your order: Tel. (519) 886-0557 FAX (519) 886-0605 www.oscseeds.com Mail: Box 7 Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z6 96 9310 - MICHALMAS DAISY Ostrich Feather MICHAlMAS dAISY (Aster) Annual. Sow seed directly outdoors in mid-May. Note – germination can be irregular and ranges from 50-80%. 9310 - OSTRICH FEATHER BLUE Huge feathery flowers on branching stems. deep blue blooms and very early flowering. Matures to 50 cm (20") height. Pkt $2.95 MoRNING GloRY (BUSH) (Convulvulus tricolour) Dwarf, compact plants only 30 cm (1’) tall are great for informal planting schemes and summer beds. Sow seed directly outdoors where it is to bloom. Soak seed for 6-12 hours prior to sowing and cover with 3 mm (1/8") of soil. Keep moist during the 10 day germination period. Annual. 9315 - BLUE ENSIGN Brilliant blue flowers with contrasting throats of white and yellow sit just above the foliage on these neat, compact plants. Blooms June through September. Pkt $2.95 9320 - RED ENSIGN Rich, deep red flowers with brilliant white throats and compact, tightly mounded plants. Another great annual for the border or for filling in between perennials Pkt $2.95 9345 - NASTURTIUM Whirlybird Cream 9325 - MORNING GLORY Heavenly Blue NASTURTIUM Easy to grow annual for baskets, window boxes or mass plantings. Do not overfertilize. Direct garden sow mid to late May 2.5 cm (1") deep, thin to 20 cm (8") apart. Full sun is preferred but partial shade is better in areas with hot summer temperatures. Blooms are edible. 9340 – PEACH MELBA A real colour breakthrough in Nasturtiums – warm orangepeach flowers have contrasting red veined throats with an attractive marbled foliage. An outstanding combination! Pkt $2.95 9345 – WHIRLYBIRD CREAM Compact,bushy plants produce semi-double, propeller-like flowers that sit atop its rich, bright green foliage. Free-flowering, tolerant of drier soils. outstanding in baskets or borders. Matures to 30 cm (1’) height. Pkt $2.95 MoRNING GloRY (VINE) (Ipomoea spp.) Easy to grow, climbing types for quick color on fences, walls or trellis in full sun to partially shaded areas. Soak seed for 24 hours prior to sowing directly in the garden. Sow mid-May. Vines can grow to 4 m (13’) in height. 9325 - HEAVENLY BLUE Heirloom Sky blue flowers. Blooms start early and are 10 cm (4") across This is the variety everyone admires most. It has the biggest flowers of the morning glories tribe. Pkt $2.95 9330 - MORNING GLORY Feringa 9335 - MORNING GLORY Knowlians Black 9320 - MORNING GLORY Red Ensign 9315 - MORNING GLORY Blue Ensign 9330 – FERINGA Fluorescent combination of violet and rose pink trumpetshaped flowers. Very unique color blend. Pkt $2.95 9335 - KNOWLIANS BLACK Incredibly striking, very attractive deep violet blooms with a striking cerise-red star. A vigorous climber. Pkt $2.95 9337 – CARNEVAL DE VENEZIA Multi-coloured blooms. Enjoy flowers all summer long twining & climbing to 2m (6’) height. Transform your garden with all the dazzling colours of the Venice Carnival. Pkt of 40 seeds, $2.95 9337 - MORNING GLORY Carneval de Venezia 97 9350 - POPPY Coral Reef oRIENTAl PoPPY Perennial. Long stemmed flowers, unusual color range. Start seed indoors in February or early March. Germinate at 20C (70F) for 14-21 days then grow on at slightly cooler temperatures. Do not cover seed as light aids germination. Outdoor sowing should take place anytime from May to midJuly or late fall for germination the following spring. 9350 - CORAL REEF large, vibrant flowers. Intense coral pink colour. Spectacularly vivid when sown en-masse. Vigorous plants flower over a long season typically lasting May through August. Height 60cm (24”). Pkt $2.95 9355 – CHECKERS Pure, silky white flowers individually marked with a deep black cross for the ultimate contrast! These sturdy plants with their rich green foliage are ideal for brightening borders or as cutflowers. Height 75 cm (30”). Pkt $2.95 Growing tips... Oriental poppies are hardy to growing zone 3. If you have light textured, limestone based soils, you’re in luck! Poppies thrive under these conditions. Oriental poppies benefit from a aggressive cutting after flowering. Cut all stems and foliage flush to the ground. Re-growth begins a couple weeks later. If growing conditions are favourable, poppies cut back in this manner will flower again in late summer. 9355 - POPPY Checkers PHloX A great annual for summer colour. Start seed 8 weeks early in peat pots as Phlox does not transplant well. Peat pots can be directly garden sown when plants are large enough to go to the garden. Germinate at a maximum soil temperature of 18C (65F) for 10 days in total darkness as it improves germination results. (Warmer temperatures will cause seed to not germinate). Transplant 45 cm (18") apart in the garden after danger of frost has passed. 9390 - PHLOX Century Blue Star Custom Seed Packets Specially designed seed packets permit you to add your own message below the colourful flower illustration. Here’s a blank space that measures 7/8” high by 2¾” for your message. 9390 - CENTURY BLUE STAR Hybrid Phlox. Blue flowers fade to almost white at the outer edge of petals creating an antique-like look. Garden height is 25 cm (10") but valuable too in containers and baskets. Pkt of 10 sds $2.95 9395 - MOODY BLUES let us rock your garden with this rich blend of blues. Soft whites and pale blue to deeper blue flowers all summer long. Easy to grow, dwarf, bushy plants average 25cm (10”) height. For summer beds or patio pots it’s hard to beat. Pkt of 10 sds $2.95 Did you know... Oriental poppy is actually native to northern Iran, north eastern Turkey and the Caucasus. Most garden Oriental poppies are actually hybrids between P. bracteatum and P. pseudoorientale. It’s thought that Roman legions spread the poppy throughout Europe as they marched to build empire. 9395 - PHLOX Moody Blues Flower Variety: 800 - Black-eyed Susan 801 - Bouquet Mixture 802 - Cosmos 803 - Forget-me-not 804 - daisy 805 - Sunflower 806 - wildflowers 807 - Zinnia 98 9407 - RUDBECKIA Denver Daisy 9408 - RUDBECKIA Tiger Eye Hybrid RUdBECKIA 9090 - PURPLE CONEFLOWER Primadonna Deep Rose 9095 - PURPLE CONEFLOWER Paradiso Mix PURPlE CoNEFlowER Outstanding perennials for the border. Tolerant of full sun to light shade. Flowers the first year from early indoor sowings. Start seed during January or February for July or August flowering. Sow seed 3 mm (1/8") deep. Germinate at 18C (65F) for 10-20 days; grow on at cooler temperatures of 15C (60F). 9090 – PRIMADONNA DEEP ROSE Early, larger and longer lasting daisy-like, lavender blooms up to 15 cm (5") diameter, coneshaped centre. Matures to 90 cm (3’) garden height. Pkt $2.95 9095 – PARADISO MIX Perennial. An exciting blend of colours & flower forms. Flowers the first year from early January sowings. Sow 3mm (1/8th”) deep. Full sun is best. Germinate at 18C (65F) for 10-20 days. Garden height is 30-40 cm (12-16”). Hardy to Zone 4. Pkt of 10 seeds, $2.95 No garden is complete without some Black Eyed Susans. This robust perennial withstands heat and drought better than most. Start seed indoors February through March for blooms the first season. Germinate at 20C/70F for 1421 days. Transplant to a partial shade to full sun location. Direct sowing in the late fall is works well, too. 9409 – MORENO A free flowering Gloriosa daisy with deep chocolate petals that radiate through bronze, orange to yellow at their tips. Very compact, 30 cm (12”) plants are loaded with flowers midsummer through late fall. Heat tolerant, tender perennial, best treated as an annual. Pkt of 50 seeds, $2.95 9407 – DENVER DAISY Extreme heat tolerance, summer long flowering and an ability to perform under extreme conditions. Strong, robust plants are adorned with masses of golden yellow flowers with rusty red rings, and dark centre. Its bushy habit ensures it won’t fall over in adverse weather. Mature plants average 45cm (18”) height. Pkt 25 sds $2.95 9408 – TIGER EYE (HYBRID) Basal-branching plant habit with a bushy appearance and a width and height that’s just about equal. long-lasting double flowers with golden yellow petals and a dark brown centre disk. Height & spread in the garden is 40-60cm (16-2”). Pkt 25 sds $2.95 9415 - BLUE SPLENDER (MIX) 9410 - ROSE OF SHARON RoSE of SHARoN (Hibiscus syriacus) This gorgeous shrub is hardier than any hibiscus although their flowers look very much alike. A cold germinator this seed should be stratified. Place seed in planting tray, moisten, wrap in plastic and freeze for 5 weeks. Bring back into the warmth for germination. This usually takes 14-21 days, occasionally more. Protect for winter the first couple of seasons. Perennial. 9410 – ROSE OF SHARON Hardy. Produces rose-red 10 cm (4") single/double flowers with a contrasting eye. Grows to 3 m (10’) height at maturity, spreads 2 m (6’) wide. An excellent lawn highlight, hedge or windbreak. Pkt of 10 sds $2.95 SHAdES oF BlUE Mixed annual blue flowers. For early blooms, start seed eight weeks before last frost under lights or in the greenhouse. May be directly sown or transplant into the garden after all danger of frost has past. 9415 – BLUE SPLENDER Try something a little different in this year’s garden. Sow this colour themed packet of mixed annual blue flowers for an outstanding garden display. Blue is the rarest colour in the garden. our expertly selected all blue mix provides an unexpected array of rich pastel hues. Pkt $2.95 9480 - ASPERULA Blue Woodruff BlUE woodRUFF (Asperula orientalis) Originally from Turkey this low growing beautiful annual flower does well in partial shade to filtered sunlight. Performs well in pots too, as long as it is not allowed to dry out between watering. Sow directly outdoors late in may or early June. Annual. 9480 – BLUE WOODRUFF Small, delightfully fragrant, tubular flowers of lavenderblue bloom throughout the summer months. Attaractive in the garden, in pots and a butterfly favourite too! A gracefull annual for any garden. Matures to 30-40cm (12-16”) Pkt $2.95 9409 - RUDBECKIA Moreno 99 9455 - SWEET PEA Streamers Mixed 9435 - SUNFLOWER Terracotta 9440 - SUNFLOWER Peach Passion 9445 - SUNFLOWER Jade 9450 - SUNFLOWER Moulin Rouge 9460 - SWEET PEA Ocean Foam SUNFlowER (Helianthus) Annuals Sow directly outdoors where they are to bloom late May. Choose a well drained sunny location. Sow seed 6 mm (1/4") deep. Thin seedlings 30 cm (12") apart. Germinates best at 20C (70F). Fertilize several times over the season for improved flowering. 9430 - LEMON AURA The only pure, double lemon sunflower. Pollen-free flowers on branching plants are perfect for cutflowers and borders. Height 120 cm (4’). Flowers 12 cm (4") dia. 9435 - TERRACOTTA Terracotta coloured blooms, multi-branched plants. large flowers 15 cm (5") dia. Ideal for cutting and borders. Height 2.5 m (6’) height in 55 days. 9440 – PEACH PASSION High quality peach coloured flowers with a darker centre fill the multi-branched plants. A totally unique cutflower or border plant. Flowers average 12 cm (4") diameter. 9445 – JADE Multi-branching plants are perfect for cutflowers or the back of the border. Blooms 12 cm (4") diameter, matures to 120 cm (4’) height. 9450 – MOULIN ROUGE A deep red with a darker disk. Great for mixed bouquets or on it’s own. Flowers average 1215cm (4-6") diameter. Mature plant height is 180 cm (6’). All Sunflowers above: Pkt $2.95 9465 - SWEET PEA Red Rover Mixed SwEET PEA Sweet Peas are hard to beat. Sow into full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. Soak seed 24 hours prior to planting. Direct garden sow April/May when the soil is workable and still quite cool. Sow 6-12mm (1/4-1/2") deep and 5 cm (2") apart. Germination can take up to 16 days, sometimes longer. Hot dry summers tend to limit growth and flowering. Irrigate during drought. Thin to 10 cm (4") apart. Keep well watered and well-fed throughout the growing season. Excellent along fences, walls and used as cutflowers. Annual. 9470 - SWEET PEA Strawberry Sundae 9485 - ZINNA Swizzle Cherry / Ivory 9490 - ZINNA Swizzle Scarlet - Yellow 9455 - STREAMERS MIXED Unbelievable colour combinations that will turn heads wherever planted. All streamers are striped with white flakes throughout the flower. 9460 - OCEAN FOAM MIXED Navy-blue; light blue and frothy cream. 9465 - RED ROVER MIXED Various shades of scarlet, deep red striped red and white plus soft pinks. 9470 - STRAWBERRY SUNDAE Pastel blend of pink, rosy bicolour and white. 9475 - INCENSE MIX (MOST FRAGRANT) our most fragrant mix by far! Early blooming, long stemmed, heat tolerant and the broadest range of colours. Great for garden or cutflowers. All Sweet Peas above: Pkt $2.95 9430 - SUNFLOWER Lemon Aura ZINNIA Select a sunny location and sow seed mid to late May. Barely cover the seed with a fine sifting of soil and keep moist during the 5-10 day germination period. Best sown directly to the garden. They do not respond favourably to transplanting and often show signs of shock. Annual. SWIZZLE SERIES Flowers up to 10 cm (4") across, completely smother these, full, bushy plants. Very striking in the border or containers. Height is 30 cm (1’) 9485 - SWIZZLE “CHERRY/IVORY” 9490 - SWIZZLE “SCARLET/YELLOW” All Zinnia above: Pkt $2.95
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