aber yn Gr r h t a &K John ed nspir ear H e Com Welcome to ’re I e w ason e Re to S ther oge T e v er th Rachel Kinsman “The Church on the Corner Whose Cornerstone is Christ” We are a community of faith founded upon God’s Holy Word, preaching salvation through believing in Christ as Savior. We seek to live in God’s truth, being obedient to His Word and following in His ways. January 11, 2015 9:30AM 9:30 AM Welcome to our Worship of God! Annual Meeting Sunday Lighting of the Altar Candles and Ringing of the Tower Bells (At the bell’s ringing, let us concentrate on Jesus and his promise of salvation) Welcome, Scripture and Prayer Psalm 16:7-11 (p. 538) Prelude * Congregational Singing – #31 “Great Is the Lord” #46 vs. 1 & 3 “God Leads Us Along” #563 v. 1 “Count Your Blessings” #271 v. 1 “Standing on the Promises” * Unison Prayer of Confession: Lord, even as we’ve sung of Your faithfulness to us, I come to You in confession, aware of my regret for wronging You and people in my daily walk. Cleanse me with the grace of Christ, that my transgressions will be blotted out. Fill me with Your Spirit, that I would walk a straighter path with You. Enable me to right the wrongs I’ve done, that my repentance would be a testimony to Your glory. In the name of Christ my Lord, I pray, amen. * Promise of Forgiveness: Paul describes living a life worthy of the Lord, in part, as…“giving as…“giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:12-15. * Passing the Peace of Christ Sharing – “May the peace of Christ be with you.” Responding – “And also with you.” Children’s Message #529, Refrain “O, How I Love Jesus” Prayers of the People and Pastoral Prayer Chancel Choir “Song of Joy” Scripture Reading Hebrews 11:1-12, 32-40 (p. 1191) Sermon “In Praise of Faith” Sharing Our Tithes and Offerings of Gratitude Offertory * Doxology and Prayer of Dedication * Closing Hymn – #567 “Another Year is Dawning” * Benediction * Transition to Annual Meeting 2 Welcome . . . Guests and Visitors Welcome to our worship of God! Please take a moment to complete one of the info cards in the pew rack at each end of the pew and drop it in the offering plate once it is passed down the aisle in the service. We hope you will find our service to be an uplifting and pleasurable time of worship and that you will worship with us again. Learn more about us by visiting our Welcome Table at the south end of our building or our website at www.stjohnsarchbold.org. Mother’s Room / Diaper Changing Station / Nursery Care We have a Mother’s Room located near our sanctuary – just ask an usher for location. A diaper changing station is in our nursery room just down the hallway from our sanctuary. Nursery Care is offered during the 10:30 worship service for infants and pre-kindergarten children. Children’s and Large Print Bulletins are available on a table in the sanctuary narthex. Hearing Assistance is provided through our loop system for hearing aids with a “t” switch position. Let’s Talk About It - This Week in Our Children’s and Youth Education: Pre-K, Confirmation, Faith Village, Senior High Sunday School: We did not have our Sunday school classes this morning due to the altered schedule and the annual meeting. What is something you can do as a family this week to worship God together? LOGOS & JYF: It’s here! LOGOS and JYF finally start for 2015 this Wednesday! The LOGOS theme this week is Winter Wonderland. SYF: We had a great time being together for the first time in 2015. We began a series “Being a SYF: Hero” and looked at some various heroes in the Bible. We first looked at Gideon and how he had to go against his culture. Is there some way that you need to go against the culture today? This Week’s Congregational Prayer: By faith, Lord, I offer myself to you, recognizing how much you offer to me. Daily, may I bow down and worship you, praising you for the gifts of your faithfulness, compassion and mercy. I pray for the many ministries of our congregation, that we serve as reflectors of your true light and love. Pour out the power of your Spirit upon us, that our faith would not be shaken, daily tended by reading your word and seeking your guidance through prayer. To your glory I pray. Amen. JANUARY MISSION-A-MONTH Church World Service Emergency Clean Up Kits The supplies provided in these clean up kits enable people to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up after a flood, hurricane, tornado, or other disaster here in the United States. Please use your weekly offering envelopes for your donations and mark them MAM or CWS Kits. 3 WEEK OF JANUARY 11TH AT ST. JOHN’S CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sun Worship Service (Sanctuary) Children's Ministry – Kindergarten thru 5th Grade (Chapel) Annual Meeting (Sanctuary) Lunch Served by SYF (Parish Hall) Seekers (Kuntz’s, 733 W. Leggett St., Wauseon) Mon Staff Meeting (Office Closed) Couples Small Group (Youth Room) Tues Bible Study – Jeremiah 8 (Fireside Room) SYF Explore (Youth Room) Community Meal – SJCC Team B & K (Parish Hall) Cub Scouts Den Meetings (Upstairs Classrooms) Evangelism Committee (Fireside Room) Property Committee (Parlor) Wed Moms In Prayer (Upstairs Classroom) West Haven Bible Study (Fairlawn) LOGOS Meal – Winter Wonderland (Parish Hall) JYF (Fireside Room) Hand Chimes (Choir Room): Hand Bells (Chancel) Life Planning (Chapel) SYF Remix (Youth Room) Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) Thurs Scouts District Meeting (Parish Hall, Parlor, Upstairs Classrooms) Capital Campaign Committee (Fireside Room) Fri Open Enrollment Begins for 2015/2016 Christian Preschool Year Sun 8:00AM Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:15AM Confirmation / Faith Village / Sunday School 9:15AM Dads of Daughters Class (Upstairs Classroom) 10:30AM Worship Service (Sanctuary) 10:50AM Junior Church – 2 yr. olds thru 2nd Grade (Artisan’s Tent) Next Sunday - January 18 – Second Sunday After Epiphany Sermon – “Leading & Following” by Pastor Adam Just; Scripture – Luke 6:12-23 Audio of Our Worship Services available on our church web site, www.stjohnsarchbold.org, under the Media pull down menu. Discovery Daily Devotional Guides – The Jan/Feb/Mar Discovery Daily Bible Guides are available in the literature rack outside the church office (suggested donation $2.50 each). Below is a list of this week’s daily devotions you are encouraged to read: January 12 - Going Backwards .................................... Jeremiah 7:21-29 January 13 - Bearing the Load .................................. Jeremiah 8:18 - 9:9 January 14 - What Do You Worship? ........................ Jeremiah 10:1-25 January 15 - From Covenant to Complaint ............... Jeremiah 11:1-23 January 16 - Putting God on Trial ............................. Jeremiah 12:1-17 January 17 - Good for Nothing .................................. Jeremiah 13:1-17 January 18 - Integrity ......................................................... Psalm 101:1-8 4 9:30AM 10:00AM 10:40AM 12:15PM 6:00PM 11:15AM 6:30PM 9:15AM 3:15PM 5:00PM 6:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 8:30AM 9:00AM 5:50PM 6:30PM 6:45PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM 6:00PM 7:00PM Missionaries Supported by Our Congregation and Their Current Prayer Requests: • Dr. Shobha Arole & Ravi Arole – CRHP, Jamkhed, India Prayers of thanksgiving for the Adolescent Boys Program which teaches teen boys about first aid, sanitation, gender equity, gender-based violence, nutrition, sexual health, and financial management. • Tony & Leila Frank – World Team, Sapiranga, Brazil Prayer for unity amongst the team members and God’s direction in their mutual ministry. • Larry & Linda Rupp – Kajiado Children’s Home (KCH), Africa Pray for the Board of Trustees and the staff, that their administration efforts will provide blessings in the lives of the children; pray for new church support for the home. • Tom & Megan – The Islands, Africa Pray they will not be overwhelmed with busyness, that they would put proper time into the things of most importance: their relationship with God and then their relationships with others. Pray for wisdom to prioritize what is important and let go of busy things that waste time and energy. • Judd & Becky McClarren – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Pray for them as they learn about and adjust to their new surroundings in Ethiopia. • Matt Pardi – Great Commission Ministries, Bowling Green State University / University of Toledo Pray the semester ends well, break is refreshing for students and staff and GCM ministries continue to share Christ’s love in meaningful and personal ways. • Kyle Chase – Great Commission Ministries, University of Michigan Pray the semester ends well, break is refreshing for students and staff and GCM ministries continue to share Christ’s love in meaningful and personal ways. • Keith & Cheryl Wyse – Agape Family Life House, Langfang, China Pray for the sustaining nature of the home, that the children and staff are blessed with faith, health, education and care. • Brian & Jamie Rauschenberger – New Life International, Haiti Pray for their efforts in church planting, water purification and community building. • Jon & Rachel Doriot – Pioneers, Papua Pray for effective sharing of the gospel stories through MP3 files and cell phones! Pray for increased level of financial support – they are 15% short to date. • Mackenzie Nofziger – International Christian School in Bangkok, Thailand Pray Jesus continues to use Mackenzie as an instrument of his love and grace for all the students she teaches. Also pray for her protection as she continues to be part of a ministry that reaches out to women in the red light district of Bangkok, offering English classes once a week and showing them the light of Christ shines brightly, even in the darkest places. January’s Prayer: Praying for Judd and Becky McClarren – Lord Jesus, you have called us to be missionaries in this world. Missionaries that bring light into dark places. We pray for Judd and Becky this month as they settle in and adjust to life in Ethiopia. We ask that you would bless their understanding of Ethiopian language, people, culture, health care and farming practices. Give them courage to be who you have made them to be. We thank you for their perseverance in this long process to finally arrive in the mission field. Amen. 5 Prayer Joys, Concerns, Requests - Please Pray For: • Jr. Grime, who is recovering from surgery on a broken finger. • Bob Bostelman, who has been diagnosed with colon cancer, and is undergoing further testing for treatment options. • Bea Briggs, who is undergoing chemo and radiation treatments. • Carol DeVries, who is recovering from a broken hip. • Linda Rutledge, who is recovering from foot surgery. • Roger Roth, (father of Brad and Brian Roth and Kim M. Walker) who is recovering from surgery. surgery • Kreighton Sims, one of our 8th graders, whose father, Greg Sims, has been diagnosed with cancer. • Roger and Kay Merillat’s granddaughter, Chloe Merillat, who is receiving chemo treatments. • Mary Jo Britt, who has been moved to Room #140. • Robert Kuntz, who is at Fulton Manor following knee replacement surgery. • Dale VonDeylen, who is home trying to combat infection with medication. • Annie and Joel Foote, as Annie continues with trial chemo treatments. • Richard and Cathy Spiess, as Cathy has been moved to Fairlawn Haven, Room #153. • Kyle Ducey, stationed at Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colorado. • Jared Kuntz, stationed in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. • Jacob Lesniak, stationed in Twentynine Palms, California. • Braden Martinez, stationed in Kuwait (new address: 304th En Co 528th En Bn, APO, AE 09366). • Dennis LaPorte, stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California • Steve Schink, stationed at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. • Koltin Zimmerman, who is in basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. • All our home bound and care center residents. Today’s Worship Servants Acolytes Adam Walker Ushers (Head) Greg Walker Tom & Laura Johnson, Jay & Karla Pursel Greeters Brad & Aimee Roth, Carolyn Walker, Buzz Ziegler Nursery Staff Bruce & Carrie Wooley (Jan 18) Bri Krukowski Sound Tech James Grime Video Tech Dean Sauder Computer Tech Brian Roth Worship & Song Leader Jim Redd Accompanist Deb Schnitkey Children’s Message JoAnn Short ST. JOHN’S CHRISTIAN CHURCH 700 S. Defiance Street • Archbold, OH 43502 Ph: 419-446-2545 • www.stjohnsarchbold.org Pastor Rev. Erich Christman (Cell 419-551-0401) Associate Pastor Rev. Adam Just (Cell 419-551-6499) Administrative Assistant Sue Grieser ((offi [email protected] [email protected]) Director of Music Ministry Deb Schnitkey ([email protected]) Director of Christian Education Jenna Storrer ([email protected]) Preschool Administrator Sue MacDonald ([email protected])
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