ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH FREEBURG, ILLINOIS The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 St. Joseph Church Office 6 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3209 Fax: 618-539-4772 Website: Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00PM Monday - Thursday Rev. Mark D. Reyling, Pastor Email: [email protected] Mrs. Laura Wolf, Parish Secretary Email: [email protected] Deacon Corby Valentine, Permanent Deacon Email: [email protected] Mr. Rick Barthel, Maintenance Mrs. Jean Reinneck, Music Director Mrs. Carol Schlitt, Choir Director ____________ St. Joseph School Office 2 N. Alton Street Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-3930 Fax: 618-539-0254 Web: Mr. Tim Queern, Principal Email: [email protected] Ms. Sara Keeley, School Secretary Email: [email protected] –––––––––––– Pastor’s Residence 618-539-3743 Mass Schedule Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am Wednesday: 6:30 pm Saturday (Sunday Vigil): 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm Holy Day Mass: 8:00 am Reconciliation Saturday: 4:30–4:45 pm (or by Appointment) Baptism Usually celebrated during the weekend Masses except during Advent and Lent–Please call the Pastor for an appointment. Marriage Please contact the Pastor as soon as you set your wedding date. Couples must be free to marry (no previous marriages) and are expected to be regularly participating in the practice of their faith. Sacrament of the Sick If you are sick and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Pastor. Also, please have someone call should you be admitted to the hospital. Communion Calls Father brings communion to all the home bound on the First Friday of each month. If you would like to have someone bring you communion, please call the parish office. Weekend of December 28, 2014 Tuesday, January 13 8:00AM St. Hilary Charlie Mulkey Wednesday, January 14 6:30PM Ordinary Weekday Judy Donley Thursday, January 15 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday Pauline Dressler Friday, January 16 8:00AM Ordinary Weekday Msgr. Hyacinth Mazuchowski Saturday, January 17 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Family 5:00PM Sunday, January 18 7:00AM 10:00AM 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Cecilia Silbernagel Jerry Benson Sunday Collection (6/7) Faith Direct (4) Sunday Collection (13/14) Faith Direct (15) Sunday Collection (20/21) Sunday Collection (27/28) Total (November Goal: $32,000) $5,380.35 $7,615.00 $8,774.00 $2,822.00 $5,586.00 $6,750.00 $36,927.35 Parish Center Loan $895.00 Christmas Flowers $5.00 Immaculate Conception $20.00 Solemnity of Mary $1,225.00 Christmas $7,224.00 Christmas Collection for the Needy $616.00 All Saints Day $20.00 December Votive Candles $270.00 FISCAL YEAR TO DATE INFORMATION (calculated on weekly envelopes only) Collections required to date: $199,999.98 Total Collected to date: $214,195.55 PRINCIPAL BALANCE—PARISH CENTER LOAN $479,414.20 Dear Parish Family As we move from the Christmas season back into Ordinary Time on this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, I wanted to take the opportunity to offer some Thank You… For all who by sharing their Ɵme and talent made the Church beauƟful and the liturgical celebraƟons holy. For all who sent cards, well wishes, giŌs, or food during Christmas. I am humbled by your generosity to me. For all the many giŌs of friendship that you give me throughout the year. For those who remembered the Parish or the School this past year in memorial donaƟons and bequests. As we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, we are reminded of our own baptism and how we entered the Church. So, too, should we be reminded that just as Jesus began his ministry, we need to be in ministry to and for one another. It’s never too late to start…there is a lot of work to be done. Lastly, I would ask that just as I pray for the members of this parish family each day – that you would pray for me… “that I may be a better person, a better son, a better brother, a better friend and a more worthy priest for God’s holy people.” Have you started reading Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic? BE BOLD…..BE CATHOLIC® Have a good week. THE WEEK AHEAD…. Monday, January 12 9:00AM SJS Tots 6:00PM Quilting Charlotte Heiligenstein Rita Hill Don Rauch Joe D. Shaffer Jack Crowe Larry Cook Richard Reyling Brooks Wyman Virginia Crouch Danny Zipfel The family of Cecilia Silbernagel Margie Docter Charlie Sandheinrich Ann Mezo Pellagia Beckfeld Gary Campbell Jared Emig Ralph Weilbacher Sr. Jimmie McMillon Mary Niemann Shirley Nold The family of Adele Maurer Gene Racho The family of Alice Koesterer Tuesday, January 13 8:00AM Mass 8:00AM Quilting 6:00PM PTF 7:00PM K/C Assembly Meeting Wednesday, January14 6:30PM Mass 7:30PM Men’s club Thursday, January 15 8:00AM Mass 7:00PM K/C Council Meeting Friday, January 16 8:00AM Mass Saturday, January 17 4:30PM Confessions 5:00PM Mass Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove someone from the prayer list. Each prayer request will be honored for approximately six weeks, but can be added again. Sunday, January 18 7:00AM Mass 10:00AM Mass PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS DEACON CORBY’S CORNER EVERYTHING YOU WANT "God is the only one who can make the valley of trouble a door of hope." Catherine Marshall Think about it, if you had everything you wanted, if there were no challenges in your life, if you didn't have any questions about why things are the way they are, and if you didn't feel there was something for you to accomplish that is bigger than your abilities; what would you have to hope for, nothing, of course. You would already have everything. We know that's not the way the world works - but sometimes we act and feel as though that's exactly what we believe. We seem surprised by problems and challenges. We live in a fallen world with fallen people. That accounts for so many of the trials we face. But beyond that, God wants us to live in reliance on Him. For that reason, He doesn't grant our every wish and give us everything our heart desires exactly when we want it. He wants us to grow in the ways that really matter - patience, kindness, self-control, and other fruits of the spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23 for a list). Don't have everything you want right now? Well, that gives you something to hope for! "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." [Romans 12:11–12] Have a Great Week, Deacon Corby <>< SJS TOTS PLAYDATE Play Ɵme! SJS Tots, our monthly playgroup for 0-5 year olds, will play in the gym on Monday, January 12, 9-10am. Encourage your little ones to "wiggle out their winter sillies" for an hour with balls, hula hoops, scooters, and more. Everyone is welcome; invite a friend. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1, 2b, 6, 7c, 9; Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab, 5, 6-9; Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-11; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 E-MAIL ADDRESSES We are getting ready to distribute the contribution statements, and would like to e-mail as many as possible. If you have changed your e-mail address please let us know so we can update our system. You can do so by calling the parish office or dropping your name and e-mail address in the collection basket. BULLETIN NOTICES FROM ELSEWHERE • • Jan 30 & 31—St. Henry Creative Learning Center Rummage Sale at the Msgr. Voss Parish Center Friday 6pm8pm and Saturday 8am-1pm $5 admission. January 30—7:00PM St. Augustine Parish Stag Card Party held at Hecker Sportsmen Club, refreshments and attendance prizes, $10 donation. JANUARY FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Hamburger helper, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, pork n beans, bar soap, dish detergent. CHAIR YOGA Have you tried yoga and given up because you couldn’t get down to the floor? (Or – once you got down, you couldn’t get up?) Are you “not as young as you used to be” and want to work on ways of regaining strength, balance, and flexibility? You may want to try Chair Yoga, Monday mornings – 8-9:15 AM at St. Joe’s Parish Center Gym, $5/class, call Dee Dee Ostman with any questions 618-539-6225. PART TIME HELP WANTED Dolores Nehring, who has cleaned the Church and the Rectory for the past many years, has decided to hang up her dust rag and mop and retire. Therefore, we are currently looking for someone to clean Church and the Rectory. All together this would be a one 8 hour per week position. If you are interested or would like more information call the parish office. If you have questions about what the job entails give Dolores a call and she would be happy to answer your questions. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Joseph Knights of Columbus #13197 will host a Major Degree on Sunday, January 18th, 12:00 noon at the parish center. All men eighteen years of age and older are eligible for membership and are invited to join before this event. Regular council meeting will be held on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. Contact Tom Reaka, 539-3765, or Grand Knight Patrick McKillip, 234-9427, or any member of the K of C council. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE OF THE WEEK In preparations for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates will be presenting a weekly information poster in the back of church. One candidate will be featured each week. The poster will contain information about the candidate complete with a photo. Please take a moment to check out the poster. Also keep the candidates in your prayers as they prepare for this Blessed Sacrament. This week’s candidates are Lauren Ingold and Mollie Wolf. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK On behalf of St. Joseph Catholic School, we would like to thank the family and friends of Mr. Dennis Holle for the many memorial donations to our school. I would like to thank everyone who continues to turn in Box Tops and other fundraising items. We recently received a check for $1,417.90 from collected Box Tops! We also offer a big thanks to Jennifer Hopfinger for all her hard work in organizing this year’s Box Top program at school. In sports, we wish the girls basketball teams the best of luck as they compete in the Belleville Diocesan Tournament this weekend. On Tuesday of this week, January 13, our monthly Parents, Teachers, and Friends (P.T.F.) organization meeting will take place, 6:30 PM in the Parish Center. All are welcome to join us! We ask that you save the following dates to your new 2015 calendar. Spaghetti Dinner: Saturday, January 24 Scholastic Book Fair: Saturday, January 24 – Friday, January 30 Catholic Schools Week Mass: Sunday, January 25 (10:00 AM) Pre-Kindergarten Registration: Sunday, January 25 (11:00 AM – 12:00 noon) Cultural Fair: Tuesday, January 27 (5:30 – 6:30 PM) Family Game Night: Friday, January 30 Have a blessed week, Mr. Tim Queern School Principal CURSILLO WEEKEND Are you wanting a closer and more personal relationship with Jesus? Come and join us for a week-end and experience a “little bit of Heaven” held in Ruma at the motherhouse. Women’s weekend: Feb 26—March 1 Men’s weekend: March 5—March 8 For further information please contact: Alex Nast 618-539-3264, Margie Reaka 618-539-3765 or John Tolan 618-410-8224. PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES Copies of the Parish Council minutes can be found in the vestibule of church in the magazine holders. Please take a copy. SAVE THE DATE St. Joseph School Bi-Annual Dinner Auction. Roaring 20’s Dust off your flappers and join us on April 25, 2015. SPAGHETTI DINNER Come help us kickoff Catholic Schools Week with our annual spaghetti dinner on January 24th 4-8pm. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad bar, breadsticks, dessert, and tea/lemonade. Adults $9 in advance, $10 at the door, Children (under 10) $4 in advance $5 at the door. Children under 5 are free. Tickets available after Mass with the TWB rep, in the school's office or contact a school family. Checkout our Scholastic book fair before or after dinner. CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS Leroy C. Middendorf Mr. & Mrs. Elmo Reaka Donald & Agnes Muren Roland Price Arch & Ruth Wottowa Clifford & Matilda Eitzenherer John Higgins Family Jack Sprenke Paul Middendorf, Sr. Rod Lehr Judy Donley Charles D. & Jessie Donley Pat Horine Larry & Grace Price Adolph & Angeline Koesterer Abernathy-Holzum Families Marian Brown Anna & Clarence Kalert Richard Rodriguez Jesse Tinoco Sam Wild Family Casey Blick Greg Nold John Laskowski Anthony Lukie Wayne Meng Mark Welsch Mueller-Schaeffer Family John J. Zimmermann Henry Levy Family Arlen A. Mulholland Marc Nast Mr. Charles Beckfeld John & Rosemary Mense Cletus & Louise Koesterer Ruth Becherer Jonas Sakalauskas Family Paul Docter Robert Becherer Adrienne Glauber Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nast Tom & Helen Gill Johnnie & Alma Dossett Betty Dossett August & Catherine Brandt Garland Whitworth David & Anne Renner Cecile Terveer Charles B. Harris Clarence & Marie Kern F. Tinoco Family Charles Mulkey Norman Nold Howard Crowe Rose Laskowski Elizabeth Lukie Anthony Welsch Sr. Sandra Higgins Leona & Elmer Probst Ed Kreher Robert A. Mueller PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS RESPECT LIFE CORNER All Love Bears Fruit – Not everyone is called to marriage. But every life is meant to be fertile. Every life has the power and the need to nurture new life – if not through bearing and raising children, then through other vital forms of selfgiving, building, and service. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: The Church is an extended family of different vocations, each distinct but each needing and supporting the others. Pray each and every person truly hears “the call” to their vocation in this life. NEXT CHAPTER We are a support group for separated/divorced individuals Are you recently divorced or currently separated? Have you been in a long term relationship that has ended. Join us to find support and fellowship with others who are or have been there. This is a time for returning to your roots, reinforcing your goodness and worth, and reinventing your life and your future. You are not alone. We are a support group for separated/divorced we meet every Tuesday from 7-8:30pm at Corpus Christi Parish Center in Shiloh. Please visit our web-site THANK YOU Frank Srogus would like to thank everyone for the prayers during his recent double knee replacement, the prayers worked! CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER JOB OPENING The Diocese of Belleville is seeking a Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The Chief Financial Officer of the Diocese reports directly to the Bishop. (“It is for the finance officer to administer the goods of the Diocese under the authority of the Bishop…” Cf. CCL, Canon 494, #3.) The CFO has the primary responsibility for the work of the Diocesan Finance Council. He or she provides accurate, meaningful financial statements and information to the Bishop, who is the administrator of the temporal goods of the Diocese, and to the various boards which assist the Bishop in the operation of the Diocese. The CFO, who monitors investments while assembling and monitoring the budgets of various departments and agencies throughout the Diocese, also meets with outside vendors and consultants on a wide range of issues. The CFO serves as Executive Director of the Catholic Community Foundation for the Catholic Diocese of Belleville and oversees facility and property management as well as real-estate acquisition. In addition, the CFO meets regularly with the Bishop and Vicar General and with Directors of Diocesan Departments as a planning body. The successful candidate will hold a Bachelor’s Degree and have 7-10 years of directly related experience in finance, accounting, management, administration and investment analysis. A current license as a Certified Public Accountant is desirable, but not required. The incumbent is required to be a faithful, committed Catholic who understands and accepts the teachings and disciplines of the Catholic Church. TO APPLY: Resume, cover letter, preferred salary range, and references to Human Resources, Diocese of Belleville, 222 South Third Street, Belleville, IL 62220 or email [email protected]. Application Deadline: February 13, 2015. MEN’S CLUB RUMMAGE AUCTION The Men’s Club is having a Rummage Auction on April 18th at 10AM. Any usable household item will be accepted, please keep this in mind when doing your spring cleaning. More information will follow. he parish office or just drop a note in the contribution basket. PAPAL VISIT As you know, His Holiness, Pope Francis has recently confirmed that he will be in Philadelphia from September 22 through September 28, 2015. It is possible for participants to attend the Conference, or the Papal Mass, or both. Anyone who wishes to attend these events is free to make individual reservations on-line via the website: The Diocese is considering a group bus pilgrimage to Philadelphia, if you would be interested in that please call the church office for more information, reservations are due by January 30, 2015. MESSENGER RENEWAL Messenger renewal weekend is February 7-8, 2015. Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope or on-line at Subscription cost is $25.00 for print or electronic, $30.00 for both. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT St. Joseph Parish is a Catholic community of faith responding to the call of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Word of God, the celebration of the Eucharist, and in living the sacramental life of the Church. We are committed to responding to each other through ministries of faith and love, addressing our spiritual, social and educational needs. We believe that each of us is called to be a supportive, compassionate and caring Christian witness in Freeburg, the Diocese of Belleville and in the world. January 2015 10 3 Sat 2 5PM KC Holiday Party Fri 9 Thu 8 Communion Calls 4PM Fish Fry 17 Wed 8AM Tai Chi 16 Tue 15 5PM CYO video & lock-in Mon 6 8AM Tai Chi 7PM K/C Council Mtg. 23 Sun 5 8AM Quilting 14 22 8AM Tai Chi 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 13 7:30PM Men’s Club 8AM Tai Chi 6:30PM Sacramental Mtg. for 2nd grade families 30 1 4 12 8AM Quilting 6:00PM PTF 7PM K/C Asmbly Mtg. 21 29 ADORATION: Tuesday after Mass until 7AM Wednesday. Prayer Hour Tuesday @ 7PM 11AM HS Youth Mtg. 8AM Yoga 9AM SJS Tots 3PM Girl Scouts 6PM Quilting 20 4:30-7:30 Kindergarten Open House 7PM Finance Mtg. 8AM Tai Chi Every Sunday: 8AM Adult Bible Study RCIA, PSR 9AM Choir 1PM Cursillo Novena 3PM Volleyball 11 19 8AM Quilting 6PM School Board 7PM HS Youth Mtg. 28 7 18 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 7:30PM Big Band 27 31 4PM Spaghetti Dinner & Book Fair 24 12PM K/C Ceremony No Choir Practice 26 11AM Family Lunch & Book Fair 6PM Family Game Nt. 25 5PM K/3 Jr Hawks 7:30PM Men’s Club 8AM Yoga 6PM Quilting 8AM Quilting 5:30PM Cultural Fair **************** ******CATHOLIC WEEK********** **************** **************** 11AM Book Fair & School Open House & Pre-K Registration SCHOOLS **************** FREEBURG OLD MILL STORAGE 550 West Phillips CONSTRUCTION SALE! I-255 Exit 13 332-CARS GRAND OPENING ★★★ in Columbia Summer 2014 ★ ★ ★ AS LOW AS $30.00 Freeburg Pharmacy 10 Southgate Center Freeburg, IL R. S. DANFORD, R. PH. Phone: 539-5577 FUNERAL HOMES 233-5400 Family Owned For All Your Real Estate Needs Call: 398-4175 558-2526 Office Space Available RENNER Georgia Huelsman Broker PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE 618-781-7374 [email protected] Funk Heating & Cooling Inc. 201 W. High St. • Freeburg, IL 618-539-5513 $49.95 Complete Interior & Exterior Pest Control Belleville: 618-235-5281 Freeburg: 618-539-4801 2607 Main Ave. Fayetteville, IL 62258 Office (618) 677-2722 Cell (618) 973-7828 Brian Funk President American Standard HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Come to my 1st Annual Christmas Sneak Peek Open House Thursday, November 13th 5:30 - 8:00 Don’t forget to preorder your Thanksgiving Center Pieces while supplies last NIEBRUEGGE INSURANCE AGENCY Cindy Niebruegge, Independent Agent, Parishioner 117 South State Street • Freeburg, IL 62243 Phone: 618-539-6000 OFFERING COMPETITIVE QUOTES 830 State St. (618) 539-9197 Mon - Sat 6am - 9:30pm • Sun 9am - 9:30pm Drive Through Open Until 10pm 490 Urbana Drive - Freeburg, IL 62243 (618) 539-9190 Email - [email protected] Website - Knights of Columbus St. Joseph Council 13197 4th Degree Assembly 3151 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 (618) 254-8122 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Delivering Excellence Every Day 4136 Cemetery Rd. FAX: (618) 254-8708 P.O. Box 87183 South Roxana, IL 62087 Dr. Burl W. Hand III D.D.S. 1 Southgate Center Freeburg, Illinois 62243 618-539-5519 234-3001 AFFORDABLE AUTOMOTIVE Ace Hardware of Freeburg 401 Market Place Dr 618-539-2233 Complete Auto Care 302 North State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618-539-3500 Ken Woolford DAVE’S HOME IMPROVEMENT P.O. BOX 11 • FREEBURG 618-779-3552 [email protected] 258 Lebanon Ave • Belleville 62220 Phone: 234-2056 Buy One Product Get One 1/2 off 715 N. State St. Freeburg, IL 62243 TWO FREEBURG LOCATIONS NORTH 539-4704 SOUTH 539-5878 MEMBER FDIC Gilded Lily Floral & Gift Shoppe Mexican Restaurant FREEBURG 539-9820 442550 St Joseph Church Come shop locally! Space available call 618-281-3400 539-9168 • GROCERIES • MEATS • PRODUCE • GUARANTEED QUALITY! • Great Food • 341 MARKET PLACE DRIVE (618) 539-3069 Freeburg Centre 405 South State, Freeburg Carryouts Available Full-Service Catering Available 506 S. Main St., Smithton, IL • 233-3313 TEQUILA’S Paintless Dent Repair Freeburg Development Corporation Deli • Bakery and Café 369 Market Place Drive • Freeburg IL Store 539-3163 Pharmacy 539-3164 Daily Lunch & Sandwich Specials, Homemade Pies Breakfast Buffet $6.50 • Sat & Sun 7-10:30am Lunch/Dinner Buffet $7.50 • Sun 11am-7pm Weekly Dinner Specials Every Friday Cod Cut Ups, Salmon Patties & Whitefish • Sat 4-8pm 8oz. Strip Steak or Jumbo Shrimp Dinner $7.95 Most Dinners Served With Potato, Vegetable & Salad For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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