LAKE KIOWA é CommuniQue Lake Kiowa on the Web: Vol. 38 - No. 1 Official Publication of Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association January 2015 LKPOA ANNUAL MEETING REMINDER AND BOARD CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENT Ron Spencer Pete Mason Gary Cotten Jim Mead Dan Busch Al Arronté The Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association annual meeting will be held Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room at the Lodge. We encourage you to mark this date on your calendar and plan to attend this once-a-year event. The results of the February election for new board members will be announced at that time. Gerald Smith, chair, announced that the Nominating Committee has selected six candidates for election to fill the three vacancies on the Lake Kiowa Board of Directors. Three will be elected for three-year terms. The candidates are (alphabetically): Al Arronté, Dan Busch, Gary Cotten, Pete Mason, Jim Mead, and Ron Spencer. Additional qualified members have until Jan. 15 to submit their names. Gerald also thanked everyone who had submitted a nomination form. According to the bylaws, the procedures for electing directors are as follows: 6.03 Procedures for Electing Directors. [a] Nominations for the Board of Directors must be submitted to the Nominating Committee no later than November 15 of each year. The committee will select the best qualified applicants and publish their names LKPOA Board of Directors Nominees Draw for Ballot Position The nominees for the February election to the LKPOA Board of Directors attended the Dec. 15 open Board meeting. Nominating Committee Chair Gerald Smith introduced each nominee and supervised the drawing for ballot position. The results were: 1 – Ron Spencer, 2 – Pete Mason, 3 – Gary Cotten, 4 – Jim Mead, 5 – Dan Busch, and 6 – Al Arronté. Nominating Committee members are: Mike Brindle, Ed Cooke, Donna Marfice, Janice Richey, and Jerry Slater. Gerald thanked them for their commitment and support. in the January issue of the Association publication, or include them with members’ monthly statement. [b] Thereafter, nominations may be made by the membership at large by submitting the names and qualifications of such nominees to the Election Committee, accompanied by: (1) a statement signed by the nominee that he or she will accept the nomination and serve if elected, and (2) the written endorsement of at least fifty (50) members in good standing. Such additional nominees also must be members in good standing, and all the Election Committee must receive documents no later than January 15, in order to qualify, have information published in the Association publication and be placed on the ballot. [c] The names, qualifications and pictures of all nominees will be placed in the February issue of the “YOU ARE INVITED” Board of Director Candidates Forum Saturday, January 17, 2015 • 6:30 p.m. at the Lodge The community is invited to meet the candidates and hear their views on relevant issues. Questions have been submitted by property owners. Be an informed voter when you cast your ballot in February. Refreshments will be served and four gift certificates to the Lodge will be awarded. Sponsored by the Kiowa Woman’s Club Association publication mailed to all members. [d] Ballots shall be mailed to all members no later than February 1st. [e] All voting shall cease on March 1st and all ballots post-marked or received in the Association office on or before said date, shall be acted upon by the Election Committee in accordance with 6.01[c]. The nominees receiving the largest number of votes shall be deemed elected. In the event of a tie, the affected nominees will draw for position in the presence of the Election Committee. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ad Cost Schedule. . . . 37 Advertiser Index. . . . . 44 Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . 25, 27 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . 47 CISD . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33 Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-31 Contact Us . . . . . . . . . 38 Inspirational. . . . . . . 6, 7 Kiowa Activities. . . . 5, 10, 11, 24 Kiowa Kares . . . . . . . 4, 5 Lake Activities . . . . . . . . . . 12, 13 LKPOA . . . 1, 3, 24, 25, 36-39 LKSUD. . . . . . . . . . . 2, 40 Lodge. . . . . . 2, 25, 34, 35 Market Place. . . . . . 42-44 NCTC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Security. . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Service Orgs ICVFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 41 ICVFD Aux. . . . . . . . . 8 Kiwanis. . . . . . . . 22, 23 Noah's Ark. . . . . . . . . 6 Woman’s Club . . . . . 14 - 21 Address Label: Please notify the LKPOA Office (940-665-1055) of address change 107 Kiowa Drive South, Lake Kiowa TX 76240 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 34 GAINESVILLE, TEXAS 76240 CommuniQue January 2015 LKSUD Cut-Off Valve Requirement Do you know where to cut off your water? Lodge and Friends of the Lodge Valentine’s Day Dinner and Dance Saturday, February 14 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. Brie Stuffed Mushrooms Tossed Green Salad w/Herb Vinaigrette Chicken Cordon Bleu with White Wine Sauce Potatoes Au Gratin Fresh Asparagus Spears DESSERT Strawberry Tart for Two Music by Mike Neal/Dancing/Bar $50 per couple $25 for singles Includes: 1 drink ticket per person Call Penny Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. At the Lodge for Reservations (940) 665-3741 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 2 At this time of the year, when water pipes freeze and break, the first reaction most of us have is get the water turned off. Below is the “Cutoff Valve Requirements” as stated in our Rate Order. Each customer is required to have their own cut-off valve between the District’s cut-off valve in the plumbing going to the house. It also goes on to state that a customer is not to use the District’s valve, which is generally in the meter box and next to the meter for cutting the customer’s water off. Cut-off Valve Requirement: The District shall require each customer to have a cut-off valve on the customer’s side of the meter for purposes of isolating the customer’s service pipeline and plumbing facilities from the District’s water pressure. The valve shall meet AWWA standards (a ball valve is preferred). The customer’s use of the District’s curb stop or other similar valve for such purposes is prohibited. A customer shall be subject to charges for any damage to the District’s meter or other service equipment. When water is spewing all over, we know that most residents run straight to the meter box to turn off the water and usually find the box is full of sand or mud put there by gophers or other burrowing animals, covering everything including the meter and the valve. When most homes were constructed, a cut-off valve was installed between the District’s meter box and the customer’s house for the customer to be able to shut off his/her water using their own valve. Cut-off valves are generally located at the point that the outside plumbing is connected to the residence. It is normal for an outside faucet to be located in the area. We recommend you find the valve that should have been installed and make sure that it is usable before an emergency comes up. An old valve that has not been used or exercised probably would not be of any use. If you cannot find this valve or it is inoperable to satisfy the above CutOff Valve Requirement, you will need to install or have one installed. We hope that you do not have any water emergencies, but it is good insurance to have a valve in a known place and usable in a moment of need! Lake Kiowa Special Utility District The care you need... from hospital to home. re·ha·bil·i·tate (rh-bl-tt) tr.v. re·ha·bil·i·tat·ed, re·ha·bil·i·tat·ing, e·ha·bil·i·tates: To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education. At Muenster Memorial Hospital, we have the services needed to return you to health and home following surgery, incapacitating illness or injury. RESTORE HEALTH with Extended Care When additional care is needed following a hospital stay or surgery. This could include therapy services to regain function and build strength, or administration of IV medications. A location close to home provides peace of mind and convenience for loved ones, making the whole family feel better! RESTORE CONFIDENCE with Cardiac Rehab For patients following cardiac events, including heart attack, heart surgery or certain types of heart disease. Exercise your heart back to health while being closely monitored by highly trained staff. State-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Education to help you maintain your health through lifestyle change. RESTORE FUNCTION with Therapy Services Offering the most extensive therapy services in Cooke and Montague counties. PHYSICAL THERAPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY SPEECH THERAPY AQUATIC THERAPY HAND THERAPY THERAPIES OCCUPATIONAL PHYSICAL AQUATIC SPEECH HAND MMH rehabilitation services are provided in an easily accessible rehabilitation center, with state-of-the-art equipment and a warm, friendly staff. Inpatient or outpatient therapy is available. Come see for yourself! We would be happy to provide a tour of our facilities any time. Your Get Well...Get Healthy Home Muenster Memorial Hospital 605 N. Maple Street Muenster, Texas 76252 (940) 759-6100 January 2015 CommuniQue 3 Community Manager’s Report Happy New Year to All! I want to thank this year's Board candidates. Several years ago I was asked in a Lake Kiowa Leadership class what my biggest concern was facing Lake Kiowa. My answer was the decline in volunteerism by members of the community. To that I would add the increase in apathy by the members. The number of members that are active in the leadership of the community continues to dwindle. Finding volunteers needed to fill vacancies on committees is becoming more difficult. With that said, I would like to thank the candidates who have taken the time to run for the Board of Directors. The community is governed by its members and for Lake Kiowa to grow, we need members to participate in the governance of the community. So when asked to consider running for the Board, or serve on a committee, please consider what is being asked of you. Abraham Lincoln once said, “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” In the December Board meeting amendments were made to two existing rules. The first rule, Rule 4.04 in the ACC Handbook, was amended to specify six federal holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas Day) where no permitted work is allowed. The second rule change was to Rule 4.3.4.g Trash and Refuse. In this amendment, the penalty for placing trash containers street side prior to sunrise of the day before pickup, or leaving the containers out past sunrise of the day following pickup, is now considered a Minor Infraction as described in the Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association Amended and Restated Basic Information, Policy, Procedures, and Rules. Property owners and lessees will initially be given a warning; thereafter, the next infraction will result in a monetary penalty. Continued infractions will result in a suspension of privileges. Issuance of the new identification cards is just around the corner. The online application has been provided to a few members for testing before it’s rolled out to the membership. The identification cards are part of an overall upgrade of the POA operating program that includes the Lodge point of sale program (POS), Administration, Security, and Code Compliance, all under one program. Instructional meetings on how to apply for the cards will be forthcoming. Watch for dates and times on the front gate marquee and your e-mails. To close, I want to thank all of you for your continued support. Each year offers new challenges and 2014 was no different. However, looking forward January is the start of a new year, and we are ready to take on the new challenges that will confront us, and work together to solve them, just as we have in the past. Randy THE LEAVES HAVE FALLEN Don’t let an ember from a distant wild land fire or a nearby house fire land on or near your home where the fallen leaves have collected in the valleys of your roof, gutters, and flowerbeds. The FIREWISE Committee says “be FIREWISE smart” and pick up THE LEAVES THAT HAVE FALLEN. Sam Moore Firewise Committee Chair “The Schneider Family” We would like to thank all of our friends and clients for your kindness and support. We have so many wonderful memories over the last 25 years with special friends Lake Kiowa has blessed us with. We wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year! Don, Lynn, Lindsey and Rachel If One of Your Goals For 2015 is To Relocate or Acquire A Lake House, PLEASE CALL ME: Don Schneider 940-736-8889. As the top producing agent for the Lake Kiowa Community in 2014, It would be my pleasure to assist you. Lake Kiowa Realty 4 CommuniQue January 2015 Kiowa Kares In memory of Ruth Robinson To the Lake Kiowa Community: The family of Ruth Robinson wishes to express their deep appreciation to those who have offered kindness and support. The prayers, messages, phone calls, food, flowers, and plants have meant so much to us and provided comfort in our sadness. Ruth was blessed to have so many people who loved and cared for her. Thank you for everything, Charlie Robinson and family Thank you is inadequate to express my gratitude for all the support I received during John'’s short bout with cancer and his passing. The expressions of love came from so many people and in so many ways. Food and flowers and cards and visits and phone calls arrived in a steady stream. I am so blessed. Family members went home knowing that I am in a safe and happy place. To those who housed family members, I was so grateful to have my loved ones close by. To those who have helped me with the Model A and all the tools in the garage--I can only share what a relief it is to have had help. The Woman’s Club and WGA continue to check on me and invite me to move beyond the sadness that is present. You in Lake Kiowa have shown me what Abby Cameron had a "tree of community really looks and feels gratitude" in her front yard on Kiowa like. I thank you and look forward Drive West. She had a box with magic to being on the giving side. markers and tags to write what you God bless you. were grateful for. The tags had string Mary Gorton to tie on the tree. Now open! Come Help Pete Robinson Celebrate 95 Years Young Jan. 10 from 2 - 4 p.m. at the Lodge No gifts please! Donate Christmas Decorations Home Hospice, a non-profit hospice organization, raised $1700 with their Dec. 5 Christmas rummage sale to benefit indigent hospice patients. Home Hospice will take anyone regardless of their ability to pay for their end-of-life palliative treatment. Do you have Christmas decorations that are no longer needed or wanted that could be donated to Home Hospice of Cooke County for a planned Christmas rummage sale at the convention center in December of 2015 to benefit the costs of the indigent patients? I am on the Home Hospice advisory board and am a hospice volunteer advocate. It would be my pleasure to receive or pick up any holiday decorations that are no longer needed when our members take their decorations down so Home Hospice will have decorations ready to use at next year’s planned event. My address is 405 Navajo Tr., Lake Kiowa, and my phone number is (940) 668-7297 or cell (940) 736-4268. Donations can be left on my front entrance or you can call me for item pickup. Thank you for your contribution and generosity. Jan Thies Your Lake Kiowa American Standard Dealer Tell them Wayne Shearer sent you! Free 800 West Highway 82 • Gainesville From a Cold in the Nose to Broken Toes Healthcare for you 7 days a week Web Check-In 940.301.5000 Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 7 pm Sat. 9am - 5 pm • Sun. 12 noon - 5 pm Absolute accepts most major insurance plans, Medicare,Texas and Oklahoma Medicaid & cash payment 10 year parts & labor Warranty with New American Standard System. Expires 1/31/15 Heating heating & cooling check-ups Free $80 checkups each 1st system, for 2 years with $60 each each New American Standard System. additional system. Expires 1/31/15 940-458-7755 Expires 1/31/15 January 2015 CommuniQue 5 Kiowa Kares Lake Kiowa Carolers Share Their Christmas Spirit Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? It is a caravan of golf carts playing and singing Christmas carols. Yes, on Friday evening, Dec. 12, 14 couples decorated their golf carts with Christmas lights and paraded around the north end of Lake Kiowa. They stopped at several homes in the Cayuga, Blackfoot and Chippewa area and sang carols to the homeowners. The surprised homeowners responded very excitedly to the unexpected carolers. Katherine Thacker Geneaology meets on the fourth Thursday each month. The next meeting will be Jan. 22 at 1 p.m. The Beginning Genealogy group will have its first meeting on Friday, Jan. 9 at 10:30 a.m. in the Southwest Room at the Lodge. We already have several people signed up for the group. If you are thinking about attending, please let me know so that I can put you on our email list. We will be sending information to everyone prior to the first meeting. You can contact me by calling (940) 665-0670 or emailing me at [email protected]. Thank you! Cindy Barnhart FIVE FIVE STAR STAR FORD FORD OF OF CARROLLTON CARROLLTON S P F oDEALER m THE #1 FORD VOLUME IN DALLAS THE #1 FORD VOLUME DEALER IN DALLAS Employee Sales Advisor & DPlan Specialist would likeNew, to welcome Kiowa Selling Pre-OwnedLake & Certified Vehicles resident, Brandon Carr, to our Award Winning Sales Team! Our commitment to you, is to make the drive to see Brandon worth your while. Contact Brandon directly at: 805-723-4167 • [email protected] Five Star ������� ���������� ��������� 161 635 114 ��� ������� 161 ������ ������ ������� ������ ����������������� 121 972-242-6415 1635 South I-35E, Carrollton TX (take the Crosby Rd exit off I-35) 6 CommuniQue January 2015 Another Year of Saving lives at.... s.p.c.a. Men’s Group for Conversation, A Biblical Perspective MEET RIVER! River is a very sweet and shy 3.5-year-old Lab mix who has been with us since August. She loves attention and playing with other dogs. She has the biggest brown eyes and would make a great companion. She is very quiet and well mannered. Come see River and all her friends at Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter. They are waiting for you! PLEASE CALL NOAH’S ARK FOR INFORMATION ON ADOPTION OF A LOVING PET OR COMPANION 2501 N. WEAVER ST., GAINESVILLE • 940-665-9800 mon., TUES, wed., fri., sat., 11 am - 5 pm; Closed Thurs. and sun. A fiveweek book discussion group for men, using a Biblical perspective, will begin We d n e s d a y, Jan. 7 at 8 a.m. at the Lake Kiowa Lodge in the Southwest Room. This 60-minute conversation group will begin by reading and discussing the book, “Twelve Ordinary Men,” by John MacArthur and will share an intentional Biblical perspective that relates to life as we experience it. The group will meet Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, and Feb. 4 from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. The discussion and conversation leader will be Rev. J.H. Langley, a retired United Methodist pastor. All men are warmly invited to be part of this event and the weekly conversation groups without making a commitment to be part of each weekly discussion group. For more information, call Rev. Langley at (724) 591-0518. Sunday Breakfast at the Lodge 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Your local package store Kiowa Spirits Now Open Liquor • Beer • Wine Your Local Full Service Package Store 940-668-0606 We are located at the front gate on Lot #1 - just a golf cart ride away We can special order If we don’t have what you want, let us know. We’ll be glad to order it! kiowa station 940-665-2558 Tasty Tuesdays January 6, 4 to 6 Take the Crown Challenge! Crown Royal vs Texas Crown See how well you know your favorite! We will also have wine to sample and soup from Subway! Bring a friend, find a new favorite libation, and have fun with us as we snack, sip and socialize! Now Open Inside Kiowa Station 940-668-0401 Breakfast • Catering Hours: 7 am - 9 pm, Every Day January 2015 CommuniQue Inspirational Events January is the month for making resolutions. How about making a resolution about your spiritual life? All Kiowans are invited to attend an inter-denominational service every Sunday at 8 a.m. The Chapel welcomes all to attend. You will be welcomed cordially and offered a cup of coffee during visiting before the service. Chapel has no building to maintain, so we give our offerings to 12 service agencies in our county to improve the lives of people in need. Look in the shadow box by the dining room to see the agencies we send a check to every month. We also are a prayer center for those of our community or friends of our members who need special prayers during times of illness or grief. Chapel has a choir that needs your voice. They perform every third Sunday and rehearse every Monday morning at 8 a.m. in the Lodge. They have an excellent director in Glenn Wilson and two expert pianists, Shirley O’Dell and Linda Ford. Chapel is served by two pastors who alternate Sundays. For the month of January: Rev. J. Ray Smith will be continuing his series on “Nuggets from the Psalms.” He will be preaching on Jan. 4 on the “Hiding Place,” Psalm 32:7. On Jan. 18 he will preach on “Two Ways God Guides,” Psalm 32:8-9. Rev. John Hare will be preaching on Jan. 11 on “The Satisfaction Survey,” Corinthians 1:1-9. On Jan. 25 he will preach on “WWJHMD,” Micah 6:1-8. Hope to see you in Chapel on Sunday. Joan Carroll Chapel choir director Glenn Wilson (C) led the singing at the front gate lighting ceremony. We hope to see you on Sunday morning at our Chapel service. Make a resolution to come and give us a try, or, if you have gotten out of the habit of coming, come back and join us. Joan Carroll JOHN WARREN · ATTORNEY AT LAW 104 W. Main St. Gainesville, TX 76240 Telephone: 940-665-5697 PROUD TO CALL COOKE COUNTY HOME Ruth Robinson December 5 LAKE KIOWA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LLC Kathy L. Reed, EA 6360 FM 902 • Lake Kiowa TX 76240 (940) 665-8932 • Federal, State, and Estate Tax Return Preparation For Individuals and Businesses • Tax Planning Services • Accounting and Bookkeeping Services • Payroll Services • Notary Public ENROLLED TO REPRESENT TAXPAYERS BEFORE THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Need help with the activities of daily living? Home from the hospital? Recovering from illness? • State Licensed and Bonded Agency • Backed by 10 Years experience Compassionate Care 24 William "Bill" Dandridge Bradford December 3 The Gainesville Christian Women’s Connection (GCWC) January Brunch will be Thursday, Jan. 22 at 401 W. Garnett, Gainesville TX. The event time is 10 to 11:30 a.m. and the cost is $9 per person. Brunch will be catered by Lone Oak Ranch and Retreat. The keynote speaker will be Deanna Martin. Deanna, an author, avid gardener, and former owner of a vineyard, will share her “whispers of love” story. Karen Brooks of Past Time Fabric will present “quilts, past and present” as the special feature. Melody notes will be performed by the Shafer sisters. GCWC is a non-denominational organization affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries open to women of all ages. Whether you are new to the area or have lived here a long time, come join us. For reservations, call Judy DeField at (940) 612-3130, me at (817) 366-4768, or email gcwcreservations@ by Thursday, Jan. 15. Thank you, Laura Patterson Your Hometown Attorney Texas License #010747 In Memory............ GAINESVILLE CHRISTIAN WOMEN’S CONNECTION John Warren Senior Care of North Texas 7 Hours A Day Senior Care of North Texas is locally owned by Danny & Dana Knight 940-665-2999 Serving Cooke, Grayson & Montague Counties 8 CommuniQue January 2015 ICVFD AUXILIARY NEWS Pictured left: Auxiliary Vice President Maureen Anselmi presents a check for $6,000 to Chief Pistor at the December Auxiliary general meeting. The donation will be used for two sets of Bunker gear for two new firefighters and an ice machine for the fire station. Thank you, bakers and buyers, for making the Annual Auxiliary Bake Sale a succcess! Centerpiece raffle winner was Gay Enright. The inset photo shows the two young ladies who drew the winning ticket. NOTICE Some of the Auxiliary Bake Sale volunteers - Back (L-R): Kathy Reed, Sherlen Prince, Jo Brannan, Karen Vander Molen, Melva Akins, Maureen Anselmi, and Nancy Jones. Seated (L-R): Linda Seal and Judy Hughes. There are no Auxiliary meetings in January. Shabby Chic restarts in March. We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Family Owned and Operated We are excited to announce that construction is now COMPLETE! From Our Family to Yours, we offer a new state-of-the-art chapel and family center at our Gainesville location. Please stop by and see our new facilities. The Meador Family & Staff 1204 E. California St., Gainesville Telephone 940-665-4341 January 2015 CommuniQue Firefighter of the Year 9 INDIAN CREEK VFD INDIAN CREEK VFD Annual Meeting Chief Pistor bestowed the Most Calls Award to Mark Bitsche for the second year in a row. Chief Bob Pistor presented the Firefighter of the Year Award to Monroe Salsman at the annual ICVFD Appreciation Dinner in November 2014. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a safe New Year’s. I have to mention again the importance of calling 9-1-1. The other day we had a resident that called her daughter first and said she thought she was having a medical emergency. The daughter, who lives in a different part of Texas, had to look up the number for the Cooke County Sheriff’s Department and report the emergency. I do not know how long that took, but if 9-1-1 was called immediately, I am willing to bet we would have been on scene before we were even dispatched. Please call 9-1-1 first and then, if you feel up to it, call someone else. The firefighters and the board got together for a dinner at the Lodge in November. I had the pleasure of handing out three awards. The Firefighter of the Year was awarded to Monroe Salsman. Monroe is always willing to respond to anything when we need help. He has taken several days off from his work so that the fire department can accomplish some goals. Mark Bitsche was awarded for responding to the most calls. This is the second year in a row Mark has won this award. He has responded to 80% of our calls. Ben Hatton decided to step down as Captain. I gave him a special award for his dedication and service to the fire department as Captain and Training Officer. All of your firefighters are dedicated to gaining more knowledge so they can provide you the best service possible. In November we responded to 25 calls for service, making for a total of 248 calls for the year. Eleven of the November calls were inside the gates and 14 were outside. For the year 60% of the calls were outside of the Lake Kiowa gates. Bob Pistor, Chief Saturday, February 28, 2015 4 p.m. Lake Kiowa Lodge All Indian Creek Fire District residents welcome. For more information, Call Sam Moore (940) 736-4303 Chief Pistor presented Ben Hatton a special award for his dedication and service to the ICVFD. The O’Gorman Group Cindy O’Gorman Ebby’s Company-Wide Top Producer for 20 Years Bringing Buyers from the Dallas Area... SOLD! 1127 Kiowa Drive W | $999,900 REDUCED! 4/4.0/5LA/3-Car Garage/Boat Dock/Golf&Lake View Luxurious lake front home with panoramic views, dual jet ski lifts, large patio, screened in sitting area & more! 105 Sarsi Cove | $699,900 REDUCED! 6/4.0/3LA/0.623 Acres/Boat Dock Own your own island! Perfect for entertaining with JV]LYLKWVYJOLZÄYLWP[HUKM[SVVRV\[[V^LY SOLD! SOLD! 912 Kiowa Drive E | $399,000 3/2.0/1LA/2-Car Garage/Lake Front/0.409 Acres Charming lake house renovated with many upgrades to create the perfect weekend retreat! Huge deck! 1102 Kiowa Drive E | $239,900 3/2.0/2LA/1-Car Garage/2-Carport/0.73 Acres ,_[LUZP]LS`\WKH[LKOVTL^P[O^H[LY]PL^ÄYLWP[ granite countertops, & master with jetted tub! 16000 Preston Road Ste 200B Dallas, TX 75248 972.715.0190 [email protected] CONTRACT PENDING! 109 Ute Cove | $624,900 4/4.1/3LA/5-Car Garage/Pool/0.457 Acres Lovely lake home with private boat dock, expansive porch, 2 jet skis, boat, and golf cart! Partially furnished! 104 Kiowa Drive W | $149,900 REDUCED! 2/1.0/1LA/1-Car Garage/Golf Course Lot -HI\SV\Z\WKH[LKVULZ[VY`^P[OÄYLWSHJLVWLU ÅVVYWSHUHUKMYVU[IHJRJV]LYLKWVYJOLZ 10 CommuniQue KiowaQuiltBee January 2015 Cathy Wilson hosted the Quilt Bee Christmas Party on Dec. 1. There were 25 members attending and lots of wonderful food to share. Thank you, Cathy, for opening your newly remodeled home to the Quilt Bee. Sharon Catlett’s leadership again this year was much appreciated and everyone was in agreement that she should continue this leadership. There was a discussion about the “2014 Challenge” and the liberties that were taken with the rules. It was decided that the “2015 Challenge” would be a “two-color” project and everyone was encouraged to really stick to two colors. Our next meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Lodge, while the next Sew Day will be Friday, Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Show and tell revealed a variety of projects for the 2014 Challenge. All were supposed to be made with the colors of the three crayons that were randomly assigned at the beginning of this year. A few examples are pictured here, but it was not possible to include them all. Carole Clausing Cathy Wilson, hostess, showed an example of her bobbinwork on this pillow. She also took the time to explain the process. Judy Beard used her colors to knit a ruffled scarf for our leader, Sharon Catlett. Patty Fritz did a miniature quilt with her colors. Faye McCarrell’s colors worked great in this table topper. time for WINTER check-ups! 940-736-5427 EWING Heating & Air ❅ ❅ 940-668-6345 Is everyone comfortable in your home THIS SEASON? A local company you can trust. Jason Ewing owner Gainesville Texas 76240 [email protected] TX Lic. #TABLB29245C Ask for References • Home Design • Build • Remodel • Plan Drawing DAVE HUFFMAN 210 KIOWA DRIVE EAST {Free Pickup and Delivery for Lake Kiowa customers} * 20233 US Hwy 377, Whitesboro, TX * 903-564-9050 January 2015 CommuniQue Gussie Utting shows her completed quilt and her three crayons which she was to use. Kay Marshall used her colors to create some stuffed toys for children in the hospital. 11 Judy Bennett made a great quilt using her assigned colors. Stephanie Broun used her crayons to draw, embroider, and color four squares of her quilt, which really made her challenge special. Anita House’s beautiful and bright-colored quilt with her assigned colors. Enjoy increased mobility. Enjoy enhanced f lexibility. Enjoy embarrassing your grandson. Carrus Rehabilitation Hospital is here for you and your family. 1810 U.S. Highway 82 West Sherman, TX 903-870-2600 Now with transport service from your referring hospital. SPECIALTY & REHABILITATION HOSPITALS Carrus is a physician-owned facility offering private rooms & four themed courtyards. Carrus is an equal opportunity employer. Accepting Medicare & private insurance. 12 CommuniQue January 2015 Here we are in January 2015, holidays behind us and a new year in front of us. At the writing of this article, the lake is beginning to clear again. Water is holding on at 56 degrees and the lake level is nearing two feet low. On Dec. 14, while out fishing, I noticed a new form of algae growing in the lake. This algae is very slimy and green, only growing in shallow water, which is most coves. It covered my outboard and trolling motors. The algae is so dense it prevented use of my trolling motor, matting up around the motor head and stopping the propeller. After some hard work and several times removing the algae from the motor head, I was able to get out of the shallow area. Just a word of advice, you may want to avoid these areas until the algae goes away. I have never seen these algae in our lake and was surprised by it with the water cooling off. You normally see these types of algae in warming waters. I am fairly confident the algae will die Rory Howard - 9.5lb Black bass caught in March 2014 on artificial bait. Herbie Marchbanks - 7.5lb Black bass caught in October 2014 on a minnow. Elliott Sullivan from Australia caught a 2.44lb Crappie in March 2014 fishing with Don Schneider. out as the water continues to cool. For those of you who did not see it in the December issue, the grass carp were re-introduced to Lake Kiowa on Nov. 13. We now wait and watch to see them gain control of the lake vegetation once again. As published, it could take up to two years to begin seeing improvements so we must be patient. With all 2014 bass tournaments completed, we can announce the winners for this year. Anglers compete at seven monthly bass tournaments. Of the seven tournaments, the five best weights entered are combined to determine the year-end weight. Heavy weight wins Angler of the Year. Youth Angler for 2014 was Trevor Coker with 9.19lbs. He had a great year with us fishing most of the tournaments, as well as fishing with his father on Moss Lake. Trevor is investing some of his winnings in new tackle and saving the rest. Moving on to Angler of the Year, Chris Henry took 1st place in the tournament standing for 2014 with 86.93lbs. Chris has done very well; he spends a lot of time fishing most every week. He hosts an evening tournament the weeks that we do not tournament fish during the summer. If you are interested in joining these evening tournaments, speak with Chris or any of the angler folks. Winning Big Bass 2014 was Jordan Grant at 8.28lbs. These folks all worked hard to get to the top this year. Congratulations to all the winners. I want to thank all of the folks that supported the Angler & Conservation Club in 2014. We hope you will continue to support this club and our Continued on page 13 One of Lake Kiowa’s most acclaimed financial advisors just happens to be located in Sherman. (Luckily, she’s worth the drive.) Received Barron’s Top 100 Women Financial Advisors and Barron’s Top 1,000 Advisors Awards for five consecutive years. Gail Utter, MBA, CPWA®, CRPC® Managing Director - Investments After years working with many of Sherman’s most affluent investors, Gail Utter has grown an outstanding reputation in the industry. Fully invested in your success, Gail and her team work to provide sound financial strategies tailored to your goals and deliver world-class service within a tradition of excellence. Call today to schedule a complimentary review of your portfolio.* 2027 Texoma Pkwy | Sherman, TX 75090 903.893.6227 | 800.876.8221 [email protected] *Complimentary review is available for portfolios with assets greater than $1 million. Rankings for Barron’s Top 1,000 Advisors are generally based on data provided by over 4,000 of the nation’s most productive advisors. Factors considered include assets under management, revenues, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work. Portfolio performance not explicit component. Advisor selection is not reflective of individual client satisfaction or future performance. Barron’s Top 100 Women Financial Advisors (2013) Criteria was based on filtered nominations from investment, insurance, banking and other related firms which were narrowed down based on many factors including volume of assets overseen by the advisors and their teams, revenues generated for the firms and the quality of the advisors’practices. Portfolio performance is not a criterion because most advisors do not have audited track records. Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC. CAR #1214-02177 January 2015 CommuniQue RULES FOR LAKE BLACK BASS RECORD PROGRAM 1. Black Bass must be caught from Lake Kiowa 2. Black Bass must be caught on artificial bait 3. Black Bass must be weighed on official LKACC scales 4. Black Bass must be measured by hard measuring rule 5. Black Bass must be photographed 6. Black Bass must be witnessed by at least one of the established members listed with security 7. Black Bass must be witnessed, released alive in Lake Kiowa or transferred to the ShareLunker Program 8. Black Bass records shall be effective from October 1 through September 30 9. Each Black Bass record caught within each time frame will be given a $100 prize from the LKACC 10. One Black Bass replica shall be awarded for that year’s largest record Black Bass 11. Each replica shall hang on the wall in the 19th-Hole at the Lodge until a new record is established, at which time the defeated replica shall be returned to the owner 12. If the record is not broken each year the latest record shall remain in place until defeated 13. Each year that a new record is not established, the $100 prize shall roll over to the next year. (Example - no new record for 5 years, prize pot would be $500) The cumulative pot shall not exceed $1,000 at any time 14. If the record is broken at any time, the next prize awarded will return to $100 Continued from page 12 efforts to keep Lake Kiowa a beautiful place to live. Don’t forget that the club is on Facebook. Search for “Lake Kiowa Angler & Conservation Club.” Through this media we are able to upload photos, event schedules, publish tournament results, and communicate with all. We hope to see your posts and suggestions there. If you would like to submit photographs of your fishing experiences and or outings, send a note or photo to the club via e-mail at lkacc4u@yahoo. com. We can then upload your pictures to the Facebook page. Thanks for all of your continued support. Mike Bitsche 13 Lake Kiowa Fishing Limits These recommendations have been given careful consideration to keep a thriving ecological habitat for Lake Kiowa. The Angler and Conservation Club has fully endorsed the following fishing guidelines for Lake Kiowa: Hybrid Striper: Catch and release. Black Bass: Keep Black Bass between 10-15 inches; 5 Per Day, Per Person. Release all other Black Bass under 10 inches and over 15 inches. Crappie: Keep over 10 inches; 30 Per Day, Per Person. Release all under 10 inches. White Bass: Otherwise known as Sand Bass. No Limit. Remove all you can. Perch: No Limit. Channel Catfish: Keep fish over 14 inches; No Limit. Release all under 14 inches. Drum: No Limit. Remove any caught from lake. Carp: No Limit. Remove any caught from lake. TROT AND JUG LINES ARE NOT PERMITTED Dock owners are encouraged to provide cover for the fish under your docks. Make sure the trees are securely anchored not to interfere with boat traffic. Feed the fish! Dry dog food or pellets especially made for the fish are readily available at feed stores. For questions, feel free to contact Mike Bitsche for specifics. Have a Good Fishing New Year! Barton’s Interiors Serving the Kiowa area for 39 years LAKE KIOWA SEPTIC LAKE KIOWA LANDSCAPING 22 Yrs Experience 254.223.1282 Specializing in Delta Whitewater Aerobic We serve all brands also, Conventional Systems, Soil evaluations backhoe, hammerhoe, complete demolitions [email protected] • ‘Quita We have been part of the Kiowa Family for almost 39 years and have installed over 800 septic systems here. We are fully insured and prompt attention is our priority. We are a family business started by Larry and Janie Clark. Our 3 sons, Phil, Pat and Parker are tops in the septic field. We are ready to serve you! Full Service Interior Design HEFFLEY’S HEARTH & HOME Sales, Service & Installation Owner, Jason Heffley Wood, Gas & Pellet Stoves Fireplaces & Inserts Wood Pellets & Chimney Caps Gas Logs & Accessories Chimney Cleaning & Relining (940) 665-5901 • (940) 736-7928 • (940) 736-3002 9518 S. FM 372, Gainesville “Where the Christmas lights are on every year” 150 CR 179 • Whitesboro, TX 76273 903-564-7444 3 Miles West of Whitesboro, South of 82 ‘It’s hard to stop a Trane’ Interest free financing available on any system ● fast service! ● FREE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT ESTIMATES ● FINANCING AVAILABLE ‘It’s hard to stop a Trane’ 940-612-heat (4328) 3200 E. Hwy. 82, Gainesville, TX 76240 License #TACLA010802C 14 CommuniQue January 2015 Kiowa Woman’s Club News Lake Kiowa Connects Us... Message From the President ... “Why did you do all this for me?’ he asked. ‘I don’t deserve it. I’ve never done anything for you.’ ‘You have been my friend,’ replied Charlotte. ‘That in itself is a tremendous thing.” ― E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web Happy New Year, everyone. 2014 was a great year and I want to thank all of you for your participation in the meetings and all the committee and department events. Thanks to Denise Thompson, Judy Nehib, and their team for the beautiful job they did decorating the Lodge. I hope you all got a chance to see it. Thanks to Mindy Busch and her team for a very successful Tour of Homes; we exceeded our goal for this year. We had such a variety of homes and I would like to thank all of the homeowners who shared their homes with us and the hostesses at each of the houses. 2015 is scheduled to be just (L-R): Jane Outlaw and Sue Sprenger presented the December door as wonderful as 2014. We look prize to Winna Hankins. forward to seeing you at the general meeting on Jan. 8. Our program will be Susie Black Holamon, a neighbor and friend to many of us. She has a bizarre true story to tell; we hope you will be there to hear it. Our Candidates Forum is Jan. 17 at 6:30 p.m. We are hoping with this change of day and time, some of our weekenders will be able to attend. La Vonne Jucha has been working hard to make this an informative event for all of Lake First United Methodist Church Heritage Ringers provided Christmas Kiowa. We hope to see you there. Norma Desilets spirit during the December program. David’s Tree Service SERVING COOKE COUNTY FOR OVER 25 YEARS LAKE KIOWA REFERENCES AVAILABLE n FREE ESTIMATES n TRIMMING n REMOVAL n CHIPPER SERVICE n BUCKET TRUCK n STUMP GRINDING n INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION n RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICE n 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 940-284-9663 DAVID ESTES • 106 KIOWA DRIVE WEST Credit Cards Accepted Help for.... • Homes • Small Businesses • Individuals HAVE A HAPPY AND BLESSED 2015! Do you need help un-decorating with ORDER? Don’t know quite where to start? Wouldn’t it be easier with help from a pro? Reasonable and fast!! Call today to set an appointment for a FREE estimate. • Attic • Bed and Bath • Craft Room • Downsizing • Estates • Fun Stuff • Garage • Home Office • Itsy Bitsy Spaces • Jewelry Chest • Kitchen • Linen Closets • Man Caves • Nesting Spaces • Office Setup • Projects on Hold • Queen’s Quarters • Recreation Room • Sewing Space • Toys to Tools • Utility Room • Volumes of Papers • Wardrobe • Xtreme Makeover • Yard and Garden • Zero Clutter Mary Gorton 940.902.5559 [email protected] • January 2015 CommuniQue 15 Kiowa Woman’s Club News January Program Susie Black Holamon, a neighbor and friend to many of you, will be presenting our Jan. 8 program. Susie grew up in the Lakewood area of Dallas, graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, enrolled in Texas Tech University, and never looked back. She received her BA in advertising art from Tech and, later, her teacher certificate from McMurray University in Abilene where she and her family lived for 29 years. Susie recently retired from teaching 21 years of high school art. She is now a full-time artist in our area with showings in galleries and a studio art business. While this all sounds very normal, she has a bizarre true story to tell. Please join us for lunch Jan. 8 when Susie describes the journey that led to her book, “My Five Moms.” Becky Knox January Birthdays Artist and author Susie Holamon will tell her story at the January meeting. January 8 Menu Green Salad with Cranberries Chicken Potpie with Pastry Leaf Lemon Custard with Dollop of Whipped Cream Ice Tea and Water For luncheon reservations for the Jan. 8 KWC meeting, please call the appropriate person (according to the first letter of your last name) BEFORE noon on Monday, Jan. 5. Likewise if you are on the permanent reservation list and wish to cancel, call before noon on Monday, Jan. 5. Please do not leave a voice mail for the contact. If you cannot reach her, please contact Carol Jacobsen. Contact: Peggy Robins Mary Nel O’Dell Joann Smith Marilyn Board Phyllis Garfat Call: 940-665-1565 940-343-8005 940-395-4168 214-924-1009 940-612-1205 Chairwoman: Carol Jacobsen (940) 368-4950 [email protected] Last Name: A–E F–H J–M N-S T–Z Linda Slater...........................2 Linda Cooke.........................4 Jane Outlaw..........................4 Marcy Titus...........................5 Danette Morrison..................6 Brenda Fairbanks..................7 Ginger Walker.......................8 Sally Grant............................8 Barbara Koval.....................12 Lezlie MacElroy.................13 Kelly Brister........................14 Pat Frazier...........................16 Shirley O’Dell.....................16 Maurice Irish.......................16 Jane Kilpatrick....................16 Corina Nichols....................17 Dolly Marek........................21 Sharon McCormack............21 Nancy Bryan.......................22 Regina Spencer...................23 Elaine Otway......................24 Karen Thompson................24 Susan Hair...........................26 Elaine Downen....................27 Willa Hawke......................27 Dorothy McAllister.............28 Lali Santos..........................29 Cathy Wilson......................29 Dany Ford...........................31 (Scottie) Rowland...............31 The Book Review group met at Macsene Adams’ home on Dec. 4. We all had a great time and saw some beautiful art work. The next Book Review will be on Feb. 6 at Jan Thompson’s house, 108 Sequoya Cv. E. Pat Mead will be reviewing “The Catalpa Tree” by Denyse Devlin. Anita House and Sara Franklin BOOK REVIEWS A ar 5 St ed t a R ty in li Faci esville n i a G RENAISSANCE CARE CENTER by Cantex Continuing Care Network offering: Skilled Nursing Care • Short-term Rehabilitation • Outpatient OT & PT • Advanced Wound Care • Nutritional Services • IV Therapies • Tracheotomy Care • TPN • Private Medicare Suites • Accepting Medicare & Medicaid Now Honoring Most Managed Care Insurance Policies Dr. Larry Sears, Medical Director 1400 Blackshill Dr. Gainesville, TX 76240 (we’re located across from North Central Texas College) 940-665-5221 16 CommuniQue January 2015 Kiowa Woman’s Club News - ------------------------ ------------------------ - ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ - ------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------- -- We had a wonderful turnout at our last meeting in November and some great discussion on how peace and joy are developed in our lives and how we are responsible for pursuing them. Hopefully, you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and took advantage of the many opportunities to enjoy the season and celebrate the birth of Jesus. Bible Study resumes on Jan. 27 at 10 a.m. at the home of Judy Beard, 1126 Kiowa Dr. E. In Tricia’s absence, Judy will lead us in our continuing study of “The Fruitful Life” with a look at Chapter 7, “Patience.” This can be a tough character quality to practice. Our study will reveal the many aspects of patience and how it is associated with our devotion to God. Join us as we learn together! Blessings for a Wonderful New Year. Tricia Folsom Penny Cotten Clothe yourselves with ... patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Colossians 3:12-13 The Thursday KWC Bridge Group will be having lessons for intermediate players beginning Jan. 15 for those interested. Peggy Carpenter and Jan Thompson will be leading these lessons. They will teach Stayman for two weeks on Jan. 15 and 22, followed by transfers on Jan. 29 and Feb. 5. These bids have so many similar elements and are both used together as responses to No Trump. They will focus on doubles on Feb. 19 and 26. Lessons will be from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. There probably will be time at the end of the hour to talk about continuing the auction and other basic principles. We are so thankful that we were able to convince them to do this and are so excited to be taking our bridge to the next level! Come and have fun with us. Mary Kolb Winter Bridge Tournament Dates: Jan. 15, 22, and 29 Feb. 5, 19, and 26 Location: Lake Kiowa Lodge Time: 12:30 p.m. Cost: $12 The cost for each 6-round tournament is $12/person with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each week as well as an overall total score at the end of the tournament for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. To register, please contact me at (903) 821-0225, marykolb@cableone. net or Terry Conaway (214) 546-4486, [email protected]. Please register by Wed., Jan. 8 so that we have time to get extra players if needed to even out numbers for tables. You are in charge of getting your own substitute(s) if needed for play (a list will be provided). Mary Kolb (L-R): Lee Skinner and Katherine Thacker helping decorate the Lodge for Christmas. Happy New Year from My Empty Nest! Contact me today for a FREE 360 Review®. RAYMOND ROOT, LUTCF Agency Manager 940.665.1763 [email protected] Trust Dee to handle your real estate transactions with reliable and professional service to each client. Dee is experienced working with buyers and sellers in Lake Kiowa and surrounding communities. Call her today for a no obligation market analysis for your home. Dee Dorman 940-727-4869 Ask Dee about these Lake Kiowa listings: [email protected] • 811 KDW • 102 Seminole • 110 Pawnee • 305 Cocopa Lots 496, 768, & 1807 My Empty Nest will be closing from January 1st Through January 13th for Inventory and Renovations. Come see us when we reopen on gifts, January 14th and see our fresh new look for 2015! decor and more! Monday and Tuesday closed Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday - 10 - 5 Saturday 10 - 7, Sunday 11 - 5 940-665-3035 [email protected] • www.myemp- FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Located in the Lake Kiowa Plaza • We gift wrap, too! January 2015 CommuniQue 17 Kiowa Woman’s Club News 2014 Tour of Homes a Success! Morrison Porch Mason Porch Many thanks to those who made this year’s Tour of Homes a success. We were able to reach our goal because of the homeowners who were so generous to allow us to take a look into their homes. A big thank you goes to this year’s homeowners, Gary and Penny Cotten, Gary and Tricia Folsom, Tom and Lynn Keckonen, Pete and Cheryl Mason, Jim and Danette Morrison, and John and Leahray Wroten. They all did an amazing job getting their homes spruced up with holiday cheer for all of us to enjoy. Thanks also go to the hostesses who worked with the homeowners to Folsom Porch Shear Platinum Style Open Monday-Friday or by Appointment on Saturday 940.736.4035 6700 FM 902, STE 402, Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 January Special 20% off Permanent MakeUp with this ad • expires January 31, 2015 make everything run smoothly. They were Lori Brindle, Jackie Ditman, Terri Pulec, Paulette Stanley, Sharon Wolek, and Elaine Wozniak. We appreciate them and all the tour guides who worked alongside them. We also couldn’t have done this without the expertise of LaQuita Barton, who did all the artwork, and Judith Kulp, who took all the pictures. Wow….that’s a lot of people involved in a worthwhile and fun endeavor! And thanks to all of you that came out to support the KWC! Blessings to all of you in this New Year! Mindy Busch Chairwoman 18 CommuniQue January 2015 Kiowa Woman’s Club News Arts & Crafts Garden & Nature met at the home of Dany Ford for the Christmas Brunch Potluck. Connect with the Grouchy Gardner As I see the frost on the grass and need high energy food and water to a little on my window, I remember keep them warm on these cold days. my beautiful flower garden of last So that’s a start for now. And if you have any questions, summer. And so I start my list of all send them to the the things I never completed grouchygardner@yahoo. last year and what I’m doing Garden Nature C & com. differently this year! lu b The January 13, 2015 First, I’m going to use Garden & Nature meeting Horticultural Vinegar (20%) will be traveling to the mixed with water to get rid Hagerman Wildlife Preserve of all the weeds. You can located on Highway 82 find it at nursery or farm/ Anyone ranch stores. And while I’m there, going toward Sherman. I’m going to get some orange oil and interested in carpooling should mix it with one gallon of water to get meet at the Lodge at 9:15 a.m. for a 9:30 departure. We will rid of the fire ants. I’m going to use www.dirtdoctor. have an informative presentation com as a resource for my garden by the Friends of Hagerman at issues. Howard Garrett (www. 10 a.m. The Grouchy Gardner is a well-known expert. And finally, I’m going to stop my daydreaming and go feed the birds. They are warm-blooded creatures and Great Southwest Roofing has been a part of Kiowa for over 7 years! Covering Lake Kiowa, the metroplex and all of North Texas one roof at a time. We are here to help you! • No Deposit • No Payment until work is completed 101 Lone Star, Lake Kiowa, TX ALL INCLUDED WITH PRICE! LIVING ROOM & HALL (MOVE ALL FURNITURE) AND 1 BEDROOM TRAFFIC AREA...................$65.00 H LIVING ROOM & HALL (MOVE ALL FURNITURE) AND 2 BEDROOMS TRAFFIC AREAS ................$85.00 H H LIVING ROOM & HALL (MOVE ALL FURNITURE) AND 3 BEDROOMS TRAFFIC AREAS...............$115.00 *DINING ROOM MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR BEDROOM H FURNITURE CLEANING WITH H FABRIC GUARD! SOFA & LOVESEAT........$85.00 ANY RECLINER..............$25.00 H H SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Teaching you FOOLPROOF steps on how to choose the BEST multi-vitamin for YOU TUESDAY, JANUARY 13TH 6:30 –7:30 PM Lake Kiowa Lodge What you don’t know about your multi-vitamin may actually HURT YOU! Learn Owners: Randy (214.534.4716) & Toni Andrews (214.538.4767) H CARPET CLEANING: H DEODORIZE, PET TREATMENT H STEAM CLEAN, AND STAIN GUARD H the supplement sleuth Lake Kiowa referrals available upon request. 940.580.4618 • 972.381.7663 For December's project "Shoeboxes of Hope," the Arts & Crafts Department shared in the spirit of giving by covering and filling more than 40 shoeboxes for CASA Children of Cooke County. Carpet Cleaning New Year’s Special MORE VALUE FOR THE DOLLAR! QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST! SINCE 1984 CALL Kessler H Cleaning Service (940) 665-4556 Who needs a multi-vitamin and WHY HOW much you need of each nutrient HOW to inspect a supplement bottle and determine if it is THE BEST for you! Participants are encouraged to bring supplement bottles from home. Free multi-vitamin assessment & consult for the first 5 enrollees. FOR more details or to reserve a spot email [email protected] or call 817-929-2669 For over 20 years, I have been helping clients restore health from debilitating injuries, surgeries, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, cancer, and more utilizing health coaching, therapeutic fitness, personal training, nutrition education, and supplements. Call to schedule a free 20 minute health coaching session to see if I have a WAY OUT for you! Monica Satterwhite MS, NASM-CPT, CMS 817-929-2669 January 2015 CommuniQue 19 Kiowa Woman’s Club Gourmet Gourmet Club Group 2 had lunch in November at Luigi's. Group 4 enjoyed lunch at Kathy's Catering in Dallas in November. Group 4 enjoyed dinner at Pete and Cheryl Mason's home. The dinner was catered by 902 Bar & Grill. Cooke County Electric Cooperative Association Your Touchstone Energy® Cooperative The power of human connections ® BIG TREE SELF STORAGE Conveniently located on FM 902, 1 mile East of Lake Kiowa UNIT SIZES: 8X10, 10X15, 10X20 PAD SITES ALSO AVAILABLE FOR RVs • 24 HOUR GATED SECURITY • VIDEO SURVEILLANCE • KEYPAD GATE ACCESS 940-727-2371 Group 6 dined at the home of Norma Desilets in December. Group 5 ventured to Denton in December for Italian food at Guiseppi's. H MaGo s n e v a r urik C HEATING H COOLING Mechanical LLC Now accepting residential air-conditioning customers Allen Cravens 940-372-1739 Jay MaGourik 940-390-8235 TACL A29554C 20 CommuniQue January 2015 Kiowa Woman’s Club Decorates the Lodge CUSTOM LIVING.... ....IN YOUR CUSTOM HOME Daren Hutcherson 555 FM 3496 • Gainesville, Texas 76240 Email: [email protected]• Cell (940) 736-5588 Over 20 years of residential construction experience January 2015 CommuniQue Kiowa Woman’s Club Decorates the Lodge RV SUPER CENTER INTERSTATE 35 4901 N I-35, Denton, TX 76207 • 940-891-4155 HAS IT ALL! H brown’s backflow assembly H Testing & Repair 15 Years Experience Call 940-736-6684 or 940-634-1360 Lic #BP0003230 H WE ARE VERY PROUD TO CELEBRATE OUR 10th YEAR ANNIVERSARY! H SALES • Largest dealer in D/FW specializing in consignments • Largest and most diversified selection of RVs in North Texas specializing in diesels pushers • Take trades and provide the most competitive financial terms available SERVICE LAKE KIOWA MEDICAL CLINIC Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm • Instant Pro-Times • School physicals • Yearly exams • Manage acute and chronic illness We take most insurances and we welcome NEW MEDICARE PATIENTS Holly Oliveira, FNP-C 100 Kiowa Drive West, Suite 103, Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 For appointment call 940-612-5562 • • • • • • • • • Repair and service all RV systems and parts Change engine and transmission oil and filters Engine diagnosis and minor repairs Water damage repairs (walls, roof, floors) Repair and replace rubber roofs Collision Repair Replace carpet and all types of flooring Recover or replace furniture Detail in and out • Mobile service WE BELIEVE WE OFFER THE MOST COMPETITIVE PRICES 10% discount for Lake Kiowa residents 940-891-4155 400 ft. South of Camping World on I-35 in Denton 21 22 CommuniQue January 2015 Christmas Party for Callisburg Families Fulfills Needs KIWANIS CELBRATES CHRISTMAS BY GIVING The pictures on this page show the items brought to the Kiwanis Christmas party for the families in need identified by the staff at Callisburg Elementary. These are for “general” needs, and are given from the hearts and budgets of individual Kiwanis members. In addition, the staff provided a needs and wish list for families that we have “adopted” to provide very specific gifts that will be purchased by a “shopping team” comprised of Kiwanis members and Callisburg Elementary staff. Those items were purchased from the Lake Kiowa Kiwanis Club’s budget, which is funded by all you good folks in Lake Kiowa who attend our fundraising events. With that in mind, you may take credit for some of these gifts yourself! We also had a request in December from a family who needed some serious repairs to their home to prepare for the cold winter weather ahead. A hearty group of “home repair” Kiwanians showed up and made all the needed repairs. The former motto for Kiwanis was “We Build,” which was always appropriate to the many playground, wheelchair ramp, and home repairs made by Kiwanians for almost 100 years. That motto has been replaced by “Young Children Priority One,” which certainly identifies our main focus. Thanks again for all of you who contribute directly and attend our fundraisers to help us do the work we do. Rick Ramsey 1 bedroom apartment for persons age 50 or older ▲ Lawn Maintenance ▲ landscaping ▲ tree removal ▲ irrigation installation & repair jaret kindiger li14505 940-768-2238 home 940-768-8998 cell p.o. box 312, era,tx 76238 [email protected] EMERGENCY WATER REMOVAL CARPET-PRO Enjoy Senior living in historic downtown Gainesville close to shopping, the post office and churches. Range & refrigerator, central heat & air, water paid, laundry room on each floor. Rental assistance available to qualified applicants. PROFESSIONAL CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential • Commercial • Industrial • Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning • Ceramic Tile Cleaning • Deep Soil Extraction • Water & Smoke Damage • Air Duct Cleaning Get your Air Vents and Ducts Cleaned Today for a Healthier home and a healthier you! FREE ESTIMATES cell: toll free: 580-504-3061 800-454-5674 940-665-8111 24 HOUR Emergency Water Extraction & Restoration IN BUSINESS SINCE 1973 II CRC CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS TRUCK MOUNTED EQUIPMENT Contact: Amberly Caldwell 940/665-1747 Monday -Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Turner Apartments EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 501 E. California January 2015 CommuniQue Kiwanis Christmas Party Massage Therapy Relax • Relieve pain • Reduce tension Gina Richroath Swedish • Deep Tissue • Reflexology • Hot Stone By appointment only Lic. #MT048170 (940)-300-8441 Tree Installation including large trees red oak • burr oak • live oak • Drains, including French drains • Retaining Walls • Sod Prep and Installation • PRESSURE WASHING All plant materials installed by Galvan Landscaping include a 1-year warranty SOLD BY APPOINTMENT CELL: 214-546-0140 OFFICE: 940-665-1545 LO C A L LY G R O W N 23 24 CommuniQue January 2015 ts igh The L of Kio wa at C hristmas • Pontoons • Runabouts • Scarab Jet Boats • Fishing Boats 2520 E Hwy 82, Gainesville Serving Lake Kiowa for Over 40 Years 940-665-9331 January 2015 CommuniQue 25 6th Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Show Sunday November 23 In the Lodge Assembly Room matt’s tree • Bucket truck • Selective branch 1 • Chipper removal 5 service 9 2 • Stump grinder • Emergency storm 7 8- 414 • Lot clearing 6 damage cleanup 6 • Tree trimming 0) 7274 (9 40) FIREWOOD, delivered or pick up at wood yard 9 Lake Kiowa references • Free estimates ( INSURED FOR YOUR PROTECTION 26 CommuniQue January 2015 NCTC 2014 Fall Graduates A MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENT! – North Central Texas College graduates turn their tassels during the Dec. 11 commencement ceremony in Gainesville. More than 520 students applied for graduation. NCTC Community Outreach Donates to Littlest Angels The NCTC Community Outreach Committee recently wrapped the gifts they donated to the Cooke County Littlest Angel. The committee has been adopting angels for the past 25 years and raised enough money this year to adopt 13 children from Cooke County. They raised the money through a silent auction and raffle held on the Gainesville campus. Members of the committee who are pictured include (L-R): Shawna Ayers, Joan Pulte, Yvonne Sandmann, Penny Cogbill, and Debbie Frost. Darin Allred January 2015 CommuniQue 27 Morton Museum Calendar of Events JANUARY The museum will be closed for routine maintenance and change out of exhibits FEBRUARY Feb. 2: Preview Party at the Morton by invitation only. Feb. 3: “A Kaleidoscope of Cooke County” opens at 10 a.m. Where you find the latest updates... BR BA OW BO G N RE OK VI EW "Words from the White House" by Paul Dickson Reviewed by Bonnie Slack Time: Noon Date: Feb. 5 Place: Morton Museum Please come and invite a friend! NEW HOMES • ADDITIONS • REMODELING BILL KOZIOL William George W GH Homes, Inc. GOLF COURSE LOTS AVAILABLE Read the front gate sign messages from home Buy or sell using the Green Sheet classifieds Print next LKPOA Board Agenda Find Club information, board minutes, announcements, etc. AND...the latest issue of the Lake Kiowa CommuniQué is available on the twenty-fifth of every month. Click on CommuniQué on the lefthand menu and you will see that the latest three issues are listed. HOME STAR LAWN AND PEST CONTROL Locally Owned and Operated 44 Years Experience Home Building and Architectural Design 214-683-4834 Rusty Saucer TPCL #0616439 Termites - Pest- Lawn NCH U L r N fo E P O All-you-can-eat Catfish Basket $9.99 Local & Long Distance Moving · Packing/Unpacking· Storage [email protected] Wednesday Buy 1 get 1 Free New York Strip $18.00 Friday Over 20 years experience (940)-668-MOVE 940-736-3111 Sunday Night 6546 FM 902 Lake Kiowa TX 76240 940-668-8024 All-You-Can-Eat Pasta $9.99 Sunday - Thursday; Kitchen 11-9 Friday & Saturday; Kitchen 11-10 28 CommuniQue January 2015 WGA News The 2014 season was plagued with wet, rainy, and cold weather. This was far more than normal, causing many playdays and scrambles to be canceled or rescheduled. A cold start did, however, turn into a warm and very spectacular day on Nov. 19 and brought out 25 players for our last scramble of the year. Those who braved the early cold were rewarded for their participation by earning five Pro Shop points. Our 2014 season came to a close with the WGA board and members given many opportunities to stay involved and busy. The board met on Dec. 1 to decorate the 19th Hole for the Christmas season. On Dec. 3 we held our Christmas Luncheon and General Meeting. On Dec. 5 we all enjoyed a very special Christmas dinner and dance. At our General Meeting it was reported that our ending bank balance as of 11/30/14 was $7,651.48. Earmarked money totaled $787.30, leaving a true ending balance of $6,864.18. Membership voted to use the earmarked money for the purchase of pink commemorative breast cancer awareness golf flags, portable electric ice chests and coolers, and benches to be placed outside the Pro Shop. Our total membership for 2014 was 243 members. Membership forms for 2015 were mailed out with the December POA bill. We hope everyone will join the WGA in 2015. There are so many opportunities with your membership that includes receiving a directory that lists all WGA and MGA member names, addresses, phone numbers, a listing of all events planned for the 2015 season, and other useful information. You must get your dues in to Danette Morrison by the end of January to get your name into this highly-used directory. Any organization wishing to be considered as the recipient of the charity tournament needs to let Lori Brindle know as soon as possible. Presentations by organizations will be made at the WGA general meetings in January and February. The board hopes to have a decision by the March meeting for membership vote. Genevieve Avinger and her committee did an awesome job with their decorations for our luncheon in December. The Winter Wonderland theme provided a wonderful atmosphere for the members to enjoy. Mable Samples provided a very entertaining presentation for the installation of 2015 WGA officers by using the theme of “It Takes a Village.” Mabel made an analogy that related the role and duties of each officer to the various components of a village. The 2015 WGA officers are: President - Lori Brindle, 1st VP (Membership) - Danette Morrison, 2nd VP (Ways & Means) - Dee Dorman, Secretary - Susan Edwards, Treasurer - Sharon Mitcham, Reporter - Linda Slater, 18 Hole Golf Co-Chairpersons - Janice Richey and Sharon James, 9-Hole Golf Chairperson - June Cloud, and Parliamentarian - Karen Brewton There are so many opportunities for you to get involved with the WGA. Please consider being on a committee and volunteer for some of the options available to you. Maureen Anselmi, Katherine Thacker, and their committee planned and delivered a fantastic end-of-theyear Christmas dinner and dance. Festive holiday decorations, a sitdown meal, music, dancing, and visiting with friends meant an evening to remember. Marcy Titus reviewed the history of the Dream Team before announcing the 2014 winners. They are: A-player - Danette Morrison, B-player - Lake Kiowa Fitness • Single membership • Each additional person • Membership fee • Couple’s membership $30 plus tax $10 $29 $50 + tax Treadmills • Ellipticals Bicycles • Rowing Machine Low-Resistance Weights (940) 668-8757 Start your New Year off by getting fit!! Karen Brewton, C-player - Paulette Andrews, and D-player - Corina Nichols. Congratulations to these ladies for making the Dream Team. Start working on your game now for the Dream Team Challenge, which will be in March or April of 2015. Milestone pins were presented to Dee Dorman for breaking 80, and Lena Howell and Sharon Mitcham for breaking 90. Laura Childers was presented with a plaque for her holein-one on #5. Year-end awards were presented to the following: USGA Most Improved - Nancy Gingerich and Local Paula Brinson; USGA Most Chip-ins Sharon James and Local - Jan Thies; USGA Most Birdies (3-way tie) Shirley Cramer, Cathy Wilson, and Margie Nash and Local - Mindy Busch. The meeting came to a conclusion with Karen Brewton thanking members, committees, and the Board for their participation, support, and flexibility in all WGA activities, thus resulting in a most successful year for the LKWGA. Karen was presented a gift as a token of appreciation for her leadership and work in 2014. For those who are playing this time of year, don’t forget to fill your divots. On Wednesday, Jan. 7 we will kick off our first general meeting and lunch for 2015. Please make plans to attend and start the year off with your golfing buddies. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Linda Slater NOVEMBER WINNERS Nov. 19 Scramble: 1st Place: Danette Morrison, Cynthia DeBorde, Donna Engels, Deb Shugart; 2nd Place: Dee Dorman, Carol Bosse, Linda Slater, Paula Brinson; 3rd Place: Margie Nash, Lori Brindle, Paulette Andrews, Shirley Odell. Nov. 26 Playday: 1st Place: Sharon James; 2nd Place: Cornia Nichols; 3rd Place: Nancy Bryan. (L-R): Sharon James and Janice Richey present a hole-in-one plaque to Laura Childers. (L-R): Dolly Marek was recognized by Karen Brewton for decorating the ladies' golf restrooms for the past ten years. Over 25 Years in Kiowa Barry Bouchard’s Total Yard Service Mowing Fertilizing Leaf Mulching Free Estimates Kiowa References We Care About Your Yard 940-736-6824 3T’s Be Better, Happier, Healthier! (TJ’s Terrific Touch) A New Year! A New You! Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, & Pregnancy Massages ials: January Spemcassage $25 one houurstomers repeat c massage $35 one housrtomers New Cu /15 Expires 1/31 Cash or credit accepted (Located inside Salon Taje’) 6568 FM 902, Wed. thru Sun. 9am to 9pm BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Ask for T.J.! 940-665-1648 Lic# 112754 • [email protected] January 2015 CommuniQue 29 WGA News Year-end award winners (L-R): Margie Nash, Jan Thies, Cathy Wilson, Sharon James, Mindy Busch, Paula Brinson, and Laura Childers. 2015 WGA Officers (L-R): Sharon Mitcham, Dee Dorman, Susan Edwards, Danette Morrison, Sharon James, Janice Richey, Linda Slater, Karen Brewton, Lori Brindle, and June Cloud. WGA Christmas Party Installation of officers was done by Mabel Samples. WGA CALENDAR Jan. 7 Meeting and Lunch at 11 a.m. Feb. 4 Meeting and Lunch at 11 a.m. Lake Kiowa MARINA SELF-STORAGE WAREHOUSES Boat & Car Storage 100 Kiowa Drive East Household Furniture Business Inventory Easy Access to Lake Safe, Dry & Secure Month to Month or Long Term 940-612-3199 972-658-0391 30 CommuniQue January 2015 MGA News MGA General Meeting and Playday Saturday, December 13, 2014 On Dec. 13, the Men’s Golf Association (MGA) met at the Lodge. President Tom Blackwell called the meeting to order at 12 p.m. Tom made the following announcements: There were two holes-in-one in the past month: Ron Spencer and Del Maners. There are now 10 in the Hole-in-One pool. MGA membership renewal forms for 2015 were mailed out in the December POA statements. The MGA Board voted to donate $1,000 to the Rusty Clark Memorial Christmas Fund, and another $250 was collected from the membership on Saturday. This money will be given to the Callisburg ISD to help buy Christmas gifts for needy Callisburg kids. The format for the Jan. 10 Playday will be Revenge on Rotor: ABCD scramble – All play from the Red tees; minimum of four drives required from each player. The nominations for the 2015 MGA Board of Directors were voted on. A motion was made to accept the nominations by acclamation; the motion passed unanimously. Those beginning new two-year teams are: R.J. Stroup, Craig Lamkin, John Seefeldt, Mark Gillings, and Jerry Seay. Those who will serve the second year of their two-year term are: Gerald Smith, Bob Wilsford, Bob Shugart, and Dwayne Hopson. Playday competitors numbered 110. Format was a two-man scramble. A/B teams competed against each other; C/D teams competed against each other. Winning teams were: A/B teams: 1st: (66) Preston Klutts / Billy Woods; 2nd: (69) J.J. Walls / Brant Buck; 3rd: (69) Joe Dorman / Mark Anthony; 4th: (69) Mark Gillings / John Seefeldt; 1st place teams (L-R): C/D - Donnie Warren and Harold Bosse, 5th: (70) Bill Deborde / John A/B - Billy Woods and Preston Klutts. Leatherman; 6th: (70) Don Hanratty / Ron Spencer. C/D teams: 1st: (70) Donnie Warren / Harold Bosse; 2nd: (75) Richard Moore / Walt Scholl; 3rd: (76) Tom Nardecchia / John Padgham; 4th: (76) Tom Blackwell / Richard Mitcham; 5th: (76) Bobby Andrews / Dave Porter; 6th: (77) Keith Wilson / Rich 2nd place A/B team (L-R): Brant Buck and J.J. Walls. Gardner; Winning the Dream Team competition for 2014 were: A player: J.J. Walls (winning the tiebreakers over Joe Dorman and Mark Gillings); B player: Mark Anthony; C player: Phil Handley; and D player: Ted Grant. John Seefeldt New & Used PLUS Remanufactured Carts MGA Secretary WE WELCOME INSURANCE CLAIMS ORSBURN CARPETS H NEED FLOORING? BOB & GINA oRSBURN FOR ALL YOUR FLOORING AND DESIGN NEEDS 110 N. mAIN sT., cOLLINSVILLE, tx 76233 H H 903-429-6615 H ORSBURNCARPET.COM Professional Home Repair Danny r Shave december winners • Outdoor kitchens and patios • Interior and exterior painting • Plumbing • Electrical • Carpentry • Sheet Rock • Storm windows • Window Replacement 940-727-1150 KIOWA GOLF CARTS Sales • Service • Repairs • Batteries Brown McCrory, Owner 940-668-7394 Swafford’s &(-* DFCD9F@MA5=BH5=B98GDF=B?@9FGMGH9AK=@@ G5J9MCI')(3@9HIGG<CKMCI<CK ★&5B8G75D99G=;BCBGHFI7H=CB★F5=B5;9 ★*5H=CG★#FF=;5H=CB-MGH9AG★57?:@CK.9GH=B; ★)IH8CCF&=;<H=B;15H9F 95HIF9G MARK SWAFFORD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LI#0650, BP#015160 (940) 580-0126 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE KIOWA RESIDENT [email protected] January 2015 CommuniQue MGA News DID YOU KNOW… december winners (L-R): 2nd place C/D team Walt Scholl and Richard Moore, 3rd place A/B team Joe Dorman and Mark Anthony. (L-R): Tom Blackwell and Ron Spencer with his hole-in-one plaque. Next MGA meeting and playday Saturday, Jan. 10 11:30 a.m. Meeting 12:30 p.m. Tee-Off "Revenge on Rotor" That some golfers don’t try to make the best score on every hole in every round and don’t always post every acceptable round for peer review? Those are the basic tenets of the Handicap System and if not followed a player’s Handicap Index does not accurately reflect their potential ability. Why is that important? For fair and equitable competition. As golfers we’re all familiar with the term sandbagger—the player who artificially inflates their handicap to improve their chances of winning tournaments or bets. There’s also the opposite end of the spectrum—the player who artificially deflates their handicap to appear better than they are. Let’s call them egomeisters. In both cases, handicap manipulation not only hurts the individual manipulating the handicap, but it also hurts everyone they play with or against. In an individual or team event the sandbagger has an advantage over other competitors while the egomeister is at a disadvantage because they can’t compete on an individual basis and they drag down the whole team in a team competition. Many of us know sandbaggers and egomeisters and while the Handicap System has some checks and balances it is ultimately each of our responsibility to identify such individuals through peer review. Peer review is the one sure way to identify and correct the problem. As defined in the USGA Handicap Manual, “Peer review is the ability of players to gain an understanding of a player’s potential ability and to form a reasonable basis for supporting or disputing a score that has been posted.” Peer review is not easy because it means that someone has to step up and say something when a player manipulates the system and creates a handicap that does not accurately reflect his or her ability. You can step up and personally question a player or you can let the Handicap Committee know of your suspicions and we will investigate. The Handicap System’s purpose is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling golfers of differing abilities to compete on an equitable basis. A Handicap Index that a player’s peers have reviewed and verified as truly reflecting a player’s potential ability is the only way to ensure that happens Your Handicap Committee SAVE NOW, have fun later. Now is the time to OPEN AN INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNT (IRA) (Depending on your plan, your IRA contributions may be fully or partially deductible. Call your nearest First State Bank branch, Start saving for the future today! and start saving for the future today! Lake Kiowa Branch 6586 Fm Gainesville, TX 76240 6856 FM902. 902. Lake Kiowa, TX (Your retirement savings can grow tax-deferred or even tax free in some cases. (940) 665-1711 · WWW.F-S-B.COM (Enjoy tax advantages today on money that you set aside for tomorrow. 31 940.665.1711 WWW.F-S-B.COM First in Texas. First in Savings. Gainesville | Denton | Lake Kiowa | Muenster | Saint Jo | Valley View 32 CommuniQue January 2015 Callisburg ISD Recent Events Letter of Intent Signing Callisburg’s Brandy Carr signed a letter-of-intent with the Vernon College Lady Chaparrals volleyball team on Dec. 10 at Callisburg High School. Front Row (L-R): Mickey Carr, Vernon Asst. Coach Spurgeon, Brandy Carr, Coach Boothe, and Kay Carr. Back Row (L-R): Callisburg Principal Tommy Cummings, Jana Carr, Courtney Carr, Coach Allen, Coach Dreiling, Athletic Director Ritchie Pinckard, and Sizel Garza. Callisburg All-District Football Front Row (L-R): Rance Sanborn, Tanner Thurman, Gage Oppel, Bryce Berryman, Justin Temple, and Kalvin Teafatiller. Back Row (L-R): Dylan Morgan, Lane Hobbs, Zach Larue, Jake Parker, Garrett Smith, and Coach Ritchie Pinckard. We Clean Duct work DUCT CLEANING - FREE VIDEO INSPECTION AND PROPOSALS INSULATION - FREE EVALUATION AND PROPOSALS When was the last time BEFORE your air ducts were cleaned? Providing Insurance and Financial Services Jim Goldsworthy, Agent 113 E. California Street Gainesville, TX 76240-4001 office 940.665.7777 cell 940.736.5418 fax 940.665.7788 Taking the pain out of your game Indoor air quality is a growing concern. Dust mites, mold, mildew, smoke, pollen , and animal dander are circulated through most central air systems. Contaminants can aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms. We deep clean ducts, vents AND the indoor unit components for a COMPLETE clean! Call to set up your duct cleaning today! AFTER WE INSTALL BLOWN INSULATION, TOO! In addition to our great Heat & Air Services, we now offer Duct Cleaning and Attic Insulation! (940) 736-7455 WE CLEAN DUCT WORK Rock Taping Rehab Essential Oils Nutrition Family Chiropractic Physiotherapy Lake Kiowa Functional Chiropractic 100 Kiowa Drive West, Suite 301, Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 940-668-8755 Dr. Jami Hamilton-West, DC, CCCN 24 HOUR SERVICE 940-736-7455 Financing Available January 2015 CommuniQue 33 Callisburg ISD Recent Events Callisburg Elementary Wins at UIL December Meet The Callisburg Elementary District UIL meet was held Dec. 5 at Callisburg Elementary. Callisburg was yet again victorious with a score of 549.3 points. Some events held were Spelling, Music Memory, and Chess. Callisburg Students Collect Food for Families All-Region Band Callisburg High School announced two students who made the All-Region Band. They are Jackson Goodall (Trombone) and Kevin Miniter (Tenor Saxophone). Jackson also qualified for area try-outs on Jan. 10. TONY SMITH The Callisburg Middle School and High School students gave from their heart and exceeded expectations for the annual Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Food Drive to help families during the holidays. Way to have heart, Wildcats! TL Powersports Repair CALL ABOUT ANY OF YOUR jet ski NEEDs! sERVING LAKE KIOWA JET SKI OWNERS SINCE 2001! H Jet Ski H ATV H Motorcycle ASK ABOUT OUR SERVICE CALL DISCOUNTS Bilingual Mechanic on staff 940-665-3706 • GAINESVILLE, TX • 940-736-5857 casa of North Texas Celebrating 15 years of helping children find a safe and permanent home, because after all….. There’s No Place Like Home Make it your New Year’s Resolution to help a child in need… call 940-665-2244 to sign up for the January training Caring for eyes is our vision. For over 20 years, York Eye Associates has focused on your vision and annual eye exams are one of the most important diagnostic and preventative measures you can take to protect your eyes. Margie A. York, O.D. Cynthia G. Fleitman, O.D. William B. Plauche, M.D. Appointments by calling 2020 West Hwy. 82 in Gainesville 940.612.2020 & on Facebook “The eye is the Lamp of your body. When your eyesight is sound, you whole body is lighted up.” Luke 11:34 34 CommuniQue January 2015 Texas hold'em poker High School football season is finally over and it is great to be back at poker on Fridays. Given the number of winners this month, it looks like I’ve missed a lot of excitement! There is also a change to how poker is to be run at Lake Kiowa. Historically, players have accumulated points based on how they ranked at every game. This changed in November; now every Wednesday and Friday poker will be played as a tournament with a firstand second-place winner. Points will no longer be awarded. A small token of appreciation will be donated by the Lodge to the winners. As always, we are very grateful to the Lodge staff for their continued support of the poker group, and to Jerry Bergeron for managing the smooth running of every game. Winners in November (1st and 2nd place) were: Nov. 5 Randy Howell and Peggy Lewis; Nov. 7 Pat Mead and Roger Hereema; Nov. 12 Tom Blackwell and Craig Bell; Nov. 14 Jack Walker and Dany Ford; Nov. 19 Debbie Moody and Pat Mead; Nov. 21 Dan Deaton and Cheryl Amthor; Nov. 26 Bill Thompson and Roger Hereema; and Nov. 28 Billy Woods and Debbie Moody. The best hands this month were Debbie Moody and Brian Brister with a straight flush; Craig Bell with four aces; Elaine Blackwell and Gloria Sullo with four queens; Shirley Cramer with four jacks; Dee Irwin, Diane Slaterlee, and Sharon Smith had four nines; Pat Mead and B.R. December Best Hands Clements had four sevens; and Roger Hereema had four threes. If you are interested in playing Texas Hold ‘Em, we play every Wednesday and Friday at 6:45 p.m. at the Lodge. The game is free, with laughter in abundance, and we are always ready to welcome new players. Jennifer Mason s ’ e o J Tree Service 940-736-6437 Serving Lake Kiowa for over 20 years! Kiowa Plaza Storage Units 5x5 5x10 10x10 10x20 10x25 10x30 940-665-1524 940-736-8410 Ken Blanton Insurance Agency “People Serving People” Fire Home Auto Life Hospitalization Business Since 1946 Chance Fenoglio 406 Grand, Ste 105 • Gainesville • 940-665-5524 • Tree trimming, thinning and balancing • Tree removal • Clearing for Construction • Stump Grinding • Mistletoe Removal DEEP ROOT FEEDING that puts nutrients where the trees need it now, while beneficial microbes sustain fertility in the soil Free Estimates January 2015 CommuniQue 35 LODGE NEWS FRIENDS OF THE LODGE (FOL) Here’s wishing everyone had a happy and safe Christmas and New Year’s with family and friends. We have a lot to report this month so let’s get to it. Again, the FOL threw the party of the year with “An Evening with the Family” New Year’s Eve bash. Starting with the greeters asking “how you doin'?” and who then turned into the Ike and Tina Review entertaining the crowd and setting the mood for the night. Hope the “guys” at the door didn’t scare anyone when you had to pass them to get to the beautifully transformed Assembly Room with decorations of wine bottle chandeliers, roses, yummy bread sticks on all the tables, draped “twinkling” ceiling, and New York stage setting. The menu of pure Italian food done by the Lodge staff was “molto buono!!” Antipasto platters, Caesar salad, spaghetti and meatballs, sausage and peppers with fettuccine, chicken piccata, baked ziti, vegetables, and of course, for dessert cannoli and tiramisu. Again, “molto buono” and "lavoro avvervio bene" (job well done). BRAVO! At the stroke of midnight the balloons dropped, the champagne flowed, and everyone had a serving of black eyed peas for good luck in 2015. Toney Walsh did his usual superb job in entertaining us with his velvet voice and great choices in songs and music. The Foto Booth was a new venue for the party. It was very successful and everyone had a good time hamming it up in front of the camera with different props. There are so many people to thank it would take a whole page to list them all, but thank you to the FOL Board and all the members who helped in making this another successful event. Joint events of the FOL and the Lodge made 2014 a very busy year as we hosted the Valentine’s Day Dinner/ Dance in February, St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance, Oktoberfest in October, and Sleuths of Kiowa in November. FOL events were Member Appreciation in April, Fourth of July celebration, and the “Back to the Beach” dance (with Elvis). Like we said, a very busy year. Also ramping up to be another banner year, 2015 is starting with another Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance on Saturday, Feb. 14 with DJ Mike Neal at the helm. This year the dinner will have a French flair. The menu is being finalized, but here is a little teaser: Brie stuffed mushroom, chicken cordon bleu, and a yummy dessert for two. We want to thank everyone who made this year a great one for the FOL and the Lodge. We think we accomplished our mission by having a record number of members and promoting social events and activities at the Lodge and also promoting the enjoyment of the facilities for our Lake Kiowa residents. The 2015 membership form was mailed to everyone in the January 2015 POA statement; please make sure to complete this form and mail it in to be part of a very eventful FOL year. Again, thank you to all Lake Kiowa for a wonderful year and we look forward to seeing you in 2015! Submitted by, P&R Execs D&L Join Us for Sunday Brunch at the Lodge Served from 8 – 11 a.m. Still serving all your favorite breakfast items plus we have added: Breakfast Taco Platter French Toast Platter Chicken Tenders and Pancake Platter. Also offering for $4 per glass: Sparkling Wine Mimosa Bloody Mary’s Spray misting system distributor: Marvin’s Pest Control safe for pets! Call for Estimate! (214) 732-7378 Kills Mosquitoes & Spiders: Around Home (spider webs) Boat Docks (no more spider webs) under Decks (Mosquitoes & spiders) Around flower beds (Mosquitoes & spiders) Marvin Crew Your Friendly Kiowa Neighbor 36 CommuniQue January 2015 LAKE KIOWA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION SECURITY REPORT Nov. 13 - Dec. 10, 2014 Security patrol officers making rounds after dark during the month of December are treated to a festive holiday light show, courtesy of the property owners at Lake Kiowa. And this is in addition to the Christmas cards and baked goodies that appear at the Guardhouse in great abundance at this season. It serves to remind us of all the blessings we enjoy, year– round, in the employ of the people of Lake Kiowa. Five traffic stops were made during this reporting period, all for stop sign violations. One stranded motorist was given assistance. Three unlocked doors were found and secured, an open fire was extinguished, and three warnings were issued for putting trash out too early. Security patrol responded to two business alarms and a residence alarm and located a guest fishing without the property owner present. One auto accident was investigated. Incidents of criminal mischief reported from the cart barns, the Horseshoe Nature Trail and from the 1100 block of Kiowa Dr. E. are Lost and Found Report Dec. 16 Black/White Huffy Rock Out Bicycle Prince Tennis Racket Gary Davidson Chief of Security still under investigation. Two reports of theft were reported from residences within Lake Kiowa. Animal control activities included response to the 18 stray dog and 2 barking dog complaints received. Eight varmints were caught in traps. One citation was written for a leash law violation. A Cooke County Sheriff’s Office deputy was dispatched to Lake Kiowa to assist with an unlocked door at a business. Twenty-seven ICVFD emergency pages were received. Security Medical First Responders (ECA’s) answered two page-outs within the community. Gary Davidson Chief of Security GOLF COURSE UPDATE So far, so good this winter. Other than the cold snap in midNovember, it has been a relatively mild winter. According to the Farmers’ Almanac, this winter is forecasted to be as harsh or more harsh than last winter. Hopefully, it will be a normal North Texas winter. However, we will be prepared if or when the extreme cold hits. To guard against potential winter damage to the greens, I increased the potassium input on greens beginning in September. This helps with carbohydrate storage in the plant. Also, we are maintaining adequate moisture levels in the soil profile. I monitor soil moisture using a digital moisture meter that I purchased this past summer. Because evapotranspiration rates are lower this time of year, watering frequency and run times will be reduced. One drawback of watering this time of year is that some areas around greens will stay wet a little longer. As mentioned in a previous report, we will be conducting an irrigation audit. The main purpose of this audit will be to identify areas where we can change the nozzle size in the irrigation heads to be more efficient and reduce some overlap and potentially eliminate some of these wet areas. The addition of some drainage is a must. The first area we will address is the back side of number 7 green. We plan on tackling that during the first week of January, weather permitting. We have identified other areas that must be addressed and will get to them as we can. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us in Golf Maintenance! I hope Santa brings you everything that you asked for, assuming of course that you are all on the “Nice List.” Please continue to fill your divots and fix your pitch marks. See you around the course. Bryan Brown Golf Course Superintendent LODGE MANAGER REPORT Auld Lang Syne Should Old Acquaintance be forgot, and never thought upon; The flames of Love extinguished, and fully past and gone: Is thy sweet Heart now grown so cold, that loving Breast of thine; That thou canst never once reflect On Old lang syne. Now that 2014 is behind us, we have fond memories of all of the events and parties that were held at the Lodge this past year. We also very much look forward to the coming year and our calendar is already filling up. The Friends of the Lodge is partnering very closely with us to plan fun and exciting times at the Lodge. Valentine’s Day will be on a Saturday this year and we believe that we are THE place to celebrate with your sweetie. Don’t drive into the Metroplex, Denton, or even Gainesville – stay right here at Lake Kiowa and enjoy a French-inspired dinner, drinks, dancing, and a special treat for the Ladies! Call or e-mail Penny ASAP with your reservations. St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, July 4th, etc. will be celebrated with the best of our traditions, along will new twists where appropriate. Scots poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a traditional folk song. It is well known in many countries, especially in the English-speaking world, its traditional use being to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight. (Source - Wikipedia) Charlie Foster PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER REPORT PUBLIC WORKS Public Works would like to thank all who contributed to a happy Thanksgiving with food and helped with the Christmas decorations. The Fall Cleanup was well attended as residents helped keep Lake Kiowa beautiful. PARKS AND LAKE The lake news continues to be about the dropping of the elevation levels. The elevation level on December 4, 2014 was 698.00, an even two feet below the normal water pool. Rip rap rock has been added to complete coverage of the inflow banks at the Iriquois Park location. More rock will be added to other areas as the year progresses. Cooler water temperatures have aided in stopping some of the algae growth in the lake. Grass carp have been added to the lake and chemical treatments will continue as needed. ROADS AND BRIDGE Stop signs have been placed instead of yield signs at the corners of Navajo and San Chez. Please use care driving as the winter season can bring hazardous driving conditions at anytime. BOAT REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 1 The Security Department wishes to remind members owning boats or personal watercraft that a new registration period will begin Jan. 1 and that the new 2015 decal will be available. To obtain this decal, members must appear at the Guardhouse presenting membership cards and proof of liability insurance covering the watercraft in question. Members wishing to register new boats or jet skis will be required, as always, to present proof of ownership in addition to their membership cards and proof of liability insurance. Firsttime registrants will need to complete the Lake Kiowa Boating Safety Course, which is available online at the Lake Kiowa member website. Younger boaters age 13 and those born on or after September 1, 1993 may operate watercraft without authorized adult supervision only if they complete the Texas Boater Safety Course. This course is available online at www. tx/. It is also recommended that they complete the Lake Kiowa Boating Safety Course. Copies of the certificates of completion for any youthful operators in the household should ideally be presented at the time that watercraft are registered so that Security can keep an accurate and up-to-date database. Gary Davidson Chief of Security January 2015 CommuniQue 37 LAKE KIOWA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION LKPOA 2014-2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Kelley Stewart, President 103 Bowie Dr. E. Term Expires 2017 E-mail: Cell: [email protected] (979) 574-0525 Craig Lamkin, Vice President E-mail: 688 CR 203, Collinsville TX 76233 Home: Term Expires 2015 Cell: [email protected] (903) 429-9994 (903) 814-9325 Bill Turner, Treasurer 211 Kiowa Dr. W. Term Expires 2016 E-mail: Home: Cell: [email protected] (940) 387-7669 (940) 300-5194 Gary O’Dell, Secretary 100 Wasco Cove Term Expires 2016 E-mail: Home: [email protected] (940) 372-3156 Brent Reed, Asst. Treasurer 103 Ottawa Cv. E. Term Expires 2015 E-mail: Home: Cell: [email protected] (940) 612-1502 (940) 736-0285 Leslie Tomich, Asst. Secretary 118 Modoc Trl. W. Term Expires 2016 E-mail: Home: Cell: [email protected] (940) 612-2351 (940) 284-3372 Justin McMurry 600 Dana Lane, Keller TX 76248 Term Expires 2017 E-mail: Cell: [email protected] (817) 980-7378 D Noble 210 Pueblo Dr. E. Term Expires 2017 E-mail: Cell: [email protected] (903) 738-9218 Jay Titus 320 Navajo Trl. W. Term Expires 2015 E-mail: Home: Cell: [email protected] (940) 668-7676 (940) 902-7128 Randy Schmaltz, Comm. Mgr. 1227 Kiowa Dr. W. E-mail: [email protected] Office: (940) 665-1055 Cell: (940) 634-9995 Lake Kiowa CommuniQué Advertising Cost Schedule Effective 10-1-2014 Advertising Contact: Margie Wear - 940.736.3339 Office: 940.665.4275 E-mail: [email protected] Black & White AD OPTION Full Process Color COST COST Full Page* 590.00 735.00 Half Page* 295.00 370.00 Quarter Page** 150.00 185.00 Quarter Page Banner* 150.00 185.00 One-Eighth Page** 75.00 95.00 One-Eighth Page Banner* 75.00 95.00 Business Card** 40.00 50.00 *4 column l wide id **2 column l wide id Above costs Ab t iinclude l d one prooff and d one revision. i i Additional revisions charged at $20 hourly rate. AD SPACE AND CONTENT RESERVATION DEADLINE - 15th of prior month COPY/DIGITAL-READY ADS DEADLINE - 18th of prior month PAYMENT REQUIREMENT Prepayment is required by the 18th for all advertisements Acceptable payment: Debit or Credit card (VISA, Master Card, Discover only) Check or LK resident Lot # Cash payments accepted only at LKPOA Office Make check payable to: Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association, 107 Kiowa Dr. S., Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 MARKET PLACE ADS (All ads one column wide - 1.8167" Vertical Sizes: 1" = $8 2" = $16 3" = $24 File Graphic = Add'l $1.00 No Proof Available FLYER INSERT - $150 Preprinted flyer Provided by customer 1900 copies POLITICAL ADS Maximum size 1/4 page Max. Size 8.5" x 11" No Proof Available One (1) Proof Available LKPOA 2014-2015 COMMITTEES ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Requires at least three members with board member serving as chair. Gary O’Dell (Chair), (940) 3723156, (E-mail: gary.gwodee.odell@ Members: Harold Bosse, Ed Cooke, Don Knox, Jim Mead, LKPOA Compliance Officer (ex officio). CELEBRATION COMMITTEE: D Noble (Chair), (940) 738-9218, (E-mail: [email protected]). Members: Sharon Clements, Rick Ramsey, Gerald Smith, Billy Woods. COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE: Justin McMurry (Chair), (817) 980-7378, (E-mail: cjmcmurry@ Members: LaQuita Barton, Bill Burhans, Linda Teagarden. ELECTION COMMITTEE: Susan Metzler (Chair): (940) 736-3209), (E-mail: mssmetzler@ Members: Marion Hoeflein (Election Judge), Reba Chisum, Joanne Dorsch, Carolyn Jacobsen, Mary Ann Johnson, Kay Kane, Ann LaRue, Clara Lemming, Margie Nash, Judy Neal, Madolyn Tomlin, Bill Turner. FACILITIES COMMITTEE: Brent Reed (Chair), (940) 7360285, (E-mail: brentreed55@ Members: Gary Cotten, Pat Jessee, Gerald Smith. GOLF COMMITTEE: Gary O’Dell (Chair), (940) 3723156, (E-mail: g-dell@sbcglobal. net). Members: Billy Aday MGA; Tom Blackwell, MGA; Joe Dorman, Couples Golf; Karen Brewton, WGA; Paula Brinson WGA; Craig Lamkin, Handicap Committee; Bryan Brown, Course Superintendent (ex officio); Brown McCrory, Golf Pro (ex officio). INFORMATION SYSTEMS COMMITTEE: Justin McMurry (Chair), (817) 980-7378, (E-mail: cjmcmurry@ Member: Scott Manning. LAKE & PARKS COMMITTEE: Bill Turner (Chair), (940) 3877669, (E-mail: wfturner@verizon. net). Members: Randy Andrews, Mike Bitsche, Denny Engels, Randy Howell; Wayne Kyle, Mike Merolla, Ken Minter, John Schneider, Jason Snuggs. LAND USE COMMITTEE: Bob Bergbower (Chair), (940) 641-0328, (E-mail: bergy@ntin. net). Members: Jim Hawkins, Bob Hughes, Linda Keeney, Craig Lamkin. LODGE & TAVERN COMMITTEE: Requires at least three members, with board member as chair. Brent Reed (Chair), (940) 6121502, (E-mail: brentreed55@ yahoo. com). Members: J.B. Cole, Jack Thies. LONG-RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Requires at least seven members with staggered terms, with board member as chair. Craig Lamkin (Chair), (940) 8149325, (E-mail: pecos@dtnspeed. net). Members: Dan Busch, Gary Cotten, Don Hanratty, Diane Hickle, Carol Johnson, Mike McDonald, Jim Nehib, Kelye Stites. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Gerald Smith (Chair), (972) 7544607, (E-mail: Gerald.Smith@ Members: Mike Brindle, Ed Cooke, Donna Marfice, Janice Richey, Jerry Slater. RULES ENFORCEMENT COMMITTEE: Requires at least five members; board members cannot serve. Jim Lewis (Chair), (940) 6657785, (E-mail: jlewis8585@aol. com). Members: Paulette Andrews, Tom Blackwell, Monika Botha, Corky Cohoon. WAYS & MEANS COMMITTEE: Jess Maxwell (Chair), (940) 6651811, (E-mail: [email protected]). Members: Bob Brewton, Bill Richey, Brent Reed, Jack Thies. 38 CommuniQue January 2015 LAKE KIOWA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION CONTACT US Lake Kiowa CommuniQué Published monthly by the Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association 107 Kiowa Drive South Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 Lake Kiowa CommuniQué Office Phone: (940) 665-4275 STAFF Editor: Bill Burhans Advertising: Margie Wear Graphic Artist: Ila Cousino Publishing: Linda Teagarden, Marcy Titus, Karen Vander Molen SUBMISSION DEADLINE Advertising Copy Due 15th of Preceding Month Mail or drop off to the LKPOA office, Lodge office or e-mail [email protected] or call (940) 736-3339. Editorial Copy Due 15th of Preceding Month Mail or drop off to LKPOA office, Lodge Office or e-mail to [email protected]. Paid subscriptions to Lake Kiowa CommuniQué mailed First Class upon request - $28 annually. Contact LKPOA (940) 665-1055. Digital copy available at: Paid Advertisers and “Letters To the Editor” do not necessarily reflect views of the LKPOA and endorsement is not intended. Editorial Policy The policy and purpose of this publication is to inform all residents of events and activities within our community, to report on actions and decisions made by our Lake Kiowa Property Owners Association Board of Directors, and to publish the results of those decisions. Information is important for everyone to know that problems are being worked on and remedies are being sought. The following items will be accepted for publication: Events and information about Kiowa organizations that are open to all residents; events in our surrounding communities when Kiowa residents may be involved in them; and Items of a personal nature that reflect on the generous character of our residents or a milestone in their lives. A Letter to the Editor should be less than 350 words in length and will be accepted if it presents a thoughtful and constructive view to an issue that may be controversial within our community. It may be reviewed and verified for factual accuracy by the appropriate authority. The factual clarification will be published along with the letter. The letter should be typed or in legible handwriting, signed by a verifiable resident, and will be published unedited with misspellings indicated when necessary. If handwriting cannot be easily read, it cannot be used. The CommuniQué will not be responsible for misreading a handwritten word. A letter may be refused publication if space is limited. If several letters are received expressing the same view, one may be chosen for publication. Letters containing personal attacks, selfpromotion, or advertising will not be published. Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the view of this newspaper or its advertisers. LKPOA PERMITS Nov. 14 thru Dec. 11, 2014 Boat Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fire Pit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fireplace Renovation . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Landscaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 New Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Patio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Patio Extension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Patio Renovation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pergola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Renovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Septic System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 January 2015 CommuniQue 39 LAKE KIOWA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION LAKE KIOWA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING MONDAY NOVEMBER 17, 2014 SOUTHWEST ROOM - 6 p.m. President Kelley Stewart called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. President Stewart led the Pledge of Allegiance. Introduction of New Attendees None present Establish a Quorum - D Noble was absent. Craig Lamkin made the motion to approve the minutes for October 20, 2014 and was seconded by Jay Titus. All were in favor. Motion carried. Leslie Tomich abstained. Bob Bergbower, President of the Lodge and Tavern Corporation in compliance with the requirements of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, called the annual meeting to order and gave a report on the condition of Lake Kiowa Lodge and Tavern. He proposed a change in the bylaws for board members serving terms on this Corporation from 1 year to 3 years. Bill Burhans made the motion to approve the proposal and was seconded by Ron Spencer. All were in favor. Motion carried. Three Director positions were up and Bob Bergbower, Bob Hughes and Joan Carroll were nominated. Brent Reed made the motion to close the nominations that they be elected by acclamation and was seconded by Craig Lamkin. All were in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Bergbower closed the meeting of the Lodge and Tavern Corporation. Gary O’Dell, Chairman of the Architectural Control Committee, presented a proposal to change the Sprinkler Rule in the ACC handbook. He explained that the change was prompted by the Lake Kiowa Special Utility District and the need to have better control of irrigation systems. He explained that the change in the rule would not change the requirements that are already in existence, but it would give better control. Brent Reed made the motion to approve the change and was seconded by Gary O’Dell. All were in favor. Motion carried. Gary O’Dell, Chairman of the Golf Committee, presented a change in the Policy, Procedures and Rules handbook rule number 3.7.1a Special Events and Tournaments and number 4.3.11.a(9) Approval of Special Events and Tournaments. He explained that the purpose was to put the control of these events with the Golf Committee and Board of Directors. Craig Lamkin made the motion to approve the change and was seconded by Brent Reed. All were in favor. Motion carried. Bill Turner gave the Treasurer report. He said that we had a net revenue of $23,307 for October with some of the drivers being the Lodge and Tavern. He said that there had been an increase in parties which was the reason for the increase in Food and Beverage sales. Also Administration expenses were less on account of new personnel being paid less and the Central Garage has been short one person. Investment Proposal - Bill Turner stated that currently, with the exception of a 3 year $250K CD REPEAT OFFENDER VIOLATIONS January 2014 If you have received a citation and have questions, all rules can be found on the Lake Kiowa Website. Additionally, you may call Gary Davidson at (940) 665-3221 or Randy Schmaltz at (940) 665-1055. All written notifications will be mailed directly to you as soon as possible. Parents or guardians of minors will be notified immediately if their child has received a citation. In accordance with Rule 4.2.7.C, the LKPOA is required to post the names and lot numbers of repeat rule offenders. Rule 4.2.7.C states: “Two or more infractions of the same rule, two or more infractions in the same category, or more than one Serious or Major infraction in any combination and regardless of the rule or category within (1) year are considered a repeat offense. In all cases the names of repeat offenders will be printed in the Association newspaper.” By rule, the following property owners are classified as repeat offenders: William Herring, Lot 1754: Rule 4.3.1.f (1) Positive Control of Pets – 2/5/14 and 2/24/14. Dan T. Redington, Lot 404: Rule 4.3.2.c Reckless Driving – 7/4/14; Rule 4.3.1.r Juvenile Curfew and Rule 4.3.2.e.(3) Golf Cart Operation – 7/10/14. Danny Shaver, Lot 631: Rule 4.3.1.a Damage to Property and Rule 4.3.2.c Reckless Driving – 3/27/14; Rule 4.3.1.g.(2) Offensive Language and Rule 4.3.2.a.(3) Traffic Control Devices –7/10/14. Stephanie Yates, Lot 1219: Rule 4.3.1.f Positive Control of Pets—6/6/14; Rule 4.3.1.o Identification Cards Not Transferable—10/10/14. Tohnni Whitt, Lot 143: Rule 4.3.1.a Damage to Property-3/27/14; Rule 4.3.2.b Posted Speed Limit—10/1/14. paying 1% interest, the POA’s funds were earning .1% - .2%. The LKPOA is currently earning approximately $4,400 interest a year. He suggested we move approximately $1 million in $240K - $250K increments for periods of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and one year. When each of these four new accounts matured they would be rolled over for a one year period thereby providing the liquidity of having $240K - $250K maturing every three months. This movement of funds could potentially increase the LKPOA’s yearly interest by over $5,000. Financial relations with First State Bank, NASCOGA, and Muenster State Bank will be maintained. After questions President Stewart suggested that we form a plan of exactly where funds would be placed and the interest they would earn. There was also concern of how much a penalty we would incur in case we needed to withdraw these funds before maturity. Mr. Turner said he would research this and inform the board at the next meeting. Managers’ Report a. Golf Cart replacement- Randy Schmaltz informed the Board that the Golf Course was in need to replace a golf cart that was not working with an Utility Vehicle. He has received 2 bids for the replacement. One was for a John Deere mule for $9,100 and the other was for a EZ-Go for $5,600. It was decided that the vehicle would come from Luber Bros. which was an EZ-Go Terrain 250G at a cost of $5,600 - $1,000 trade in. This would bring the price to $4,600. The money will come from the ARRF Fund. It was also noted that this vehicle has been lightly used, but would come with a standard 1 year warranty. Additional Business - Justin McMurry asked about the ID cards and their status. Randy Schmaltz said that they were working on the system and should be ready to start inputting information within about 2 to 3 weeks. Also the system is waiting on the Lodge Manager to get the menu put into the system. Also inquired about accidents at Lake Kiowa. There had been some very minor accidents involving mailboxes and one where the guard house was struck by a ladder in a pickup. Craig Lamkin inquired if there was a need to increase the Grass Carp and was informed that they were placed in the Lake on Thursday, November 13 and to put more in would require a new permit. Kelley Stewart asked about the new street signs. They have been ordered and will be installed as soon as they arrive. Craig Lamkin asked about the two new stop signs at San Chez and Kiowa Drive West and at Mohican and Kiowa Drive West. Randy Schmaltz said those should not have been changed and he would have them changed back to Yields. Questions from the Audience - None were asked. At 7:38 p.m. Jay Titus made the motion to enter into an Executive Session and was seconded by Craig Lamkin. All were in favor. Motion carried. At 7:48 p.m. Craig Lamkin made the motion to adjourn the Executive Session and was seconded by Leslie Tomich. All were in favor. Motion carried. Discussed during Executive Session was the sale of a POA owned lot. Brent Reed made the motion to adjourn at 7:49 p.m. and was seconded by Bill Turner. All were in favor. Motion carried. Submitted by Gary O’Dell, Secretary NOTICE The next monthly LKPOA Board Meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 12 6 p.m. at the Lodge. 40 CommuniQue January 2015 LAKE KIOWA SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT LAKE KIOWA SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT 133 Kiowa Drive South Lake Kiowa, Texas 76240-9539 (940) 668-8391 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS DATE: Wed., Nov. 12, 2014 TIME: 9 a.m. PLACE: 133 Kiowa Dr. S., Lake Kiowa, Texas 76240 Minutes 1. Call to Order and Declaration of Quorum: Meeting was called to order by President Maxwell at 9:02 a.m. All Directors were present along with General Manager Young. 2. Review and approval of minutes October 22, 2014 regular board meeting: Vice President Thies made a motion to accept the minutes as prepared and Secretary Anselmi seconded the motion and all were in favor 3. Public Comment. (Speakers limited to 5 minutes each): None 4. New Business: a) Discussion and possible action on approval of employee increase in TCDRS rate: Vice President Thies made a motion to allow the employees to increase the percentage made to the TCDRS retirement program from 5% to 7% beginning January 1, 2015. Director White seconded the motion and all approved. b) Discussion and possible action on requesting easement from LKPOA to the west of and across the current Driving range area: General Manager Young explained to the board the need to request an easement from the LKPOA for a water line from the new elevated storage tank to be constructed to the existing distribution system along the driving range location. He told them that our attorney is working on the easement and that he would submit it to the LKPOA for approval. Director Bergbower made a motion to table the item and Vice President Thies seconded the motion. All were if favor. 5. Old Business a) Discussion and possible action on approval of 2013/2014 annual audit report: Manager Young presented the Board with the 2013/2014 annual audit report. The manager along with Treasurer Dressel answered questions from the board. It was decided that it was a good representation of our financial position. Treasurer Dressel made a motion to accept the audit report for fiscal year 2013/2014 and the motion was seconded by Director Bergbower and all were in favor. b) Update on purchase of new utility service truck: Manager Young updated the Directors on the purchase of a one-ton Ford truck from Holiday Fleet Company. The current half-ton vehicle will be traded and we should be receiving the new vehicle in a couple of months. c) Update on fixed base meter reading system bidding process: Manager Young gave the Directors an update on what has been completed and what is ongoing with the fixed base meter reading system. He hopes to be ready to go out for bid in December. d) Discussion and update on Waterline replacement/tank program: Manager Young told the Directors that Cobb Fendley Engineers has completed the approval process for the elevated tank and that the tank bids should be going out in a couple of weeks. He also told them that the final item needed for submittal of stage one of the water line replace program has been acquired and forwarded to TWDB (Texas Water Development Board). 6. Committee reports: a) Human Resources (HR) Committee: A meeting is to be held in the first week of December. b) Budget and Rates Committee: None c) Long-range Planning and Conservation Committee: None 7. General Manager’s report re: review of financial documents; water system maintenance and status; status of various projects; and recommendations for improving the water system and customer relations; and recent activities of the North Texas Groundwater Conservation District: General Manager Young stated that everything is back to normal with the water system. He explained that while the ground storage tank located below the dam was not in service that the well pump at the #4 station located behind the fire department stopped operating. This left us with only the original well and pump station in operation. He expressed his thanks for all who helped in getting out the information and for the cooperation of stopping outside watering during that time. The well pump has been replaced and is back in service and the pumps have now been reattached to the new ground storage tank below the dam and everything is back online. Our new vacuum excavator has been used several times now to repair main and service line breaks. It has made the repairs safer and faster. The cleanup around the leaks has been made easier using the new excavator and properties are able to be restored better. Manager Young then went through the financial statements with the board answering any questions. 8. Review and accept monthly financial report(s) and approve payment of bills: Director Bergbower made a motion to accept the financial reports as presented and approve the payment of bills. The motion was seconded by Vice President Thies and all were in favor. 9. Discussion on future agenda items: HR report, waterline replacement update, fixed base meter reading bid, elevated water tank bids. 10. Adjourn: A motion to adjourn was made by Vice President Thies and seconded by Director White and all were in favor. Ronny P. Young, Deputy Secretary January 2015 CommuniQue 41 INDIAN CREEK VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT MINUTES INDIAN CREEK VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: President Tomlin called meeting to order at 7 p.m. Board members present were: President Ed Tomlin, Vice-President Bob Hughes and Assistant Treasurer Bonnie Woodruff. Board members absent were: Secretary Sam Moore and Treasurer Rosina Salsman. A quorum was established. Also in attendance were Chief Bob Pistor, Assistant Chief Bryan Buchanan, Lieutenant Lou Vander Molen and Karen Vander Molen. APPROVE MINUTES: VP Hughes made a motion to approve minutes from October 9, 2014 meeting. Assistant Treasurer Woodruff seconded. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Salsman submitted the following report to all Board members for the month of October 2014, via e-mail on November 12, 2014: First State Bank – ICVFD Cash in Bank Cash in Bank September 30, 2014. $92,820.38 Income. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,475.00 Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . -2,148.37 Capital Expense Investment Activities. . . -111.70 Restricted Net Asset Financing Activities. . . . . . . 0.00 Fundraiser Income. . . . . . . . . 35.41 Total First State Bank – ICVFD Cash in Bank at EOM. . . . . . . . . . $93,070.72 First State Bank – ICVFD Cash in Bank Distribution ICVFD Operating .Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17,983.22 Capital Expense Allocation Building. . . 10,000.00 Capital Expense Allocation Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00 Capital Expense . Allocation Equipment . . 18,087.50 Capital Expense .Allocation Vehicles . . . 47,000.00 Restricted Net Asset. . . . . . . . . 0.00 Total First State Bank – .ICVFD Cash in Bank. . $93,070.72 Nascoga Federal Credit Union – ICVFD Cash in Bank Distribution ICVFD Savings Account. . $100.00 Total Nascoga Federal CU – ICVFD Cash in Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 TOTAL CASH IN BANK FIRST STATE & NASCOGA . . . . . . . . $93,170.72 A motion was made by VP Hughes to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted and was seconded by Assistant Treasurer Woodruff. Motion carried. Due to Treasurer Salsman being unable to make the meeting, she asked President Tomlin to tell all Board members that our annual audit needs to be completed soon, so that we can present the findings at our annual meeting in February 2015. Treasurer Salsman will follow up with audit information at the next board meeting. FIRE CHIEF’S REPORT: The October incident reports reflected 13 calls compared to 25 in October of 2013. There was 1 building fire, 9 medical assist/assist EMS crew, 1 emergency medical service, other, 2 dispatched and cancelled enroute. ISO update: Chief Pistor is still waiting to hear back on the ISO inspection results. EMS/Service Vehicle: November 10, 2014 Assistant Chief Buchanan, sent out an e-mail to all board members asking them to give approval authorizing him to bid on a 2004 Suburban ¾-T with 100,000 miles that is being sold by Arlington Fire Department through Rene’ Bates Internet auction. Board members gave Assistant Chief Buchanan the go ahead and he received the winning bid of $5,050.00. Tonight Chief Pistor asked the board to approve the issuance of a cashier’s check for $5,050 to be paid to Rene’ Bates this coming week. The motion was made by Vice-President Hughes and seconded by President Tomlin. Vote to allow Chief Pistor to obtain a cashier’s check from First State Bank in the amount of $5,050 was approved unanimously. The unit will be used primarily for an EMS response vehicle, but can also be used as a personnel carrier for training and for mutual aid fires, an incident command vehicle, a rehab vehicle, take home vehicle, etc. In past meetings, it was decided that if the old tanker was sold, that the money collected from the sale ($5,900) would be used to purchase and outfit a new vehicle for one or more of these purposes. Assistant Chief Buchanan estimates that it will cost an extra $500 to make-ready. Letter from LKSUD: ICVFD received a letter from LKSUD this week requesting that ICVFD agree to not flow hydrants above 20 psi residual. The letter also stated that we are to call LKSUD the 1st of each month and tell them how much water we’ve used in the previous month. The area departments that give us mutual A future firefighter enjoys activities at the Lake Kiowa front gate lighting ceremony on Nov. 27. aid also received this letter. The letter was discussed and the board agreed that our attorney, Lynn Switzer, should look the letter over before President Tomlin signs it. NEW BUSINESS: On November 13, 2014, Chief Pistor and Assistant Chief Buchanan, met with the Fire Chief of the Oak Ridge Volunteer Fire Department (ORVFD). The discussion was in regards to the termination of services by the ORVFD in their fire district. There was a discussion regarding the possibility of Indian Creek Volunteer Fire Department (ICVFD) assuming coverage of the ORVFD fire district. This topic will be discussed with Cooke County Fire Marshal Ray Fletcher and ICVFD on November 17, 2014. The discussion will be about absorbing some or all of ORVFD fire district. The topic of an Emergency Services District (ESD) was opened as an option. An ESD is funded through taxes based on assessed valuation of your property. Discussion on these topics will be addressed at the next month’s board meeting. OTHER BUSNESS: Vice-President Hughes has arranged with the Lodge staff and the golf tournament board for next year’s fundraiser and golf tournament – the dates are: April 18-20, 2015. Everyone needs to be “brainstorming” for possible new ideas for the fundraiser—it is being suggested that we do something other than an auction this year to raise money. We just mailed out our annual donation letter to all fire district residents. The cost for postage was a little over $400. Next year we need to consider obtaining a bulk mailing permit from the US Post Office to save some money in postage throughout the year. The cost of the Permit is $450 for the first year and $200 per year after the initial year. Chief Pistor is going to ask the Cooke County Fire Chief’s Association to purchase a mailing permit, so that all of the county fire departments can use it. Through President Tomlin, Secretary Moore wants to let everyone know that the ICVFD website has now been updated with new apparatus and members. Check it out! Secretary Moore put together a notebook with all of the department’s insurance information from VFIS of Texas. The notebook is now located in Chief’s office for easy retrieval and reference. ADJOURNMENT: Vice-President Hughes made a motion to adjourn. President Tomlin seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. The next meeting date will be Thursday, December 11, 2014, at 7 p.m., at 550 Kiowa Drive West. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Woodruff (filling in for Sam Moore) Assistant Treasurer 42 CommuniQue January 2015 The MARKETPLACE To Advertise, Call Margie Wear (940) 736-3339 • E-mail: [email protected] Submission deadline is the 15th of the preceding month Vertical ad costs: 1” - $8; 2” - $16; 3” - $24 Calling Lake Kiowa Musicians! PUBLIC SHREDDING Worried about identity theft? Let us shred those questionable documents for you! Credit cards - floppy disks. $.79 lb. $3.00 Minimum Bass guitar player new to area. Mature. Looking for other musicians to play for fun when schedules connect. All styles of music. Electric or acoustic. Email Mark: [email protected] or leave msg. (940) 665-6207 DUSTIN OFFICE MACHINES 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F 105B E. California St. Gainesville, Tx 76240 (940) 665-5594 A.M. SERVICES INC. OLVE R A WATERFRONT CONSTRUCTION Landscape & Irrigation We specialize in: Retaining Walls Boat Houses Docks • Landscape Design & Installation • Irrigation Installation & Repair • Custom Stone Work • Arbors/Pergolas • Drainage Corrections One-year lease required. Two lots available. LKPOA deposit req. Call (940) 372-9909 Lake Kiowa Realty Lot #605 on Pueblo just listed. Near East Gate, some trees. Elaine Otway (940) 736-0022 100 Kiowa Dr. West Commercial Office Space Will finish out to suit tenant. (940) 727-1115 Bill Hamilton ROGER BLACK, OWNER (940) 736-6754 License #TPCL3507 Have a Happy New Year! LAKE KIOWA LAWN CARE John Stewart (903) 814-3736 •Mowing •Weed Eating •Edging •Preemergent •Fertilizing •Shrub Trimming •Tree Trimming •Gutters Cleaned •Leaves Mulched •Lots Cleaned Up •Weed Control: Lawns & Lots & Driveways •Deep Root Feeding Lake Kiowa Premiere Real Estate Home Sites for Sale (940) 665-3300 Lot #130 • 101 Manito Cv. E. $289,500•Waterfront Lot # 496 • 111 Pontiac Dr E• $8000•Great Lot, great price! Lot #534•107 Chism Cv. E. $18,000•Interior cul-de-sac Lot #768•1245 Kiowa Dr. W. $205,000•Lakefront w/golf views Lot #814•724 Kiowa Dr. W. $35,000•12th Fairway Lot #1082•118 Seminole Cv. E. $13,900•treed cul-de-sac Lot #784• 826 Kiowa Dr. W. $35,000 • overlooks 18th green Lot #1807 • 108 Pawnee Trl. $38,000 1.5 treed golf course lot Let me help you organize. Contact me for an estimate. Diane Paulsen (817) 797-5376 [email protected] Kiowa Residents GOING OUT OF TOWN? I will care for your mail, papers, pets and plants. DON KANE 940-641-0599 cell 940-665-0868 home HAPPY NEW YEAR Looking for a Dedicated Realtor? A resident of Lake Kiowa since 1992, I will go above and beyond my clients’ expectations, whether you are buying, selling or leasing. Please give me a call at Lake Kiowa Realty. Elaine Otway (940) 736-0022 For Sale 23 Acres For Sale Very AFFORDABLE Prices !!! Call Danny Brown (214) 425-0846 (FREE estimates) SELLING? Utilize my 38 years experience for your gain. Don Schneider Lake Kiowa Realty (940) 736-8889 926 Kiowa Dr. W. 3 bedroom house on golf course $150,000 (805) 390-4377 Phillipians 4:13 LAKE KIOWA COMPUTER REPAIR Setup and repair of Apple & PC computers. Setup of iPads & iPhones. (972) 439-1403 SETH MCGOWAN CELL: 903.267.3071 DON’S LAWN SERVICE Mowing, Edging, Weed Eating & Hedge Trimming 940.580.0158 940-736-0097 Mowing • Shrub Trimming Mulching•Limb & Leaf Clean Up • Clean Gutters • Fertilizing •Weed Control Brown’s Lawn Care MH Construction •All types of remodels •No job too small •We also do make ready’s on homes being sold •We can help you with that buyer’s inspection report AIR CONDITIONING IN BUSINESS SINCE 1996 2015 Mike’s Handy Man Call Craig Harper, Kiowa T.L.C. E-mail: harper-craig@ L111078 • BP8945 $150 per mo. PEST CONTROL & PRE-CONSTRUCTION TERMITE TREATMENT Call Eddy 903.263.9764 903.588.4061 (940) 634-2234 Brian McDonald for golf privileges IN BUSINESS SINCE 1976 Installation & Repair Over 14 years experience Lease lot ALLIANCE PEST CONTROL Tired of the clutter? EPA/ACR CERTIFIED TECH & HEATING, PLUMBING, BACKFLOW SERVICE & INSPECTION [email protected] GREEN BULL COMPANY 6700 FM 902 STE 103 LAKE KIOWA, TX 76240 M A R Y K A Y Dori Gehr Independent Beauty Consultant 972.965.6347 [email protected] Prime Waterfront Lake Lot 1/2 acre 1014 Kiowa Dr.E. Lot 1403 $399,000 Realtors welcome email texasthreestep@ House For Rent - 3/2/2 Just outside East Gate. Borders Lake Kiowa on two sides. Will consider splitting. Golf course home $10,000/acre (940) 612-1224 or (940) 727-8042 (805) 390-4377 Approx 1800 sq. ft. A/C, W&D, w/FP $1175 incl POA dues Avail. Jan. 2015 January 2015 CommuniQue The 43 MARKETPLACE To Advertise, Call Margie Wear (940) 736-3339 • E-mail: [email protected] Submission deadline is the 15th of the preceding month Vertical ad costs: 1” - $8; 2” - $16; 3” - $24 Bright Window Washing Service Power Washing PROFESSIONAL HOME REPAIR & REMODELING 118 Santa Fe Trail Lake Kiowa, TX 76240 Bus: (940) 665-9326 Cell: (940) 736-7221 Premier Lawn & Landscape Lone Oak Veterinary Clinic Dale P. Gleason, DVM 13074 S. FM 372 Valley View, Texas 76272 940-637-2966 Locally owned & operated by Large & Small Animal Preventive & Emergency Medicine Farm and House Calls Available Find us on Facebook DANNY SHAVER Office (940) 641-2030 Cell (940) 727-1150 Small-Job Specialist See ad on page 30 We offer complete Lawn & Landscape Maintenance Ref. upon request. Call Mickey @ 903-821-0692 I have 40 years experience in every facet, every aspect of constructing, repairing, restoring and remodeling a home. Working on the very same homes in Highland Park for 25+ years has provided me with insights into what procedures and which materials work best. I now work alone (and I really do not care for the commute), so small projects are preferred. Call me if I can be of assistance to you. We look forward to working in your yard! JACK OF ALL TRADES HOME REPAIR ALL TYPES OF REPAIR PAINTING LIGHT CARPENTRY ODD JOBS HELP AND ADVICE Don Rogers (940) 634-2703 WINDOW COVERINGS JACK WALKER (940) 372-1388 By Ben Davis Blinds• Shades Shutters Motorization C o mm e r c i a l Residential A-1 Sprinkler & Landscape for all your irrigation needs! (940) 736-9329 (940) 668-2532 Custom Products at Factory Prices MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT SPECIALIST One Brick Repair! Bob Bingham Are you paying too much? Are you on the best plan for the money? I will quote rates over the phone. Are you ready to review your current plan? Do you have questions concerning Medicare? Change your plan during the year. CALL ME! (940) 665-8003 (940) 736-4683 All types of masonry repairs: Sidewalk, Driveway, Mailboxes, Arches, Chimneys, Fireplaces & Crack Repairs. Mike Justice PARKER ELECTRIC Since 1942 24/7 Emergency Service Landscape Lighting Repair/Install Electrical Boat Dock Pool & Hot Tub Troubleshooting Service Upgrades (940) 206-1495 Licensed & Insured In Business since 1967. Lake Kiowa References Available. Family Owned & Operated (940) 665-2721 Sprinkler System Repair “Specialist” Installation Backflow Testing Landscape Design & Construction, Drainage, Water Features, Patios, Lighting Landscape Architect LI #650 BP #15160 Call Mark Swafford (940) 580-0126 Kiowa Resident Ask for Senior Discount PLANTS, PLANTS, PLANTS! WATER CONSERVATION LANDSCAPES CALL MARK SWAFFORD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Kiowa Resident (940) 580-0126 Browns Backflow Assembly Testing & Repair 15 years experience Lic. #BP0003230 Call (940) 736-6684 or (940) 634-1360 GAINESVILLE H E AT & A I R JACK CARTER, OWNER WE SERVICE ALL MAKES & MODELS Gainesville, Texas 76240 License B015069E e-mail [email protected] Mosquito Problems? SKEETOBUSTERS No More: Mosquitos, Grubs, Ants, Snakes or Scorpions. Call SWAFFORD’S LANDSCAPE (940) 580-0126 SILMON’S PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PROFESSIONAL WORKMANSHIP 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE Home (940) 665-7431 Cell (940) 736-7271 MARKET PLACE ADVERTISING Website: 940.727.8186 Over 30 yrs. experience An Independent LENNOX dealer continues on pg 44 44 CommuniQue January 2015 The MARKETPLACE To Advertise, Call Margie Wear (940) 736-3339 • E-mail: [email protected] Submission deadline is the 15th of the preceding month Vertical ad costs: 1” - $8; 2” - $16; 3” - $24 WANTED: SHAPE MAKER PERSONAL TRAINING Let me help you reach your goals. Nutritional Counseling, Cardio, Weights & More. In your Home or at the Gym. Danielle Ellis (817) 909-1905 Cell Guns & Wooden Fishing Lures Don Schneider (940) 736-8889 SPARKLE WINDOW CL E A N I N G Co m m e r c ia l & Residential Profesionally Cleaned I-35 RV SUPER CENTER (Next to Camping World in Denton) All Types of Service Including Mobil Service Largest selections of PreOwned RV’s Free Appraisals Lake Kiowa Mini Warehouse Boat - Land Inside Storage You Lock - You Store Largest RV Dealer Specializing in Consignments Call for an appointment. We Buy RV’s Emerg. 940-727-3877 (940) 891-4155 940-665-6227 FAX 940-665-9787 Across from Lake Kiowa, TX ADVERTISER INDEX 3T’s (TJ’s Terrific Touch)................28 902 Bar and Grill ...........................27 a2z Organizing................................14 Absolute Heat & Air.......................32 Absolute Urgent Care.......................4 ACE Heating & Air Inc.....................4 Barton’s Interiors............................13 Big Tree Self Storage......................19 Bluebonnet Custom Homes Inc......15 Bouchard, Barry - Yard Service......28 Brown’s Backflow Assembly..........21 Carpet Pro.......................................22 Carrus Hospitals..............................11 CASA of North Texas Inc...............33 Cooke County Electric Co-op.........19 Cooke County Moving & Storage...27 Cravens MaGouirk Mechanical LLC..........................19 D&L Farm and Home.....................35 David’s Tree Service.......................14 DH Design......................................10 DS Consignment Sales Let me sell for “U” Gently Used Furniture, Home Décor, Hand-Made Items New Arrivals Weekly! Offering New Furniture & Mattresses Direct from Manufacturers 835 N. Grand Ave. Gainesville 940-612-2112 940-736-9346 In s u r e d BIG TREE SELF STORAGE FM 902 1 mile East of Lake Kiowa Units: 8x10, 10x15, 10x20 PAD SITES AVAILABLE FOR RVS Bird Hunt near Lindsay with Dog. $50 for the Hunt + cost of birds. $6/Quail and $8/Chucker FENCED AND GATED 24-HOUR VIDEO SURVEILLANCE Electronic Keypad Gate Access (940) 727-2371 LAKE KIOWA Contact (940) 727-8042 CommuniQue Dorman, Dee - Realtor....................16 Doug’s Corner.................................10 Ewing Heating & Air......................10 First State Bank...............................31 First State Bank - Travel.................14 Galvan Landscape Inc.....................23 Great Southwest Roofing Co..........18 Green Bull LLC..............................17 Heffley’s Hearth & Home...............13 Hesse-Schniederjan Heat & Air......13 Home Star Lawn and Pest Control...27 Huddleston Homes..........................29 Hutcherson Custom Homes, Inc.....20 Hutcherson Insurance......................23 I-35 RV Super Center......................21 Joe’s Tree Service...........................34 Ken Blanton Insurance Agency.......34 Kessler Cleaning Service................18 Kiowa Golf Carts............................30 Kiowa Plaza Storage Units.............34 Kiowa Station....................................6 PEST CONTROL Residential & Commercial Extermination Termite Specialist “Spider Be Gone” Distributor (Automatic Spray Misting System) Homes, Boat Docks & Horse Barns by Chad Davis MARVIN’S Marvin Crew Office: 940-665-0240 Cell: 214-732-7378 Adams Handy Hands (940) 372-0600 Professional Handyman Service Guaranteed Work John 3:16 TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE LAKE KIOWA COMMUNIQUÉ!! Lake Kiowa Fitness . ......................28 Lake Kiowa Functional Chiropractic..................................32 Lake Kiowa Landscaping................13 Lake Kiowa Marina Self Storage....29 Lake Kiowa Medical Clinic............21 Lake Kiowa Premiere Real Estate..45 Lake Kiowa Professional Services LLC.................................7 Lake Kiowa Realty....................46, 48 Marvin’s Pest Control.....................35 Massage Therapy Richroath, Gina LMT...................23 Matt’s Tree Service.........................25 Meador Funeral Homes.....................8 Muenster Memorial Hospital............2 My Empty Nest...............................16 NASCOGA FCU.............................17 Nortex Communications.................26 North Texas Marine........................24 O’Gorman Group..............................9 Orsburn Carpets..............................30 Precision Landscaping....................22 Professional Home Repair..............30 Renaissance Care Center.................15 Sam Pack's Five Star Ford.................5 Schneider, Don - Realtor...................3 Senior Care of North Texas...............7 Shaggy Do Pet Salon......................29 Shear Platinum Style.......................17 Slimgeneration.......................... Insert State Farm Insurance.......................32 Swafford’s Landscape ....................30 Texas Farm Bureau Insurance.........16 Texoma Wellness....................... Insert TL PowerSports Repair...................33 Turner Apartments..........................22 Utter Wealth Management Group...12 Warren, John - Attorney....................7 Way Out Wellness...........................18 William George Homes Inc............27 York Eye Associates........................33 January 2015 CommuniQue Bill Hamilton Owner/Broker Kristi Hamilton Owner/Agent (940) 902-1573 (940) 727-1115 Sharon Mitcham (972) 821-8667 45 Mike McDonald (281) 787-5248 Linda Keeney (972) 740-8716 Sarah Ritchey, GRI (940) 902-9804 Norma Crew (903) 819-8996 Jeff Wagner (940) 230-4185 Julie Minter, GRI (817) 307-3722 Dee Dorman (940) 727-4869 Curtis Walker (702) 232-4315 Even though it is cold outside, homebuyers are beginning their search for their dream home. And we all know that Lake Kiowa is the place many lucky buyers will end up! Premiere Real Estate is expecting a busy 2015 but the number of Kiowa homes listed for sale is low! Let us list your home now to catch the early 2015 homebuyers! Call one of our agents to find out why the Premiere Real Estate team is the best choice for you. WATERFRONT GOLF COURSE 610 Kiowa Dr. W. Lot #865/866 $89,000 Two beautifully treed golf course lots overlooking #11 green and fairway. Value is in the lots....home sold as is. 102 Seminole Dr. Lot #1279/1280 $237,000 Lake access without lakefront prices! Cool 3 bdr/3bath home w/large shady yard & lake sunsets from the deck. LD! SO WATERFRONT INTERIOR 106 Noweta Pl. S. Lot #77 $650,000 154 ft. of concrete seawall on deep water! Open floor plan and extra special boat dock with air-conditioned cabana. 307 Kiowa Dr. E. Lot #219 $309,999 Open floor plan, 3 car garage, backyard oasis with pool! ! LD SO WATERFRONT WATERFRONT 503 Kiowa Dr. W. Lot #339 $539,000 Premium west side waterfront with super views of lake and golf! Steel construction home with flexible floor plan. WATERFRONT 701 Kiowa Dr. W. Lot #639 $388,888 Newly remodeled lakefront home with 3 huge bedrooms and large open living and kitchen. 811 Kiowa Dr. W. Lot #678 $399,000 Don’t miss this deal! Old world feel inside large but cozy living area w/stone fireplace. Great outdoor fireplace, too! GOLF COURSE 110 Pawnee Tr. E. Lot #1807 $229,000 Beautiful open living area with feature 2-story wall of windows on wooded golf course lot. Build on your own lot! NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO CONSIDER A LOT PURCHASE FOR SPRING CONSTRUCTION. Lot #130 Manito Cv. E. Waterfront $289,500 Lot #534 107 Chism Cv. E. Int. cul-de-sac $18,000 Lot #814 724 Kiowa Dr. W. On 12th fairway $35,000 Lot #784 826 Kiowa Dr. W. Overlooking 18th green $35,000 Lot #496 111 Pontiac Dr. E. Great lot/great price $8,000 Lot #768 1245 Kiowa Dr. W. Lakefront w/golf views $205,000 Lot #1082 118 Seminole Cv. E. Treed cul-de-sac $13,900 Lot #1807 108 Pawnee Tr. 1 1/2 lots on golf course/ trees $38,000 940-665-3300 100 Kiowa Drive West, Lake Kiowa, TX INTERIOR 1113 Kiowa Dr. E. Lot #1570 $375,000 Exquisite custom home with 10 ft. ceilings, oversized master suite, study, tiled screened porch & a/c in garage! INTERIOR 305 Cocopa Dr. W. Lot #297 $329,000 Lots of space for the whole family in this updated home built in 2002. 46 CommuniQue January 2015 Lake Kiowa Realty Carolyn Akin 940-736-4654 Joann Broughton 940-372-3952 Marion Hoeflein 940-668-7864 Cheryll Brown 940-668-8588 Charles Huddleston 940-727-8379 Mischa Brown 940-641-1231 Kay Kane 940-665-0868 Kay Creech 940-668-1769 Don Schneider 940-736-8889 Elaine Otway 940-736-0022 Mike Erwin 940-736-3881 Donna Erwin 940-736-0109 Mike Pulec 940-727-1016 Don Sloan 940-727-8248 Nona Tipps 940-284-9444 Jonathan Fuqua 903-815-4748 David Verhaert 214-789-3584 Happy New Year and Thank You to all our Lake Kiowa friends who continue to support Lake Kiowa Realty and our agents. We produced over 38 Million Dollars in home and land sales in 2014, keeping us the top Real Estate office in Lake Kiowa for the past 28 years! D L SO #1172 Interior 1221 Kiowa Dr. E. 3-2-2 $149,900 #1297 Waterfront 120 Seminole Dr. E. 3-2-2.5 $394,900 #1853 Golf Course 114 Kiowa Dr. N. 3-2.5-2 $229,900 #352 Waterfront 529 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2-2+ $399,000 #1590 Interior 300 Comanche Dr. E. $250,000 REDUCED NEW LISTING #119 Interior 105 Kiowa Dr. S. 3-1.5-2 $99,500 #1029-30 Interior 102 Karok Cv. W. 4-4-2 $475,000 #620 Interior 234 Colt Dr. E. 4-3-3+pool $295,000 #752 Waterfront 1215 Kiowa Dr. W. 5-3.5-3+man cave $648,000 D L SO #723 Waterfront 1011 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-3-2 $560,000 #295 Interior 312 Cocopa Dr. W. 2-2-2+ $239,000 #1655 Waterfront 1318 Kiowa Dr. E. 4-3-3 $399,000 D L SO #1236 Interior 218 Cayuga Tr. N. 2-2-2+golf cart $205,000 #1709 Waterfront 134 Blackfoot Tr. N. 4-2-2Cpt $300,000 #341 Waterfront 507 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2-2 $489,000 LOts FOr Sale #718 Waterfront 1001 Kiowa Dr. W. 4-4-3 $625,000 #585-86 Interior 112 Santa Fe Tr. E. 4-4-5 $695,000 WATER RELATED #1660-61 1328 Kiowa Dr. E. #168 308 Kiowa Dr. E. $498,000 $350,000 GOLF COURSE 120 Kiowa Dr. W. 108 Kiowa Dr. N. $12,500 $24,900 #11 IC #1850 build your dream home! • Email: [email protected] INTERIOR #605 205 Pueblo Dr. E. $7,500 #1500 100 Comanche Dr. E. $13,000 #1138 209 Comanche Dr. E. $15,000 #1141 215 Comanche Dr. E. $19,900 #1080 109 Seminole Cv. E. $19,900 #567-68 100-2 Shoshone Dr. E. $25,000 #1068-69 108 Colt Dr. E. $30,000 (940) 665-0724 5 1 0 2 ARY W E N Y P P A JANU H SUNDAY Lodge Hours Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday MONDAY 8-6 Closed 11-6 11-8:30 11-8:30 11-9:30 11-9:30 TUESDAY phone numbers Brunch Menu 8 - 11 am @ Lodge FOR EMERGENCIES...... DIAL 911 Golf Course Closed Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Chapel Choir 8 am @ Lodge Line Dancing 9 am @ Lodge 6 Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge KWC Arts & Crafts 10 am @ Lodge KWC Game Night 6:30 pm @ Lodge 11 Chapel - 8-8:30 am @ Lodge Brunch Menu 8 - 11 am @ Lodge Lodge Dining Closed 12 Golf Course Closed Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Chapel Choir 8 am @ Lodge Line Dancing 9 am @ Lodge LKPOA Board Mtg 6 pm @ Lodge Lunch Menu 11-6 18 Chapel - 8-8:30 am @ Lodge Brunch Menu 8 - 11 am @ Lodge CALENDAR . ..................................665-4275 COMMUNIQUE OFFICE................ 665-4275 FRONT GATE/SECURITY................ 665-3221 L.K. SPECIAL UTILITY DIST.............. 668-8391 LODGE & TAVERN . .......................665-3741 POA OFFICE.................................. 665-1055 PRO SHOP .....................................668-7394 Kiowa Quilt Bee 7 pm @ Lodge Lunch Menu 11-6 WEDNESDAY Lodge Dining Closed 19 Golf Course Closed Lodge Dining 11-6 Exercise - 8 am 13 @ Lodge KWC Garden & Nature Field Trip - Hagerman Meet at 9:15 am @ Lodge KWC Canasta Lessons noon @ Lodge KWC Canasta 12:45 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-6 20 Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Chapel Choir 8 am @ Lodge Line Dancing 9 am @ Lodge 7 Men's Group - Conversation 8 am @ Lodge WGA Mtg & Lunch 11 am @ Lodge 25 Chapel - 8-8:30 am @ Lodge Brunch Menu 8 - 11 am @ Lodge Lunch Menu 11-6 Lodge Dining Closed 26 Lodge Dining 11-8:30 14 Men's Group - Conversation 8 am @ Lodge LKSUD Board Mtg 9 am @ 133 KDS Golf Course Closed Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Chapel Choir 8am @ Lodge Line Dancing 9 am @ Lodge Lodge Dining Closed Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-6 SATURDAY 2 3 Texas Hold’em 6:45 pm @ Lodge Lodge Closed Lodge Dining 11-9:30 8 Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge Tennis - Mixed - 8 am KWC General Meeting 10:30 am @ Lodge 9 Beginner Genealogy 10:30 am @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-8:30 15 Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge KWC Intermediate Bridge 10:30 am @ Lodge KWC Bridge 12:30 pm @ Lodge Kiwanis Dinner 6:30 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-8:30 Men's Group - Conversation 8 am @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-8:30 28 Men's Group - Conversation 8 am @ Lodge 10 MGA Mtg & Shotgun Scramble 11:30 am for 12:30 pm Tee Off Lodge Dining 11-9:30 16 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 17 Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Lodge Dining 11-8:30 21 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 Texas Hold’em 6:45 pm @ Lodge LK Angler Club 7 pm @ Lodge 22 Exercise - 8 am @ Lodge Tennis - Mixed - 8 am Kiowa Quilt Bee Sew Day 9 am @ Lodge Texas Hold’em 6:45 pm @ Lodge LKPOA Candidates Forum 6:30 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-9:30 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 23 24 KWC Intermediate Bridge 10:30 am @ Lodge KWC Bridge 12:30 pm @ Lodge Geneaology 1 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-8:30 Exercise - 8 am 29 @ Lodge Texas Hold’em 6:45 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-9:30 30 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 31 Tennis - Mixed - 8 am KWC Intermediate Bridge 10:30 am @ Lodge KWC Bridge 12:30 pm @ Lodge KWC Bible Study 10 am @ 1126 KDE KWC Canasta 12:45 pm @ Lodge FRIDAY LKPOA Office Closed Texas Hold’em 7 pm @ Lodge KWC Gourmet Groups 27 1 Texas Hold’em 7 pm @ Lodge Water Color 10-3 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-6 THURSDAY ICVFD Board Meeting 7 pm @ 550 Kiowa Dr. W. Texas Hold’em 7 pm @ Lodge Lunch Menu 11-6 dar n e l a wa C io Lake K 4 5 Chapel - 8-8:30 am @ Lodge ! R YEA Texas Hold’em 6:45 pm @ Lodge Texas Hold’em 7 pm @ Lodge Lodge Dining 11-8:30 Lodge Dining 11-8:30 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 Lodge Dining 11-9:30 48 CommuniQue January 2015 Lake Kiowa Realty Carolyn Akin 940-736-4654 Joann Broughton 940-372-3952 Marion Hoeflein 940-668-7864 Cheryll Brown 940-668-8588 Charles Huddleston 940-727-8379 Mischa Brown 940-641-1231 Kay Kane 940-665-0868 Kay Creech 940-668-1769 Elaine Otway 940-736-0022 Don Schneider 940-736-8889 Mike Erwin 940-736-3881 Donna Erwin 940-736-0109 Don Sloan 940-727-8248 Nona Tipps 940-284-9444 Jonathan Fuqua 903-815-4748 David Verhaert 214-789-3584 Happy New Year! NEW CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PENDING REDUCED #1844 Golf Course 103 Cayuga Tr. N. 4-3-2+golf cart $359,900 Mike Pulec 940-727-1016 #338 Waterfront 501 Kiowa Dr. W. 4-4-2+golf cart $699,000 #1558-60 Interior 102 Houston Dr. E. 3-3-2 $208,500 #1695 Waterfront 106 Blackfoot Tr. N. 3-2-2 $300,000 #55 Waterfront 113 Cheyenne Dr. W. 4-3-2+ $685,000 D L SO #1715 Waterfront 146 Blackfoot Tr. N. 3-2-2.5 $425,000 #1723 Waterfront 147 Blackfoot Tr. N. 4-3-2 $585,000 #350 Waterfront 525 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2-2 $325,000 #980 Golf Course 1020 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2-2 $138,900 #746 Waterfront 1203 Kiowa Dr. W. 4-3-3 $784,000 #1675 Interior 124 Mohave Dr. E. 3-2-2.5 $142,500 #1724 Waterfront 145 Blackfoot Tr. N. 3-3-2 $449,000 #770 Waterfront 1249 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2.5-2 $475,000 REDUCED • Email: [email protected] #801 Golf Course 111 Huron Tr. W. 2-2-2Cpt $149,900 CONTRACT PENDING D L SO #640 Waterfront 703 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-3-3+Bonus $585,000 #1681 Interior 112 Mohave Dr. E. 3-2-2 $165,000 NEW LISTING D L SO #180 Interior 211 Kiowa Dr. E. 3-2-2 $209,000 #649 Waterfront 721 Kiowa Dr. W. 3-2 $360,000 #1685 Interior 1309 Kiowa Dr. E. 3-2.5-2 $225,000 #1576-77 Interior 101 Tomahawk Dr. E. 4-2-2 $239,995 (940) 665-0724
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