Creative Art: Process vs Product Presenters: Debbie J. Powell Robin C. Hensley Charde’ C. Ferguson Workshop Objectives 1. Par%cipants will be able to define and recognize product art and process art 4. Par%cipants will be able to design a process oriented art project 2. Par%cipants will understand the importance of process oriented art 3. Par%cipants will be able to recognize the effects of product oriented art 5. Par%cipants will learn how to use everyday objects in their art projects and where to find them in their community Quote of the Day Every child is an ar%st. The problem is how to remain an ar%st once we grow up. -‐Pablo Picasso Quote Reflection Small group discussion • What was Picasso trying to say? • Do you agree or disagree? • Why or Why not? Every child is an ar%st. The problem is how to remain an ar%st once we grow up. -‐Pablo Picasso Do You Know the Difference? Large group discussion Process Oriented Art Product Oriented Art Process vs Product The difference • The children can make it any way they want, and do not have a model in front of them to show them the adult version of the ac%vity. -‐Preschool Behavioral Specialist • Process oriented ac%vi%es are based on children's interests and developing at their own rates. They are more child-‐centered and reflect higher knowledge about child development and respec%ng children. Process oriented ac%vi%es are those that look at what the children are geRng from the experience. For example, a pain%ng ac%vity is not about the beau%ful picture at the end, it is about how the children learn to hold the brush, move it in different ways, and make different colors by mixing paint -‐Early Childhood Teacher • In a process oriented ac%vity, the children are given supplies and use their own thinking and problem solving skills to create something that is uniquely theirs. What the children are learning while doing an ac%vity is more important than what it looks like at the end. -‐ Community College Early Childhood Professor Process vs Product The difference If it takes YOU longer to get ready for an art project than it takes THEM to do it…Chances are it is NOT process oriented art -‐Lisa Murphy If the parents come in, look at the bulle%n board and whisper in your ear, “What is it?” You are on the right track! -‐Lisa Murphy [Process art is]NOT a bulle%n board covered with 24 iden%cal penguins and you saying, “But I let them glue the eyes wherever they wanted.” -‐Lisa Murphy Process vs Product The difference Product oriented ac%vi%es are those that expect a certain outcome at the end of the project. Such as making an "art" ac%vity to look exactly like a model. You want the children to make the object just as you have. -‐Preschool Behavioral Specialist Product oriented ac%vi%es are ones where the teachers want something out of it. The reason you have the ac%vity is because the teachers want kids to -‐be able to sing the alphabet, -‐color in the dinosaur green, -‐make a mother's day card that looks like everyone else's. -‐Early Childhood Teacher In a product oriented ac%vity all of the children will be expected to do the same thing and have the same result. For example, everyone makes the same type flower following the direc%ons of a teacher. -‐Community College Early Childhood Professor Process Art vs. Product Art Individual Round About Can you spot the difference? Large Group Discussion Which is developmentally appropriate for infants & toddlers, Process Art OR Product Art? The important goals of early childhood art are the involvement, movement, and the discovery of self accomplishment. In other words, the process, not the product is the goal. -‐Cherry & Nielsen, 1999 Why Process Art? • Process is enjoyment and comple%on in and of self • Natural source of learning • Process Art provides the opportunity to: • Learn how to use ar%s%c tools & media • Problem Solve • Enhance cogni%ve, motor, language, physical and social/emo%onal development • Express experiences, feelings & thoughts • S%mulate & develop imagina%on & cri%cal thinking • Refine cogni%ve & crea%ve skills • Foster success and mastery because there is no one right way required • Learn how to think originally • Enhance children’s self-‐esteem *Ideas taken from Mayesky, 2006 Ladybug Drawing Individual & Group Discussion Instruc%ons: 1. The bug is round. 2. The bug has 8 legs, grouped in pairs with 4 legs on the lem and 4 on the right. In the pairs, one leg is longer than the other. 3. The bug has two eyes on top of the body. 4. The bug has two squiggly antennas. 5.The bug has two pea-‐pod shaped wings. 6. The bug has a spot next to each wing. 7. The bug has a triangular s%nger on the booom of the body. 8. The bug has two feelers on each foot-‐one longer than the other, both coming from the same side of the leg. 9. The bug has a round mouth, placed between the two eyes. 10. The bug laid five square eggs to the right of the s%nger. Why Early Childhood & Product Art Don’t Mix? • Not age or developmentally appropriate • Infants & toddlers don’t have the skills to make product art • Lowers self-‐esteem • Adult-‐centered NOT child-‐centered • Causes some children to rush the crea%ve process in order to receive praise/recogni%on • Rely on external reward instead of internal reward Why Early Childhood & Product Art Don’t Mix? • S%fles originality and independence • “Poten%al to create remains dormant without prac%ce. With prac%ce, the poten%al to create becomes a reality”. • Prevents children from exploring ar%s%c tools and media in order to master their func%ons • Not sensory rich * Ideas taken from Schirrmacher & Fox, 2009 Create Your Own Process Oriented Art Project Small Group Ac%vity Process oriented art…… • allows children to exploring ar%s%c tools & media. • requires children to be ac=ve and hands-‐on. • is child-‐centered. • offers children the opportunity to engage in trial & error. • is a sensory-‐rich experience. • Is experience driven, NOT product driven. Vincent van Gogh • Painter • Used models as subjects of some his pain%ngs • Used pain%ng to express his feelings • bright colors when happy • dark colors when angry & sad • Used a lot of paint • thick layers • Didn’t bother mixing paints, used them right out of tube Play happy up/beat music and then sad/ slow music while the children paint. Discuss the difference in the pain%ngs. Pablo Picasso • Painter, drawer, pooery maker, costume & scenery designer • Blue Period: Painted with lots of blue • Rose Period: Painted happy scenes (ex. circus) • Cubism: painted subjects using cubes • Painted people’s eyes, noses, and chin in wrong places • Painted subjects as if they were chiseled out of stone (like statues) Cut construc%on paper into squares & the children can make a collage Andy Warhol • Drawer, painter, movie maker, silk screener • Used bright (sometimes neon colors) • Used popular everyday items as subject • Drew subjects in pencil then went over pencil lines with ink • Then before the ink dried pressed a sheet of clean paper down on the wet ink drawing = blotted line look • Drew a few illustration using shoes as the subject • Decorated department store windows, greeting cards, and suns/clouds/raindrops for weather reports • Painted subject with a white blank background • Photo-silk screening • Made movies of everyday life Give the children shoes to paint with Rembrandt van Rijn • Painter • Big on self portraits, more than any other ar%st • Used family members has models • Some%mes painted smoothly other %mes piled on the paint • Best known for pain%ng people • Painted scenes in which scenery was most important-‐landscapes Used items he collected in his pain%ngs Add non-‐ breakable mirrors & several different type of art tools to the art center and allow the children to explore. Leonardo da Vinci • P ainter, drawer, inventor, sculptor, and architecture • Drew pictures of plants, insects, flowers, animals & bird-‐ NATURE • Worked with another ar%st to complete several art pieces • Experimented with making own paint/paint colors • Painted on walls • Some paints are wrinkled because of mixed too much oil in the paint • Cut up own pain%ng in order to fix into a frame or to make into a table top Give the children finger paint and permit them to paint on the table Michelangelo Buonarroti • Sculptor, forced to become a painter • Sculpted 3-D statues from stone • Lots of drawings & sketches • Used water colors on wet plaster walls • Painted on ceiling • Used cross-hatching (vertical, horizontal, & diagonal lines crossing one another) to create a shading effect Tape paper underneath the table and the children can lay on their backs and draw on the “ceiling”. A Quote for Thought Art ac%vity cannot be imposed but must come from a spirit within. This is not always an easy process, but the development of crea%ve abili%es is essen%al in our society, and the youngster’s drawing reflects his crea%ve growth both in the drawing and in the process of making the art form. -‐Lowenfeld & Brioain, 1987 References Cherry, C., & Nielsen, D.M. (Ed.). (1999). Crea%ve art for the developing child. New York: McGraw-‐Hill. Lowenfeld, V., & Brioain, W. L. (1987). Crea%ve and mental growth of the child (8th ed.). New York: Macmillan. Mayesky, M. (2006). Crea%ve ac%vi%es for young children (8th ed.). New York: Thomson Delmar. Schirrmacher, R., & Fox, J. E. (2009). Art & crea%ve development for young children (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Delmar. References Venezia, M. (1988). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Picasso. Chicago: Children’s Press. Venezia, M. (1988). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Rembrandt. Chicago: Children’s Press. Venezia, M. (1988). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Van Gogh. Chicago: Children’s Press. Venezia, M. (1989). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Da Vinci. Chicago: Children’s Press. Venezia, M. (1996). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Andy Warhol. Chicago: Children’s Press. Venezia, M. (2006). GeRng to know the world’s greatest ar%sts: Michelangelo. Chicago: Children’s Press.
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