Baptism of the Lord § January 11, 2015 27101 W. Chicago St., Redford, MI 48239 (313) 937-1500 • [email protected] • Our Mission St. Robert Bellarmine is a welcoming Catholic community, which strives to bring people to God and God to people through the ministries of worship, stewardship, education and Christian service. Welcome St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Family welcomes all those new to our parish. If you have been attending Mass here and would like to be registered in the parish, please stop by or call the parish office. We look forward to meeting you and telling you about your new parish. Mass Schedule Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Friday at 8:30 a.m. Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Sunday at 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Weekly Readings Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-7 1 Jn 5:1-9 Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6 Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12 Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18 Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14 Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11 Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16 Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Jn 1:35-42 Sunday: This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: "One mightier than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals. I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." - Mk 1:7-8 Baptism of the Lord Page 2 St. Robert Bellarmine Parish 27101 West Chicago Street Redford, Michigan 48239-2332 313.937.1500 • 313.937.1530 313.937.1185 fax [email protected] Parish Office Hours Monday to Thursday: 8-11:45 a.m. & 12:45-5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. –noon Parish Staff Pastor, Fr. Richard Leliaert [email protected] .................... x112 Pastoral Associate, Laura Scanlan [email protected].... x114 Secretary, Linda Hudy [email protected] ............... x111 Minister of Finance, Christine Boglarsky-Ferguson [email protected] ................... x110 Christian Service [email protected] ...... x114 Faith Formation, Dawn Dwyer [email protected] ............................. x127 Pastoral Care [email protected] ..................... x111 Music Minister, Mark Newlon [email protected] ........................... x116 Festival Committee [email protected] ................... x142 Athletic Director, Craig Lantto [email protected] or [email protected] ................ x134 Activities Building Requests [email protected] ................. x121 Maintenance, Frank Munoz [email protected] .......... x128 Kitchens: Gym…....x133; Church Hall............ x129 Meeting Center…...x140; Latchkey ................. x138 School ................................................ 313.937.1655 [email protected] Facebook: St. Robert Bellarmine Alumni Instagram & Twitter: srbcardinals Principal, Linda Kramer ................................... x125 Secretary, Linda Kenger ................................... x124 Bulletin .............................. [email protected] We welcome submissions to the bulletin, and we accept them on a space-available basis. All submissions are subject to review. All material is due 6 days prior to the weekend requested (Monday) by 10 a.m., unless otherwise noted. The Week Ahead SUNDAY, January 11th—Baptism of the Lord Donut Sunday sponsored by FANS of SRB 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.: Mass, Church 2:30 p.m.: Reconciliation, Church Confirmation Retreat 12:00-7:15 p.m.: Basketball Home Games, Gym MONDAY, January 12th—St. Marguerite Bourgeoys 4:00-9:00 p.m.: Basketball Practice, Gym 6:30-7:45 p.m.: K-7 Faith Formation, School 7:00 p.m.: Knights of Columbus, Meeting Center 7:30–9:00 p.m.: A.A., Church Hall TUESDAY, January 13th—St. Hilary 8:30 a.m.: Bible Study, Church Hall 11:00 a.m.: Mass, Church 11:00 a.m.– 2:30 p.m.: Goldenaires, Church Hall 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: Church Hall Social, Church Hall 4:00-9:00 p.m.: Basketball Practice, Gym 7:00 p.m.: Stephen Ministry, Parish Office 9:00 p.m.: Men’s Basketball, Gym WEDNESDAY, January 14th—St. Felix 8:30 a.m.: Mass, Church 4:00-9:00 p.m.: Basketball Practice, Gym 6:00-8:00 p.m.: Cub Scouts, Meeting Center THURSDAY, January 15th—St. Paul the Hermit 4:00-9:00 p.m.: Basketball Practice, Gym 7:30–9:00 p.m.: A.A., Church Hall 7:30-9:00 p.m.: Choir, Choir Loft FRIDAY, January 16th—St. Bernard and Companions Parish Office Closed at Noon 8:30 a.m.: School Mass, Church 4:00-9:00 p.m.: Basketball Practice, Gym 6:00-9:00 p.m. Cub Scouts, Church Hall SATURDAY, January 17th—St. Anthony of Egypt 10:00-11:00 a.m.: Market Day Pick Up, Church Hall 2:30 p.m.: Reconciliation, Church 4:00 p.m.: Mass, Church 5:15 p.m.: Baptisms, Church SUNDAY, January 18th—Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m.: Mass, Church January 17th & 18th Schedule Altar Servers: Sat. 4:00 p.m.: Ian D., Michael A. Sun. 8:30 a.m.: Amanda K., Emily K. Sun. 10:30 a.m.: Ryan Z., Julia Z. Lectors: Sat. 4:00 p.m.: Diane S., Jim A. Sun. 6:30 a.m.: Susan M. Sun. 8:30 a.m. Maryann K., Evelyn M. Sun. 10:30 a.m.: Jennifer A., Tai R. To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? January 10-11, 2015 Page 3 To the people of St. Robert’s: As the New Year begins, I gratefully take the time to thank each and all of you for your wonderful generosity to me over the past year 2014. Your offertory gifts and your special Christmas offerings are deeply appreciated. I am especially grateful to you for your generosity to me during this Christmas season. I thank you for your thoughtful cards with their beautiful greetings, your special gifts which took many forms—monetary gifts, gifts cards to restaurants and bookstores, goodies (baked goods and more), and spiritual blessedness as you remembered me in Christmas Masses and novenas, and even some spirit-ual uplift (I guess they don’t call these wonderful potables ‘spirits’ for nothing, right). But above all, the gift of yourselves ranks highest. Thanks to each of you for who you are and what you give to the parish. Our parish staff and the staff of the school have been most effective and helpful! Our Parish Council and Finance Council have worked hard as have the various commissions—Liturgy, Education, Christian Service and Stewardship. I value the wonderful organizations of the parish for all they’ve done to make St. Robert’s a standout parish, especially in our local communities. Special thanks to the Men’s Club and to the Ladies of St. Robert Bellarmine. And then there’s our St. Paul Council for the Knights of Columbus, the Scout troop(s), the choirs, and all those who make our liturgies prayerful and inspiring. Especially on Sundays and holidays. For those whom I have forgotten to mention, my apologies, but also my gratitude. We’re in this together! We are St. Robert’s! Lastly, please know that I may not be able to Thank You personally for your Christmas (and birthday) gifts. I do try to thank as many of you as possible. But as I open your gift(s) and cards, my heartfelt prayer of gratitude arises to God with love and a smile. God bless you all…God bless you with new hope and peace in 2015. January 11, 2015—Baptism of the Lord “I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.” That was a lowly job. Removing someone's sandals back in the days when everyone walked everywhere on dusty, sandy desert ground was a dirty task. So when John the Baptist said he wasn't even worthy for that humble duty, he was emphasizing an important point. John understood Jesus' real identity. He knew that this was not just another good man, not just a wise teacher or a gifted leader. John realized that Jesus was truly God-made-man. And because of this, the prophet also comprehended how perfect Jesus was. In relation to this perfection, John honestly acknowledged his own sinfulness with this analogy about the sandals. But look what happened: even though John proclaimed that “one mightier than I is coming after me,” Jesus showed up at the Jordan River and asked John to baptize Him! Jesus humbled Himself by going through this ritual of cleansing and purification, even though He didn't need to. John may have thought himself unworthy, but that didn't stop Jesus from coming to him. Jesus wants to come to us too. Not because we have “earned” His love or because we are "worthy" of some great honor, but simply because He loves us. God sent His Son to us to be one of us, to walk among us, to care for us and guide us. When we were baptized, He counted us among His beloved children in a special way, but that joyful bond is not a thing of the past. By our baptism we are always His children, even when we may be disobedient or belligerent ones. His love is not calculated or quantified; it is a free gift. May we appreciate this gift enough to show our gratitude by a life well lived. To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? Baptism of the Lord Page 4 Stewardship Thoughts “After me comes He who is mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie.” – Mark 1:7 We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on ful!illing God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him !irst in all things should be our top priority. Catholic Services Appeal A number of national collections are included in the Catholic Services Appeal each year, such as the Black and Indian Missions Collection. Since 1884, the Black and Indian Missions Collection has provided grants to dioceses to support and strengthen evangelization programs among predominantly African American, American Indian, Eskimo and Aleut communities of faith in the United States. Other national collections bene!iting from your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal include those for the Catholic University of America, the Church in Latin America, Catholic Home Missions, the Holy Land and the Catholic Communication Campaign. If you have yet to donate to this year’s Catholic Services Appeal, please prayerfully consider your blessings and make the most generous gift possible. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL My gift to the Archdiocesan Catholic Services Appeal is as follows: Initial 2014-15 CSA Year Pledge: Pledged: $ Initial Payment: $ Balance: $ I would like to add to my initial pledge. Additional Payment: $ Total Pledge: $ [ ] Please send me an enrollment form for credit card/bank debit payment. Name: Phone: Email Address: Facility Closings For consistency in determining facility closings, St. Robert Bellarmine faith community has adopted the following guideline: When our school is closed for emergency reasons (weather, power outages, illness…) all daytime campus activities will be cancelled. Another call will be made at 4 p.m. to determine the status of the evening activities. Facility closings will be announced on WJ AM 950, WJR AM 760 and on the SRB website school link / school closing link. St. Vincent de Paul Detroit Energy Assistance Program Do you need help paying your energy bills (gas and electric)? To determine if you qualify for energy assistance, please contact Laura Scanlan for more details at the Parish Office – 313-937-15600, Ext.114 The season of giving, sharing, and loving is upon us. As we receive God’s gifts abundantly, let us thank God for our many blessings received and share them generously. Your faithful stewardship to St. Robert Bellarmine Parish throughout the year is deeply appreciated and a very necessary part of parish life. Consistent giving allows for a wide variety of ministries and services to continue and flourish. Please consider making a significant offering to St. Robert Bellarmine through a Christmas offering. It is the one collection of the year the entire amount remains with our parish. For every dollar received in our weekly offertory, we pay a 7% assessment to the Archdiocese of Detroit. This assessment subsidizes many beneficial Archdiocesan programs. The Christmas collection is the only offertory we receive that is not assessed by the Archdiocese. A Christmas offering would be the perfect time to make up for any missed weekly offerings. An end of the year donation to the Christmas collection will also help as a tax-deductible gift on your 2014 tax return. Every additional dollar is appreciated to help maintain the parish plant and services. Please make your donation payable to St. Robert Bellarmine and put Christmas 2014 in the memo or feel free to use your Christmas envelope found in your packet of envelopes. Christmas gifts may be given until January 15th, but should be clearly marked “Christmas 2014 Donation.” To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? January 10-11, 2015 Page 5 High School Youth Ministry 2015 Anniversary Mass An invitation to all St. Robert Bellarmine couples celebrating their 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, 55th, 60th and above wedding anniversaries in 2015. We cordially invite you and your family to attend our annual Anniversary Mass to be held Sunday, February 15th at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. There will be a cake, paczki, coffee and punch reception immediately following Mass. Please plan on attending. Last Name _____________________________________ Husband’s Name ________________________________ Wife’s Name ___________________________________ Address _______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ What anniversary will you celebrate? ____ Month/Day ? ___________ Please make every effort to attend our meetings so that you can keep up with the latest news, get permission slips, see your friends, and help us work on projects for upcoming events! · · · · · Future Events January 11th- Meeting following the 10:30 a.m. Mass until 1:30 January 17th- MLK Day of Service 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. January 18th- Meeting following the 10:30 a.m. Mass until 1:30 p.m. January 23rd- Dodgeball Tournament to benefit Redford Interfaith Relief 7 p.m. February 7th-8th Rainbow Conference Ladies of SRB News The Ladies of SRB Executive Board will be meeting today after 10:30 Mass. If there are any items you want included in the upcoming agenda please contact Lisa Kirk or any other board member. Mark your calendars: January 20th is our next General Membership meeting in the church hall at 7 p.m. The meeting will conclude with a beginner yoga class from 8:00 to 8:45 p.m. · We will be assisting the Men’s Club with the Annual Ole Toy and Train Show on January 25th. Please contact Laurie Tonarelli at (734) 277-2915 or email [email protected] if you are available to help with concessions. · February 17th is our Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Please contact Maureen Franklin at [email protected] if you are able to volunteer. · Fish Frys begin February 20th and our group will be responsible for bussing tables. Rita Cheedie will be facilitating the schedule for volunteers. More information and details will be coming. · If your new year’s resolution is to get more involved in the parish by joining the Ladies of SRB, contact Lori Gerrity (Membership Chair) at (313) 727-2519 or Lisa Kirk (President) at (734) 421-6703 or email [email protected]. You are also more than welcome to attend our next meeting and see what we’re all about. Check us out on Facebook. “Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” – Frank Scully Junior High Youth Ministry Our next Catholic Youth Trek event will be Cosmic Bowling on Friday, January 30th from 10:00 p.m. to midnight! Permission slips will be going home through the school and faith formation programs, or you can feel free to stop by the Faith Formation Office to get one. World Youth Day 2016 We had our meeting on January 4th. Our group is engaging in a 52-week reflection process focused on hope, based on scripture and quotes from Pope Francis. We will continue to hold all our parishioners in our prayers. First Communion The Holy Eucharist is the greatest treasure we have as Catholics! Christ in the Eucharist is a sacred time in a child's life. For children making their First Communion in the spring, there will be family meeting on Monday, January 12th at 6:30 p.m. in the school. Parents and their children are invited. To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? Baptism of the Lord Page 6 Men’s Club News · · · Future Events: · Monday, January 19th, we’ll be preparing and serving breakfast for the MLK Redford Interfaith Community Breakfast from 7-9 a.m. in the Gym. · Sunday, January 25th, the Annual Ole Toy and Train Show will take place from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the gym. There will be over 200 tables, operating layouts, train testing, etc. Fun for the whole family. Are you ready for some football? Our Family-Friendly Super Bowl party will take place on Sunday, February 1st from 3 p.m. until the game ends. Check back in the coming weeks for more info. Friday, February 20th kicks off our Lenten Fish Frys. Saturday, March 14th is the St. Pat’s/St. Joe’s Party. We are very active in the advancement and improvement of our parish. In order to keep moving forward, we need your help! We meet on the first Wednesday following the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. Every meeting includes food, beverages, a standard agenda and plenty of time to socialize. Men 18 years and older, that are members of St. Robert Bellarmine, may become a Men's Club member. If you are considering joining, feel free to come to a meeting or contact John Martin at (313) 732-8734 or [email protected]. St. Catherine of Siena Winter Open House Thursday, January 29 6:00—7:30 p.m. St. Catherine provides students with daily opportunities to discover and develop their unique gifts through our four pillars of education: Academics, Spiritual Life, Athletics, and Arts. We offer a solid Catholic mission with special emphasis on the feminine genius. For additional information contact Adora Ibrahim, Director of Admissions, at (248) 9464856 or admissions For Widowed Men & Women Movie and Lunch On Monday, January 26th all widowed men and women are invited to join us at 11:00 a.m. for a movie at AMC Livonia 20 Theater, $5.00 (movie TBD). Then go across the parking lot to Bahama Breeze Restaurant for lunch (order off the menu, separate checks.) RSVP and movie pick to Elaine at (734) 717-0303. Sponsored by Widowed Friends. For further information about Widowed Friends, come visit our website at To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? January 10-11, 2015 Page 7 Cardinal Basketball January 2015 Game Schedule HOME GAME SCHEDULE (*=Time Changed) Sunday, January 11th 12:00 JV Boys # Heart/Non League 1:00 JV Girls #1 2:15 JV Boys #1 3:30 Varsity Girls #2 4:45 Varsity Boys #2 6:00 Varsity Girls #1 7:15 Varsity Boys #1 Saturday, January 31st 9:00 JV Boys #2 10:00 JV Girls #1 11:15 JV Boys #1 12:30 II* Bye 1:45 Varsity Girls #2 3:00 Varsity Boys #1 Varsity Boys #2 Varsity Girls #1 AWAY GAME SCHEDULE (*=Time Changed) Saturday, January 17th 9:00 JV Boys #2 2:30 JV Girls #1 3:45 JV Boys #1 2:00 Varsity Girls #2 Sacred Gesu Gesu Holy Trinity St. Edith Gesu Gesu All Saints* St. Mary of Wayne* St. Mary of Wayne* John Paul St. Mary of Wayne* St. Mary of Wayne* Varsity Boys #2 Varsity Boys #1 St. Linus St. Valentine St. Valentine St. Francis Cabrini St. Valentine St. Valentine Saturday, January 24th 10:15 JV Boys #2 11:30 JV Girls #1 9:00 JV Boys #1 10:30 Varsity Girls #2 3:45 Varsity Boys #2 12:45 Varsity Girls #1 2:00 Varsity Boys #1 St. Raphael St. Raphael St. Raphael St. James* Sacred Heart St. Raphael St. Raphael 1:15 5:00 Cardinal Sports News Now that the holiday break is over, our teams resume action this weekend with home games on Saturday, January 11th. Our guests will be Sacred Heart, Gesu, Holy Trinity and St. Edith games begin at noon in the SRB Activities Building. Our next home games will be on January 31st. Why not plan on stopping by to take in a game or two? You won’t find a better sporting event admission value anywhere. As always, your help is always appreciated at our home games in such areas as concessions and admissions. Please check your children’s game schedules so that you can lend a hand before or after their games so that you don’t miss any of the action. We are using a new online scheduling program to make it easier to volunteer to help out at the games. Use the following link to SignUp Genius to find a time slot that is right for you. This invitation is extended to everyone, not just the families of the players. The complete remaining season schedule can be can be found on the SRB website. Please be sure to check the SRB website regularly for scheduling changes that may occur. Registration forms for students in grades 4 through 8 for boy’s baseball as well as track for both boys and girls in grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are now available. Forms can be found on the Athletics page of the SRB web site and in this bulletin. We will make our final determination as to what sports will be offering based on the number of forms we receive by the January 19th deadline. Please keep in mind that you do not need to attend St. Robert School to take part in these parish activities. In addition, unlike soccer, volleyball and basketball, students are permitted dual participation in baseball and softball due to the fact that CYO season overlaps with many city and travel leagues that continue through the summer. Please contact the athletic office if you have any questions as to eligibility. Registration forms must be returned no later than January 19th. Registration deadlines are scheduled by CYO and must be adhered to in order to begin the planning for the various sports and divisions. The spring season will begin in mid-March and conclude in May. The Athletics page of the parish website contains information regarding athletic activities available to the children of our school and parish. The web site can be found at Click on Athletic Programs or Quick Reference on the left side of the page under “A.D. Notes”. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact the athletic office at (313) 937-1530 ext.134, e-mail us at: “[email protected]” or drop a note in the collection basket. To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? Page 8 Baptism of the Lord To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? January 10-11, 2015 Page 9 St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Sacrament of Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the third Saturday of each month after the 4 p.m. Mass. Due to other liturgical celebrations, the third Saturday of each month may need to change to another Saturday. Parents should make arrangements in advance at the Parish Office. Mass Intentions January 10 4:00 p.m. VIRGINIA PEZAK By Sue Watt RUTH HEUSING By Sister PAT CORMIN By Sister CLEMENT GREENAN By Family JAMES OLAH By Dolores Harris MICHAEL MC GINN By Wife WALTER DAZBAZ By Family January 11 6:30 a.m. THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE WILLIAM EGAN By Family January 11 8:30 a.m. FRANK WANDERSKI By Joann & Dan Machuta BERNARD WOJNAR By Mimi Mardiros January 11 10:30 a.m. BERNARD WOJNAR By John & Florence Mardeusz January 13 11:00 a.m. THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE January 14 8:30 a.m. JULIA GABLE By Lorraine Waling RUTH HUESING By Lorraine Waling January 16 8:30 a.m. THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE January 17 4:00 p.m. JOSEPH EMERY By Patricia Emery JAMES OLAH By Ann & Maureen Donoghue DARREN SIMS (1st Anniversary) By Family January 18 6:30 a.m. THE PARISHIONERS OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE January 18 8:30 a.m. MARY PRAZUCH By Dave & Elaine Muscat JOHN PLOCH By Wife, Doris January 18 10:30 a.m. BERNARD WOJNAR By John & Florence Mardeusz Sacrament of Anointing For the Sacrament of Anointing, please call the Parish Office to make an appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements for weddings must be made in person by the parties to the proposed marriage. Please call the Parish Office for an appointment. Holy Orders & Religious Life If interested, please call the Parish Office or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocation at 313.237.5875. R.C.I.A. Individuals who are considering becoming Catholic or want to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, please call the Parish Office for more information. Pastoral Care Pastoral Care, annulments, or spiritual direction is available by appointment. Prayer Requests May They Rest in Peace Gerald Carrier William Henderson Michael Daleo Norma Willim Ed McMahon Margaret Rivard, the Mother-in-law of Debbie Rivard For Our Sick Joey Caretti, Ken Taddia, Diana Seim Gloria Lopez, Terry Miazgowicz, Robert Wisner, Eleanor Salisbury, Estelle Grochowicz, Marvin Coughlin, Dolores Harris, Connie DeFrain, Bill Bury, Maureen Griffin, Lary DeMink, Elizabeth Rose, Joyce Burke, Sharon Cannarsa, Sally Piotrowski, Rita McIntyre, Bernadine Krol, Chuck McHenry, Patricia Emery, Vivienne Melnik, Josefa, Jerry Bury, Pat Taddia, Sampsons, Dorothy Pendracki, Andrew Halliburton, Marilyn Basler, Richard Goodlaski, Betty O’Leary, Terese Adams, Orlando Mullett, Ellen Bechter, Jill Biga, Marion Bilyk, Constance Bonarek, John Bosy, Bob Brown, Ronald Burns, Matthew Dugas, Joan Durant, Jack Flanagan, Marge Fodal, Theresa Frank, Gertrud, Joe Goode, Anna Jarboe, Dan Klansek, Cathy Mayeran, Sara McGuire, McMahons, Ron Niedwiecki, Joseph Oleszkowicz, Larry Patzsch, John & Judy Poteracki, William Rust, Camden Sobiechowski, Henry Szurek, Cecelia Turek, Bob Winters, Helen Zimmerman. For Parishioners On Active Military Duty To add names, please contact the parish office. To whom have you been guilty of showing partiality? What can you do to correct that? V SWHIDQ·Banquets at St. Michael’s Cultural Center Alterations by Mrs. Sue 26355 W Chicago Rd • Livonia CALL STEFAN TODAY TO BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT AT (313) 641-6317 MIKE’S EST. 1917 PLUMBING Phone: 313-740-7135 Susanne Szpara, Parish Member Charles R. Step Funeral Home MCGLINCH SONS CO. (313) 255-5063 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Specializing in: Complete Plumbing Sewer and Drain Cleaning • ROOFING • GUTTERS • DOORS • ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING & TRIM • STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • ALUMINUM AWNINGS & CANOPIES • SKYLIGHTS MICHAEL J. WOOD, Master Plumber THREE GENERATIONS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE MICRO SLURRY • ASPHALT PAVING CHIP SEALING • CRACK SEALING DUST CONTROL • SPRAY PATCHING Cremation Services 18425 Beech Daly Rd. VINYL WINDOWS UP TO 35% OFF !"#$%&'()*+,-&, 12101 Wahrman • PO Box 74411 Romulus, MI 48174 ONE OF MICHIGAN’S FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES (734) 941-8885 313-278-2777 or 248-987-6300 (313) 531-1888 DIRECTORS Charles R. Step Charles J. Step Monty S. Wulff Mention This Ad And Receive 50% OFF Frames & Lenses 37339 Six Mile • Livonia, MI 734-591-5400 GARY R. LAUSE PAINTING Experienced & Reasonable Free Estimates 313-274-8321 Interior & Exterior Plaster & Drywall Repair Deck Cleaning & Staining Powerwashing & Wallpaper Removal WOLVERINE HALL 27531 Grand River • Livonia (248) 478-1193 SHOWERS • 1ST COMMUNIONS • ANNIVERSARIES FUNERAL LUNCHEONS • RETIREMENT PARTIES Upstairs lounge seats up to 140 Downstairs hall seats up to 250 Set ups provided - You may provide your own alcohol DON’S PLUMBING 313-255-1199 Joyview Meat Market FULL LINE FRESH MEATS Expert Plumbing Sewer & Drain Cleaning LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER Homemade Kielbasa Kowalski - Luncheon Meats 23822 Joy Rd., E. of Telegraph Donald J. Wood 534-1585 Parishioner THIS SPACE IS For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0127/a Tracy Spiess, ASST MGR 25450 Plymouth Road Redford, MI 48239 313-937-3670 Livonia & Wayne Chapels SNORE? TIRED? SLEEP APNEA? CPAP INTOLERANT? ALTERNATIVE TO CPAP. CALL US! DAVID P. MACK D.D.S. Mack Family Dentistry & Sleep Apnea 27855 Plymouth Rd. • Livonia, MI 48150 734-261-5100 Jack Templin Parishioner Furnace Tune up w/ad $85.00 A $5 SSavings for Svc. Agreement Dis nts for New Equipment Discounts Heating & Cooling • Service & Installation (313) 618-0647 8500 Middlebelt, Westland • 734-421-5299 20200 Goddard, Taylor • 313-291-3880 [email protected] JOHN WOOD PLUMBING Rowley Electrical Company, Inc. 313-255-2299 Electrical Contractors Fast Professional Service Expert Sewer & Drain Cleaning Lic. Master Plumber Reasonable Rates Commercial • Residential • Industrial (734) 525-9547 Licensed • Free Estimates • Insured ~Parish Member~ For Advertising Information, call DAVE POLANSKY at LPi today! 800.477.4574 ext. 6326 [email protected] Transitional Care Unit Helping you from hospital to home! 313-541-6026 AMICO’S 28422 Joy Rd. 734-762-6166 $3.00 OFF LARGE PIZZA w/ad • pick up only THIS SPACE IS Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing 4-G-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0127/b Your Dream Home Awaits! For generations, families have preferred our funeral home, it’s a preference built on family service. Contact Sarah Foy Realtor, Parish Member 313-505-7299 L.J. GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME, INC. “Service - A Family Tradition” Traditional & Cremation Services 734-522-9400 7707 Middlebelt Rd. at Ann Arbor Trail Parish Member PLEASING PICKY PEOPLE IS MY PRIORITY Andrew Etchen Plumber’s Service Plumbing • Drain Cleaning Quality Painter/Handyman 313-794-2609 DESIGN IDEAS & REMODELING Catholic Master Plumber FREE ESTIMATES AFFORDABLE RATES WE INSTALL & SERVICE KOHLER, MOEN & DELTA FAUCETS AND FIXTURES SENIOR DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE 24 Hour Emergency Serving Local Residents for 25 years Call Anytime (313) 291-0157 or (734) 525-3037 V.L.W. Consultant Low Rates and Personal Service Row Join your Catholic Credit Union Today! DEBBIE SARATA Parish Member Conveniently Located: LIVONIA PLYMOUTH 36111 FIVE MILE RD 8817 SHELDON “Your Neighborhood Realtor” Buying, Selling, New Construction, Short Sale, & Foreclosure (734) 432-0212 734/751-2622 or 734/464-7111 Federally Insured by NCUA. Certified Distressed Property Expert – Family Owned and Operated Since 1919 – Neely-Turowski Leonard A. Turowski & Son Neely-Turowski 30200 Five Mile Rd Livonia, MI 48154 9300 Middlebelt Rd Livonia, MI 48150 45100 Warren Rd Canton, MI 48187 734.525.9020 734.427.3400 734.453.3008 Director Todd N. Turowski Director Robert T. Berteau Director Leonard A. Turowski, Jr. 4-G-5-3 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0127/o
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