1210 SOUTH 45TH STREET ● WEST MILWAUKEE, WI 53214 JANUARY 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord Parish Staff Confessions Christian Formation Office Pastor, Fr. David Centner, O.C.D. Associate Pastor, Fr. Ralph-Elias Haddix, O.C.D. Admin. Assistant, Krystal Carroll Holy Assumption - Chapel Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm Saint Florian Saturday 2:30-3:30 pm (or upon request at the parish office) 1210 S. 45th St. • West Milwaukee, WI 53214 DRE - Director of Religious Education DYM-Director of Youth Ministry High School/Confirmation program Barbara Krieger........... 541-7515 ext.39 RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIC-Rite of Christian Initiation of Children Barbara Krieger........... 541-7515 ext.39 Holy Assumption Parish Office* Hours .... Mon., Wed., Fri. 12:00pm-5:00pm Tues., Thur. 9:00-5:00pm Phone .............................. (414) 774-3010 Fax .................................. (414) 774-3735 Email.................... [email protected] Website ...................... www.haparish.org Receptionist, JoAnna Borchardt Trustee, Kathleen Dagenhardt.... 327-5454 Trustee, Larry Horning ............ 778-1156 * Parish Office Hours can be adjusted if appointments are made. Saint Florian Parish Office Hours .... Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm Tues., Thur. 12:30pm-5:00pm Phone .............................. (414) 383-3565 Fax .................................. (414) 383-2708 Email.................... [email protected] Website ...................... www.stflorian.org Trustee, Russell Miller ............. 671-2385 Trustee, Sandy Kania ............... 672-0364 Masses Holy Assumption Weekend .................. Saturday 4:00 pm; ................................. Sunday 10:30am Weekday ..... Monday-Saturday 8:00am; Holy Day ..................... 8:00am, 7:00pm Saint Florian Weekend ................... Saturday 4:00pm; ...................................Sunday 8:00am Weekday (at Our Lady Chapel) Mon.-Fri. 5:00pm Holy Day ........ 7:00pm (Anticipated), 12:10pm Baptism Parish registration and parental instruction required. Please contact the parish office. Marriage Please arrange for a date and instructions at least 6 months in advance at the parish office. Parish registration is required. Anointing of the Sick Holy Assumption 2015 Schedule February 14, 2015 at 4pm April 12, 2015 at 10:30am Saint Florian 2015 Schedule January 10, 2015 at 4pm March 15, 2015 at 8am Perpetual Help Tuesday following 8:00am Mass at Holy Assumption’s Holy Family Chapel Eucharistic Adoration Classes Located in the St. Rita school building. Grade School (K-grade 8) Sunday 9am-10:10am High School (grades 9-11) Sunday 6:30pm-8:00pm Mary Queen of Saints Catholic Academy Greenfield Ave. Campus 1435 S. 92nd St. • West Allis, WI 53214 (414) 476-0751 Food Pantry Holy Assumption (south parking lot) Every Thursday 6:30-8:30pm Every Friday 12-3pm Saint Florian (north parking lot) 3rd Monday of month 5:00-6:00 pm Holy Assumption (Holy Family Chapel) Discontinued Saint Florian (Our Lady Chapel) Discontinued Helping Hands Pastoral Council Parish Membership Holy Assumption Chairperson, Rick Bigus ........ 453-2647 Vice Chair, Kate Borchardt .... 453-6385 Saint Florian Chairperson, Bob Gottheardt . 383-3565 Vice Chair, Mary Costello ..... 383-0513 Outreach for the elderly & homebound. Elaine Croft.............................. 645-7981 Each family or single adult 18 years old or older living at home or alone is invited and expected to be registered in our parish family at the parish office. Please call the parish office. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD The Baptism of the Lord "I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals." That was a lowly job. Removing someone's sandals back in the days when everyone walked everywhere on dusty, sandy desert ground was a dirty task. So when John the Baptist said he wasn't even worthy for that humble duty, he was emphasizing an important point. John understood Jesus' real identity. He knew that this was not just another good man, not just a wise teacher or a gifted leader. John realized that Jesus was truly God-made-man. And because of this, the prophet also comprehended how perfect Jesus was. In relation to this perfection, John honestly acknowledged his own sinfulness with this analogy about the sandals. But look what happened: even though John proclaimed that "one mightier than I is coming after me," Jesus showed up at the Jordan River and asked John to baptize him! Jesus humbled himself by going through this ritual of cleansing and purification, even though he didn't need to. John may have thought himself unworthy, but that didn't stop Jesus from coming to him. Jesus wants to come to us too. Not because we have "earned" his love or because we are "worthy" of some great honor, but simply because he loves us. God sent his Son to us to be one of us, to walk among us, to care for us and guide us. When we were baptized, he counted us among his beloved children in a special way, but that joyful bond is not a thing of the past. By our baptism we are always his children, even when we may be disobedient or belligerent ones. His love is not calculated or quantified; it is a free gift. May we appreciate this gift enough to show our gratitude by a life well lived. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK OF January 11, 2015 Saturday, January 10 Vigil Mass 4:00pm Deceased Members of the Potter Family Sunday, January 11 The Baptism of the Lord 8:00am Health of Marybeth Wisniewski Monday, January 12 Weekday 5:00pm + Alvin and Theresa Sidabras Tuesday, January 13 Saint Hilary 5:00pm Health of Paul Hass Wednesday, January 14 Weekday 5:00pm Intentions of Rev. Reginald Foster OCD Thursday, January 15 Weekday 5:00pm Health of Rose Walters Friday, January 16 Weekday 5:00pm Monastery Intention Saturday, January 17 Vigil Mass 4:00pm + Herman Jutz Sunday, January 18 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am + Art Kania Jr. Schedule for the Eternal Flame of the St. Florian Memorial Prayer Room: The Week of: January 10 - 16, 2015 Art Kania Jr. ST. FLORIAN PARISH - JANUARY 11, 2015 Tom Beale, Diane Bersch, Brinley Bilke, Michelle Bilke, Kate Borchardt, Joshua Catania, Richard Centner Jr., Dolores Costello, Sharon Craige, Judith Culver, Sr. Geraldine Dalhman, David Demos-Kuehl, Dorothy Dietrich, Gregg Dufek, Steve Dufek, Susan Dufek, Janean Enriquez, Dennis Fengier, Adeline Flintrop, Elaine Fugger, Frank Hoeffler, Camille Ginski, Rita Godejohn, Kathy Grabowski, Rita Graf, Gloria Gunderson, June Hankey, Jill Jenear, Pat Karashinski, Denyel Karlovich, Kathy Kleisath, Marisa Kleisath, Julia Lannin, Andrew Litter, Greg Milo, Isabelle Novak, Val Peters, Mary Philbert, Hermina Poheim, David Potter, Patrick Redmond, Sally Redmond, Jim Rendon, Joseph Rice, Sue Robertson, Mary and Jim Shawlin, Carolyn Toby, Betty Vogel, Dorothea Wais, Gilbert Walter, Victoria Zaeske, Bernie Zimney. Sanctuary Candle: The Blessed Sanctuary Candle will burn this week for Holy Souls in Purgatory. Weekly Contributions Contributions needed per week Received week of January 4th Short of expectations by $ 3,846.15 $ 3,106.48 $ 739.67 Monday, January 12 Legion of Mary Mtg at 4 PM at Holy Assumption Christian Formation Mtg at 7 PM in the Parish Office Tuesday, January 13 CYM BB at 5 PM in the Gym Christian Formation Mtg at 7 PM in the Parish Office Wednesday, January 14 Jubilation Choir Practice at 1 PM in the Church Divine Mercy Group at 3 PM in the Church Finance Mtg at 7 PM in the Parish Office Thursday, January 15 Dartball League at 6:30 PM in the Community Center Saturday, January 17 Celebration Choir Practice at 3 PM in the Church Apprecation Dinner at 5 PM in the Gym Readings for the Week of January 11, 2015 Sunday: Is 55:1-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/1 Jn 5:1-9 or Acts 10:34-38/Mk 1:7-11 Monday: Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: Heb 4:12-16/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Eternal Flame and Masses for 2015: There are many openings for the daily Masses for 2015. Please book your dates now before the dates that you are looking for are gone. Please contact Krystal at 414-383-3565 or stop in at the Parish Office. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD MQSCA - Saints in Training We are proud to announce that once again we have been accredited for the 2014-15 school year by the Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation (WRISA). This organization serves schools throughout Wisconsin by providing them an opportunity to demonstrate that they meet a high set of standards for excellence. Each year MQSCA sends an annual report and its long range plans for WRISA to carefully review. Based on those documents, WRISA accredits and certifies our school’s WRISA membership. “We applaud the accomplishments of the Mary Queen of Saints Catholic Academy community and its commitment to ongoing school improvement and high standards of excellence.” - Beatrice Weiland, WRISA’s executive director. The accreditation process is conducted on a seven year cycle. Next year, a visiting team will come to evaluate MQSCA based on these same set of WRISA standards. The visiting team will carefully review every aspect of the school, and then make a formal recommendation to WRISA and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. For further information, please visit www.wrisa.net Mrs. Nicole Kuehne, Principal 414-476-0751; www.MQSCA.org Marriage FOCCUS Couple Needed The Nazareth Project has scheduled a day-long FOCCUS training on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Gesu Parish Center, Fr. Herian Hall, 1210 W. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233-2216, for those wishing to become FOCCUS Couples. The cost for the training is $100.00 per couple and includes lunch. If there are any potential FOCCUS couples at St. Florian or Holy Assumption, please call one of the parish offices. St. Florian and Holy Assumption will pay for the training. This ministry is vital to couples preparing to be married in the church. Please contact us today! Blanket Drive The St. Vincent de Paul Society is asking for donations of caps, mittens, scarves, and gloves for children and adults and also for blankets and sleeping bags. These items will be collected through the winter months and will be distributed at the 2 SVDP meal sites. Donations can be placed in the plastic bin at the back of church or dropped off at the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity. Dorothea Lannin, SVDP SVDP Store A new SVDP store will be opening soon in Greenfield. They are now accepting donations for the store. For more information, please refer to the sheets on the table in the back of church. Thank you for your generosity. Dorothea Lannin, St. Vincent de Paul Society Your Change Can Change Their Lives Our Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the Women’s Support Center will be held January 24th and 25th. We encourage you to start saving your coins now to ease your participation in this pro-life fundraiser. Thank you, Human Concerns Committee Day of Recollection Fr. Ralph-Elias Haddix, OCD, will present the First Saturday morning of recollection in Holy Family Chapel in the school building of Holy Assumption Parish from 8:00 A.M. to Noon on Saturday, February 7th. The day will begin with the celebration of Morning Prayer and the Eucharist. It will include time for private prayer and reflection, a conference on “Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.” The Sacrament of Reconciliation will also be available. ST. FLORIAN PARISH - JANUARY 11, 2015 A note from your Pastor: Dear Friends, Generations of Christian writers have tried to understand Jesus’ experience from “within.” What made Jesus “tick”? Our insights into his psychology are very limited. The scriptures give us few clues, and they can be interpreted in different ways. Nonetheless, it seems to me that trying to understand Jesus helps us to understand our task as disciples. At his Baptism, when Jesus received the special anointing of the Holy Spirit, he entered into his mission as the Christ or Messiah. Sometimes we imagine that his Baptism by John was part of a career plan for Jesus. The Gospels, however, suggest Jesus’ life enfolded in response to impulses of love, rather than according to a humanly intelligible plan. Luke’s Gospel gives us the earliest record of Jesus’ human acts. He stayed behind in the Temple. When Mary and Joseph found him, their anxious searching puzzled him. They did not understand his behavior. The episode reveals that Jesus experienced himself as a person primarily in relation to the Father. Mary and Joseph clearly don’t understand this, and perhaps this painful moment planted in him the seeds of his mission to make us one with the Father. We may surmise that Jesus felt keenly and compassionately sin and how it hurt people; yet to know what to do about it, Jesus needed the special guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can imagine that Jesus heard of the ministry of John and came to the ford of the Jordan at Bethany in order to respond to whatever God wanted of him. The Holy Spirit descended on him. Jesus began to understand humanly how he would fulfill God’s design for this Servant, as announced in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah. Yet this plan did not come about in a sudden flash. Instead, the Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert in order that he might be tempted by the Devil. Only in the crucible of self-emptying would Jesus discover the fullness of God’s plan for him. The Book of the Prophet Isaiah helped Jesus to come to a human understanding his divine mission. Today’s reading from Isaiah stressed for Jesus the glorious aspect of his vocation. He must also have studied with trepidation the prophecies of the sufferings and death that he, the Servant of the LORD, would endure. This was not a career anyone would undertake unless motivated by the most powerful impulses of love. We must never lose sight of the fact that Jesus’ entire life depended on the guidance of that Spirit of Love. Jesus constantly adjusted his plans in response to the present moment and to what the Spirit brought to his human consciousness. In his early ministry, he himself baptized. Later he did not. At Cana, he refused his Mother but moments later worked the first of his signs. At times, he professed human ignorance of things only the Father could know. In Galilee, he focused on teaching and miracles. In Judea and Jerusalem, he was confrontational. His few miracles were signs designed to reinforce his urgent teaching, which his hearers regard as dangerous. The Spirit made him dangerous: He made my mouth like a sharp-edged sword, concealed me, shielded by his hand. He made me a sharpened arrow; in his quiver he hid me. (Is. 49,2.) In everything, Jesus was completely docile to the Spirit who revealed to him in human terms what the Father needed to show him. In the glory of the Resurrection, these limitations would fall away when “God made both Lord and Christ this Jesus whom [they] crucified.” These insights into Jesus’ human understanding are fragmentary and fraught with mystery; yet I think they help us to understand that we, too, depend on the Holy Spirit to chart our course through the unfamiliar water of life. Paul tells us, “We have them mind of Christ.” To have the mind of Christ means, above all to allow ourselves to be led by the Spirit and to trust God each moment to make us understand what Love asks of us. We often walk in darkness, but when the living flame of God in our hearts guides us, we cannot go astray. Happy Feast of the Baptism of the Lord! Father Dave THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD ST. FLORIAN PARISH – JANUARY 11, 2015 Christian Women / Holy Name Society Insurance Seminar will have their monthly meeting on Sunday, January 18th after the 8am Mass in Carmel Hall. We hope you can join us! For those still looking for health insurance for 2015, you still have time to get coverage, RELAX! Tim Windisch, a licensed insurance agent, will be offering an information session on the health insurance plans available through the Affordable Care Act; both on and off the marketplace. Coverage begins March 1, 2015, and the filing deadline is February 15, 2015. He will also be answering questions on any other health insurances. Saturday, January 24, 2015 – 10 a.m.-noon St. Rita Parish The session will be held in Arnold Hall. Please enter Arnold Hall off the parking lot on 60th Street & Lincoln Avenue. To register, please call the parish office at 414-541-7515. St. Jude Thrift - Plans Winter Sale Everything in the St. Jude Thrift Shop, 822 Glenview Ave., Wauwatosa, will be half-price during its mid-winter sale Wednesday, Jan. 21, and Saturday, Jan. 24. The store also will begin offering a Power Purchase Program on Jan. 21. The new program will give customers the opportunity to enter a monthly drawing for a 50 per cent discount certificate. Winners will be able to buy up to $50 of merchandise for 50 per cent off at the shop. The thrift shop carries gently used clothing and shoes for men, women and children as well as house wares, jewelry, books and toys. The store is open to the public and operates Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, call (414) 259-0975 or go to: www.stjudeparishwauwatosa.org. Retrouvaille Marriage Retreat – January 16-18, 2015 Need Marriage Help? – Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For confidential information and/or to register for the upcoming weekend at the Redemptorist Retreat Center in Oconomowoc January 16-18, 2015, call 800-470-2230 or visit www.retrouvaille.org. Will You Wear Your Sunday Best on a Saturday? Share your faith and see yourself on TV as part of the congregation for the nationwide Sunday TV Mass taped locally and televised across the country. Heart of the Nation’s TV Mass ministry needs people for the congregation during the TV Mass tapings on February 7 and March 21. Taping begins at 9 a.m. each Saturday in the chapel of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Drive, Milwaukee (next door to the Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center). Stay for one or up to five Masses on each date. Questions? Contact [email protected], (414) 475-4700. Ever Wonder About the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises? You are invited to a presentation on the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises by the Ignatian Associates, a community of lay people who share a commitment to the practice of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises in everyday life. Join an evening of wine, cheese and good company on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the lower meeting room of the Gesu Parish Center, 1210 W. Michigan (directly behind [south] Gesu Church) Jump Start Your Lent with Scripture with Scholars Join us on Thursday, February 12, 2015, from 7 – 8:30 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 812 N Jackson St., Milwaukee for an exploration of “From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth: Biblical Reflections on the Dynamic Legacy of Dei Verbum and the essential Outreach of the Church’s Mission,” featuring noted biblical scholar, Fr. Donald Senior. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. Case of the missing virgin? It’s a mystery that has baffled an elderly woman on Milwaukee’s Southside who goes by the name Sr. Charity. She led an effort to purchase a statue of the Virgin Mary that she named Our Lady of the Streets and, for years, the statue looked out for those on Milwaukee’s tough streets. But somehow, the statue has disappeared. Read about this “mystery” in the Jan. 15 issue of the Catholic Herald. To subscribe to the weekly publication, call (414) 769-3500, toll free (877) 769-7699 or visit www.catholicherald.org. “Night Music on the Boulevard” Concert Friday, January 16, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. St. Joseph Hall, 1501 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee Warm up your winter evening with classical, jazz, and pop favorites performed by Jeffrey Hollander on piano and Michael Britz on double bass. Hear the music of Beethoven, Chopin, George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Hoagy Carmichael, and more. Tickets are just $10. Order from School Sisters of St. Francis, c/o Donna O’Loughlin, 1501 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53215. Details at www.sssf.org. Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass – January 22, 2015 On Thursday, January 22, Bishop Richard Sklba will preside at the Archdiocese’s observance of the National Day of Penance and Prayer for Life. The Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass will be held at St. Leonard Parish, W173S7743 Westwood Drive, Muskego. St. Leonard’s Christian Mothers group will lead the Rosary for Life at 6:30 p.m., followed by Mass at 7 p.m. A reception will follow. Come join in fellowship with Catholics from around the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as we pray in penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion and for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission: 5 Steps to Winning the War Within” The faith community of St. Lucy Catholic Church, 3101 Drexel Ave., Racine invites you to “Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission: 5 Steps to Winning the War Within” on Saturday, January 31, 2015, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Presented by Catholic author and speaker John Wood and featuring musical guest Simply RC, this faith-filled event helps to answer the question, “How can you bring purpose into your everyday life?” Cost to attend is $20 per person. For additional information, please visit www.DynamicCatholic.com, or call (262) 554-1801.
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