THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11 PRAY THE ROSARY WITH US Please join us to pray the rosary every morning after daily mass. And Every Monday night at 8 P.M. a small group gathers at the church to recite the Rosary. JOIN US! It takes less than ½ hour and is a wonderful way to end the day. PASTORAL VISITS TO HOSPITAL VIGIL 5PM LOUISA PITTARI/Madeline Baltrush JOAN MASON/The Lauckner Family SUNDAY Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11; Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Mk 1:7-11 8:00 MARY KAY/Joanne & Jessica Bauman ROSE WEINER/ The LaRose Family The LaRose Family 10:30 JAMES PURCELL/The Stansfield Family NICHOLAS CARONE/The Sammartino Family 12:00 HELEN KUHNEN/Fr. Dan & The IHM Parish Family CHARLIE FERRARA/Family 7PM LIVING AND DECEASED PARISHIONERS MONDAY – 1/12 – St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20 8:00 BABY OWEN FARHART/The Deraney Family TUESDAY - 1/13 – St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28 8:00 CHRISTOPHER ASHMAN WEDNESDAY - 1/14 Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39 8:00 CHRISTOPHER ASHMAN/Mr. & Mrs. J. Mancini THURSDAY – 1/15 Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45 8:00 ANGIE CRETELLA/The Edie Family CHARLES MARINO/The DellAntonia Family FRIDAY -1/16 Heb 4:1-5, 11; Mk 2:1-12 8:00 ROSINA WEINER/Mr. & Mrs. J. Mancini SATURDAY - 1/17 – St. Anthony, Abbot Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17 9:00 ANTONIO SPEZIALE VIGIL 5PM LORETTA ROM/Fr. Dan & The IHM Parish Family LONNY DEPERI/Ann & John Borsella SUNDAY 1/18 – 2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 8:00 WINSTON WELCH/The Roberts Family 10:30 ROSE LUKOS/Religious Education Staff EDWARD GAVIN/Judy & Robert Barker 12:00 MONICA GARCIA/The Kaufman Family JOHN DUNNE/Mr. & Mrs. J. Tyrrel 7PM NANCY CECE/Linda Sammartino Because of privacy laws, the area hospitals no longer notify us when a parishioner has been admitted. If you would like to be visited by a priest, deacon or Minister of Communion, please call or have a FAMILY MEMBER call the rectory at 973-6943400 and let us know the hospital and room number. Also, call the rectory if you wish to be included in the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend Masses and the bulletin. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, January 11: 8:30 – 10:30am – Rel. Ed – MR/School 9:15 – 10am – Rel. Ed. Class Mass - MC 11:30am – 1pm – RCIA – IHMMC 1:30pm – Baptisms - CH 1 – 3pm – Youth Ministry - MC 1:30pm – Baptisms – CH 5 – 6pm – Make up Acre Test - GYM Monday, January 12: FINANCE COMMITTEE CANCELLED 3:30 – 4:30pm – G.S. Troop # 146 - MR 6:30 – 8:30pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 8pm – Novena – CH 8 – 9pm – B.S. Troop # 192 – PLC Mtg. - MC 8:30pm – K of C - MR Tuesday, January 13: 3:30 – 5:30pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 8pm – K of C - MR Wednesday, January 14: 9:45am – Prayer Group – MR 12- 1pm – Zumba – MR 7 – 9:30pm – Spec. Olympics – Gym Thursday, January 15: 3 – 5:00pm – G.S. Troop # 94131 Mtg. - MR 7 – 9:30pm – Choir - CH 6:45 – 9pm – B.S. Scouts Troop # 192 Mtg. – MR 7 – 9pm – Youth Ministry - MC Friday, January 16: 7 – 8:30pm – Junior High Youth Ministry - MC Saturday, January 17: 4pm - Confessions – CH 8 pm – AA – MR WELCOMING THE “LITTLE ONES” WELCOME Christian Initiation into the Roman Catholic Church is a parish event, not a private affair. The sacrament of Baptism should be experienced, understood and celebrated as a process within the faith community. As Christian parents YOU are the most important persons in nurturing the faith life of your child. Baptism Prep Sessions for parents who are preparing to have their child baptized into the Faith Community are held at 7:30 PM in the SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER. The next session is THIS Tuesday, January 13th . Baby doesn’t have to be born as long as you are a parishioner, you can sign up at any point during pregnancy, just call the rectory at 973-694-3400. You enter this Church… not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. God is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into God’s presence, offering God your love and service. Be grateful to the strong and the loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built this place of worship and to all who have beautified it and hallowed it with their prayers and praise. Ask God’s blessing on those who love this house of faith as the inspiration of their labor, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit, and may that blessing rest on you, both on your going out and your coming in. WHERE DO ALL THE BIBLES GO? Our parish ministry of providing Bibles to homeless Shelters, Rehab Centers, and County Jails has revealed a great need. Quotes from various chaplains and administrators sum it up: “The residents are hungry for Bibles,” “All the Bibles are gone in one day; I’ll take all the Bibles you can deliver.” Please ask your friends and family for any unused Bibles, check Flea Markets, Garage Sales, etc. and place them in the basket in the vestibule. It’s wonderful to see these donated Bibles in the hands (and, hopefully, the hearts) of those in need. God bless you. SOMETHING SPECIAL Sometimes we would like to do something special either in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion or simply to say “Thank You”. One way we do that is through Mass Intentions. However, it isn’t always possible to get the day or date we would like. With this in mind, we would like to give you the opportunity to either donate the Bread and Wine we use at all the liturgies for a week or to light the Sanctuary Lamp in someone’s memory for a week. The donation is $10. We have a card for you, either as a reminder or to present to a family. If you would like to make this donation you can stop by the rectory, just as you would to reserve a mass. Just a reminder, we will accept only one donation for bread and wine and one donation for the sanctuary lamp per week. We will also announce these intentions in the bulletin. NEW SOCKS A simple pair of new socks can brighten a day! In the rear of the church is a container for new socks for the people of Eva’s Shelter in Paterson. This outreach project was developed by one of our teens, Matthew Renzulli. Matt gifts us as a communion minister and is always willing to share his time and energy during our Youth Ministry service projects. I encourage you to support Matt’s efforts and simply brighten the day of a person less fortunate than most of us. A simple pair of new socks is a way to start! The container will remain in the vestibule as an on-going project. PARISH MEMBERSHIP All adult Catholics should officially register in the parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents even if ‘living at home’. We cannot serve you by issuing letters for sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation, or Matrimony, nor give character references for teaching positions, etc. if we do not know you. All new members of our faith family are encouraged to come to the parish so we can meet you. Call the rectory for an appointment. Also, please notify the parish office of any changes in address, telephone number, or if you are leaving the parish. OFFERTORY COLLECTION To meet the needs of our parish family and to proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus: Budget requirements: $13,000 each WEEK - To offer our young people Youth Ministry experiences - To offer our children a faith-filled program of learning about Jesus and the Gospel - To worship with faith and grace at our Sunday Eucharist - To reach out to God’s people in need have support and care. Please remember the needs of our parish ministry in making your weekly offering. Thank you for all you do to enable the Gospel to touch the lives of God’s people. $13,000.00 PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick and homebound of our parish family in your prayers during the week: Katherine Ryan, Bob Ryan, Mary Sudovar, Stan Bednarczyck, Donald Law, Michael Gossinger, Anna Stadler & Kurt Spinner. “IT IS A HOLY AND WHOLESOME THING TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD” Please pray for the souls of the departed members of our parish family. THE FAMILY CORNER January 11 Mt 2: 7:11 The gospel today points to Jesus’ humanity: like us He needed RECOGNITION (“You are my son”), AFFECTION (“My Beloved Son”), and affirmation)”With you I am well pleased.”). In our families it is easy to focus on irritating behaviors and take for granted all positives. In the New Year take a lesson from God the Father, be an affirmer and not a blamer. IHM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THOW COMPETITION _______________________________________________________________ The RCIA assists adults on their faith journey to seek a relationship with the living God and enter a way of faith and conversation as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. During this journey, at the proper time, they will receive the sacraments of Christian Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. The group gathers weekly after the 10:30 AM Mass to break open the Word and is comprised of unbaptized adults, baptized adults from other Christian traditions, and Roman Catholics who have not celebrated Confirmation and possibly First Eucharist. These adults meet in a group setting with catechists who share faith through prayer, talks and discussions. Please share this ministry with anyone who you think may be interested and contact Joanne Calafiore at the rectory 973-694-3400 or [email protected]. You, too, can plant the seeds of faith with others! FOOD CERTIFICATES Our parish family is grateful to all who have purchased the certificates for Market Basket, ShopRite, Food Town, Corrado’s, A&P or Stop & Shop. Thank you for your continuing generosity. IHM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS will be sponsoring a Free Throw Competition for boys and girls up to 14 years of age (as of January 1, 2015). Saturday, January 17, 2015 Registration begins @ 12:30pm Contest begins @ 1:00pm Location: Immaculate Heart of Mary School 580 Ratzer Road, Wayne NJ Please bring a copy of child’s birth certificate Court shoes or sneakers required FEED THE HUNGRY In the past it has been our mission to take a food collection on the fourth Sunday of the month for the Fr. English Center in Paterson. During this past Lent we collected on a weekly basis and shared the food between the Fr. English Center and the Wayne Interfaith Food Pantry. It was wonderfully successful. Going forward the Food Collection Barrel will be in the vestibule permanently to receive donation that will be shared with both food pantries. Thank you for your care for those that go hungry in our community and our Diocese. BLESSING OF EXPECTANT PARENTS We, the parish community, share our support, affirmation, guidance and assistance as you bring to life a new member among us. As you prepare to welcome a new child into your family, we, the Church, would like to ready ourselves for the joy that is yours. We desire to express this joy at the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, January 25th. We encourage you to have your family; friends and the child’s chosen godparents come with you. Please call the rectory if you will be participating in the blessing. WAYNE INTERFAITH BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, February 8, 2015 9:00am to 2 PM Immaculate Heart of Mary For more information, please contact Joanne Calafiore at (973) 694-3400 or you can visit the link on the IHM website on the top left of our home page. If you are taking medication you may still be able to donate blood. ZUMBA AT IHM BEEFSTEAK 2015 ANNUAL BEEFSTEAK DINNER Friday, February 13, 2015 7:00 PM in the IHM GYM Sports/Motivational presentation by Gary Jeter (Giants 19771982) & (Rams 1983-1988)! Question and answer period, a raffle and a door prize. Ticket cost is $45.00 per person Tickets may be purchased by calling (973)696-1854, (973) 694-5541 or the Rectory office at (973)694-3400 M-F, 104pm. Zumba is a Latin inspired dance fitness class whose aim is to help build strength, improve motion and posture, and can be adjusted to a variety of ages. Rita Weiner is a certified Zumba instructor and a member of ZIN (Zumba Instructor’s Union). Classes have begun and continue on Wednesdays @ 12:00 p.m. in the Lower Meeting Room. The 1 hour class can be modified for YOU! Please wear sneakers, comfortable clothes and bring water. A $5 offering to the church is suggested for each class. PLEASE PARK AROUND THE BLESSED MOTHER’S STATUE….. DO NOT PARK IN LOWER OR UPPER LOTS AS THE CHILDREN PLAY THERE DURING RECESS. MUSIC BOOKS DONATION FOR THE NEW LITURGY MUSIC BOOKS. Forms are available in the vestibule of the church. Please fill out the form with your offering ($20 is the usual donation). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS YOUTH MINISTRIES Forgiveness is the key word as our second graders begin their preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Through their work in the Gold Book and with the gentle guidance of their parents and teachers, the children are discovering how wonderful it is to make peace – with their friends, with their families, with those who are hurting, with God! The stories of The Prodigal Son and The Lost Sheep, shared with the children over these next weeks, help them to understand the healing power of reconciliation – “coming back together again!” We pray for our children and their families as they seek peace through God’s forgiveness and as they celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on March 7th. Confirmation 2nd Year Candidates: Antioch Retreat Registration forms are due immediately Christian Service Journals (hours) are due March 31st Make up for the ACRE TEST is this Sunday at 5pm in the school January 25th is our next Faith Formation Session SAFE ENVIRONMENT “If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Peggy Zanello at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 Ext. 205 or Sister Mary Edward Spohrer, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 Ext. 248. The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site:”. YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOUR GIFTS OF MINISTRY Please consider ministering in our parish as a Lector or Communion Minister. We are in need of your gifts and talents so the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament can be experienced by all. Please call the rectory at 973-694-3400. The Pre-K classes were very busy in December preparing for Christmas and learning about the true meaning of the season. The children read stories about Jesus' birth, learned how to sing "Silent Night" and "Away in a Manger," and created pretty nativity scenes to display at home. In the days before Christmas break, the students shared in a celebration that included singing Christmas carols, reading holiday stories, and enjoying festive treats. The children were then surprised with a visit from St. Nick himself, who came bringing a special present for each child! It was a wonderful season shared by all. The Pre-K wishes everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! TIME 5:00 8:00 10:30 12:00 7:00PM LECTOR R. Barwick R. Covello R. Heckelmann R. Connor K. Murray 1st Year Candidates: January 10th: DAY RETREAT from 1pm-6pm, it incorporates 5pm Mass and we ask families to attend that Mass with their candidates. DRESS WARM and bring a coat to go outside (briefly) if weather permits. Snacks and juice donations are needed for the candidates DAY RETREAT (above) Christian Service Journals (hours) are due June 1st January 25th is our next Faith Formation Session High School Youth Ministry A DODGEBALL tournament will be held for high school parishioners in grades 9-12 on Thursday, January 29th in the school gym from 6:30-9:30pm. “Register your team” (of four) by emailing Cathy [email protected] or just come watch the fun! Food, faith & friends… all that’s missing is YOU! Jr High Youth Ministry Our next Jr. high event is January 16th from 7-9pm. All 7th and 8th graders are welcome! 6th GRADERS are invited to our youth night on January 23rd from 7-9 in the Ministry Center (Kilroy House behind the Church). Bring your favorite “board game” and bring a friend! Snacks and additional games are provided by youth ministry. HELP NEEDED for our youth ministry God Squad (feeding our teens on retreat in IHM school gym) on Feb 7 th and March 14th. Volunteers are needed to serve/clean up breakfast, lunch OR dinner as well as volunteers to cook/purchase foods and desserts. We are also looking for a coordinator to help organize our volunteer list and send out reminders to the God Squad. ANY help is appreciated! Contact Cathy in the Parish Office (973) 694-3400 or email [email protected]. LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR JANUARY 17/18 MINISTERS OF COMMUNION ALTAR SERVERS C. Cronk, P. Gorman, M. Pierce V. Wolf, M. Sternberg Deacon Dan, J. Brancone, J. Hintz F. Helms, A. Baldyga N. & Z. Cassanova, L. Ortega, N. Schneeloch, J. Yancy C. Fitzsimons, J. Messenger J. Esser, K. Doyle, C. Mesce S. Miriagos, J. French K. Coyne, M. Funge, D. S. Terranova, M. Tudda
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