Mater Amoris School Mater Amoris School 301-774-7468 301-774-7468 [email protected] [email protected] Mater Amoris Matters January 2015 Mater Amoris Montessori School 18501 Mink Hollow Road, PO Box 97 Ashton, MD 20861 301-774-7468 [email protected] FROM THE DIRECTRESS CALENDAR OF EVENTS The staff and I would like to extend a Happy New Year to all of our families. We also wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for the very generous and thoughtful holiday gifts we received in December. Our annual Holiday Program was a very special event and I want to extend my congratulations to all of the children who sang and played instruments for the performance. All of the contributions to the bake sale were beautifully wrapped and very inviting. Thank you to the many volunteers who helped with packaging, pricing, setup, selling and clean-up. Many thanks also to Ingrid Kleckner for conducting the raffle and to our graduating students for announcing the lucky winners. It was a wonderful everyone who attended. Fevening ROMfor THE DIRECTRESS After a relaxing break, we are now ready to settle into our school routine and look forward to the semester ahead. Mon, Jan 5 Classes resume Pilgrims Weds, Jan 7, 9:30-11 a.m. Open House for prospective families 18501 Mon, JanMink 19 Hollow Rd PO NO CLASSES Box 97 OO Ashton, Martin LutherMD King,20861 Jr. Day Tues, Feb 10 Rehearsal for the musical FROM THE DIRECTRESS Weds, Feb 11 The school year is off to a good start and I am happy to welcome all the families, old and new! Dress rehearsal for the Shannon Meyers is taking the elementaryUPPER Montessori training this yearHISTORY and we wish her the best in ELEMENTARY AMERICAN PROJECT musical her new Barbara The Heikkinen has returned Mater aAmoris to but work in December the office.with Please Upper Elementary classtofinished very short busy the join Thurs, Feb venture. 12 th Musical Performance holiday program on the 5 and the completion of their American History projects Historic Olney Theatre with presentations in costume and a pot luck luncheon on the 16th. We started Mon-Fri, Feb 16-20 presenting at 9:10 and finished the last historical figure at 3:10. The food was Presidents’Day and Midwonderful thanks to the contributions of many parents. All of the presenters Winter Break spoke with ease, most in first person, as they told their stories of historical figures me in extending her a warm welcome. NO CLASSES from Queen Isabella to Amelia Earhart, joking about the representation of 400 Thurs, Feb 26 years of history as we sat down to lunch. We also squeezed in Secret Snowflakes, Kennedy Center field trip for a 3rd year luncheon at El Andariego and latkes on the 18th to complete the month all Elementary students of celebration. SNOW POLICY ELEMENTARY CLASS Mater Amoris will follow Montgomery County Schools’Snow Policy for school closings. However, when Montgomery County schools open one or two hours late, Mater Amoris will open at its regular time. When Montgomery County schools close early, Mater Amoris will close early. You do not need to call the school – just follow the radio announcements. MATER AMORIS READ-A-THON The Parent Council Is excited to announce the winners of the 2014 Read-A-Thon! UPPER Our top reader this year is Veronica Sinsky with 3150 minutes. Our top money maker is Luke Wilbur who raised $1000.00. Our top readers for each class are Bronson Shepherd (Mrs. Perez), Jackson Gross and Mia Tegeris (Mrs. A-O), Alejandro Villa Bass (Mrs. Poje) and Maddox Glassner (Ms. Shea). Our top fundraisers for each class are Ian Ver Steeg (Mrs. Perez), Mika Klubis (Mrs. A-O), Brennan Shaw (Mrs. Poje), and Iman Sheikh (Ms. Shea). Mrs. A-O’s class had 100% participation. Congratulations to all of our winners and to everyone who participated. The Read-A-Thon was a huge success, raising just under $6500. Our children read a total of 52,233 minutes. Thank you so much to everyone who participated - these amounts surpassed our expectations again this year. Prizes will be awarded when we return from the holiday break. UPDATE TO THE DIRECTORY New address for Chirag and Sonal Bhatt: 14413 Clay Rock Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE MATER AMORIS PARENT COUNCIL READ-A-THON The Parent Council would like to thank all the children and parents of Mater Amoris for making the Read-A-Thon For the most part, the a tremendous success. This fundraiser had educational as well as financial benefits. The children were very passionate about their reading. The Parent Council is so grateful for your family’s contributions and efforts that for the second year in a row we are going to suspend our direct sale fundraisers for the balance of the school year. We will not be asking the children to sell coffee, pizza, gifts or gift-wrap this school year. We look forward to next year’s Read-A-Thon. BOOTS AND BLING AT THE SPRING FAIR AND SILENT AUCTION Preparations are already underway for our annual Spring Fair and Silent Auction. Again this year, we are asking everyone to be creative in thinking about friends, family and businesses that might be willing to donate to the auction. In the coming days, all families will be receiving a letter from the committee asking for a donation toward the auction. For those of you who’ve contributed in the past, your support is greatly appreciated. We would love an early confirmation of your repeat donations. Your support has been critical to our success and we look forward to your continued involvement. Keep your eyes open as we are making some changes to the format of this year’s auction and fair. Get your cowboy boots ready - we promise a great family event full of western fun! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE Yourweather ongoing support ofplease the Mater Amoris s fundraisers the years has allowed to As cold approaches, take the time Parent to labelCouncil’ clearly every article ofover clothing your child brings tousschool, support the Butterfly Garden, buy classroom materials and books, pay for the buses for the Kennedy Center trips, contribute towards the costs associated with the Holiday Program, PJ Party, Spring Musical and Graduation. Every year the Parent Council creates a specific fundraising goal for the Auction. In the past these larger projects have allowed us to re-cover the field hockey turf, to establish the nature trails, to fund new marketing initiatives for the school and so many others. Stay tuned to hear what this year’s goal will be! The Parent Council still has funds to offer a $500 tuition credit for each new student a family recruits for Mater Amoris. Please call the school office if you have any questions about this recruitment incentive. It is through the support of all families that the council is able to meet these goals. Please call Ingrid Kleckner at 301-6222960 or Lorraine Tegeris at 301-996-5103 if you would like to volunteer to make this year’s fair and auction another outstanding success! Thank you to the parents who have attended the Fall Picnic and Parent Social, who have volunteered at the Book Fair and/or Bake Sale, or helped raise funds for the school by attending the Mater Amoris Nights Out, clipping Box Tops, and sponsoring a reader for the Read-A-Thon.
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