to view The Witness - First Baptist Church Louisville, MS

- Billy Bowie -
Thank you for all the flowers,
prayers, calls, & words of
encouragement during the
recent death of my sister.
Our family was so blessed by
your compassion and
Wednesday Night Supper
January 14, 2015
Scrambled Eggs
Don’t forget to make your
reservations by Noon on
Tuesday. Cost is $5 per
On Sunday, January 25, we
will have a special morning
service devoted completely to
music. At the close of that
service we will conclude with
the singing of “Days of
Elijah”. YOU are invited to
come up to the choir loft and
sing with us (YOUNG &
OLD). Let’s fill the whole
platform as we sing praises to
our Lord!
Betty and I want to
express our appreciation
for the very generous
Christmas honorarium.
We love you all.
Every day with Jesus
is sweeter than the
day before...
Our Love and Prayers Go
Out to…
♥ Billy Bowie and his family
in the death of his sister,
Betty Lance of Camden,
Pray for our Committee as
they seek God’s will for our
next Minister of Music.
Committee Members Are:
Mark Donald, Chairman
Matt Hillyer
David Humphries
Johnny Johnson
Emily Perkins
Sylvia Wright
Gwen Clark
Rhonda Shotts
Thank You
A note has been placed on
the “Thank You” board by:
Jenise McGraw-Greer and
This Past Week
First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 547, 205 South Church Avenue, Louisville, Mississippi 39339
Music Notes
Sunday School – January 4, 2015
Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Financial Record
Weekly Budget Goal . . . .
Tithes & Offerings . . .
Designated Budget . . . . . .
Designated Restricted . . . .
Acts 1:8 Offering . . . . . .
Lottie Moon Offering . . .
Total Receipts . . . . . . . . .
Financial Record 12/31/14
Weekly Budget Goal . . . . $18,983.52
Tithes & Offerings . . .
Designated Budget . . . . . .
Designated Restricted . . . $5,440.00
Lottie Moon Offering . . .
Staff Christmas Offering .
Total Receipts . . . . . . . . . $17,389.00
ETC Ministry
Sundays, January 11
Mallory S. Eaves and Edna Overstreet
Media Crew for January
Radio broadcast on WLSM at 11:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m. are now tape delayed
of both previous Sunday services. Tape
delayed TV broadcast of the previous
Sunday morning and evening worship is
broadcast at 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on
cable channel 18.
Director: Robert Clark
Broadcast Sound: Terry Carter
House Sound: Matt Hillyer
Media: Robert McCool
Cameras: Ray Garrett &
Jackson Clark
Offering Committee for January
Ray Ingram, Chairman
Jakie Sullivan
Don Miller
Anthony Sloan
Ellis Holdiness
Butch Luke
Deacon on Call
January 9 - 10
Ronnie Jones
Transportation for January
Jimmy Covington
Published weekly (except Christmas
week) by First Baptist Church, 205 South
Church Avenue, Louisville, MS 39339.
Periodical postage paid at Louisville, MS
39339. Publication No. 195320
Rob Paul, Pastor
Billy Bowie, Minister of Music 803-4043
Terry Carter, Bldg. Supt.
Newlie Long, Minister of Ed. 803-9421
Scott Lowrey, Minster of Youth
Missy Hudspeth, Children’s Minister
Church Office
Making Jesus known from the red hills of
Mississippi to the ends of the Earth.
Vol. 46
January 8, 2015
No. 48
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
for International Missions
Our Church Goal: $32,000.00
Given to Date: $17,670.00
DiscipleNow Weekend
January 16 - 17
For all of our youth and their friends!
To register give your form and
$20.00 to Scott.
Special guests:
Unhindered & Nick Hall
Please be praying for the speakers and our
youth as they prepare for a great weekend
spent praising God!
Save the Date
Saturday, January 24
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Reception Honoring Rev. Billy Bowie
Upon His Retirement
2015 First Baptist
Deacon Family Groups
The Deacon Family Ministry is a
very important part of our church.
As the title implies, your deacon is
ready to minister to you and your
family in any way he can. He will
be in touch with you, but you can
help him know your needs by calling
him whenever there is something he
can do for you. As you check the
list in this issue of the WITNESS
and find your deacon, why not give
him a call and let him know you
appreciate this ministry and the fact
that he is your deacon. He will
appreciate your interest. Pray for
him daily as you pray for all of your
church staff.
If we have failed to list your
family, please call the church
office immediately (773-6246).
Our desire is to include every family
in our church in this ministry.
Thank you for helping us!
Deacon: J. R. “Buddy” Butts
Larry & Jan Addkison
David Bane, Jr. Family
Steve Cagle
Jimmy Covington
Mark Donald Family
Camille Fulton
Wayne Gordon
Arthur Lee Hartness Family
Kenneth & Helen Hooks
John & Kathy Johnsey
Lee Kirkpatrick Family
Buster & Brenda McAdory
M. D. & Joan McMinn
Daniel Parker Family
Lori Roberts Family
Carmen Smith
Faye Suttle
Haley Ward Family
Jean E. Woodruff
Deacon: Jimmy Covington
Mavis Addkison
Marilyn Belding Family
Jim Butts
Jeremy Cummins Family
William E. & Ouida Donald
Cassandra Fulton Family
Ronnie & Vicky Hathorn
Marjorie Hudson
David Johnson
Paula Kirkpatrick Family
Jim & Susan McAdory
Barry & Tonya McWhirter
John T. & Suzanne Paschal
Steve Roberts Family
Casey Smith Family
Tommy Suttle
Joe Ward Family
Kathleen White
Terry Woods Family
Deacon: Dan Curran
Joan Agent
Barry Black Family
David Calvert
Nancy Covington
Gina Duty Family
Gary & Sue Fulton
Virginia Hathorn
Bubba & Faye Hudspeth
JoLane Johnson
Charles & Nelda Kitchens
Mae McAdory
Jimmy & Janell McWhirter
Dot Miller
Rob & Melanie Paul
Daniel Robertson Family
Don & Gail Smith
Ted & Joyce Sykes
Ouida Ward
Malynda Woodward Family
Deacon: William Donald
Walter & Anna Jean Allen
Paul & Susan Blanchard
Mildred Calvert
Lester & Carolyn Cummins
G. Jyles & Kay Eaves
Kenny Joe Fulton Family
Kenneth &Janice Hedgepeth
Cully Hudspeth Family
Johnny & Arlene Johnson
Teresa Ktsanes Family
Robert McCool Family
Kelly Middleton
Karen Pearson Family
Justin Rodgers Family
Barry Sloan
Pam Smith
Davis Taylor
Sara Ward
Paul Woolery Family
Deacon: Kyle Fulton
Michael & Susan Ard
Irene Boatner
Mary Butler
Pruitt & Jean Calvert
Dan & Janice Curran
Mallory Eaves
Kyle Fulton Family
Gregg Henderson
Doug & Diann Hudspeth
Pete Johnson Family
Amy Land
Andi McCrimon
Eddie Ray Miley
Melba Pearson
Gary & Linda Rogers
Sonya Smith Family
Lex Taylor Family
Troy & Wanda Ward
Coleen Wright
Deacon: John Garner
Stephen Arnett
Kenny & Kathy Bourland
Speedy Calvert Family
Kyle Curran Family
Rick & Marsha Eaves
Ray & Hazel Garrett
Kay Henderson
Mozell Hull
William & Patti Johnson
Robbie Land Family
Betty McCubbin
Don Miller Family
Ron Perkins Family
Peggy Pugh
Gregg Rogers Family
Bradley Stapleton
Mitzie Taylor
Udell Ward
John & Sylvia Wright
Deacon: Ray Garrett
Nancy Autry
Tracy Bowen
Jason Carr Family
Bill & Bonnie Coleman
Tyler Dalton
Daryl & Beth Edmonds
John & Diane Garner
Jean Hendrix
David Humphries Family
Glynn & Jean Jones
Kenneth & Helen Larson
Jerry & Dihan McCullough
Bo Milton Family
Jana Peterson Family
Jimmie Irene Rogers
Sylvia Stevens
Robert Taylor Family
Earl & Peggy Watson
Bobby & Mary Ann Yates
Deacon: Cully Hudspeth
Pat & Margaret Autry
Billy & Betty Bowie
Dana Carr Family
Chris Davis Family
Leon & Boots Ellis
Bubba Gentry
Scott Hendrix Family
Ray & Peggy Ingram
Lee Jones
Betty Lawrence
Todd McCullough Family
Peggy Mitchell
Linda Peterson
Frances Rosamond
Tonya Stevenson Family
Judy Thomas
Kathleen Watson
Eric Yates
Deacon: Ray Ingram
Coley Bagwell
David K. Boydstun Family
Terry Carter Family
Allison Chambers
Mark Deese Family
Mike Ellis
Dell Gillett
Marjorie Hensley
Virginia Hunt
Ronnie Jones Family
Newlie Long Family
Willie Dean McDonald
Rusty & Beth Mitchell
Judy Phillips
James Russell
Brad Stewart Family
Doug Thompson Family
Lisa Watson Family
Deacon: Mark Jackson
Billy Don Baker Family
Tommy Boydstun Family
Peggy Causey
John H. & Naomi Comeaux
Dana Dempsey Family
Reggie & Rebecca Ellis
Pat Goodin
Chester Herrington
Mark Jackson Family
John & Gladys Jowers
Joey Lowrey Family
Peggy McDowell
Marveen Moody
Amanda Plunk Family
Howard Ryals Family
David & Marzell Stewart
Betty Todd
Ava Doris Weil
Deacon: Johnny Johnson
Bobby Baker Family
Ilene Bridges
Robert Clark Family
Jarrod Dempsey Family
Ann Fillingim
Ronnie & Cindy Eubanks
Roy Green
David & Penny Hill
Lee Audis Jayroe
Scott Lowrey Family
Betty McGee
Stephen Moody Family
Dot Porter
John & Clara Schoolar
Ken Stewart Family
Alton & Faye Tollison
Kayely Vowell
Lowell Wilson Family
Deacon: Ronnie Jones
Peggy Baker
Margaret Brown
Mike & Darlene Coleman
Jimmy & Angie Dempsey
Herbert & Frances Evans
Clyde Dean Greene
Tina Henderson
Matt Hillyer Family
Jeanine Jenkins
Brenda Keen Family
Butch & Diane Luke
Gerald & Ann McGee
Henry & Judy Moore
Sanders & Joan Powell
Chris Sheets
Patricia Stokes
Matthew & Barbara Turner
Wendell & Pam Womack
Deacon: Jerry
Buddy & Frances Ball
Denny Bucklew Family
Bob Combs Family
Kayla Dempsey
Jane Files
Jim & Glenda Gregory
Claudine Hindman
Lola Jenkins
Odie Keen Family
Sara Luke
Bobby McKay
Mary Rose Moore
Winford Prescott
LaNelle & Nancy Sherrard
Tommy & Pat Smith
Summer Stokes Family
Bobby & Glenda Triplett
Barbara Wood
Deacon: Ron Perkins
Madelyn Ball
Bernard Blair
Kenneth Burton Family
Joe Cooper Family
Morris & JeNell Doler
Myrtle Foster Family
Phyllis Gronewold Family
Carolyn Hisaw
Kim Jennings
Paul Killen Family
John Mask
Frankie McKinzie
David Morgan Family
Steve Quinn Family
Charles Shotts Family
Beth Stoots Family
Bud & Shelby Varner
Tony & Barbara Wood
Deacon: Steve Quinn
Richard & Beverly Ballard
Bob & Kay Butts
Lois Cournoyer
Chuck Donald Family
Bill & Naomi Fryery
Marilyn Hall
Bo & Donis Hobby
Danny & Bonnie Jewell
James Kinard Family
Audrey Massey
Jamie McMillin Family
Maudine Nolen
Joyce Peters
Pauline Rhodes
Kathy Sinclair
Jakie Sullivan Family
Debbie & Gladys Walker
David & Jean Woodruff
Deacon: Gary Rogers
David & Ellouise Bane
Buddy & LaVoynne Butts
Ann Covington
Jerry & Jeannette Donald
Coker Fryery Family
Anne Harpole
Ellis Holdiness Family
Sheila Jackson
Gloria Johns
Sybil Kinard
Meredith & Annie
Jay McMillin Family
Hal Nowell Family
Farrell & Dyanne Rigby
Anthony Sloan Family
Robbie & Debra Sullivan
FBC Calendar of
January 8 - 15
Sunday, January 11
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship
Monday, January 12
6:30 p.m. Deacons Meeting
Tuesday, January 13
6:00 p.m. YBW
Wednesday, January 14
5:00 p.m. Family Meal
5:15 p.m. Preschool &
Children’s Choir
5:45 p.m. Ladies Bible
6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting
& Bible Study
Youth Worship
GAs, RAs, &
Mission Friends
6:20 p.m. Business Session
6:45 p.m. Adult Choir
Contribution statements
for 2014 were mailed
this week. If you did
not receive yours or
there was an error on
your statement, please
contact the church
office as soon as
Gary Rogers continued...
Cindy & Doris Ward
Donnie & DeLaine