Tuesday evening “Our Greatest Need

Small Group Meetings
Wednesday Small Group Meeting: Studying Search for
Certainty Bible Guides at the Wynne’s House. 6:00pm
Friday Young Adult Vespers at the home of Kenny and
Doreen Phillips. We will be studying Christ’s Object
January Birthdays
Jay Passmore – December 27 (Today)
Ed Rusk –December 27 (Today)
Jonathan Sabo – January 1
Michelle Bowen – Janaury 6
Alex Bowen – January 12
Charlotte Bastnagel – January 13
Joanne Klinger – January 13
Julie Jensen – January 24
Harold Crossland – January 25
Seventh-day Adventist Church
The meeting place for
those anticipating Jesus‘ soon appearing
December 27, 2014
Supply a Medical Kit for a Health Clinic: Medical
care is sometimes not even an option in isolated,
impoverished parts of developing nations. ADRA
delivers medical kits and supplies to rural clinics that
allow basic health care without having to travel great –
often risky – distances. Your donation helps buy one kit
for a clinic to serve an entire community. $25 per
Medical Kit. So far, we have received $185
Prayer Requests
Brude Family
Ann Boyd (Health)
Vi Keith (Health)
David Boyd (Health)
Ileanna Freeman (Health)
Harrison SDA Missionaries
Church Officers Serving You
Melissa Watson/Kibidula- Donations to support
Melissa need to be by check made out to "Outpost
Centers International" with memo line "KibidulaMelissa Watson" sent to: Outpost Centers, 5132 Layton
Lane, Apison, Tn. 37302 or made on online by going to:
www. outpostcenters.org/donate/. The Harrison
Church cannot accept any monies for Melissa.
Sergio Freeman
Email: [email protected]
Head Elder
Kenny Phillips
Head Deacon
Leland Johnson
Head Deaconess
Lin Crossland
Michael Wynne
SS Supt.
Hinsdale Bernard
Audio Visual
Hal Crossland
Bulletin Generator
Kevin Johnson
423 326-0777
423 310-5925
423 774-4800
423 344-0697
423 486-3223
Bulletin announcements and info: call or email Kevin
AED Location: In case of a medical emergency, the AED is
located above the fire extinguisher in the Sabbath School
classroom hallway, beside the Cradle Roll door".
Johnson - [email protected] or
No later than 6pm Thursday!
Sunset Schedule
Tonight – 5:36
Next Friday – 5:40
8419 Highway 58
Harrison, TN 37341
(423) 344-7872
Harrison Church Mission Statement
Jesus REACHING people through people
Our mission is to reach, serve, and nurture the people in our
community by meeting their felt needs so they may be
receptive to God’s final invitation.
Reaching our community
Embracing attendees
Anchoring members to Christ
Connecting disciples to ministry
Honoring God through worship
Sabbath School
9:30 – Songs of Inspiration
9:40 – Project Sonlight DVD
9:45 – Lesson Study
The Everlasting Gospel
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved
you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with
unfailing kindness. (Jeremiah 31:3, NIV)
S.S. Classes
Sanctuary (L) – Richard Gerber
Sanctuary (R) – Ellen Todosichuk
Fellowship Hall – Vincent Tan
Young Adult – Kenny & Doreen Phillips
Church Stewardship: through December 20
Hame (Mission Emphasis): Rec’d | Bal. $185
Rec’d $
Exp | Bal. $357.80
India Child:
Rec’d $13 | Exp.| Bal. $2,020.16
Online Giving: Go to harrisonsdachurch.com, click on
the “Adventist Giving” Button
Next Week
Speaker – Pastor Sergio Freeman
Offering – Local Church Budget
Divine Worship: 10:40 –
Gathering in His Presence 2
10:40am: Songs of Praise: James Bowen & Mary Ann Ford
10:45am: Welcome & Church Life: Leland Johnson
11:00am: Call to Worship: Psalm 95:6, 7: Leland Johnson
Celebrating His Goodness: 11:00am
James Bowen
Hinsdale Bernard
Opening Hymn: #625 Jesus Calls Us
Mary Ann Ford
Tithes & Offerings: Local Conference Ministries
Children’s Story:
Charlie Bastnagel
Praises & Prayer:
Leland Johnson
Proclaiming His Word
Special Music:
Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:12-14
Sermon: Looking Back in Moving Forward
Ball Family
Barbara Bernard
Hinsdale Bernard
Committing Our Lives
Closing Hymn: #625 I’m Pressing on the Upward Way
Prayer of Benediction
Hinsdale Bernard
James Bowen
*Transfer In: First Reading
James Hardie: in from Mt. Ida SDA Church (Mt Ida, Ar)
Jeanne Johnson in from Springfield First SDA Church
(Springfield, Oh)
*Communion: Next Week, January 3, 2015
*Next Board Meeting: Sunday, January 11 at 9:00 a.m.
*UPC Code for Sabbath School: The conference is collecting
UPC codes from Morning Star and Worthington products. Every
UPC code is worth 5 cents, so please bring them in. Contact Pete
Long for inquiries
*First Class Stamp/Voice of Prophecy: When you receive
letters or mail with first class stamps on them, cut them out, and
bring them to church and we will send them to the Voice of
Prophecy. They make money off these first class stamps.
*Personal Ministries & Health Ministries will be needing
Pianist: James Bowen | Chorister: Mary Ann Ford
Serving You Today
Presiding Elder – Hinsdale Bernard
Lead Deacon – Kevin Johnson
Co-Lead Deacon – Michael Wynne
Deacons on Duty Next Week
Lead Deacon – Austin Kramb
Co-Lead Deacon – Tom Watson
Deacon – Mike Fraser
Deacon – Randy Dennis
scales to weigh people with for our Reversing Diabetes
Seminar in January, 2015. Anyone who can help us find these,
please contact Joanne Wynne. We are interested in borrowing
only, not purchasing. Digital scales are great; best of all, one
that has kilograms. More info on the plans for the seminar
coming later.
*Sabbath School Project Sonlight: Project Sonlight features
the special worldwide projects for a particular quarter’s
Thirteenth Sabbath Offering. Remember to give a special
Sabbath School offering today for the projects in Belize and
Jamaica of the Inter-American Division. Next quarter’s offering
goes to our North American Division. The Project Sonlight
DVD will be played just before the lesson study at 9:40,
beginning January 3, 2015. Let’s try to be on time to not miss
out on these features, and to participate in a rousing song service.
Happy New Year from the Sabbath School Department.