£ f c * EIGHT PERSONAL MENTION IN OUR VILLAGE AND VICINITY THURSDAY, MARC!! 5> THE CANISTEO TIMFS, (WNISTEO, STEUBEN COUNTY, N. Y. r SOCIETY •^ Missionary Society The Missionary society of the M e t h odist church met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Clair W. Case in Greenwood street. It w a s the a n n u a l "thank offering" meeting and over $35. was raised for foreign missions. Mrs. Roger W. S t u a r t presided. JASPER, CHAMPIONS OF THE CLASS C LEAGUE, WILL PLAY IN ALFRED THURSDAY Mr. Baviaon is president of the First National Bank of Oriskany Fals, over a million dollar institution. It is t h e largest b a n k in the state in a place t h e size of Oriskany Falls. H e is a member of one of the pioneer families of Canisteo where h e spent his life until a few years ago w h e n he w a s called to his p r e s JASPER, N. Y., March 3 . - J a s p e r e n t position. While a resident of CanCentral high, Steuben county c h a m isteo h e was a successful Ayrshire pions after a 27-23 victory over breeder, a state official of t h e DairyJPrattsburg, north-county champs, a t men's League, a G r a n d Masonic lodge Bath Friday night, will meet a n d officer a n d o n e of t h e best sheriffs STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE clash with Alfred high for t h e s u b Steuben county ever had. Mrs. DavA T ITHACA SEES BETTER P R I sectional title, on Thursday, March ison w a s one of the most esteemed CES FOR FARMERS AND THE 12, on the Alfred university court, and respected women t h a t ever lived the winner of which contest will in Canisteo. OUTLOOK FOR MILK I S GOOD. take part in the Rochester sectional J* play off a week later. A section of —POULTRY IMPROVEMENT. Contract Club the stands will be reserved for t h e Mrs. Glenn L. Whiting entertained Jasper delegation, and it is expected m e m b e r s of her bridge club Tuesday With a prediction t h a t farm prices that at least 100 from this town will afternoon. make the trip to see the next battle High score w a s made by Mrs. Chas. will rise during 1936, members of the of the maroon and gold. A. Brunswick. staff of t h e State College of AgriculFriday's was a hard-fought contest J* • ture, Cornell university, advises far- throughout. In contrast with t h e Wimodaughsians Campbell contest of the week before, The Wimodaughsian club of Canis- mers t h a t "now appears t o b e a good which gave Jasper the south county teo met Monday evening at t h e home time to own good farms, good live- title, the game at the county seat of Mrs. F r a n k O. Lathrop. Roll call stock a n d other property. was between two teams which used In its "annual agricultural out- the man-to-man defense, and a fast was answered by facts concerning Russia. Mrs. Charles P. Kennedy look," t h e college calls attention to competition resulted. Jasper opened gave a review of Leon Tolstoi's "Anna the close tie between industry and the scoring and led for a time, b u t K a r e n * * A dinner will be held at the agriculture because "industrial ac- Prattsburg rallied and tide the B e a Olde Reel Inn for the next meeting tivity has a n important bearing on comites at half-time. Counting t h e the ability of consumers to buy agri- baskets made, both spectators a n d n e x t Monday. cultural and other producst." score-board operator believed P r a t t s F u r t h e r recovery in dairy | a r m in- burg to be leading, 14-12, b u t the Charmont Bridge Club Mrs. Lee S. Robbins of Greenwood comes in 1936 is expected with "a final floor goal of the north county street entertained members of the better adjustment of production costs five was called no basket, and the : C h a r m o n t club Tuesday evening. to prices." count w a s knotted at a dozen each. "The decline in t h e use of fluid Mrs. Joe Aronson made high score. Swan was the shining light of the milk has evidently been stoj>ped,'^Jhe Jasper team, which went t o t o w n J* statement continues, "and some irK, with several successive baskets in East Main Street Tens The East Main street Tens of the creases in use may reasonably be e x - the t h i r d quarter. The Jasper c a p Presbyterian church met Wednes- ppected i n 1936 because of more day afternoon in t h e Community employment and higher incomes for house. Mrs. T. E. Tuttle, Mrs. John /consumers. Total milk production m C. Young and Mrs. Joe Aronson were New York staet during 1936 is e x pected to show little change as comhostesses. pared w i t h 1935. ."Recent improvement in poultry SCHOOL DIRECTORS incomes will probably be maintained fairly well, this winter Most elements OF STEUBEN COUNTY in t h e poultry outlook are favorable and promise to continue for several TO MEET MARCH 17 months. A n increase in hatching is B A T H V N . Y.,—Reuben B . Old- in prospect for 1936. Total egg profield, Steuben county clerk, announ- duction this winter is likely to surces t h a t school directors in the six pass that of a year ago." HOLT, TROUPSBURG supervisory districts will meet at Average amounts of feed^ supplies HIRAM C. 11 a. m. March 17 for organization. are available for the b a r n feeding FARMER, FOUND A T HOME The places of meeting will be: period this year, this statement asMONDAY AFTERNOON, DEAD District 1—At-the g r a n d j u r y room, serts. Supplies of seed for farm crops court house, Corning. District in- are listed as about normal. Despite a FROM SELF INFLICTED WOUND. cludes towns of Caton, Corning, Er- low potato crop in 1935 and despite —DESPONDENT OVER HEALTH. downward trend in acreage and a win, Lindley, Tuscarora. District 9—At t h e grand j u r y room, concentration of the crop on the court house, Bath. District includes best adapted soils, "potato yields towns of Bath, Bradford, Campbell, have increased and potatoes have. /Hiram C. Holt, a farmer in the Hornby, Pulteney, Urbana, Wayne. been among the most profitable of / o w n s h i p of Troupsburg, died almost Monday afternoon from District 3—At First National Bank farm enterprises." 4 immediately im building, Addison. District includes As for cabbage, a considerable self inflicted gunshot wounds. His towns of Addison, Cameron, Rath- variation is noted in the year-to-year brother, William Holt, who lives with bone, Thurston, Woodhull. acreage in New York state. "There him had gone to the barn to gather District 4—At the centralized school has been no definite trend upward or some wood when he heard a shot. H e in Jasper. District includes town of downward during the last 15 years. ran back to the house to find his Greenwood, Jasper, Troupsburg and "Other vegetables continued to ex- brother lying on the floor a n d the West Union. pand during 1935. The probable in- shotgun nearby. He died almost imDistrict 5—At grand j u r y room, crease in consumer purchasing mediately. Dr. G. L. Whiting w a s callcourt house, Hornell. District includes power and the continued small sup- ed to investigate. Mr. Holt has been in ill health and towns of Canisteo, Dansville, F r e - ply of such staple foods as meats, mont, Hartsville, Hornellsviiie, How- eggs and wheat favor the vegetable despondent for the past six months. His wife'died in August. He had only ard. industry in 1936." District 6—At Bank of Avoca in Winter injury to apple trees is seen returned to his farm for the last week Avoca. District includes towns of ; n the northeastern states. About after staying with his daughter, Mrs. Avoca, Cohocton, Prattsburg, Way- 2,600,000 trees were damaged in the Walter Zeliff of Hornell. land and Wheeler. He is survived by his daughter and cold winters of 1933-1934 and 19341935. "Although demand for United brother a n d 3 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on apples was better in the fall CUNNINGHAM CREEK ofStates 1935 than in 1934, the larger crop Thursday afternoon from the RobertT h e thermometer w a s down to 6 resulted in lower prices. Many or- son F u n e r a l home in Hornell a t 1 this morning.—Mrs. Ettie Price has chards will be planted during the o'clock. Rev. Ward B. Flaxington returned to her home in Wellsville, next few years to replace killed and will officiate and burial will be after spending a few days with Mrs. injured trees and to replenish the made at Troupsburg. Betsy Cummings.—Mrs. H. M. Bry- short supply of non-bearing trees." an u n d e r w e n t a serious operation at Attention is called to advancement Kelly - Schoono ver St. J a m e s hospital Saturday.—I. M. Welles a n d Herbert.Riley of Canisteo in farm wages the last year as a r e TROUPSBURG —Miss Genevieve were in this place on business Sat- sult of increased demand for fan Kelley of Harrison Valley a n d Ivan urday.—Mrs. Minnie Powers of labor and a reduction in the number Earl Schoonover of Westfield w e r e Troupsburg is visiting at the home of of workers available for hire. married in Troupsburg, Saturday Fertilizer prices are about in line evening, February 29, b y the Rev. Mr. a n d Mrs. Ray Cummings.—Mr. and Mrs. Leroy B r u t s m a n called on with the average of farm prices b u t M. P . Wheeler, pastor of the Baptist Mrs. H. M. Bryan in St. J a m e s hos- farm machinery prices are high in church. The couple was attended by pital F r i d a y evening.—Walton Brooks comparison," the statement concludes. Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Collins of Westof Hornell spent S a t u r d a y at the field. Mr. a n d ' Mrs. Schoonover e x Idealism consists in having a high, pect to m a k e their home i n Westfarm.—W. S. Brooks a n d R. B . Wil" liams w e r e in Canisteo Saturday. er ambition than a full stomach. field. - Mrs. S a r a h T. Slawson is i m p r o v - to attend the funeral of Mrs. Susan ing from h e r recent illness. jjuigley. C. A. Cobb of Elmira w a s a busiMrs. J. E. Crossman r e t u r n e d home in' caller in Canisteo on F r i d a y . Saturday afternoon after spending N cholas Weynand a n d Mrs. Leon .he past 2 weeks in Salamanca at L. Crandall were in Bath Monday. Jhe home of her mother, who has Dinner Bridge Club J . W. West of B i n g h a m t o n w a s a oeen ill. Miss Gladys Jamison entertained business caller in t o w n T h u r s d a y . Mrs. Harold G a r r e t t has been able M r . a n d Mrs. J o e Aronson w e n t to .o r e t u r n to her h o m e in Maple members of h e r bridge club at d i n Elmira S u n d a y to visit h e r sisters. itreet from the St. J a m e s hospital ner Thursday evening. High bridge Mrs. M. J. B a k e r of Hornell call- .n Hornell where she underwent an scores were made by Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs. Herbert F . Adams. operation. ed in town on Monday afternoon. 4t ^ O a r e n c e Fredericks w a s ill with Mr- and Mrs. George Walker- of Sunday School Meeting wan attack of appendicitis on Sunday. Letchworth P a r k w e r e in Canisteo The Sunday school class, taught by William F . Taylor of Orchard street Sunday to visit his grandparents, Mr. is recovering from his recent illness.. and Mrs. George Walker in Green- Mrs. W. Gideon Woodruff, of t h e Methodist church met with Miss CaFloyd G. Cross of Rochester w a s in wood street. milla Case in Greenwood street Fri-i Canisteo over S a t u r d a y a n d Sunday. Miss Esther Hepinstall a n d Miss Miss Martha Derrick of Olean was Frances Hepinstall of Buffalo were day evening. A social evening w a s in Canisteo Sunday visiting relatives. nome over the week end with their spent and refreshments w e r e served. J a m e s Murphy of Hornell called mother, Mrs. Roxanna Hepinstall in Shakespearean Club on his brother, J o h n M u r p h y on Maple street. The Shakespearean club m e t M o n Sunday. ,' Miss Louise Jamison, daughter Of H a r r y Walker of L e t c h w o r t h P a r k Mr. and Mrs. Ross H. Jamison, r e - day afternoon at the home of Mrs. w a s in t o w n Saturday t o visit Mr. turned to her home Wednesday from Stella Hallett in East Main street, .he Bethesda hospital. She is recoup- Canisteo on Monday afternoon. M e m a n d Mrs. George Walker. ' Miss Florence Groff was home o'vei 3rating from an appendicitis opera- oers answered to roll call with a n x toms. Mrs. Eunice Goff read " R e t h e week end with her parents, Mr. tion. Supt. Guyon J. Carter of Avoca ouilding Palestine according to t h e a n d Mrs. Alonzo M. Groff. Prophecy." Study of "The Taming of Mr. and Mrs. Harold P . Stephens called Sunday upon his parents, Mr. the Shrew" w a s continued. T h e n e x t and Mrs. Charles Ca/te& of Maple w e r e in Rochester Sunday to visit street. Mrs. Carter is much improved meeting will be at t h e home of Mrs. friends. H. J. Gray. S u p t , of Schools, H e n r y M. BrusVi after suffering from a hemorrhage J* of t h e nose. of A r k p o r t w a s a visitor in Canisteo Episcopal Guild Mrs. Pauline J. Wilcox went to Tuesday. Mrs. Leroy C. Lent of Third street P e t e r Metzger w e n t to Geneva Germantown, Pa., S a t u r d a y to spend entertained members of the St. the week with her daughter, Mrs. Sunday to visit his sister, Miss Helen J o h n W. Phillips. B o t h ' M r s . Wilcox John's Episcopal Guild on WednesMetzger. Mrs. Anna Reilly w h o w a s b u r n - and Mrs. Phillips will r e t u r n next day afternoon. J* ed last week in a n accident, is much Saturday. Monday Literary Club Mr. a n d Mrs. G. E. Scutt and Mr. improved. The Monday Literary club ' m e t J a m e s E. Wilson of South Canisteo and Mrs. J. B. Scutt of Hornell were is much improved and is able to sit S u n d a y callers at t h e B a t h hospital, March 2 at t h e home of Mrs. Walter to see Fred Scutt of Cameron, whi> Wheaton in Maple street. Roll call u p again. h Harold Seaman and Aline Boyden a d a serious operation in that place was answered by giving some i n t e r esting fact about native birds. A of Hornell w e r e callers in this place some time ago. paper on "Radio City" w a s read by Mrs. Chares Boiler returned to on Monday. from Haskell Mrs. Carrie Comfort. A paper, " T h e Andrew Potter of Troupsburg was Canisteo Saturday a business caller in The TIMES of- Flats, 7 miles from Cuba where she xiiography of Audobon" read by w a s helping Mr. a n d Mrs. A. L. Mrs. Herman Burd. The musical p r o fice on Friday. gram was in charge of the commitMr. and Mrs. Horace B . Carpenter Boiler move their household goods tee composed of Mrs. W. Gideon h a v e r e t u r n e d from a business t r i p to West Clarksville, N. Y. Mrs. E. C. Jeffers and Mrs. J. C. vVopdruif, Mrs. Alva G. Strong a n d to New York City. Mrs. Hugh M. Pierce. The hostess H a r r y C. Smith r e t u r n e d to Seneca Heyberger went to S a y r e Tuesday to conducted bible study. Refreshments visit Mrs. H. L. Sorriers who is recovFalls Tuesday after spending the ering from an operatoin in the Rob- were served. w e e k end in Canisteo. ert Packer hospital. Mrs. Somers is m Mrs. Huesten Burns of Hornell making good progress towards recovWalker Class spent the week end with her sister, ery. The Walker class of the P r e s b y Mrs. Laura Streeter. John Lawlor and Mrs. Mary Tay- terian church held a social meeting Attorney Harry K. Morton of H o r nell was in Canisteo Monday e v e n - lor of Hornell were Sunday guests at the home of Misses Lena a n d Lora of Mrs. Lavanche Buckley in West Norton in Maple street. A tureen ing on legal business. Ar'ing Cobb and son Theodore of Main street. In the afternoon they dinner was served at 6:30. Of Greenwood were Sunday guests cf called on Mrs. Delbert R. Taylor in Rock Creek. 88 Years of Age Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cobb. Mrs. Joseph C. L a t h a m who is Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Leavens Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller jr., were in Rochester on Thursday to spending a month at L a k e Worth jf Cameron celebrated Mr. LeavFla., was taken with a severe attack jn's birthday on Monday, March 2, visit Dr. H. J. Stewart. Supt., and Mrs. C. A. Bruen of of acute intestinal toxaemia Satur- j t the home of his niece, Mrs. Stacy J a s p e r were visitors in The T I M E S day night and has been under the jackson in West Main street. care of a physician. q office Monday afternoon. True Blue Class Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Boiler of West Edward Goodwin of Elmira has r e Miss Maxine Wambold entertained Clarksville, N. Y., are visiting at the t u r n e d home after spending a week home of their son, Charles Boiler and members of the True Blue class at a with friends in this village. .uieen supper at her home in Russell William Sick and Henry Stewart of family this week. Mrs. Boiler is re- itreet Thursday evening. The e v e n covering from an attack of pneu Kanona were callers on Mr. and Mrs. monia. They will r e t u r n to West ing was spent in games. Ade'bcrt Stewart Thursday. ft Clarksville Sunday .when Mr. Bollej Mrs. Hugh M. Slawson who is will take up his duties as head cheeseQueen Esther Society sr; inding the winter near Dalton was mpker in the Condon cheese factorj A tureen .supper w a s held at t h e a week end visitor in Canisteo . aome of Miss Camilla Case in Greenthere. Warren Wilson has returned to wood street Monday evening. wrfrk after being confined to his » CAR SKIDDED nome for 2 weeks with influenza. . Pauper Bridge Club Melvin B. Ross of Potsdam, visited ON ICY ROAD The Pauper bridge club met Monhis mother, Mrs. Bert Ross, who is ill TROUPSBURG, N. Y., Mar. 2.— day evening at the home of William w i t h pleurisy, over the week end. Mrs. Henry Crane sr., who suffered Le Valley on the Canisteo-Hornell Miss Martha Cornish of Geneseo severe heart attacks due to an auto .oad. High score was made by Henry normal school visited h e r mother, accident, is slowly improving. Mrs. Jalligan of Hornell and Dr. H. O. Mrs. O. D. Cornish Saturday evening. Crane was returning with her son Stewart had low. Miss Antionette Crain of Rochester Eleazer and grandson Henry Crane Thursday Dinner Club spent the week end with her mother jr. from Canisteo last Friday, when Dr. and Mrs. Harold O. Stewart e n •> Mrs. Louise Crain ever the week end. Mr. Crane's car skidded on the icy Mr', and Mrs. Roy Rogers returned road near the George G u n n farm and tertained members of t h e Thursday tbe first of the week from New York overturned. The car t u r n e d on its top evening dinner and bridge club. y C i t y where they were on a business and thus imprisoned the occupants. High scores of the evening w e r e ^trip. Henry Crane jr. crawled out of the made by Mrs. William LeValley a n d Miss Frances Roe of Rochester car window and w e n t to the George dobert B. Miller j r . JH spent the week end with Mr. and Gunn farm for help .The occupants Mills Class Mrs. Charles Smith in Greenwood other than Mrs. Crane, suffered no street. The Mills, class of the Methodist serious trouble. The car was righted jhurch met at the home of Mrs. M. L. Miss Marjorie Burd, a student in and djppve home on its own power. dallock Tuesday evening for a t u r Ithaca college, spent the week <?nd Potter-Lewis with her parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. Geo. iss Ellen Potter, daughter of Mr. jen supper and a social evening, J. Burd. -ewis Potter of this place and Paul M. E. School Board Meeting Harold Stephens, Ernest Hallett Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry The regular meeting of t h e Methoand Miss Irene Wright were in Bath Lewis of Jasper w e r e married reThursday evening to visit Miss Ila cently. Jist Sunday school board of CanisStephens. eo met in the parlors Tuesday evenPersonals Mrs. M. A. Taggart of J a s p e r is Robert Sanford of Troupsburg is ng. A tureen supper preceded the spending some time at the home of assisting Howard DcMun and Lewi* meeting. -\ her niece, Mrs. O. D. Cornish in J a c k - Fisk in cutting wood.—Mr. and Mrs. J* "* son street. George Gunn called in Greenwood Bridge Club Meeting Miss Ila Stephens has completed on Thursday.—Mrs. Wm. HarringMr. and Mrs. F r a n k Page enterher work with the TERA office in ton accompanied by h e r two sons, tained members of their bridge club Bath and has returned to her home Craig and Roy Harrington, spent j t dinner Friday evening. High scores in Canisteo. Saturday in Hornell.—Mr. and .Mrs. ,vere made by Mrs. William C. Smith Mrs. Bert Ross of Union street is Wellington Bouck and Mr. and Mrs. and F r a n k Page. confined to her home with an attack Howard DcMunn attended the J a s J$ of pleurisy. Dr. O. K. Stewart is per-Prattsburg basket ball game at Bridge Club Met Bath Friday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. caring for her. Mrs. Azel L. Kline entertained Mrs. James Dawson of Perry has Fred Harrington of Squab Hollow members of her bridge club Tuesday returned to her home after spending spent Sunday with his brother, Wm. afternoon in her home in Fourth the past week with her sister, Mrs. Harrington and family.—Mrs. Ross street. Metz a n d her niece, Miss Vera Jean William J. Upson. J* Harold Stephens and Ernest Hallett G a r d n e r spent Saturday in Hornell Junior Shakespearean Club w e n t to Buffalo Monday. They will with Mrs. Gerald Gardner. Vera Jean The Junior Shakespearean club also visit Stephen Linderman in remained with her parents, after an met Monday evening with Mrs Lee axtended visit with h e r aunt here.— North Tonawanda. S. Robbins in Greenwood street. Miss Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r Gaiser and Mr. a n d Mrs. Wellington Bouck Blanche Smith reviewed the book, called on Miss Rita Dempsey at daughter of Medina, N. Y., spent the 'Vein of Iron" by Eileen Glasgow. week end with her parents, Mr. and Young Hickory Sunday. Miss Demp4 sey returned home with them for a Mrs. S. L. Woodburn. History Club visit.—Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Harrington Prin. and Mrs. R. E. Brutsman and The History club met Monday afMiss Alice Brutsman of Olean were were guests Sunday evening at the cernoon at the home of Mrs. J o h n W. i n Canisteo Sunday visiting Mr. and home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jlarkson in Third street. Mrs. Roger vVm. Harrington.—Harvey and WalMrs. C. Lee Brutsman. ter McMindes were business callers W. Stuart read a paper on "Recent Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s Lewis of in Jasper Saturday.—E. D. Coates of Pioneers of Alaska." Mrs. William M. Canandaigua spent Sunday with her Stuart led bible stud?. Mrs. Harry parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J, Jalcdonia called on George Gunn r e A. Fish gave an account of the farm cently.—Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Upson in Fourth street. week * at Cornell university last riouck and their guest, Miss Rita H e r m a n Dennis and H e n r y G. A u s week. She was a representative of Dempsey were callers Sunday eventin went to Geneva Sunday to atthe home bureau. Miss J e a n Clarkson ing on Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bouck at tend a meeting of the managers of rendered a piano solo. Refreshments Jasper.—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Det h e Market Basket store*. Munn, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisk and were served. Miss Florence G a r m a n of Niagara Robert Sanford were business callers J» Falls spent Saturday and Sunday •n Hornell Saturday. Davisons Give Dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LAKE WORTH, FLA., Feb. 29.— I. G a r m a n in East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Milton W. Davison of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keough of S^Attended Amaranth Meeting Oriskany Falls, N. Y., gave a d e v\ < isville w e r e visiting h e r p a r e n t s ^ f y T h o s e from Canisteo who attended lightful course dinner at the spacious nd Mrs. William Whiteomb in vne meeting of the A m a r a n t h in Hor- Gulf Stream Hotel here last evening Mr nell for the district deputy, Miss in honor of their Steuben county street over t h e w e e k end. Hiss Wilma Beers of Rochester Clara Price of Canisteo, were: Mrs. friends now in the L a k e Worth a n d wm called home over t h e week end Howard Wentworth, Mrs. Joe Aron- Palm Beach colony. on account of the death of her g r a n d - son, Miss Bertha Meeks, Mrs. Amelia Those honored were: Supreme mother, Mrs. Susan Quigley i n A d d i - Smith, Mrs. L. D. Burdick, M n . F . Court Justice William W. Clark a n d V. Schnurle, Mr. a n d Mrs. Leslie Mrs. Clark of Way land; Supreme son. 1 Df end Mrs. Glee W. Cheesman Norton, Mr. and Mrs . L y n n Maxfield, Court Justice Edwin C. Smith and and d 1; Doris and Jacqueline Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Newell Mrs. Smith of Addison; Mr. a n d Mrs. from a month's Ireland and Mrs. P. E. Stephens. returned S i n d . John Dixon arid Mrs. Dixon's m o t h id o t h e r Florida t r i p to M Ninety-seven per cent, of all auto- er, Mrs. Dexter of Hamilton, N. Y., points mobile owners never talk about Mr. and Mrs. E d w a r d H. Nelson of . Mr. and Mi hi 1.est J C a r t e r of 'esting the air in the spare tire u n - Hornell; Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer A l Nundn spent the u r i ' k ( I i I Canb-~, fil they have a blow out nine miles lison of Lake Worth; Mr. a n d Mrs. teo. They went Joseph C. Latham sr., ot Canisteo. Add iso S u n d a y worn nowhere. PRICES FOR FARM PRODUCE TO INCREASE I936 A SUICIDE AT FARM HOME tain's height and .ability to take the ball from t h e back-boards was a basic factor in the team's victory The passwork and defensive inter eeptions of Murphy, with the clever floor w o r k of Willover, who equaled the center in 12 points for the even. ing's high totals, w e r e the center of the team's offensive. With t h r e e personal fouls 0n Waight, Beacom substituted McMindes in t h e back court near the close of t h e game, but Waight return. ed and finished out the contest i n fine style. Lewis, as usual; was a keystone of t h e passing game, although h e failed t o score. For the visitors, Mays was high man with 8 points. McConnell played a foot, aggressive floor game. More than bO Jasper fans, it is estimated, made the trip to B a t h to back the team. The fleet of cars included two school buses, one loaded w i t h students. The team w e n t to Bath in the afternoon in p r i v a t e automobiles. • Summary: Jasper Central FG FP TP Lewis, If 0 u o Willover, rf . ...... , 6 0- ' 12 Swan, c (capt.) 4 4 12 Waight, lg 1 2 4 McMindes, lg 0 0 0 Murphy, r g 0 . 1 1 Totals 10 Prattsburg - C ^ FG Moon, r g 2 Mattice, lg 1 Babcock, lg 0 McConnell, c (capt.) . . 1 Mays, rf 3 Wood, If 1 Flaherty, If ? 1 '7 FP 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 Totals .9 5 23 Half t i m e score: Jasper 12, Prattsb u r g 12. Referee: Morrow. Time: 8 minute q u a r t e r s . Majestic Theatre Hornell, N. Y. Starts Saturday Night at 11:30 Then Sun.—Mon.—Tues MARKET BASKET STORES TOMATOES •2 MAH JONGG COFFEE HARBAUER'S CATSUP 2 BAKER'S CHOCOLATE u WALDORF TISSUE 4 OCTAGON SOAP CHIPS No. 2 Can* lg. bots. lb. cjiko roll* lg. pkg. PHILLIP'S PASTRY FLOUR « . **. PINEAPPLE D«» »*•«•'• sKc-* SOUP SAUERKRAUT TOMATO BIRDSEYE MATCHES AND VEGETABLE CAN 5 ' — WH, KERNEL CORN -n^i. C.B. !SS-L0U FANCY SHRIMP A R D I N E S ' • M w t t e i Swie* 5 u,. su. i 9Q I* Can 21C 2 Ur- Can. 15C JH 6 BO~. 25c FRESH SALTFD SPANISH c-ISc PEANUTS 2 - 25c so Os. Can "| 2 c OCTAGON SOAP 4 « - 1 9 c POWDER ^ 5 c lb, 10 C e l e r y 2 tor i s * Carrots/Turnips 3 lbs. i o « Lettuce 2 for 15 Cabbage lb. 3 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com 27 Tp 5 2 0 3 8 2 3
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