ST. ISIDORE THE FARMER CHURCH PRO-LIFE ROSE The Pro Life Rose is given in memory for Jeannie L. Stefano Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm January 10, 2015 Denise Rosiello by Jim & Mina Gruccio Gino D’Angelo by Edda D’Angelo Margaret Jobbay by Jack & Barbara Dyer Jeffrey Gross – Anniversary Remembrance by Grandmom & Mom & Dad Anthony Petrosky by Arlene Chasse Maureen Asselta by Rick Brunozzi Carmella DiChino Latorre by Frances Reuss By Joe Stefano & M/M James Kubiak BLESSED MOTHER ROSE THE BLESSED MOTHER ROSE IS GIVEN AS AN ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE JEFFREY GROSS BY GRANDMOM, MOM SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS GIVEN AS AN ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE JEFFREY GROSS BY GRANDMOM, MOM Sunday 8:00 am 9:30 am January 11, 2015 Concenzio “Jim” Santolini Kim, Jim & Ariel Somers Elizabeth “Betty “Galizia by Robin & Michael Bertonazzi 11:00 am Camille Gariano by M/M Norm Neill 6:00 pm (SI) Maureen Asselta by Rosilind Asselta & Danny Terrigno Monday January 12, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Elizabeth Galizia by Rosalie & Michael Martinelli Tuesday 7:00 am January 13, 2015 Nick Pennente by Joe Sorantino & DAD & DAD SACRED HEART CHURCH T HE PRO-LIFE ROSE NO INTENTION BLESSED MOTHER ROSE NO INTENTION SACRED HEART ROSE NO INTENTION SANCTUARY CANDLE NO INTENTION 8:00 am 9:00 am Rose Marie Rodin by Claire & Rose Piccini Vincent DiPace by daughter, Amina Rosalie Guida by Fred & Lucille Smith Wednesday January 14, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Nellie Parastino by Mary Karol Parishioners Eddie Giovinazzi by Joseph & Annie Leonardo Thursday January 15, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:00 am Anthony Petrosky by Michael & Rosalie Martinelli William A. Kavanagh by Anna LaTorre & Family Lloyd Scarani by Mary Jane Swanson Friday January 16, 2015 7:00 am 8:00 am 9:0 am Michael Kachur by daughter, Martha Strittmatter Rose Pancari by Francis & LeeAnne Reuss Gregory Giuliani by Cowan Family Saturday 8:00 am January 17, 2015 Anthony Napoli – Anniversary Remembrance 9:00 am 5:00 pm Nicholas Pennente by Rosalie & Michael Martinelli Rose Marie Rodin by Carmela & Francis Sparagna Molly Susan Guinan by Mom Mom Reuss & Family Nicholas Pennente by Michael & Therese Pantalione Rosalie Guida by Anne & Michael Muccio Marilyn Porcaro by Elizabeth Testa & Family Sunday 8:00 am January 18, 2015 Sam Panzino – Anniversary Remembrance PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Margaret Bradley, Dennis DeMatte, Jr., Jackie Gross, Francis Miley, Steve Miley, Gloria Polizzi, Joseph Reed, Catherine Van Buren, Marie Vi, Mark Volpe, Linda Berghof, Robert Till, Betty Hollman, Mary Lou Boller, Joseph DiPrimio, Lisa Acilio, Dan Malec, Darlene Piccola, Helen Jeter, Adele Huryn, George DiStefano, Angelina DiStefano, Joseph Piccione, Jr., Kathy Kelly, Dolly Lucas, Phyllis Ganci, Richard Fanucci, Jr., Luis Armando Rodriguez, Francis J. Guaciaro, Josephine T. Schwegel, Angela Schwegel, Carmella Heineman, Maria Giannascoli, Msgr. Joseph Stoerlein, Joshua Sterchele, Brenda Webster, Artie Rundstrom, Jr., Jeano Amici, Edward Costante, Sr., Agatha Law, Michael Corcoran, Marie Corcoran, Carol Sciore, Donna Beatty, Tiffany Frantz, John Gallo, Sr., Howard Milanesi, Brien DeMartino, George Deem, Luis Rodriguez, Salvatore Vernuccio, Donald Tharp, Jr., Richard Blickos, Jenny Newton, Benny Cicillini, Enza DeSerio, Jim Davis, Christina Quiao by wife, Norma & Children by Antoinette & Family 9:30 am Elizabeth (Betty) Galizia by Paula & Steve Menzoni 11:00 am Sandy Pace by Rick & Celestine Pollock 6:00 pm (SI) John Enright by Larry & Elaine Sinclair Gregory Giuliani E. Elizabeth Donoflio Lloyd Scarani Maryann Fauver Michael Slimmer PASTOR’S COLUMN BAPTISM OF THE LORD 11 January, 2015 Today is a transitional feast as the Christmas Season officially comes to a close and we return to Ordinary Time. Truly, Christmas was a wonderful celebration in the parish. Thanks to those wonderful people whose generous ministry to the parish helped it all to happen. Thank you to all the Environment ministers led by Renee Jost and Jon Gerner. Both churches were magnificently decorated, creating an atmosphere which enabled us all to enter the celebration a little more deeply. Thank you as well to our Music Ministry. Led by Barbara Sykora, the choirs, both adult and children, the ensemble, the cantors all led us in song and enabling us to “pray twice” as the old saying goes. Thank you also to our ushers, our greeters and sacristans, to our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist and to our altar servers. Finally, thank you to our Deacons and to Fr. Kolla and Fr. Friel whose liturgical leadership helped to bring our efforts together into one hymn of praise and worship. May God bless all of them and all of Christ the Good Shepherd Parish as we enter the new year. Msgr. Burton INCLEMENT WEATHER REMINDER In case of inclement weather when the schools are closed and/or the roads are plowable, the weekday 8:00 am Mass scheduled at Sacred Heart Church will be celebrated at St. Isidore Church. On the weekend, if the roads are plowable, the 8:00 am and 11:00 am Masses scheduled at Sacred Heart Church will be celebrated at St. Isidore Church. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WINNERS: First Prize - Armando Fulgencio - $12,070.50 Second Prize - Louis Martine - $2,011.7 Third Prize - Elinor Leonardo - $2,011.75 Fourth Prize - Helen Petrites - $2,011.75 Fifth Prize - Walter Seitz - $1,207.05 Sixth Prize - Martha Strittmatter - $804.70 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Please remember just because the holidays are ending, our needs at St. Vincent de Paul do not end. We are still in need of food for our pantry; i.e. jello, spaghetti sauce, pasta, soups, toiletries, rice, powered milk, and toothpaste. You may leave items at the Gathering Space at St. Isidore Church or the Vestibule at Sacred Heart Church. If you would like any information or need help, please call 856-691-2400 (if you get voice mail, please leave a message and someone will return your call). God Bless you for your generosity and support to the community! We will be assisting 3 churches in Vineland with the CODE BLUE. We have decided to participate by supplying paper products. Please support us! We are in need of paper cups, napkins, paper towels, toilet paper, plastic forks, knives, and spoons. Thank you for your support! CODE BLUE THANK YOU! “Thank you so much for your generous support of CODE BLUE VINELAND! Although you may not meet many of the homeless brothers and sisters we serve, rest assured that our gratitude truly reflects theirs. We are all doing good work in Christ’s name but we could not do it without the ongoing support we have received from the community. God Bless! CODE BLUE VINELAND” ______________________________________________ BAPTISM OF THE LORD First Reading: Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7 Isaiah tells of the Lord’s Servant, who will be inconspicuous, but will not rest until justice is established. The Lord then tells his servant that he was formed to be “a light for the nations.” Second Reading: Acts 10:34-38 Peter speaks to a group of pagans for the first time. He explains to them that any person who follows God’s will is acceptable to God, regardless of nationality. Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 John the Baptist had claimed one would come far more powerful than himself, one who would baptize with the Holy Spirit rather than water. When Jesus came to John and was baptized, the Spirit descended on him and a voice said, “You are my beloved Son. On you my favor rests.” CHILDREN’S NOTES TO BABY JESUS Children who visited the Scribe shop at Journey to Peace on December 13 and 14 wrote letters to the newborn baby Jesus. Here are a few of them: Dear Baby Jesus, This is the world that you will soon rule. You benefit this land. Welcome! Love, Drew Dear Jesus, Thank you for saving our world. You are a savior to me. Take care. Anthony Welcome baby Jesus, We would like you to be in our world, its a very happy world. Brett Happy Birthday Jesus. Thanks for dieing for us on the cross hope to see you again soon. Love, William January 11, 2015 Baptism of the Lord Stewards Put God First “One mightier than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals” – MARK 1:7b We are put on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things should be our top priority as His Stewards. Stewardship of Treasure…Your gifts of treasure to the parish totaled: Dec. 21, 2014 Offertories Christmas Offertories Dec. 28, 2014 Offertories New Year's Day Offertories Jan. 4, 2015 Offertories $ 15,236.47 $ 47,417.85 $ 12,534.53 $ 4,275.14 $ 15,714.00 Dear Babby Jesus, Tell me some things that you did wen your born. I love you. Love, Carley oxoxoxoxo OUTREACH TO THE SICK Whenever someone becomes ill, hospitalized or homebound, it is easy to feel disconnected, even isolated. Such times are often times when parish outreach becomes vitally important. Our priests, deacons and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist perform an extraordinary service on behalf of the sick and the homebound in the parish. Unfortunately, because of the size of the parish and current privacy laws, it sometimes happens that someone is not visited in time of illness, or we are not aware of someone’s need until it reaches the level of emergency. We hope to prevent this from happening as much as possible. When someone becomes ill and is confined to home or hospitalized, please let us know as soon as possible. We will try to arrange a visit, and where necessary provide the Sacraments. Because of current privacy laws, it is necessary that a member of the immediate family make the request by contacting the parish office at 691-9077 or contacting us via email at [email protected]. The form below may also be used. Person to be visited: _______________________ QUESTION OF THE WEEK Renew your Baptismal promises today. What does your Baptism mean to you today? Phone: __________________________________ Family contact: ____________________________ Family contact phone #______________________ PRAY FORLIFE Please join us on Sunday January 18, 2015 at the 11 am Mass at Sacred Heart Church for a Prolife Mass. After the Mass the Church Bells will Toll 42 times to signify the 42 years since the Roe vs. Wade decision. After Mass we will pray the Rosary at the Monument to the Unborn which will be erected in front of the old Rectory on Landis Ave. This event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus #2531. MARCH FOR LIFE ENGAGED ENCOUNTER Engaged Encounter Weekend will be held at Pope John Paul II Retreat Center, Vineland, NJ on February 13-15, 2015. All weekends begin promptly at 8:00 PM Friday evening and closes at 3:00 PM Sunday afternoon. All meals and accommodations are included in the price of $395. Registration Procedures for Engaged Encounter. More information may be found on the Diocese of Camden website: 78/engaged-encounter For additional questions, please contact the office by phone at 856 583-6132 or email at [email protected] On Thursday January 22, 2015 a 54 passenger bus will leave for Washington, DC to support the March for Life. The Bus will leave Sacred Heart Church at 6:30 AM travel to Bridgeton and arrive at the Basilica in time for the 11AM Mass. Those not able to take part in the March are welcome to remain at the Basilica and pray to end abortion. The bus will leave the Basilica at 4 PM. The bus ride is FREE. Bring your own Lunch and Cash for the Metro ticket to the National Mall for the March. For more information and to reserve your seat Contact Albert Karwowski K of C Program Director at 856-794-3892. REDISCOVER THE LOVE IN YOUR MARRIAGE The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to discover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 13-15, 2015 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our web site at: or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. 2014 C0NTRIBUTION STATEMENT REQUEST FORM If you would like to receive a Contribution Statement for your 2014 contributions please fill out the form below and return it by dropping it off at the Rectory, by mail, or in the collection basket. You may also call the Rectory at 856-691-9077. Name: ____________________________ Address: __________________________ Phone: ( ) ____________________ Envelope Number (optional) ___________ Bishop Schad Regional School A School you can have “FAITH” in! 856-691-4490 Pre K – 8th Grade Principal : Dr. Patrice DeMartino Advancement Director: Mrs. Amy Bencie - Catholic School students score significantly As 2015 begins, fifth grade students have been studying about the Christmas season, a time of rejoicing in the Incarnation. They are learning about the sacraments of Christian Initiation and Jesus' Real Presence in the Eucharist through listening, reading and reflecting on Scripture passages. Fifth graders are working on writing cards of encouragement to those receiving their First Holy Communion and Confirmation. In Social Studies the fifth grade class has been studying about the Southeast region of the United States: its location, people and economy. Students are discovering that our Christian beliefs have helped to build this nation. above the national averages on standardized -testing. - Catholic School students score significantly above the national average on standardized testing. - Catholic School students score significantly above the national averages on standardized - Research shows that because of greater emphasis testing. homework and study, Catholic school students -on Catholic School students score significantly develop more effective writingon skills. above the national averages standardized testing. - Catholic Schools strive to create a special bond the students, the because home, theofschool, and the - among Research shows that a greater emphasis and study. Catholic church, soon thathomework all share the strong sense of School students develop more effective writing community. skills. - Catholic Schools strive to create a special bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community. - January 26th – January 31st – National Catholic Schools Week - Research shows that because of a greater onSacred homework and study. Catholic - January 26th – Catholic Schools Week Opening emphasis Mass 11:00 Heart Church. th School students develop more effective writing - January 26 – BSR Open House after 11:00 Mass - All are welcome! skills. th - January 30 – Coach Bingo – Please call the school for tickets or more information. - 2015-2016 Tuition Assistance Applications Available – All families families - Catholic Schoolsmust strivere-apply. to createNew a special Bishop school bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community. - Research shows that because of a greater Schad is now accepting Pre K – 8th emphasis Grade registration 2015-2016 on homeworkfor and the study. Catholic School students develop more effective writing year. Applications are now available….Space is limited - Call Today! Tuition Transfer skills. Grants and Tuition Assistance are available. Please call for your personal tour, visit or - Catholiclike Schools to create specialus on shadow day! You can visit our website, us onstrive facebook, andafollow bond among the students, the home, the twitter. school, and the church, so that all share the strong sense of community. dents develop more effective writing skills. - Catholic Schools strive to create a special
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