M I S S I S S A U G A WA R D J a n u a r y 1 0 2 0 1 5 “If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.” — Flavia Weedn A full-size gymnasium and community meeting spaces will be key features in the new indoor facility. Plan Shifts To City-Run Community Centre Market research gathered earlier this year indicates that a city-built and -operated community centre is the preferred approach for the proposed indoor recreation facility in the city’s northwest end. In April, City Council approved a Letter of Intent to partner with the YMCA of Greater Toronto Area in building a facility on city-owned lands in the Ninth Line corridor north of Eglinton Avenue West. The LOI was a catalyst for both the YMCA and the City to analyse the market with respect to recreational amenities in the area. Key findings indicated strong brand loyalty to the City of Mississauga and limited additional demand for aquatics and fitness amenities given similar facilities nearby. These market studies are an integral part of the process. It’s all part of doing our due diligence in finding the right solution for our community. Now we can move ahead with our own facility. While the research did not support the need for additional aquatic or fitness facilities, it did support the city’s master plan (Future Directions) for indoor community space and gymnasium/active spaces. The exact components of this facility are subject to the concept design, community engageph: 905-896-5010 e: [email protected] ment and budget approval. Our community services’ plan has called for many years—and continues to call for—sports fields and a recreational building on these lands at Park 459, located along Ninth Line opposite Tacc Drive. This news is by no means a setback. In fact, we may even get there a little bit sooner now that we’re building it on our own. Due to some complicated land covenants established when the land was annexed in 2010, a city-built and -operated facility would face fewer zoning restrictions and could result in quicker development. UPCOMING EVENTS We are anticipating that this matter will come before Mar. 5 — 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. Open House to view carts for Council as part of the 2015 new waste collection program budget process and it is my —Erin Meadows Comm. Ctr intention that a facility and Mar. 10 — 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. park plan be developed in Open House to view carts for 2015 including feedback new waste collection program from the community, with —Lisgar Middle School design in 2016, construction in 2017 and opening in See website for latest events: 2018 for the use and enjoymississaugaWard10.ca ment of our residents. w: www.MississaugaWard10.ca fb: /sueward10 J a n u a r y Region Starts Rolling Out the New Waste Collection Program Significant changes are coming to the Region of Peel’s waste collection program beginning at the start of 2016. These changes will affect properties and households across the Region. Starting January 4, 2016, waste collection will move to a bi-weekly schedule for garbage and recycling. Organics (sometimes referred to as ‘compost’) will continue to be collected weekly. Peel is one of the last regions in the GTA to make the switch to bi-weekly collection. As part of the program, the Region will be issuing three new carts to homeowners that can accommodate additional garbage and recycling, and have added features to allow for automated collection. Each cart (garbage, recycling and organics) has wheels and a lid. Size Matters Garbage and recycling carts come in three sizes: small, medium and large. Organics carts come in one size only. Cart sizes have been recommended for you based on your dwelling (semi-detached, single detached, etc.). You are strongly encouraged to visit the Region’s special web page (www. peelregion.ca/carts), enter your address and confirm or See Them For Yourself To view the actual size of the carts and speak directly with Region of Peel staff regarding this new program, please visit a nearby Open House where the carts will be on display: • Erin Meadows Community Centre, 2800 Erin Centre Boulevard, Thursday, March 5, between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. • Lisgar Middle School, 6755 Lisgar Drive, Tuesday, March 10, between 4:30 and 8:30 p.m. • The carts will also be on display at City Hall, 300 City Centre Drive, during the week of March 2. Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. When the new cart-based, bi-weekly schedule goes into effect on Jan. 4, 2016: • Garbage and organics will be picked up one week • Recycling and organics will be picked up the next week • Change from garbage bags and recycling bins to carts • Yard waste collection will not be affected Choose your cart size before March 31, 2015 www.peelregion.ca/carts change your cart size. This needs to be done prior to the March 31, 2015 deadline. After this date, changes can no longer be accepted prior to delivery of the carts in the fall of 2015. The carts are free, and delivery is free as well. Once delivered, you will need to store your carts until January 4, 2016 when the new program begins. After using your cart for three months, if you discover your waste needs don’t match your cart size, cart exchanges are possible for a fee beginning only after March 31, 2016. Therefore, again, please carefully consider your cart size now so you don’t have to change it later. Benefits to You and the Region Over the past few years the Region has carefully measured the benefits of moving to cart-based, bi-weekly collection. Our research—together with the results of a year-long pilot project—showed that the new collection program will bring many benefits to both you and the Region. • Carts are easier to wheel to the curb. • Carts prevent blowing litter to keep your neighbourhood clean. • Carts are pest-resistant. • Continued weekly green bin collection ensures that “stinky” items are collected each week. • Waste collection cost-savings. • A reduction of the amount of waste sent to landfill. • A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since fewer collection vehicles are on the roads. • A reduction in worker injuries. More information will be coming about this program as the year unfolds. However, if you have questions, or want to find out more about the program, please visit the web page at www.peelregion.ca/carts or contact the Region of Peel at [email protected] or 905-791-9499. ph: 905-896-5010 e: [email protected] 2 0 1 5 w: www.MississaugaWard10.ca Spread the News: Tell your neighbours to select their carts by March 31. fb: /sueward10 J a n u a r y Councillors Debate 2015 Budget City Councillors will be discussing the 2015 budget through a series of meetings and presentations that reflect the City’s priorities and strategic plan for the short and long term. The City of Mississauga’s goal is to keep property taxes as low as possible while delivering good value for money. Each year, City Council is faced with new challenges, and difficult decisions on programs and services need to be made. Residents can and are encouraged to get involved in the City Budget process. The easiest way to find out more about how your property tax dollars are spent is by visiting the City’s budget pages online: www.mississauga.ca/budget. While there, you can try out the brand new “Budget Allocator Tool” and let us know how you would spend the City’s tax revenue. This will give you a sense of where funds are currently allocated and how saving or spending in any particular area affects the services the City can offer. Budget Committee meetings continue on Monday, Jan. 12, and Tuesday, Jan. 13 with more meetings scheduled the following weeks. These are open to the public. It is anticipated that City Council will review and approve the final budget in mid-February. Neighbourhood Ice Rinks For many years, the City has been partnering with local residents to provide the Natural Ice Rink Program, where the City sets up the infrastructure for an outdoor ice rink in a local park and volunteers create and maintain the rink. This program encourages volunteer participation in the provision of outdoor recreation opportunities in the City of Mississauga and provides safe and well equipped natural ice rinks for the purpose of unscheduled skating opportunities. The boards for the rink are normally installed in November and the program runs until mid-March, weather permitting. This year, there are four Natural Ice Rinks set up in Ward 10. • McCarron Park (Longford Dr. and Arvona Place) • McLeod Park (Candlelight Dr. and Rayana Ridge) • O’Harra Park (Longford Dr. and Deepwood Heights) • Tobias Mason Park (Cactus Gate near Tenth Line) For a full listing of parks with Natural Ice Rinks in them please visit www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/parkamenities-naturalrink ph: 905-896-5010 e: [email protected] 2 0 1 5 Obtain Parking Considerations Online The City of Mississauga is making it a lot easier to obtain short-term on-street parking permits for residents who need them. Previously, residents needed to call 3-1-1 or the City’s after-hours dispatch line and wait on hold until a live attendant could take the necessary information in order to issue the permit. Now it can be done online via the City’s expanding Online Services tool. These permits are great if you have overnight guests or are having work done on your driveway. Remember, however, that considerations can be suspended during and immediately after a snow event in order to allow plows to efficiently clear our roads. Ward 10 Youth Councillor Wanted The Mississauga City Youth Council (MiCYC) is recruiting passionate and dedicated youth to help amplify the voice of youth within their wards as a Mississauga City Youth Councillor. This is a great opportunity for youth to not only get involved within their community, but gain valuable experience working alongside their City Councillor and other community leaders. Normally, these positions are elected, however, there are a few vacancies following the most recent general election and MiCYC is looking to fill them by appointment. Apply today! To be eligible, you must either live or attend school within the ward you wish to represent. You mst also be at least 14 years of age as of October 31st, 2014 and no older than 24 years of age by October 31st, 2016. For more information and to apply, check out the application at http://goo.gl/forms/E2jenkbAlc By-Election Coming This Spring in Ward 4 Congratulations to my colleague Frank Dale, former Councillor for Ward 4, who was appointed as chair of the Region of Peel last month. I have worked with Chair Dale for many years and have every confidence that he is well-suited to lead the Region at this important time of transition and continued growth. This appointment has now created a vacancy in Ward 4 and Council has approved a by-election for this spring to fill the empty seat. The projected date is Monday, April 27. Only residents and property owners within Ward 4 will vote in this by-election. w: www.MississaugaWard10.ca fb: /sueward10 J a n u a r y Council Establishes Diversity Committee I am very pleased to be appointed as one of two Councillors to the newly created Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (DIAC). This committee’s mandate includes advising Council on how to remove barriers and achieve greater understanding among the many diverse communities in our City, reviewing City policy through a diversity lens to ensure they are meeting the needs of all residents, and more. Ten citizen members will be appointed to the committee representing a broad spectrum of diverse communities. Committee Appointments 2014-18 Councils at both the Region and City recently appointed its members to sit on a variety of boards and committees for the new term of Council. Below is the list of committees for which I am a Council representative: City of Mississauga - Committees • Advertising Review Panel • Budget Committee • Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee • General Committee • Living Arts Centre Board • Planning and Development Committee • Traffic Safety Council Region of Peel - Committees • Budget Committee • Emergency and Protective Services Committee • Emergency Management Program Committee • Fire and Paramedic Services Related Study Steering Committee • Halton Conservation Authority Board • Peel Housing Corporation • Peel Police Services Board (beginning Jan. 1, 2017) Business Networking Breakfast The Merchants Association of Lisgar and Churchill Meadows will be hosting another Business Breakfast Meeting on Tuesday, January 13 at 7:30 a.m. at Chartwell Heritage Glen, 6515 Glen Erin Drive. The event is FREE with pre-registration or $30 at the door. Meet close to 50 local peers, potential clients, referral sources, partners and suppliers before the start of your workday! Introduce yourself and promote your business directly, and network during one-on-one networking sessions. This Business Power Breakfast is held every second Tuesday of the month from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. To find out more or to pre-register for this breakfast, please contact Murray Etherington, 416-997-0919 or [email protected]. ph: 905-896-5010 e: [email protected] 2 0 1 5 Mississauga Co-Hosts Pan Am Games The 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games are coming to Toronto, including Mississauga! The Hershey Centre will host the wrestling, judo, taekwondo and karate competitions as part of the Pan Am Games from July 10-26, 2015. In addition, from Aug. 7-14, the Hershey Centre will stage the goalball, powerlifting and wheelchair rugby sports as part of the Parapan Am Games, for athletes with physical disabilities. Tickets for the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am Games are now available on a firstcome, first-serve basis. Buy your tickets now to guarantee access to the sports and ceremonies you want to see! Tickets for the Parapan Am Games will go on sale in spring 2015. Visit the Pan Am Games official web site. Don’t miss this opportunity to see world class athletes compete in the largest sporting event Canada has ever hosted! http://www.toronto2015.org/ Cyber Academy Returns The Peel Regional Police Crime Prevention Bureau is proud to offer a highly successful learning session for interested community members. The Cyber Academy is open to persons 18 years of age and older who either live, work or play in the Region of Peel. The academy will teach parents, grandparents, educators and other professionals how to avoid the risks of identity theft, on-line luring and a host of other topics. The academy is free of charge. Seating is limited and will be awarded on a first-come/first-served basis. A certificate will be presented at the completion of all four sessions. Lectures in the Cyber Academy will include computer safety, cyber-bullying, online fraud and online predators. It takes place at the Emil V. Kolb Centre for Police Excellence, 180 Derry Road East in Mississauga. The four sessions take place on consecutive Tuesday evenings beginning January 20, 7-9:30 p.m. each night. To apply, visit www.peelpolice.ca/en/crimeprevention/ cyberacademy.asp, or call Crime Prevention Services at (905) 453-2121, extension 4021. Achievements Won an award? Marking a milestone anniversary? Celebrating a unique or significant achievement? I’d love to share your special moment with our community through this newsletter. Please write or call me with the details. w: www.MississaugaWard10.ca fb: /sueward10
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