American Reformed Church Orange City, Iowa What’s Happening Sunday at ARC? American Reformed Church 407 Albany Avenue SE Orange City, IA 51041-1627 712.737.4430 [email protected] 8:30 AM Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Worship & Celebration of the Lord’s Supper (Sanctuary) RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Scripture: Mark 2:13-17 Sermon: “It all began with a table.” Worship Leaders: Pastors Elizabeth & Mike Hardeman Children’s Message: Kim Van Es IT’S THE SUPER BOWL COOK-OFF! The best place to get this great combination: 10:30 AM Reception for Pastors Elizabeth & Mike Hardeman (Narthex Area) + Serving Refreshments Gary & Brenda Richardson, Harlan & Pat Van Oort (aka Super Bowl Sunday) after Sunday School Children in 2nd-5th grades are invited to come learn song signing. (Fellowship Hall) (aka 12:00 p.m.) 10:45-11:45 AM Sunday School for Little Lambs-12th Grades (Various Locations) Volunteers for Sunday, January 18, 2015 Thank you for serving! Each job is important to us. If you have a conflict the date you are to serve, it is your responsibility to find your own replacement and notify the church office (737-4430) of any change. Staff Pastor Elizabeth Hardeman, Co-Pastor Pastor Michael Hardeman, Co-Pastor Mary Abels, Administrative Assistant Julie Powell, Facility Manager Exterior Doors Greeters Laurie Bolluyt (U/W) Tony & Amber Altena (D/E) Gary & Brenda Richardson (D/SE) Sanctuary Doors Greeters Dan & Laurie Daily Susan West Children’s Message Laura Jonker Children & Worship Story: “Jesus and the Paralytic” Leader: Benjamin Langton Greeters: Lesley Tjaden Malorie Kleinhesselink [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Providing cookies Marabel Allen Lynne Grossmann Brenda Richardson Jan Wilbeck Serving Refreshments Tim & Cindy Hickman Jack & Anita Vogel Hall Monitors Joel & Laura Stauffer VOLUNTEERING FOR TODAY Bulletin Delivery to Shut-ins Kathy Gabel, Wanda Korthals, Benjamin Langton Nursery Amber Altena, Amy Plagge, Tessa & Sera Burg Exterior Doors Greeters Mona Wiersema (U/W) Hobie Vaughn (D/E) Kathy Vaughn (D/SE) Sanctuary Doors Greeters Ryan & Angela Visser & Family Doug & Marlene De Zeeuw Sound Technicians Tony Altena, Doug De Zeeuw Hall Monitor Jo Van Es + Sunday, February 1 10:30-10:45 AM Hands of Praise Bulletin Delivery to Shut-ins Tamara Fynaardt Kevin McMahan Arlene Punt Nursery Tullar Family Sound Technicians Todd Nelson Russ Vande Steeg January 11, 2015 Freewill donation All funds raised send the youth on their summer mission trips! How you can help: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ATTEND!!!!!! Tell your friends and have them ATTEND! Sign up to bring soup at the Welcome Center. Offer to be a judge. (Contact Rose early.) Loan us your official team décor. See #1! 6:45-8:45 PM High School Youth Group Rosalyn De Koster, Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Laura Jonker, Coord. of Children’s Ministries [email protected] ARC News, published weekly, is delivered to your home. Its mission: to celebrate and communicate the life and ministry of American Reformed Church. Extra copies will be available for visitors by the mailboxes. If you do not receive this newsletter by Saturday, please let the church office know. Your stories and news items are welcome! Staff reserves the right to edit. Adult Discipleship Classes begin NEXT Sunday, January 18! See page 3 for details. American Reformed Church gathers together to be transformed by Jesus to transform the world. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been called by the Holy Spirit to worship God, know God in community with others, and serve God by serving others. Announcing the Events for the Week Monday, January 12 10:00 AM Women’s Prayer Group (Library) Questions? Please contact Arlene Punt at 707-4600. 1:30 PM Women’s Faith Sharing (Library) For more information or questions, please contact Lynne Grossmann at 737-4202. 6:30 PM Deacons’ Meeting (Genesis Room) 6:30 PM Elders’ Meeting (Library) 7:45 PM Consistory Meeting (Genesis Room) Wednesday, January 14 6:30-7:30 PM Fuel For Faith (F3) for children in grades K-5th (Faith, Hope Love Rooms) 6:30-8:00 PM Middle School Youth Group (MSY Rm) Thursday, January 15 9:30 PM Men’s Prayer Group (Fellowship Area) For more information or questions, please contact Allen Fernow at 737-3309 / 712-395-1149. Check it Out Community Events Sunday, January 11 7:00 PM Valley Male Chorus of Rock Valley, Iowa Sacred Music Concert at and sponsored by Trinity Reformed Church, Orange City. Freewill offering will be taken for the benefit of children and adults with disabilities receiving services at Hope Haven. Friday and Saturday, January 23 & 24 at 7:30 PM Northwestern College’s Heritage Singers chamber choir will perform “A Night at the Opera” in the England Proscenium Theatre. The hour-long performance will focus on the death of a wealthy landowner and his relatives’ scheming attempts to reclaim their inheritance from a local charity. Admission is free, but tickets should be reserved with Nora Verburg at the music office, 712-707-7062. Remembering God’s People in Prayer Hospitalized: *Joyce Oatey (Sanford Hospital, Sioux Falls, SD) Home from the hospital: *Susan West Those receiving further medical care: *Alma Langstraat, mother of Gail Van Grouw, in a Sioux City Hospital, receiving blood transfusions for an undiagnosed blood disease. *Sally Thompson, daughter of Paul & Vernie Van Engelenhoven, who was diagnosed with and is in treatment for breast cancer. ARC extends its congratulations to: *Ray Van Pelt on his 97th birthday, January 8. Happy birthday, Ray! PLEASE NOTE: If a pastoral concern or need arises, it is the responsibility of a family member to contact the Church Office (737-4430), Pastor Elizabeth or Pastor Mike (737-4430/737-9050) or an on-call Elder: January 8-10: Allen Fernow 737-3309 / 712-395-1149 January 11-17: Kathy Gabel 707-9170 / 737-7799 January 18-24: Marilyn Jiskoot 737-4041/540-4559 Custodian Expresses Thanks I would like to thank everyone who prayed for me before, during, and after my surgery, for those who visited me in the hospital, and for the cards I received. I am currently back to working at church about six hours a day. A special thank you goes to Rusty Marincovich for volunteering to lead the crew and cover my duties while I was out. It was a huge stress reliever for me to know that Rusty was willing to assume those responsibilities. I would also like to thank Jan Wilbeck, Marilyn Jiskoot, Wanda Korthals, and my mom (Murt Powell) for helping Rusty do some of the cleaning during my absence. Thanks also to the Burg family for volunteering to pick up bulletins and papers from the pews each week, and for making sure the hymnals and Bibles were the right direction. I am truly blessed here at ARC. So many of you kept telling me to get my knee fixed and when I finally did, I had such wonderful support from everyone. The recovery will be slow and longer than usual due to the trauma my leg muscles sustained from being stretched so I could have full extension again. Continued prayers would be appreciated as I am one who does not like to sit around and take it easy. I’d rather go, go, go! I usually have patience but when it comes to slow recovery, not so much. Thanks again for all your support. ...Julie Powell Daily Bible Readings for Your Devotions and Worship Preparation January 12-18 12 Monday 1 Samuel 3:1-10 13 Tuesday 1 Samuel 3:11-20 14 Wednesday Psalm 139:1-6 15 Thursday Psalm 139:13-18 16 Friday 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 17 Saturday John 1:43-51 18 Sunday Jonah 1:1-3 Expresses Thanks “Thank you so much for the final exam week goodie bags ARC provided. Your care made the week less stressful. Thanks and we trust you had a Merry Christmas!” ...Joseph Tolsma for NWC Students “ ‘Thank You' to ARC for your concern & prayers on Don's total knee surgery. A special thanks to secretary Mary, Rev. Hegstad and Elder Mitch Kinsinger for your contacts by e-mail and phone. They were much appreciated. Don's surgery was very successful and his knee is recovering nicely with the faithful routines of therapy. Thanks be to God and to God be the glory.” ...Don & Marlys Hop “Thank you for the visits, cards, and support for our loss of Paul’s father, Pete Karssen, on December 26. You are ALL a blessing, with special thanks to Lynne & Kevin McMahan and Pastor Michael.” ...Paul, Victoria, Libby &Matthew Karssen ...Amanda, Gus, Elena & Noah Vazquez The best way for us to know you are in the hospital is for you or a family member to contact one of the pastors, the church office or an on-call Elder. The hospital does not notify the church. 2014 Financial Update from the ARC Deacons Total General Fund Giving for 2014: $393,808.85 2014 Annual Budget: $394,332.67 ARC General Building Fund (Balance as of 12/31/14): $ 15,057.41 December Mission Giving: Justice for All - $ 168.54 Christmas Eve Giving - (JFA - Rock Valley Recovery) $1,498.14 “Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during my surgery and recovery. While we often only post "thank you" messages during challenging times, I am grateful for you, my ARC family, at all times.” --Sherri Langton and family “THANK YOU to the many people of ARC who remembered me with cards, words of encouragement, visits and prayers during my surgery and looooooooong hospital stay! I really appreciated it.” ...Don Guthmiller “A BIG thank you to everyone who both helped put up our Advent Decorations and took them down! And thank you to Vic Karssen for her time, energy and help in doing something a little different this year!” ...Lynne McMahan, Worship Team Chair WINTER/SPRING ADULT DISCIPLESHIP 2015 SUNDAY AFTER WORSHIP 10:45 to 11:45 AM LUKE Facilitator: Eric Elder Location: International Room (January 18 to February 22) A continuation of a study of the third gospel, written by “the beloved physician,” in which Jesus is portrayed as the compassionate Savior, healer, redeemer and friend of the weak, providing insight into the mercy of God as demonstrated by Jesus. WHOSE PROMISED LAND? THE ISRAELI- PALESTINIAN CONFLICT Facilitator: John Hubers Location: Sanctuary (January 18 to February 22) The creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948 was a moment of great joy for most Jews worldwide. For the indigenous Palestinians it is remembered as al Naqba; the great disaster. The claims of both groups of people, which include members of indigenous Muslim, Jewish and Christian faith communities will be examined in this series along with the role American Christians have played in past and present events. These and other issues related to the conflict will be explored with the aim of gaining the kind of knowledge that might allow us to become agents of peace through our prayers and support for those who are seeking a way out of the morass. LENTEN SERIES: NOT THE WAY IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE Facilitator: Kim Van Es Location: Fireside Room (March 1 to March 29) Each week at ARC our service includes a confession of sin. But do we understand the pervasiveness of evil in the world and even in our own lives? Lent is a good time to consider why we need Jesus. Using Cornelius Plantinga’s book Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin, we will face up to the “vandalism of shalom” and consider how we can respond. PRAYER: DOES IT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE? Facilitator: Keith Hoskins Location: Library (April 19 to May 10) A study of the book Prayer: Does it Make any Difference? by Philip Yancey. Topics covered are: Keeping Company with God; Unraveling the Mysteries; Language of Prayer; Prayer Dilemmas; and The Practice of Prayer NATIVE AMERICAN NEIGHBORS: LEARNING TO LAMENT BY LISTENING Facilitators: Kevin McMahan and Jim Schaap Location: Sanctuary (April 12 to May 10) Living in Sioux County, what do we really know about the Native American people who inhabited this land before us? What has the relationship between the Reformed church and Native peoples been like? What are we called to in relation to these neighbors (including those very nearby)? Please join us for this five-week series of stories, questions, and contemplative conversation. What would reconciliation require?
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