Safety Manual SD 174F/00/en/10.03 52021031 Guided Level-Radar levelflex M FMP 40/FMP 41C/FMP 45 for liquids and solids with 4...20 mA output signal Functional safety manual FMP 45 FMP 40 FMP 41C Application Overspill protection or operating maximum detection of all types of liquids and solids in tanks to satisfy particular safety systems requirements as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511-1(FDIS). The measuring device fulfils the requirements concerning • Functional safety as per IEC 61508/ IEC 61511-1(FDIS) • Explosion protection (depending on the version) • Electromagnetic compatibility as per EN 61326 and NAMUR recommendation NE 21. Your benefits • For overspill protection up to SIL 2 • • • • • • – Independently assessed (Functional Assessment) by as per IEC 61508/IEC 61511-1(FDIS) Permanent self-monitoring Continuous measurement measurement is virtually independent of product properties Easy commissioning Measurement is possible even at strongly agitated surfaces and foam suitable for bulk solids as well Levelflex M Table of contents SIL declaration of conformity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 General depiction of a safety system (protection function) 4 Structure of the measuring system with Levelflex M (FMP 40, FMP 41C, FMP 45) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Settings and installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Set-up instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuring Levelflex M for overfill protection operation . . Configuration instructions on the signal processing unit . . 7 7 7 9 Response in operation and failure . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Recurrent function tests of the measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Specific values for the Levelflex M measuring system . . . 11 Exida Management Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2 Endress + Hauser Levelflex M SIL declaration of conformity L00-FMR2xxxx-02-00-01-en-004 Endress + Hauser 3 Levelflex M Introduction General depiction of a safety system (protection function) Parameter tables for determining Safety Integrity Level (SIL) The following tables are used to define the achievable SIL or the requirements pertaining to the “Average Probability of Dangerous Failure on Demand” (PFD av ), the “Hardware Fault Tolerance” (HFT) and the “Safe Failure Fraction” (SFF) for the safety system. The specific values for the Levelflex M measuring system can be found in the Appendix. Permitted failure probability of the complete safety function dependent on the SIL for systems which must react on demand (e.g. exceeding a defined max. level/switch point) (Source: IEC 61508, Part 1). SIL PFDav 4 ≥ 10− 5...< 10− 4 3 ≥ 10− 4...< 10− 3 2 ≥ 10− 3...< 10− 2 1 ≥ 10− 2...< 10− 1 The following table shows the achievable Safety Integrity Level (SIL) as a function of the probability fraction of safety-oriented failures and the hardware fault tolerance of the complete safety system for type B systems (complex components, for definition, see IEC 61508, Part 2). SFF 0 1 (0)1 2 (1)1 not allowed SIL 1 SIL 2 SIL 3 none: < 60 % low: 60 % ...< 90 % SIL 1 SIL 2 Medium: 90% ...<99% SIL 2 SIL 3 high: ≥ 99 % SIL 3 1) 4 HFT In accordance with IEC 61511-1 (FDIS) (Section 11.4.4), the HFT can be reduced by one (values in brackets) if the devices used fulfil the following conditions: - The device is proven in use, - Only process-relevant parameters can be changed at the device (e.g. measuring range, ... ), - Changing the process-relevant parameters is protected (e.g. password, jumper, ... ), - The function requires less than SIL 4. All conditions apply to Levelflex M. Endress + Hauser Levelflex M Structure of the measuring system with Levelflex M (FMP 40, FMP 41C, FMP 45) Level limit measuring system The measuring system's devices are displayed in the following diagram (example). - ToF Tool - COMMUWIN II Commubox FXA 191 FMP 40 FMP 41C FMP 45 4...20 mA Logic Unit e.g. PLC, limit switch, ... Actuator ENDRESS + HAUSER % – + E operating and display module VU 331 L00-FMPxxxxx-14-00-06-en-005 In the transmitter (Levelflex M), an analog signal (4...20 mA) in proportion to the level is generated. This is sent to a downstream logic unit (e.g. PLC, limit signal transmitter, etc.) and monitored here for max. value overshoot. For fault monitoring, the logic unit must recognise both HI-alarms (≥ 21.5 mA) and LO-alarms (≤ 3.8 mA). The characteristic values determined (see Appendix) only apply to the following versions: Endress + Hauser FMP 40- FMP40-#######B#### FMP40-#######G#### FMP40-#######H#### FMP 41C- FMP41C-#####B##### FMP41C-#####G##### FMP41C-#####H##### FMP 45- FMP45-######B##### FMP45-######G##### FMP45-######H##### 5 Levelflex M Safety function data The mandatory settings and data for the safety function are based on the description on Page 7 ff. and the Appendix. The measuring system reacts in ≤ 5 s. Note! MTTR is set at 8 hours. Supplementary device documentation The following must be available for the measuring system: Device type Operating Instructions Description of device functions (on the CD supplied) Brief Operating Instructions (in the device) FMP 40 BA 242F/00/en BA 245F/00/en KA 189F/00/a2 FMP 41C BA 276F/00/en BA 245F/00/en KA 189F/00/a2 FMP 45 BA 279F/00/en BA 245F/00/en KA 189F/00/a2 For devices with explosion-protection approval, the relevant Safety Instructions (XA) and/or Control Drawings (ZD) must also be observed. 6 Endress + Hauser Levelflex M Settings and installation instructions Installation instructions Please refer to the Operating Instructions (BA) provided for information on how to install Levelflex M correctly, (see Table on Page 6). Since the application conditions have an effect on the safety of the measurement, pay attention to the notes in the Technical Information (TI) and Operating Instructions (BA). Set-up instructions Note! Information as to which Operating Instructions (BA) apply to which device is provided in the Table on Page 6. Levelflex M can be configured in various ways: • Local operation using the VU 331 LCD display • Operation with the DXR 275 handheld terminal • Remote operation via PC: – with ToF-Tool (graphic operating program for E+H devices which work on the time-of-flight principle) – Commuwin II (graphic-supported operating program for intelligent devices) Caution! The reaction time of the device can be slowed down considerably when envelope curves are being transmitted or mapping is activated. Suitable measures against overfilling should be taken during this period. Please refer to the appropriate Operating Instructions (BA) for further information on the settings. Configuring Levelflex M for overfill protection operation Hardware locking should be enabled once the Levelflex M has been calibrated as per the Operating Instructions (BA). To do so, press all 3 keys of the VU 331 LCD display at the same time locally at the device. Now the device can neither be configured nor unlocked via communication. The device is unlocked by firstly removing the hardware lock by locally pressing all the three keys together via the VU 331 LCD display and then by setting the “Overfill protection“ parameter (Pos. 018) to “Standard“ if necessary. A measuring condition (echo) which results in an ALARM in the “Safety distance SD“ area can be reset or deleted by • confirming the ALARM in Pos. 017 locally by means of the VU 331 LCD display; • confirming the alarm via the communication protocol (HART), (Commuwin II: Pos. V1 H7, ToFTool: “ackn. alarm“ under safety settings). Note! Altered settings (display/ToF Tool) in the “extended calibr.“ function group (Pos. 05 or Commuwin II V4) such as “offset“ or such as "curr.turn down" (Pos. 063 or Commuwin II V5 H3) in the “output“ function group have an effect on the output signal. This must be taken into account when calculating the response height (see relevant Operating Instructions). We recommend you check that the behaviour of the current signal matches the expected behaviour by means of level simulation (see BA), (correctness of configuration). Endress + Hauser 7 Levelflex M Configuration schemata/basic calibration ToF Tool/Display - plain text display Tank properties ↓ Medium property ↓ Process conditions ↓ End of probe ↓ Lenght adjustment ↓ Empty calibration E ↓ Full calibration F ↓ Mapping ↓ Further settings Function group 05 ↓ Overspill protection WHG ↓ On site: 3 keys pressed on the display VU 331 1) Display VU 331 Position 002 003 004 030 031 005 006 See BA 1 See BA 05 1 018 Yes BA = Operating Instructions Locking Type of locking Hardware recommended Code/action 3 keys together "lock" Position/VU 331 display Commuwin II Locally via VU 331 display (keys O and S and F ) 3 keys together "unlock" Locally via VU 331 display (keys O and S and F ) Standard 018 Unlocking Hardware1 ↓ Software 1) 8 V1 H8 if locked Endress + Hauser Levelflex M With the “WHG“ setting in 018, the following parameters can be safety oriented as follows, regardless of values already set: ToF Tool/Display - plain text display Safety settings output on ALARM outp. echo loss delay time in safety distance Filtering/averaging/delay Hüllkurvenstatistik MAM filt. length MAM filt. border output damping Echo detection threshold near threshold attenuation constant threshold far EOP evaluation EOP in upper area First echo factor Max. filling speed Max. drain speed Other Hysterese width Communication address Current output mode Simulation Value/parameter Display Commuwin II Comment VU 331 Max. 110 %, 22 mA ALARM 1s Self-retaining 010 012 014 016 V1 H0 V1 H2 V1 H4 V1 H6 1 1 2 4 0 5 1 0 0D21 0D11 0D12 058 V72 H1 V71 H1 V71 H2 V4 H8 3 3 3 3 0.04*0D85, if "Tank properties" (002) = coax probe (4), 0.07*0D85, otherwise = 0D86 0.04*0D87, if "Tank properties" (002) = coax probe (4), 0.07*0D87, otherwise On echo preferred (factory setting) 6 dB 0 mm/s (factory setting) 0 mm/s (factory setting) 0D35 V73 H5 4 0D36 0D37 V73 H6 V73 H7 4 4 0D61 0D62 0D51 0D15 0D16 V76 H1 V76 H2 V75 H1 V71 H5 V71 H6 4 1, 5 4 1 1 0D14 060 063 V71 H4 V5 H0 V5 H3 1 1 1 065 V5 H5 1 0 mm (factory setting) 0 "Standard" if previously "fixed current" Sim. / OFF Comments: 1 This parameter must be configured in this way. 2 This parameter determines the reaction time of the device in the event of echo loss; a setting of less than 30 s is recommended. 3 This parameter determines the reaction time of the device; deviating settings are possible. In the event of changes in "process cond." (004), it is automatically adjusted. The corresponding reaction time is indicated in the documentation BA 245 F. 4 This parameter can be selected differently, depending on the application" 5 In the "Tank properties" function (002), "aluminium tank" may not be used! Note! This parameters highlighted in bold (for VU 331 display and Commuwin II) are on the Service level which can only be opened with a specific code. Instead of activating the "WHG" setting, safety-oriented configuration can also be done manually as per the "Comment" column. Configuration instructions on the signal processing unit Endress + Hauser Configuration instructions when using the level sensor as the continuous measuring system When using the level sensor as the continuous measuring system, the limit value determined appropriately must be entered at the downstream limit monitor (logic unit). All calibration and configuration work must be carried out as specified in the associated Operating Instructions. 9 Levelflex M Response in operation and failure Note! The behaviour during operation and in the event of errors is described in the device documentation, (see Table on Page 6). Recurrent function tests of the measuring system The operativeness of the overfill protection must be checked at regular intervals (see Appendix). We recommend you carry out the inspection at least once a year. The onus is on the owneroperator to select the type of inspection and the time intervals in the specified period. The check must be carried out in such a way that it is proven that the overfill protection functions perfectly in interaction with all components. This is guaranteed when the response height is approached in a filling process. If it is not practical to fill to the response height, suitable simulation of the level or of the physical measuring effect must be used to make the level sensor respond. If the operativeness of the level sensor/transmitter can be determined otherwise (exclusion of faults that impair function), the check can also be completed by simulating the corresponding output signal. 10 Endress + Hauser Levelflex M Appendix Specific values for the Levelflex M measuring system The Tables show the specific safety-related characteristic values for the Levelflex M measuring system. Specific values with 2-wire electronics Levelflex M FMP 40, FMP 41C, FMP 45 MAX MAX SIL SIL 2 SIL 2 HFT 0 0 SFF > 72 % > 72 % PFDav ≤ 0.32 x 10-2 ≤ 0.65 x 10-2 Complete function test by approaching the level, for example Annually1 every 2 years1 1) see the following graphic for other values Probability 1oo1D structure 3,50E-02 3,00E-02 2,50E-02 2,00E-02 1,50E-02 1,00E-02 5,00E-03 0,00E+00 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 PFDavg 8,0 10,0 Years L00-FMP40xxx-05-00-00-en-009 Endress + Hauser 11 Levelflex M Specific values with 4-wire electronics Levelflex M FMP 40, FMP 41C, FMP 45 MAX MAX SIL SIL 2 SIL 2 HFT 0 0 SFF > 87 % PFDav ≤ 0.14 x 10 Complete function test by approaching the level, for example Annually1 1) > 87 % ≤ 0.28 x 10-2 -2 every 2 years1 see the following graphic for other values Probability 1oo1D structure 1,60E-02 1,40E-02 1,20E-02 1,00E-02 8,00E-03 6,00E-03 4,00E-03 2,00E-03 0,00E+00 0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 PFDavg 8,0 10,0 Years L00-FMP40xxx-05-00-00-en-010 12 Endress + Hauser Levelflex M Exida Management Summary Endress + Hauser 13 Levelflex M 14 Endress + Hauser Levelflex M Endress + Hauser 15 Levelflex M Endress+Hauser GmbH+Co. Instruments International P.O. Box 2222 D-79574 Weil am Rhein Germany Tel. (07621) 975-02 Tx 773926 Fax (07621) 975 345 e-mail: [email protected] Internet: 11.01 SD 174F/00/en/10.03 52021031 FM+SGML 6.0 ProMoDo
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