St. Joseph Consolidated School SJCS News Volume 8 Issue 16 January 8, 2015 925 South Second Street Hamilton, OH 45011 No School Reminder Phone: 513-863-8758 A reminder to SJCS families that there is no school on Fax: 513-863-5772 Monday 1/19/15 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. E-mail: [email protected] Web page: Yard Signs As you may know, a major event in our annual enrollment campaign is our Open House. This year it is scheduled for Sunday, January 25. Our yard signs have proven to be a very effective means of communicating this event to our prospective families. You are helping us tremendously if you would place one of our signs in your yard. We are asking parents to put these signs in their yards at this time. If you need a yard sign we still have some available in the school office. Please let us know and we can arrange pick up. SJCS Mass Spiritwear This month we are asking for our students and parents to show their school spirit. Each weekend this month when attending Mass Saturday or Sunday please wear your spiritwear to church at your home parish. We want to fill the pews with Bluejay spirit. Traditional school uniform, red school attire or the blue spiritwear is all appropriate. After Mass there will be a St. Joe parent in the back of church to give your child a ticket. When you collect all three tickets you can turn them into the school office and your students will get an out of uniform pass. Clean Up Saturday We will be holding a clean up Saturday here at school on 1/17/15 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. If you would like to help out on that day please let us know in the school office. We request no small children and only junior high or high school students on this day. Important Dates to Remember 1/9/15-Bluejay Booster Adult Bowling Event 1/15/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m. 1/17/15-Clean Up Saturday 1/19/15- No School Martin Luther King Day 1/21/15-SJCS Board of Ed Meeting 1/22/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m./Spotlight Breakfast Grade 4 1/24/15-Market Day Pick up 1/25/15-Enrollment Open House/Catholic Schools Week Opens 1/27 & 1/28/15-2nd Grade Raffle 1/29/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m./PTO Board Meeting 1/31/15-St. Joe Cyclones Night 2/4/15– Bluejay Booster Meting 2/5/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m. 2/7/15– St. Joseph Parish Confirmation Retreat 2/12/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m. 2/13/15- No School Teacher In Service 2/16/15-No School President’s Day 2/18/15-Ash Wednesday 2/19/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m./SJCS Board of Education Meeting 2/21/15– Market Day Pick up 2/26/15-All School Mass 8:00 a.m./Spotlight Breakfast Grade 3/2nd Grade Book sale/PTO meeting 7:00 p.m. FROM THE PRINCIPAL January 8, 2015 I begin this new year filled with a lot of hope(s)… First, I hope this communication finds all of you refreshed, relaxed, and still hanging on to some of that wonderful Christmas spirit. It comes... and goes so fast. Our hope as Christians, as the lyrics of so many songs reflect, is to have the spirit of Christmas (of joy, of caring, of giving to and serving others) last throughout the year. My sister, who always seems to come up with great Christmas cards, sent us one with this quote from Mother Teresa: It is Christmas… every time you let God love others through you. Yes, it is Christmas… every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand. I’m sure she would have added “or sister” had she written that today. I certainly hope we all experience and share in creating a lot more Christmas in the months ahead. Ready or not, here comes 2015. More importantly, here comes the winter of 2015. With 1 (okay, now 2 days... and 2 hours, or 13.66 hours) snow day(s) already behind us, I hope the weather this winter is less challenging than last year’s. Our calendar has enough days/hours built into it to account for 5 (5.4 to be exact) snow/weather-related days. So, we’re down to 3. Let’s hope that’s enough. I also hope that the time off has been sufficient to break the cycle of illnesses that were taking their toll on us back in those final weeks of 2014. (Ironically, after being healthy throughout the holidays, I just lost my voice yesterday.) Closures due to illness count the same as snow days. I hope we don’t need any of those. I hope the coming of the new year resulted in our Open House yard signs popping up in neighborhoods thought our area. (We still have several in the hall here at school if you need one. It may require a pan of hot water or a torch to get them into the ground now.) Sunday, the 25th will be here before we know it. Somewhere out there are 25 new St. Joseph kindergartners waiting to be found. That’s 25 families waiting to be told the St. Joe’s story. No amount of advertising that we can do has more impact than a personal contact from one of you. I hope we’ve earned your endorsement. And having done so, that you will reach out to any families you know who have a potential kindergartner (or 1-8 student) and tell them our story, what we have to offer. To support you, we will be repeating many of the efforts that have worked for us in the past: 4000plus postcards mailed to Catholic families with school-age children in our area, 500-plus invitations dropped off at area pre-schools, Q102 radio spots running throughout the month, five large 4 ft. by 6 ft. banners strategically placed, and follow up on all leads generated by BlueJay Bucks. You have done a great job in the past. Our enrollment is one of the most stable in the Archdiocese, remaining at or near two hundred students for eight of the past ten years. With twenty-nine graduating 8th graders leaving us in May, we have our enrollment work cut out for us this year. We’ve been in this position before and prevailed. We can do it again. AR Point Club Divergent Advancement December 2014 By Veronica Roth The following students have advanced to a higher point club for their reading efforts during the month of December. Congrats to all! Seventh Grade Jack Cooper Kindergarten Third Grade Caroline Davis Conner Couch Fifth Grade Maddei Mills Kiley Massey Maddie Davis Marissa Collier Jaden Peterson Jackson Turner Emily Demmel Michael Dennison Emma Gerhardt Emily Gullett Zach Kiep Elise Hardig Chloe Kime Mary Hunt Meghan Vidourek Sami Tokarczyk Honesty Kennedy Abby Wenzel Tyler Verdin Kylie Spade Eighth Grade Sophia Williams Zach Wagner Ally Angst First Grade Katie Alexander Sam Duckworth Jack Marshburn Lizzie Middendorf Emari Smiley Rose Smith Kevin Spade Todd Blackburn Mason Mosley Jake Tokarczyk Curtis Schutte Emma Broermann Fourth Grade Sixth Grade Zack Brossart Ryan Davis Evan Drake Grace Connaughton Jacob Stringer Logan Fitzwater Katie Conrad Second Grade June Meehan Aiden Hopkins Marqaux Flaig Zach Estrellado James Martin Lexi Urmston Johnny Payne Matthew Rings Clayton Rosenbauer Jessica Rosteutscher Cody Smith Aidan Drake RJ Gerhardt Corey Hoskins Anthony Hunt Emma Joyce Gretta Price Megan Schroeder Dalton Updike SJCS PTO Hockey Night 2015 365 Lotto Tickets with Cincinnati Cyclones We are still assembling and compiling the 365 lotto tickPINK IN THE RINK ets from families and our support schools. The Lotto Committee is extremely thankful for the overwhelming Saturday 1/31/15 Tickets are $13 each. support of our lotto this year. This support proves the Please return request for reserved tickets and payment to commitment our SJCS families have to our school. This fund raiser profits each family here at St. Joe and without school by Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Please pay by our weekly Bingo funds we really need this to be a sucpersonal check made payable to ‘Cincinnati Cyclones’ cessful endeavor. If you still have tickets please realong with the ticket purchaser name & # of tickets to: turn them to the school office. ATTN: Jenny Cooper – Cyclones/St. Joseph Night All paid tickets will be available at Will-Call the night of the game beginning at 6 p.m. Exact seat location cannot be determined. Best available seats will be given. *Children age two (2) and older must have a ticket to enter the building.* CONTACT Jenny Cooper (513) 509-1324 - Thank You for your support! 2nd Grade Book Sale 2nd grade is once again holding their annual used book sale. It will be held Thursday, February 26 . We are in need of donations. Please send any of the following gently used items to the school office: DVD’s, computer software, books, and videos. 365 LOTTO WINNERS 365 Lotto winners from 12/15 to 12/31 : $40 winners Clarence Harmeyer, Brian Williams, Dan Backus, Craig Martin, Brad Raines, Robert Fraley, Melissa Ray, Nancy Bender, Mike Hanlon, Matt Haas, Jen Drake, Donna Frazee & Rhonda Duff. $100 winners Joan D’Imperio& John Mary Rita Brossart. $1000 Christmas Day winner Sharon Mueller. Lunch Menu Monday 1/12/15-Nachos & cheese w/ choice of salsa, black beans, guacamole & sour cream, Gogurt, applesauce and milk. Tuesday 1/13/15-Egg, sausage & cheese omelet, triangle potatoes, string cheese, juice and milk. Wednesday 1/14/15-Hamburger or cheeseburger, dill pickles, corn, oranges, chocolate chip cookie and milk. Thursday 1/15/15– Ravioli, pineapple, tossed salad, garlic roll and milk. Friday 1/16/15– Tony’s pepperoni pizza, broccoli, fruit, oatmeal bar and milk. Weekend Servers 5:15 p.m. Mass-Saturday 1/10/15– Kari Kiep & Macie Ray 9:00 a.m. Mass– Sunday 1/11/15– Joe & June Meehan 11:30 a.m. Mass– Sunday 1/11/15-Luke Enderle & Peyton Turner
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