Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Bulletin BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 11, 2015 Stewardship Message Jesus humbled himself and accepted baptism even though he was without sin. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells St. John that it was proper that He be baptized as a sign of solidarity with humanity. Jesus recognized that His life was not His own - it was not about Him. As disciples of Jesus we are called to model Christ’s humility in all that we do. The humble person recognizes that their gifts are not of their own making. Everything comes from and belongs to God. Good Stewardship declares that my gifts are not mine and they are not about me. The Christian steward responds to their baptism by using and sharing their gifts in a manner that gives glory to God. Stewardship Office, The Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Pastor Fr. Justin Huang Blog Office 8891 Montcalm Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3E8 Rectory 1345 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-266-6131 Fax 604-266-0223 Hours Tuesday—Friday 9:00am—12:00noon 1:00pm—3:00pm By appointment Emergencies anytime [email protected] St. Anthony of Padua School Pre-School to Grade 7 Principal Oscar Pozzolo Preschool Teacher Kristine Lim 1370 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6P 3E9 Tel 604-261-4043 Fax 604-261-4036 Web [email protected] [email protected] The “yes” of Nazareth given by Mary in faith turns into charity. She who by the work of the Holy Spirit was made mother of the Son, being moved by that same Spirit, was transformed into a servant of all for love of her Son. Pope Francis Parish Registration Our parish family warmly welcomes new parishioners. Please register at your earliest convenience by filling out a registration form located in the vestibule or by stopping by the parish office during office hours. If you are registered and moving, please advise the parish office. Sunday Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am Weekday Masses Monday 8:15am Tuesday 7:30pm St. Anthony of Padua Novena Wednesday to Friday 8:15am Wednesday 9:15am (During the School Year) Saturday 9:00am Lauds Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 8:45am Sunday 8:00am Confession Weekday 8:00am except Tuesday Saturday 9:30am & 4:00pm to 4:55pm Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 10:00pm in the Chapel (1365 West 73rd Avenue) First Friday of each month 8:45 to 10:00am in the Church followed by Benediction. Please call the parish office for more information on other Sacraments and Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Classes. BAPTISM OF THE LORD Parish Announcements January 11, 2015 Weekday Masses and Intentions Antiphons: Missal p. 400 ( 1 s t W ee k) 2015 Sunday Missals are available for sale in the vestibule. Limited quantities. Cost: $4.00 per copy. Pancake Breakfast: The Knights of Columbus invites you to its monthly pancake breakfast in the Church Lower Hall next Sunday (January 18th), after all the morning Masses. Menu includes: Sausages, Scrambled eggs, Hash Brown, Pancakes, Coffee, Tea, Juice and Fruits. Adult: $5.00; Family: $12.00. Mardi Gras - which we will celebrate on Saturday, February 14th, in the Church Lower Hall. This will be in the form of a buffet dinner (including roast beef, potatoes, vegetables, salad, chicken, noodles and dessert). We will also be serving wine. Entertainment will be decided at a later date. Tickets: $30 per person ($10 for children under ten years) proceeds to the Parish Centre fund. Tickets will be sold in a couple of weeks. Buy your tickets before Sunday, February 8th, to avoid disappointment (160 tickets only). Thank you for your continued support. Mardi Gras (this year February 17th) is French for "Fat Tuesday" reflecting the practice of eating delicious food before the fasting of the Lenten season. It refers to the carnival celebrations beginning on or after the Epiphany and culminating on the day before Ash Wednesday. Carnival is an important celebration in Anglican and Catholic European nations. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the week before Ash Wednesday is called "Shrovetide" ending on Shrove Tuesday from the word "Shrive" meaning confess as it is associated with the Sacrament of Reconciliation before Lent Did You Know?....CNEWA (Catholic Near East Welfare Association) is a papal agency established in 1926 by Pope Pius XI. As a papal agency, it “supports the churches of the East; provides humanitarian aid to the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe regardless of nationality or religion; and promotes the union of the Catholic and Orthodox churches” (visit Day Feast or Memorial Missal Page Intention Monday Jan. 12th St. Marguerite Bourgeoys† 1700 437 Clemente & Rosario Brigola† Tuesday Jan. 13th Ferial Mass at 7:30pm only In Honour of St. Anthony 439 Peggy Gorrie† Wednesday Jan. 14th Ferial 441 Bridget Ann Brosnahan† Thursday Jan. 15th Ferial 443 Ruben Cervantes† Friday Jan. 16th Ferial 444 Laura Gabisan† Saturday Jan. 17th St. Anthony† 356 446 Stephen Scully Please contact the parish office to request Weekday Mass Intentions. The Sick: At Holy Mass we remember the sick of our parish including Nung Chum, Nick and Johanna De Vos, Gladys Fessenden, Frank Kim Sing and Agnes Kung. Outside Parish Activities Renewing Your sense Of Wonder For The Priesthood: with Abbot John Braganza OSB, Saturday, January 31st, from 9:00am—12:00noon, at St. Matthew’s Parish, 16079—88 Avenue, Surrey. Cost: $10 per person. Register with Val at [email protected] or call 604-868-4424. EASTERN EUROPE PILGRIMAGE – Join Fr. Mario Marin on September 22th—October 6th, 2015 for this 13 day Pilgrimage. PRICE: $3737 air & taxes included. For information call SAMPAGUITA TRAVEL at 604-874-9533. BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 11, 2015 Archdiocesan Announcements Vancouver College, a K-12 Catholic School for boys established by the Christian Brothers in 1922, is holding its annual Open House for prospective students and families on Tuesday, January 13th, from 6:30—8:30pm. Detailed information and application forms are available at Christian Unity: Have We Answered the Call? Archdiocese of Vancouver will mark the 50th anniversary of Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism with an ecumenical prayer service. Keynote speakers: Fr. Tom Rosica, CSB, and Sr. Donna Geernaert, SC. Topics: Canadian and worldwide overview of ecumenism before and after Vatican II’s Decree, importance of dialogue, and practical ideas on how to start ecumenical cooperation. Saturday, January 17th, St. Francis Xavier Church, Vancouver. To register, visit, contact 604-683-0281 Ext. 229, or email [email protected]. 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: The 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed January 18th—25th. In a world marked by diversity in language and culture, we express our Christian faith in diverse ways. During this Week we are called to celebrate this diversity and be faithful to Christ’s call for the unity of his Church. All are invited to join with brothers and sisters of various churches in prayer, song, and witness to unity as followers of Christ. The Archdiocese will mark Christian Unity Week with various ecumenical events and prayer services. For more information, visit St. Patrick Regional Secondary School Open House: Everyone interested in attending the school for the 20152016 academic year is invited to the Open House on Sunday, January 18th, at 1:00pm. There will be a short presentation of “Life as a Celtic”, a tour of the facility, and the opportunity to meet our staff and many of our students. This will also be the first opportunity to pick up the Application Package. Please be aware that the deadline for accepting completed applications for grade 8 is February 11th. There is no entrance exam. For more information please read our Information Booklet, you will find it on our web site ( under “About Our School”. 101th World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Pope Francis, in his message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, urges us to do as Jesus did by proclaiming the good news of hope to all, especially to those in great need. He says: “The mission of the Church…is thus to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him particularly in the poorest and most abandoned. Among these are migrants and refugees who are trying to escape January 11, 2015 difficult living conditions and dangers of every kind.” Sunday, January 18th at 3:00pm, Our Lady of Sorrows, Vancouver. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB for the 4th year in our Archdiocese as a universal church. Stewarding God’s Gifts Conference: Stewardship is a way of life, an appreciation of all that we have been given! Pastors, parish staff, and other parish leaders are invited to this one day conference where you will learn about the spiritual and practical aspects of parish stewardship from two experienced presenters, Fr. Darrin Gurr (Archdiocese of Winnipeg) and Julie Kenny (International Catholic Stewardship Council Parish Stewardship Services and Education). Share ideas in fostering stewardship in your parish. Mass celebrated by Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB. Saturday, January 24th, from 9:00am-3:00pm, Star of the Sea Parish, Surrey. Cost: $20. ONE CONFERENCE 2015: So many of us live with a hole in our hearts or see it in the people around us. Maybe you already know what fills that hole and want to learn how to share it with others, or you might feel like you need to be refilled yourself. At the ONE conference we invite you to ignite your faith life and spread the good news to others. Come and Start Joy in your world by listening to great speakers, celebrating Mass with Archbishop Michael and worshipping as ONE. Saturday, February, 14th, at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Tickets can be purchased online at or at any parish. Nourishing Your Soul, Exploring Your Faith, Developing Ministry Leaders: Archdiocesan Winter Institute offers oneday faith formation and ministry training for adults. Topics include: Spiritual Discernment and Basics of the Faith. Ministry training offered for RCIA, PREP & Youth Ministry. Also available are two workshops for those in music ministry and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Saturday, January 24th, from 10:00am to 4:00pm. St. Patrick Secondary School, Vancouver. Cost $35 (before Jan.16), includes lunch. To register, visit: Amidst the busyness of life, how can we draw closer to Christ? Conversion involves letting go of what is unhealthy in our lives as well as growing stronger in the faith. Fr. Elton Fernandes, SJ, returns to Rosemary Heights for our 2-hour twilight retreat, offering Scripture and Ignatian prayer as a way to respond to Jesus' invitation. Thursday, Feb. 19, from 6–8:30pm at Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. Costs $25, including a light snack ($35 including light dinner served at 5:15pm). For more information, visit or contact 604-576-8802. Please support these advertisers, they support us. GRANVILLE DENTAL WELLNESS GROUP 604-261-8164 8357 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC SUPPORT THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUND Family Dentistry - Cosmetic Dentistry - Implant Dentistry - Children’s Dentistry - Orthodontics Wisdom Teeth - Dentures St. Anthony’s Parishioner Promotions SHEILA CARROLL, BA., MA. HAVE A NEW PATIENT EXAMINATION AND HYGIENE APPOINTMENT DONE AND HAVE $50 DONATED TO THE ST. ANTHONY’S BUILDING FUNDIN YOUR NAME!! ENGLISH TEACHER Specializing in Secondary, Elementary, ESL, English 12 Available to tutor in my home Located in Marpole (one block East of Granville) Tel.: 604-261-1584 Email: [email protected] Open weekday evenings and Saturdays Comfortable treatment in a modern facility Serving Mar pole for over 25 years Dr. Gianni Pisanu, Owner and St. Anthony’s Parishioner THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA PARISH SERVING WITH FAITH AND JOY We would like to invite the ladies of the parish to become members of the CWL. Meetings are normally held the 1st Saturday of the month at 10:00A.M. For more information, please call Christina at 604-266-6131 Rollie Abando Gift Cards: If you are thinking of buying gift cards for someone. There are lots of merchants to choose from. And we are sure you will find something that will interest you. Thank you for your support of the Parish Centre Fund. Order Forms are available in the vestibule after Mass. Settlement Practitioner – Labour Market Free Settlement Services: individual consultation, needs assessment and referrals, orientation and information workshops. Labour Market Participation: Preemployment support, employment workshops and employment mentoring program. Services provided in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Tagalog, Farsi, Russian, Spanish, Cebuano. S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Richmond Service Center 220-7000 Minoru Blvd., Richmond, BC V6Y 3Z5 Tel: (604) 279-7167 Email: [email protected] Website: Advertising space available! $25/month or $250/year Please contact the parish office for details. Thank you to all our advertisers!
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