St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church Social Action Ministries African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization Network (AAMEN) Carying Place Catholic Parish Outreach Fair Trade Education Gabriel Project Habitat for Humanity Honduras Sister Project Immigration Formation Interfaith Volunteers Jesse Tree Just Faith Meals for Migrant Workers Meals on Wheels Prison Ministry Project Rachel Respect Life Share Sunday St Rita Ministry Thanksgiving Baskets YARNWORKS Faith Formation Ministries Adult Education and Faith Formation Children’s Liturgy of the Word Confirmation Preparation Faith Formation - Elementary Faith Formation - Home School Faith Formation - Middle School -Edge Faith Formation - High School (Life Teen) Right of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA Young Adult Ministry Liturgical Ministries Schools Early Childhood Center St. Michael School School Advisory Council Adoration Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers at Mass Mass Coordinators Ministers of Hospitality Music Ministry Readers / Lectors Ministry Sanctuary Ministry Parish Outreach Ministries Administrative Maintenance Bulletin Stuffers Finance Council Parish Office Volunteers Pastoral Council Safe Environment Committee Stewardship Committee Landscape Family Life Ministries Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts Knights of Columbus Spanish Speaking Ministries Work Table Worldwide Marriage Encounter Fellowship Ministries Men’s Softball Men’s Network Ministry Women’s Network Ministry Prayer Ministries Centering Prayer Holy Spirit Ministries Prayer Group Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Partners in Prayer Prayer Blanket Ministry Sacramental Life Baptismal Bib Makers Baptismal Preparation Class Columbarium Auxiliary Funeral Ministry Marriage Preparation Wedding Volunteers Pastoral Care Ministries Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group Bereavement Support Group Eucharistic Ministers - Homebound Eucharistic Ministers – Hospital Eucharistic Ministers - Nursing Homes/ Senior Living Centers Legion of Mary Meals in Need Pastoral Care Desk Transcending Divorce Support Group 804 High House Road Cary, NC 27513 919.468.6100 Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Category Staff Owner Liturgical Wayne Cusher The St.Michael African Ancestry Community is a ministry for gathering and involvement of the local African Ancestry community in activities, prayer and social events. The ministry is the St.Michael chapter of the diocesan African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization Network(AAMEN). This ministry strives to support St.Michael and the diocese by establishing an active African Ancestry Community and invites the entire St. Michael community to be part of the chapter's activities. The Altar Serving Ministry is a great opportunity to begin influencing intentional discipleship with our youth at a young age and is open to youth and adults alike.The Altar Serving Ministry is responsible for recruiting, training, and scheduling altar servers for weekend, holiday and holy day Masses. Recruits for this ministry generally come from our 10 year old and older congregation. Social Action Mark Westrick Liturgical Wayne Cusher Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email Description 1 Adoration Erin Holmquist [email protected] Silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on the first Friday of every month ending with Benediction. 2 African Ancestry Ministry and Evangelization Ministry (AAMEN) Reney Ceasar [email protected] 3 Altar Servers Jennifer Jones Raja Gade - Main Church [email protected] John Lucas- Green Hope Station 4 Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group Joe Dunbeck [email protected] A ministry for all those who are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. Are you concerned and not sure what to do? Alone? Overwhelmed? Frightened? Come to the support group meetings held the 3rd Monday of each month, 1011:30AM in Conference Rm III of the St.Michael Conference Center. Pastoral Care Mark Westrick 5 Baptismal Bib Makers Leslie Stironek [email protected] Volunteers sew bibs and stoles for children who are being baptized at St.Michael. Sacramental Leslie Stironek 6 Baptismal Preparation Class Leslie Stironek [email protected] Preparation class offered for parrents and godparents to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. Sacramental Leslie Stironek 7 Bereavement Support Group Ministry Mark Westrick [email protected] Pastoral Care Mark Westrick 8 Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts Keith Biegert [email protected] Grief, often the most profound form of sorrow, demands the support and compassion of our fellow human beings. Since the beginning of time, people have come together in times of grief to help one another. Grief support groups provide an opportunity for this kind of help and support. The St Michael Bereavement Support Group meets weekly in the Conference Center, for a 12 week series – contact us to find out when the next series begins. Pack 216: Troop 212: Troop 216: Family Life Norma Powers 9 Bulletin Stuffers Mary Chapman [email protected] Volunteers assist the parish office with bulletin inserts and office mailings. Administrative Norma Powers 10 11 Carying Place Catholic Parish Outreach Centering Prayer Marybeth Phillips Erin Holmquist [email protected] [email protected] Social Action Mark Westrick Social Action Mark Westrick Jackie Weidner [email protected] Prayer Mark Westrick Faith Formation Mary DiSano Sacramental Leslie Stironek 12 13 Children's Liturgy of Kirsten Corazzini (St. the Word Michael) Judy Adkins (Green Hope Station) 14 Columbarium Auxiliary Ministry Leslie Stironek Columbarium Board Jean Fuccella [email protected] * [email protected] [email protected] Centering Prayer is a method of silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer in which we experience God's presence within us; closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a relationship with God and a discipline to foster that relationship. Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered during the Sunday Masses at St. Michael Church from Sept. through June, with the exception of liturgical holidays. CLOW welcomes all children ages 4 through third grade. At the beginning of Mass children are called forward and dismissed with catechists. The children return to Mass during the offertory. The ministry is operated as a parent co-op and parents are required to volunteer as a lead or assistant catechist once every 2 months. This Ministry helps to provide and preserve a welcoming and wellmaintained columbarium environment. Volunteers participate in regular clean up and other duties around the columbarium area. Volunteers work in teams of at least two members and all equipment and supplies will be provided. This is a wonderful opportunity to show respect for those in our parish community who have preceded us in our faith journey. 1 of 7 Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email 15 Confirmation – High School Mary DiSano [email protected] 17 Eucharistic Ministers Homebound Mark Westrick homeboundeucharist 18 Eucharistic Ministers - Hospital Eucharistic Ministers Nursing/Senior Living Centers Eucharistic Ministers at Mass Mark Westrick [email protected] Mark Westrick [email protected] Kathy & Bill Thompson eucharisticministers Leslie Tramontin [email protected] Melanie Jarvis [email protected] 19 20 21 Fair Trade Education Description Ministry Category Staff Owner Faith Formation Confirmation at St. Michael follows the Diocesan policy requiring two-years of faith development prior to receiving the Sacrament.The Confirmation Faith formation program prepares candidates to fully understand the meaning of this Sacrament. It invites candidates to deepen their relationship with God, affirm their faith, and live their faith in the world. Mary DiSano Volunteers in this ministry bring the Eucharist to those confined to their homes who cannot physically participate with the faith community at Mass and receive the sacrament due to age, illness or other infirmity.Training is involved. Volunteers assist with the distribution of Communion at Rex Hospital. Volunteers visit and distribute Communion to area seniors at nursing homes and senior living centers. Pastoral Care Mark Westrick Pastoral Care Mark Westrick Pastoral Care Mark Westrick Liturgical Wayne Cusher Social Action Mark Westrick Extra-ordinary Ministers assist with distribution of Communion to all parishioners at Masses, hospital, homebound and nursing home services. Selection and training required. This is a very rewarding ministry that enables you to be more involved in the celebration of the Mass by having close contact with members of the community when distributing the host and the precious blood. With the many Masses we have each weekend, we always need more Eucharistic Ministers. Fair trade is a trading partnership based on dialogue, transparency, and respect that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers – especially in the Global South. In conjunction with Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Fair Trade Ambassadors at St. Michael support Fair Trade with an ongoing focus on Fair Trade awareness and promoting the sale of Fair Trade goods. 22 Faith Formation Mary DiSano [email protected] Faith Formation The Faith Formation Office coordinates and oversees the Elementary, Middle School and High School Faith Formation programs conducted by the Associate Directors. We guide the sacrament preparations for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, and create and maintain a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation among and between the Associate Directors. Mary DiSano 23 Adult Educaton and Faith Formation Mark Westrick Mary DiSano [email protected] [email protected] Mary DiSano & Mark Westrick 24 Faith Formation Elementary Martha Waltersdorf [email protected] Faith Formation This Ministry provides faith formation for the adults of our parish. For information regarding upcoming formation opportunities, contact Mary DiSano or Mark Westrick. This ministry coordinates Elementary Faith Formation programs that Faith Formation include; assisting the catechists with class materials, scheduling and assigning students to their appropriate classrooms. The overall goals are to foster the total personal and spiritual life of the students within a caring Roman Catholic community and involve them in the life, mission and work of the St. Michael Community. 25 Faith Formation High School (Life Teen) Jeanne Lewin [email protected] This ministry coordinates High School Faith Formation programs that include leading Confirmation Preparation, Spirit Alive Youth Ministry, Bible Study, as well as organizing retreats, mission trips, and special events that build a positive environment for our parish youth to grow and flourish within our community. The overall goals are to foster the total personal and spiritual life of the young person within a caring Catholic/Christian community and involve young people in the life, mission and work of the St. Michael Community. 2 of 7 Faith Formation Mary DiSano Mary DiSano Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email Description Ministry Category Staff Owner 26 Faith Formation Home School Mary DiSano [email protected] Faith Formation Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators. That is why we support a Home Schooling option for our Faith Formation programs and our faith community provides the necessary guidance and support where needed to accomplish their educational goals. Families are provided curricula, texts, and activities that tie into the traditional faith formation programs while providing families the flexibility to meet their educational needs. Mary DiSano 27 Faith Formation Middle School (EDGE) Jeanne Lewin [email protected] Mary DiSano 28 Finance Council Christopher Preti [email protected] 29 Funeral Ministry Leslie Stironek [email protected] Faith Formation The EDGE is a dynamic youth faith formation program offered by the St. Michael Middle School Youth Ministry to support parents in the Christian formation of their middle school age youth. The program offers middle school youth the opportunity for human and spiritual growth in a fun and safe environment. Our program is known as "The EDGE" because the youth in this age range are on the edge of their teen years where they are changing physically, mentally and emotionally. Administrative This is an advisory group to the Pastor responsible for providing timely and well considered guidance regarding all financial matters that impact the St. Michael community. This includes the Parish, School and ECC. Also, this Council reviews all facility contracts and capital improvements. The Council reviews and approves all budgets. Sacramental This ministry helps to provide compassion and respect to families within the context of the Funeral Mass. Volunteers are responsible for a wide variety of liturgical duties which may include, mass coordinating, altar serving, Eucharist minister and other duties that assist the presiders, families and funeral homes. This ministry can include traveling to cemeteries to assist in grave-side services and inurnments. This is a very specific and detailed ministry and requires extensive experience and training. 30 Gabriel Project Darcey Holley [email protected] The woman who decides to abort her child usually does so because she feels she has no choice. Parents, boyfriend, peers or even husband may have threatened to withdraw their support. The Gabriel Project tries to provide the needed emotional, physical and spiritual support during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby as long as help is needed. Relationships are established with members of the church to bring new hope and comfort to women who are alone. Women we help include women who have chosen to put their baby up for adoption. Social Action Mark Westrick 31 Habitat for Humanity Chris Michael [email protected] Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry whose objectives are to eliminate poverty housing from the world by making safe, decent, energy efficient, and affordable housing a matter of conscience and faith in action. Since its founding by Millard and Linda Fuller in 1976, Habitat for Humanity has built more than 175,000 homes, providing over 750,000 people in over 3,000 communities with decent homes. Habitat is a self-help organization. Homeowners will be working side by side with us during the construction. They will also be responsible for paying their mortgages. For more information about Wake County’s Habitat for Humanity please go to the website: Social Action Mark Westrick 32 Holy Spirit Ministries Prayer Group Maria Muratore Bob Mayhew Deacon. Patrick Pelkey [email protected] Holy Spirit Ministries Prayer Group is a Catholic Charismatic prayer group that meets Friday evenings from 7:00-9:00 PM in the St. Michael Trinity Center. This prayer and worship ministry is aligned with our bishop and diocesan norms for renewing Catholic Charismatic services and seeks to: - Promote the Church’s belief in Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the innate gifts and grace which the Spirit offers. - Work with other Catholic organizations serving the mission of the Church to build up the Body of Christ. - Be servants of the Holy Spirit and faithfully respond to help stir into flame the grace of Pentecost within and beyond the Church. Prayer Mark Westrick 3 of 7 Jim Ayres Leslie Stironek Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email 33 Honduras Sister Parish Lou Mamo [email protected] 34 Hospitality Ministers Stan Bouchard [email protected] 35 Immigration Formation John Tramontin [email protected] 36 Interfaith Volunteers Vi McKnight [email protected] 37 Jesse Tree Catherine McGuire / Marianne Hedrick [email protected] 38 Just Faith Dave Goulding [email protected] 39 Knights of Columbus Jack Nemetz [email protected] 40 Landscape Ministry Kristin Paskanik/ Tim Appleby [email protected] 41 Legion of Mary Dan Holtzclaw [email protected] Ministry Category Staff Owner As one of the Social Action Ministries at St. Michael, our group was formed in 2000 and is fully engaged with the parish leadership of Honduras Sister Parish, Nuestra Senora de Suyapa. Over the years, there have been multiple visits by representatives of both parishes in both directions to acquaint each other with one another’s respective parish, culture, challenges and blessings. The generosity of the St. Michael Parish community, along with the many volunteers who have served on our committee, has helped our Honduras Sister Parish make dramatic improvements to their living conditions and quality of life. We continue to be excited about the progress that has been made in improving the health, education and spiritual life of the parishioners of our Sister Parish. Social Action Mark Westrick As the ministers who welcome our parishioners and visitors to our Masses every weekend, the Hospitality Ministers are some of our most important. Some of the primary duties of the Hospitality Minister include: greeting and seating parishioners, passing out mass aids, reserving pews as required, taking up the offertory collection, selecting parishioners to present the gifts for Communion and distribution of bulletins and materials at the end of mass. Ushers are trained to handle emergencies. We are seeking a wider representation of our parish demographics to include young and old, male and female, families and friends. The primary focus and purpose of the Immigration ministry is “strengthening the Presence of God through dedication to social justice." The goal of the Immigration ministry is education of our parishioners around this complex set of issues using as a foundation our Catholic Social Teachings and the guidance of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). As a member of Christ’s servant community, St. Michaell is a participating congregation with The Center for Volunteer Caregiving. St Michael Interfaith Volunteers serve with other Wake County faith congregations and service partners to answer calls for help from disabled and elderly neighbors. Frequent requests for help are received by the parish Pastoral Care Ministry. Liturgical Larry McAnallen Social Action Mark Westrick Pastoral Care Mark Westrick The annual St. Michael Jesse Tree Project provides Christmas gifts to children in need throughout our community. Jesse Trees will be stocked with ornaments to make a child’s Christmas brighter! Pastoral Care Mark Westrick An intensive Catholic Social Justice program for people interested in learning how to live a more compassionate life in our modern world. It includes 26 weekly sessions between September and May, two retreats, and four border-crossing experiences. Just Faith is a spiritual journey of reading, prayer and discussion with fellow parishioners. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization. The local chapter includes members from the local parishes of St. Andrew and St. Mary Magdalene in Apex, and St. Michael in Cary. The meetings are held at St. Michael. For more information on the local chapter visit: Social Action Mark Westrick Family Life Mark Westrick The purpose of this Ministry is to promote fellowship and community in the beautiful outdoors by maintaining church campus grounds and landscape. No gardening or landscape knowledge necessary, but such experience is certainly welcome. All ages are invited to participate. The Legion of Mary sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish. Every legionary is required to attend the weekly meeting in the Conference Center room 2 every Wednesday at 8pm and carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary. Maintenance Bill Ciavarra Pastoral Care Mark Westrick Description 4 of 7 Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email 42 Marriage Preparation Leslie Stironek [email protected] 43 Mass Coordinators Dick Friedewald [email protected] 44 Meals for Migrant Workers Bob & Mary Ann Lowery [email protected] 45 Meals in Need Linh Nguyen [email protected] 46 Meals on Wheels Nicolle Pollaci [email protected] 47 Men's Athletics Basketball Men's Athletics Softball Andres Perez [email protected] Rich Scuderi [email protected] 49 Men's Network Ministry Mark Westrick [email protected] 50 Music Ministry Wayne Cusher [email protected] 51 Our Lady’s Rosary Makers Gerry Foster [email protected] 52 Parish Office Volunteers Norma Powers [email protected] 48 Ministry Category Staff Owner The Diocese of Raleigh requires that all couples preparing for marriage in the Church complete an online Fully Engaged assessment which is used to evaluate the engaged couple's compatibility. This questionnaire covers topics such as faith, communication skills, in-laws, finances, sexuality, etc. This tool is intended to help the couples become attuned to matters where there appear to be differences. The mentor couples review the assessment results with the engaged couple and facilitate further dialogue using their own experience to help the engaged couple prepare for married life and continue to encourage their journey in the Catholic faith. Mentor couples are trained by the Diocese or our St. Michael team and are given a facilitators manual. Mentor couples are assigned approximately 1 couple each month and will meet with their assigned engaged couple for generally 1-2 meetings. Insures that each Mass has sufficient altar servers, lectors and Eucharistic Ministers, and that equipment is working and in place. Sacramental Leslie Stironek Liturgical Wayne Cusher For more than 20 years, parishioners of St. Michael have been providing meals to migrant workers in the Fuquay-Varina area. During the summer, the meals are brought to the Parish Center at St. Michael and then driven to St. Bernadette in Fuquay. St. Bernadette's migrant workers attend Mass and later stop at the church's cafeteria to enjoy the meals the volunteers provide. Through a team of volunteers, we provide meals to church or community members in times of need. It is one way for us to live out the word of God by glorifying Him through serving one another. Social Action Mark Westrick Pastoral Care Mark Westrick Meals on Wheels of Wake County provides a hot, nutritious noon time meal Monday through Friday. St. Michael volunteers deliver meals to Meals on Wheels recipients on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mondays, 4th Tuesday , and 5th Fridays of every month. There are regular drivers for each route each week. We need substitutes to fill in on sick days, travel days or other times as required. All meals are picked up from Resurrection Lutheran Church in Cary. Deliveries take approximately 1 hour to complete. Social Action Mark Westrick Men of the parish meet weekly in the Parish Center to play pick-up basketball. St. Michael Softball is a parish ministry that combines the fun of playing softball with Christian fellowship. Our teams play in various Town Of Cary Leagues; mainly comprised of teams from other churches in Cary. We have teams built around various levels of skill (A,B,C Leagues as well as a Co-Ed League. Our seasons run from March through June and August through October. Fellowship Mark Westrick Fellowship Mark Westrick The Men’s Network Ministry is a fellowship ministry that encompasses a variety of programs dedicated to the spiritual, educational and social development of the men of all ages in our Parish. The role of the Music Ministry is to enhance the liturgy, lead and support the congregation at sung prayer at all of the 11 weekend liturgies. Keyboard accompanists, guitars, bass, percussion, brass, woodwinds, and strings make up the various groups. Our children’s choir and a ministry of 20 Cantors help round this vibrant ministry. Fellowship Mark Westrick Liturgical Wayne Cusher Make rosaries to be shared with others, including our Sister Parish in Honduras, military personnel, and other missions. Enjoy the fellowship of other parishioners as you work! Office volunteers welcome and assist all parishioners, staff, ministry leaders and business contacts that call or come into the Parish Office. Prayer Mark Westrick Administrative Norma Powers Description 5 of 7 Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email Description Ministry Category Staff Owner 53 Partners in Prayer Teresa Heath [email protected] Partners in Prayer seeks to offer in prayer the intentions submitted by the members of the St. Michael Faith Community. Intentions are received through Prayer Intention books located in the parish office, the St. Michael Preschool (formerly Early Childhood Center), and St. Michael School office. New members are always welcome. Knowledge of the Rosary is not necessary. Prayer Mark Westrick 54 Pastoral Care Desk Susan Miller [email protected] Pastoral Care Mark Westrick 55 Pastoral Council John Devlin [email protected] Administrative Jim Ayres 56 Ernestine Soller [email protected] Prayer Mark Westrick 57 Prayer Blanket Ministry Prison Ministry Brian Phillips [email protected] Social Action Mark Westrick 58 Project Rachel Sharon Loosman [email protected] Pastoral Care is the ministry of care involved in bringing the presence of Christ to those who are suffering (sick, mourning, in crisis). Advises the Pastor on the spiritual needs of the Parish. 10 elected and 3 appointed members. Creates blankets to be distributed to the sick and for those who are in need. Outreach to the inmates in Butner and to the inmates in the state prison system of Wake County. The outreach in Butner involves praying for the inmates, presiding at the Communion Service and giving a homily. Training is involved. Project Rachel is a post-abortion healing ministry. Women, men and families who are suffering the devastating effects of participation in abortion are offered spiritual and psychological help to find forgiveness and reconciliation with God, family members and their aborted children. For more: Social Action Mark Westrick 59 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA Readers / Lectors Ministry Respect Life Mary DiSano [email protected] Allen Noehl [email protected] Nancy Burns Bill Hutson David Wulff [email protected] Ken Tanner [email protected] Mary Ellen Bruno [email protected] Daniel Saloni Flores [email protected] 60 61 62 Safe Environment Committee [email protected] 63 Sanctuary Ministry 64 Share Sunday 65 Spanish Speaking Ministries Work Table 66 Stewardship Committee Mary Ann McNeill [email protected] 16 St. Michael Preschool Marianna Toscano [email protected] Faith Formation The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process to prepare people to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. Liturgical Proclaim the Word of God during the liturgy. Selection and training involved. Social Action Promotes respect for human life through prayer, education and action. The Safe Environment Program of the Diocese of Raleigh strives to Administrative empower parishes, schools, families, and individuals to create and foster a safe and healthy atmosphere for people of all ages. At St. Michael we strive to create a safe and healthy atmosphere for all who are on our campus. Liturgical Prepares and maintains the altar, table linens and votive candles for the Church, Sanctuary and Chapel. Mary DiSano Wayne Cusher Mark Westrick Joanne White Leslie Stironek Addressing hunger on a local level by gathering food once a month to distribute to local communities. The Spanish Speaking Ministries Work Table was established primarily based on the numerous challenges and needs in our St. Michael Parish as a result of the increase of Spanish speaking members. Members of this Work Table follow Cannon Law 511, which focuses in the study of the pastoral situation, reflect on it and to recommend their conclusion to our Pastor and Priest assigned to Spanish speaking ministries in our Parish. Ministries focused on Spanish speaking parishioners at St. Michael are grouped in three pastoral commissions: Sacramental, Kerygmatic and Social. Each of these areas has a director who coordinates pastoral work with various ministry leaders within each commission. Social Action Mark Westrick Family Life Fr. John Grenados The Stewardship mission: We are called to nourish, support and guide new and existing parishioners by encouraging participation in recognizing and developing their gifts as we answer the call to be Disciples of Christ. Our goals are: Ministry Management, Invitation – Hospitality, Communication, Education, and Spirituality, Administrative Larry McAnallen Faith Formation / St. Michael Preschool provides a caring environment in which School children can grow socially, emotionally, mentally, creatively, and spiritually. In a world that grows more competitive each day, the staff of the Preschool assist children to experience happiness and success in a noncompetitive environment. We make material available in an interesting, exciting manner to encourage children to be children, free to play, explore, and imagine in the course of a child oriented day. 6 of 7 Marianna Toscano Ministry Description and Contacts Ministry Contact Ministry Website Email Aimee Viana , Principal [email protected] Rita Welsh [email protected] Description Ministry Category 67 St. Michael School 68 St. Rita Ministry 69 Thanksgiving Baskets Jennifer Robles/ Carolyn Yantorn [email protected] 70 Transcending Divorce Joe Donnan / Joanne Ingle [email protected] If you are in the wilderness of an ending relationship, you may find yourself feeling alone or confused. Finding hope and healing your heart is on a journey best taken with companions. If you are ready to begin a journey to transcend separation or divorce, contact us. Pastoral Care Mark Westrick 71 Wedding Volunteers Leslie Stironek [email protected] Administrative Leslie Stironek 72 Women's Network Ministry Jennifer Jones / Carolyn Yantorn [email protected] Assists clergy and St. Michael wedding couples in coordinating weddings and wedding rehearsals. St. Michael Women’s Network is a ministry dedicated to the spiritual, educational and social development of our parishioners through prayer, outreach and charity. Fellowship Mark Westrick 73 Worldwide Marriage Douglas & Maryellen Encounter Bashioum Family Life Fr. Doug Reed 74 YARNWORKS Social Action Mark Westrick 75 Young Adult Ministry [email protected] Martina Young [email protected] Stacey Byrd [email protected] Faith Formation / St. Michael School is a vital part of the mission of St. Michael School Catholic Church. St. Michael School will provide a Christ-centered Catholic education with a focus on academic excellence and development of each individual. For more Parish Catholic School information, please contact our office or go to our website @ Social Action This ministry provides prayerful support to victims of domestic violence through compassion, information sharing, education, and referrals. The St. Rita Ministry was developed in partnership with INTERACT of Wake County, to bring awareness, understanding, and education to the St. Michael and Cary Communities, and to offer referral assistance to Interact, local law enforcement agencies, Triangle Family Services, the DOSE program, and other supportive agencies. Social Action Please join our Parish family in answering the call to help our brothers and sisters in need by bringing food items or monetary donations to make the food baskets. Staff Owner A "Circle" meeting once a month for couples who have made a Marriage Encounter weekend. Three groups are in our area. The meetings consist of presentations, dialogue time and social time. The meeting duration is 1 1/2 hours. YARNWORKS, a new apostolate of the Respect Life Committee. They will meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in room V of the Conference Center from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Bring knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn and ideas to begin making items for Birthchoice and the Gabriel Project. Some knowledge of knitting or crocheting is helpful. This is a great chance to socialize and meet other parishioners while knitting or crocheting. Aimee Viana Mark Westrick Mark Westrick Welcoming, supporting, and strengthening young men and women Faith Formation Jeanne CarusoLewin in their twenties and thirties; single, married, discerning, widowed or divorced; and with or without children seeking to grow in their faith. 7 of 7
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