THE FRIA FLYER VOLUME II 9794 W. Peoria Ave. Suite #2 Peoria, AZ 85345 623-937-7770 January 2015 Issue 1 JUST FOR TODAY I am no longer a drunk I am a proud alcoholic, I am not a bad person I am a sick person, I have self-respect and the respect of others. In my $10 room, over the bar, I would take a ham cheese sandwich and shaker of bloody mary, eat ½ and put the rest under my bed. If cockroaches hadn’t eaten it by morning, I would eat the rest and go to work. My wife ended up in Connecticut, with a guy, raising my kids. I was doing anything just to get money to drink. I can’t read or write. I am ashamed, and I don’t tell anyone. My father died at 23 of spinal meningitis. I had 2 step-fathers, both died of this disease. One smothered in his own vomit. I was sent to AA by the courts in Middleton, NY. The judge mandated me to go for help or work for the State of New York for 7 years (prison). So they sent me to mental health in Goshen, NY for 12 weeks, then go to AA. I had to stay until the therapist told me I was well enough not to come back. At that time I thought I had a lot of back problems; probation, ex-wife, the courts, the job… I ended up meeting a girl in a bar. She took me home with her and put me up on the couch. When she went to bed, I wanted to go to bed with her. Come Sunday morning the phone rang. She came out and answered the phone. I heard her say, “Can I bring a friend?” I prayed to Jesus that I was that friend. I hoped if I went, that I could be in bed with her the next night. It was an AA meeting at a dude ranch where I had drank before. The chairman asked if there was anyone new, so I raised my hand, and said, “I don’t know if I am an alcoholic, but the court system said I am, and I need help.” Over in a corner sat pretty girl with the greatest set of thighs I ever seen. They told me to go in the back room to a Newcomers meeting. As they went around the room we had to say our sobriety date, home group and whether we had a sponsor. I not only didn’t have any of them, I didn’t know what they were. Everything was strange to me. The closer the time to talk got to me more I wanted to leave, but I wanted to meet girl with the thighs. One guy said he had 25 years, I knew he was a liar. Two gals, from school, said they each had 2 years sober, liars. I was so uncomfortable. Peggy ended up in group therapy with me, her husband had left her, she had 2 years. She was patient and talked to me. I was so afraid of going to jail that I was hitchhiking and walking to get to the meetings. I knew that if I went to jail, the first guy to touch me I would kill. Sometimes I would walk 25 miles to and from a meeting. I know today that I was lying in that room over the bar totally insane…the juke box began to haunt me. I wanted to go down there. I started praying, then crying, eventually I would fall asleep. Hours turned into days. I went to my 3rd meeting, still hadn’t been to bed with her, those thighs went through my head like sugar plums. One of meetings was in the church I was baptized and married in. Met up with two old drinking friends at the meeting in the church, they had 10 years and 6 years sober. One was driving a beer truck for a living and the other was tending bar. I compared myself to them. I was worse than them so I must be an alcoholic. I still wanted to drink. Gary, who had the 6 years, said to me,”Harold, Garlic Nick will be your sponsor.” Cont. pp2 Steps, Traditions, and Concepts of Alcoholics Anonymous Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. Tradition 1: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on A.A. unity. Concept I: Final responsibility and ultimate authority for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship. Steps, Traditions and Concepts reprinted with permission from A.A. World Services, Inc Agua Fria Intergroup find meetings service opportunities news events order literature Alcoholics Anonymous “Responsibility Pledge” “I am responsible… When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.” Reprinted from the Pamphlet P-1, This is A.A., Page 24, with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc. AA SUPER SOBER WEEKEND We are forming an AA Alcothon for Super Bowl XLIX. Kick Off will begin on January 31st, 2015 at 10 am and run through February 1st, 2015 10 pm Location of event will be Java the Hut 7021 N. 57th Ave. Glendale, AZ 85301 Contact: Skidrow Greg [email protected] JUST FOR TODAY…Continued from Page 1 – Part 2 JUST FOR TODAY…Continued from Page 1 – Part 3 You could smell him half a mile away and I didn’t want to be seen with him. He became the man I would have liked to have had for a father. The group became my higher power. Nick was gentle; he loved me until I could love myself. He started inviting me to his house for dinner. At work, all the guys drank. I talked to Nick, “Harold, you don’t have drink alcohol, a lot of people drink tea at break-time. When it’s your turn to buy, buy them their beer and you drink coffee.” I was starting to fit in. We were doing a house, one of the guys at the job said, “Harold, you been smiling a lot lately, what’s up?” I told him, “…getting laid and not drinking.” The longer I stay sober the smarter my mother got. She’s been 9 years in The Big Meeting.. I used to think she was a witch, “going to snow tomorrow,” and yes, it would snow. Now me too, not evil, just age, my bones start to hurt with change in weather. I had no knowledge of the steps or traditions, I couldn’t read. My sponsor taught me the slogans…like KISS. I thought he was calling me stupid. I was used to being called names, grew up that way. The slogans were the hand rails to the 12-steps for me. At a meeting one night, the chairperson, Bill D. said that after one drink he doesn’t do what he wants but he does what the drink wants. I was working in a rehabilitation hospital: 1st floor alcoholics, 2nd floor drug addicts, and the building down the hill was psychiatric patients. We had meetings at the hospital. One night there were 52 people. I went to school for counseling but never got a degree, fear again. During that time in my life we had 18 guys and 2 gals get sober in our house. I, too, was alone and an underdog all my life. Alone we die, together we get sober. When I was 6 years sober I married a lady with 5 years. We rented a 5 bedroom farmhouse with a big cellar to store tools and we started a construction business. Living in the farmhouse with this lady, I keep bringing drunks home from meetings, she says “you’re like a kid, kids bring pet’s home…you bring drunks.” My sponsor said, “Do the steps.” I hated him for a sponsor, but his wife’s cooking was so much better than that ham sandwich! We had talks out on the front lawn, Jan would say “Dinner’s ready”. So we eat and talk more. He tells me to write down 10 things I don’t do today that I did when drinking. I told myself that if I don’t try I’ll never stay sober. So I drew a picture of phone and a car. He says, “What is this?” I tell him I can’t read or spell. “Ok, what’s with the phone and the car?” So I tell him, “I don’t fight with the old lady any more and she don’t call the cops on me, so I don’t have to rip the phone off the wall. The car is because I don’t drive drunk no more.” So we go down the list. My sponsor tells me if I don’t want to do these 10 things anymore I need to change my higher power. “Your higher power is john barleycorn. You take the first drink and you will be doing these ten things again”. I started hunting for my two children. I wanted to be a father. I found my kids with my ex and her husband. My son was in the service, and was home on leave from Germany. I drove by the house several times, anguished, I wanted to see him and hug him but didn’t want embarrass him. (Men don’t hug other men!) Finally we talk and I told him of my fear, he said “Dad, you can’t put me to shame…you’re my father”. I was not comfortable there with the ex and her husband. She is pregnant, I wanted to kill him. 7 years sober, finally, that feeling went away. He ended up being the best father he could. God has a funny sense of humor…I ended up with his ex-wife, raising his kids. It worked out O.K., on visitations, he would bring my kids, I would bring his. The longer I don’t drink, the happier I become. I still had a lot of head problems; I went to mental health weekly. I became the coffee maker at ‘The Cup and Saucer’ group. They serve the coffee in china cups and saucers. My sponsor says you can always tell the newcomers. How? I ask. Because they hold the cup in one hand and the saucer in the other, so it won’t rattle In the rooms I saw guys go out and go to jail. I didn’t want to go to jail. In therapy, my counselor says, “You’re not drinking.” I ask him, “How you know?” “You’re not yellow.” My sponsor and spiritual advisor told me, “Your mind wants you drunk and dead.” I would get frustrated and resentful and they would say a good resentment will not kill anybody, take it home and chew on it awhile, see what part you own. My 5th sponsor, was gay. I didn’t know it until later. His soul mate was a guy I knew for many years. We had robbed a bar together. I didn’t go inside the house. I didn’t want him put the make on me. I have real life today with real friends and real feelings. I attended the Lake Pleasant Roundup last week with my friend who I go to the lake roundups with every year. Her sister came from Williams in her van with a power lift, I just loved it, and I was able to use my power-chair so I could be independent. The group kept getting bigger. The meeting started at 9 o'clock and over at 10. Sometimes I would not get out until midnight, talking to the guys. Up at 5 for work, I complained to my sponsor, he tells me, “Nobody died from lack of sleep.” The more I got involved the more I liked it. The program was working in me. I even went to young people’s conferences in many states, and the world conference in Montreal, Canada. My 5th sponsor taught me some humility. “How does it feel to help others? Good?” Relationships change. We can spend time and not have to be sexual. Today the more I trust myself the more I trust other people. I call my disease a devil…father David said, “When I do Gods work the devil gets jealous, he wants me back.” I gave him lots of customers, now I bring them to God. Now 7 years dry, I’ve not let go of old behaviors, like sex and gambling. I thought that these were the luxuries of life. Today I know that they are just more addictions. My 1st sponsor passed away from a stroke, I end with my next sponsor, Alfie. He was the son of the lady who owned the rehab where I went to my first meeting. There were a lot of gay people, I couldn’t hug them, I was afraid it would rub off on me. I talked to Alfie at work, he said just keep doing it. As I continued to do what I was told, I grew and they became my friends. In January I will have been handicapped for 22 years, I used to use any excuse to drink, and today I have many reasons to be sober. I am grateful today that God give me AA instead of jail. My 1 st home group in AZ was “Smoke Busters“, I would sit next to the door, and be the first out not to breath all that smoke. My friends, helped me get back to Wittmann, told them they saved my life. At 34 yrs. sober, my son had a party; the people glowed after they drank some type of German liquor mixed with energy drink. I told my son, “I think I would like to taste that.” My son told his wife and within minutes she returned and said, “There is a Monday Night Big Book meeting in Wittmann and you’re going!” I think that that was 4 years ago and in January I will celebrate another sober anniversary, by the Grace of God and the Fellowship of AA, in spite of myself. Harold C., Happy Trails, AZ Alfie was killed when a car crossed over the guard rail. I kept loosing sponsors, some from illnesses like cancer. I could not get humble. On a road trip with my 6th sponsor I was complaining about losing sponsors, he said, “You have been blessed, because you have learned from each sponsor you have had.” Cont. next column 2 AFI BULLETIN BOARD Service Calendar FOOD FUN AND FELLOWSHIP January 5, 2015 Sub District 08-801 West Valley Fellowship 919 N. Dysart Rd, Avondale January 6, 2015 AFI Business Meeting New Life Community Church 8155 W Thunderbird Rd, Peoria January 6, 2015 Sub District 08-800 AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave. #2, Peoria January 8, 2015 Sub District 08-802/803/804 St. Helen’s Church 5510 W. Cholla St., Glendale January 13, 2015 Sub District 08-806/807/808 AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave, #2 Peoria 5:15 PM 6:30 PM 2nd Friday Sobriety Trudgers Potluck The Southwest Indian School 14202 N. 73rd Ave, Peoria, AZ 6:30 PM 6:30 PM before 7 PM Meeting 3rd Saturday Happy Valley Group Potluck 7:00 PM Foothills Christian Church 3951 West Happy Valley Rd (39th Ave & Happy Valley) January 15, 2015 AFI Steering Committee AFI Office 9794 W. Peoria Ave, #2 Peoria 7:00 PM January 29, 2015 Valleywide Bridging the Gap Committee Meeting Denny's on 35th Ave. and Bethany Home Rd 2nd Thursday Tonopah Fresh Start Group Tonopah Valley Baptist Church 37702 W. Indian School 6:30 pm before 7:30 meeting 7:00 PM 7:00 PM January 27, 2015 Valley PI/CPC Committee SRI Office 3215 E Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix First United Methodist Church 7102 N. 58th Drive, Glendale AZ 6 PM to 8 PM January 14, 2015 Valley-wide H&I Community Bridges (Bill Wilson Hall) 2770 E Van Buren St, Phoenix January 20, 2015 MCSM/DCM Meeting Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 3539 E. Stanford Dr., Paradise Valley 1st Saturday Glendale Appreciation Group Potluck 6 PM Speaker at 7 PM 3rd Saturday West Valley Pot Luck Speaker Panel All Saints of the Desert Episcopal Church 9502 W. Hutton Dr., Sun City Bring Your Favorite Dish! Social from 6:00-7:00 Panel Speakers 7 PM 7:00 PM Last Friday Friday Night Fighters Cake and a Speaker Crossroads West 6:30 PM 7523 N. 35th Ave, Phoenix AZ 7 PM 7:00 PM (Join us early to eat d inner @ 6:00 if you’d like!) Last Saturday Downunder Group Potluck First Evangelic Church 918 S. Litchfield Road, Goodyear AZ 5 pm-7 pm UNITY 3 On the Road Again! Where t o Send Cont ribut ions: Gas up your car and join us on the Road to Happy Destiny at events around Town and Arizona General Service Office PO Box 459 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163-0459 Agua Fria Intergroup, Inc. 9794 W. Peoria Ave., Ste 2 Peoria, AZ 85345 25th The Joy of Living Anniversary River Roundup January 15-18, 2015 Don Laughlin’s Riverside Resort Hotel & Casino Laughlin, NV Area 03 Committee PO Box 1907 Phoenix, AZ 85001-1907 Fellowship of the Spirit District 08 Treasurer PO Box 45066 Phoenix, AZ 85064 January 23-25, 2015 Poco Diablo Resort Sedona, AZ www.fotsaz Sub-District 08-800 PO Box 671 El Mirage, AZ 85335 Pass It On Yuma Round Up Sub-District 08-801 c/o Denise Ruble PO Box 274 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 February 20-22, 2015 AWC Main Campus 2020 S Avenue 8E Yuma, AZ Sub Districts 08-806-807-808-816 c/o Tom White PO Box 364 Waddell, AZ 85335 Day in the Park Sub-Districts 08-802-803-804 PO Box 621 Youngtown, AZ 85363 Saturday, February 21, 2015 Rio Vista Park 8866 W. Thunderbird Rd Peoria, AZ Valley Wide Hospitals & Institutions Committee PO Box 80126 Phoenix, AZ 85060 25th Annual West Valley Roundup Language of the Heart March 20-22, 2015 Lake Pleasant Regional Park Peoria, AZ Bridging the GAP PO Box 716 Peoria, AZ 85382 H & I Monthly Big Book Drive 80 Years – Happy, Joyous and Free 2015 International Convention of Alcoholics Anonymous Valley Wide Hospitals and Institutions. H & I provides literature for the confined alcoholic July 2-5, 2015 Atlanta, Georgia H & I is looking for new or used Big Books, any 12 Step literature or any AA related books that can be taken to Treatment Centers or Jails. Please bring any literature you’d like to donate to the H & I Business Meeting held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Bill Wilson Hall. 2770 E. Van Buren St, Phoenix. You may also call Abby P. at 602.329.0781 to make other arrangement for Pick up or Delivery of your donation. We are not a glum lot!!! 4 Agua Fria Intergroup Business Meeting Minutes November 4, 2014 Dave E opened the meeting at 7:01 pm with the Serenity Prayer. The 12 Traditions were read by Dwayne New AFI Groups: None New AFI Representatives: Allen – Smoke Busters, Tom C – Winners Circle, John – Sobriety “R” Us. Introduction of Steering Committee Members: Dave E (Chair), Raena Q (Co-Chair), Mike E (Office Manager), Leanne S (Secretary), Larry T (Treasurer), Jocelyn W, Dick F, and Nik B. Jen R and Diane P were absent. 7th Tradition: Collected – $47.00 Roll Call: 29 IGR’s in attendance including the 3 new representatives. Approval of the October AFI Business Meeting Minutes: Dave asked for a motion to approve the October 2014 Business Meeting minutes. Jeff B motioned to accept the minutes as written and Mandy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Office Manager’s Report: (Mike E 623-570-1875 or [email protected].) – Mike presented his written report (See attached.) Chairperson’s Report: (Dave E 602-725-7335) – Dave gave a brief overview of the Steering Committee’s responsibilities. He also announced that he will be giving the Archivist’s report. Vice-Chairperson’s Report: (Raena Q 602-361-0631) – 1. Raena announced that Jocelyn will be giving the Thanksgiving Event report in Diane’s absence. 2. The 2015 Day in the Park Event has a new chairperson – Jerry L. 3. All upcoming event chairs are present and will be giving the event reports. Treasurer’s Report: (Larry T 469-263-5398) – 1. Larry presented a written report (See attached.) Pat L motioned to accept the report and Jeff B seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Archivist’s Report: (Kelli C 602-573-0960) – Dave E reported that Kelli is continuing her work on a display for the AFI Office. Area Liaison: (Pat L 623-734-0151) – Pat presented his written report (see attached). H&I Liaison: (Brett C 602-663-3921) – Absent. No report. Steering Committee: (Dick F) – Dick F recapped the October Steering Committee meeting. In addition to the reports by officers: the Steering Committee reviewed the previous month’s Business Meeting minutes, approved next month’s Business Meeting agenda, approved last month’s Steering Committee meeting minutes, reviewed the Treasurer’s report and checked in with the ad-hoc committee on flooring. Committee Reports: Telephone: (Deb K 623-326-0406) – Deb was absent, Mike reported that things are running smoothly, however, there are still openings on the ‘Voice of Attraction’ (VOA) calendar to cover nights and weekends. Newsletter: (Jerry M 602-320-9799) – Jerry was excited about having a local story. He still needs our local personal stories, funnies, etc. and encourages members to send in their stories to him online at [email protected]. Unity: (George R 623-337-0061) – Absent. PI/CPC: (John Z 602-390-6739) – John was absent and Susan gave the report: 1. PI/CPC will be participating 11/20/14 in the event at the VA ‘Center for Healthy Living’. 2. PI/CPC (Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community) needs weekday presenters; the only requirement is participation in one of their quarterly training sessions. 3. On 11/25/14, PI/CPC quarterly training session will include the new power point presentation on ‘who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do’, thanks to the combined efforts of AA World Services, AFI, SRI and EVI. 4. EVI is planning to do a Public Announcement ad. 5. John met with a local film student who wanted to film an AA Meeting and he told the student that this would be against our tradition of anonymity. 6. PI/CPC meets monthly at SRI on the 4 th Tuesday every month at 6 pm. For more information contact John Z or Susan at [email protected]. The next quarterly workshop will be on the 4th Tuesday in November at SRI. Website: (Bill M 602-361-2938) – Bill was absent; Mike E presented Bill’s written report (see attached.) Recently the committee met to discuss using Google as website host. Their goal is to have new hosting provider by the end of this calendar year. In addition, the committee applied for and received non-profit status, which allows the Intergroup to purchase the service at a reduced price. Call Bill if you have any questions about the website. Special Events: Day in the Park: (Jerry L 602-904-1088) – Jerry reported that 4 of the 12 committee positions have been filled and he needs volunteers in addition to filling the committee chairs. The exact date for the event is undetermined until Raena and Jerry reserve the park. Family Campout and Fishing Derby: (JJ O 602-481-4875) – First committee meeting will be held Dec 6, 2014. Anyone interested in volunteering for the event call JJ. 5 AFI Anniversary: (Dave E 602-725-7335) – Mike E reported that the event was a success, ending up with a profit of $50. Thanksgiving: (Diane P 602-999-2699/Jocelyn W 602-448-6059) – Diane was absent. Jocelyn, as co-chair, provided the report. The committee is in need of food and/or cash donations. Jocelyn asked that the reps turn in their donation sheets to her. Also the food donations can be dropped off at Crossroads West 11/26 before 5:30 pm or on Thanksgiving Day beginning at 6:00 am. Remember Turkeys, Hams, etc. need to arrive precooked unless prior arrangements have been made with Kari (602-518-2068) the food chairperson. Christmas: (Carolina G 602-402-4248) – 1. Christmas Alcathon to be held at Comfort Suites at 99th & Camelback 2. Call Carolina if interested in volunteering or chairing a meeting during the event. 3. Brad, the marathon meeting chair, has the sign-up sheet for group reps to sign their group up to host a meeting, 12 of the 22 available slots have been filled. Each marathon meeting hosting group is to provide a dish for the hospitality table. New Year’s Eve: (Jim W 480-734-4585) – Jim was absent. Bob B (treasurer) asked the reps to return any unsold tickets Jim at the AFI December Business Meeting. The committee meets at AFI the 1 st Saturday of the month. Old Business: AFI Office Flooring Ad Hoc Committee – Jen R was absent. Dave reported that the committee would have more bids to present at the November Steering Committee Meeting. New Business: None. Office Volunteers: December – Band of Brothers March – Gooddale Men’s Stag January – Altering Attitudes April – Primary Purpose February – Tuesday Night Hope Announcements: 1. Raena will give a 10 minute orientation after the meeting for new IGRs. 2. Please help clean up and put the tables & chairs back. 3. At December’s Business Meeting nominations for Steering Committee and Intergroup committee positions will begin. 4. Unshakeable Foundation will have their 1st Anniversary Potluck 11/29 at 5:30. 5. Sandy K announced the Jerome Round-Up this weekend. Motion to Close: Pat L motioned to close the meeting. Nora seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously. Dave E closed the meeting at 8:06 pm with the Responsibility Statement. Call for Personal Stories from Local A.A. Members SATURDAY OFFICE COVERAGE Here at the Fria Flier it is a tradition to publish the personal stories of local A.A.s. We would very much like to continue that tradition. Each month your Home Group can volunteer, at our Intergroup Office, to cover the phones and walk in business from 9 AM to 1 PM. Groups find that this service opportunity keeps them connected to each other and our AA Community! About 2 pages, at a font size of 10 – 12, is perfect. Longer stories will be accepted, but will have to be edited for space constraints. January Altering Attitudes February Tuesday Night Hope March Gooddale Men’s Stag April Primary Purpose May ??? Ask your Intergroup Representative to get your Group on the calendar soon! Please send your stories to: [email protected] 6 Group Donations for October ‘14 Fiscal Year 2015 Fiscal Year Begins September 1. 11th Steppers 0.00 100.00 490.83 490.83 Awakening 0.00 507.70 Bagnaasty 0.00 250.00 Big Book 164 AA 0.00 100.00 Black Canyon City Group 0.00 40.13 Bone Dry Group 0.00 100.00 Altering Attitudes Cactus Capers Group Thank You!!! 0.00 50.00 80.00 80.00 0.00 100.00 125.00 125.00 PI/CPC WANTS YOU Goodale Mens Stag 0.00 169.59 Service Opportunities Available Happy Valley Group 316.24 370.35 Hope For Today 0.00 1,000.00 How it Works TODAY 0.00 33.00 Last House Group 0.00 141.50 Mens Gut Level Stag 0.00 70.00 520.00 520.00 0.00 300.00 Carry the Message Deer Valley West Group DownUnder Group Nomad Of Happy Trails Over 50 Group Peoria PM Group 57.74 57.74 185.00 185.00 Saturday Sobriety 0.00 25.00 Seniors in Sobriety Sunflower 0.00 95.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 79.78 Sobriety Trudgers 50.00 150.00 Stardust Big Book 90.00 90.00 Stepping Stones Group 0.00 233.06 Sun City Living Sober 0.00 195.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 Promises Group FS#50 Sober View Sobriety "R" Us Sun City Serenity Group Sun City Wednesday Nite Step Sunday Night Discussion 0.00 39.00 Sunday Night Newcomers 0.00 345.00 Surprise Serenity Group 200.00 200.00 Surprise Womens Group 0.00 140.80 The Promises Group SCW 0.00 82.00 Tonopah Fresh Start 0.00 120.00 Verrado Turning Point 0.00 56.00 We Are Not Saints 0.00 170.00 West of the Sun Group 0.00 303.49 West Side Winners 0.00 100.00 West Valley Recovery Group 0.00 78.04 Wings of Sobriety 0.00 50.00 379.80 379.80 0.00 95.00 2,744.61 8,067.81 Winners Circle WOMEN'S STEP MEETING IN VERRADO TOTAL: Committee Meets Every 4th Tuesday 6:30 @ SRI Office 3215 E. Thunderbird #B Get Involved Job Opening Office Manager Position for Agua Fria Intergroup, Inc. (Part Time) Applications for the position as Office Manager for AFI will be taken during the month of December 2014. If interested, please see the requirements and Job Description, that is posted in the office or the flyers handed out at the AFI Business Meeting December 2nd 2014. All interested applicants should submit a Resume no later than January 31st, 2015 by 5:00 PM. Interviews of potentially qualified applicants will begin in February 2015. Job Opening 7 AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP 9794 W. Peoria Ave. Suite #2 Peoria, AZ 85345 KEEP INFORMED ON WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUR AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP! If you or your Group would like to receive this newsletter, simply fill out this form and return it to the AGUA FRIA INTERGROUP office. Or call 623.937.7836. Although this newsletter is a free publication of the Agua Fria Intergroup, Inc., there are certain costs involved in printing and mailing. A $10.00 subscription, per year, for individuals or 10 copies per month for $20.00 for a Group subscription will help defray the costs of this monthly newsletter or Free Newsletter by e-mail. If you wish to include a donation, simply attach your check or money order payable to Agua Fria Intergroup Newsletter. Mail to: Agua Fria Intergroup, 9794 W Peoria Ave. Ste #2 Peoria, AZ 85345. All donations are appreciated. NAME or GROUP _________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail ______________________________________________ Please Circle - How to Receive Agua Fria Newsletter: NAME Free by E-mail Address or Postal Mail Service Individual $10.00 or Group $20.00 New Subscription: ____ Renewal: _____ Donation: ____ Address Change: _____ 8
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