Quaker Memorial Presbyterian Church Lynchburg, VA January 8

Quaker Memorial Presbyterian Church
Lynchburg, VA
January 8, 2015
This Sunday’s bulletin is posted on the church website.
Go to http://qmpc.org/bulletin/bulletin.pdf
This month’s newsletter, The Quaker Quill, is also posted on the website:
Sunday, January 11
9:00 a.m.
Sunday school
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
Care & Nurture
3:30 p.m.
Confirmation Class at QMPC
4:30 p.m.
Youth Handbells
5:00 p.m.
Cherub Choir
Youth Choir
B.I.G. Youth
5:45 p.m.
Youth Supper
6:15 p.m.
Melody Choir
Jr & Sr High Fellowship
Monday, January 12
10:00 a.m.
Art Class
Tuesday, January 13
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Staff Meeting
Wednesday, January 14
10;00 a.m.
Prayer Shawl Group
10:30 a.m.
Centering Prayer Group
11:30 a.m.
Lunch Bunch at Depot Grille
The sermon this week is titled “Beloved” and is based on Genesis 1:1-5 and Mark 1:4-11. You are
invited to read this text before Sunday as a way of preparing your heart and mind for worship.
Request for food items to stock Horizon Food Pantry
We have learned this week that the food pantry at Horizon Behavioral Health is bare. While the youth groups normally
stock this pantry at the end of February with funds from the Souper Bowl of Caring, that is essentially two months away. If
possible, could you bring some staple food items to church on Sunday that we could deliver now to help this shortage?
Items needed are: 100% juices, low-sodium cans of vegetables, canned tuna, chicken or salmon, no-sugar-added cans of
fruit, shelf-stable milk, whole-grain pasta, canned beef stew, brown rice, oatmeal, olive or canola oil, peanut butter, cans
of beans, low-sodium soups, low-sugar cereal, granola bars and popcorn. Also needed are boxes of macaroni & cheese
and spaghetti sauce. The large yellow barrel is set up in the narthex to collect the food donations.
Youth News
All youth activities and children’s choirs will be ON regular schedule this weekend. Susie & Skip Wodke are preparing
supper. The Senior Highs are beginning their work on Youth Sunday.
Money for the snow tubing at Wintergreen is due THIS Sunday night. The next payment for the Montreat Youth
Conference is due THIS Sunday.
Confirmation Class
The Confirmation Class will meet this Sunday at 3:30 pm at our church. Pastor Bart will lead the lesson on Sacraments.
We will begin the meeting in the Sr High Youth Room and travel to the sanctuary later.
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch is going to The Depot Grille on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. Join us for fun, food and
To make reservations or for more information call Linda Jennings at 525-5423 or email her at [email protected].
Flower Calendar for 2015
There is a flower calendar on the bulletin board outside the minister’s offices. If you would like to provide the altar
flowers in the sanctuary in honor or memory of someone on a Sunday during the year, please sign your name next to the
date you wish to place the flowers. Even if you have given the flowers for several years, we need for you to sign up for the
date you want. Currently, we order 2 altar arrangements from Arthur’s Flower Cart and the cost is $68 for both. If you
want roses or something special, there will be an additional cost.
Souper Bowl of Caring
It’s that time of year! The Souper Bowl of Caring takes place on February 1st. Last Sunday night posters went up around
the church. On February 1 – the day of the football Super Bowl – we will be collecting funds as part of the Souper Bowl of
Caring…..as national effort to fill food pantries in our own community. Here at Quaker Memorial we are going one step
further. After a year of waiting, we are bringing back the Chicken Noodle Soup vs Tomato Soup challenge! This is how it
works: If you normally sit on the left side of the sanctuary (facing the choir), you are to bring cans of Chicken Noodle
Soup. If you sit on the right had side, you are to bring Tomato Soup. The contest ends at the end of worship on February
1. In both 2012 and 2013, Chicken Noodle soup won, but not by much. We understand that the Tomato Soup side is
planning to have a huge push this year. In the end, the soup cans will be divided and distributed to several food
pantries. Come on! Join in the fun!
Snow tubing at Wintergreen
Would you like to go snow-tubing? All three youth groups are planning to go to Wintergreen to do some snow tubing on
Sunday afternoon, January 25. Information about this youth trip is being sent home to the parents. Would you like to go
too? If so, tickets for the group are $26 per person. Write your check to QMPC and give to Ann Graham on Sunday, the
11th and we will add you to the group when we make our reservation.
Save the date
February 1
February 14
March 21
Souper Bowl Sunday
Presbytery Meeting at QMPC
Stop Hunger Now