Name Audain Serrette, Genevieve # Students Schools Served Category MAR Bachenheim er, Stacey CHS Balassone, Falynn CHS Barry, Susan MMS Biasucci, Amy CHS 160 90 Science 30 At-risk students 150 Other 100 Brody, Susan SB 80 Campbell, Catherine 197 Cox, Caitlin Dennehy, Caitlin Diegnan, Jennifer Diegnan, Jennifer SMSMA Elem SOMS Tech 200 9 JEF 500 JEF 500 Project Title Chrome Books for Second Graders Genius Hour EOF College Visit for AtRisk Students MMS Model UN Research in Molecular Genetics & STEM+ BioinformaKeeping Up with the KardCatalogLang Arts ians Battle of the Books Goes Commercial With Book Tech Trailers Other Other SelfRegulation Technology Live & Learn in the Community Kindle Fire Lang Arts Funds iPads for the Tech Library Ezzo, Jacob SOMS 250 Music Fisher, Jon CHS 60 Tech World Drumming Expansion 2.0 Complete Digital Photography Lab Project Objective Provide second graders access to Chromebooks to facilitate global awareness and internet prowess prior to 3rd grade. Provide an opportunity for students to pursue a “passion project," using 21st century skills Provide experiences to support students' attend attendance at 4year colleges. Make Model UN experiences accessible and available to a diverse group of students. Preapar students for the demands of biotechnology research in university and professional settings. Update the 4th grade classroom libraries with new must-have titles, all-time favorite series, and simply the best of kids' books. Bring new technology to the S Mtn Library. 4th and 5th grade students will use IPADS to promote excitement for reading, creating Book Talks and Book Use emWave Biofeedback technology in counseling to give students an effective tool to strengthen impulse control and Community based instruction for a special needs class through weekly trips in the local Materials struggling readers, enabling them to read on grade level and/or read what their Provide access to educational apps that support curriculum. Expand SOMS World Drumming class, funded by Achieve last year. The class has exploded in popularity and we need more Bring our program up to current tech standards and facilitate greater participation in advanced photography. Funding Provided Direct Direct by Funding Funding Achieve Needed Recvd 0 Partial Funding $4,378 $854 0 $2,500 Partial Funding $1,125 Partial Funding $2,883 Partial Funding $502 0 $2,700 Partial Funding $1,000 Partial Funding $1,159 Partial Funding $250 0 $2,400 Partial Funding $1,147 Partial Funding $17,284 $204 $1,075 $233 $50 $88 Fong, Jessica MAR Furlong, Kristin CHS Art Making Connections: Literacy and Art 110 Science Science Take Out Kits At-risk students 500 Herstatt, Anna MMS 12 Kahn, Janet CHS 30 Karis, Katerina Korellis, Jon Lanzafame, Susan SOMS CLN SB Lester, Phillip CHS 50 6 40 85 Pet Therapy Visits Motivation Through Other Sports and SOMS Model Social United Studies Nations Community Based Other Instruction Jumping Genres: Developing a Love of Lang Arts Nonfiction Lit Music Memoli, James Elem 850 Other Miller, Colleen MMS 25 At-risk students Murphy, Erin MMS O'Connor, Martha Osewalt, Ginny 200 TUS 90 JEF 11 Guitar, Ukelele, and Songwriters Club Beyond the Bell Personalizing Learning Through Technology Infusion Project Ahead Chrome Tech Books Leveled Listening Center for Lang Arts Kindergar-ten At-risk I need more students iPads :( Build a collection of books that extends learning in the art room, building and interest in reading and strengthening literacy skills. Expose students to real-life situations with lab experiences requiring analytical skills. Support Creature Comfort Pet Therapy for communicationimpaired and at risk students. Motivate students to increase participation, take risks, and try to succeed in learning a new Offer Model UN experience by arranging for students to attend simulated conferences. Weekly trips into the local community to facilitate reality based instruction for special Engage relucant readers of nonfiction and struggling readers, who avoid selecting nonfictions book from the classroom library. Add leveled books to improve Provide insruments to accommodate participation in this club which provides a healthy environment where students can learn from each other experience Support STEM+-related courses and greater access for the Beyond the Bell after-school program. Expand and extend classroom learning with the benefit of extra Provide a personalized learning experience and greater access to language and literature for vulnerable students. Researchbased technology matches Provide struggling students with daily direct instruction using chrome books to encourage mastery and prepare them for testing that must be completed Provide leveled audio books with accompanying texts for kindergarten language arts listening centers.Texts are true Provide an iPad for every student in a self-contained special ed 0 Partial Funding $308 $308 $1,548 0 $160 0 $156 Partial Funding $850 Partial Funding $1,059 Partial Funding $323 $33 0 $625 $100 Partial Funding $2,500 0 $5,100 Partial Funding $6,159 Partial Funding Partial Funding $131 $3,100 $160 $50 $80 Patton, Jacquelyn SB 500 Perrotta, Danielle TUS 86 Popp, Amy TUS Prato, Laura MS/HS Rivera, Angel JEF 620 250 500 Sinclair, Claire TUS 100 Steiner, Alison All 500 Steiner, Alison All 550 Tsioni, Barbara SOMS 125 Tumolillo, Allan Valerio, Vladamir MS/HS SOMS 50 789 High Interest Non-Fiction Lang Arts Texts IPads to Support Documentation of STEM+ learning Digital Literacy: Access to Technology in Tech the Library Enhance the library's collection to support Common Core emphasis on reading of non-fiction texts. Utilize iPads for documenting class projects, allowing for selfdirected, self-paced differentiated learning. Empower students to support each other in through Foster the development of digital literacy skills through greater access to technology and the delivery of highly engaging and interactive lessons for students in Use emWave Biofeedback Selftechnology in counseling to give At-risk Regulation students an effective tool to students Technology strengthen impulse control and Discovery Expand training for students and Educationteacher in the use of the United Discovery Education database for Tech Streaming research and internet training. Enhancing Enrich leveled libraries in Reading in Kindergarten classrooms to Lang Arts Kindergarten provide "high flyers" with books Technological Provide social workers in Tools for elementary and middle schools Social Work with tools that will support an Tech Counseling engaging environment to foster Social and Provide social workers with Emotional online programing to enhance Other Skill Building counseling sessions and Offer a new web-based Membean multimodal approach for learning Multimodal vocabulary that offers Vocabulary differentiated and customized Lang Arts Learning instruction based on exsisting skill Establish a robotics tradition that expands from CHS to all district schools. Include middle school students in the premier NJ club in and compete in the FTC division CHS Robotics to reach the Eastern SuperScience Club Regional and possibly World Spanish Encourage students to take risks, Language igniting their desire to read Proficiency articles, magazines and other text Through in the target language. TPRS's World Reading and books have proved to raise the Language Storytelling bar for proficiency and Partial Funding $500 0 $4,100 Partial Funding $2,175 Partial Funding $595 Partial Funding $800 Partial Funding $983 Partial Funding $362 Partial Funding $1,015 0 $500 $300 $600 Partial Funding $4,625 $150 Partial Funding $1,500 $300 West, Carol Woolard, Terry Total TBD SB All 23 7047 Tech Prof Dev Differentiated Learning Through iPads Infusing Google Drive into the classroom 0 Train staff in Google Drive and Google Classroom to maximize the benefit of hardware available in schools. Amount donated, not yet directed to a grant(s) Total Direct Funding amount received (1-9-15) Partial Funding $66,717 $1,954 $134 $8,000 $86,442 $3,765 $1,782 $5,547
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