Lord of Life Lutheran Church—ELCA Lifelines A monthly newsletter for January 2015 Who are you listening to? I said a prayer the other night and what I asked for was given me, even though my heart told me it was the wrong thing to ask for. That realization, which has happened more than once in my life, (apparently because I am a slow learner) has an important lesson which I seem to forget at times. Perhaps it is a lesson you forget at times as well. Want to know what the lesson is? The lesson is this: There is grave danger in arguing with God because God might just let you win the argument! In 2 Chronicles 18, we read about King Ahab who prayed for advice and direction from God and then didn’t like the answer God gave them. So he chose to follow the voice of others instead of the voice of God. (I’ve been there and done that too!) The question is: who are you listening to? King Ahab listened to the wrong voice, and it cost him his life. When we argue with God, He doesn’t push back. He doesn’t overpower us with his will but allows us to live with the decisions we make. That’s one of the consequences of free will He has given us. God accepts our “no” and allows us to make stupid decisions. But, God doesn’t give up on us. Though He wants us to follow Him the decision is always our own. When we listen to the wrong voices and search for the wrong things, we miss out on the blessings God has for us. Many times those blessings and answers to our prayers are right in front of us, but we fail to see and realize them because of our stubbornness. Who in your life is the voice of truth? Who do you listen to? Who do you need to stop listening to? Our goal as Christians should be to have ears that listen to God as He speaks to us in our hearts and minds. It’s just a matter of listening. Are you listening to God? Amen. Pastor Bruce 2 “Happy New Year 2015” As everyone gathered for Christmas Eve Services they were greeted by the Nativity, followed by a beautifully decorated sanctuary and special music at both services. Thank you to all who worked so diligently to provide a beautiful setting and meaningful worship services. My thanks to Pastor Bruce, Brenda, fellow Council members, Joe Hauge, Sara Brainard; and, the countless number of volunteers who continue to serve our Lord and Lord of Life Church. Together, Lord of Life has continued to flourish. With Diligence and Faith our goal to reduce our debt and “burn our mortgage” is our target for 2015. It has been a true blessing and continued learning experience for me to serve as your Council President. We welcome Karen Olson, Betty Schindler, Chuck Wehrle and Kristina Good to the Council as well as returning members Ann Scott, Brad Johnson and Vicki Radke-Williams. “Thank You” to Alice McCoy, Nancy Hellekson, Matt Luebke and Terry Bieberdorf for devotion and service on the LOL Council; you will be missed at our meetings. Our next meeting will be January 12, 2015, beginning at 6:00 pm. God’s Peace and Blessings to all in 2015, Vicki Glanzer, Outgoing Council President “This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24” 3 LORD OF LIFE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES December 7, 2014 To be approved at the January 2015 Council meeting. Present: Vicki Glanzer, Pastor Bruce, Vicky Radke-Williams, Nancy Hellekson, Matt Luebke, Terry Biberdorf, Alice McCoy, Chuck Wehrle, Joe Hauge, Ann Scott, Betty Schindler, Brad Johnson Meeting called to order by President Vicki Glanzer Devotions by Vicky Radke-Williams Congregational Members Present: none Treasure’s Report: Joe provided detailed report, as usual. Bills are being paid, balance of debt reduction toward $24,000 challenge has not been tallied up—intention is to count on last Sunday of the year. We have not had to dip into savings this fall. Vicky made motion to accept the report, Nancy seconded. All approved and motion carried. Secretary’s Report: The report from November was reviewed. Alice made first motion to accept, Terry seconded. All approved and motion carried. Pastor’s Report: Everything going well President’s Report: There were lots of activities on the November schedule and everything went as planned. Vicki thanked the Council members who are terming-out for their service to Lord of Life. Committee Reports Alter Guild: Nancy expressed appreciation to the many people who helped get the sanctuary decorated. Outreach: The December meeting was taking place concurrently when this Council meeting was taking place. Report will be provided and recorded next month. Property: Fire extinguishers will be purchased and placed in the youth room. Furnace maintenance is scheduled for next week. 4 Education/Youth: Christmas program will by December 21 Worship/Music: Committee met and scheduled music for services through January These reports were approved: Vicky R made first motion, Matt seconded, all in favor to approve. Old Business: none New Business: none Publicity: Christmas children’s program and services will be sent to the Rapid City Journal. The next Council meeting will be held on January 12 at 6 p.m. The agenda will start with election of new officers. Devotions: Chuck Wehrle Brad made first motion to adjourn, Nancy seconded. All in favor. The meeting was adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted Brad Johnson—Council Secretary 5 For the month of January we will donate to Church Response Food Pantry. The following items will help provide a dinner for a family. Tuna Helper Large can of Tuna Canned Peas Brownie Mix Please bring donations to the church by Sunday, January 25th. “Personal Care Kits” Ministry Please remember to donate the following items for this ongoing ministry sponsored by Lutheran World Relief. Dark Colored Bath Towel Bar Soap (4-5 ounce bar) Toothbrush (in original packaging) Large Wide-toothed Comb Nail Clipper All these items are rolled up in the towel and sent to a Lutheran World Relief warehouse to then be delivered to people who are survivors of disasters all over the world. Please help keep this ministry going. Thank you! Taking Off Pounds Sensibly meets Saturday mornings at 8:00 to 8:15 for weigh in and 8:15 to 8:45 for meetings. A ll meetings take place at Lord of Life Church. Low cost and high support! The first meeting is free. For more information, please contact Shelly Labine @ 484-0354. Please continue to save your Family Thrift Center receipts. Once our receipts total $150,000, we will receive a check for $1,000 from Family Thrift Center. There is a wooden box in the narthex where you can put your receipts. Thank you! 6 If you have someone in your life who needs some extra comfort and prayers, please take a Prayer Shawl from the display in the narthex to give to them. Everyone is welcome to do so at anytime. Fair Trade Coffee Coffee is the most widely traded commodity in the world yet most coffee growers live below poverty levels because the middleman gives them next to nothing for their crops. That’s why Lutheran World Relief has set up cooperatives with the coffee growers around the world to help them earn more money for themselves and their communities. Please consider purchasing your coffee here at church and you will feel better knowing you are doing your part helping people live better lives. Coffee is for sale on the Usher’s Table every Sunday. Thank you to everyone who bought gifts for children from the Angel Tree. You helped bring Christmas joy to 20 children in foster care. Also, thank you to those who donated items for the “Blessings Bags” for the homeless shelters in town. Sunday School and Confirmation will resume Sunday, January 11th at 9:00 a.m. 7 by Dennis Green A NEW YEAR A new year is rising, What it may bring could be surprising! We never know from day to day, What changes it may display! Life always has it’s ups and downs, The best we can hope for is more smiles than frowns! When things go from bad to worse, It may even tempt us to curse! It we take time out to pray, God will help lead the way! It won’t always be what we are looking for, But it could open a new door, With something to help us cope, As we travel the slippery slope! When days are better and the sun shines through, Don’t forget to say a prayer then too! Thank Him for family and friends, And remember, HIS LOVE, never ends! 8 Dennis Green December 2014 $6,066 to Reach the Lord of Life Debt Reduction Challenge As of late December, $17, 934 has been contributed toward the $24,000 challenge from 16 different families. This is 40% of the participation from previous debt reduction campaigns here at Lord of Life. More participation is needed to earn the $6000 match from a wonderful couple outside of our congregation. January 4th is the last day to reach this challenge. If you would like to help us reach that challenge, you can either leave your gift in the in the narthex in the little church that is labeled “Debt Reduction” or, you can put your gift in the offering plate. Just mark your offering as “Debt Reduction”. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. The afternoon Bible study met on December 4th at 1:00 p.m. Those present were Nancy Hellekson, Lorraine Neumiller, Vicki Glanzer, Vicky Radke-Williams, Virginia Conlee, Pastor Bruce and Betty Woodden. One guest Marion Grant. Betty served dessert. The next Bible study will be on January 8th, 2015 at l:00 p.m.. Betty Woodden, Secretary Christmas Tree Burn On Sunday, January 4th, beginning at 4:00 p.m. we will burn Christmas trees in the fire pit. Anyone with real trees to dispose of will be invited to bring them to the church for burning. Hot beverages and goodies will be available to enjoy during the event. The Outreach Committee will be holding its monthly meeting after the January 4th church service. The meeting will take place in the class rooms by the church entry way. Everyone is invited to come and help plan fun things for our church to do! 9 The Women’s Christmas Tea which was held on Saturday December 6th. 10 Pictures of our Sunday School Christmas Program that was on December 21st during the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. The children told the story of Jesus' birth through the eyes of the stable animals in "The Night the Animals Sang" 11 Pictures by Virginia Conlee 12 13 14 Serving This Month Date Usher Greeter Acolyte Comm Asst. Reader 10:00 a.m. Worship Jan 4 Mark & Marlys Blumhardt Jeff & Jen Schumacher Leah Luebke Jan 11 Ray & Lorraine Neumiller Marilyn Mulz Lanelle Crosswait Charlie Good Jan 18 Tom Woodden Carl Hellekson Allen & Karen Olson Colton Jung Jan 25 Jeff & Jen Schumacher The Good Family Sadi Curtis Tom & Betty Woodden Allen Olson Roger Soucy Marlys Jeff Glanzer Janyce Luebke Blumhardt Brad Johnson If you are unable to make your assignment, please call someone to trade dates. Thank you! Lord of Life Lutheran Church 2000 Lancer Drive Rapid City SD 57703 Bruce Baum - Pastor Brenda Johnson - Secretary Church Office 393-0700 Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Church Email: [email protected] Website: www.lordoflifelutheranrc.org This is a monthly publication of Lord of Life Lutheran Church. 15 16 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Confirmation Class 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Sunday Worship Schedule Return Service Requested 2000 Lancer Drive Rapid City SD 57703 LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid Rapid City SD Permit No. 223
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