Lifelines November 2014 Lord of Life Lutheran Church—ELCA A monthly newsletter for

Lord of Life Lutheran Church—ELCA
A monthly newsletter for
November 2014
“Women In the Church”
Matthew 27: 55-66
A few years before I went to
seminary to prepare for the ministry,
the role of women in the church was
beginning to change in a dramatic way.
It was during my second year that the
first woman who wanted to study for the
ministry and be ordained enrolled for classes. I also remember my first parish
and the role women played in the congregation. They were the people working
behind the scenes who received little recognition or thanks. Women did not
serve on the church council, but they were “expected” to teach Sunday School.
At church functions where a meal was served, the women ate last, after the men
and children were served. Women cleaned the inside of the church while the
men went to the local pub for coffee and discussion. In fact at a time earlier than
my ministry, women and young girls were required to sit with their children on
one side of the church and men with sons older than 10 years of age sat on the
opposite side. At one time women were not allowed to vote at church meetings.
And most certainly women were not ordained. Women, like the children, were to
be “seen and not heard.” How archaic and how unfortunate. Thankfully that way
of thinking has changed in the ELCA and other denominations.
When you look closely at the ministry of Jesus, you will see that women
played a very important part. God chose Mary, a young peasant girl to give birth
to His Son and Savior of the world. During his public ministry there were several
women, maybe many more, who followed Jesus and lovingly ministered to his
comforts and welfare (read Mark 15:41). Among these were Mary Magdalene,
Joanna, and Susanna (Luke 8:3). Two sisters, Mary and Martha, opened their
home in Bethany to Jesus, where he often took refuge from the crowds of people
who followed and “pestered” him. It was Mary who anointed Jesus’ feet with very
expensive ointment and was chastised by some of the disciples for being
wasteful. But remember how Jesus commended her for her sacrifice and
And then we see the loyalty and courage of these women in the last days of
Jesus’ earthly life. When all the men fled in fear these women followed Jesus to
Golgotha and stood at the foot of his cross as he suffered and died there. When
Joseph of Arimathea placed Christ’s body in the tomb the women were there
with him, grieving. And though they were the last ones to stand at Jesus’ cross,
they were the first ones at the tomb on Easter Sunday morning. Matthew tells us
this fact in the very first verse of chapter 28 verse 1. Women were the first
witnesses of the resurrection and the first people to bear the good news that
Jesus was alive.
Down through the history of the church, women have continued to
demonstrate their devotion and loyalty to the Lord. They have faithfully
supported the church with their attendance, their gifts, and their service.
They have gone as missionaries to far places of the world and to every
continent, nation, and island. There is a lot we men can learn from women.
Thank God for the women in our church! Amen.
Pastor Bruce
We welcomed Phyllis Weaver as a
new member on Sunday, October 26th;
and, we will be welcoming more new
members in the near future.
A BIG thank you to those providing
their “trunks and treats” for all the
children who attended our “5th Annual Trunk or Treat” on Sunday
afternoon. The weather was wonderful and it was great fun to see all the
children in their costumes participating in games and filling their bags.
Betty Schindler won the “best trunk” prize!
Fun & Fellowship - November 2nd, beginning at 4:30 p.m.,
Fall Festival! The menu includes homemade Chicken Noodle Soup,
Chili, Cinnamon Rolls and Caramel Rolls. Many items have already been
donated for the auction and more will be coming up through November 2.
A salute to our Military (past and present) on November 11!
Your service to our Country is truly honorable and appreciated.
Our Annual meeting will be held on November 16, 2014, following
the worship service. Karl Seeley, Bruce Conlee and Janyce Luebke are
on the Nominating Committee and will be looking for candidates to fill 4
positions expiring in December: Alice McCoy, Nancy Hellekson, Matt
Luebke and Terry Biberdorf. Alice McCoy and Nancy Hellekson have
served 2 consecutive terms and are ineligible to serve next year.
(You do not have to wait to be asked, you can volunteer to me or
one of the Committee members to have your name placed on the
ballot!) Please consider serving on the Lord of Life Council. Meetings
are held once a month and normally 1 – 1 ½ hours long.
Thank you to Saturday’s Church & Property Clean-up participants:
Tom & Betty Woodden, Jerry & Delores Schreter, Allen Olson, Matt,
Janyce, Emily, Leah & Kurt Luebke, Brad Johnson, Carl & Nancy
Hellekson, Betty Schindler, Tyson & Sarah Steiger, Jeff Glanzer, Bruce
and Virginia Conlee. Loads of tree remains and unwanted large items
were hauled to the dump. Fire wood was hauled out of the tree area,
unloaded and stacked behind the fire pit; and, cleaning was completed
inside the church. We are ready for the Holiday season!
To all Volunteers – you remain the backbone of Lord of Life!
Happy Thanksgiving – to God be the Glory
Blessings and God’s Peace to all,
Vicki Glanzer, Council President
“This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
For the month of November we will
donate to Church Response Food
Pantry. The following items will help
provide a Thanksgiving dinner for needy
Stuffing Mix
Instant Potatoes
Gravy Mix
Canned Vegetables
Canned Yams
Canned Cranberry Sauce
Graham Cracker Crumbs Shell
Pumpkin Pie Filling
Please bring your donations to the church
by Sunday, November 23rd.
Please continue to save your Family Thrift Center
receipts. Once our receipts total $150,000, we will
receive a check for $1,000 from Family Thrift
Center. There is a wooden box in the narthex
where you can put your receipts. Thank you!
“Personal Care Kits” Ministry
Please remember to donate the following items for this
ongoing ministry sponsored by Lutheran World Relief.
Dark Colored Bath Towel
Bar Soap (4-5 ounce bar)
Toothbrush (in original packaging)
Large Wide-toothed Comb
Nail Clipper
All these items are rolled up in the towel and sent to a Lutheran World Relief
warehouse to then be delivered to people who are survivors of disasters all over
the world. Please help keep this ministry going. Thank you!
Fair Trade Coffee
Coffee is the most widely traded
commodity in the world yet most
coffee growers live below poverty
levels because the middleman gives
them next to nothing for their crops. That’s why
Lutheran World Relief has set up cooperatives with the
coffee growers around the world to help them earn
more money for themselves and their communities.
Please consider purchasing your coffee here at church
and you will feel better knowing you are doing your part
helping people live better lives.
Coffee is for sale on the Usher’s Table every Sunday.
The Fall Festival at Lord of Life has been scheduled
for Sunday, November 2nd starting at 4:30 pm.
There will be chili, chicken noodle soup and caramel/
cinnamon rolls served followed by the auction.
Be thinking about your auction donations and/or just
come prepared to enjoy some great fun and
Operation Christmas Child
Please help support this worldwide outreach
mission project. Filled shoeboxes go to
children all over the world living in desperate
situations. All information on how to fill your
shoebox is provided on the display table in the
church entrance. Please follow all the guidelines for filling your
shoebox. You can also go online to print a shipping label that will
“track” your box for you. Deadline for turning your filled
shoeboxes is Sunday, November 23rd.
Any boxes turned in after that date will not ship out this year.
Please pray for all the children who receive these boxes.
by Dennis Green
Time keeps passing by,
No matter how hard we try!
The busier our schedules, the faster it goes!
To try to catch up, keeps us on our toes!
We need to slow down and take a time out,
Maybe just to watch the clouds, as they float about.
Let your imagination run free,
You may see one that looks like a tree!
Look at a stream flowing by,
And see the reflection of the sky!
Think of memories of good times past,
It may help to make time last!
So when the clock starts spinning around,
Slow down a bit and keep your feet on the ground!
Dennis Green
October 2014
On October 26th, we welcomed Phyllis Weaver
into Lord of Life Church as our newest member.
She was raised on a ranch in Rapid Valley. Her
father got her into the sheep business, so after
school she had to take care of feeding and
watering them. She graduated from Black Hills
Teacher’s College and taught school for 30 years
in different states and towns as her husband was
in the newspaper business and they moved
around. She has one son who lives in Colorado
and her other son resides in Texas with his wife
and stepson. Other immediate family members
live in Rapid City. She enjoys reading and caring
for her 18 year old cat. She is a former member
of Trinity Lutheran Church in Rapid City.
Lord of Life Church’s Annual Meeting will be held
November 16th after Worship Service.
The afternoon bible study met October 2nd at 1:00 p.m.
Those present were Marilyn Mulz, Joyce Swenumson, Nancy
Hellekson, Lorraine Neumiller, Kay Wehrle and Betty Woodden.
One visitor, Emma Hellekson. Lorraine served dessert.
The next bible study will be November 6th at 1:00 p.m.
Betty Woodden, Secretary
There will be a Parent’s Night Out
held at Lord of Life Church on
Friday, November 14th from 6-9:00 p.m.
Pizza and a movie will be provided.
Ages 5 and up are invited to come during
that time. The cost is $5.00 a child.
To register, you can email Janyce Luebke
at [email protected] or text/call her
at 605-393-4339 so she knows how much
pizza to order.
Youth Group News
Yum! Butter Braid Sales:
Youth Group will be taking orders
for Butter Braided Breads until
Sunday, November 16th. The
loaves are $13 and come frozen.
They are great to thaw overnight
and bake for breakfast! If you are
interested please let us know.
Mitten Tree:
The youth group is accepting donations of hats,
scarves and mittens during the month of November
to donate to local elementary schools.
Mark your calendars:
Saturday, November 15th
Extreme Bowling
Drop off and pick up at Meadowbrook Lanes
Please RSVP
Youth Group is open to grades 6-12.
Feel free to drop in anytime to check us out!
Friends are always welcome.
Kristina Good
Pictures from
Treasurer’s Report
After the first three quarters of 2014, our church continues to
improve financially. At this point in time, all of our bills are paid, we
have raised money to send youth to summer camp, we continue to pay
down our mortgage, and we made a benevolence payment of $1,500 to
the South Dakota Synod. That is a lot for our congregation to celebrate.
We currently have $7,069.40 in our savings account as a rainy
day fund. There is also $6,524.13 in our memorial fund. The amount we
owe on our mortgage is $59,719.05.
Below is a summary of the income and expenses for 2014:
Yearly Totals
Amount Behind 2014
With one more challenge campaign, we should have our
mortgage paid off by the end of 2015. Please pray for our church as
we attempt to use the resources we are blessed with wisely.
Joe Hauge, Treasurer
The Outreach Committee will be holding
its monthly meeting after the
November 2nd church service.
The meeting will take place in the
class rooms by the church entry way.
Everyone is invited to come and help
plan fun things for our church to do!
Some pictures of our Fall Clean-up Day on Saturday,
October 25th. Thank you to everyone who helped on this day!
The Church and Church grounds look great!!
Photos submitted by
Tyson & Sarah Steiger Steiger
Trunk or Treat at Lord of Life
Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual Trunk or Treat on
Sunday, October 26th. We had roughly 70 kids that came through and eight cars
that were decorated. Betty Schindler won “Best Trunk” which actually should
have been “Best Car”! Check out the photos! And also a BIG thank you to
everyone who donated bags of candy this year. It was very much appreciated.
And thank you to the Steiger’s for blessing everyone with a coupon for a free car
wash. The day was beautiful which made it more fun! Thank you God!!
Photos submitted by:
Virginia Conlee and
Tyson & Sarah Steiger
Serving This Month
Acolyte Comm Asst.
10:00 a.m. Worship
Jeff Glanzer
Del Swenumson
Carl & Nancy
Tom & Betty
Don Sims
Jerry & Jan
Roger Soucy
Mark & Marlys
Ray & Lorraine
Jeff & Jen
Brad Johnson
Bailey Johnson
Jeff Glanzer
Vicky Williams Blumhardt
If you are unable to make your assignment, please call someone
to trade dates. Thank you!
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
2000 Lancer Drive
Rapid City SD 57703
Bruce Baum - Pastor
Brenda Johnson - Secretary
Church Office 393-0700
Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Church Email: [email protected]
This is a monthly publication of Lord of Life Lutheran Church.
9:00 a.m. Sunday School
9:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study
9:00 a.m. Confirmation Class
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Sunday Worship Schedule
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