Jan. 8, 2015, TIV - Germantown Newspapers

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Germantown Newspapers
January 6-21, 2015 • Volume 6, Number 16 • germantownnewspapers.com • gtavenue.blogspot.com • Philadelphia, PA 19119
NXNW Photo from Our 1st Issue of the Mt. Airy Independent
The Other 19119
... page 4
The Not-So-Democratic Party ... page 3
Neglectful Governance ... page 5
The Negligence Quotient... page 6
Page 2
January 8-21, 2015
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The Independent Voice
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The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 3 a
The Not So Democratic Philadelphia Democratic Party
There’s good news and bad
news. The good news is that young
progressive Democrats are organizing. The Philadelphia Democratic Progressive Caucus has the
potential to become a real force in
the Democratic Party and Joe
Driscoll’s recent efforts to organize
committeepeople is another potential game changer. He has begun
with a Facebook group which he
describes as:
This is a group for committee
people of the Philadelphia Democratic City Committee. Members
may invite elected or appointed
Democratic committee people
only. It's a forum for committee
people throughout Philadelphia to
communicate and share ideas.
Historically committeepeople in
Philadelphia have never communicated much with committeepeople in other wards. The idea was to
communicate through the ward
leader, who communicates to the
Party Chair. Most ward leaders
have viewed each ward as a little
island; communication has generally been top-down, vertical—not
the horizontal communication Joe
envisions. This is the first effort
I’m aware of in my almost 3
decades as a committeeperson to
bring together committeepeople
across the city and to amplify the
voice of committeepeople.
Now the bad news. The Democratic Party apparently continues
to engage in undemocratic prac-
tices. Joe discovered that—unknown to most committeepeople –
the party rules had been revised
and a copy dated March 31, 2014
was signed by Bob Brady and submitted to the Board of Elections.
According to the Party bylaws, the
following should have occurred in
order to revise the rules:
Should the County Committee at
the time of its organization or at
any subsequent regular meeting
decide that the rules of the party
should be revised or amended, the
County Committee shall direct the
County Chairman to appoint a
committee on the revision of rules
for the purpose of revising or
amending the rules and direct the
committee to make a report in
writing to the County Committee
at a later meeting. The date shall be
fixed by the Chairman of the meeting and notices shall be sent to all
members of the County Committee advising them of the date of the
meeting called to receive and act
upon the report of the committee
on the revision of the rules and
stating that at this time the committee will make its report to the
County Committee and that the
County Committee will act on the
The rules may have been revised
without any of the above procedures followed—-thus no discussion of the rationale for the rules,
no opportunity for ward leaders
and committeepeople to raise objections.
Joe Driscoll highlighted the key
changes in the March 2014 document. One of these changes is a
real victory for democratic forces.
From Joe’s summary:
Rule VII, Article 1, Section E
was amended to include a provision which provides that when a
ward committee is considering the
removal of a committee person,
actions conducted by a ward committee member prior to their election shall not be the basis of a
removal. (Thanks to Irv Ackelsberg and Tracey Gordon).
Another erodes the power of
Change 2
Rule X, Article 1 was amended
to change the method in which
State Representatives are chosen
for nomination in Special Elections. It transfers the power of
choosing State Representative
nominees from committee people
to ward leaders. In the prior version State Representatives would
be chosen by a special meeting of
the ward (if the district is comprised of one ward) or a joint ward
meeting (where the district is comprised of more than one ward). The
newly amended version provides
that the nominee shall be chosen
by ward leader(s) in which the district is comprised (corresponding
changes in Rule X, Article 3, Sec-
tion C).
But none of these changes can
take effect if proper procedures for
changing the rules did not take
place. Over the years the Brady
machine has gotten used to doing
whatever it wants to do with very
little scrutiny. Well, more folks are
taking a close look at the Party's
modus operandi.
Also, some party operatives
have claimed that the rules were
changed again after the May 2014
primary. Citypaper’s Jim Saksa reported that several ward leaders (
including Alan Butkovitz and
Gary Williams) who do not live in
their wards claimed that the rules
had been changed after the May
2014 primary to remove the residency requirement that ward leaders must live in their wards.
According to the Citypaper article,
these ward leaders are mistaken:
The rules on file at the Board of
Elections are unambiguous: Ward
leaders must be registered to vote
in the wards they represent. And
the rules can't just be changed offhand — Pennsylvania Election
Code states that party rules are not
"effective until a certified copy ...
has been filed in the office of the
county Board of Elections."
But if Butkovitz thinks that "the
rules set forth by the Philadelphia
Democratic City Committee" are
different from those filed at the
Board of Elections, he isn't alone.
Williams said that the rules had
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been modified to remove the residency requirement after the last
So we checked with City Committee chairman Bob Brady.
Brady's staffers and Deputy City
Commissioner Fred Voigt confirmed the Board of Elections had
the official rules — the ones with
the residency requirement — and
that no others exist.
Saksa updated his article on December 31, 2014:
The rules were time-stamped
March 31, 2014, but they weren't
on file in the city Board of Elections, as required. Instead, they
were in Commissioner Chair Anthony Clark's office in City Hall…
. Kevin Kelly at the Board of Elections said the new rules were delivered to that office on Oct. 22,
Why would Brady revise the
rules and then bury them in Anthony Clark’s office?
And were these rules revised according to procedures stipulated in
the bylaws? In the past party leaders got away with a cavalier attitude
Committteepeople for the most
part have not had access to the
rules and did not know what rights
they had. That may be changing as
a younger generation of progressives are paying attention and asking questions.
Karen Bojar
Page 4
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
The Other Mt. Airy in 19119
Scoop U.S.A. Co-Sponsored
East Mt. Airy
Neighbors(EMAN) / West Mt.
Airy Neighbors(WMAN) Com-
munity Meeting, on December
3, 2014, regarding the “up-
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tick” of Crime in East Mount
Airy/West Mount Airy Sections
of Northwest Philadelphia
I attend this type of meeting,
at least, twice a year given by
these two City Government
Sanctioned Civic Organizations. The usual speakers are in
attendance at this meetings
which begins with the recognition of the, “Movers and Shakers,” of Northwest Philadelphia.
After which, it is noted by the
meetings Moderator cheerfully
that, “we live in beautiful Mt.
Airy, one of the best, as well as,
diversified neighborhoods in all
of Philadelphia”. Then the
Moderator for the evening introduces the present Executive
Officers of EMAN, WMAN,
MUSA, MBD, the 14th District
Police Captain and our community’s Elected Officials.
Over 100 attendees were
present and this meeting. The
meeting began as previous ones
focused on Quality of Life issues of those that live above
Gorgas Lane and in the Lincoln
Drive areas of the neighborhood. Several of the homeowners spoke of graffiti, armed
robberies in and around the Regional Rail Stations and our retail outlets. The attendees gave
accounts of recent cell phone
snatchings, murder and breakins of homes and cars
The Elected Officials gave
their effective albeit “canned responses.” Our Police Captain,
after giving his canned presentation, let it be known after all
of the venting from the speakers
and the attendees that, “we cannot use arresting” (these petty
criminals) as a way of solving
the constant reoccurrence of
these types of offences in this
neighborhood. The Police Captain then noted that the Offenders, be they youths or adults,
once arrested and processed
given the Police Departments
“Crime Priority System” that is
in place” the criminals will be
back out on the street the next
day. He went on to drive the
point, to the meetings attendees,
that criminals usually commit
the same type of crimes again
and again upon their release
from custody. This statement
had the effect, on the attendees,
as if a Shock Grenade exploded
in the center of this cavernous
Banquet Hall. There was complete silence for what felt like
30 seconds and confusion was
apparent on many of their faces.
The audience at this meeting
came out of their collective
shock and offered some great
suggestions and things they do
and what we as neighbors can
do, to help some of the “Have
Not’s” in Mt. Airy to lessen
“Have’s.”(My words) This was
heartwarming for me because
usually I am usually the only
angry man speaking up for my
old neighborhood.
Several attendees then asked
the usual questions of the
elected officials and badgered
them for more Employment and
Social Services resources that
are not available to those who
need it most. I have coined an
expression that has been honed
by my many efforts on behalf of
the low income and poverty
stricken folks/offenders they are
speaking of, “I refer to them as
the resident/neighbors of, “The
Other Mount Airy.”
We live between Gorgas Lane
and Duval Streets and Boyer
and Cherokee, smack in the gut
of the beautiful diverse upper
middle class Mt. Airy, Zip Code
For those who don’t know We, the neighbors of the “Other
Mt. Airy” are mostly the Working Poor Families, Housing
Subsidy Recipients, CCIS Daycare Subsidy Recipients, Rental
Dwellers of two massive Low
Income Apartment Complexes,
Mental Health Consumers, Substance Abusers, Ex-Offenders
that live in and around vacant
lots and derelict housing stock.
Our Absentee Landlords and
Housing Programs do not monitor Occupancy in their Multiple
Rental Properties in Mt. Airy.
The Providers of the Rental
Subsidies do not promote nor
encourage its Recipients to participate in their respective,
Moving to Self Sufficiency Programs, thus perpetuating Generational Cyclical Poverty. The
“Other Mt Airy” Absentee
Landlords and their Occupants
do not clean their backyards and
alleyways rendering them impassable and a breeding ground
for all the social ills that come
with poverty. “The Other
Mount Airy” suffers all of the
ills of poverty, i.e. Staggering
Unemployment, Drug addiction, Child Welfare Issues, Murders, 35 Vacant Lots and
Derelict Houses. In the 13th
Voting Division, 22nd Ward, on
East Sharpnack Street, from the
Unit Bock to the 200 Block it
looks like post-war Beirut, and
we even have our own Soup
Line. The Other Mt. Airy has
experienced 4 murders in 4
years and there was no offering
of Grief Counseling for the
multitude of children who saw
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 5 a
The Other Mt. Airy in 19119
Division” to advocate, lobby
and coerce the “Powers That
Be” to get some active Social
Services back here in Northwest
Philadelphia for the less fortunate. In the seven years, since I
moved back here to the “Other
Mt. Airy”, I have watched good
people move into a home, on
the block and in a year move
out, because of the Quality of
Life issues that these unattended to Social Problems, here
in Mt. Airy and the Northwest
in general are causing.
Bill Simon, 2nd Chair, 22nd
Ward, 13th Division Committeeman, Block Captain, Member and Founder of the
Montana Street Civic Association, 42 year Retired Social
Worker, 30 years at DHS,
Founder PP&HSG,Inc,. My
family moved to Mt Airy in 1949
– as a young man I moved in
1972 on my own and moved
Troubled Governance:
Neglect at Every Level
National Neglect
Underscored with intensity in Paris on January
7th is how the long standing process of rationalizing the effect of international terrorism, religious or otherwise, has become the practice du
jour of nations; ourselves included.
Border security at all levels was first ratcheted
down during the Clinton years and continues to
this day. Only the most naïve don’t recognize that
the wave of unregulated immigration, often lobbied for by business and universities through the
90s, brought us 911.
Organized and militarized brutality is now a
routine world-wide occurrence, and it is only a
matter of time until we feel it again and again.
Forgiving and understanding our “enemies” will
not reverse the process, nor will open borders.
State Neglect
Although we tried to make the case in the run
up to the gubernatorial election in October, it has
now been announced that the state’s fiscal condition is dire. Massive budget shortfalls were already predicted, but even those candidates we
heard from during the primaries avoided the
issue, and talked in language of fiscal fantasy.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has the second largest population of senior citizens (after
Florida) in the nation, but unlike Florida, many are
dependent, could not move if they wanted to. In
fact they take from, rather than contribute, to the
tax base. Add to that the fact that regardless of how
many we graduate from the many institutions of
higher learning in this state, almost none stay to
work here. Twenty-seven cities are in or near insolvency or have already filed a form of bankruptcy.
So we elected a new governor from the party
opposite the one that has control of the state leg-
islature and almost none of this was included in
the emotional process of selection. The neglect is
at all levels and Governor Wolf cannot run away
from reality, nor can the neglectful legislature,
both knew it all along – or should have.
City Neglect
In our last issue we published an editorial with
a play on words headline regarding our current
mayor as “Nutter Nonsense”, where we critiqued
his pompous and self-serving editorial in the Inquirer outlining what qualities the next mayor
needs in order to properly succeed him. Arrogance and ego step forward once again for a man
who was packaged and sold as the universal savior and the media has had a love fest with him
and his propaganda machine ever since.
Truth be told, the insider run political machine
has paved over, with the help of the media, all
manner of neglect and failures during the tenure
of Mayor Nutter.
Two recently released local accounts from NPR
and Philadelphia magazine try earnestly to distance him from the serious and ongoing investigations, indictments and convictions of elected
officials and judges who were an integral part of
the city and its operations.
Nowhere was neglect more obvious and deadly
than in the way that the Department of Licenses
and Inspections ratcheted down regulatory follow-up and supervision in critical areas since
Nutter was elected.
To use his own campaign language, “If elected
I plan to ‘blow up’ L & I.”
Blow it up he did, and the cost in lawsuits paid
by the city in the dark and dead bodies spells
NEGLECT in capital letters.
Jim Foster
back into the family home in
winter 2006. I regretted it when
the season changed but it’s
Editor’s Note: Local Committeeman and civic activist Bill
Simon does all of us a great
service by putting the hard facts
on the table about the hypocrisy
that is Philadelphia’s government in general, and his Northwest Philadelphia East Mt. Airy
community in particular. Having lived on the “East Side”
and in walking distance from
the community Bill describes
since the late 1950s (and not far
away before that) I can validate
what he outlines, and if you
have read these pages, I continue to call to task those who
talk the talk of good remedial
government but actually are
part of maintaining the status
quo of poverty profiteering and
merchandising misery through
corrupt non-compliant front
CDCs, never ending rent subsidized insider deals for the politically connected developers,
and a political system that does
all it can to make sure this
process never ends. Driving decent wage local jobs and paths
to home ownership from the city
over 25 years, keeping dependency and poverty alive and well,
and then virtually stealing public dollars for projects that pretend to be remedial, but only
guarantee more of the same, is
the dirty and now not so well
kept secret that we will help the
Bill Simon’s of this city take
Jim Foster
p.s. This newspaper has its office in Bill Simon’s neighborhoodhood.
Middle Class, Mt. Airy has not
seen the worst of it yet. Investors are moving in more and
more Unsupervised Poverty
Guideline Driven Subsidized
Housing Families here in the
“Other Mt. Airy.” and the
Northwest. Many families in
poverty come to the neighborhood with one or many family
members who could benefit
from immediate Social Services
Prevention and/or Intervention.
Many poverty stricken families
“Don’t Vote”, in Elections so,
therefore, “They Don’t Count”,
when it comes to the “System”
prioritizing their needs.
I am asking those of you who
do Vote in our, “Beautiful, Diverse, Upper Middle Class Mt
Airy,” to assist our, Churches,
Social Services Providers,
Schools, Block Captains, Committeeman, Ward Leaders, and
our Elected Official, here in the,
“Other Mt. Airy, 13th Voting
Home Repair Service
i ll
these bodies lying in our streets.
In the Other Mt. Airy one dares
not take a stroll on our streets
after dark.
In Closing, I utterly could
care less about the political climate that looms over Northwest
Philadelphia and/or why right
now, today. Germantown Settlement is gone. The money that
funded their many programs is
gone. The many great Social
Services it committed to the
“Have Not’s” of the Northwest
are gone. So, the crime rate here
will go up and up fueled by the
Social Problems of the residents
“Other Mt Airy” and the other
poverty stricken areas in the
Northwest section of this city, in
general. Let’s be clear, however,
Germantown Settlement did
through their many Social Services Programs were consistently
helping to ameliorate poverty
here in Northwest Philly.
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Page 6
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
Opinions & Commentary
The Negligence Quotient
Yesterday in the German Township
Washington Lane commuter station on SEPTA predecessor Reading
Railroad taken mid-1950s when all stations on the Chestnut Hill line had
ticket office buildings and covered waiting platforms on inbound and outbound tracks. Cars in station were the original electric ones that replaced
steam trains in 1932. After the SEPTA takeover, this line was planned for
abandonment and station maintenance intentionally neglected, badly vandalized, and then torn down at several stops. Later minimal shelters were
erected. Community protests kept the line operating.
Germantown Newspapers, Inc.
6661 Germantown Avenue • Philadelphia, PA 19119
Office: 215-438-4000 • fax: 215-754-4245
www.germantownnewspapers.com • gtavenue.blogspot.com
Jim Foster, publisher@germantownnewspapers.com.........................................................Publisher
Scott Alloway, [email protected] Editor, Production
Les Taha, [email protected] .................................................................................................Cartoonist
David White, White’s Wine Columnist
Nick Thomas, Tinseltown Talks Columnist
Karen Bojar, Contributor
Matt Wolfe, Contributor
Sales Staff
Paula Moore, [email protected] ........................................................Sales Representative
Meredith Sonderskov, [email protected] .......Sales Representative
Francine Ferrell, [email protected] ....................................Administrator
The Independent Voice, incorporating the Northwest Independent and the Germantown
Chronicle, is owned and operated by Germantown Newspapers, Inc., and has offices
at 6661 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119. The Independent Voice has a
press run of 30,000 copies and is circulated door-to-door throughout Northwest
Philadelphia and at selected sites through Philadelphia. The publisher reserves the
right to refuse any advertising. All content ©2014 Germantown Newspapers, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Some full disclosure for our readers. This April
the newspaper and interactive web pages we publish and provide will celebrate its 6th year of operation serving Northwest Philadelphia and
others. Our focus in this city is those who have
an above average interest in a perspective that
makes it perfectly clear that the citizens are tolerating a substandard government here and in the
state of Pennsylvania as well.
In point of fact one of the primary motivations
in starting the newspaper was the demise of its
over 70 year old predecessor where open opinion
pages had allowed me to begin to take on the
elected political class and what I aggressively described as the poison they injected into Germantown particularly, and adjacent communities
when the occasion presented itself.
In fact the front page of our first issue broke,
with photo, the story of the fraud the Dwight
Evans CDC known as OARC perpetrated by
using $750,000 in public money to fund a closed
insolvent night club in Mt Airy and bail out noted
political associates from their personal debts and
never reopen the club.
Shortly thereafter the mainstream press picked
up the story and that same political machinery has
survived investigations, fines and censure, but
their back door activity was slowed substantially
as related disclosures forced the Democratic
Party to remove Representative Evans from his
Chairmanship of the Appropriations Committee
in Harrisburg even before he would have to step
down when Republicans took control. Later investigations forced the return to the state substantial public funds and curtailment of millions in
additional funding already promised.
In our first months we ran a series outlining the
dark history of how the Quaker founded Germantown Settlement was taken over by a group of
clever operatives connected to the Democratic
Party and manipulated it from being a social service organization to a 27 corporation city and federal funded real estate monopoly that also was
given control by elected officials of many of the
social services the city provided to the Northwest;
with some very cozy patronage jobs as well. The
direct political connection to more than one
mayor, Redevelopment Authority, and just about
every unit of government up through the state and
federal level, made much of the Northwest a virtually captive “company town” with former
Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller twisting the
screws of government daily to keep public money
constantly streaming to insider run developers
and skimming from the social service agencies in
a manner so blatant that no accountant would
even consider doing their books for many years.
Much of this was finally exposed in a Philadelphia Magazine article published in October 2010,
and the primary entities filed for bankruptcy and,
with political help, sort of walked quietly into the
night after running Germantown into the ground
for 20 years. We were the first interview when
research for that article was done, and we like to
think we had some small part in the demise of
Settlement and the fact that Donna Reed Miller
did not run again for office; as she could have.
That did not stop her from threatening the startup funders of this newspaper, and also sending
her Chief of Staff to spread lies about my background while I was an officer of an area community organization, and reportedly using influence
with local businesses to stop advertising with us.
Since that time we have continued to drive the
message home that the one party political machine that runs this city is corrupt to the core and
runs what is essentially a gangster government.
Other actions taken in recent years raise the
strong possibility that political power brokers
have used city agencies to try and bankrupt this
paper and the jury is still out on some of those actions. Just last week a long term political operative in this city filed a libel suit against us; the
first ever.
While I am comfortable that we have printed
nothing libelous, the purpose of this and other
tactics is to try and run us out of funds so the
paper and its truth telling will end. For sure you
will not find the information, references and details we outline in the mainstream press as it exists in this city today.
We are supported by our advertisers and we
have been successful in expanding that base over
the years, despite some setbacks.
Looking at the immediate months ahead we
plan some modifications to the direction of reporting and expanding some of the coverage and
editorials to issues at the state and nation levels
as well as the community and city perspectives
we have always focused on.
It is the belief of your editor that the political
malaise that has poisoned government at so many
levels can be measured with a negligence quotient. For it is negligence at many levels that allows the quality of life and responsiveness of
government to sink to the new lows we presently
suffer with. It is also negligence on the part of
the voting citizen when it comes to keeping informed and turning out to vote in every election.
Low turnout has been the most used tool of the
charlatans who run this city’s political machine
that knows the outcome of every election before
voting starts.
Forget the manipulated press releases, puff stories in the owned and controlled mainstream
media about folks like Michael Nutter, and blatant avoidance of anything like real investigative
journalism; as with Chaka Fattah and Dwight
Evans. It is about outright absence today of easily obtained verifiable facts of wrongdoing or
negligence to the point that in many areas of the
print or electronic media, they just about tell you
they are part of a political agenda or certainly appear as water carriers and image makers for individuals they virtually worship.
When it comes to this city and state we have
been following certain issues, tactics, policies and
practices for years now. Some may say our outcry is repetitive and others say there is no proof,
even if basic logic tells you that someone should
be looking further as the dots are just about connected. We expanded our message and for about
10 months, from December 2013 until October
2014, when, with a co-host we took the serious
issues to the airwaves on WURD radio every
Sunday night on a one hour call-in show. The
momentum built quickly, we had well known
guests who had served respected positions in city
government take questions on air; as well as candidates for office. Callers rapidly moved from
one or two during the hour program to one every
10 or 15 minutes with either some hard hitting
questions or often devastating reports on how
Continued on next page
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 7 a
Opinions & Commentary
The Negligence Quotient
Continued from previous page
their politicians ramrodded the community they lived in.
But, it was too much for the powerful.
Under some of the strangest circumstances one could imagine, all of a sudden, and just as we were gearing up our
subject matter to the issues relative to the
November 4th election, all calls stopped.
Yes, not one call comes in to what was a
vital interactive regularly scheduled political talk show for three weeks in a row.
The message was clear -– somebody, or
some organization, did not want the dialogue to continue and they knew what
we had previewed to discuss in advance
of November 4 could interfere with the
arranged outcomes they had already choreographed.
Now, I don’t have the capital to investigate how the phone lines went dead for
that specific hour only and a recorded
message told callers that “calls are not
being taken at this time,” but I know you
don’t build up a following and lose every
one of them on cue.
So, for the immediate future, and as
long as we are allowed the limited use
the First Amendment in this city, we will
continue to do so.
Part of that process will most likely include town hall meetings and fund raisers to keep the spirit of truth and justice
alive. Don’t let your committeeperson,
ward leader, or elected official tell you
that they have no idea what you are talking about when you raise questions you
first read in this paper or on the online
Everyone knows that the corruption is
in the bones of the system. Elected officials from Senators on down are serving
time, many are recently indicted along
with judges. Money laundering at the
federal level is connected to one of our
congressmen and the old saying really
applies here: “if you are not part of the
solution, you are part of the problem.”
Two close associates of that congressman
have already pled guilty and admitted cooperation with federal investigators.
We are going to continue to work on
solutions. Using the term “Negligence
Quotient” to describe all manner of past
and current practices we will ask the
hard questions, disclose as much detail
as we can, and if you’re still contented
with corruption, I guess the people will
have spoken.
Jim Foster
Germantown Newspapers
P.S. if you want to be part of the Town
Hall plans, please give us a call at 215438-4000
Supreme Court Clarifies Danger of Council Inaction on PGW
By Matt Wolfe
The state Supreme Court recently came down with an unsurprising ruling that the
Municipal Tort Claims Act is
constitutional. This is the statute
that states that most municipalities are only liable for
$500,000.00 for any negligent
act. I worked with this statute
often when I served as a Deputy
Attorney General.
Why is this topical right now
for Philadelphia? Not to beat a
dead horse, but because of PGW.
The city itself and PGW are covered by this law. This means that
an catastrophe such as a gas
main explosion, no matter how
negligent PGW was and no matter how much damage is done,
that PGW will only be liable for
$500,000.00 in damages.
Couple this with the fact that
PGW has one of the oldest and
most decayed pipeline delivery
systems in the country. It is reported that nearly two-thirds of
its over 3000 miles of gas mains
that deliver gas to homes and
businesses are "at risk," which
means that they are aging cast
iron or unprotected steel and
more prone to breakage. Some
of the pipes date back to the
1800's. Seriously? PGW's plan is
to replace all "at risk" pipes by
2100. That's the year 2100.
Again, seriously?
The case that the Supreme
Court just ruled on was particularly horrific. The poor schoolgirl was run over by a school bus
due to the school district's negligence. She lost her left leg and
suffered other severe injuries. A
jury awarded her $14 million.
The Supreme Court said that the
law is what the law is and it is up
to the legislature to change it.
And they're right, unfortunately.
When there was a gas main
explosion in Allentown a few
years ago, destroying eight
homes and killing five people,
UGI, the gas utility there, probably paid out $25 million in
damages and fines. The same
thing happening here would
cause PGW to pay the
$500,000.00 into court and the
court would split up the money
between everyone who suffered
losses. Is that fair?
One of the reasons that PGW's
plan to replace dangerous pipes
will take the better part of this
century is because they won't
have to pay out the true costs of
any negligence. Another reason
is that they do not have the same
access to capital that a private
company has. UIL Holdings, the
company that won the bid to
purchase PGW, committed to
speeding up that process dramatically. And, of course, it would
have only been in their best interests to do so if they completed
the sale.
The Supreme Court opinion
came down while the deal to sell
PGW was still pending. City
Council should have approved
the PGW sale because the city
should not be in the gas business
in the first place. City Council
should have approved the PGW
sale because it is a good financial
deal for the city. City Council
should have approved the PGW
sale because an efficiently run
gas utility will spur development
and attract businesses and jobs.
As the Supreme Court decision
drives home, City Council
should have approved the PGW
sale because it would be unfair
for anyone to be harmed by
PGW's negligence and not be
fairly compensated.
Most importantly, however,
City Council should have approved the PGW sale because to
do otherwise would be put pandering to special interests above
the very lives of our citizens.
Th is commentary is by Matt
Wolfe, a candidate for City
Council at Large in the Re publican
The Issues with Smart Meters Are Many
Dear Editor:
Last spring I watched a DVD
documentary about ‘smart meters’ entitled “Take Back Your
Power.” This documentary details a number of problems with
the so-called ‘smart meters’ that
the utilities are trying to force
on all their customers in Pennsylvania.
The issues with ‘smart meters’ are well described and supported in the documentary,
available for rent or purchase at
http://www.takebackyourpower.net/. Among these problems are:
• health problems from exposure to electromagnetic frequencies serious privacy issues
• the meters cause fires and
the utility denies liability for the
fires that their technology has
• the meters make the grid
more vulnerable to failure from
such events as hacking
These meters are supposed to
save money and electric usage
but have been found not to.
People in Ontario are paying
billions of dollars extra for electricity thanks to a flawed ‘smart
meter’ program and the abovemarket rates the province pays
most power generators, Ontario’s auditor general reported
Tuesday, (December 16.)
Within the past couple of
years PECO started installing
the ‘smart meters’ in the
Philadelphia area. Under Act
129, the meters are to be installed by 2023, but PECO has
stated that they want them installed by the end of 2014.
Those of us who were aware of
the problems with the meters
did not allow PECO employees
access to remove a functional
meter to install their microwave-emitting surveillance
device. Many people have sent
letters to the Utility protesting
the installation of the meters,
citing health, privacy, and fire
hazards associated with them. I
am one of those people. Of
course PECO (citing fraudulent
or non-existent evidence) denies all of these problems and
insists the meters must be installed.
Recently I and some of my
friends received a 10-Day ShutOff Notice from PECO requiring that we make an
appointment to have a meter installed. We find this tactic bullying, abusive, and appalling
but, unfortunately, not surprising.
Legislation has been proposed to allow an opt-out to the
meters in Pennsylvania, as provided in a number of other
states, such as California, Colorado, and Maine. This proposed opt-out is currently in the
Consumer Affairs Committee.
It is going nowhere due to interference by Representative Bob
Godshall, the Committee Chair
whose son supervises the subcontractors employed by PECO
for deployment of the ‘smart
meters’ –an obvious conflict of
Time is of the essence with
this problem. The PECO letter
says they can charge up to
$1,700 to reconnect a household. People need to be aware
that ‘Smart’ is the new ’stupid. ’
Please take action.
Louise Francis
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Susan Kreider
Philadelphia, PA 19144
Page 8
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
America’s Women Veterans Deserve Better
By Garry J. Augustine
More than a quarter-million
American women served honorably in the Iraq and
Afghanistan wars. These brave
women sacrificed much to keep
us safe. Now that they are
home, our country has a solemn
obligation to help them transition back to civilian life.
Yet there is mounting evidence that America is not fulfilling this obligation. Based on
currently available data, it is
clear that our country isn't fully
meeting the unique physical,
emotional and employment
needs of women veterans.
When they return home, they
receive less support than their
male counterparts from government programs primarily designed for men.
Today, nearly one in five
women veterans has delayed or
gone without necessary health
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care in the past year. One in 11
is unemployed. Former servicewomen experience homelessness at between two to four
times the rate of their civilian
It's unacceptable that the
women who honorably served
our country-our mothers,
spouses, sisters and daughtersare at risk. A new report released by my organization,
Disabled American Veterans,
finds that the federal, state, and
community programs to support
women transitioning out of military service have serious gaps
that put some women veterans
in jeopardy.
Consider medical care. Today,
one-third of the Department of
Veterans Affairs medical centers lack a staff gynecologist
and 18 percent of VA clinics
have yet to hire at least one doctor specializing in women's
Mental health services for
women are severely lacking.
Twenty percent of female patients in the VA health system
have been diagnosed with a
condition resulting from military sexual trauma, which can
have devastating, long-term
consequences. Nonetheless, one
in three VA health centers does
not have enough sexual trauma
specialists on staff.
We are not doing much better
when it comes to helping
women veterans gain post-military employment. Former servicewomen are highly skilled,
with unique life experiences
that give them valuable leadership qualities and the knowhow to operate effectively in
high-stress situations.
Yet the unemployment rate
for female veterans has steadily
climbed for most of the past
decade. What's more, two-thirds
of women veterans report that
the career service help offered
by federal agencies has been
These problems could soon
get worse. The military has
started on a major draw-down
of personnel. As a result, more
than 200,000 current servicewomen are expected to rejoin
the civilian workforce in the
next five years.
Now is the time for action.
In our new report, Women
Veterans: The Long Journey
Home, DAV outlines 27 recommendations that Congress, the
Administration, VA and the Departments of Defense, Labor,
and Housing and Urban Development can take to strengthen
the safety net for women veterans.
For starters, veterans' health
centers must meet their obligation to provide specialists in
women's health. At a minimum,
every VA medical center must
hire a gynecologist. And efforts
to treat and help stamp out sexual assault within the military
need to be expanded.
To help combat unemployment among women veterans,
DoD must take a hard look at
the primary program designed
to help veterans transition to the
civilian labor force: the Transition Assistance Program. The
department does not collect data
on participation, satisfaction,
and outcomes by gender and
race. Simply put, DoD cannot
tell us if TAP actually helps
women veterans successfully
transition. Plus, VA and DoD
need to develop career guidance
programs specially designed for
women veterans.
Thousands of women answered the call of duty and put
themselves at risk to preserve
our nation's security. They
served this country faithfully.
Serving them with greater respect, consideration and care
must become a national priority.
Garry J. Augustine, a Vietnamera combat-wounded Army veteran, is executive director of
DAV's Washington Headquarters.
Support Your
Local Police
January 9 is National Law
Enforcement Appreciation Day,
and the Fraternal Order of Police, Pennsylvania State Lodge,
is asking every Pennsylvanian
to take time to support our men
and women in blue. While this
day has been set aside, we appreciate your support any time.
Now more than ever, we need
to rally around our brave men
and women in uniform. Millions of Americans appreciate
law enforcement, but it’s important to set aside a special day to
recognize the courage and sacrifice made daily by police officers and their families.
The statistics are truly sobering. Each day 780,000 police
officers across our country put
a badge on and go to work
knowing they may face extremely dangerous situations.
On average, between 105 and
203 officers die in the line of
duty each year; 50,000 officers
are assaulted in the line of duty
each year; and 14,000 officers
are injured in the line of duty
each year.
Whether it’s on January 9 or
any other day, you can show
your support in a number of
ways. Change your social
media profile picture to one that
supports law enforcement. Wear
blue clothing, send a card of
support to your local police department or participate in Project Blue Light by proudly
displaying a blue light in support of law enforcement.
You can even just take the
time to thank a police officer
when you see him or her.
On behalf of all Pennsylvania
police officers, I want to thank
you for your support.
Roosevelt Poplar
Fraternal Order of Police,
Pennsylvania State Lodge
Harrisburg, PA 17110
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 9 a
Campaign for 10,000 Children
Scholarship Program Announced
By Meredith Sonderskov
A very exciting kick-off event
was held recently at Citizens
Bank Park Stadium in South
Philadelphia. Ina Lipman, Executive Director of Children’s
Scholarship Fund Philadelphia,
with support from Chris Gheysens, CEO of Wawa markets, announced citywide availability of
applications for 2000 new, fouryear scholarships for K-8th grade
students from low-income
Philadelphia families. The 250
families who attended enjoyed
refreshments provided by Wawa
and entertainment by the Phillie
Phanatic and Wawa’’s Wally
CFSP is the largest provider
in Pennsylvania of scholarship
aid for grades K-8 and currently
has some 4,500 children in more
than 185 area tuition-based
schools. These scholarships are
need-based and awarded by lottery. New scholarship applications must be received no later
than March 1, 2014. Only the
first 10,000 applications will be
processed and entered into the
CFSP was started in 1998.
Privately funded, their mission is
to provide financial access to safe
high quality tuition-based
schools for students from low-income Philadelphia families. Ms.
Lipman pointed out that CSFP
students regularly outperform
their public school peers in objective in-grade test. They have
graduation rates in excess of
The campaign goal is $50
million and $28 million has been
raised so far. Campaign partners
include many local foundations
and corporations.
www.csfphiladelphia.org or 215.670.8411 for
more information.
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Page 10
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
Three Wine Trends to Watch for in 2015
by David White
2014 will likely go down as the
year that powerful wine critics lost
their grip on the marketplace.
Last year, many retailers stopped
using points to sell wines. Instead
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of "shelf talkers" advertising reviews from publications like Wine
Spectator, shops offered handwritten notes praising certain wines.
Many restaurants, too, removed
points from their menus in 2014.
Instead, they decided to educate
their servers about wine -- and hire
fun sommeliers to chat with guests.
Thanks to popular mobile apps like
Delectable, wine consumers
moved away from critics like
Robert Parker and toward fellow
enthusiasts with similar palates.
This year, look out for three big
Champagne will find a spot at
the dinner table. Oenophiles have
always talked about top Champagne with the same reverence
they reserve for the finest wines of
Bordeaux and Burgundy. But for
most of the past 50 years, everyday
Americans poo-pooed Champagne. The good stuff was too expensive and rarely seemed worth
it. And the imitations served at
weddings -- think Cook's and
cheap Prosecco -- was, well, gross.
Today, however, consumers are
falling in love with Champagne.
Shipments to the United States
have been climbing steadily since
One reason? Grower Champagne. For years, large producers
who purchase grapes from across
Champagne and aim to deliver a
consistent product each year dominated the American market.
Grower Champagne, by contrast,
is made by the farmers who grow
the grapes. Thanks to a few key
importers and America's growing
obsession with knowing the source
of our food, grower Champagne
has been taking off. So big Champagne producers like Moet &
Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, and
Taittinger have upped their games.
As more Champagne comes
ashore, Americans are finally realizing that no other wine is as versatile. So this year, watch for
retailers and sommeliers to start
promoting Champagne as an affordable luxury that elevates even
the simplest of dishes.
Consumers will embrace "universal" wine glasses. In 1958,
Riedel, an Austrian glassware
manufacturer, released the world's
first varietal-specific wine glass.
By 2014, the company had convinced many consumers that virtually every wine grape -- from
Chardonnay and Pinot Noir to
Riesling and Malbec -- deserved
its own glass. And then, the company released a glass for CocaCola. Soda could no longer be
enjoyed straight out of a bottle or - the horror! -- a can. Instead, consumers were expected to shell out
$20 for a glass to enjoy America's
most iconic beverage.
Unsurprisingly, wine enthusiasts
are starting to rebel. Restaurants
are simplifying their stemware and
offering patrons one type of glass
for every type of wine.
Oenophiles, too, are clearing out
their cupboards and moving toward one-for-all glasses. Zalto, an-
other Austrian glassmaker, has accelerated this trend. While the
company makes a handful of varietal-specific wine glasses, its universal glass has won the most
This year, expect consumers and
industry leaders alike to fawn over
Gabriel-Glas. The company produces just one glass, and it has
quickly become my favorite.
Industrial wine producers will
hijack the word "natural." Over the
past decade, many wine enthusiasts -- this one included -- have become passionate ambassadors for
natural wine. These consumers
seek producers who eschew fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, and
fungicides in their vineyards and
refuse to utilize sugar, acid, tannins, or other additives -- like oak
chips, sawdust, or grape concentrates -- in their wineries. As natural wine proponent Alice Feiring
once explained, "[these are] wines
made with the goal of nothing
added and nothing taken away."
Natural wine enthusiasts are best
known for promoting unusual
grapes from unusual regions, like
Ribolla Gialla from Friuli in Italy
and Trousseau from the Jura in
France. But they've found plenty
of wines to love from more traditional regions. And more and more
sommeliers and retailers are jumping on the natural wine bandwagon, promoting small producers
who bottle with minimal intervention.
Legally, however, the word "natural" is meaningless. So this year,
look for many of the globe's largest
producers to start slapping the
word on industrial plonk.
These are just three trends to
watch for in 2015. Regardless of
what happens, make sure to drink
David White is the founder and editor of Terroirist.com, which was
named “Best Overall Wine Blog”
at the 2013 Wine Blog Awards. His
columns are housed at Grape Collective.
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The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 11 a
Congress Slashes Conservation Spending
By Traci Bruckner
[email protected]
Center for Rural Affairs
When thinking about the $1.1
trillion spending bill passed by
Congress last month, one might
ask, what does Congress have
against conservation?
They made huge cuts to conservation programs, such as the
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) that supports conservation practices on cropland,
pastureland and rangeland, totaling $402 million over ten
This cut means 2.3 million
fewer acres enrolled in the program.
This anti-conservation spending bill also cut the Environmental Quality Incentives
Program (EQIP) by $136 million for this fiscal year.
While the CSP is designed to
reward farmers and ranchers
who have a history of integrating conservation, EQIP will
help them develop a conservation practice for the first time.
Both programs support practices such as cover crops, di-
verse cropping systems, as well
as rotational grazing practices
on pasture, rangeland, and cropland restored to a grass-based
These are the conservationbased farming practices we
need more support for, not less.
This is especially true in the
face of climate change impacts
on agriculture, and the increased need to protect and restore water quality.
So while they cut the conservation programs that help farmers and ranchers integrate risk
management through conservation-based farming practices,
they left intact the unlimited
federal crop insurance premium
subsidies and farm program
payments that encourage risk
taking and agriculture consolidation by the nation’s largest
and wealthiest farms.
This is an anti-farmer, anticonservation bill that is representative of crisis-driven
legislation stemming from a
dysfunctional Congress.
Join in and fight for annual
spending bills that are forwardlooking, and create opportunity:
Center for Rural Affairs.
No Pros for New City L&I Board?
The Building Safety Oversight Board will recommend
changes suggested by The
Mayor's Special Independent
Advisory Board. Unfortunately
the experts that are making the
recommendations are , in fact
not experts in life safety. The
board should be made up of
Professional Engineers and
Senior Code Officials. The Department of Licenses and In-
spections has some of the best
trained code officials in the
United States. Unfortunately
their jobs are made impossible
by the constant interference by
City Council and the Mayor's
office. In addition, all the senior
code officials have been removed from their posts at L&I
so there is no oversight by professionals. Life Safety has taken
a backseat to politics. Inspec-
tors have not been able to stop
jobs for no permits, unsafe conditions, or unlicensed contractors, if the owner/ developer is
a "friend" of a councilperson.
What ever happened to hiring
a Professional Engineer to run
L&I? PE's have something that
scares the hell out of politicians.
That is a Code of Ethics.
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Page 12
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
Project Moshen Dance
Company presents
‘Artistry Unfolded’
Artistry Unfolded – Performance Showcase will be held on Feb.
21, 2015, at the IDA, 400 Commerce Drive, Fort Washington PA,
19034. There is a $10 ticket fee.
Project Moshen Dance Company presents, Artistry Unfolded, a performance series bringing emerging artists from Montgomery, Bucks,
and Delaware counties together on one stage.
Artistry Unfolded, is an opportunity for choreographers and dancers
to showcase their works in progress, creativity, and get audience feedback. Artistry Unfolded, provides another outlet for these young
artists to perform and is a great way to network and broaden your audience.
You can email them at [email protected] for an application. Deadline is Jan. 31. There is a $15 participation fee due by Feb.1.
Project Moshen’s mission is to revive the style of jazz dance in
Philadelphia. Combining the artistic side and the commercial side of
dance in popular culture, Kelli Moshen blends the two elements together to showcase her fast, intricate, urban style of jazz dance. Project Moshen produces two shows a year, visits schools in the
community, and holds master classes all over the Philadelphia area.
Through these efforts, Project Moshen hopes to spread their passion,
creativity and knowledge of jazz dance to the community and bring
the style of jazz back to life in Philadelphia.
Project Moshen‘s artistic director, Kelli Moshen, brings together
unique and versatile dancers who collectively bring an athletic and
urban style to the group. Kelli’s innovative choreography is set to an
electric cinematic selection of instrumental music that gives their audience a look into the amazing world of dance. Project Moshen consistently challenges themselves by exploring different boundaries to
let their full range of talent and personality shine, performing throughout the Philadelphia area.
For more, go to the web at www.projectmoshen.com/artistry-unfolded/
The Independent Voice
by Nick Thomas
Jean Arthur (1900-1991) was a
popular 1930s comedic actress
largely remembered today for spirited performances in Frank
Capra’s classics, such as “Mr.
Smith Goes to Washington” and
“You Can’t Take it with You.”
Her career began in the silent
era, with appearances in more than
50 films during the 1920s, but by
1944 she had essentially retired
from Hollywood, briefly returning
for two more films, including
“Shane” in 1953.
Surprisingly, despite her often
sparkling screen performances,
Arthur suffered from bouts of severe stage fright throughout her career which hampered her later
attempts at theater and a shortlived TV show.
Two decades after leaving Hollywood, Arthur’s interests turned
to teaching.
January 8-21, 2015
Page 13 a
Jean Arthur Goes To Vassar
Publicity still for Only Angels Have Wings with Cary Grant and Jean Arthur
“Jean arrived at Vassar in 1968,”
recalled Evert Sprinchorn, former
head of the drama department at
historic Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. “The dean of the arts
college met her on an ocean liner
during a transatlantic crossing and
the two struck up a friendship.
Jean was going through a difficult
period and I believe the dean created the position for her.”
During her four years at Vassar,
Sprinchorn interacted with Arthur
more than other staff, as she was
very private.
“I found her to be intelligent,
unassuming, detesting pomposity,
and with a genuine artistic flair,”
he said. “I never pumped her for
tales about old Hollywood, regrettably, but very occasionally a little
tidbit would slip from her lips.
Once, she did bring up working
with Cary Grant in ‘Only Angels
have Wings’ and said he was ‘so
In addition to being quite shy,
Sprinchorn says Arthur was “very,
very puritanical.”
“You would never hear a swear
word come out of her mouth,” he
said. “We went to Yale to see a stu-
dent-written play which contained
some rather salacious scenes.
There was nothing really outrageous, but Jean didn’t like it at all.”
During her first year, Arthur
lived on campus in a small, tworoom apartment.
“She furnished it herself and
would visit local antique shops for
pieces,” Sprinchorn said. “It was
very attractive and she had a real
talent for interior decorating.”
Later, Arthur rented an off-campus apartment where Sprinchorn
was occasionally invited for dinner.
“We would read scenes together
and sometimes have students over
if more characters were required,”
he said. “I think she was considering a return to the stage.”
That never materialized, however, due partly to her battle with
stage fright.
Arthur’s introverted nature was
also evident to Spinchorn when
she described encountering Jimmy
Cagney in Poughkeepsie.
“Cagney had a farm about 30
miles away and loved spending
time there," explained Spinchorn.
"Jean never met him in Hollywood, so I asked what she said to
him. She replied ‘Oh, I didn’t talk
PAFA Receives $1 Million
Gift for Scholarships
A $1 million gift from The
Maguire Foundation, longtime
supporters of the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Fine Arts
(PAFA), will make the highest
quality of fine arts training
available to the most gifted
emerging artists.
The donation, the largest gift
for scholarships from a single
donor in PAFA’s history, will establish The James J. & Frances
M. Maguire Scholarship for
Artistic Excellence, a full-tuition scholarship for 11 students
entering PAFA between 2015
and 2018.
The gift will enhance the
PAFA's reputation as the leading place for fine arts education
by attracting talented and motivated applicants who will go on
to become the artistic, cultural
and community leaders of the
"PAFA is honored to offer The
James J. & Frances M. Maguire
Scholarship for Artistic Excellence. PAFA has a 200-year tradition of educating many of the
most renowned American
artists, and this new opportunity
ensures our ability to continue
attracting the most promising
student artists. We are very
grateful to the Maguire family
and its Foundation for this generous grant and the scholarship
program it makes possible,"
stated PAFA President and CEO
David R. Brigham.
The James J. & Frances M.
Maguire Scholarship for Artistic Excellence will greatly increase the school's ability to
provide financial assistance to
At present, PAFA awards approximately $3 million in scholarships annually.
James J. Maguire stated,
"Frannie and I believe art education is an important balance
in life and no institution does it
better than PAFA!"
Three students will be
awarded the inaugural James J.
& Frances M. Maguire Scholarships to commence studies at
PAFA in fall 2015. Three additional scholarships will be
awarded to students entering
PAFA in both 2016 and 2017,
and two more will follow in
2018, for a total of 11 recipients
who will receive these awards
through their graduation in the
2021-22 academic year.
James Maguire, Founder and
Chairman Emeritus of Philadel-
phia Consolidated Holding
Corp., and Frances Maguire, a
PAFA National Trustee and
alumna, have long been generous supporters of PAFA.
The Maguires previously
made a naming gift to establish
the Frances M. Maguire Gallery
in Honor of PAFA Faculty and
have supported numerous students at PAFA through the
Maguire Scholars Program.
For more information about
The James J. & Frances M.
Maguire Scholarship for Artistic
Nick Thomas teaches at Auburn
University at Montgomery, Ala.,
with features, columns, and interviews in over 450 magazines and
A Valentine’s
Night Out
Why: To have fun and give Parents a Night Out to have dinner or simply relax.
When: Sat., February 14, 2015
Where: Cuddles-N-Care Day Care center
7707 Germantown Ave.
Chestnut Hill PA 19118
Phone: 215 242 3568
Time: 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Cost: $25.00 per (cash payments only) child,
each additional child(ren) is $5.00 off.
Agenda: We will be doing arts & crafts, having pizza, snacks, games, movies,
and lots of fun. MUST CALL TO REGISTER, please give child’s name
and contact phone number.
Kevin ingram
r egistered m aster P lumber
Office: 215-329-4993
Fax: 267-437-2223
to him!’”
Despite her own inhibitions,
Arthur wasn’t shy about expressing her disdain for the pompous.
“Even though she was distant,
Jean was very down to earth and
hated people putting on airs,”
Spinchorn said.
He recalls attending a reception
after a play and a woman dashing
into the room to be the first to meet
“[She] obviously thought herself
to be terribly important in the community [and] came up to Jean and
introduced herself. Quick as a
flash and completely deadpan Jean
said ‘And I’m Martha Washington!’ to which the woman had no
response. It was almost like a
Marx Brothers scene.”
With greater interest in classic
Hollywood today, Sprinchorn said
he regrets not pressing Arthur
more about her movie career.
“But she was there to do a job
and we respected her privacy.”
[email protected]
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Page 14
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
Green Party Goals for PA Electoral Reform
On Friday, January 2, the Green
Party of Philadelphia (GPOP,
www.gpop.org) requested the assistance of Governor-elect Tom
Wolf in reforming the Pennsylvania election process. Leaders of
the Green Party pointed out six reforms which would make elections more just and which would
increase the participation of eligi-
ble voters. These reforms are already common practice in other
states and cities.
Approved, January 2, 2015
The members of the City Committee of the Green Party of
Streets Dept.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Citizens who wish to drop off their trees to be recycled may take them to
the Streets Dept. Sanitation Convenience Centers which are open 8 am
to 6 pm from Monday through Saturday and located at:
· 3033 S. 63rd Street
· Domino Lane & Umbria St.
· State Road & Ashburner St.
· 2601 W. Glenwood Ave.
There will also be Christmas tree drop off sites located throughout the
city at 23 designated locations on Saturday, January 10 and 17. To find
the location nearest to you, please visit
Business Services
www.gpop.org) hold that fair elections, involving the maximum
number of citizens, are the cornerstone of a representative democracy.
The members of the GPOP City
Committee therefore request that
Governor-elect Tom Wolf approve
the following electoral reforms.
Most of these reforms have already been enacted in cities and
states around the nation. Some of
these reforms will require legislation, and some will require the cooperation of the appointed
Pennsylvania Secretary of State or
the elected County Commissions
of Pennsylvania's 67 Counties.
Open the elections to minor
Pennsylvania should change the
nomination process to allow the
candidates of minor political parties (sometimes called "third parties") to participate. A political
party should be recognized by the
Secretary of State once it has at
least 0.05 percent of the total number of voters registered in their
party. This process is used in other
States, such as Delaware. Following this model, candidates from
minor parties, like the two established parties, would have no signature requirement to have their
names placed on the November
ballot. Currently, the Voters
Choice Act (SB 195) would make
this reform happen. (That legislation was previously known as SB
End corruption in regulation of
The PA Secretary of State and
the elected County Commissioners should clean up the electoral
process. Pennsylvania's elections
should be run by non-partisan
committees: no favorites, no endorsements, no ward leaders. The
non-partisan committees that manage our elections must be free
from political influence, and committee members should not be involved in the management of
political parties.
Paper record of votes at
every polling place
The Democratic primary in
Philadelphia's Second City Council District was won in 2011 by
less than 50 votes. The losers
could not demand a re-count because our voting machines do not
have a paper record of the vote.
THIS IS WRONG. We need voting machines with a verified paper
record at each polling place.
Decent pay for polling place
Polling place officials (judge of
election, majority inspector and
minority inspector) are paid less
than minimum wage. THIS IS
WRONG. These are the people
who insure the integrity of the
electoral system and guarantee our
right to a fair and honest election.
Make sure they receive a decent,
respectable wage.
Registration and education of
new voters
Since the Pennsylvania Secretary of State is responsible for the
registration of voters, that office
should have a department with
funding to actively register and educate new voters. This department
should focus on the registration of
returning veterans, high school
seniors, college freshmen and formerly-incarcerated people.
Instant runoff voting to
achieve majority rule
In many of Pennsylvania’s primary and general elections, candidates for state and county office
win with less than fifty percent of
the vote. For example, in the Democratic primary for Philadelphia's
8th City Council District, the winning candidate in 2011 received
only 39% of the vote. The
Philadelphia City Commission declared “the winner” to be a person
who 61% of the voters had voted
against. THIS IS WRONG. We
need instant runoff voting (IRV) to
determine which candidate has the
support of a majority of the voters.
IRV is widely used by nations and
political parties around the world.
Within the U.S., IRV is used in
local elections in California,
Maine, Minnesota and Massachusetts and in leadership elections
within the Green Party.
Kristin Combs
Recording Secretary
Hillary Kane
Eric Hamell
Membership Secretary
Bernadette Cronin-Geller
At Large
Chris Robinson
At Large
for the City Committee
Green Party of Philadelphia
[email protected]
Become a Guide at the Morris Arboretum
• Breakers
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Finance All
call: 215-927-1100
Check Us Out Online at
Guides have played an active
role at the Morris Arboretum for
nearly 40 years. However,
much has changed during the
last four decades in both the
landscape and its interpretation.
The first guided tours were
leisurely walks that highlighted
interesting trees and such features as the Swan Pond and Log
Today's guides lead a wide
variety of tours for both adults
and children. The adult tours are
primarily general or garden
highlight tours, but they can be
geared towards specific topics
of interest including sculpture
in the garden, Japanese elements, or native plants. The
children's tours are most often
curriculum based, aimed at
teaching groups about trees,
pollination, and the wetland
among other topics. Guides also
welcome visitors, help plan
their visits, present guests with
topics of interest within the garden, and have even taken visitors back in time on costumed
tours of the Victorian garden.
changed quite a bit over the
years, too. In the early years,
novice guides became familiar
with the grounds by taking tours
led by experienced guides and
Paul Meyer, the Curator of the
Living Collections at the time.
To hone their skills, these new
guides would take field trips to
other cultural institutions and
gardens. Today's trainees attend
a 30 hour course given on 11
days in March. Throughout this
time, guides in training learn
about plants, the history of the
Arboretum, techniques for leading tours, and much more. Each
trainee also receives a notebook
filled with useful facts and interesting background material.
In addition, trainees gain "hands
on" experience by leading parts
of tours with current guides.
During the course, trainees are
paired with mentors, who will
support and encourage them
until they are prepared to give
tours on their own.
Guides give their time and energy to the Arboretum for many
reasons: to learn exciting new
things, to be inspired by the
beauty of Morris Arboretum,
and also to meet staff and other
volunteers who believe trees are
vitally important to everyone's
life. Our very knowledgeable
guides promote the Arboretum's
mission to their neighbors and
friends by encouraging them to
visit, volunteer and become
members. Even more importantly, guides encourage environmental stewardship in
neighborhoods near and far.
Active guides at Morris Arboretum are rewarded with
learning opportunities such as
field trips, lectures and classes,
receive exciting awards for volunteering, and make lifelong
friends. If you would like to be
a part of this actively engaged
group, please contact Liza
Hawley, Assistant Director Visitor
[email protected] or 215247-5777 x128.
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
State Crossword: Famous Trios
1. “_____ End,” retailer
6. Down Under bird
9. Obscenity
13. Hang around for
14. Bamboozle
15. Worn by some British soldiers on
ceremonial occasions
16. Gang
17. Skirt’s edge
18. Gung-ho
19. *_______, JosÈ and Luciano
21. *Athos, Porthos and ______
23. Bit of binary code
24. Again
25. Public health approver
28. To give approval in writing
30. African tree
35. Hurts
37. Kind of bean
39. *Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
meeting spot
40. Genealogist’s work
41. Sign of cancer?
43. Unit of pressure named after Torricelli
44. Wife of Abraham
46. Muscle quality
47. ____-fry
48. Type of tax
50. *They officiated LeBron, Wade and
Bosh’s games
52. “I ___ with my naked eye”
53. Test choice
55. Denouement
57. *The Good, ___ ___ and the Ugly
60. *Chico, Harpo and _______
64. Skyward
65. Female forest ruminant
67. Continental divide
68. Recorded
69. “... ___ he drove out of sight”
70. Piquant
71. “Joannie Loves Chachi” actress
72. *___, blue and yellow
73. Earl of _____
1. Nordic native
2. Military no-show
3. *Employer of Neil Armstrong, Buzz
Aldrin and Michael Collins
4. *The Bee Gees’ most popular genre
5. Beer garden mugs
6. Reverberated sound
7. *___, Curly and Larry
8. Unnerve
9. One who makes deceitful pretenses
10. *Gaspar, Balthasar and Melchior
11. Luau strings, pl.
12. Craggy peak
15. Marine trade route
20. Of or relating to deism
22. Johnny ___, nickname for a Confederate
24. Twisted Sister: “We’re not gonna
take it _______”
25. *_____, Stinky and Stretch
26. English physicist who studied quantum mechanics
27. Make aware
29. Caused by defects in uric acid metabolism
31. Cereals or grains
32. Ink stains
33. A vacation or _ ____
34. *Robin, Maurice and _____ Gibb
36. Scorch
38. Steak condiment
42. Send to a specialist, e.g.
45. Situation that is ideal for rapid development
49. ___ Gershwin
51. Alarm button
54. Bovine milk dispenser
56. Italian title, pl.
57. Ski lift
58. Arizona Indian
59. Level
60. Turned to the right, like a horse
61. British tax
62. Passionate dislike
63. December stone
64. Downed a sub, e.g.
66. Miner’s bounty
Answer on page 17
MLK Day of Service to Mobilize
125k Volunteers
The 20th Annual Martin Luther King Day of Service on January 19 is expected to mobilize more than
125,000 volunteers throughout the Delaware Valley in thousands of volunteer activities benefiting the
The signature site will be at Girard College, 2101 College Avenue in Philadelphia, as in previous years.
In addition to kick off events, other programs and activities to be featured at the Girard College site will
include aHealth and Wellness Fair, Kids Carnival, featuring stories, art activities and service opportunities
for kids ages 5-12, beginning at 9 a.m, Clothing Drives (9 a.m. to noon), led by the Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Rho Theta Omega Chapter (seasonal wraps like new hats, gloves and socks) and the Zeta Iota
Iota Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity (business attire for men). and the Book Drive, led byPhiladelphia READS for school students grades K-12.
Also featured at the College Hum Building is the 4th Annual Jobs and Opportunity Fair, 8 a.m. to 10:30
a.m. and 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., featuring opportunities to apply for jobs at local employers as well as
workshops on job readiness and job seeking. Pre-registration is required for the jobs fair by goinghere.
For more details or to register a project or volunteer for MLK Day of Service, go to http://www.mlkdayofservice.org/
Page 15 a
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Page 16
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
Arts & Culture
Germantown Jewish Centre
400 W. Ellet Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Monthly Intergenerational
Gathering of Women Sponsored
by Germantown Jewish Centre’s Women’s Club
Sunday, January 11 at 10 AM
(offsite at a home in Mt. Airy)
GJC is a "community of communities." We are seeking to develop a community of women
across the generations, from age
13-90. All those who identify as
women are welcome. We tell
stories and pass on traditions
and wisdom and share in brunch
(please let us know what you
will bring to share). This month
we will discuss: What do you
hope to be remembered for?
What difference do you want to
make in the lives of those
around you or in the wider
world? For more info and to
RSVP [email protected] or
215-844-1507 Ext 19.
Germantown Jewish Centre’s
People of the Book Group
Tuesday, Jan. 13 at 7:15 PM
GJC's book group meets
monthly and reads fiction and
non-fiction books of Jewish interest written mostly, but not
solely, by Jewish writers and
chosen by the group. For more
information, contact [email protected] or 215-844-1507 X 19.
Bizarre Talmudic Passages
with Rabbi Joshua Gutoff
6-session Adult Ed Class at
Germantown Jewish Centre
begins Jan. 13
Meets Tuesday nights at 7:30
Many know the Talmud as a
collection of profound Jewish
thought, of nuanced rabbinic argument, inspired spiritual insights. But it's also a treasury of
tales of tricksters and demons,
of lust and rage, of humor and
imagination. In this class we'll
look at some of the Talmud's
strangest tales and try to understand what they're doing in one
of our most sacred texts, and
what they tell us about the
teachers who helped create the
Judaism we recognize today.
No experience with Talmud is
required. Six Sessions: Tues
7:30-9 pm, meets on Jan 13, 20,
27: Feb 3, 10, 17. GJC Members $75 / Non-Members $100.
For more info and to RSVP
contact [email protected] or 215-8441507 Ext 19.
“The Reality of Racial Justice
Today”. 31st Annual Ralph
Granger Memorial Shabbat
at Germantown Jewish Centre. Saturday, Jan. 17 program at 1:30 PM
Join us for a panel of speakers
exploring what it means to be
black in America in this age of
Ferguson and what we can do to
work for racial justice in our
city and in our country. This annual event honors Ralph
Granger, a well-loved and respected former custodian at
GJC. Ralph was a Christian
African American who was
known for his dignity and love
for the synagogue. During his
life he served as a role model to
our community for valuing and
respecting differences in others.
The Granger Memorial Shabbat
continues to pay tribute to his
memory, while focusing on current social issues pertinent to
the larger community in which
we live. For more information,
contact [email protected] or 215-8441507 X 19.
Germantown Jewish Centre’s
Kol Zimrah (monthly musical) Service
Friday, Jan. 23 @ 6 PM
Please join us for this monthly
joyful Friday night service (generally the 4th Shabbat of the
month), followed by a wine and
cheese oneg. We welcome all
who are moved by song to participate in this service featuring
new melodies, beautiful harmonies, chanting and percussion. Everyone is welcome. For
more information contact 215844-1507, Ext. 19 orprogram@germantownjewishcentr
Israeli Dancing at Germantown Jewish Centre
Sundays at 10 AM in January
(except 1/18)
The Germantown Jewish Centre
Israeli dance group meets on
Sunday mornings throughout
the school year. Our repertoire
consists mainly of intermediate
dances, though we always begin
with easier, older dances. There
is an emphasis on instruction
and review in the earlier part of
the session. We are an informal,
friendly group, and always welcome new dancers! $5 per session. We meet each Sunday in
October. For more info contact
[email protected] or 215-844-1507 Ext
Laurel Hill Cemetery
3822 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132
Monthly Fourth Friday Tour
Series: Hot Spots and Storied
In life and in death, we all have
stories to tell. Join Laurel Hill
Cemetery for an informative
overview of Laurel Hill’s long
and colorful history, which will
include many of the marble
masterpieces, stunning views
and legendary stories that afford
the cemetery its WOW factor.
This is the perfect tour for firsttime visitors to Laurel Hill, and
anyone else who enjoys beautiful art, scenic nature and fascinating history. “Hot Spots and
Storied Plots” will be presented
monthly as part of Laurel Hill
Cemetery’s Fourth Friday tour
series, which take place on the
fourth Friday of every month at
December’s walking tour will
take place on Friday, December
26 at 10:00am, departing from
Laurel Hill Cemetery’s Gatehouse entrance at 3822 Ridge
Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
19132. Free parking is located
in the lot across the street from
the Gatehouse.
The cost is $8/person general
admission. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or in advance by phone (215) 228-8200
or online at www.thelaurelhillcemetery.org.
January 11
AVA presents Resident Artists
performing in a free concert:
3:00 PM
Helen Corning Warden Theater,
The Academy of Vocal Arts
presents a free concert of
Brahms Quartets featuring
AVA's Resident Artists. Special
Guests Anne Schoemaker,
Pamela Fay, and Robert Kahn
will also perform. The concert
will be held on January 11,
2015 in Center City. Luke
Housner is the music director of
this event. Selections include
Opus 64, 92, 112, 91, & 120.
-Reserve your seats for AllBrahms at http://ticketing.artsphilly.org/tickets/eventDetails.
aspx?id=33740&org=av .
The Resident Artists performing
in this concert are Jonas Hacker,
Hannah Ludwig, Huanhuan Ma,
Alexandra Nowakowski, Daniel
Noyola, Galeano Salas, Alexandra Schenck, Anthony Schneider, Vanessa Vasquez, and
Mackenzie Whitney. They are
joined by pianist Anne Faulker
Schoemaker and violist Pamela
Fay for 2 Songs, Opus 91. Ms.
Schoemaker and clarinetist
Robert Kahn also perform Clarinet Sonata No. 1.
Helen Corning Warden Theater
Academy of Vocal Arts
1920 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
3 Quartets, Opus 64
Vanessa Vasquez, Hannah Ludwig, Galeano Salas, Daniel
An die Heimat ("Heimat!
Der Abend ("Senke, strahlender
Fragen ("Mein liebes Herz, was
ist dir?")
4 Quartets, Opus 92
Alexandra Nowakowski,
Alexandra Schenk, Jonas
Hacker, Anthony Schneider
O schöne Nacht!
6 Quartets, Opus 112
Huanhuan Ma, Hannah Ludwig,
Mackenzie Whitney, Anthony
2 Songs, Opus 91
Hannah Ludwig, Pianist - Anne
Faulkner Schoemaker, Violist Pamela Fay
Gestillte Sehnsucht
Geistliches Wiegenlied
Clarinet Sonata No. 1, Opus
Pianist - Anne Faulkner Schoemaker, Clarinetist - Robert
Allegro appassionato
Andante un poco Adagio
Allegretto grazioso
All Month Long
Friends of the Wissahickon
Schedules December Walks in
the Park and Talks at Cedars
Enjoy January in the Wissahickon, when Friends of the
Wissahickon (FOW) Trail Ambassadors are offering free hikes
in Wissahickon Valley Park and
free talks at the Cedars House,
located at 200 Northwestern Avenue.
Trail Ambassador Walks
Registration is recommended
for all hikes so that participants
can be informed of weather or
other emergency cancellations.
Unless otherwise specified,
Trail Ambassador hikes may
use rocky, rugged trails that
may be wet and slippery. Wear
sturdy shoes or boots with
socks. Bring water and a snack
if desired. Unless otherwise
noted, children over seven years
old are welcome if accompanied by a responsible adult.
Walks are cancelled in heavy
rain. For more information or to
register, contact Sarah Marley at
[email protected]. For updates,
go to www.fow.org.
Varied Terrains of the Wissahickon Valley with Scott Quitel
Saturday, January 10, 9 a.m.
to noon
Meet at Forbidden Drive and
Bells Mill Road
Starting from our meeting spot,
at the base of the valley, we’ll
head up the forested gorge to
the open natural area known as
Houston Meadow. Discover
where a suspension bridge from
Roxborough across the gorge to
Chestnut Hill was planned but
never built. Head down along
Cathedral Run, across the Wis-
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 17 a
Arts & Culture
sahickon, up the other side of
the gorge, and to a schist barren,
upon which Tedyuscung peers
across the gorge. On the way
back, pass a bubbling cascade
that looks like a mountain
Winter Fit Hikes with May
Dominic and Erin Bendig
Sunday, Jan. 11,, 9 a.m.
Meet at Valley Green Inn
(weather permitting- check
www.fow.org for updates)
This is an approximately a 4mile hike, at a moderate to fast
pace through a variety of trails.
Some trails may be rocky
and/or slippery so sturdy hiking
shoes are a must. This is a kid
and dog-friendly (on leash, of
course) hike. The goal is to get
into the park and see what the
winter months have to offer.
Join us for these upcoming talks
at the Cedars House, 200 Northwestern Avenue, in Chestnut
Hill. For more information, contact Sarah Marley at
[email protected]
How the (North)West was
Won with Kris Soffa
Sunday, Jan. 11, 2 p.m.
Come hear the legend and lore
behind the creation of The
Upper Roxborough Historic
District. This multi-part epic has
common Wild West themes,
such as westward expansion,
gorgeous scenery, abundant
wildlife and a volunteer posse.
A community continually under
threat of development took matters into its own hands. Come
learn how grassroots advocacy
efforts paid off to protect and
preserve land worth saving.
An Artist’s View of the Wissahickon Gorge—learning to
see water and light from
Thomas Schofield with Bruce
Wagner and Maureen Flanagan
Sunday, Jan. 18, 1:30-3 p.m.
The Walter Schofield retrospective at the Woodmere Museum
has prompted interesting notions of how an artist looks at
the setting, the light, the perspective. This slide show utilizes Schofield paintings and
photographs by Bruce Wagner
and Maureen Flanagan, primarily focusing on the Wissahickon Valley, to show how
the elements of setting, light
and perspective. The goal for
the slide show is to offer insight
on how individuals can look at a
setting and respond to it with a
particular evocative image. Following the show each of us is
invited to step outside and look
differently at the Wissahickon
and to visit the Woodmere Mu-
seum to see the Schofield retrospective.
What’s Up with Wissahickon
Wildlife in Winter? with
Michael Kopena
Sunday, January 25, 2-3 p.m.
It’s not easy to stay warm and
cozy in the depths of winter.
Winter isn’t easier for our animal friends in the Wissahickon
Valley, and they don’t wear mittens or drink cocoa, though
some might fly to Florida. What
do they do when the cold wind
blows and the snow starts
falling? Come get cozy in
Cedars house and find out how
our favorite Wissahickon Valley
inhabitants manage the winter
season. Weather permitting
we’ll go on a short walk to look
for signs of activity, returning
no later than 4 p.m. Children are
welcome with a responsible
Follow FOW on Facebook and
Twitter. For more information
or to become a member, visit
Lunchbox Lecture: A Toasty
Tour for the Curious
As the days grow shorter and
the chill of the winter season
settles upon us, Laurel Hill’s 78
acres of enchanting landscape
becomes increasingly difficult
to traverse by foot. The Lunchbox Lecture series offers visitors the opportunity to tour and
explore the Cemetery from the
seated comfort of the warm indoors. Feed your curiosity and
gather around the fireplace for
the first presentation of the indoor lecture series, which will
feature an informative overview
of the Cemetery’s most historic
spots, notorious names, and
noteworthy art and architecture.
January’s lecture will take place
on Thursday, January 8 at
10:00am and guests are encouraged to bring a bagged lunch to
enjoy after the program. The
cost is $8/person general admission. Tickets may be purchased
in advance by phone (215) 2288200 or online at www.thelaurelhillcemetery.org. Advanced
reservations are requested and
seating is limited.
Upon arrival, check in at Laurel
Hill Cemetery’s Gatehouse entrance at 3822 Ridge Avenue,
Philadelphia PA 19132. Free
parking is located in the lot
across the street from the Gatehouse.
Monthly Fourth Friday Tour
Series: Hot Spots and Storied
This is the perfect tour for firsttime visitors to Laurel Hill, and
anyone else who enjoys beauti-
ful art, scenic nature and fascinating history. “Hot Spots and
Storied Plots” will be presented
monthly as part of Laurel Hill
Cemetery’s Fourth Friday tour
series, which take place on the
fourth Friday of every month at
January’s walking tour will take
place on Friday, January 23 at
10:00am, departing from Laurel
Hill Cemetery’s Gatehouse entrance at 3822 Ridge Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA 19132. Free
parking is located in the lot
across the street from the Gatehouse.
The cost is $8/person general
admission. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or in advance by phone (215) 228-8200
or online at www.thelaurelhillcemetery.org.
New 6-week sessions begin
These courses are ideal for existing or aspiring entrepreneurs
and their employees
Choose from over 45 courses in
the following categories:
* Start Your Own Business
* Accounting & Finance
* Business Communication
* Web Technology
* Management & Leadership
* Marketing & Sales
* Non-Profit & Grant Writing
Cost: $99.00 per course
Date: New sessions begin
January 21, 2015
February 18, 2015
March 18, 2015
To view the complete catalog
and to enroll, visit
For more information call:
(215) 790-WBDC (9232) or
email [email protected]
or visit www.womensbdc.org
Thursday, January 8, 2015
from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
The Women’s Business Development Center “Orientation
and Business Assessment
1315 Walnut Street
Suite 1124
Cost: Free
Pre-registration is required
For more information call:
(215) 790-WBDC (9232) or
Fax (215) 790-9231
or visit www.womensbdc.org
This workshop is designed for
women interested in starting or
growing a business.
Participants will complete a
business development survey
tool, discuss their business
needs, learn about WBDC re-
sources, and meet other women
business owners.
Page 18
January 8-21, 2015
classified Advertising
Real Estate
One Bedroom Apt.
16xx East Duval St.
Newly Renovated , Near Transportation
$700 .00 dollars monthly plus utilities
262 E Cliveden Street
Spacious layouts, updated windows, off
street parking, w/d on site, gas included!
*Ask about our move in specials! *
$725.00 +electric
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private entrance
Call 267-988-5890
Garden Style
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in Mt. Airy. Nice 1 & 2 Bedrooms
Utilities included except for electric.
Leave message for
Court Rentals.
Want to Buy Real Estate
Any Condition
Private, Professional,
Personal Services.
Call Brennan Properties
Germantown Area
64xx Musgrave St.
Spacious straight-through.
EIK, porch, more.
Call Marlene
Prudential Prime Real Estate
2xx Berkley
2-bedroom 2nd fl.
$700 plus utilities.
51xx Wakefield
1st fl, private entrance.
$650 plus utilities.
Section 8 and VA welcome.
Call 215-432-9369 _________________________________
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tiled bathroom, garbage disposal.
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$595 plus utilities
215-782-8030 EXT. 2
Gorgeous 2 bedroom Apt. 2nd floor
(Germantown Area).
Rent $675.00 per month includes
(water), first & last month's rent plus one
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Call 215-288-1615
Cash today for your home any area any
Call 267-499-6847
Classifieds: Buy, Sell, Rent,
Yard Sales, Legals Notices,
Look for Work.
Mt Airy
74xx Trouron Ave. apt for rent.
1 large bedroom 3 closets,newly renovated kitchen and bath room,washer/dryer
Stove refrigerated,dish washer, microwave available.
$750 a month plus utilities. Close to
school,shopping mall and transportation.
Call 267-736-6597
Germantown Area
Rooms for rent.
Non smoking environment.
$400 a month,
50 and older welcome.
Call 215-840-3473
Help Wanted
Busy car service needs drivers!!!! Full
time positions, flexible hours. Must be
over 25 with clean driving record.
Call 215-333-3333
Church Programs
Sanctuary of Praise and
Worship International
26 W. Queen Lane, Philadelphia
215-843-9030 or 215-843-9031
Service Line Up
Sunday Morning
Worship Experience: 10: 00
Tuesday Prayer
12:00 Noon
Wednesday Night Prayer
& Bible Study 6:45
Friday Night Youth Explosion
Every Other Friday
Legal Notice
Notice: 2014-2015 Germantown Special
Services District Board of Directors will
meet as outlined below. All meetings will
be held at The Flying Horse, 5534 Pulaski
Ave, Philadelphia unless otherwise indicated. The public is invited to attend.
Friday, October 17, 8:30AM
Tuesday, November 11, Annual Meeting,
6PM @ Treasure's at 5549 Germantown
Friday, December 12, 8:30AM
Tuesday, January 13, 8:30AM
Friday, February 13, 8:30AM
Tuesday, March 10, 8:30AM
Friday, April 10, 8:30AM
Tuesday, May 12, 8:30AM
Friday, June 12, 8:30AM
(Also: paintings, crafts, coins,
gold, oriental rugs,
dolls, pottery,
clocks & jewelry)
We Buy The Unusual!
Call Tyler’s at
215-920-7310 (cell) or
215-844-9272 (store
Money Club
Monday, January 5, 2015
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
until Monday, January 26, 2015
Do You Want to Learn How To
Manage your Money? Join the
Smart Money Club
Join in on the month long series, the Smart Money Club. It
will be held every Monday in
the month of January on the 5th,
12th and 26th and will set a
trend for all other topics
through out the month of Mondays.
In just five weeks, members
will become well versed in financial matters:
The ins and outs of budgeting,
banking, credit and loans
How to keep money safe
How to recover from financial losses
How to pay yourself first
Steps to homeownership and
from 5:30PM to 7:30PM
Pleasant Playground
and Recreation Center
6729 Chew Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Corporation Notice
Nonprofit Corporation Notice is hereby
given that Articles of Incorporation have
been filed in the Department of State of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. (1) The name of the
corporation is: Village Acupuncture Project.
(2) The corporation has been incorporated
under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of
1988. (3) The corporation is incorporated
for the purpose of improving patients' quality of life by providing substantial support
for their health, including the relief of pain,
through affordable acupuncture and Chinese herbal services. (4) the corporation's
Articles of Incorporation were filed on October 6, 2014.
At Vox Populi
Stop by on Friday, Jan. 9 from
6 -10 pm for the opening of
Surf Club, curated by the Vox
artist membership. In Fourth
Wall, Chiara No presents
On Jan. 23 from 7.00 pm, Vox
will host a lecture by Marisa
Olson, on the history and contemporary landscape of artist
'surf clubs' on the web.
A gallery talk will take place
on January 25th from 3.00 pm,
moderated by Bree Pickering.
For detailed information on
these exhibitions, artists, and
for January programming in
AUX Performance Space, visit
their website, http://voxpopuligallery.org/
The Independent Voice
If You Think It's an
Emergency, Go to the
Emergency Room
By Michael Gerardi
Pop quiz: if you're having chest pains, should you go to an urgent
care center or the emergency room?
The answer should be obvious. Yet according to a new poll, patients suffering from real medical emergencies like this one are not
heading to the ER.
Seven in 10 emergency physicians treat patients who end up in
the ER only after first going to urgent care centers -- and learning
that their medical problems were too serious to be treated there.
As urgent care centers explode in popularity, it's critical that
Americans understand the difference between urgent care and
emergency care. Choosing an urgent care center over an ER during
a medical emergency could cost a patient his life.
There are currently some 9,000 urgent care centers nationwide.
These facilities fill an important gap in the health care system for
patients who need time-sensitive care but can't wait to see a primary care physician or don't have one.
Urgent care centers are often open on weekends and evenings,
in addition to normal business hours. Most don't require appointments. They're generally able to provide routine treatment for simple health problems, such as ear infections, strep throat, or sprains,
on a first-come, first-served basis. And they often have on-site Xray machines to diagnose simple fractures.
Emergency departments, on the other hand, are always open and
ready for whatever comes through the door. The sickest patients
in an ER generally go to the head of the line.
Some emergency conditions are more obvious than others. Most
people would not hesitate to go to the ER for a gunshot wound, for
But something like slurred speech also requires a trip to the emergency room. It’s a symptom of stroke, which can kill 2 million
brain cells a minute. Delaying treatment by even minutes can be
the difference between a full recovery and death.
Patients may not think that their condition screams "emergency."
But even fairly benign symptoms can be warning signs of a lifethreatening condition.
Consider abdominal pain. Perhaps it's just an intestinal virus. But
it could be a ruptured bowel, which requires emergency, life-saving
surgery. It’s an emergency physician’s job -- not a patient’s -- to
know the difference. And these emergencies can only be managed
at one place -- the emergency department.
Part of the problem is that patients are misinformed about the
role of urgent care centers. Consumers are often swayed by their
relatively low prices and marketing. Indeed, more than half of ER
physicians say that urgent care centers in their communities advertise themselves as an alternative to emergency rooms.
Take Nason Medical Center, which offers urgent care services
in South Carolina. It was recently ordered by the state's Department
of Health and Environmental Control to stop using the word "emergency" to advertise itself because it confuses patients.
Such intervention by government officials is valid, considering
that misinformation can put patients at risk. BroMenn Medical
Center in Chicago has reported that since last August, five patients
have come to the ER with heart attacks -- after first seeking care
elsewhere for their chest pains.
Patients can't be expected to diagnose themselves. Those with
the symptoms of a medical emergency should go to the emergency
department. Delaying critical care by going to the wrong medical
facility might make the difference between life and death.
Michael Gerardi, M.D., is president of the American College of
Emergency Physicians.
Warning signs of a medical emergency:
Symptoms of childhood emergencies:
The Independent Voice
January 8-21, 2015
Page 19 a
And the Word Is ... at the Gershman Y
Contemporary Art Exhibition Inspired by Sacred Texts
The Gershman Y kicks off the
new year with the art exhibition
And the Word Is…, running January 22-May 14. And the Word
Is… explores the use of religious
text in contemporary art, from the
straightforward to the ironic.
Bringing together artists from
across the country, the exhibition
will display Sandow Birk’s work
from his American Qur’an series,
a sculptural work with Hebrew
and English text from Leviticus
by Johanna Bresnick and Michael
Cloud Hirschfeld, detailed textbased drawings by Martin Brief,
Braille-based sculptures connected to well-known Bible parables by Philadelphian David
Stephens, Carole P. Kunstadt’s
work drawing from the Hebrew
Bible, local artist Nicholas Kripal’s installation of one of his
word-based floor pieces, and
Philadelphian Stephanie Kirk’s
documentation of the changing
messages found on religious
Admission to the exhibition is
free. The gallery is open Monday
through Saturday, 9 AM-5 PM
and Sundays from 9 AM-2 PM.
There will be a free Opening Reception on Thursday, January 22
from 6-8 PM.
Sandow Birk is a multi-media
artist concerned with themes of
contemporary American life. His
work is in the collections of the
Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; Los Angeles
County Museum of Art; and The
Library of Congress, Washington,
DC, and has been featured in exhibitions at the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, CA; The
Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh; the School of the Art Institute of Chicago; and Heidelberger
Kunstverein, in Heidelberg, Germany.
Johanna Bresnick is a conceptual sculptor based in New
Haven, CT. Bresnick received an
MFA from the University of Illinois in Chicago. Her works have
been exhibited at the Museum of
Modern Art in New York; the
Contemporary Jewish Museum in
San Francisco; the Jewish Museum in NYC; the Rose Museum
at Brandeis University in
Waltham, MA; the Museum of
Contemporary Art in Chicago;
and at the John Slade Ely House
in New Haven, CT.
Michael Cloud Hirschfeld is a
three-dimensional artist exploring
themes of morality and the sacred
through linguistic communication. His work has been included
in exhibitions at the San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum and the Museum of Modern
Art in New York.
Martin Brief, an artist and professor of Studio Art at Saint Louis
University, creates conceptual
drawings that explore language
using material collected from a
variety of print and media
sources. His Amazon God series
is comprised of ink prints, each
containing a list of handwritten
book titles with the word “God”
in the title collected from a search
on Amazon.com.
In her church signage series,
local photographer Stephanie
Kirk addresses the textual declarations of religious public signage
posted in the front of churches.
These signs aim to alert people to
the need to attend church and the
significance of religion in our
lives. Kirk’s work has been
widely exhibited, including at the
Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts; Colourworks Photo
Space in Wilmington, DE; the International Center of Photography, NY; the Center for Fine Art
Photography in Colorado; the
Brooklyn Waterfront Artists
Coalition, Brooklyn, NY; PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT;
Delaware Museum of Art, Wilmington, DE; Photographic Center
Northwest, Seattle, WA; and
Muse Gallery in Philadelphia, PA.
Nicholas Kripal, based in
Philadelphia, is Chair of the
Crafts Department at Temple
University’s Tyler School of Art.
His work features themes of religious rites and iconography. Kripal has received a Pew
Foundation grant and a Pollack
Krasner award.
Carole P. Kunstadt’s art has
been displayed in exhibitions at
the Museum of Biblical Art, New
York, NY; the Joseloff Gallery,
Hartford Art School, Hartford,
CT; the Museum of Arts & Design, New York, NY; the
Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE;
Center for the Arts Gallery, Towson University; and the Canadian
Bookbinders and Book Artists
Guild, Calgary, Alberta. Kunstadt
has been featured in Transforming the Sacred, a mini-documentary by PBS and Off Book.
Several collections contain her
David Stephens is a local abstract artist working in mixed
media. Informed by his loss of
sight ten years ago, Stephens creates abstract wood constructions
with paraphrases from the Bible
carved in Braille along their surfaces. His work has been shown
extensively, including at the
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam;
the Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Washington, DC; the Johnson
Museum of Art, Cornell University; and the University of Pennsylvania. His work is featured in
the collections of the Slought
Foundation, the Corcoran Gallery
of Art, and Howard University.
The Gershman Y will host two
programs and two artist lectures
related to the And The Word Is…
exhibition. Shelley Cohney, an
acclaimed lecturer on food and
Jewish history at the Jewish Museum of Australia and at Melbourne’s
Institute for Culinary Arts, reveals
what Jews in biblical times ate
and how they viewed the Land of
Israel in Milk and Honey and
Other Biblical Smoothies on
Wednesday, February 4 at 7 PM.
Using biblical and historical
sources, Cohney explores why
the Israelites may not have
wanted to settle in the Land of Israel and examines the origins of
the “seven species” of Israel and
their connection to cult practices
that still impact Jewish ritual
The Gershman Y is a vibrant arts
and culture center located in Center City Philadelphia on the Avenue of the Arts. Committed to
sharing the diversity and breadth
of the Jewish experience, The
Gershman Y welcomes people of
all ethnic backgrounds and religious affiliations to explore, participate, and contribute to our rich
roster of Jewish arts and cultural
programs and community initiatives.
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Page 20
January 8-21, 2015
The Independent Voice
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