THE EPISTLE January 2015 ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH VINCENNES, INDIANA Message from Bishop Gafkjen Inside This Issue December 2014 Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this! [Good Christian Friends, Rejoice; ELW 288, LBW 55] Oddly, this refrain from a sprightly medieval Christmas hymn came to mind in mid-November as I watched, through tear-blurred eyes, the press conference of Ed and Paula Kassig, the parents of Peter Abdul-Rahman Kassig, after they learned of his brutal murder by ISIS. The press conference was held in the narthex of the family’s United Methodist church in Indianapolis. “Our hearts are battered,” Paula said, “but they will mend. The world is broken, but it will be healed in the end. And good will prevail as the one God of many names will prevail.” “Please,” Ed asked, “allow our family the time and privacy to mourn, to Bishop William O. Gafkjen cry – and yes, to forgive – and begin to heal.” Battered…will mend. Broken…will be healed. Allow us the time…to forgive. God will prevail. Unexpectedly, oddly, my heart began to sing, quietly, slowly, barely audible in my own heart: Christ was born for this. Christ was born for this. One commentator on this hymn has said that its “catchy melody bounces along in a triple rhythm that is easily sung and danced.”i There was neither singing nor dancing when it came to my mind. It was more like the voices of the Kassigs, weary, broken, trusting, hopeful: Christ was born for this, even this, especially this. Christ will not let this deep brokenness, this savage evil, this unbearable pain have the last word. It will take time, but we will be healed, we will forgive; the world will mend, God will prevail. Christ was born for this. One of the unusual traits this hymn has picked up as it has echoed its way to us from the 14th century is a brief, strange mid-verse change in meter.ii In some versions (preserved, for example, in some United Methodist hymnals), the phrase “News! News!” is inserted before the refrain in each verse. So, verse two of the hymn reads like this: Good Christian friends, rejoice with heart and soul and voice; Now ye hear of endless bliss: News! News! Jesus Christ was born for this! He has opened heaven’s door… This odd interruption reminds me of a newsboy standing on an old, cold December street corner holding up the special edition newspaper just released, beckoning to all who pass by, “News! News!” Perhaps a contemporary image of this might be those intrusive pop-ups that appear on our computer screens to let us know that an important email message or news report has arrived and demands our attention. As we move through the challenges of our days, Advent and Christmas interrupt our rhythm, break our stride, and disrupt the doldrums of our days with the cry: News! News! Christ was born for this! The tinsel, bright lights, and beautiful wrappings of this season cry out, too, with the good news that all our struggles, pain, anguish, doubts, fears, and most desperate aching for peace and joy, forgiveness and new life find their home in the manger, in the child of Bethlehem who enters deeply into this troubled world to break its stride by rising from the tomb. I can hardly wait to sing this wonderful hymn this Christmastide. Thanks to the Kassigs, it might even move me to dance (or at least to sway a bit; I am Scandinavian, after all), resting the world and my own travails in the sure and certain promises that come wrapped in swaddling clothes. Christ was born for this! +Bishop Bill Gafkjen i Paul Westermeyer, quoted at ii Loaves and Fishes 2 Special Days in Janu- 2 Praying the Psalms 2 2014 Flower Chart 2 I Can Do That Forms 2 Church Directory 2 Financial Report— 3 Season of Epiphany 4 Rainbow Jar 4 Prayer Journal 4 Looking Ahead 5 I Can Do That I Can Do That forms are now being collated and we’ll begin using them in February. However, if you have not turned one in yet, it’s not too late! Please get it to the church office as soon as you can. We would love to have your participation!! Loaves and Fishes Thursday, January 8 See details inside on page 2 Praying the Psalms at the Parsonage Tuesday, January 27 See details inside on page 2 January 2015 Page 2 LOAVES AND FISHES—JANUARY 25TH Loaves and Fishes will be served at Bowman Terrace Thursday, January 8th beginning at 5:30 pm If you would like to help or donate fruit or a dessert of your choice, please contact Annie Prout at 812-899-6167. Please prepare a “new recipe” for a new year to share at the meal with the group. Pastor will provide drinks. Flower Chart for 2015 now posted Special days in January The 2015 Flower Chart has been posted in the Narthex (by the front church doors). We hope you’ll sign up soon to donate altar flowers throughout the year in memory of, or in celebration of friends or loved ones. Birthdays 9 11 18 19 29 30 31 AND “NEW PECIPE” MEAL WITH PASTOR NAN AT THE PARSONAGE Tuesday, January 27th At the Parsonage 5:30 pm Thursday, January 8th Bowman Terrace 5:30 pm 5 PRAYING THE PSALMS—JANUARY 28TH Heather Schmeling Kirsten Schmeling Stead Erie Coe Lee Noble Genna Pesch Kurt Roesler Holly Dagney Katie Kotter Pete Slowik I Can Do That forms I Can Do That forms are now being collated and we’ll begin using them in February, 2015. If you have not turned one in yet, it’s not too late! Please get it to the church office as soon as you can—we would love to have your participation! Church Directory Changes Anniversaries 3 4 6 13 22 23 28 Bill Rump—please use e-mail address Pastor Nan Dehnke –Baptism Chad Covey—Baptism Frank Anthony Baracani—Baptism Amanda Shelly—Baptism Nicholas Stull—Baptism Jake Personett—Baptism Eric Cameron—Baptism [email protected] Jon Hillenbrand—change cell phone number to (812) 881-1911 Prayer chain contacts Sunday School Cancelled on Jan 4 th Sunday School will be cancelled on January 4th due to holiday travel and school breaks. Peggy Adams Becky Blagrave Sue Mahrenholz Mary Lou Reitmeyer 885-0085 890-1358 890-2096 887-4988 January 2015 Page 3 SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE SPECIAL PEOPLE! Special thanks go out to Our cantors, Janet Day and Elizabeth Brochin. All the dedicated Sunday School teachers from the past year All who gave so generously to the Giving Tree so that we might help provide for the needs of those staying in the two new LAM houses for men and women and the blanket bundles for CASA. Those who shared their special musical talents—Denise Hendrix, Jana Yochum, Pam Stewart and the all the wonderful choir singers and bell ringers who took part in our very meaningful and beautiful Christmas Cantata. Discipleship in Action World Hunger Offering Announced A big thank you to our youth leadership for taking the responsibility for they Youth Led Advent Service on Sunday, December 14th. All participants did a good job in leading the service. Many thanks to all who raised $535.40 to be sent to the many people throughout the world who are without adequate food and clean water. ________________________________ ________________________ Our appreciation goes out to the décor and planning committee for all the extra effort which went into producing such a beautiful Cantata and Christmas Eve Services. ________________________________ Of course we want to thank all those who helped to plan and coordinate the Advent Services. A tremendous job was done as always. Are you Interested in becoming a new member of St. Paul’s congregation? See Pastor Nan! St. Paul’s financial report, November 2014 11 Month Year-to-Date Budget Year-to-Date $10,377.35 $10,181.51 $195.84 $98,191.90 $104,718.10 ($6,526.20) $108,556.25 $108,556.25 $0.00 ($10,364.35) ($3,838.15) ($6,526.20) Building Fund Receipts Mission Support Receipts $258.00 $518.00 $3,428.50 $5,397.50 $4,583.33 $5,729.17 ($1,154.83) ($331.67) Current Fund Balance Dec-13 $45,095.05 Nov-14 $38,347.18 2014 Current Fund Offering/Total Receipts Current Fund Expenses Gain/(Loss) November Actual Variance January 2015 Page 4 The Season of Epiphany On the day of Epiphany, January 6th, the church celebrates the revelation of Christ to all nations as represented by the magi (wise men) who come to worship Jesus. The church calendar recognizes the season of Epiphany from January 6th until the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, which is celebrated as the Transfiguration of our Lord. Colors and Symbols of the Season Principle themes The revelation of Christ to all nations Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan Christ as the light of the world The public ministry of Jesus Christ, including Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine a the wedding at Cana Growth in a Christian’s baptized identity is used in the Season of Epiphany beginning with the second week after the Epiphany until the week before the Transfiguration of our Lord is celebrated. White, a color associated with the festivals of Christ and suggesting gladness, joy, and light for the day of Epiphany when the Baptism of our Lord is celebrated, the last week of the season of Epiphany when the Transfiguration of our Lord is celebrated. Stars are a traditional symbol of the festival of Epiphany. During this season of the church year, we especially encourage all the members of our church family to use the gifts God has given them in service to others. Our hands and feet reveal the light of Christ in the world. Green, the color used for times when festival or penitential colors are not appropriate. Green is reminiscent of living plants and suggests spiritual growth. Green is Hope you are enjoying readingJesus: A Pilgrimage February Epistle items Needed —due by Jan 10th Pastor Nan is looking forward to the 2 discussion sessions planned to be host- Items or articles for the February issue of the Epistle will be due into the Church Office by ed at the parsonage in February. Saturday January 10th. —————————————— Rainbow Jar—Social Ministry Special Project for January In January, we encourage donations to our Rainbow Jar on the table in the Narthex (by the front doors of the church). These donations are used to assist families and members of St. Paul’s. If you have a need, please see Pastor Nan for a confidential conversation about those needs—don’t hesitate, please come and share your needs. Prayer Journal The Prayer Journal is located near the main entry door of our Sanctuary. Please write any prayer requests in the journal and Pastor will lift these petitions during Sunday morning Worship. January 2015 Page 5 Looking Ahead—in the Month of January SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS We will begin having small group discussions on same-sex blessings and marriages starting in February. These discussions will be run by 2 council members who will be contacting you sometime in early February to set up times. We will try to make the groups 6-10 people so everybody has plenty of time to be heard. The first session will be primarily listening to people’s experiences, hopes, and fears on the topic. These discussions will not be debates, but a time to listen to all members thoughts on this difficult topic. We will follow the 4 step approach laid out by the Bishop when he came to council. There is no agenda or timetable for our congregation to come to a final decision. We hope everyone will participate in these discussions and help us chart a path for the future of our congregation that is best for us. Sincerely, Mike Hidde – Council President Matthew 2 The Message (MSG) Wise Men from the East 2 After Jesus was born in Bethle1-2 hem village, Judah territory— this was during Herod’s kingship—a band of wise men arrived in Jerusalem from the East. They asked around, “Where can we find and pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews? We observed a star in the eastern sky that signaled his birth. We’re on pilgrimage to worship him.” So what star are you following on your journey in Epiphany with Jesus? Page 8 January 2015 S T P AU L ’ S L U T H E R AN C H U R C H V I N C E N N E S , I N D I AN A 925 Broadway Street Vincennes, Indiana 47591 Pastor: Nan Dehnke Phone: 812.882.6028 E-mail: [email protected] (Pastor) [email protected] (Secretary) Website: Celebrate Faith and Grow in Discipleship! St. Paul’s Mission Statement Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church is a Word and Sacrament community. We strive to be faithful, prayerful, loving Christians dedicated to serving God and his creation in joyful response to his gift of redemptive love.
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