Investment Funds to ISA (Stocks and Shares) 2014/2015 Tax Year ADVISED Explicit Pricing The disclosure documentation applicable to this transaction is 0 2 1 4 A E This form is to be used for Advised clients only, on Explicit Pricing. This application form is used to subscribe to a stocks and shares ISA with Cofunds. By completing this application, you agree to subscribe to a 2014/2015 tax year Stocks and Shares ISA and each subsequent year until further notice. You are not obliged to invest in subsequent tax years unless you choose to do so. Please note: the investment service of this application form needs to match the investment service of the account your ISA is held in. The ISA allowance for all investors is £15,000 for the 2014/2015 tax year. Please complete this application form using black ink and BLOCK CAPITALS and return to: Cofunds Limited, PO Box 1103, Chelmsford CM99 2XY 1 Adviser Details (For adviser use only) You will require a Cofunds Authorisation Code before being able to transact business. If you do not include this we will not be able to process this application. Please note: our system will be updated to link the client to this Intermediary Authorisation Code. Cofunds Intermediary Authorisation Code Adviser’s client/deal ref. 1A. CONFIRMATION OF VERIFICATION OF IDENTITY (PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS) Confirmation of Verification of Identity - Declaration by directly authorised firm. Who has been verified? Full name I/We confirm that: a)The name, address and Date of Birth information contained in this application was obtained by me/us in relation to the customer(s); b)The evidence I/we have obtained to verify the identity of the customer(s): (Tick one box only) Meets the standard evidence set out within the guidance for the UK financial sector issued by the JMLSG; or Exceeds the standard evidence - where the client is a Politically Exposed Person (written details of the further verification evidence taken are attached to this application). Explanatory notes: 1. The party that you have verified the identity of must be named above. 2.This confirmation cannot be used to verify the identity of any customer that falls into one of the following categories: • Those who are exempt from verification as being an existing client of the introducing firm prior to the introduction of the requirement for such verification; • Those whose identity has not been verified by virtue of the application of a permitted exemption under the Money Laundering regulations; or hose whose identity has been verified using the source of funds as evidence. •T 3.This confirmation must carry an original signature as part of the application. 1B. CONFIRMATION OF VERIFICATION OF BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS I/We confirm that: The Sort Code, Bank Account Number and Account Name within the Nominated Bank Account section was obtained and verified by me/us in relation to the customer(s) below. 1C. ADVISER CONFIRMATION Full name of regulated firm Signed FCA ref no. Name Date Position 2 Personal Details (Please complete this section in full) Designation (if applicable) Existing Cofunds Client Reference I have received advice from a financial adviser in relation to this investment. Current permanent residential address Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other Surname Full first name(s) MaleFemale National Insurance Number Postcode /_ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _ /_ _ /_ _ /_ _ / _ Date of Birth _ _ D D M M Y Y Y Y Time at this address yrs mths If at current address for less than two years, please supply previous address and time there You should be able to find your NI number on a payslip, form P45 or P60, a letter from HM Revenue & Customs, a letter from the DWP, or pension order book. If you do NOT have a National Insurance Number, please tick here Please read the following sentence and confirm by ticking the box if applicable. If you can’t confirm and tick the box, please complete the Individual FATCA Self-Certification Form that can be found in the Document Centre via the Cofunds website. I confirm that I am solely UK resident for tax purposes and not a US citizen Postcode Time at this address yrs mths If more than one previous address in the last two years, please provide full details including the time at each address on a separate sheet of paper and staple securely to this application form. Page 1 of 4 Clear Form 2 Personal Details (Continued) 2A THIRD PARTY OR JOINT HOLDER WITHDRAWAL DETAILS (PLEASE COMPLETE IF RELEVANT) Please complete this section if the person funding all or part of this investment is not the ISA applicant listed in Section 2. Existing Cofunds Client Reference Current permanent residential address Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other Surname Postcode Full first name(s) Date of Birth _ _ D D /_ _ /_ _ _ _ M 3 Segmentation M Y Y Y Y (For adviser use only) Only complete this section if the client is not currently segmented or if you wish to change their segment. All clients trading through Cofunds must be assigned to a segment. Please enter the FULL name of the segment as known by Cofunds using BLOCK CAPITALS We will update your client’s segment to the one entered above. Please note: if you change your client’s segment this may alter the fee model your client is assigned to. If the chosen segment has a Fund Sale Instruction applied your client must be made aware of this. If your client has a model portfolio you must also explain the model portfolio sell down process to them. Should you wish to take a fee, please ensure that the applicable fee model is assigned to the segment entered. Please note: we can’t pay out fees until we receive your client’s affirmation that they have agreed to the fee by completing Section 11 of this form. 4 Nominated Bank Account Complete this section if you have not provided us with your nominated bank account details. If you are an existing customer, only complete this section if you would like to change your nominated bank account details. Any change to your nominated bank account will not be applied to your regular monthly investments. You can only have one nominated bank account at any given time. Branch Sort Code Name of account holder – Bank or Building Society name and address – Bank/Building Society Account Number Building Society Roll Number Postcode 5 Withdrawal Authorisation (All holders mentioned in Section 2A MUST complete this section) If you are a single holder (primary only) and there are no joint holders for this investment, then you do not need to complete this section. Signing the declaration in Section 12 will constitute your authorisation to withdraw. I authorise Cofunds to withdraw on my behalf and reinvest into a current year ISA as indicated in Section 6. Surname Surname Full first name(s) Full first name(s) Primary holder signature Date Third holder signature Surname Surname Full first name(s) Full first name(s) Secondary holder signature Date Fourth holder signature Page 2 of 4 Date Date Clear Form 6 Withdrawal Details (Investment funds) Please indicate the choice of funds you wish to sell. Please note: this form should not be used to fulfil any additional withdrawal instructions. If you do not indicate how your investment(s) should be withdrawn, we will automatically withdraw proportionately across your investment funds. This will maintain your current fund percentage. Please enter the cash amount to be withdrawn from your investment fund holding Fund(s) to be sold Fund manager, fund name and share class £ * % to be Continue Sold of cash Tick if you want Cash monthly saving to sell all amount*(Y/N) amount above Please note: we cannot guarantee the exact amount that your deal will realise, which may result in over/under payment in respect of the withdrawal amount you require. Please refer to Section 9 for more details. If you are subscribing by monthly Direct Debit to the fund(s) that you have selected to sell, please specify whether you wish to continue subscribing to these fund(s). *Cofunds will sell units plus an additional 5%. The extra 5% is in case unit prices go down between when we calculate the units to sell, and when they are actually sold. Please tick this box if you would not like us to include an additional 5%. The withdrawal and investment selection will be actioned in the same tax year unless you tick this box. If you tick this box please provide a cover note with instruction. 7 Investment Selection Minimum investment £1,000 per fund (lump sum). For further details about the available funds, please refer to the Key Investor Information Documents (KIID) and/or Fund Key Features Document. A copy of the KIID can be found via the following link: Please note: your total ISA subscription for each tax year must not exceed your ISA allowance. Please ensure the funds are available through Cofunds. You can only choose commission-free share class funds. If you do not indicate the share class, we’ll select the commission-free share class fund, where available. Please note: if your adviser has agreed exclusive share classes with a Fund Manager for your selected funds, we’ll always invest in that exclusive share class and not the share class you’ve selected below. Please tick this box if you would like to invest proportionally into the investment ISA within the same funds as stated in Section 6. Please invest no more than £ in total. Type of unit/share (delete as appropriate)* Fund manager, fund name and share class (example) World Equity A Fund OR Cash amount % to be invested N/A % £ ACC/INC % £ ACC/INC % £ ACC/INC % £ ACC/INC % £ ACC/INC % £ ACC/INC % £ % £ 100% £ CASH RESERVE† Total *ACC/INC If you do not specify ACC or INC in this column, and do not complete Section 8, Cofunds will invest into accumulation units/shares where available. †Cash Reserve Please note: this will be included as part of your ISA allowance and not placed into your cash account. 8 Income Complete this section if you have requested income units/shares (‘INC’). The option you choose will be applied to all income units/shares you hold within this product unless ‘Retain in fund’ is selected. Please note: if you are taking regular withdrawals from your cash account you may only select the ‘Cofunds Cash Account’ or ‘Retain in fund’ options. If you have selected the option to ‘Retain in fund’ this will only be applied to the commission-free share class funds you hold, any commission-included share class funds you hold will continue to pay income in accordance with your previous instruction. Consolidated monthly income Income generated from your investment funds will be consolidated into your cash account and paid to your nominated bank account on a monthly basis. Cofunds Cash Account Income generated will be paid into your cash account to be held on platform for withdrawals or future investment. Retain in fund Income generated from this investment will be retained in the fund. If you do not already hold income units/shares within this product and you do not tick one of these boxes we will select the ‘Retain in fund’ option by default. If you already hold income units/shares within this product and you do not tick one of these boxes we will apply your existing income option. Page 3 of 4 Clear Form 9 Product Please indicate which of your products you wish your choice in Section 8 to apply to by ticking the relevant box. Please note: ISA refers to all ISA products held (including ex Mini and ex PEP). Investment Funds ISA Both If you do not choose an option here, then we will apply the chosen income option to all products held as outlined in Section 8. 10 Excess Balances (If applicable) Transferring your investment funds holdings into an ISA may result in an excess balance. The value of your investment fund holding may change between the time you complete this form and the deal being placed. This is due to daily price movements. We will automatically reinvest any excess balance from your withdrawal into the highest value commission-free share class fund within your investment holding. Please note: any excess balance from a third party/joint holder withdrawal will be paid into the third party/joint holder investment holding. If you would like your excess balance deposited into your Cofunds Cash Account, please specify using the tick box below. Please pay any excess balances into my Cofunds Cash Account. We will apply this option as a default if no commission-free share class funds are held within your investment holding. Please note: any excess balance from a third party/joint holder withdrawal will be paid into the third party/joint holder cash account. 11 One-off Advice Fee Payment (For adviser use only) To avoid duplication, please do not enter this one-off fee on any other application form. Fee will be deducted from your Cofunds Cash Account. Fee will be paid from the same Platform Account Reference as this investment instruction. If you wish to pay the fee from a different Platform Account Reference please state below. Pay from Platform Account Reference: A Date of advice Amount of fee (monetary amount) £ Percentage of fee VAT applicable to % Amount of VAT £ Total fee £ 12 Declaration and Authorisation (As per client mentioned in Section 2) I declare that: All investment subscriptions made now and in the future belong to me. I am aged 18 years or over. I have not subscribed and will not subscribe to more than my overall subscription allowance in total to a cash ISA and a stocks and shares ISA in the same tax year. I have not subscribed and will not subscribe to another stocks and shares ISA in the same tax year that I subscribe to this stocks and shares ISA. I am resident in the United Kingdom for tax purposes, or, if not so resident, either perform duties which, by virtue of Section 28 of Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003 (Crown employees serving overseas), are treated as being performed in the United Kingdom, or I am married to or in a civil partnership with a person who performs such duties. I will inform Cofunds Limited if I cease to be so resident or to perform such duties, or be married to or in a civil partnership with a person who performs such duties. I authorise Cofunds Limited to: Hold my cash subscription, ISA investments, interest, dividends and any other rights or proceeds in respect of those investments and any other cash. Make on my behalf any claims to relief from tax in respect of my ISA investments. I confirm that: I have viewed the Terms and Conditions of the Cofunds Platform (Advised Explicit Pricing) and by signing this application form I agree to be bound by them. I have viewed the relevant product Key Features and fund specific information and/or Key Investor Information Documents (KIID) relating to my investment. A copy of the KIID can be found via the following link: I understand that there are fees (the Cofunds Platform Charges) for the use of Cofunds services. I authorise Cofunds to collect these fees from my Cofunds Cash Account. If there is insufficient money in my account, I authorise Cofunds to sell enough of my platform assets to pay these fees in accordance with the ‘Our Charges’ section of the Terms and Conditions of the Cofunds Platform (Advised Explicit Pricing). I understand that the Terms and Conditions of the Cofunds Platform (Advised Explicit Pricing) are the standard terms upon which Cofunds intends to rely, and it is important that I read and understand the terms before agreeing to be bound by them. If there is any term or point I do not understand or do not wish to be bound by, I understand that I can request further information before signing this application. I understand that my signed application form (once accepted by Cofunds) together with the Terms and Conditions of the Cofunds Platform (Advised Explicit Pricing) form my customer agreement with Cofunds Limited. I understand that the commencement of my ISA may be delayed or rejected if this application form is not complete in all respects. You may undertake a search with a reference agency for the purposes of verifying my identity. To do so, the reference agency may check the details I supply against any particulars on any database (public or otherwise) to which they have access. They may also use my details in the future to assist other companies for verification purposes. A record of the search will be retained as an identity search. I declare that the information contained in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and accept that if the fund(s) selected in this form are not available to my adviser, Cofunds will automatically select a comparable fund available to my adviser when processing my application. I understand and accept that I am entitled to cancel my application in accordance with the Key Features applicable to the product I am investing in and that if I chose to cancel my application, my investment shall be subject to market movement during the period from the date when my application is processed to the date my investment is sold. Fund Sale Instruction I confirm that my adviser has explained to me whether a Fund Sale Instruction applies to the segment linked to my investment. If a Fund Sale Instruction applies to the segment linked to my investment, I accept and agree that funds will be sold to settle any outstanding fees and charges which have accrued prior to this date and all fees and charges payable hereafter. I understand and accept that this may result in commission-included share class funds being sold to cover the fees and charges. Data Protection Cofunds Limited is a registered Data Controller and a fully owned subsidiary of Legal & General Group Plc. Cofunds Limited will use your information for the administration and servicing of your investments and all other related activities. We may disclose your information to other companies within the Legal & General group of companies, future owners of our business, and suppliers we engage to process data on our behalf for these purposes. We may also disclose your information to organisations for compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. With the exception of the above provisions, we will not pass on your details to any other third party without your permission, but we will disclose information concerning your investment to your nominated adviser. Cofunds may transfer your information to countries outside of the EEA for the administration and servicing of your investments. In such cases, contracts will be put in place to ensure that the service providers protect your information in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act or any legislation that may be enacted to replace that Act. If you require a Fund prospectus, please contact your adviser or Fund/Plan Manager directly. If you wish to attend/vote at unit holder or shareholder meetings, please tick this box If you wish to receive reports and accounts, you can download them free of charge at: If you wish to receive paper copies of reports and accounts please speak to your adviser. You can also request to receive paper copies of reports and accounts by writing to us at Cofunds Limited, PO Box 1103, Chelmsford CM99 2XY. We will apply a £20 administration charge per fund for each request to attend/vote at unit holder and shareholder meetings, and for each request to receive paper copies. Signature Date Please note: this form will be returned if it’s not signed and dated. 13 Notes All proceeds will be held by Cofunds and will normally be reinvested into your ISA one business day from when Cofunds initiate the transaction. Issued and approved by Cofunds Limited, One Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5AA. Registered in England and Wales No. 3965289. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under FCA Registration No. 194734. CA17AUB 01/15 Page 4 of 4 Clear Form
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