ORIENTATION DAY JANUARY 8. 2015 TOPICS Student mobility at LUT in 2014 - 2015 Academic year and public holidays in spring semester General about LUT premises Information sources at LUT How to get started? How to choose courses? General about teaching and studies International Services at LUT Learning agreement Other documents and formalities STUDENT MOBILITY AT LUT ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS STUDENT MOBILITY AT LUT IN 2014-2015 (spring semester 2015) 73 exchange students Incoming top 5 countries (number of students): France (27) Germany (12) China (7) Russia (5) Italy (3) and Spain (3) Annually about 220 exchange students About 40 study for the academic year, others for one semester 9.1.2015 ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-2015 Autumn semester 2014 1st period September 8 – October 17 Exam week October 20-24 Intensive week October 20-24 2nd period October 27 – December 5 Exam weeks December 8-19 Intensive weeks December 8-19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring semester 2015 3rd period January 12 – February 20 Exam week February 23 – March 6 Intensive weeks January 5-9, March 2-6 4th period March 9 – April 17 Exam weeks May 4-29 Intensive weeks April 20-24, May 25-29 9.1.2015 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS Tuesday, January 6 (Epiphany) Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) Monday, April 6 (Easter Monday) Friday, May 1 (May Day) Thursday, May 14 (Ascension Day) Friday, June 19 ( Midsummer Eve) Saturday, June 20 (Midsummer Day) Saturday, October 31 (All Saints Day) LUT is closed on public holidays. Banks and most shops are closed. Some groceries have limited opening hours. Trains and buses run according to Sunday schedule. 9.1.2015 GENERAL ABOUT UNIVERSITY PREMISES UNIVERSITY PREMISES Joint campus with Saimaa University of Applied Sciences (Saimia) University is open daytime from Monday to Friday Closed in the evenings, weekends and public holidays With magnetic key you can enter university and computer classes 24/7 Via main entrance only Limited access to your department (business student in School of Business etc.) Limited hours for gym (SaLUT sports pass required) Keep your student card (passport/EU ID) always with you; on request you have to prove your identity to a security guard or porter. Key is personal and you have responsibility for it. Never borrow or give your key to anyone! If you loose the key, you must inform porters immediately, for example at LUT Info Desk in main lobby. You need magnetic key for Follow Service printing, read more at uni.lut.fi -> Origo services Scanners, printers and computers available at LUT library, read more in uni.lut.fi -> Origo services If there is a coffee buffet in the corridor or lobby, it is meant for people participating on the event – not just anyone passing by! Smoking is forbidden indoors and in front of entrances, especially main entrance. Smoking areas are marked. Attendance certificate and passport/ EU ID are required at university’s cafeterias until you get your LUT student card! See Guide for Exchange Students for more information! 9.1.2015 INFORMATION SOURCES AT LUT INFORMATION SOURCES AT LUT Material in the info bag (Guide for Exchange Students, Study Guide etc.) Uni portal https://uni.lut.fi/en Study Guide Teaching schedules Exam schedules WebOodi – register to courses and exams, update your contact info (address and phone number in Lappeenranta) Noppa – course’s homepages Moodle – virtual learning environment used in some courses (mentioned in the course description) Studies and services > International student exchange > Incoming exchange students (Instructions after arrival, Orientation days, Learning agreement, Before departure) Library – visit and see more at www.lut.fi/library 9.1.2015 TEACHING SCHEDULES Schedule booklet in the info bag helps you to understand the idea of schedules. Most likely there are changes since it was printed (in December) so check updated schedules in Uni portal! If course is lectured in English, changes are announced in English. In Uni portal schedules are in Finnish only but there is a “survival vocabulary” to explain the abbreviations. Some schedules appear also in WebOodi but not all of them. Check schedule always in Uni portal! In WebOodi you can find all courses (in English) – but it does not mean that the course is lectured in English! Check from Study Guide. Uni.lut.fi > Teaching schedules Uni.lut.fi > Study Guides Uni.lut.fi > WebOodi 9.1.2015 HOW TO GET STARTED? STUDY RIGHT AT LUT 1) 2) Valid study right is needed = you are enrolled to a semester (already done) You have paid the Student Union fee (due date January 14, 2015) 54,50 euros per semester Invoice is in your info bag. Payment in cash (even money) or with debit/credit card (small extra fee is charged) in Student Union office, or bank transfer. Administrative periods in study register (Oodi): 01.01. – 31.5.2015 for spring semester Dates of spring semester: January 8 – May 29, 2015 NOTE! Actual study period according to your attendance at LUT (late arrivals and/or early departures will be taken into account) When the study period is over, it’s NOT POSSIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EXAMS. LUT user account is valid until May 31. After that there is no access to WebOodi or Moodle. Access to Webmail is continued until June 30. 9.1.2015 FIRST STEPS Get the LUT username and password from Origo Service Desk. See course schedules and check possible changes in Uni portal. Register to courses in WebOodi and ask help from your tutor if needed. See also when the exams are! Register 1-4 weeks before! Add your postal address and phone number in Lappeenranta to WebOodi. Pay the Student Union fee. Order the student card and pay it. Get to know the campus area with your tutor and learn how to find lecture rooms. Join the Campus Orienteering on Thursday and Green Campus Tour on Friday. Buy a bus card from Aalef bookstore at LUT (if you need it). Get to know Lappeenranta Join the sight-seeing on Friday See Google map “Survival Guide’s Lappeenranta” https://uni.lut.fi/en/web/lut.fi-eng/eorientation3 9.1.2015 HOW? See the contents of your info bag. If something is missing, come to International Services. Read the Guide for Exchange Students Helps you to start living and studying in Lappeenranta Checklist for tutoring – what to see, what to do Documents in the info bag (what are they for, where to leave or get them, etc.) Useful postal and www addresses, phone numbers and opening hours both on and off campus Other practicalities such as how to order LUT student card Maps Bus timetables Read your LUT e-mails! Be curious and initiative but don’t believe every rumour you hear. Check from us if you doubt whether information given is correct. No need to double-check information given in the official websites. 9.1.2015 HOW TO CHOOSE COURSES? CREDITS 60 ECTS credits during one academic year 30 ECTS credits during one semester Minimum requirement is 20 ECTS credits per semester unless home university has instructed otherwise. 1 ECTS credit represents the workload of 26 hours Including lectures, exercises, case studies, term paper, assignments etc. and examination Good to know; degrees at LUT Bachelor of Science, 3 years (180 ECTS credits) Master of Science, 2 years (120 ECTS credits) 9.1.2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 1/2 www.lut.fi/exchange > Study possibilities International Business and Technology Management (IBTM) programme Engineering/technology courses Language courses Study Guide In your info bag and Uni portal uni.lut.fi/en > Quick links > Study Guides (updated version available in Uni) All courses offered in English at LUT. Note that exchange students are not admitted to all of them! If you are not sure, please check the course list at www.lut.fi/exchange > Study possibilities You can select courses from other fields of studies, too, if you meet the prerequisites (i.e. have basic or even advanced knowledge on a subject). See the course descriptions! 9.1.2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS 2/2 What kind of information do they provide? Number of ECTS credits Teaching period(s) (1-2 in the autumn, 3-4 in the spring) Name of lecturer(s) – there can be more than one Level B.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm. or Tech.) 2 = 2nd year Bachelor M.Sc. (Econ. & Bus. Adm. or Tech.) 1 = 1st year Master Etc. Aims, contents and modes of study Study materials Books available at LUT library Handouts can be bought from Aalef bookstore In Noppa and Moodle The basis for the course evaluation is given in the course descriptions. Examples: Evaluation 0-5, written assignment 30 %, examination 70 % Case exercises 80 %, active participation and attendance 20 % Examination 50 %, exercises 25 %, research report 25 % 9.1.2015 CHOOSING COURSES You have already chosen your courses in learning agreement but REGISTRATION IN WEBOODI IS REQUIRED. Need to make changes? See course descriptions and especially prerequisites. Ask from your home university if they recommend another course – no academic counselling at LUT. Student adviser (School of Business, School of Industrial Engineering and Management) or peer tutors in charge (School of Technology) are students of the degree programmes. They can help you in practical study-related matters. You find them in Uni portal > Studies and services Choose courses that are lectured during periods 3- 4. If you are Bachelor level business or industrial engineering and management student (IBTM programme), choose mainly Bachelor level courses. If you pass the proficiency test in business, you can choose Master level courses mentioned in your learning agreement. Note! Number of student is limited in all Master level courses (IBTM programme) so the admittance is not guaranteed. Teacher of the course makes the final decision and you get an email to confirm or decline your acceptance. 9.1.2015 GENERAL ABOUT TEACHING AND STUDIES TEACHING METHODS Most courses consist of lectures, exercises/tutorials and written examination. Group exercises or individual tasks Case studies on a particular topic/company, written reports, laboratory work etc. In self-study courses you read the assigned literature and take part in the examination. There might be introductory lectures. Lectures and exercises start quarter pass unless otherwise informed. First language lessons in the morning start at 8:30, otherwise quarter past. During first lectures/exercises are given details about the course, lecture structure and exercises. Compulsory attendance! If there is more than one exercise (tutorial) group, you have to sign up one. Via Moodle, WebOodi or during first lectures 9.1.2015 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE First lectures First exercises First language lessons If you don’t show up, your place will be given to someone else! Intensive courses Each course might have a certain amount of hours which you can be absent Example: 50-80 % compulsory attendance in some language courses Absence may affect on grading! 9.1.2015 STARTING STUDIES Check in the schedule booklet and in Uni portal when your courses start -> can be later than next week! Be initiative > look for information on your own (Uni portal, Noppa, Moodle, LUT websites, library…) and check your LUT e-mail regularly. 9.1.2015 HOW ABOUT…? Other study options at LUT after exchange period Master’s degree programmes www.lut.fi/masters LUT Summer School www.lut.fi/summerschool LUT Winter School www.lut.fi/winterschool Doctoral studies www.lut.fi > Research > LUT Graduate school 9.1.2015 INTERNATIONAL SERVICES AT LUT INTERNATIONAL SERVICES - How to contact us? Our role is administrative support services, i.e. no academic counselling. Office is located in building 1, 3rd floor Visit us during office hours Monday – Thursday at 9:30-15:00 Friday at 9:30-14:00 Documents to be signed? Leave them in the locked mailbox in the corridor outside International Services. Write your name in the form(s)! Mailbox is checked daily and you will be notified by e-mail when the document is ready. [email protected] Pauliina Talka, Secretary of International Affairs [email protected] +358 40 738 1303 Tanja Karppinen, Project Manager (tutoring, Meet a Local Family programme) [email protected] +358 400 811 233 9.1.2015 You find this map in the Guide for Exchange Students! 9.1.2015 LEARNING AGREEMENT LEARNING AGREEMENT (Erasmus+) See further instructions in Uni portal Uni.lut.fi > Studies and Services > International Student Exchange > Incoming exchange students > Learning agreement Learning agreement is not a course enrolment! All courses (even from different fields of studies) must be in the same form. All changes should preferably be in the same form. It is recommended to modify LA during 4th period -> deadline March 17 If your home university requires that learning agreement has to be updated in the beginning of your studies, do it. Wait until your admission to the 3rd period courses has been confirmed before you bring the form to be signed. Use the new Erasmus+ learning agreement from your home University. Sign the printed form and leave it in the mailbox outside the International Services’ door. Mailbox is checked daily. If you have a deadline for submitting LA to your home university, bring the form at least 7-10 days before! 9.1.2015 LEARNING AGREEMENT (non-Erasmus) See further instructions in Uni portal Uni.lut.fi > Studies and Services > International Student Exchange > Incoming exchange students > Learning agreement Learning agreement is not a course enrolment! All courses (even from different fields of studies) must be in the same form. All changes should preferably be in the same form. It is recommended to modify LA during 4th period -> deadline March 17 If your home university requires that learning agreement has to be updated in the beginning of your studies, do it. Wait until your admission to the 3rd period courses has been confirmed before you bring the form to be signed. Learning Agreement has to be modified in Mobility-Online. 1st page includes the original, unchanged courses. Number of ECTS credits is a total of unchanged courses. Changes (added and/or deleted courses) print to the 2nd page. Sign it and bring LA to International Services for signatures. If you have a deadline for submitting LA to your home university, bring the form at least 7-10 days before! 9.1.2015 LEARNING AGREEMENT (non-Erasmus) - View of application workflow (1/2) Start modifying by clicking ’Complete Learning Agreement 9.1.2015 LEARNING AGREEMENT (non-Erasmus) - View of application workflow (2/2) Steps will temporarily disappear after update but view will get back as it was before when you print the new learning agreement. 9.1.2015 OTHER DOCUMENTS AND FORMALITIES OTHER DOCUMENTS Upon arrival (documents from home university) Certificate of Arrival Confirmation of Arrival and Registration Etc. You will be informed by e-mail (your LUT e-mail) when the document is ready for pick up. You are responsible on submitting the required document(s) to your home university. Before departure (documents from home or host university) Erasmus form(s) from home university LUT Letter of Confirmation for non-Erasmus students If you bring a hard copy, write your personal data in the form(s), other fields will be filled in by the International Services Study period begins at the earliest from the Orientation Day January 8 and ends at latest on the last day of semester May 29. Travelling or holidays are not included! Your study period depends on your actual attendance at LUT. 9.1.2015 REGISTERING THE RIGHT OF RESIDENCE The EU/EEA citizens staying longer than 3 months must register their residence in Finland at local police station. If you travel outside Finland to another EU/EEA country within 3 months, new 3 months period starts again and no registration is needed. NOTE! If you travel to Russia, take care of registration before the trip! Customer service on appointment only! www.poliisi.fi > Electronic services > License service appointments > Appointments No logging in is required. Change language in ‘Asiointikieli’ Visiting address in downtown: Raatimiehenkatu 22 Fill in the form in advance, you’ll find it on websites www.poliisi.fi > Licences > Licences and permits for foreigners > EU > Registering a right of residence Return the form in Lappeenranta police station and attach attendance certificate (läsnäolotodistus) statement of funds insurance certificate passport or EU identity card Registration costs 50 € and it is charged when you leave the form. Payment in cash or debit/credit card. You’ll receive the document by post. 9.1.2015 RESIDENCE PERMIT Required from all students arriving outside EU/EEA countries. Visa is not accepted Visa is valid only for 90 days Studies last more than 90 days 9.1.2015 INSURANCE All international students MUST HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE to cover the costs of acute illnesses and accidents while studying at LUT. EU/EEA students European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is sufficient Private insurance is recommended non-EU/EEA students Private insurance is required You need to submit EHIC card or insurance documents to municipal health centre or hospital if you need medical treatment there. In student health centre on campus (FSHS/YTHS) insurance is not needed but you need to show a LUT student card (or a receipt of the payment if the card has not yet arrived). 9.1.2015 Thank you for your attention! 9.1.2015
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