unity of the Quad Cities A Positive Path for Spiritual Living Newsletter OCTOBER 2014 Go Forward By Winifred Wilkinson Hausmann “Zeal is the impulse to go forward, the urge behind all things. Without zeal, stagnation, inertia, death would prevail throughout the universe. The man without zeal is like an engine without steam or an electric motor without a current.”—The Twelve Powers of Man by Unity co-founder Charles Fillmore Charles Fillmore points to the importance of our God-given ability to be zealous, enthusiastic about life and living. He also details the limitation of a life that is lacking in the development of this faculty, comparing the person to “an engine without steam or an electric motor without a current.” Actually, as with all the 12 attributes of man, zeal has been given to each of us in bountiful measure. It is simply the failure of the individual to accept this free-flowing abundance that results in a life which is stagnant, limited, “without steam,” pointless, dull and disappointing. … One who is … lacking in interest and a zest for living is a person who is denying his Godgiven opportunity to take the high road through life, denying the expression of his innate powers, and interfering with his progressive unfoldment of greater possibilities of mind and body. … The same amount of zeal has been given to all. How we accept it and how we work with it determines the way it will work for us—or against us. Zeal directed solely to selfish, human aims may consume us with its heat and friction. But enthusiasm developed as a spiritual attribute and dedicated to God's will and God's work will carry us to mountaintops of spiritual experience and help us immeasurably in the awakening of the other 11 powers. … When first awakened to spiritual ideas, we may be carried away in our desire to transform the world—or even just to change our family and friends. But we must learn to direct this energy first toward transforming ourselves, bringing forth our own spiritual nature. Our greatest influence on others will be the result of the changes we have made in ourselves. … When you are filled with spiritual enthusiasm, you are joyous and energetic, your senses are quickened and awakened to new life, and you have a new feeling of being vitally alive. Affirmation: I enthusiastically accept my good and go forward to achieve my purpose. Sunday Services Contact Us: Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. Youth Education - 10:30 a.m. Phone: (309) 762-1066 EM: [email protected] Web: www.unityqc.org Church Staff Carol Triebel, Admin Assistant EM: [email protected] Office Hours Monday & Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Unity Board of Trustees Patricia Mooney, President Davonda Crosby, V President Beverly Neese, Secretary Betty Johnson, Treasurer Carol Triebel, Member Board Notes Unity of the Quad Cities - Moline, Illinois BOARD REPORT Remember: Members are welcome to contact any Board member if you have questions or comments about any part of our activities or services! 1. No report. TREASURER’S REPORT In July, the church took in operating revenue of $1,882.87 and spent $946.18, for net revenue of $936.69. Year-to-date, the church has taken in $13,563.33 and spent $12,563.83, for net operating income of $999.50. Year-to-date there have been no capital improvements. Love Offerings totaled $1,703.87 in July, for a total of $12,017.98 for the year. In July, $198.00 was transferred to savings. The checking account balance, including deposits in transit and outstanding checks, was $432.79 at the beginning of July and $1,171.48 at the end of the month, a net increase of $738.69. The savings account balance was $8,193.20 at the beginning of July and $8,391.20 at the end of the month, reflecting the $198.00 transfer to savings mentioned above. WAYS TO DONATE TO UNITYQC Automatic Withdrawal for Tithes, Love Offerings and Contributions: We have created an automatic withdrawal system for making contributions to our church. It is very easy to set up. Please see our website, any Board Member, if you would like more information. Personal Checks Personal checks made out to “Unity” can be placed in the offering basket on Sunday morning or mailed to the church at 5102 47 th Ave., Moline, IL 61265. Our Vision… Our Core Values “We are a spiritual beacon radiating light and awakening the consciousness of joyful living.” Our Mission We are a loving, vibrant, spiritual community with a positive influence on the world: providing opportunities that promote Spiritual awareness and healing for all: expressing joy through generosity, commitment and service: demonstrating Unity principles through faith and prayer: and promoting Oneness with all creation. Our Core Values honor: Being Christ-focused and Spirit led Using the power of prayer and meditation Serving our members and extended community Expressing abundance consciousness Nurturing the spiritual evolution of children of all ages and conditions Maintaining our sacred space Promoting Truth principles through education and outreach Recognizing the beauty and Oneness of all life Affirming the healing and liberating power of Christ consciousness Affirmations for October 2014 Whether silent or spoken aloud, affirmations offer support in creating a spiritually centered life. Focus on these throughout the day for guidance and peace of mind. From “Unity Magazine” September/October 2014 Inner Peace With each breath I am aware of God’s presence. Guidance My way is made clear as I move forward in faith. Healing I am energized with perfect life . Prosperity I rejoice in the full expression of God’s good in my life. World Peace In everything I do, I express peace. Class: Lessons in Truth Starting October 1 6:00 – 8:00 PM Unity Church of the Quad Cities Facilitated by Alice Rice, LUT Walk your path to freedom through the understanding of your own spiritual nature and the study and practice of universal spiritual principles. This course is based on the book Lessons in Truth by Dr. H. Emilie Cady, a metaphysician and homeopathic doctor of the nineteenth century. In this class you will begin to understand the essential metaphysical concepts, including the choice of freedom, the Spirit within, thoughts as instruments, the tools of denial and affirmation, spiritual gifts, the secret place of the Most High, the Silence, and expressing Oneness. You will learn how to practice these concepts in daily life and discover the power and presence of the Silence. This course will present you with tools and techniques that will help you create a happier, more fulfilling life. Your freedom begins here! Class Schedule: October 1 – Chapters 1 & 2 October 8 – Chapters 3 & 4 *October 14 – Chapters 5 & 6 October 22 – Chapters 7&8 October 29 – Chapters 9&10 November 5 – Chapters 11&12 *Class will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday this week only. Contact information: Alice Rice, LUT Email: [email protected] Phone: 309-788-1200 Myrtle Fillmore Quotes “God is the only reality of us; all else is but a shadow that is cast by some foolish belief or unwise combination of thoughts and the elements of being. When we let light flood us with its sunshine, all clouds vanish and we begin to see ourselves in new ways of doing, which lead to wholeness and health and satisfaction and growth.” “We are to cease worrying, and being anxious, and thinking and speaking of the past and of the apparent lack and idleness. We are to concentrate all our attention upon the Truth of God, and the truth of our own being, upon the very things we would see taking place in our lives. We cannot do this so long as we have negative thoughts in our hearts.” “Prayer is an exercise to change our thought habits and our living habits, that we may set up a new and better activity, in accord with the divine law rather than with the suggestions we have received from various sources.” “Our success and satisfaction in business, in home, in our social lives is always greater when we take Christ Jesus as our partner. It is, “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). Why not follow in the footsteps of One who has demonstrated and proved every step of the way? WOMEN IN TRANSITION WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 – 6:30 – 8:00 PM Facilitated by Sandi Conrad Unity Church of the Quad Cities Women have many roles throughout the many stages of life. Making the transition from one to another can be challenging. In the process we can lose sight of knowing who we really are. Join Sandi as she leads the group on this interactive journey of rediscovery. Bring a friend… All are welcome! For more information contact Sandi Conrad at (928) 210-5360 Unity of the Quad Cities Calendar Mark your calendar now so you won’t miss any of the fabulous activities at Unity of the Quad Cities. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 – Class: “Lessons in Truth” 6:00 – 8:00 PM Join Alice Rice, LUT for a journey into Unity’s basic teachings. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 – Prayer Shawl Ministry – at 1 PM The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides knitted or crocheted prayer shawls of all sizes for hospitals, nursing homes, and hospice patients. Assistance is available for beginners. Bring your needles, yarn; patterns with instructions are available if you need them. All skill levels are welcome. Contact Bev Neese for information. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 – “Metamorphosis” Rev. Diane Robinson from Unity in the Gardens, August 24, 2014 – Via Audio What is metamorphosis? Rev. Diane takes us through the process of change and transformation using stories and examples from life experiences. Plan to stay after the service and enjoy a Potluck lunch. All are welcome and there is always enough. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 – PRAYER TEAM – 5:30 p.m. Prayer Team meets the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. Join us for prayerful fellowship. All are welcome! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 – Class: “Lessons in Truth” 6:00 – 8:00 PM Join Alice Rice, LUT for a journey into Unity’s basic teachings. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 – “Who Am I?” Women in Transition Group led by Sandi Conrad, Guest Speakers The Women in Transition Group provide the Sunday lesson. Join us as they share their journey and help us contemplate who we really are. This is Birthday Sunday and we will be celebrating friends with October birthdays with song and refreshments in the Café after the service. Then we are having a Church Beautification Party. ***TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14*** – Class: “Lessons in Truth” 6:00 – 8:00 PM Join Alice Rice, LUT for a journey into Unity’s basic teachings. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 – “Enthusiasm, Putting it into Practice… and More” – Alice Rice, Guest Speaker Unity is unique in its teaching of the 12-Powers as discerned by Charles Fillmore. Each has an associated disciple and body center. In his book, Power UP, Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck challenges us to “Imagine being able to live life more fully, more consciously, more masterfully. Imagine expressing your true Christ nature in every situation.” We can do this when we understand how to use the unlimited potential of these abilities. This month the power is Enthusiasm. We will have an interactive discussion of how to put it into practice from a spiritual perspective. Alice will also give brief highlights of the GLURC convention. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 – *** WORKSHOP*** Women in Transition (WIT) – from 6:30 pm – 8 pm Sandi Conrad will be doing a workshop on WOMEN IN TRANSITION. This is a great time to bring a friend. Typically, this group focuses on the stages and phases of life that women experience. A topic is selected for discussion among the attendees for the purpose of personal growth. The group is facilitated by Sandi Conrad. They are committed to holding confidentiality. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 – Class: “Lessons in Truth” 6:00 – 8:00 PM Join Alice Rice, LUT for a journey into Unity’s basic teachings. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 – “God Plants His Seeds in the Fall” Sallee Wade, Guest Speaker Sallee is a long-time Unity student and speaker. She has the gift of discerning the spirituality of natural processes and applying them in practical ways to help us live happy, healthy, and prosperous lives. After church, we are having an “Assemble the New Member Packet” party. Those participating are asked to bring food to share. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 – Class: “Lessons in Truth” 6:00 – 8:00 PM Join Alice Rice, LUT for a journey into Unity’s basic teachings. LABYRINTH ACTIVITES Our Labyrinth is open to the public from dawn to dusk weather permitting. This is a GREAT tool to use when you have special prayer concerns or at any time. All members and friends are invited to let area groups know of its availability. YOUTH ED ACTIVITIES Thank you Lira, Betty, Bev, and Sue for your wonderful contributions to our youth program. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LENDING LIBRARY DONATIONS: We always love getting donations for our lending library. We would like you to know that we will recirculate any donated books that we already have two copies of in our library as well as books that are beyond the scope of New Thought or the Unity philosophy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MEETING AND EVENT SPACE AVAILABLE Unity of the Quad Cities rents its Café space for meetings such as AA and the sanctuary for special events or activities such as piano recitals. Our Café will hold up to 30 people comfortably and our sanctuary seats 150 people. Please call the church office at (309) 7621066 for rates and rental conditions. CLEAN UP PROCESS FOR GROUPS We are happy to provide a space for your group to meet. In return, groups using the church as a meeting place are asked to leave the space as you found it, clean and tidy. If you move tables and chairs, please return them to their original position. We thank you for your participation and cooperation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Unity Community… If you would like to share something special, such as an anniversary, birthday, transition, wedding, or special celebration with our Unity community please call the church or email us at [email protected]. Birthdays Andrea Gilman-Vallejo Jeff Rice Dale Rowse Helen Shoulders Becky Williams October October October October October 17 31 7 20 29 A special thank-you to our loving care angels, Dale and Audrey Rowse, for sending cards to everyone on behalf of your Unity friends. The Prayer Team Experience “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi Would you like to enhance your prayer life and prayer experience while making a positive difference in the lives of others while nourishing your own body and spirit? We invite you into to the prayer experience the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Prayer time can include traditional affirmative prayer, prayer on the outdoor labyrinth, meditation, or alternative prayer methods. All prayer requests are confidential and may be anonymous. Our Prayer Team holds requests in prayer for 30 days and then sends them to Silent Unity for 30 more days of prayer support. Contact Sue Collins for more information. Unity of the Quad Cities 5102 47TH Avenue ■ Moline, Illinois 61265 Return Service Requested October 2014 Connections Newsletter Sent with Love & Blessings to: Check box and mark “Return to Sender” to no Longer receive this mailing. Sunday Morning Services - 10:30 AM SUNDAY LESSON TITLES OCTOBER 5 – “METAMORPHHASIS” REV. DIANE ROBINSON, UNITY IN THE GARDENS VIA AUDIO *POTLUCK SUNDAY OCTOBER 12 – “WHO AM I” – SANDI CONRAD, GUEST SPEAKER *BIRTHDAY SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 – “ENTHUSIASM, PUT IT INTO PRACTICE” ALICE RICE, LUT, GUEST SPEAKER OCTOBER 26 – “GOD PLANTS HIS SEEDS IN THE FALL” SALLEE WADE, GUEST SPEAKER Contact us at: (309) 762-1066 unityadmn @aol.com Visit us at: www.unityqc.org SEPTEMBER AFFIRMATION: “I welcome positive change in my life!”
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