RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter … A Newsletter for Rotary Leaders A monthly feature of the Rotary Global History Fellowship Issue #154 January, 2015 THIS NEWSLETTER IS PUBLISHED BY THE ROTARY GLOBAL HISTORY FELLOWSHIP. THE COMMENTS AND STORIES IN THIS NEWSLETTER DO NOT REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, THE ROTARY FOUNDATION OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL OR ANY OTHER ROTARY RELATED ORGANIZATION. RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Page 2 2014 sets a record for The Rotary Foundation Contributions to the Annual Fund and Endowed Fund during 2013-14 set records, and PolioPlus contributions continue to be very strong. Contributions totaled more than a quarter billion dollars. Donors to the Foundation also reached new heights in these noteworthy areas: 27,689 clubs (approximately 80 percent of all Rotary clubs) contributed to the Annual Fund 367,629 individual Rotarians (30 percent of Rotary’s membership) contributed to the Annual Fund In its first year as an official recognition program of The Rotary Foundation, the Paul Harris Society identified 10,143 members (each contributing $1,000 each year). With the momentum from this past year, we look forward to even greater achievements in 2014-15 and to reaching our worldwide Annual Fund goal for the year: $123 million. Issue #154 Page 3 The Rotary Foundation rises on expert list of top nonprofits The Rotary Foundation has continued its steady growth, moving up 35 spots to 85th in The Chronicle of Philanthropy's annual ranking of the top 400 nonprofit organizations in the United States. The ranking is based on monetary contributions from private sources and reflects the increasing generosity of those who support Rotary's mission. According to The Chronicle of Philanthropy, The Rotary Foundation received $239,576,000 in 2013, a 32.4 percent increase from the previous year. "This clearly shows our members recognize the unparalleled value of giving to their Foundation," says John Hewko, Rotary's general secretary. "They know that by giving to the Foundation their dollars have a much greater impact. And friends of Rotary respect that the Foundation puts their gift to great use." The Foundation recently earned a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, the largest and most prestigious independent evaluator of nonprofits in the United States. In the 2013-14 Rotary year, 92 percent of the Foundation's expenditures were applied to programs, with only 6 percent spent on fundraising and 2 percent on administrative expenses. The Foundation funded $23.5 million in district grants and $47.3 million in global grants. These grants support local and international humanitarian projects as well as scholarships. Continued ... RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Page 4 Together with its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary has led the effort to eradicate polio, contributing more than $1.3 billion to the initiative since its outset. When an outbreak of polio threatened the Horn of Africa and the Middle East in 2013, Rotary provided emergency funds, including a $500,000 rapid-response grant for Somalia and a $500,000 grant to the World Health Organization (WHO) to cover operational costs in the Middle East. As a result, the outbreak in the Horn of Africa slowed, and Syria reported only one case of polio in the first half of 2014. Rotary is also at the forefront of efforts to fight other diseases. According to WHO, indoor air pollution causes 4.3 million deaths per year worldwide. To combat it, members of the Rotary Club of Taos-Milagro, New Mexico, USA, mobilized Rotary clubs in several countries to support the Himalayan Stove Project, which has installed more than 3,000 clean-burning stoves in Nepal. In Tamil Nadu, India, Rotary clubs partnered with clubs in Maryland, USA, to use a Foundation global grant to purchase a large van and outfit it with X-ray equipment to screen women for breast cancer in hard-to-reach communities. The "mammobus" has conducted more than 2,500 free breast cancer screenings and detected and treated early-stage cancer in six women. Rotary members in Malindi, Kenya, teamed up with members in Maryland and Idaho, USA, to work with the Genesis World Mission in creating a rainwater catchment system to provide clean drinking water, irrigate crops, and establish fish farms in Burangi, Kenya. In Seattle, Washington, USA, Rotary members are diverting millions of pounds of fruit and vegetables from the waste stream and into the hands of those who need it through Rotary First Harvest, a program of District 5030. By Arnold R. Grahl Rotary News 26-Nov-2014 Issue #154 Page 5 What is your EREY Story? Why do you support the Rotary Foundation? Why do you contribute every year? What is your EREY Story? We would like to hear your story, and share it with all our readers. Please write to the Editor at [email protected] Below is a story from RGHF member George Lewis “The WaterMan”. I joined Rotary at the age of 67. I was just a normal Rotarian until a fellow Rotarian spoke at my club about installing stoves to the poor Mayan Indians in Guatemala. I went there and my life has not been the same. I started putting together Rotary Water Grants, and then expanded it to include other Clubs in my District so they could be the Primary Partner. Next I offered the opportunity to clubs in the United States and Canada. It finally expanded to other countries. Since 2006 I have helped put together Grants in 37 countries and have supplied clean drinking water to 1,450,000 less fortunate people. Rotary gave me that opportunity and it wouldn’t have happened if the Rotary Foundation didn’t support the projects financially. I now try to motivate Rotarians to take ACTION on their dreams, so they can have the same rewarding experience that I have had. George Lewis The WaterMan Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch (Florida USA) District 6960 www.waterteaminternational.org RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Give the gift of Rotary Every year, hundreds of thousands of people — children, families, and entire communities — benefit from projects funded by The Rotary Foundation. Although Rotary gives back in countless ways, we focus our service efforts in six areas: promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education, and growing local economies. You can help us continue to create positive, lasting change with a gift to The Rotary Foundation. Give now https://www.rotary.org/myrotary/en/take-action/give/give-gift-rotary Page 6 Issue #154 Page 7 Polio Eradication Update For The Week Ending 12/13/14 The Final Three Endemic Countries Pakistan - 276 Polio cases recorded in 2014, compared to 74 on this date in 2013, with the most recent case reported on 11/22/14 in Bannu, FATA. Afghanistan - 24 Polio cases recorded in 2014 compared to 11 on this date in 2013, with the most recent case reported on 11/05/14 from Kandahar. Nigeria - 6 Polio cases recorded in 2014 compared to 50 on this date in 2013, with the most recent case reported on 7/24/14. Large-scale Sub-National Immunization Days are planned for Northern Nigeria December 13-16. Importation Countries Ethiopia - 1 Polio Case reported in 2014 compared to 9 in 2013. Kenya - 0 Polio cases reported in 2014 compared to 14 in 2013. Cameroon - 5 Polio Cases reported in 2014 compared to 4 in 2013. Somalia - 5 Polio cases recorded in 2014 compared to 194 in 2013. Iraq - 2 Polio cases reported in 2014 compared to 0 in 2013. Syria - 1 Polio case reported in 2014 compared to 35 in 2013. Equatorial Guinea - 5 Polio Cases reported in 2014 - 0 in 2013. Total paralysis cases Year-to-date 2014 LY to D 2013 Total 2013 Total 2012 Total 2011 Globally 325 359 416 222 642 - in endemic countries: 306 135 160 216 335 - in non-endemic countries: 19 224 256 6 307 2014 Polio Case Breakdown by Country (Green Numbers are 2013 Totals) Endemic Countries – 276 Pakistan (2013-93), 24 Afghanistan (2013-14), 6 Nigeria (2013-53) Importation Countries (2013 & 2014) – 5 Cameroon (2013-4), 5 Eq. Guinea (2013-0), 5 Somalia (2013-194), 0 Kenya (2013-14), 1 Ethiopia (2013-9), 1 Syria (2013-35), 2 Iraq (2013-0) Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication! Terry Ziegler, [email protected], District 5890 Rotary Foundation Committee Chair, RGHF Member RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Page 8 Miles to end polio: $6 million crosses the finish line for polio eradication Rotary General Secretary John Hewko and six RI staff members bicycled 104 miles in Tucson Arizona, USA, on Saturday, for the Miles to End Polio event, raising more than $6 million for polio eradication. The money raised by Rotary will receive a two-to-one match from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Rotary members and staff biked 104 miles in the annual El Tour de Tucson, raising $6 million for the fight to end polio. Photo Credit: James S. Wood In addition to the team from Evanston, 100 Rotary member riders took part in the ride. The fundraising ride is part of the annual El Tour de Tucson bike event in Tucson, Arizona, USA. The race attracts more than 9,000 cyclists a year, making it one of the top cycling events in the U.S. The Rotary team from Evanston was joined by Rotary members from Arizona's District 5500, and other members from around the world. Hewko tweeted that he finished the race in 5 hours and 2 minutes. "Really enjoyed riding in El Tour de Tucson along with 100 Rotarians and members of the Rotary International staff," Hewko added. "As a group we were able to raise over $6 million for polio eradication which will help bring us even closer to the dream of a polio-free world. I am deeply moved by the generosity and passion of Rotarians around the world and Rotary staff." By Ryan Hyland Rotary News 23-Nov-2014 Issue #154 Page 9 Nigerian Sir Emeka Offor remains committed to ending polio The Sir Emeka Offor Foundation in Nigeria has created a short film featuring community leaders, advocates, polio survivors and the President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan all showing their support for the fight to end polio. The film is slated to air on CNN International later this year, to raise awareness about global polio eradication efforts. To further support the fight to end polio in Nigeria and the remaining polio endemic Watch the film featuring Polio Ambassador Sir Emeka Offor countries of Afghanistan and Pakistan, united with the Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, health Nigerian philanthropist and business leader Sir workers, and supporters of the fight to end polio. Emeka Offor has made contributions totaling US$2.55 million to Rotary’s PolioPlus program, which supports efforts to eradicate the disease. On October 24 he supported Rotary’s polio eradication work through an additional $300,000 gift to celebrate World Polio Day. His gifts make him the largest contributor from Africa in Rotary’s 109year history. The fight to end polio is a personal commitment for Sir Emeka, who hails from one of the three countries where the wild polio virus has never been stopped. “Polio was common during my childhood in Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria,” explained Sir Emeka, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Chrome Group, a Nigerian oil and gas conglomerate. “My friends, classmates, and their siblings all fell victim to this terrible disease. As a young man, I vowed I would someday do something significant to end polio in Nigeria.” Sir Emeka has made good on his promise with his total contributions to Rotary programs totaling $3.3 million (which includes $250,000 for peace centers and $500,000 for two global grants for Rotary’s areas of focus); however, he has done more than donate money to fight polio. As Rotary’s appointed Polio Ambassador in Nigeria, Sir Emeka and a team of Rotary leaders regularly work with the Government of Nigeria and with religious and traditional leaders whose support is needed for successful immunization campaigns. Sir Emeka’s support comes at a critical time for global polio eradication efforts. Nigeria in particular has seen tremendous progress in recent years and is closer than ever to ending the disease. In 2014, the country has only six cases of polio, a record low for a nation that, as recently as 2012, was home to more than half the world’s cases. With the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation matching funds for polio eradication 2-to-1 (up to $35 million per year), Sir Emeka’s gifts in support of PolioPlus contribute $6 million toward the cause. Learn more about the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation. Source : www.endpolio.org RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Page 10 Mexico Fights to Maintain Polio-Free Record Chapala residents rally to support the fight against polio. Over 200 citizens and medical professionals of Chapala, Mexico joined the Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club for the Mothers March to End Polio Now on World Polio Day. The purpose of the first-time event was to raise awareness for the need to vaccinate children. The area chapter was eager to let attendees know that Mexico has been polio-free for over 20 years, but must continue to immunize children to ensure polio does not return. The Chapala March started at the city's boardwalk and ended in the town square where a rally was held that included medical personnel from the town's clinics. Dr. Felipe Rodriguez, pediatrician and representative of Mayor Joaquim Huerta encouraged mothers to bring their children to the medical clinic for vaccinations by immunizing several children during the rally and showing the ease of administering the vaccine. Mayor Huerta, in support of the Chapala Sunrise Rotary initiative declared October 24 as the Rotary End Polio Now Day in Chapala. The Chapala Sunrise Rotary Club plans on holding the event annually to raise awareness about the devastating disease. The March was followed by a dinner and dance fundraiser at the Hotel Montecarlo, from which all proceeds benefitted the End Polio Now efforts. The Mothers March in Chapala demonstrates Mexico’s determination to maintain its polio-free record. Source : www.endpolio.org Issue #154 Page 11 Climbing Mount Olympus to eradicate polio By Kostas Karvounis, governor of Rotary District 2484, which includes Northern Greece. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Corfu International. In September, I joined two fellow Rotary members in Greece, Vassilis Papagiannis and Spyros Gravellas, Olympus to in climbing Mount raise money and awareness for polio eradication. Almost three-decades ago, Rotary promised to eradicate polio, and we intend to keep our promise. The climbers raise banners on Mount Olympus, Greece. Even though Greece has been polio-free for more than two decades, I still remember close family friends who were disabled by polio. I have four children, and I know that until polio is eradicated from the world, it remains a threat to children everywhere. So offering our children a polio-free world is the least we can do. Clubs throughout northern Greece helped publicize our climb and collect donations, which totalled more than $4,000 for PolioPlus. We reached Olympus’ highest peak, Mytikas, at 2,919 meters (9,570 feet) on 20 September following seven hard hours of mountain trekking. We celebrated by raising banners and the flags of clubs who had helped us. After spending the night at Christos Kakalos, the highest refuge on the mountain, we returned to our base camp at Litochoro, having covered 27 kilometers (16.77 miles) on the “Mountain of Gods” in just two days. For my fellow climbers and I, it was an incomparable experience. We thank everyone who helped our effort. But you don’t have to climb a mountain to help us end polio. Please consider one of the many ways you can join our fight to rid the world of this crippling disease, and keep our promise to the world. Source : Rotary Voices RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A project of Rotary Global History Fellowship Page 12 Rotary Peace Centers The Rotary Peace Centers is proud to announce that the application for the 2016 Rotary Peace Fellowship is now online, and we are more excited than ever for the upcoming year! Why are we so excited? This year the Rotary Peace Centers Fellowship has a newly designed webpage with additional resources for you and Click to watch video potential applicants. Please go to our website to view the new animation video about the application process, stories from alumni, and many more amazing resources. Click the links below to access more information: Link to homepage: Rotary Peace Centers Link to Rotarian Resources: Peace Fellowship Resources Online you will also find the online application for the 2016 Peace Fellowship Application. Some important changes and reminders to the application include: New deadline! 31 May 2015 District Deadline a. Applicants must submit their applications to the district by 31 May to seek endorsement b. istricts must interview and submit their endorsement forms to The Rotary Foundation by 1 July 2015 Additional resources include: 1. Rotarian Program Guide to the Rotary Peace Fellowship 2. Rotary Peace Centers Brochure Continued ... Issue #154 Page 13 Also, we hope that you will save the date for the following webinars specifically for Rotarians: 1.Rotary Peace Centers 101 a. Date: 6 January 2015, 9:00am CST b. Goal: Educate Rotary leaders about the 2016 Rotary Peace Fellowship c. Click here to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1093745052355730690 2. Rotary Peace Centers 201 a. Date: 10 February 2015, 9:00am CST b. Goal: Rotary leaders will understand how to coach and recruit applicants. Experienced Rotarians will be available to answer questions. c. Click here to register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7748148852842568705 We thank you for your dedication and support to the Rotary Peace Centers and the Rotary Peace Fellowship. By working together to recruit and select highly qualified candidates for the 2016 Rotary Peace Fellowship, we continue to build peace and work towards conflict prevention and resolution in our world. Warmest Regards, Rotary Peace Centers RGHF’s OUR FOUNDATION NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2015, #154 Jeetendra Sharma Editor in Chief [email protected] William “Bill” Pollard Associate Editor [email protected] Edward “Eddie” Blender Publisher [email protected] 1st January Happy Birthday to PDG Dr Eddie Blender!!! Founder and Publisher of RGHF’s Our Foundation Newsletter A monthly feature of the Rotary Global History Fellowship (RGHF) Sign up for our free RGHF newsletters at http://www.historyfeatures.org and use http://www.historysearch.org to find Rotary's Global History
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