Newsletter Friday 10 October 2014 What you missed this week: Lunch meeting Our convention contingent gave us an excellent picture of the Sydney Conference. Colleen Singleton, Stephen Brown, Helen Hancox and Paula Gentle each gave us their different perspective on the conference. Clearly these opportunities give us a much better idea of the wider Rotary world and the sense of satisfaction and excitement about what can be achieved by Rotarians joining around the world to create positive change. Sergeant’s Session Andrew Austin provided a cricketing perspective for the Sergeant’s session - a great lead up to the World Cup this summer. Interesting to find a cricket fanatic amongst our new members. Here’s a nice English cricket comment for you other fanatics from Denis Norden: ‘It’s a funny kind of month, October. For the really keen cricket fan, it’s when you realise that your wife left you in May’ Skilled Migrants It was really great to have the Skilled Migrants join us for lunch and to know that the programme is underway again and likely to be funded at least for the next couple of years. We owe thanks to those involved in pushing its value with the various government agencies. If you are new to the club and would like to get involved, please talk to our chair of the Vocational Committee, Richard Norman. Do you park your car in the James Cook car park during Rotary lunch? William Somerville is negotiating discounts with the car park company. Could you please email him if you are a car parker? [email protected] Other Rotary events: Thank you to all those who helped out with the Stroke Awareness Campaign. Just think - if the Blood Pressure campaign is brilliantly successful, our defibrillators won’t be needed. Don’t miss the lunch meeting next week: Tracy Puklowski from Te Papa is speaking on ‘What’s new at Te Papa’. Given that Te Papa’s direction has been in the news a lot recently, this should be a very relevant presentation. Tracy brings a very extensive background to this topic with a wide-ranging NZ museum background from small provincial museums to Te Papa and the Turnbull Library. She is a graduate of the Getty Museum Leadership Programme and is a Visiting Researcher with a museum education programme in Taiwan. Other RCW events coming up: Eureka! Finals, October 10th. Thirsty Third Thursday October 16th at 5.30 at Wellesley Boutique Hotel. A nicely informal way of getting to know people in the club. Melbourne Cup Tuesday November 4th at the Museum Hotel. This is always great fun and somehow marks the beginning of the Silly Season. Do put it in your diary. th Manfeild Park races, MG Classic Race Meeting November 16 , 9.30am – 4.00pm. Heather Verry and her team have invited the club to their hospitality suite for this day. The races include Central Muscle Cars, Classic cars, BMWs and many more. Eat, drink and relax. Heather will take us on a tour of the facilities at Manfeild. $50.00 per head. Vocational visit to Lychgate Funeral November 18th, 5.30 – 7.00pm. Keith Newall will talk about his business and show us the facilities at Lychgate. Email Eliza Mendzela if you are planning to go, [email protected] District Conference and our Forum: th th th Is on December 5 , 6 , 7 . Please register and volunteer to help out on the day. Those of you involved in other community groups could think about getting them along to the Forum. It promises to be a very stimulating programme. Rotary out there: World Polio Day October 24th Although everyone is flat out with Eureka and the District and RLI conferences in December, it would be great if club members contributed on an individual basis to this key Rotary programme. It is easy to think that the polio eradication programme is remote from us and doomed to be lost amongst other world issues such as terrorism and the rapid spread of Ebola. While these threats are ever present, the polio campaign can work where it can and consolidate the gains. When terrorism dies back, the campaigners will be ready to move in and vaccinate the population. The structures, experience and approach of the polio campaign can be utilised in the battle against Ebola. Another dentistry programme like ours One of the Korean Rotary clubs has completed a one year dental programme for intellectually disabled people. The programme funded dentists to treat periodontal disease and to educate the patients in preventive care. This programme is similar to one we funded in PNG and similar care is needed even closer to home amongst the homeless in Wellington. Lee Wilkinson President Last Monday's Sergeants Session: $467.40 RCW Meetings - for the next 4 meetings 13 October 2014 - 12 noon Whitby Room, James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel, 147 The Terrace Tracy Puklowski, Associate Director for the Museum of Living Cultures at Te Papa - “What's new at Te Papa". 20 October 2014 - 12 noon Whitby Room, James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel, 147 The Terrace Alex Hannant, Chief Executive, Akina Foundation - "Business for social good - a new generation of social enterprise" 27 October 2014 Labour Day - No Meeting 03 November 2014 - 12 noon Whitby Room, James Cook Grand Chancellor Hotel, 147 The Terrace Lyn Brown & Pamela Kohnke, RACS/Rotary Project - "Partnering for Global Family Health" Duty Rosters See attachment at bottom of page for a year-long Duty Roster. 13 October 2014 Starting time for duties is 12 noon. Please arrange a substitute if unable to attend. Visitors & Guests: Bob Stannard Greeters: Jennifer Little, Dean Minchington 5-minute talk: Tony Hassed - Collective Impact, Jon Masaga - Introduction Sergeant: Elizabeth Tennet President's Table: Mark Wheeler (I&T), Elizabeth Tennet 20 October 2014 Starting time for duties is 12 noon. Please arrange a substitute if unable to attend. Visitors & Guests: Bob Stannard Greeters: Christine Hurley, Terry Shubkin 5-minute talk: Jacinda Ashley-Jones - Introduction, Youssef Mourra - Strategy Sergeant: President's Table: Rob Davison (I&T), 27 October 2014 Labour Day- Public Holiday 3 November 2014 Starting time for duties is 12 noon. Please arrange a substitute if unable to attend. Visitors & Guests: Bob Stannard Greeters: Ramsey Margolis, Elisa Mendzela 5-minute talk: Olivier Lacoua - Introdution, Francis Wever - Eureka! Sergeant: John Boshier President's Table: Grant Foggo (I&T), John Boshier RI Convention team report back Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - A group of RCW members attended the recent RI Convention, held in Sydney a few weeks ago. Leading the team was Past President Colleen Singleton who led a small team of presenters who shared their experiences of the largest gathering of Rotarians ever held in Australasia. MORE Skilled Migrants Project back up to full strength Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - The joint VUW/RCW programme to help skilled immigrant workers take an active part in the Wellington economy is firing on all four cylinders after a bit of a hiccup last year. Course leader Nicky Riddiford brought her students to the club to expose them to Rotary and to give ... MORE New member picks up the Sergeants baton Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - Doing your first Sergeant's session as a new member is always pretty daunting. Most members get several months (and some many years, go figure!) to settle on the approach they will take to generate a solid level of fund raising. Andrew Austin was very brave in taking the task on within a ... MORE 2014 EUREKA! Symposium Friday, 10 October 2014 - The 2014 Sir Paul Callaghan EUREKA! Awards will be decided at the EUREKA! Symposium to be held at Massey University. 12 fantastic young science and technology communicators will vie to become the winner of the 2014 Sir Paul Callaghan EUREKA! Premier Award worth $5000. Other prizes and scholarships worth ... MORE Thirsty Third Thursday Thursday, 16 October 2014 - Join fellow Rotarians, family and friends for convivial conversation. MORE Melbourne Cup 2014 Tuesday, 4 November 2014 - Gather at the Museum Hotel Agnostinii Room, Level 4, for the running of the 2014 Melbourne Cup. Cash bar (Happy Hour prices of $5 for wine and premium beer). Nibbles provided by Chris. Take an opportunity to be in our sweep stake (thanks William) and celebrate the event with your ... MORE 29th MG Classic Motor Race Meeting Sunday, 16 November 2014 - Eat, drink and relax in the Manfeild hospitality suite while watching the action on track featuring the Central Muscle cars, Classic cars, BMW's and many more. Cost per head $50 (includes entry ticket and lunch) Wine with lunch complementary (thanks Heather). Personal tour of the facilities, including the stadium, ... MORE District 9940 Conference - Wellington Friday, 5 December 2014 - The District 9940 Conference for 2014/2015 will be held in Wellington in conjunction with the 2014 Combined Rotary Institute for Zones 7b and 8. Further information and registration on the Rotary Institute dedicated website. Registration costs $285 Rotary Institute MORE Rotary Forum 2014 Friday, 5 December 2014 - Non-government organisations (NGOs) have a huge impact on our lifestyle and environment. They deliver substantial social, health, economic and environmental benefits in most communities and countries. The Forum will bring together people with insights from significant Wellington and New Zealand NGOs, including some of those where Rotary has had a ... MORE Rotary Club of Wellington is grateful for the support of the following advertisers A/ PO Box 10-243, Wellington 6143 To unsubscribe please click here E/ [email protected]
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