Bright's Grove Public School School Council Meeting Minutes from

Bright’s Grove Public School School Council Meeting Minutes from Thursday, December 4, 2014
Present: Charlene Allen, Bonnie Helps, Julie Sommer, Natalie Berry, Janinne Gaspari, Leanne O'Brien,
Troy Toby, Ms. Rutherford, Mme. Parsons, Mr. Snoddon, Mr. Parnham
Regrets: Jessica Roberts
Pro Grant Math Night
We had a math night funded by the Ministry with a $1000 grant. Dave Mitchell was in to speak to the
grade 7 and 8s in the afternoon and then spoke to the parents in the evening. As well there were a
variety of info booths with people from a variety of organizations such as Northern, Ontario Early Years
Centre, Organization for Literacy and the LDAO. It was a one-stop shop for math information.
Unfortunately, only 18 parents attended. A few were from St. Mike's. It was a disappointing turnout.
Principal Report – see attached
Teacher Report – see attached
Food Drive
It was brought to our attention that there are a few people uncomfortable with us donating to the
Salvation Army.
As we have already committed to donating the money from the gift exchange as well as the hats and
mitts, we will do so for this year. We all agreed that half of the canned goods will go to them and the
other half to the Inn of the Good Shepherd. We will revisit the issue next year before deciding which
organization(s) to support.
Fundraising Update
Magazine Fundraiser
Thank you for all of your support. We raised $5,536.60!
At the time of this meeting we sold approximately 90 poinsettias for a profit of $224.10. Thanks again
for your support.
Boston Pizza Night
There may be another Boston Pizza Night in the new year.
Groovin' in the Grove
At this time we do not have a lead organizer for this fun event. This is an extremely fun day for the kids.
We are hoping someone will come forward to take this on. It has been a yearly event for a very long
time. Therefore, it is an easy one to take over. Charlene has offered her guidance to help make the
transition. She has already spoken to the DJ and we could book him for the 1st or 2nd week in March.
Usually there are many parents willing to help out for this as well. I think we all enjoy it too. Please let
Charlene know if you would like to organize this or have any questions. The kids will really miss it.
[email protected]
More Volunteers
Groovin' in the Grove isn't the only activity that needs new volunteers. There are more events we will be
looking for someone to be lead organizer.
New Business
A parent had asked if we could invite someone in to the school to speak about the Choking Game. We
are not able to do so. If you want to look for some information on the subject it is on the Board Website.
- Parents tab at the top
- Mental Health Resources on the left hand side
Scroll down to the Choking Game Fact Sheet
PIC Roundtable Update
Charlene and Bonnie attended this meeting. It was for parents in the community as well as members
from PIC. They spoke about three things: 1) Technology Enriched Learning Plan (TELP) 2) Parent
involvement 3) School concerns and fundraising
Teacher Wish list
We were shown a summary of the wish list for teachers. The main items were iPads for students and
teachers. There were a few other items.
Mr. Snoddon treated us to a field trip to his classroom to show how he uses iPads in the classroom. It
was great to see how they are used. Thank you Mr. Snoddon for taking the time to show us.
A few questions resulted from this "field trip".
Q. Does the board have to approve the apps? A. Not at this time
Q. How do you prevent kids from using non-educational apps in class? A. Teacher would need to
monitor this
Q. How has he found the ratio of kids allowed to bring in a device compared to not allowed (if they have
on) A. High amount are allowed to bring in. Some parents had questions and concerns, but once
answered they were OK with their child bringing one.
Paper Use
The waste of paper was discussed. The newsletters will only be available online soon.
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.